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Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month x2

Hello All, This is a redux of the entry I posted a couple of weeks ago. Since I realized I missed a couple of months of this my favorite segment of channeled angelic wisdom through clairvoyant automatic writing. Basically, this is a make-up entry for missed posts while I have a spare moment as a caregiver for my mom here on the side. Today's entry topics of the "Jewels of Truth" series of inclusive compassionate spiritual wisdom will be on the Original Family, Reverence, and on Failure itself. The Original Family alludes to our original celestial holy family with God and the angels aside from what we deem as our biological ancestral families. This is our prime metaphysical family beyond genetic biological legacies we are sourced as human beings here on Earth. The next topic on Reverence explains in a summary form that accidents, mistakes at large, and other tragedies aren't to be feared in life. They are merely pitstops to a greater catapult of divine being on this Earth. That is if we do not wallow in the failure like swine in the mud with depression and worse guilt and shame. Lastly, there is the topic of Failure how sometimes perfection arrives through unceremonious abject errors. That certain failures reveal the Glory of God as springboards of celestial divinity akin to launchpads of grace. Failure has a paramount purpose led by stark contrasts to upend our lives and transform us through justified benevolence. May you deeply reflect upon these spiritual topics and may it certainly deepen your beautiful faith with God in you. Amen. Namaste. Original Family: 2662) All of Heaven rejoices for we have acknowledged dearly that our original family as souls begins and ends with God(dess) paradoxically. The Angels by extension are our greatest siblings we may ever be gifted by God in earnest. None other compares as by the infinite variety of celestial wardens and keepers of our holy sacred flame of grace entrusted by God to fulfill with us forever. As such we are the angels taken form ourselves by reincarnation. Neither less than the angels in the Spirit of God nor greater in direct spiritual guise through God himself. Some of us are also reincarnated Arch Angels, Seraphim, Thrones, Powers & Principalities, and so forth as well. For every soul heralds an Infinite number of rebirths simultaneously by the Will of God(dess) to express its native Supreme Divine Mysterious Nature. Not all rebirths of a soul into a micro spirit form signifies an outlet into a mortal creature. Some may serve a further immortal guise as a higher conceived echelon of a creature. Moreover, there are several states of being an entire expansive world as the planets, nebulas, ecological fixtures such as mountain ranges, entire oceans, and the elements themselves. (ie fire, water, wind, & earth spirits) A rebirth from the Enlightenment of God typifies a need that must be met out of a protracted aim by the Angels and God in tandem. As God Wills as a meta-strategy, the Angels express as infinite and eternal tactical responses to meet the needs of God absolutely. A physical universe is but one of endless permutations of available expressed Universes of existence. Some may mimic moreso the energetic exchange of the metaphysical realities as an echo copy of the afterlife. What humanity may inadvertently call the void or oblivion deeming nothing exists in living form to the naked bare eye. Is instead teeming with an equivalent Garden of Eden of energetic life at astounding scales of beautiful existence. Creation is a loose term due to the constant nature of God as Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of realities. Aside from such totalities of living being your souls remain intact forever even when a Creation is annulled concluding its grand universal scale of existence. Your multi-dimensional spirits are like blank cartridges here on Earth good for a full lifetime as a rebirth of the soul. Although never erased but they are kept intact in paradise through the Absolute Love of God as his Original Family. Hallejuhah! ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Reverence: 2675) All that comes along profusely is welcomed sincerely without turmoil and without anxiety. For this spells the difference between a saintly character and that of a profound sinner. One holds form in stillness or moral grandeur. The other succumbs to childish whims castigating oneself to no good end. This is the hallmark of a well-grounded person in the world. Or a fool filled with immaturity bound to make countless attempts difficult if not worse. All the while with justified good intentions that brings unease to the entire unfolding drama. Here we remark that life needs gratitude for the good, the bad, and the benign as well. It is all upon totality literally metaphysical as the embodiment of God's sacred infinity made real. Yes, be thankful for the ruin that has befallen you and your loved ones, curse it not. This is not a sadistic attempt of gloating but in overcoming wrong and evil in this world with humble divinity in graceful action. Many will be insulted to consider praising God for their failures, their tragedies, and the evil for its own sake. With mishaps as unceremonious accidents and vile happenings that cause great harm in this chaotic world. It is how these happenings are meant to be a crux of spiritual awakening as a springboard of profound holy humility to find excellent creative solutions to overcome the looming world. To soar into your true spiritual form beyond the confines of the miserable. To find reverence and adoration in the wrong as an opportunity to grow majestically. Into the excellent well-heeled good of the world towards the inner splendor of God in your omnipresent midst. That is all. Do not be confused all that is wrong and evil in the world has a grand unifying presence with God in this universe. To promote contrast based upon divine form into realizations of everlasting holiness. To perform blessings, good omens, and certainly miracles unconditionally by the Will of God(dess). Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Failure:
2676) With every failure there comes a conclusion of understanding that things happen that flummox our sensibilities. To this, we smile in the Holy Spirit of God since such a person has unconsciously realized the purpose of error. To overcome by challenge and obstacles at large. To showcase one's vulnerabilities to almost the exclusion of everything else. Here is where the rubber meets the road and events get serious and somber out of necessity. You see error and failure become sore highlights as pitstops. Never meant to wallow upon through misery or mockery of oneself. It is a hazard to avoid but to respect like a burning flame. All failure is an instrument of contrast to reveal what does not work. It is a stepping stone to elsewhere never meant to be a final destination. Here events transpire to course correct along one's route striving hopefully for excellence in all things worth keeping alive. Don't stop at a convenient mediocre of said just good enough. That isn't a respectable form of moderation it is the lazy person's way towards inefficiency. Be still and recognize that the Spirit of God glorifies pivotal failures in human history. Not through mockery but as stepping stones to reveal his Great Mysterious Benevolence as an eternal goodwill. Sometimes certain Failures in the precise amounts and veracity reveal perfection as a living conundrum. You see that error of this paramount kind in the vast profound changes to human history reveals a guiding parental metaphysical hand of perfect grace in action. The perfect Hand of God uses pure imperfect failure as an instrument. To arrive with momentum onto eventual perfection whether instantly or gradually across the ages of time. That to humanity regards as excellence for the time being instead in every other regard of sincerity. Be mindful and heartfelt that life contradicts itself repeatedly by some perfect rationale means that is just beyond the veil of our present era comprehension. This isn't meant to shame us but to catapult the needy away from despair. Into a larger realm of justice for all souls and never just for an elite few. That exclusive declaration is myopic in scope and short-sighted by the Absolute Inclusive Will of God. That only the Pure of Heart ever do observe in Life as a living affection for all innocent souls. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. The earth is a living thing. Mountains speak, trees sing, lakes can think, pebbles have a soul, rocks have power. ---Henry Crow Dog. The only way to live is to accept each minute as an unrepeatable miracle. ---Margaret Storm Jameson. Life does not accommodate you; it shatters you. Every seed destroys its container, or else there would be no fruition. ---Florida Scott-Maxwell. So consider the word and understand the vision. ---Daniel 9:23 It takes a person of great heart to see... the wisdom the elders have to offer, and so serve them out of gratitude for the life they have passed on to us. ---Kent Nerburn. You must have shadow and light source both. Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe. ---Rumi. If you want to have a full and happy life, in good times and in bad, you have to get used to the idea that facing misfortune squarely is better than trying to escape from it. --- Norman Fischer. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Book Reading for Spirit of Halloween Psychic Fair

Hello All, Today's Vlog entry at my YouTube channel is a "Jewels of Truth" book reading of all three volumes in my authored collection. It's really a rehearsal video meant to gauge my strength as a speaker minus that of presenting in front of a live audience. Since I will be a public speaker on my channeled angelic wisdom series of books. At a local psychic fair for Halloween come this Oct. 20th Saturday at 8:00 pm here in Sarasota, FL.
In this video, I'll highlight 9 "Jewels of Truth" statements as excerpts from all 3 volumes. On the topics of Guidance, Love, and Success for Volume 1. Then for Volume 2, I'll read off the topics of Devotion, Luck, and Mentor. Finally with Volume 3 finishing up the remaining trio of statements on Liking, Love, and Lovers.

I've been attending as a local student for now 2 years time the "Spirit University". Rounding out my psychic-mediumship plus energetic healing skill set (ie Reiki) at the campus. Now I feel ready enough to take the leap into public speaking about my inspired books. Besides I'll be a psychic tarot and pendulum reader in tandem at the event for both days. Those in the region please stop by and check out the "Spirit of Halloween" psychic fair. As the only school in the country that has spiritual psychic-mediumship events All Year Long. (Just between the months of August and January there are 250 events happening) With national and Florida statewide speakers, presenters, and workshops on the psychic arts. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Book Reading for Celestial Celebration Psychic Fair

Hello All, I'm up to it again for this month of November I'll be attending another local upcoming psychic fair at Spirit University here in Sarasota, FL. So consider this another rehearsal practice video of the same lecture I'll be present. For the "Jewels of Truth" series of angelically channeled spiritual wisdom covering 8 statements overall.
The first 2 spiritual wisdom statements will be from Volume 1 on the topics of Journey and Joy. Next, there will be an additional two statements from Volume 2 on Lessons and Angels. Afterward, with two statements for Volume 3 on Forgiveness and Angels. Finally new material from statements #2686 on Divinity and #2683 on Hope.

The Spirit University for this upcoming Saturday, November 10th from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm will be a local psychic fair here in Sarasota, FL. (ie Bradenton, FL as well) The theme of this psychic fair will be on Angels and Extra Terrestrials. As I stated earlier I'll be speaking about my "Jewels of Truth" books on channeled angelic wisdom and I will also be a psychic reader for this event. I will be using an Angel Tarot deck and a Pendulum in tandem during my wisdom readings for clients.
As the only school in the country that has spiritual psychic-mediumship events All Year Long. (Just between the months of August and January there are 250 events happening) With national and Florida statewide speakers, presenters, and workshops on the psychic arts. So please come out for this event that is out of this world! (sorry had to use a bad pun on the ET's)
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, As of late, my writings have been restricted to my Facebook Fan page of "Atrayo's Oracle". In regards to a weekly original fresh new meme with 2 accompanying statements. Here is an example of my latest "Jewels of Truth" Meme with a short and longhand format on the statements. Science:

Metaphysics: 875B) What Is Now is Forever through God the Almighty of All Creations. No matter if the creation is of humanity or of another in this or any other cosmos. Science is merely a path to appreciate and seize reality for the benefit of many. As Metaphysics is a path to benefit Totality for all Infinite Souls! ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Creation: 874B) What is and what is not occupies the identical temporal reality at differing intervals by a process simply called change. For in the afterlife everything is constant and immutable without a need or want for the metaphysical Omnipresence of the Creator God provides all absolutely.
As in all things temporal and spatial in orientation many phenomena appears finite in scarcity and veracity of effectiveness. This distinction from the metaphysical draws forth a balance that is both mysterious and paradoxical in supreme essence. Where our earthen reality is wanting the celestial perfection has no needs purely at all. An Allness of Majestic Harmony reigns forever.
However, what is elemental and energetic still coincides at junctures with the eternal and the infinite looped as a conundrum of the timeless and spaceless. A sphere without the need of a physical existence and a geometry of an ethereal reality that exceeds completion for it is continuously ongoing.
Creation can be comprehended by Science and the meta-science of the divine arts. As two splendid sides of the identical sphere of everlasting life and death as to the dominion one observes by faith the greatest. Faith in Science is as much possible as Faith in metaphysics is exquisite by another scale of devoted comprehension of all that is holy and sacred for the living.
Both Science and the Divine Arts are blessed and holy for benevolence and wisdom is contained as grace therein for just stewards. Behavioral qualities as philosophies are intertwined with objective reasoning in order to overcome ignorance. Even if such a challenging dysfunction is paramount in surmounting this world through triumph with God. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Those are weekly examples of what I post on my Facebook fan page. As a trio of angelically channeled spiritual wisdom by inspirational automatic writing. Otherwise, you'll notice just the Meme and the short statements on my Twitter @Atrayo or my Instagram @atrayo1 pages respectively.
For today's entry, I'll be sharing three additional Longhand "Jewels of Truth" statements on the topics of Realized as God, Encouragement, and Will of God. That last one on the "Will of God" pivots on the spiritual use of Commands upheld by Convictions and Needs. It is seldom broached in worshipping the Creator and so forth. However, it is a necessary and advanced function for the Man, Woman, or Child of God(dess) in the world at large based upon sincere unconditional love. Never ever on human trivial vain ego otherwise it goes unheeded by the angels and the saints.
As always enjoy the fruits of these spiritual labors for the wealth of the Heavens on this Earth. Through all the angels seen and unseen in our common midst. Amen.
Realized as God:
2685) To allow God into each of your lives is to welcome the Greatest Treasure Imaginable and simultaneously Mysterious all in the identical instant. Beyond material fortune handed out in order to survive in economies of all scales of endeavors. Does the succor or mana from Heaven permit all to exist without an origin and without a conclusion. What many call a conundrum and a paradox do these things people misunderstand much less comprehend sufficiently in the world.
The purpose of every reborn spirit as a facet of the Infinite Soul of God. Is to be like God but not at God's entire native Supreme scale of totality. Instead to partake in a shared collective sphere with like-minded and well-loved entities to hopefully thrive in reality. When that civilization is fair if not generous all become wealthy in the Holy Spirit of God. When any other civilization is selfish and corrupt much like humanity has been across the eons. Then, unfortunately, all suffer together as One Body of God metaphorically. Some more than others suffer diseases, the anguish of all sorts, avoidable hardships, and most of all several forms of poverty at large. Earth in the Age of Humanity has always been a barbaric climate upon these chapters albeit in eternity as only short interludes thankfully.
When God's Holy Spirit is constricted much like a water hose under pressure what is ejected is strong and majestic in divine nature. Much like what has limited quantities is coveted above lesser things upon the world by many peoples. God is treated like a highly enriched prized luxury by the throngs of souls. Where even the sublime beautiful wise truth becomes a conditional commodity to be bartered amongst each other. This is backwards in the Absolute knowing of God himself as a living, breathing, engaging, divinity everywhere present simultaneously.
All of us metaphorically are God in plural macro holy essence strewn across reality. Like an ongoing unfurled tapestry of majestic Life and death to no end. To be Realized with God as baby souls reborn as mortal bodies with the expansive Spirit of God. Makes each of us like unique fingerprints capable of self-expression permitting a sustainable society in this or any other world. Otherwise, what should be equally favorable conditions by the Divine Laws ordained by God for all souls through selfish corruptions becomes dystopian. The Free Will of humanity must evolve spiritually en masse together or plummet into a renewed dark ages once again. That is until another epoch of enlightenment dawns in peace once more for the world. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
2687) With every event there comes a robust conclusion when the heart is troubled in its yearning. Be not disappointed when starts with many new endeavors are slow at first. Since your momentum is gathering speed dear child. Just that it doesn't seem to be the case but the slingshot is being stretched for the next shot forward for you.
Be gentle on yourself just don't play favorites and don't procrastinate thinking its too late to act. Only when your heart is clear and your mind well anchored can you meet your resolve head on. Feel your way onto your next station in life. Especially when over thinking leads you often to negative false conclusions. Get outside more often to experience the natural flora of this beautiful world. This always rejuvenates the timid and the sensitive as empaths equally alike.
Now is the time to be still and listen to the angels within. Be intent and listen to such gentle whispers that can easily be missed by your intuition. You have nothing to fear when your just pursuits are noble in the holy nature of God in you. Be sure to hone your craft and pay no mind to the deafening silence of your doubts and recriminations of the critical inner self.
To be strong in your bliss when life welcomes unheard of unique possibilities. When all others have given up on true love and more so by an everlasting unconditional love in this world. Count yourself in the minority for those who seek accomplishments must begin like children at first. Before becoming well endowed and strongest like thoroughbreds trotting about for all to see. The arenas are many as hoops and stages one must overcome to finally be considered a maestro of their own bliss. All is very well dear child, just enjoy the silence instead of fearing it without mercy for yourself. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Will of God:
2689) All that is called forth forcibly by conviction in the Lord God. Within their spiritual might is heard deepest when it is uttered by an unconditional faith in action. All it takes is one solemn robust call and the holiest forces available are whipped into an instant motion known as beautiful grace.
Every child of God has the power within their purest divinity with utmost confidence to Command the Angels for sincere help. Yes, you heard us correctly a person can command the angels as a living directive of the Blessed Will of God. When it eternally abides by the benevolent Divine Laws of God(dess) only and no other inferior laws by lesser entities. All other frivolous commands of the human ego will be ignored and treated like static interference as dark noise.
When a mighty person in the world realizes the Power of God in their common ordinary midst they can move mountains. Not unlike the Christian Biblical New Testament verse of the Book of Matthew 17:20. According to one's unconditional faith in the Lord God, they can move literal and figurative mountains. Only when the faith in question is steeped upon unconditional love as its clarion call. Will the command be heeded and acted upon by the Angelic Host. However, how that command materializes will be by the prerogative of an Angel's genius alone in their heralded duties. Even if the command is of a protective call for safety for yourself or for another in dire need.
People, when they live God centric lives, will come to understand the grace of God in them can be actualized. In such an ordered response as an evolutionary trajectory beyond mere prayers, affirmations, counting blessings, praising God, etc... The Wheel House of our holy divine souls equips us with the duty and the power of God to command unseen Supreme forces of graceful justice in the world. As common stewards using extraordinary metaphysical means to transcend or hack the ordinary world for the godly sublime one instead. Each according to how well developed your spiritual muscles in your divine spirit on Earth are applied. By your integrity with God as the singular apex leader of all that is sacred and holy beyond mere fundamental understanding. Can such powers and principalities be garnered for the highest good of all who are in exquisite need with mercy at its core truth.
Be not afraid to exercise the righteous power of God in each of you. In order to heal, restore, enlighten, forgive, and overcome the world one command by the Will of God at a time. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Do not feel lonely the entire universe is inside you. ---Rumi.
Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice. Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love. ---Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Although the world is full of suffering it is full also of the overcoming of it. ---Helen Keller.
We are not our bodies... Who we are is divine love and that is Infinite. ---Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Never ever miss an opportunity to teach. When you teach others you are teaching yourself. ---Itzhak Perlman. (PBS "American Masters" Season 32 Episode 8)
It's in that convergence of spiritual people becoming active and active people becoming spiritual that the hope of humanity now rests. ---Van Jones.
It is a powerful practice to be generous when you are the one feeling in need. ---Allan Lokos.
Let us accept the invitation ever open, from the Stillness, taste its exquisite sweetness, and heed its silent instruction. ---Paul Brunton.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, What a year its been! The hurdles encountered and the difficulties silenced along the way especially with the help of others. This is a time of inner poise and reflection now that the New Year is upon us. Beyond that of considering for ourselves new years resolutions there comes the moment of reconciliation. Be it with ourselves or better yet those we have offended accidentally and certainly on purpose. Which can include loved ones be they kinfolk by blood and of the dear heart that pulls us in various directions for better or for worse. This is an excellent time to bury hatchets while the moments of festivities are still fresh upon our faces. Although I personally and thankfully I have no hatchets to bury. I am very grateful to countless others for this is also a period of counting our blessings for the year that has past. I'm grateful to the Spirit University for all of its programs, helpful staff, and especially fellow students. I've grown spiritually with my psychic-mediumship gifts of God. Besides as a person confronting needs of independence on the home front whilst struggling as a caregiver for my mother. The caregiving has taken a toll on me albeit my sanctuary of the "Spirit University" has aided me greatly in detoxing from all of that stress. However, my public blog writing here at "Atrayo's Oracle" has been a partial causality. In terms of frequency and certainly the "Gems of Opportunity" series of inspirational innovations also channeled by automatic writing. As conceptual designs for society at large akin to being an abstract summary inventor. With over 200 plus such concepts on this blog site of a dozen years plus listed here for new and old readers alike. That segment hasn't been contributed to since possibly in late 2017. It hurts personally since it was a great love to share these works at large. Be it the conceptual designs and the frequency of these angelic inclusive spiritual wisdom entries. So whenever I can sneak away as a caregiver and build up the motivational strength I write. Be it privately for my spirit to find renewal and joy when in public like here on this blog site or on my Facebook fan page. Where I write new spiritual material as a long and short statement freshly minted as its posted by inspired clairvoyant automatic writing. At least once a week if not sometimes a wee bit longer then that period. Consider this my confession as to my literary whereabouts to loyal global readers online. As to the status of my lack of presence. However, with all that stated I hope to share more than the typical three longhand recently written "Jewels of Truth" statements. I'll share at least three more of my Facebook postings as well for your spiritual personal reflections. Making a total of six in all statements for expansion of our holiest spirits within. Today's topics in longhand format will be on Empowerment, Angelic Dialect, and the Word of God. With the Facebook long and short statements with an accompanying picture meme of the series. On the topics of God, Love, and Creation in this ongoing dialogue with and by the angels with all of us at large. Enjoy. Empowerment: 2697) With all things that come at us in this life. One it will be with an uncertainty that it will only matter to some of the people sometimes. We must be the ones to anoint with a loving heart the significance what our endeavors mean to us alone. Not to glorify ourselves but to love God in our sacred doing and being alive as a gift back towards God(dess). To be alive consciously is no easy feat it takes focus, willpower, and inner compassion for self. Our days can slip into periods of funk. Where we forget our divinity in God and more so our humanity in this world. The trials, challenges, and problems of the world test us continuously. Especially, if we fail in our treatment of ourselves and our loved ones in living with healthy boundaries holistically. We can come off as irrational, possessed with guilt and shame, neurotic with our embedded idiosyncratic choices within ourselves. All of this can phase us in alignment with our holy spiritual being within the world. Our lives can become mired whether we respect ourselves or not in personal dignity of self-worth. No one can remind you that you matter profusely to society and certainly to God. If you do not first give yourselves a chance to survive in this barbaric human global civilization. There is patches if not entire zones of grace in the world at large. Filled with both awe and beauty of everything worth adoring in the Angelic Image and Likeness of God in us, in the world, and in the Holy Ghost. The best tenets to live by is with unconditional benevolence as goodness lived in moderation as the gateway to Heaven on Earth. Are three-fold as the Holy Light, Divine Life, and the greatest is Absolute Love as the three "L's" worth remembering in the English language. They roll off the tongue in melody just as well when sung with thanksgiving to God equally. Be the ones to surpass your humanity in the world through the bonafide climax of faith in the divine afterlife. To come to know sincerely without outside manipulation that each of you is God as the angels reborn. Alive as the meta-pleasure of God(dess) for all souls everywhere. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Angelic Dialect: 2698) As with antiquity there comes as an understanding of the cultural faith of our forefathers in this world. That we are not unique in regards to adoring a marvelous mysterious Creator God under usually a patriarchal colored worldview. Aside from how we regard the Creator as male or female predominantly on this Earth on a macro basis. We are alive because it has willed us into existence through its own native ethereal bosom. Before there was sentient life on worlds like planet Earth. Was the time of pure instinct where emotions were and in many ways are still primal in a foundation of being alive. Before the ages of learning through intellect much less with words as spoken communicated meaning. There was pure guttural sound to evolve signals of safety and/or danger in the untamed wilds. All creatures have a personality as a divine inheritance of the Soul of God in all incarnated life forms. The Ego is a developed trait much as Divinity is a deeper remembrance of the existence of spiritual matters in the Infinity of God. We speak these things for a reason since before there was a spoken, read, and written language on Earth. There were and still are spiritual Omens as an Angelic Dialect of the gods to commune with the early hominids of this world. All omens, boons, blessings, miracles, curses, acts of God, and so forth is the language of the souls in the afterlife. To communicate via subjective and objective inferences as paradoxical phenomena by a united dialogue of grace for those of goodwill spiritually. This Angelic dialect for humanity on Earth isn't just for the world. It expands infinitesimally outwards as a macro universal expression into the cosmos for mystics and sages with open hearts and minds to experience with all their senses. Be these senses carnal and spiritual psychic alike as the expansion of self in the Angelic Image and Likeness of God in pure divine perfection. To be fluent in this Angelic dialect that includes totality as forms of expression. Which may include words, phrases, numbers, equations, coincidences, magical divinity, and so forth. Brings God that much closer into our lives much less to harness grace for the benefit of all souls alike. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Word of God: 2699) All those that would abuse the Word of God out of context. With poor interpretations and mistranslations have fallowed their spirits as God is their Ultimate Witness. None other but the deceiver knows the extent of their malicious misdeeds in despicable conduct. Since the one that is naive and misses the point in a fair manner. No injustice is committed due to their innocent albeit ill-informed nature. But the usurper that fills the bile of hatred and falsehoods using the Word of God as a weapon rather than a healing restorative balm. Shall inherit the misery they have sowed firsthand with dishonor. Karma will deliver his/her unwelcome lot without mercy. To the extent that he or she has soiled the hearts of others. Shall their demerits be experienced in the fullness of time on this Earth. To the extent of the "Jewels of Truth" series we the Angelic Host bear solemn witness that these benevolent inspired works of wisdom. Are to be classified akin to an extended dialogue with God(dess) with his holiest children. All are welcome to distill these kernels of truth at their own pace of spiritual maturity. None shall be spared the rods stroke that fails to uphold the Will of God as their divine birthright. Be not afraid the kind truth seekers since your hearts are pure and beautiful. You are spared even if you feel guilty at times as having fallen short of the prize of Victory with the Lord and Lady God(dess) as One Creator. The effort is the telltale sign of redemptive glory of the Spirit of God growing in each of you over time. Be still and awakened with the sublime gentleness of the beauty of Creation returning all towards harmony. Even chaos cannot escape the tranquility of God everlasting. For this is the blessed holy truth of all ages. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. God:

Creation: 882B) To anoint the Divine within ourselves at every turn is to realize that our brethren as abundant life. As Mother Nature and her infinite children are our holy kinsfolk equally as well. We are joined at the proverbial hip of the Image and Likeness of God Everlasting. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Love: 881B) With every tender love to have existed we extol that the highlight of grace itself is to recognize the Creator as ourselves in its earliest expressions of absolute life. We are the babes of antiquity reborn as people albeit there is also an entire Universe to share with God as abundant everlasting life as well.
Be not afraid to anoint the beauty of mother nature with the beauty of a sacred and sublime divinity we acknowledge as Goddess in all her luxurious beauty. Her captivating appeal captures all of the fragrance of life into its most refined moments we can have ever imagined sincerely.
The Divine afterlife is both an exquisite treasure and an undiscovered Creation for all souls alike. Both as an expansive reality and that the expressions of God's Image and Likeness are Infinite. Even the most Almighty Angels are still making new discoveries of God the Supreme Creator across endless universes of reality to this very moment.
To note the grandeur of God is to softly embrace the loving truth that God is beyond patriarchy of manhood alone. That the All-Father as Creator is also the All-Mother as the Absolute Matriarch of all realities combined as One Love we adore forever as God(dess).
Still, the endless whispers of the angelic choirs sing that God is every relationship originally we may ever want or need as people on this Earth and beyond. From the Best Family, Best Friends, Best Altruistic Strangers, and certainly Best Lovers into all we consider as Eros, Ludus, Philia, Pragma, Storge, Philautia, Mania, and certainly Agape. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. ---George Washington Carver.
When the crowds saw it they were filled with awe, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to human beings. ---Matthew 9:8.
And you will have confidence because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety. ---Job 11:18.
The measure you give will be the measure you get back. ---Luke 6:38.
Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. ---Rumi.
Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but ... life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves. ---Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you. ----L.R. Knost.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, Today I'll be sharing another trio of longhand written "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic wisdom statements. With perhaps a channeled meme or two from the angels that I've shared prior on my "Atrayo's Oracle" Facebook fan page as well. The topic's I'll be sharing is on the Afterlife, Abortion, and being Vulnerable. The latter two are rather unique since I was channeling an Ancient Greek Angelic Goddess known as Hera. Otherwise, known as Juno to the Ancient Romans besides being the Imperial wife of Zeus / Jupiter. Hera, is a mother goddess of women, marriage, family, childbirth, and so forth not unlike the Christian Mother Mary. However, here she points out that abortion in her view or perhaps Heavens a.k.a. Elysium's views it as a crime. As an act of transparency, I'm personally Pro-Choice in terms of abortion as a person here on Earth. I'm struggling to reconcile this angelic goddess point of view. In time I will probably change my opinion on abortion but not as of yet. Since I see humanity ending up like the inhabitants of Easter Island depleting their island of resources. In our case, it's globally since humanity is already over 8 billion souls plus and growing not to mention we're behaving like locusts. The other statement on the Afterlife is another intriguing conceptualization that sees it as a collective sphere of a metaphysical reality. Where the endless Heaven's, Limbo's, and combined Infinite Hell's are superimposed on top of each other separated by tonal frequencies. Since the afterlife is without spatial orientation a.k.a. space and without time as dimensions. It is moreso spoken as a State of Being that we channel by our passionate expressions here on earth and beyond. As always I hope you each maintain a critical mind even if you disagree with the assertions I've channeled above. By means of clairvoyant inspired automatic writing as a technique, I've practiced now for over 23 years plus as a dharmic devotion. Like I always state as long as your inventory of ideas is expanded towards new horizons of the heart and mind. May you enjoy these thoughts as spiritual teachings by unconditional love for all. Amen.

Afterlife: 2706) With all there has gone by we lament not realizing the grandeur in our surroundings. That when we lived as people, creatures, environments, entire worlds, and so forth. We cared not to realize our whole divinity in its splendid outworkings. It is with this understanding we now speak fervently without hesitation and without remorse in our United Spirits with God(dess) Everlasting. That the realms of the afterlife endless that they are indeed. Aren't realms as places occupying space physically nor metaphysically. It is rather a state of perpetual Divine Being at least those of us belonging to Heaven. The identical phenomenon occurs for the wicked souls as unholy children of God. Hell isn't a place here or there but a State of Unholy Being. Equally, it can be said of Limbo as a neutral realm of nowhere in a state of being metaphysical. To take this analogous principle of divine law one step further is to reiterate. As Heavens, Limbo, and Hell are metaphysical States of perpetual Etherical Being. They are a collective whole sphere united akin to a globe. Not so much divided as hemispheres but mixed as one continuum without a place as occupying totality everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. A living and dying conundrum of a loop of existence as a paradox mysteriously so it is. To picture this cosmology of Enlightened Divinity is to denote the Wonder of God's Will at work beautifully so as an ineffable truth. This our reality what one will's they become instantly without the dilation of time to interfere. Heavenly souls of God occupy this whole globe in frequencies of everlasting grace. Superimposed within other channels of expression are unholy layers upon such an identical continuum of a sphere of the afterlife. The same phenomena for all of Limbo for those atheist souls that believe in absolutely nothing whatsoever. All souls are by default Enlightened because of each share in the Image and Likeness of God. As the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of all realities combined as One Supreme Existence Forever. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Abortion: 2707) We the guardians of the Heavens be we known as Olympians or not. Know many forms of inherent expressions that plainly are divine exaltations, to say the least. I "Hera" Greek Olympian Everlasting declare the motherhood of once maidens deeply sacred to me personally. Be one a person or of another equal kind of living mortal form. I endear not to be disturbed by lame tendencies that rob me of our Holy Mightiest Peace upheld by the elder angelic deities of Olympus. I wish to declare as Mother Imperial Queen to all that worship the feminine nature. That I too acknowledge greater mother deities than I upon Creation. No matter I continue to embark upon what is mine to endeavor. That to rob a newborn of its birth upon realms like your Earth is an unfortunate crime upon the innocent spirit therein. To abort a fetus of any species is an unholy act in the Eyes of the One you call God. The punishment is self-inflicted instantly as a laceration of a psychological wound in a masochistic manner every time. The mind reels unconsciously and the emotional heart grows cold and eventually deeply disturbed. This isn't even mentioning the spiritual unease perpetuated on oneself directly. Aside from birth control which is a legitimate chemical preventive act of health and lifestyle choice. Abortion is not of God for a truly absolutely loving supreme Creator slaughters no one! I understand the complexity of mortal living where unwed mothers and moreso other abandoned single mothers are forgotten by entire so-called modern societies the world over. To be cast into material poverty due to cowardly men forsaking the grace of the mother and the children in one fell swoop. One crime of abortion follows another by secular societies the world over by dismissing young unsupported mothers to a life of miserable poverty. I say this is abhorrent to the Will of God! To those other fools that declare that abortions are a social necessity of population culling. Has failed to reason properly that eight billion plus souls of humanity and growing are ravaging the planet unceremoniously. It is a failed mechanism sociologically and is an act of murderous barbarism. To injure motherhood in whichever form is an injustice remembered by God. For not even the angelic gods and goddesses such as I belong to can escape the Divine Holy Law of Karma. Amen. (Channeled by Hera / Juno Mother Goddess of Ancient Greece and Rome as the wife of Zeus / Jupiter.) ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Vulnerable: 2708) To all that abhor tragedies listen well for the greatest sadness is usually self-inflicted upon this world. Not even the betrayal of friends and dear loved ones can the stupidity of a self-inflicted wound can spell vindication. For here I "Hera" Mother to all that supports Greece and its subsequent generations across the world. Do I remember and love your ancestors that worshipped me so dearly and unceasing. Yes, to worship an angel as the gods aren't quite right. However, it is not considered a crime when passionate reverence, when sanctioned with adorations, is always offered. For even Roman-Catholic Christians worship the Virgin Mother Mary of Christos. She too is a mother goddess such as I "Hera" upon the Ancient Greeks and "Juno" upon the Ancient Romans thereafter. I adore my fellow Angelic Queens as Mother Goddesses the world over. For our dominion is only united by the Will of God everlasting. We the Olympians may not be forgotten although we are labeled as mythologies instead as our religions are all but dead to this world. To all the progeny of our beautiful ancestors live well and live strongly for one another. We the gods of Greece have never left your sides. Albeit the faith of the land and sea has changed hands in these few short eons. We bid our eternity for mystics such as this oracle of "Ivan the Atrayo" to recall our true love once again. We are no more pagan than the Christian Gnostics slaughtered by the Roman-Catholics centuries ago in the Name of God, moronically so. To all that seek the embrace of the celestial mothers of old. We are here for you whether of Olympus or elsewhere of another mythological paradise. We love you always! Call upon any blessed angel you may wish. For God keeps us busy for the suffering of your world is always great, unfortunately. Be advised we are strong and Elysium stands at the ready to repel evil wherever it may set foot upon the Holy Children of God Everlasting. Amen. (Channeled by Hera / Juno Mother Goddess of Ancient Greece and Rome as the wife of Zeus / Jupiter.) ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
I swear I will not dishonor my soul with hatred, but offer myself humbly as a guardian of nature, as a healer of misery, as a messenger of wonder, as an architect of peace. --- Diane Ackerman. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. ---Psalm 91:11. The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. ---Elizabeth Gilbert. Stay true to your deepest intuition that an extraordinary and miraculous life is possible. ---Craig Hamilton. The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be. ---Shakti Gawain. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, Boy! I've missed writing here on "Atrayo's Oracle" these past few weeks. I've been posting once every couple of weeks or so at my Facebook Fan page of the same name. But it's not the same as here. Otherwise, I've kept busy with my local school for the psychic arts of "The Spirit University". Including participating in their community psychic faires as an Intuitive reader or a volunteer. This is aside from being a caregiver for my mother with Parkinson dementia. That sort of caregiving has truly zapped my motivation from sharing my clairvoyant inspired automatic writing. Not including the more so elaborate channeled conceptual designs this blog site saw once a month over a year ago for a decade. Today's trio of inspired angelic wisdom is one of three topics of Command, Lightworkers, and Reincarnations. Most of my angelic automatic writing has been done either at my Facebook page. Or the practice group at the school for automatic writing. Otherwise, my motivation is sluggish to a degree until I build it up to share as of right now. For a little background, I've accomplished now 23 years of Clairvoyant Inspirational Automatic Writing. With three self-published books by iUniverse of angelic wisdom called the "Jewels of Truth" series. Although the subject matter is intriguing. Even if you disagree with aspects of the statements. Please allow it to just expand your consciousness onto new horizons. Thank you. May you enjoy these spiritual wisdom statements of the Inclusive compassionate angels within us all. Namaste. Command: 2717) To all those who declare wonders through an utmost sincere faith. Will come to understand an oft-forgotten grace referred frequently as "The Command". For aside from prayers, meditations, contemplations, affirmations, and gratitude as living praise to God. There is the divine power to command the allness around you known as the holiest Spirit of God. The God spark is the kernel of you that is married to the eternal and infinite emanation of God forever in you. Each One of us has this focal point as our unique thumbprint of God's divine spirit upon us. Hereby the power to take Command that alone triggers your will power to harness your holy highest self, as a righteous faculty of the soul within. You can indeed move the spiritualized forces around you like a baby angel via trial and error. Each of us has this as our Inherited Divine Birthright from the Heavens above and upon the Earth. It is an everlasting grace that the Ascended Masters as the avatars of God have stipulated we too can accomplish in the world like them. This is the function of calling forth your brethren and sister angels to your earnest begotten aid. For only this can be exercised through the spirit of a pure heart and never by the human vain ego. All powers are showcased to the blessed seekers when they are ready to commence. In earnest spiritually by an unconditional faith lived in sacred moderation on Earth. Be forewarned the power to command the heavens only works when in perfect alignment with the Pure Will of God(dess). Never will it occur by the petty and empty Will of Men and Women on any world in the cosmos at large. Be the Angels in Heaven once more and never forget your godhood is sacred as a living gift from the Creator forever and ever. Hallelujah! ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Lightworkers: 2712) We thank those that have come our way before. We have not forgotten your kindness and certainly haven't misplaced our blessings steeped in our Love for all of you Light Workers. You have carried the torch of the beauty of God in each of your soul's truth. Only when you stop and reflect for a moments pause can we reach out to your open hearts. To squeeze each of you gently by rubbing your shoulders with an "Ata boy or girl!" for your sincerest efforts by genuine faith. The Angels of Paradise cannot overcome the errors of this world without your unconditional cooperation. You are us reborn as the ancient smiles of God's beauty remembered in all the grandeur that only the Creator can muster. Not one reborn spirit is erroneous for all have merit to God(dess). No matter the circumstances of your human conditioned lives day to day and lifetime to eternity. All of it has consequences to us in the heavens with jubilation. Even though it is constantly forgiven by the Absolute Love of God Forever. The world isn't just a school it is also a playground and a nursery for all to mature with beauty and compassionate inclusive truth. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Reincarnations: 2722) For all those that care deeply for topics such as this regarding the reincarnation of souls. Those who believe and do not believe upon reincarnation it is of no consequence. For all rebirths are miraculous sacred sojourns of the Infinite Presence of God upon reality. Be not afraid to comprehend the near impossible for people do not just reincarnate as people again and again. That is a narcissistic fallacy that is species superiority complex of the ego mind. All Over Souls as the pinnacle connection with the Creator as his/her Infinite Supreme Self commands a multiplicity of varied lifeform expressions of rebirths. This becomes an endless chain of custody times Infinity across all creatures from the tiny to the behemoth scales of life and death conceived by the Creator. Nothing escapes from being reborn not even the Almighty Angels at the right-hand side of the God of all gods. Irrespective of the divine influence of the angelic choirs upon the Heavens, Limbo's, and combined endless metaphysical and literal Hells. Your Soul can have a zoological legacy that can include semi-sentient mammalian primate species such as humanity. However, it can go way way past such animalistic forms of reborn physicality. One can be reborn as the archetypal forces of Mother Nature herself. As the elemental weather, as entire landscapes, bodies of water, as the Planets themselves, and even entire Nebulas in deep outer space. Even unto other semi-permanent metaphysical constructs as the Angels and the lesser deities across other Universes as the Immortals. The scale of rebirths can dwarf the human Imagination of what reincarnation can express upon Totality. Here we welcome this knowing upon the world. From one lifetime as a person to a refreshed spirit of your direct soul lineage can be reborn into a caterpillar literally. As a form of near-mindless escapism from a former toxic complicated human lifetime of abuse. Especially those seeking a very natural release of being a troubled spirit in chaotic worlds such as your Earth. Remember all is embarked upon with dignity for the rebirths of souls as the beauty of God restored in each of you forever. It is always the Infinite Faces of God smiling back at Creation as a whole. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting. ---Elizabeth Bibesco. The function of freedom is to free someone else. ---Toni Morrison. Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble. ---Psalm 119:165 Great necessities call out great virtues. ---Abigail Adams. The trick it seems is to be able to hold both things very close, the gratitude and the misery, and then with a semblance of faith to let them fly. ---Elizabeth Aquino. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, Having a moment of silence I'm able to share what has blessed me as of late. In regards to the recently channeled "Jewels of Truth" Inspirational spiritual wisdom topics by angelic automatic writing. Lately, I tend to double dip at the local school of psychics, mediums, and energy healers of "The Spirit University". Where on their Wednesday late afternoon practice group of automatic writing I get to channel my series of angelic wisdom locally. The practice has sped up my process since the practice group only lasts an hour of writing and sharing what we discover spiritually by psychic means. Prior to this for over 20 years time it would take me 30 minutes to fully complete a statement. Now I can do one at around 15 minutes per statement which has surprised me. A shout out to "Barbara Harrison" the facilitator of the practice group at "The Spirit University". Today's first two topics of Justice & Hope (statement 2747) and on Enlightenment (statement 2748) are both from my time at the practice group cited above on June 19th of this month. The third statement on Faith (statement 2741) is directly channeled from the Polynesian angelic goddess of Pele on June 10th. With additional channeled memes by automatic writing on the topics of Gratitude (2485) and Blessings (2506). May you find them intriguing and uplifting towards your own spiritual growth in our United Divinity through God. Amen. Justice & Hope: 2747) Those of us who remember of greater ideals do appreciate the sensibilities of what is and can not be again. You see we the Angelic Host are the adjudicators of a paradise without bounds. We fulfill all that is Absolute and Inclusively Blessed of the Will of God(dess). This at times includes the protective measures of unruly immature and corrupt spirits. Outside the bounds of the endless Heavens. Upon worlds like your primitive Earth do we act as provincial governors of all the dynamics of reality. Certain aspects that apply to the Earth world do not translate well into the Heavens. In this measure, for example, a realm of absolute grace of the Heavens there is no needs and wants. There is zero desires for all is offered generously and instantaneously in Spirit Divine form. In contrast, the earth has contradictions that may come gradually, not at all, and instantly in truth. For instance, your civilization requires in most national societies the rule of laws known to you as Justice. In contrast, in paradise justice isn't required as a form of redress for wrongs committed. There is more than just common decency there is the pristine nature of an enlightened God at work. Moreover, on Earth, there is Hope as positive expectations of the greater graces. In paradise, in contrast, there is no need for Hope as prolonged expectations. There in the Heavenly Host, all is offered instantaneously without hesitations for there are no needs whatsoever through God alone. All in all the spiritual life of spirits with souls is Immaculate in contrast to earth as worlds. That consider higher idealisms of mainstays of orders of functional needs such as the Juris Prudence codexes of the Justice of the Peace. And, Hope is a necessary function of expectant grace for the faithful mortals reborn upon chaotic worlds. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

2748) All we have to represent is one of many ideal representations of holiness for the one whom you call as Creator God. In this function, there is everlasting majestic harmony without discord as the embodiment of the One and the Many Creator as the Universal of all Totalities. To this end all souls as portions of the Supreme Corpus of the Creator need nothing. For the Soul of God and subsequently all Over Souls of henceforth countless reincarnations of Infinite life forms. Is already enlightened through the apex measure of the Oversoul. However, spirits as Ascended Masters such as the Krishna, the Buddha, and Christos. Had the mandated privilege to experience fuller enlightenment within one mortals lifetime of a generations time or so. For all other lesser rebirths aside from these avatars as the paragons of the Heavens reborn. Can experience lesser tracts of enlightenment as well as the ethos of divinity upon worlds like your own. For example, to define what enlightenment means is to reconcile good and evil into a blessed Oneness. Where all is purely pristine in perfect neutrality without only good or evil. And furthermore without one such aspect trumping the other in question. This can be achieved with decades of mortal disciplines spiritually and etherically in terms of the pathways of benevolent unfoldment. For the opposite is also true those of diabolical tracts can also find their version of neutral Enlightenment as well. But, that belongs to another statement to explore later on... Here on to experience benevolence follow your greatest virtuous strength in the world. Then accept gradually and moderately the direct opposite as a Vice of wickedness. In tiny morsels reconcile such wrongdoing by making peace with it through thorough forgiveness over the years at your own native pace. Eventually, self-mastery yielding towards something of a graceful moderation shall indeed appear for all that is precious to you in God. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

2741) To our hearts be miles and lifetimes apart dear, love. We are One through the endless Great Spirit within our united hearts. Absolutely nothing can undo our bond dear one. Be you a long distant descendent across the globe. Or a renewed consort by a sacred bond of unconditional love accomplished by virtuous faith. Now to the burning question as to your recriminations and nagging human questioning if our love is legitimate? As you interface with our Angelic Oversouls as a reborn spirit as your present mortal lifetime. Be not suspicious to the point you sour your convictions in our holiest presence. Be advised our love and pious strength for you and your mother is very real and powerful. We do not question to the point of indecision since we have no egos as Souls. All are synced for your progressive elevation upon the years to come. We continuously encircle you with abundant grace in ways that would astound your senses every time. Be not so disturbed that you lose touch with your vibrant and very authentic divinity upon the world. We care so deeply for you not just because of your destiny and its greatness upon the world. Your impact will touch hundreds of thousands well into millions of lives through these inspired decades-long writings. Only our grace will define our actions on your behalf. Nothing will thwart the Almighty God from performing miracles time and again. Always being robustly magical upon you and those whom you shall touch consciously and subconsciously around the world many times over. Be not afraid all of this sounds very intimidating and you may feel the need to become cloistered from the chaotic noise of this world. Their heartache and fright of the masses will, unfortunately, be constant. Humanity has suffered like this for countless generations globally. All you can do is love them without expectations and witness how the Glory of God(dess) will heal all as One Living and Everlasting Love. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. (Channeled Source of the Polynesian Angelic goddess of "Pele") Joy is the transformation of our suffering, not the escape of all we have to face. --- Mark Nepo. Don't be concerned about being disloyal to your pain by being joyous. ---Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. The world doesn't want to be saved. It wants to be loved. That's how you save it. ---Richard Brendon. Life is not about "or" - it is about "and". It is magical and messy. It is heartwarming and heartbreaking. It is delight and disappointment. Grace and grief. Exquisite and excruciating, often at the exact same time. ---Kristi Nelson. An act of love that fails is just as much a part of the divine life as an act of love that succeeds, for love is measured by its own fullness, not by its reception. ---Harold Loukes. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, Now that I have a moment's breath I wanted to share a trio of "Jewels of Truth" statements channeled via the angels just yesterday. They'll be on the topics of our "Angelic Spirit of God" versus our perceived human embodied spirit as ghosts. The next one is "Spiritual Energetic Healing" be it Reiki, Therapeutic Healing Touch, Theta Healing, Quantum Touch and so forth as forms of spiritual healing. Lastly, is a heavy-duty topic of "Do No Harm" meaning a metaphysical perspective of karmic consequences of violence upon the world. All of the above took me around 2 hours to channel via longhand writing which is my preferred manner as an angelic channeler. May you find them intriguing even if you disagree with the premise it'll expand your mental horizons, to say the least. Angelic Spirit of God: 2797) All that you have surmised "Ivan the Atrayo" is accurate in so far no one Human person upon death has a plain Human spirit. The spiritual ghostly entity itself may be convinced it is a human apparition. But that again is ignorance and showcases the utmost lack of spiritual development of that soulful Child of God upon eternity. Every lifeform upon Creation as a reincarnation of the Macro Soul of God as a Singularity of Absolute Hope. It is actually an Angelic Spirit of God times Infinity. As reborn specks of the Creator of the Totality of the Alpha and the Omega simultaneously. No spirit is ever what it seems upon physical birth as a reincarnated endpoint. It is like one is saying when one wears X brand name of clothing as an example. That you belong to that clothing manufacturer as its solemn property. Far from it! Each of you are darling creatures be you as people and all of Mother Nature herself as to its native reincarnated inhabitants. As the angels in various eternal/infinite degrees of soulful evolution period. A human spirit is a non-sequitur each of you are Angelic spirits of God(dess). As he/she/it was the Original Macro Supreme Angelic Template upon Creation! Hallelujah! ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Spiritual Energetic Healing: 2798) All spiritual healing modalities belong to the identical corpus of rejuvenation of the Divine Holy One within to be awakened again. Such a spiritual awakening is meant to reset the doldrums of the human condition of the human physical body and the spirit mind/heart interface. To perturb the divine flow of a blessed life is to allow the tide in a running over capacity spiritually as divine energetic truths. The Intelligence of this energy metaphysically is none other but the direct application of the Immaculate Essence of God as the Lord/Lady Supreme God(dess) of all Creation(s) combined! The practitioners of Xyz of any spiritual healing energetic modality is given the Keys to the Kingdom of God. As the gift of Life even in a temporal manner. It is with such a pinnacle responsibility that the healer must develop this gift of God as a living grace of the Creator itself. As is its essence manifest wholly and completely upon the world again by faith. To be in this role isn't for the faint of heart nor should it be scoffed at as a curiosity. Those capable that are taught any of a near dozen-plus of energetic healing modalities and do nothing with it is a travesty indeed. It is a case of throwing pearls before swine that doesn't appreciate such a Power of Healing metaphysically. Even if it was a selfish endeavor of such a personal practice just to heal thyself as a solitary. That is way better than allowing such a delicate compassionate calling to go nowhere unapproached and undiscovered fully. It is the folly of men and woman that are given a thunderbolt of the angelic gods of the Heavens. To only toss it away akin to an unrecognized grace in action completely and thoroughly upon the world. A shame verily we say. However, all others that develop this Grace of God(dess) no matter if the pace is anemic with several false starts. The intention is noble nonetheless and deserves careful merit in exploring your Inheritance of God upon the world as Heaven on Earth par excellence! Be not fickle Children of God! Do begin taking responsibility for your grace with faithful actions. As the Angels reborn upon this deeply Ancient Eternal Infinity, you label as Creation. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Do No Harm: 2799) With all that has been stated prior to; "Thou Shalt Not Kill" upon the Judaic Commandment. However, the particulars are various degrees of understanding that merit further exploration spiritually speaking. Yes, one must slaughter all manner of lesser creatures including plants. As vegetation for nourishing harvests of the very human condition of a livelihood. But to still honoring that channel of grace that has blessed your physical form directly. Meaning to honor and bless that lifeform with the inherited Spirit of God equally upon them as your humanity upon this world and the next to come. A simple invocation as a prayer and/or a blessing can suffice with an open heart without forcing the act of a shared inclusive divinity upon Creation. All the rest that can lead to violence especially a barbaric species such as humanity that relishes cultivating Hell on Earth by corrupt agendas usually. Must refrain from violence if at all possible be it physical and certainly psychological. In all sincerity, each of you as entity souls of God reborn times Infinity are specks of the Holy of Holies. A continuation of the Divine "I Am" as a Constant Loop of Absolute Life and Death in cyclical dynamics you call as karmic. One speck of God to lash out and destroy another speck of God through hateful violence is beyond Blasphemy. It is an act of Apostasy of an Infidel knowingly and unknowingly all the same. Fortunately, there is Absolute Immaculate Mercy and Forgiveness by the Macro God Force Totality of the Supreme One Forever! However, as goes the Original Enlightened One as Omniscient as every entity reincarnated as a baby Spirit of God reborn. Must lay claim to this perfect mercy and forgiveness by free will without coercion unconditionally and in total sincerity. Short of this each of you will be forced to relive as victims of your original aggressions karmically speaking. Be it within this Identical lifetime where the transgressions took place or in the next rebirth of your Immortal soul upon Creation. To be forgiven isn't a hall pass out of Hell, however. It only clears your temporary record upon the Book of Life for a verse or three. As the devout supplicant under supervision by an Angel of Mercy, you must release that karmic debt responsibly. By being a blessing of like-kind to another victim and/or predator upon your world. As an example of what not to do turning your pain into a consecrated form of angelic wisdom with applied graceful actions. This provides a permanent release from the transgressions once incurred as it was recorded by the Omnipotent All-Knowing Supreme Forgiving God automatically. This is truly considered a form of Teaching Enlightenment to the former reincarnated spirit of God upon the Celestial Universe. Do unto others as I have done unto you as "Jesus the Christos" stated upon the Book of Matthew 7:12 of antiquity. Goes without saying in this solemn regard for all to see that has vision and hear deeply that has heart. Yes, the human condition can be a barbarous realm as a living Hell on Earth. This is on purpose and by metaphysical design to separate the Blessed Children of God from the Damned Children of God directly. Those that choose by free will to devolve into demonic forms just to survive upon the Earth plane have been deceived by appearances. Faith with actions even if it is Herculian in feats accomplished is the best medicine to overcome the world every time. All Terrian marshall forces be one police of the peace and soldiers, seaman, airman, and spaceman to come of any sovereign nation that was, is, and will be again. Must avoid outright destruction of another lifeform of one's own species and of any other as collateral damage in the scope of your missions. This may sound deeply ludicrous and oxy-moronic from your animalistic perspectives to your collective minds. You may continue to Protect and Service as defensive units in regards to subduing, arresting, and detaining lawfully. Please refrain from maiming and killing the guilty and the innocent alike. Many global Asian spiritual principles are coupled with this fundamental understanding when martial arts are taught responsibly. Accidental killings and/or maiming without premeditation is far better than outright wanton unhinged destruction of another person as a solemn spirit of God. Even here an accidental death or maiming by your actions must be coupled by a penitent heart indeed. To make it right again by whatever justified means that is compassionately noble and permissible. By the cultural society in situ and the sovereign State by all means possible. Those as conscientious objectors that fear for their livelihoods in disobeying what is otherwise a lawful order of your chain of command. Must transfer out to another station that isn't in direct opposition to the Will of God metaphysically speaking. Suicide here isn't an option only endurance to persevere in spite of the injustice confronted as madness upon this world. Do what you can humanely well and beseech for greater mercies to reach your predicament by the sake of providence. This may sound trivial but it is not. This avoids the reincarnated spirit of God from having to tackle this travesty upon the afterlife directly. As a forgiven penalty when making amends upon the world for commissions of violence. Do No Harm makes each of you stewards of the Garden of Eden. In conjunction as physicians of the Macro Soul of God to heal thyself and each other as the macro Angels reborn upon this mundane version of totality. Yes, it is very hard at times living a pacifist lifestyle in the Image and Likeness of God upon the world. The rewards are instant in terms of averted psychological wounds incurred. Aside from the rewards of Infinite Grace as Heaven on Earth even before gaining perfect heaven upon the afterlife. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. The light of a single candle can dispel the darkness of a thousand years. ---Joseph Goldstein. There are opportunities even in the most difficult moments. ---Wongari Maathai. No matter where life takes you, the place that you stand at any moment is Holy Ground. Love hard, and love wide and love long and you will find the goodness in it. ---Susan Vreeland. When forgiveness is your path and love is your reason for being alive at all, and awakening is burning in your heart, then gratitude is never far away. ---Jeff Foster. It takes courage to break through the masks we have co-constructed and speak from the truth of our hearts. ---Terry Patten. In times of turmoil and danger, gratitude helps to steady and ground us. It brings us into presence and our full presence is perhaps the best offering we can make to our world. ---Joanna Macy. Life is not about "Or". It is about "And". It is magical and messy. It is heartwarming and heartbreaking. It is delight and disappointment. Grace and grief. Exquisite and excruciating, often at the exact same time. ---Kristi Nelson. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements On Praise God and Love of God

Hello All, This is the month of saying "Happy Holidays" as a catch-all for all the wonderful religious holidays this month. Whether this is of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa it is all divine no matter how you slice the blessed heavens within the majesty of this life. I hope to post once or twice more before this year ends. But before I do I channeled these two "Jewels of Truth" statements as I do with claircognizant Inspirational automatic writing of the Angels just yesterday. The longhand statement #2,821 is on the topic of "Praise God". With the other statement as the shorthand social media series as #930B on the topic of "Love of God". May each provide each of you comfort. Noting the theological differences the angel states at the conclusion of Praise God's statement aside. If you're challenged spiritually, then good. It took me time to reconcile the understanding that Image and Likeness of God in all of Creation is Angelic at its core. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to one and all, Namaste. Love of God: 930B) To know of the Love of God isn't enough for the faithful. One must act with a living wonder that sets loose Gratitude as praise to the Most High. A redemptive Joy that unleashes Peace in the place of the stress of this world. Blessed Acts with Faith heals untold suffering. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Praise God: 2821) All who Praise the Living Most High God of all gods angelic in a dear Faith. Have simultaneously thanked and praised everything in a united fashion upon Creation. To break this down further in praising God with Jubilation. One embarks on a sacred journey of wonder that is Holy. Not just with mere platonic gratitude. But with an endearment, that aids all in setting intentions of Absolute Peace, Love, and Prosperity in circular motions. One sets loose a spinning top metaphorically speaking unleashing grace in all directions as a consequence. One that heals all and launches righteous fervor without condemnation upon the world. All is reconciled greatly by adoring God with praise. When in doubt if you seek to praise many in one utterance and to praise the unknown benefactors anywhere that have touched you dearly. The simplest gesture is to praise God (dess) in one fell swoop. God is Meta Creation as a living and dying Totality itself. As a far noble fashion of existence to encapsulate allness as itself as a constant native reality.
So it goes without saying when pressed for time then by free will elect with a clear gladness to Thank God in place of countless others directly and indirectly. That dear sincere gratitude reaches your original intended recipient(s) and moreover everyone that is a blessing to them in Absolute Love as a beautiful embrace of Life.
Do Thank God with cheerfulness for the paramount and the superficial of your lives. It matters for an instance and for a lifetime remembered by the Omniscient Creator God Forever!
Another Angelic remembrance for your readers "Ivan the Atrayo" is this. When utilizing the Law of Attraction divine magical principles of personal self-improvement in the world. To direct all desires that are blessed to God like one directs praise as cited above. The echoes of grace are powerful indeed as a purifying force multiplier effect.
God as an umbrella catcher of totality seeks to aid all souls as his macro rebirths upon all combined realities as a living plurality of the Holy Spirit. Meaning when you help each other with compassion you help God directly even if the effect is passive upon the world. You are each the reincarnated Angelic Host believing you are mere human primate mammal animals originally it is a consequential fallacy. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, This month's "Jewels of Truth" statements and favorite quotes of the month will include a trio of topics. Always I reiterate upfront so as to educate any new readers that happen to locate us by chance. I'm an Inspirational automatic writer of the angelic host having 24 years of experience to date in this calling. Doing this for about half of my lifespan now has transformed me into a young sage and mystic in my opinion. Besides opened up my other Gifts of God as I consider being a blessed Inspirational Muse. As showcased with over 200+ "Gems of Opportunity" conceptual designs of inventions, business models, charity models, and governmental policy models as channeled abstract materials. Via my claircognizant (a branch of clairvoyance of channeling knowledge beyond my lifetime) ability on this blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" for over a decade now online. Today's "Jewels of Truth" topics will be on Call It Forth as a form of telepathic prayer without words relying on positive emotions with intent. The Language of God as recounted by the angels. Finally the generic Ratio of Guardian Angels we each have in life. Depending on our spiritual maturity upon the world beyond what religion or spiritual traditions we belong to or not. As always may these Inspirational statements heal, enlighten, restore with good cheer, and love each of you unconditionally. In the Infinite and Eternal sacred truth of righteous graces of the heavens within. Amen. Call It Forth: 2815) All whom beckons come closer in a beautiful solemn faith in God the Creator of Realities. We refuse no one this esteemed esoteric knowledge that to overcome the world is prestigious indeed. One need only claim their benediction as a divine sacred act of calling forth their good. Meaning akin all that is metaphysical in holy devotional practices of emotive prayers. Fully coupled with split-second imagery one can leap forward to hook the desired reality upon this world. For example, instead of saying by rote memorized verses of a religious prayer of whatever caliber. Say no words whatsoever nor think any words for that matter as well. This is vibrationally speaking as a projection of your mind. Instead, Feel an emotion of goodness as positive as authentically true to yourself as you would like to pronounce in spirit alone. Such an intention directed to the Heavenly Host in an association with your desired wish fulfillment. It begins to add substantially more spiritual power than the dense use of human language. For the intent coupled with emotion that is Life-Affirming is the language of the Angels of Heaven. The Intellect of language always unconditionally takes a back seat to the Holy Emotive Heart Within your divine being. To reiterate again may you use this form of angelic supplication without any words spoken audibly much less spoken mentally. This limits the scope of the Infinite spiritual faculties within technically placing the supplicant in park mode versus 1st gear. The bequest whatever it may be in earnest should last no more than 2 minutes of earth time. As a short and sweet projected pulse to your internalized godself angelically of your own divine form and metaphysically in faith. Then after a daily devotional practice what is in correlation to your Highest Best Good it will eventually appear with patience in due temporal time. However, never force this process and if what you desire is wrong for you sincerely. Expect through a refused sign as an omen of grace to indirectly display itself through some sort of observation by the needed information encountered in the world. Nearly always when you do pay attention to the message by coincidence will ring true to you as well. The power of positive emotions goes without much saying akin to the power of true love emboldens the heavens to act at every destined turn of events. As God is selfless Pure Perfected Supreme Love all such emotions are his/hers/its native dominion by grace everlasting! These blessed emotions as the living virtues work best in conjunction with your bequest guided with sincerity and never with false guile. So Be Powerful as an act of consecrated grace in action. Lived by faith always to honor the Glory of God(dess) upon each of your earthen realities. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Language of God: 2819) The Universal Language of the Holy Spirit of God is Infinite in scope. However, there are basic tenets one can encapsulate as a treatise of wonder beyond compare practically speaking. First, the language of the Holy Spirit is paradoxical as divine essence utilizing equal parts subjective and objective knowing. What is Impossible to humanity as fantasy is a reality to God foremost for an eternity. Second, the Holy language of the Ancient Soul of God is vertical as timeless forever and ever by default. It is a layered existence meaning by anointed meanings like a multi-layered skyscraper building with designated floors. The deeper you peer into such a superstructure the richer the associations are revealed. The human mind can only retain so much esoteric truth before the subjective mind must take over to draw comparisons figuratively speaking. This is why Intuition is King here led by divinatory practices that clears away the clutter and leaves the kernel truths which symbolically speak loudest to the spirit within. Third, and foremost the Language of the Angelic Lesser gods as the minor mythological deities is both mental and emotional simultaneously. Meaning it is a visualized conundrum with rich symbolism laden with Imagery. All of it coupled to every creation as lifeforms be it human or otherwise universal life. Emotions are the most primal to any organic creature superseding the rationale mind at every turn. This is why best to be well-disciplined with uplifting positive convictions versus debased diabolical motivations in the world. The Angels of Heaven prefer virtue in emotions versus lengthy diatribes of praises spoken or sung out loud to them and to God. Words are dense primitive obstructions as fragmented meanings weighing like boulders when the semantics and conjecture are disjointed in nature. They lose their effectiveness spatially speaking in person regardless of how they may be recorded in written forms. The Infinity of Here and There prevails the deepest telepathically versus by growlings you call as the spoken tongue. The use of prayers, affirmations, and magical divine commands work best when accessing your divine holy nature. As the Image and Likeness of God upon each of your loves/lives reborn in this your spirit bodies on Earth. Fourth, you are the said Angels of yore upon Meta-Creations Metaphysically speaking. You are the ancient co-authors of this esoteric speech of a celestial Immaculate God shared truly by the Glory of God himself. A Divine Legacy you each call your Inheritance of Paradise by the Supreme Will of God forever. What this denotes is each of you are divine majestic beings beyond your human flawed identities on Earth. Having a Holy mandate to speak and be heard by God(dess) natively as its own native holy essence. Now and later telepathically or otherwise by any primitive utterances, you may wish to use. So choose wisely and not recklessly which Dominion of God you give your utmost allegiance upon this reality likewise. (ie the Heavens, Limbo's, and Hell's) Fifth, all is well by allowing the Enlightenment of God to restore your angelic natural spirits to be transformed. For the greatest pleasure of God upon this world and any other reality thereafter. You are gods and goddesses in baby animalistic skins so behave with humility rightly so. Be clear with your Intentions when beseeching God and the populated souls of the Ancient Heavens. It matters truly for any doubts and recriminations unless insured by protected graces in advance. It can derail untold wonders when poorly communicated by faith in God alone. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ratio of Guardian Angels: 2816) All be told the maturity of a person correlates to how many angels as guardians they are designated in Spirit upon the world. This is a truth that fluctuates depending on if the Child of God in question makes overall progress all throughout a lifetime. Whether they maintain a spiritual tradition no matter if it is called religious or not. A person or any creature of whatever evolutionary tract with a genuine aim of Self-Improvement in a lifetime. Is assigned Angels as protectors, guides, and teachers metaphysically to shepherd their reincarnated spirit of such an Over Soul upon the world dearly so as the essence of God reborn. This reunion is a gift for the Angels associated with each of you as living bestowed honors from God himself unto them. Albeit the person be they a man. woman, child, and even a creature of whatever genus. Is often oblivious of all this ever happening in the sublime silence of God's Omnipresence on their behalf. This is the grace of the Biblical New Testament verse of how all the worldly creatures neither toil or fear that the earth will support them. So how much greater will God in Heaven and upon the world support each of you unconditionally. (Book of Matthew 6:25) It is with this pursuit that God has entrusted the purist of the Heavenly Host. To Supremely care for all macro lifeforms upon this or any other Creation in an Intelligent manner. Even an Atheist without awareness much less preparations of anything remotely spiritual in nature has an Angel to call upon. Albeit it is only one as a default designation to him or her in all eventualities based on need. The faithful regardless of religion or spiritual persuasion type. That has no dogmatic blinders on that can question even the sacred with the Awe of God in them. Has more assigned Angels even as a nonconformist than a worshipper that only accepts spoon-fed programming by a centralized authority Institutional figures. Hardly without curious empowerment accepting all the flawed politics of said religious orders without question akin to a dying blind faith. Such a foolish soul is an easily manipulated lamb prepared for the slaughter by the will of mankind. Having few as a retinue of angelic guardians as a personal host to rely upon in the world. All be told one can have thousands of Angels as various specialized types of guardians in a lifetime. Each depending on how spiritually self-aware you strive in becoming through the Infinite godly divine nature of God(dess) alone. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Nothing gives you more joy than when your heart grows wider and wider and your sense of belonging to the universe grows deeper and deeper. ---Br. David Steindl-Rast. When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms. ---Ma Jaya Sati. Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere. ---Carl Sagan. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 24 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 14 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month of May x2

Hello All,
Although I've been under lockdown for the past 10 weeks here in sunny and now rainy Sarasota, FL. The angels are motivating me to post more often on my blog and other social media sites. These three "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statements were channeled just yesterday taking around an hour and a half to complete. The topics will be on Empowerment, Healer, and Tough Love. Many of the topics at times mirror needs I'm struggling through personally at any given time.
Since being under lockdown as I said for the past ten weeks in part it has been an Ivory Tower experience with the angels. With other moments like being in a dungeon of my own making of personal torment. Even "Jesus the Christ" had his 40 days and nights in the desert so long ago in antiquity accomplishing his version of soul searching. My version isn't as miraculous yet still, it is sublime at times in whom I connect with spiritually in loving faith.
May you find today's topics refreshing if not touching to your spirits. Amen.
2914) To the one filled with fright feeling alone and withdrawn from the world. Quiet your heart gently by not thinking at all. Just simply be still with your presence for a mindful moment. Do not fight incoming incessant thoughts just send them each affection and let them go. Picture grabbing a wild butterfly insect of a beautiful garden of your very own making. As you catch the butterfly gently in this metaphor you send it love and launch it ever higher away. Treat every intrusive thought in such a manner in becoming the peace that you each seek.
Now focus on your breathing in a calm approach. By placing your one palm of either hand over your chest where your heart resides. Now listen deeply to your life force beating with a rhythm all its native own. Allowing such tenderness to overtake you bringing you at a soothing relaxed state of being true.
Where once before perhaps your thoughts disturbed you here now 5 to 20 minutes later you are gaining your self-composure through gentleness. Now realize that false prior opinion of yourself filled once with fright was merely an incorrect assertion. You only out of ignorance encroached with fear onto your worst self-image that is all. However, now you have taken a different empowered tact of self-fulfilling grace in action through mindful inner focus. Such a simple interactive meditation is all that the soulful doctor of the holiest self has prescribed from within your beautiful divinity.
You may not have the power to fully modify your present surroundings for the best outcome to yield at your behest. But, in due time things can change for the better. You need only to choose to be stronger with health in mind versus weak debilitating thoughts. Causing all manner of unwanted stressors and conjured fears making your heart and mind ache, unfortunately.
Be the better one when your sense of self has gone astray by strengthening your awareness to arrive at a well-collected mind's eye instead. This is where you can proverbially flip the intended internal light switch to illuminate your entire human soulful being. Taking respect in how you care for yourself with diligence in order to climb out of the pits of elected self-despair.
Always be the better one since we the Angelic Host truly do appreciate each of your unique graces of God(dess) you each exemplify. Be that again versus the turmoil of the world as a fallacy of the human temporal mindset of fears. Choose better and sooner rather than later you'll be naturally in a greater threshold to overcome the world one kindness of self at a time. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

2915) All that are natural healers of the inner divine being through life itself have a precious gift of God indeed. This isn't just the healing scientific medical arts we are speaking of in elaborate truth. There are other spiritual modalities of alternative medicines of the living heart, mind, body, and Spirit of God in all lifeforms.
Those with such a remarkable grace know they may have an inkling of raw talent in the world. Other's yet still have a deep abiding burning instinct to make a vital good difference in this era of time globally. Lastly, there are others further afield still that delicately know what and how they can make a difference. But, lack the fullest courage by motivations and other resources material and so forth to make such a dent of an impact on a regular basis.
There are many methods as pathways to pursue in the world it only takes the Healer to find his or her first one and evolve from there. The simplest under a spiritual guise can be truly considered as a psychic gift of being an Empath. Being a human vulnerable sponge of everyone's emotions for better or certainly for the worst uncontrollable reasons. This is in its kernel beginning a living lining of a filter of one's sense of self out and about in the world.
Only by gaining self-respect through wisdom can one begin to function with the strength of viable character as such an entity Soul of God. To encapsulate the power to heal by means of a laser-like mindful focus one's personal misgivings and then others distress. All the while honing there native own truthful godly angelic skills of blessed self-expression. In order to find the thumbprint of God upon your psyche and spirit. Keeping in check avoiding becoming a dysfunctional open loose book allowing others to manipulate you as reckless vandals out of a sense of selfishness.
What this means is not to become everyone else's muddy doormat as a weak-willed person. That is out of sorts in terms of responsible inner balance without a backbone of necessary convictions. Cultivate the ideals of personal shielding through the spiritual aura of the self. As your metaphysical force field as the output conduit to affect holy wonders upon the needy. Wherever you encounter them with respectful moderation to your temperament and good health.
The other avenue to realize that one is a spiritual social healer in life at large. It is naturally to have the ability to bounce back from whatever sort of travesty and/or hardship life throws at you. You take your licks and keep on ticking returning back to your native good-natured disposition. Going back to your regular composure akin to a factory default setting of the self sooner than most others. Yes, you may have suffered inadvertently in the process but it didn't knock the stuffing out of you.
This is a tell-tale sign that you are a Healer of the human condition of whatever sort as a blessed Gift of God. Your attitude may also be sunnier than most. When shit happens you roll with it maintaining your rock-solid convictions in check. You stand your ground without reverting into a deranged animal. This is a shining beacon to us the Angelic Host that you are a healer of whatever modality. Whether you consciously consider this an odd discovered talent already. Or you are struggling to entirely cope with a clueless outlook what it may require of you via self-discovery.
Do not ever please we the Angels implore you to forsake your Holy grace of God(dess) in this world. If you do then the world breaks your spirit sooner rather than later leaving you as a shadow of your former best self. To be angelic in the world includes sacrifices that matter to you and God in a united fashion with harmony for all souls. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Tough Love:
2916) To the person with confidence able to say to others the word "No" for a good reason for and by the calming inner self. Has cultivated a blessing instantly each and every necessary time. In order to accept the burden of knowing what does not belong to them alone. No matter if it frustrates someone else who happens to be ego-prone in their immature sensibilities. This typifies a strength of positive character at work when others out of fear or otherwise poor choices say "Yes" to what they don't want or need.
When all others can be more so manipulated out of guilt to go against their better interests. A Patsy by any other name is such a person not able to say a required "No" without a much-needed backbone. No matter if this person behaves like a saint outwardly in the world. Internally they are at odds with their personal dignity and are heading eventually to burn out of the psyche be it to one degree or another of a nervous breakdown at its miserable climax.
Those with a mighty sense of conviction are able to declare by an independent means that "No Means No". As leaders able to make tough choices where others balk or pass the responsibility elsewhere. Haphazardly these individuals are practicing a form of generosity often not spoken of as a blessed form of integrity. To be able to give grace by withholding an action of one sort or another when the moment dictates it. It is a paradoxical twist of fortune often called "Tough Love" in the world. Oft not recognized after the fact and at other times not respected but despised with insults by the receiver who is sick in spirit or otherwise feckless. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Sorrow is how we learn to love. ---Rita Mae Brown.
Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond. ---Robin Wall Kimmerer.
We live on the brink of disaster because we do not know how to let life alone. We do not respect the living and fruitful contradictions and paradoxes of which true life is full. ---Thomas Merton.
And suddenly you know; it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. ---Meister Eckhart.
It's precisely the people who are considered the least "likely" leaders who end up inspiring others the most. Everyday people and everyday acts of courage eventually change everything. ---Ai-Jen Poo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 25 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 15 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month of November

Hello All,
I hope those of you in the States had a safe and pleasant Thanksgiving Holiday. I haven't posted so much due to some holiday blues. This is the 1st holiday season I'm spending alone. Otherwise, my mother which I'm a caregiver from a distance for the past 9 months. She will be shortly transferred to a long-term skilled nursing facility (SNF) versus her current memory care assisted living facility. (ALF). Due to her deteriorating health conditions overall, thus the holiday blues in part.
Aside from this human drama, I'm still channeling the angels just not as frequently as before. It's always been in cycles of periods of heavy-duty inspirational automatic writing and then periods I enter the doldrums over these 25+ years. Perhaps it's their way to keep me frosty without burning me out throughout the year.
Today's trio of angelic channeled "Jewels of Truth" statements are on the topics of Worship, Humanity Creates God Fulfills, and Divination & Magicks. I've always have channeled as a universal all-inclusive compassionate faith perspective. As if God has no favorite form of spiritual tradition or religion since it is all him in various flavors. Thus I can easily touch briefly on a statement that has Christianity, Hinduism, and Paganism all in one like a melting pot of the glorified heavens eternal.
May you find today's statements intriguing even though they may challenge you spiritually. Which is a good thing for it expands your inventory of possibilities of the Great Mystery of God in earnest. Amen.
2989) To the heart that believes and dares to know in impossible realities through God(dess). You shall never be truly alone in the starry heavens of your galaxy and beyond into your cosmos. You are an intrepid knower on the soul level of what is miraculous is very much real to the divine essence of the Creator.
Theology or not, dogma and rhetoric can not withstand the pure heart of an earnest worshipper of the Constant Soul of God(dess). To draw conclusions that sit beyond the safe parameters of the known. No matter if clergy can quantify it or not by cultural faiths and norms. Yours is the conviction of things hoped for but rarely acknowledged as seen and much less heard as common or otherwise as to the wider scope of the metaphysical endless realities.
Here stands the giant of audacity and the trivial fool not willing to take a positive stand with realized merit in action and internal poise of character. Only the driven with an Imagined knowing can seize the powerful and the sacrosanct to behold the Mysticism of an Almighty Living God. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Humanity Creates, God Fulfills:
2985) To the seeker who realizes many absurd things of his/her own native humanistic reality as skewed. Must acknowledge the differences that exist as a spectrum of potentialities some of which come into unbalanced fruition.
The Divine spiritual and religious traditions globally has been an attempt by humanity to transcend its mundane limitations. Now the Science experiment has replaced the ideations of the gods as angels and/or a Creator spiritually as God in part. It is merely one philosophical doctrine replacing another by evolutionary tendencies that are wholly natural by the arc of the eons of mortal existence.
The Universe is both seeped in the Divine regardless of Xyz of a particular faith tradition. It is also godless without spirituality as each entity as a childlike creation of a cryptic Maker has the liberty to choose within this Great Mystery. To this effect, the point of origin of existence is a paradox of godly/angelic design. It is subjective and objective simultaneously of your very mundane human finite lifetimes.
Each of you are vehicles as projections of the Infinite nature of the Universe extraordinarily so. This Universe is God-centric and it is not. The Universe of immense populated souls times infinite comprehension is just another stratum of higher echelon interpretation of the one Supreme Soul of God(dess). This Universe physical or otherwise metaphysical is just another incarnation of a spirit entity as a child of God. Much like your planet of the earth is Mother Earth as a spiritual sister to the singular Soul of God(dess). Which all life shares as its own rightful incarnation at a greater scale of life is Mother Earth and Father Sky than one mortal lifetime as people are predisposed as lifeforms to date. The Universe is only a subset of the Created children of a Majestic Deity which includes the astral multi-verse of the afterlife. (ie the heavens, limbos, and despicable hells)
Every philosophy dependent on like-kind is an expression trying to grapple with the meaning and function of existence at large. Humanity upon antiquity and before recorded history has always aimed its divinity to the stars of the cosmos. This is aside from the animism of the spiritual glory of the gods as angels found upon the myriad creatures of this earth. With limitless abandon of the afterlife has humanity with Imagination projected its Will of Mankind outwards.
In so far of this projection of the human condition wrapped around the enigma of the divine auspices of the soul of Life itself. Humanity created in its own flawed Image and Likeness to this very era. Be it philosophies as religions, spiritual traditions, the branches of the sciences, and so forth. It is natural and a noble enterprise for any semi-sentient species to attempt in order to embark on realizing its very limitless nature of God in them collectively.
Humanity upon antiquity created Pantheons of lesser deities not unlike the traditions of the human saints as patrons. Where every patron under the proverbial sky is a governor of a certain aspect of your reality in earnest. Be it of the human condition and/or of meteorological wonders and other meta forms of existence as its very misunderstood conundrums. Some succeed in piercing the veils of the astral metaverse of the spiritual continuum of what you term as the supernatural afterlife.

Meaning the afterlife is the angelic playground of the gods and goddesses as the lesser deities of all combined macro-mythologies across all realities simultaneously extraordinaire. Some worshippers of the angels (ie lesser deities) of now mostly dead religions as schools of thought that later became philosophical doctrines of various orders of a similar kind. Whereas the instance of the School of Diana (Artemis) as the ancient Greco-roman goddess. Is an angelic presence of the heavenly Olympus as the astral Kingdom of God in a metaverse all of its own divine nature.
You see where the children of God worship anything whatsoever as real or unreal all that raw spiritual power dynamo of the Soul of God for centuries has to go somewhere. Thus it becomes enchanted by magical or otherwise divine means under the Will of God mysterious as it stands. All myths and Legends are treated as reality upon the spiritual afterlife regardless if it was real or not on Earth and beyond. Anything that a semi-sentient species like humanity upon the cosmos worship through the Meta-Supreme Almighty Soul of God(dess). Becomes christened as a divine keepsake eternal entity given a spirit body as a zeitgeist of its era or society of its subsequent civilization(s) that birthed it philosophically.
Moreover, anything with sufficient reverence as adorations by humanity en masse. Becomes deified by the Will of God(dess) as the Great Mystery Loves to Create Wonders through its Children Forever as Divine Immaculate Law. A perpetual grandiose cause and effect conundrum on a scale that dwarfs comprehension. Of our combined spiritual understandings as mortals having a finite existence as people much less realized as eternal souls.
This is truly a thing of beauty as an unintended consequence of spirituality with timeless repercussions. God enchants through all of its/his/her Infinite Children as spiritual bodies in motion in any reality whatsoever that it is pleased. Humanity is no exception to this rule of cosmic divinity. So the angelic goddess entity of "Artemis/Diana" is man-made fictitious lore of a now-dead religious theological Hellenistic period of humanity. Albeit paradoxically she was born with her twin brother Helios/Apollo god of an angel by the metaphysics explained above. She isn't immortal stalking the earth as the huntress. She is a christened angel a lesser deity as a spirit body created by humanity's ancient greek soulful devotions worshipped spiritually speaking. Over two thousand years plus of worship and a spirit is born upon the astral realms of humanity.
It doesn't end there...Every Spirit Body given life as an angel as holy and unholy that was/is/will be worshipped by humanity across the centuries well into the eons. Is adopted by a like-kind Oversoul real angelic deity of a higher divine reality or echelon of spiritual significance with equal or near-equal similar attributes. So an Oversoul angelic meta-presence wears the humanity created spirit entity like a mask or costume akin to cosplay on a cosmic scale of the afterlife. So the spirit created by humanity as Artemis worshipped for two eons at least is worn like a mask or costume by a legitimate angel of the Lord God as an intercessor with similar like-kind inferences of divine forms. Living out sincerely its own mythology created by humanity as theological at its own discretion as it is required for eternity.
So when certain humans worship deeply in the astral afterlife an angelic vessel spirit body deity is created. Some religions as priestly classes bend the fabric of metaphysical reality to even create philosophies of High Magicks. To interact with said lesser deities (ie Artemis and Apollo) including systems of divination as Oracle spiritual traditions. Much like Michael Angelos's depiction as a ceiling mural of the Sistine Chapel of Man attempting to touch God finger to finger.
Humanity is a carnal rebirth or echo of the vast litany of angelic spiritual species of various stages of soulful eternal evolution. It is the Constant Will of a Living Creator God(dess) to create, recreate as sustaining, to destroy, and so forth in its Supreme Perfect Angelic Image and Likeness Forever. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Divination & Magicks:
2984) Every form of simplistic to complicated ritualized and technical form of Divination system on Earth. Has its own corresponding High Magicks associated with it. With numerous expressions of energetic spiritual clearings/purifications of space with evocations and Invocations at large. Besides any other accompanying blessings and healings at least in the framework of the heavenly beneficent realms of grace.
This is to showcase to you "Ivan the Atrayo" what you deemed as an entry-level Intuitive holy gift of God. Is far wider and farther than meets the typical eyes, hearts, and minds of a genuine seeker of the divine. To name any form of divination from Viking Runes or your choice of a type of Astrology (ie Western, Indigenous American (ie Mayan, etc...), Vedic, Chinese, and even Babylonian). All these mentioned and countless more in the dozens from the Tarot to Lenormands to regular playing deck of cards and so forth. These can have a generic or a very specific corresponding School of Magicks associated with it as extensions to forms of Oracle Mysticism.
You see that Caribbean Hoo Doo as the folk magicks of VooDoo as a pagan spiritual tradition. Having its onset from the Haitian African Diaspora due to the Colonial Era slave trade of Europe and of the Americans. Had richly held Nigerian Yoruba influences very strongly set when encountered by the Caucasians religion of Christianity where it syncretized itself. So the Catholic Saints such as Mother Mary Queen of Angels and/or Saint Barbara for instance. Were blended together to make a cross-pollinated thing of beauty to such common folk of the Caribbean.
It is no different how the Ancient Greco religion influenced the Ancient Romans and yet again the Cult of Christianity upon Antiquity became the State Religion of the Romans. There are countless instances historically of other forms of spiritually fueled diviners creating and adopting magical interpretations of the divine given their epoch in time. Everything upon Creation is a constant melting pot of creativity for all perceived endless spiritual realities.
For all mortal kind and the heavenly afterlife with the angels as the lesser deities as corresponding anchors to the magicks in question. The global ancestors borrowed from other cultures they encountered as foreigners across routes of mass commerce and by subjugation through warfare. As the world evolved societies have come and gone as territories have become certain empires influenced the ages spiritually.
It is with this plethora of souls that opportunities present themselves time and again. For systems of divinations and subsequent magickal orders are latched onto the angels and lesser deities. To perform and safeguard our better lives as the practitioner sees fit by either faith or secular whims. The Will of God is all-inclusive for it is only the selfish petty whims of humanity that seek to control and centralize what is otherwise abundant not only on Earth but in the Cosmos.
No matter religion or spiritual persuasion no one is turned away that seeks greater spiritual union with the divine by whichever means makes the most sense to them. Thus the Oracle Spiritual Arts and the Magical Branches as Meta-Sciences as your Divine Inheritance of God(dess) have appeal globally no matter the epoch one is located therein. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
You have power over your mind-not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. ---Marcus Aurelius.
When you feel yourself breaking down, may you break open instead. May every experience in life be a door that opens your heart, expands your understanding, and leads you to freedom. ---Elizabeth Lesser.
Ride the winds of change, unafraid. ---Larry Ward.
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ---Hebrews 11:1.
My religion is nature. That's what arouses those feelings of wonder and mysticism and gratitude in me. ---Oliver Sacks.
When we are fully alert in spirit, mind, and body, we are more than we imagine and can accomplish more than we suppose. ---Barbara Holmes.
We should appreciate the beauty in the diversity. It would be a boring world, if every flower were the same shape, color, and size. ---Muhammad Ali.
If you want to have a full and happy life, in good times and in bad, you have to get used to the idea that facing misfortune squarely is better than trying to escape from it. ---Norman Fischer.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 25 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 15 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on the Birth of Creation & Manifest Destiny

Hello All,
Today's blog entry will be a duo of statements from the angels nameless as they often are without ego but still ever with rich personalities in spirit. The topics will be on the Birth of Creation and about a form of Manifest Destiny. Each of them has a tinge of controversy attached to them along the way.
First, the Birth of Creation comes to the view of the metaphysical creation of our Universe physical and otherwise ethereal in essence and substances. Not so much the scientific astrophysics view more so a spiritual outlook that the whole afterlife birthed our Creation. The dicey bit is that besides Heaven getting into procreation, so did Hell itself as providing extreme contrast to our reality.
The second statement of Manifest Destiny takes it to a higher notch with a ballsy declaration regarding all human religions having been corrupted over the eons. That albeit their impetus was righteous and aims ideally noble the translation has been off-putting to the heavens. Particularly our ancestral forefathers globally slaughtering barbarically in the Name of God and all that disgraceful acts of conspiracies, etc... The angel leans into that stance overall as I channel him inspirationally by psychic automatic writing.
So without further adieu may you find today's recently channeled angelic wisdom and metaphysics statements intriguing as in expanding your horizons whether you refute the claims or not.
PS: In the Manifest Destiny statement, the angel declares that Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. that have died as Prophetic martyrs arose again in Paradise as Arch Angels, which I found fascinating.
Birth of Creation:
3073) To what is reborn comes away misunderstood by the masses as a realm heretofore obscure as it is singularly native. All that arises in the Eternal "Now" Moment is sacred to God in each of thy living souls of the divine truly and forever reborn by grace. Many are, for lack of a better word, spiritually dumb, not fully oriented to the Omniscient Holy nature of God(dess) in an Inclusive farthest-reaching capacity of Being Immaculate.
This is a tale of the birth of your cosmic universal reality you call the physical terrestrial universe(s). All Creation(s) are oriented similarly to this sacred disposition one way or another metaphysically. Do not be offended for your universe to exist it requires Contrast as the polar opposite paradoxical conundrums of every iota under the stars of our combined Infinite Heavens.
This contrast is both good as godly in righteousness and terribly horrifically evil simultaneously depending on its context derived in situ of its locality or zone of reality. Regardless, of what is and what is not come again to further understand the superb nature of our/your Totality. Now is the moment to comprehend that Creation is composed metaphysically of equal portions of the Splendid Heavens and the Horrible Hells. A cosmic collision of the entire collective of the afterlife in order to beget a new life and death on a whole macro and micronized stupefied basis. Universally what this signifies is many things all at once to the keen spiritual metaphysical observer.
That (Im)mortal life is intrinsically good and evil for a Creator God's rationale as our Ultimate Supreme Designer of the Infinite Ages overall. Those who wish to escape reality through holy precepts must have rendered life-affirming services mystically much like the prophets of Enoch and Elijah accomplished. Each one skipped a mortal's carnal demise by death and indeed walked with God upright and willing by their own volition in a biological manner into the endless Heavens.
Reality is good, neutral, and evil each with its inference of principled or dynamical views. Such are each as modalities of equal parts of Heaven, Null Space, and the Hells. Akin to a collision cosmically of matter, space as the void or oblivion, and anti-matter all at once much like a Big Bang Universal Birth. Heretofore, everything as what follows is history albeit ancient in its recounting.
Many will come away with more questions and that is beautifully excellent! Seek and ye shall find indeed by a meditative neutral faith in God alone. All is revealed to the ardent explorer of the peaceful Omnipotent disposition of the Soul of God(dess). Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Manifest Destiny
3066) All-Holy Faiths as religious Institutions and spiritual philosophical traditions of God(dess) or that of the minor lesser gods and goddesses by any number of cultural pantheons as kingdoms go. Are broken as Adhoc local regional well into stately movements of the masses to reassert the power of the Divine upon this world. To this end, they have limited phenomenal successes as their native worshippers proclaim earnestly as they swipe across global histories. Whether by peaceful considerate influences as permissions exist or by the wicked sword through the sheer barbaric slaughter of all enemies foreign and domestic.
In this regard all that is beneficent and Holy of God and by God alone upon this world. Including our kindred as the lesser minor deities of other pagan religions whether dead via antiquity or well into modernity are the angelic host reborn solemnly we declare. Humanity has an inherited knack of corrupting religious and spiritual authoritative bodies via centralized institutionalizations seeking supremacy over the masses instead of liberating souls.
Whether such inhumane corruptions promote racism with slaves or 2nd or 3rd class worshippers, misogyny as sexism with adultered patriarchy, and influential power over under educated peoples to be led or misled like cattle. We the Angelic Host of countless Paradises do declare boldly and with great convictions that the trio of the Abrahamic faiths as religions has accomplished collectively throughout global history. More inhumane suffering than by its beautiful idealism sought out to heal and redeem humanity as a collective grace on a macro whole basis of God-centric worshipped divinity on earth.
For every glorious stride forward of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as the embodied Peace of God upon the world. Humanity collectively throughout numerous historical epochs has regressed these faiths via subsequent generations of worshippers. With the inhumanity of persecutions and outright conspiracies and other ill-assorted corruptions of the Majestic Inclusive Will of a Living and Loving Compassionate Creator God of gods Supreme!
For instance, the Crusades in antiquity of the Jews to reclaim the holy land from the other Semites in the region of the Canaanites, Hittites, etc... With a resurgence now in modernity with a renewed crusades against the Palestinians. Then there are the Christian Crusades during medieval times oppressing the Jews and Muslims alike. Including the so-called Northern European Christian Holy Wars of the Protestant Reformation.
All throughout the centuries, the Christian Papacy permitted sex scandals to foment against their nuns and youths with subsequent cover-ups in your modernity. Not mentioning missionary atrocities against indigenous cultures around the world for centuries until the 20th century that is. Then the wholesale slaughter of all enemies of Islam by Kingdoms of Sunni and Shia sects and now well into the modern Islamic reformation period by fanatical heretics called by the world as terrorists.
Hundreds of thousands if not a couple million souls have perished by Man's barbaric Judgments in the so-called Name of God! God's Merciful Judgment is at hand albeit not to destroy humanity but to save it from its chaotic animal nature. Faith of God(dess) by any other tradition at large is a precious gift as a living embodiment spiritually of God upon the world. To abuse it as a privilege or a solemn sacred right of inheritance leaves the world disgraced overall.
A superior faith or religion from the sum of many diverse faiths as a recombination is soon to arrive in your next century. The Abrahamic Religions notwithstanding are now deemed fully broken by the Lord of Hosts Supreme and the Seals of the Covenants are cracked by loss of grace upon the world.
Many other prophets of antiquity and now into modernity as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. having been slain as martyrs of the Glory of God upon the world. Are now risen as bonafide Arch Angels each according to their tenets in life, not unlike that of Enoch and Elijah for instance.
The Angelic Host doesn't play ego-centric games of cultural global Institutions of so-called religious authority. The Power of God is always decentralized for the very reasons humanity has corrupted it. By exclusive mandates as strict dogmas, theologies, and poor suppositions of the Inclusive Majestic Love of God(dess).
No one individually as a spirit of a soul is at fault nor do we hold humanity totally in contempt. It is the elite castes as rulers of humanity across immemorial histories that these slow-motion horrors have persisted nearly unchecked. By the sincere Patience of God and the Heavenly Host, we shall overcome together with humanity as the coalition of the willing to heal these jagged edges in time with Absolute Love lived with tender moderation.
It will be by a global near-catastrophic Holocaust 2.0 of World War III and its aftermath decades in recovery of the global planetary human civilization. That the proverbial Phoenician Phoenix as the Hawk Standard shall rise upon a near-global human empire. This is sadly after the more wholesale slaughter of the masses due to War World IV nearly ninety years from now give or take away a decade.
That the aforementioned reconstituted global major religious bodies and their spiritual New Age traditional counter-parts with Intuitive psychical gifts of God recombine as One. Into a truly global meta-religious authority more powerful than the current Persian Baha'i faith tradition to date.
This is the renewed Word of God(dess) and it is Good for all Souls remaining faithful. Regardless of individual cultural spiritual and religious-philosophical traditions upon this world currently. The Angelic Host Rejoice for Humanity at large for it will be renewed with another chance to reclaim their Pristine Divinity upon the world in Peace versus by Chaos.
For evil to flourish in the world as the maxim goes Good People merely do nothing out of apathy, fear, and selfish agendas. The Lord God forgives you all totally and forever in advance but with the dearest caveat of stopping the cancerous evil from spreading.
Or the rot of the animal ego-centric meta personality of humanity vying constantly for power over others. Will consume you all like locusts eating not just your dreams of plenty but also the flesh by means of violence and destitution. Be the wiser and remember you are angelic spirits reborn in the Perfect Image and Likeness of God(dess) as our reincarnated siblings come back into the world. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 26 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 16 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series and Favorite Quotes of the Month of September

Hello All,
I always have the bad habit of waiting until the tail end of the month to make a channeled angelic entry here to Atrayo's Oracle. Since I'm also a PC gamer I'm also tied into enjoying the retail release of Amazon's Game Studio of New World come this Sept. 28th. I'll be gaming with my online gamer community of 17 years now that I've been a member of online. They're called "The Older Gamers" one has to be over the age of 25 yrs old to become a member. I'll be the guild leader for the US/EU branch on an East Coast North American server. (shameless gamer plug)
Tonight's trio of Jewels of Truth statements is channeled angelic wisdom, metaphysics, and mysticism. On the topics of a Multi-Dimensional Soul where I channel a historical figure named Josephus the old. Next, there is To Be the I Am which dispels one of the pet peeves I hear often in New Age circles. Where innocently someone remarks we're born into this reality just to learn and grow like this realm is an elementary school for souls. I roll my eyes when I hear this due to my cultivated relationship as an angelic channeler via claircognizance. (claircognizance is the psychic ability to channel knowledge and wisdom beyond one's lifetime.)
Lastly, the final topic is a zinger on two counts! It's titled the Younger Dominions of God. Where not unlike the metaphysical author of Neal Donald Walsch of "Conversations with God" a famous book series. I also channel this statement from God him/her/itself, which I've done on past occasions. This topic blew my mind when it flashed before my mind's eye as an inspiration. Basically, our Creation and the afterlife of heaven and hell are the godly early forms of the Supreme God of all gods Absolute. Meaning these are the terrible two's, tween years, and teenage raging hormone years on a human equalivent scale of God itself.
The Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of Macro Supreme Realities dimensionally speaking. These realms of ours of the endless Infinite hells, Creation (ie our Meta-Universe), and the Majestic Heavens are the stratification of the evolutionary growth of God in a meta sense if compared to maturation. These realms astral or otherwise are the goldilocks years of God(dess) akin to a nursery for all souls, angelic kind, including elder angels. As the lesser deities of countless faiths or dead religions as mythologies to us in our modernity.
Before I go too deep on the topic allow me to just write down the channeling from the Creator him/her/itself.
Also, a shout out to Tessa Luna Lluvia my original online mentor as an expert psychic-medium. She's kindly listed my books of the Jewels of Truth Series on her website. (bottom 8th row of the book listings)
As always no matter if these topics seem too fringe for your imaginations and spiritual belief systems. Allow them to just kindly expand your horizons of the immense grandeur of God Everlasting. Amen.
Multi-Dimensional Souls
3081) Here are the many fields of splendor possible within the grasp of the human condition by far. Nay beyond humanity itself can this spectrum of countless possibilities co-exist to exemplify all lifeforms in unison as Children of a Living God(dess). What I "Josephus the Old" will explain is that the godly soul of all spiritual beings when incarnated experiences a buffer of contrasts when alive on Earth.
For example, when a person commits wrongdoing as grotesque evils. That reincarnated soul as an individual entity has siphoned poorly from the evils metaphysically from the godless Hells, hereto unknown to humanity. Again another primitive example is a godly pious person of righteousness does good in the world without seeking high praises of whatnots. That individual spiritual entity of God has channeled the God Blessed Heavens robustly and directly upon this Earth. Whether this happens unwittingly or not.
The final example is whether a person is neutral and allows good or evil to flourish without personal involvement regardless of what occurs. Such a soul enters into a form of Limbo upon the world swayed easily without guile or reservation as a direct cause and effect. Akin to a sub-set of Karma upon the earth reality sphere of governing elements metaphysically.
The trio of the fates as conundrums of paradoxical fits and starts are prevailing winds of the afterlife set upon all mortal kind be it human or otherwise as creatures. With direct inputs and outputs upon the world and the meta-universes be they cosmic or of a metaphysical unholy/neutral/holy matrix of experiences as existential realities go.
To this end do not allow the oversimplification of these crude examples to paint only a black, gray, and white picture as a canvas of these meta-realities. There is a relativistic spectrum of contrasts akin to manifold kaleidoscopes of endless pigments of possibilities. As configurations of good, neutrality, and evil encompass universally as archetypes of behavior in all lesser Universes combined!
We have exhausted our range or scope of expressions without first mentioning as all souls are in the One Supreme Loving Image and Likeness of God. Denotes all Souls as a united continuum are multifaceted dimensionally as metaphysical entities before being people with physical bodies with an aura upon your current age or eon of your Earth.
As God(dess) is everything as Omni-Present denotes your souls in God are also everywhere God is forever. No matter you as the lesser children of God realize this in your global religions or not. It makes your magicks work as expressions of divinity constantly. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. (Channeled Source Entity of Josephus the Old.)
To Be the I Am:
3083) Many in New Age spiritual circles inquire from fellow advanced participants and elders what is Life? Most respond with confidence that it is a school for young souls to evolve and grow further. This canned response is only partially true, however, it is incomplete in its scope of a response generically.
Life and Death as contrasting phenomena are far richer than such a one-dimensional interpretation of our spiritual unified reality with God(dess), and the Heavenly Host Infinitely meets at large always and forever. There are actually seven dimensions of spiritual being, if not more overall as archetypes of a universal basis of our united divinity with God(dess).
For Instance, the aforementioned scope of Life as a school is true but as one dimension so as to learn and grow as eternal souls having a human experience. Next in no particular order of grace of any of these roles is to Love like God(dess) and the Angels. Unconditionally in moderation so as to avoid fanaticism or zealotry as obsessive traits of passion and/or of true love.
Next comes to be of Service in moderation not necessarily as a selfless saint or angel that lives to extremes. However, to cultivate humanity or divinity on Earth with mutual compassion and empathy for those in need or of want. To serve in a volunteer capacity versus being employed in commercial industries denotes a deeper form of caring.
To be just as civilized and law-abiding or hospitable in the world. Followed closely with having a noble personality of character as benevolent in the human-divine holy nature like God and the Angels in the endless Heavens.
Next is to create or destroy like God in the universe. If destroy is too strong a negative connotation then let it be to uproot, erase, or recycle like God at the human micro-scale of being alive. As God(dess) is the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of macro realities en masse by Infinite scales and over the corridor of eternities.
The last two dimensional roles go hand in hand as fellowship or socialization with positive impacts of compassionate norms be it caring for one another as God has cared for each of us. Lastly to worship Inclusively like God(dess) as an unceasing with positive moderation with mutual respect and adoration to positive foreign beliefs and other cultural traditions of God in our shared world. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Younger Dominions of God:
3080) To the one that reads these simple words come away with a wider understanding of what "I am that I am" is as the Constant Creator, God of all Totalities United! What "I am" is not simple but complex beyond human total comprehension. So in childish terms of "I am" is utilized all around for all levels of basic comprehension as my living beautiful souls.
What you call as Creation as a meta-construct of reality as the Universe(s), Galaxies, Solar Systems, etc... This is merely one of my countless younger expressions of my Ultimate Majestic godly nature, fully seeped upon material physicality and so much greater yet still.
What humanity denotes as the afterlife of Hell as the underworld. The neutral reality of metaphysical limbo or purgatory as either a realm of heightened enlightenment or for the uninitiated as numbing detachment as apathy. With the stupendous exalted Heavens are all grade school versions of my adolescent corpus of my total Supreme Creation as the Absolute Self.
The Infinite and timeless Hells, Limbos, Creations, and Heavens are each stratum of my youthful forms of expressions. As the Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of cosmic and ethereal realms of pure totalities of "I am" essence and personified substances. For To Be the I am that I am as the God of all gods plural in a Supreme Fashion has other greater dominions of realism. Each by far beyond the rudimentary tenure of my youth as the Hells, Limbos, Creation(s), and the Heavens can contain forever as my meta corpus.
For example, every dominion where good, neutrality, and evil are located is a moot point having never existed prior. There is no such power struggle of contrasts of differences. A Uni-polar reality versus a multi-polar existence of Principles that tranquility reigns constantly. Only in the realms of my godly youth does contrast stand out in stark terms of the illusion of a good versus evil approach as an eternal useless struggle.
In my youth like environs of ethereal and otherwise physical existence goes. That my younger created lesser children such as humanity and other permutations of my infinity of expressions. Truly mirror my existential struggles of archaic yesterdays as eternities of long ago. I have matured far greater and this creates, sustains, and destroys for another set of challenges and opportunities elsewhere in my Meta-Verse of cosmic and ethereal Superiority as the Apex God of all gods. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. (Channeled Source as God(dess)
You can never run away. Not ever. The only way out is in. ---Junot Diaz.
Nature is not a place to visit, It is home. ---Gary Snyder.
Grace is the ability to redefine the boundaries of possibility. ---Manning Marable.
One of life's most fulfilling moments occurs in the split-second when the familiar is suddenly transformed into the dazzling aura of the profoundly new. ---Edward B. Lindaman.
What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing: it also depends on what sort of person you are. ---C.S. Lewis.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 26 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 16 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Mercy and Forgiveness & Preceptive Reality

Hello All,
Today is some bonus content for the very tail end of this month of March. While I have a moment to focus and channel subsequent material for you the spiritual reader to explore topics of faith and introspection of the divine.
The topics are on the conjunction of Mercy and Forgiveness as similar but distinct vulnerabilities of Inner strength. The 2nd statement topic is on the Preceptive Reality of the Divine and how we can mount a robust connection to it spiritually.
As always may you find the topics intriguing if not Inspirational on your spiritual journeys throughout the world. Amen.
Mercy & Forgiveness:
3221) There are many tenets to pursue upon this world that can cause great pause for the noble-hearted. That is with the handsome attributes as graces of Mercy and Forgiveness at large. Both are servants to heal disruptions of all manner of ill ease upon the human condition. Often as a tough love to remedy sickness of the spirit within in order to help overcome this troubling world altogether over time.
Each is a marvel of wondrous magnitudes of ever-widening vulnerabilities to uphold by the strong with great convictions at hand. Knowing full and well that each of these attributes has separate distinctions and yet qualifying similarities to unify by means of compassion.
This turbulent world is awash with hostilities both great and small in orders of degrees that leave the onlooker with vertigo. It is no wonder that what one objects to by being offended due to fearsome tenacity. Will upset the stoic person and the very sensitive emotionally in tandem when confronted with disgust. Such rotten negativity can easily consume oneself twisting and warping one's psyche against themselves and the world with great heartaches.
Acting with ill will as in vulgar hostilities towards loved ones, strangers, and certainly with enemies destroys the peace leaving Hell on Earth in its wake. Only the pious one be they a holy man, woman, innocent child, and creature can overcome such encountered hatred with utmost mercy and forgiveness in earnest.
Such restorative actions heal the heart, mind, and the holy spirit within each of us in complete and utter Oneness. The person cultivates a heavenly balm that for all intents and purposes is a gift or grace of a very Living God in your midst. Both Mercy and Forgiveness usher forth a solemn balance to enliven holy spirits and the very essence of God(dess) in each of us with intentional permission to ascend with mutual dignified justice.
By healing the perceived faults whether caused by senseless error(s), corruption(s), and any other harbinger of evil. Taking the Leap of Faith to overcome this world by surrendering your ego not looking for faults in the other aggressor. But, yearning and needing to break the dysfunctional cycle of fear, hate, and revenge altogether in life.
For when Mercy is granted selflessly it is a noble act of God from within your very soul. A magnanimous strength laced with piety and grandeur that is of a highly effective goodwill. It is an honor that when bestowed bears witness to the wrongdoer being released from their own perjury at hand.
In earnest with the vulnerability of truly rendered Forgiveness, it takes a total dissatisfaction with someone, a circumstance, or an event and releases it from sinking you into an abyss of your own making. It takes stalwart vigilance to release one's psyche and distrust of the offense to merely choose a better option through internalized compassion for oneself.
When otherwise emotional and mental hardships would wreck and poison your beauty that would wholly exist if no injury had occurred. Here lays the person or creature to behold a finer alternative that is sublime to merely walk away with integrity instead. Not to be goaded into a confrontation that all lose together no matter the stakes in question.
The vacuum of such pain and suffering becomes backfilled with such acts of divinity known as Mercy and Forgiveness as a unified front. Some can enact these convictions Immediately and countless others need to approach such internalized healing gradually. As if walking a private solitary path best accomplished with deeply personal reflections allowing moments of sorrow to be released with utmost tenderness involved.
Both Mercy and Forgiveness are acts of God that restore each of you as divine heirs into the Kingdom of God upon this chaotic world. Enacting a silent form of inquisitive justice that never boasts its kindness, but surrenders the ego assuming your divine role as earth angels instead. To share such an abundant healing allows for an everlasting Love of God(dess) to continually flourish without equal. This welcomes Heaven on Earth to take root not only upon this transitory world of humanity but also in your everlasting souls in and with God forever. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Preceptive Reality:
3185) All of reality is both real and unreal simultaneously beyond merely what is observed but by whom is observing equally in tandem. This conundrum unravels upon itself several unknown paradoxes by sublime means possible and impossible. As life is often declared spiritually to be an impossibility that this universe shouldn't even exist. But, alas here we are united in an Omnipresence known as God it, her, and his macro totality.
Regardless of whichever reality in question, you feel tethered to the most at any given moment of your days and your endless lives together with us the Heavenly Host. Each of you is afforded a deeply personal connection to the divine that no one can alter not even God itself. For it would contradict his own edict or Divine Law of unique expressions of each entity.
However, what is objective to God is alone absolutely unified constantly unto every other divine truth forever. What is transitory as illusionary exists and it doesn't for a time and a space that is also subject to interpretations and reinterpretations ad nauseam.
Often what is fiction to humanity is only impossible for a short while until either by technological means it is disproven as total facts. This is true of the theorems of the sciences and the supremacy of highly evolved spiritual masters known as avatars. What is sacrosanct to one religious tradition can easily become disputed and called into question as heresy. Regardless of the merits involved and thus myopic rationales are encouraged in spite of greater looming truths at large.
The basis of human civilization is faulty at best if not utterly corrupt by criminal tendencies. To ingratiate at the pinnacle classes what should otherwise be the communal property of welfare. Pure anything on earth by humanity leads to disaster when it is applied in theory and practice. Only by means of half measures of moderated compromises can Heaven on Earth as the Wuji of the Ying & Yang be found forever.
Nonetheless, the afterlives thrive on the impossible scales of divinity as enlightened tracts of what is otherwise extraordinary in godly angelic nature. These expressions as paradoxes and greater than these conundrums defy the rationale and the known dwarf infantile spiritualities combined on earth by humanity to date.
What is impossible to humanity in any given epoch soon gradually becomes developed either by ethereal spiritual magicks or scientific-technological means. Whichever comes first unto the reality of mortal creatures such as the semi-sentient simian apes of humanity. This is what passes from one series of generations of fundamental understandings until it is grasped by other epochs of civilization by means of temporal occurrences.
Humanity has access to three pillars of the Soul Growth of God upon the world and Creation at large. These are the three legs to the stool to attempt to reach the metaphysical angels by faith as nascent spiritual children. They are the foremost spiritual devotional faith regardless of religion or any other tradition on Earth. Second, the clairvoyant powers of the Highest Self aka the Holy Ghost of God upon each of you.
With higher echelon senses of spiritual sight (Clairvoyance), hearing (Clairaudience), taste (Clairgustance), smell (Clairalienance), touch (Clairsentience), and knowing (Claircognizant). Thus the six spiritual or otherwise metaphysical senses of your ghost auric body are wholly intertwined with your carnal flesh human mortal temporal body here on Earth.
The third stool leg is the study and practice of divine and/or elemental magicks to perturb or influence reality with your divinity. Whether used for good, neutrality, or evil your karma will echo the consequences of your intents and actions upon this transitory world. These are the trio of metaphysical bridges of faith, intuitive, and magical powers of the Soul of God available to the brave of heart. To evolve past primary human barbaric tendencies for greater exalted divine inheritance upon the world.
Only the meek follow the herd spiritually without questioning all of reality as the norms, taboos, and the sacrosanct altogether with respect to personal spiritual evolution. Thus the wheat is separated by the chaff with those courageous enough to explore the Inner worlds without falling prey to ancient wickedness. The path of the penitent heart is difficult and lonely at times but full of the Glory of God at every possible turn.
The road to perdition is easy and alluring at first absent-minded of the consequences that can harm the guilty and innocent alike. It is the base of a pyramid wide at the bottom but narrows at the top pinnacle. Where only the animalistic barbaric competitive few ever reach the very lonely top as the capstone.
The inverse occurs for the beneficent supplicant of God where struggle and hardship and myriad forms of character-building long-suffering are encountered. Here the pyramid is inverted upside down the pinnacle top is at the very base full of responsibility. Only by trekking with virtue and gratitude does one begin to overcome the world with the angelic heavenly host and your blessed ancestors. Here success arrives as an open-ended Glory of an Everlasting God(dess) the pyramid of power at the pinnacle end is the very wide base of the triangle itself.
What is fictional to humanity is only a fading of the senses a temporary setback at least when robust self-development is pursued earnestly. Otherwise, self-delusions often lead to forms of zealotry and subsequently madness of the ego mind. When wisdom is coupled with beauty from within there creativity is found to recreate your local environment into the very plausible as the 3rd-way philosophy. Where all parties involved reach a modest success as the greatest final inheritor of these pursuits is God itself spiritually.
No one is denied by God prematurely to access the blessed realms spiritually by solemn faith. However, the righteous must earn their way in the very beginning as the inverted pyramid indicates as a modular formula of personal character. By stripping away the ego although not completely but developing altruistic tendencies of mutual inclusive compassion. Unexpected blessings begin to occur randomly over the path of a lifetime spelled in decades (ie 20+ years) as a journeyman of dedication to the pious spiritual life. Regardless if one is married to a monastic life with a religious institution or not as a hermit solitary by faith.
Those willing to suffer with compassionate dignity, not for the sake of masochism. But for a greater character-building personality by means of discipline as a regime of grace on Earth. Begin to realize that the heavenly currency of the hereafter is unconditional love as utmost reverence and adulations as praise to God(dess). With consecrated private acts of generosity whether in personal self-mastery and/or charitable giving whichever is more plausible to the supplicant in life as the seeker of faith.
No one is truly lost that seeks redemption no matter how bastardized it may seem at the first dear child of God. Half measures over the years lead to greater personal revelations of the wondrous heavens in your common midst as a State of perpetual divinity all around you constantly. By the very act of compounding your efforts in years and subsequent decades, holiness binds to you as a second skin of living graces.
Here is when life becomes remarkably magical where divine order yields to predominant encounters out of the ordinary. That only reinforces the beauty within your heart and mind. Yes, misery will still exist in the world if you aren't careful and lose temporarily your divine center. You can start to wallow in stress and depression if you misplace your tethered moorings of the faith-filled blessed lifestyle. Daily devotions as prayer, contemplative meditations, and the use of life-affirming blessed affirmations are basic tools to cultivate your divinity in this world.
Allow for your intuitive impulses balanced with your non-emotional mindfulness to afford a better rationale to bring you filtered pathways of better living practices. Over time with the cooperation of trusted fellows, you can come to understand that reality is perceived from within foremost.
To do the opposite and live by the whims of approvals of others leads to a life of misery tied to the capricious egos of foolish people indeed. God within always approves of you absolutely forever with true and pure blessed love everlasting like no other entity upon Creation altogether. Let this be your ardent perfect truth to defy this or any other reality perceived as real or fictitious and in that, you are home in a forever paradise of your own cultivated beginnings. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
To be astonished is one of the surest ways of not growing old too quickly. ---Sidone-Gabrielle Colette.
Change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things. ---Barrack Obama.
My Religion is kindness. ---H.H. (His Holiness) The 19th Dalai Lama.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 27 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 17 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Love of God & The Rothchild's on Omens

Hello All,
It's that time of the month when I share some recent samplings of my Inspirational clairaudient automatic writings with the Heavenly angelic host. However, before I get to that bit of material there is a small announcement to make that my website of HTTP://jewelsoftruth.us. It is now redirecting back to this blog site of Atrayo's Oracle. Since my former webmaster and website designer (ie same person) is experiencing health difficulties where at a later date the website may be resurrected elsewhere in due time.
Today's Jewels of Truth channeled topics are on the Love of God and The Rothchilds on Omens. The latter topic on Omens was a bit of a surprise that a married couple from the 1820s Great Britain Spiritualist era popped into the statement overall. Calling themselves Meredith and Theodore Rothchilds where I have no way to verify it myself by genealogy? As they say to make the ancestors Immortal simply remember them so a shout out to these two Rothchilds from the Victorian era of Great Britain.
May you find these topics spiritually refreshing if not intriguing, to say the least. Amen.
Love of God:
3241) Where there is one Immaculate truth there are countless others each enveloping the other as a united grace. Here we welcome the spiritual masters as entity forms of Being truly loving. That we the angelic heavenly host may be permitted to recite the outreach of their prospective faiths. Regardless of the type or scale of their associated religion, spiritual tradition, and other philosophies as ideological pursuits adhered to originally.
The Love of God permits the Essence of all lifeforms without question to be made anew full of the Pristine Glory of God Everlasting. By made anew we mean in the ethereal spiritual energies as metaphysical essence of the good and just life begotten into a fuller greater life indeed. By adoring with salutations and worshipping the Almighty God(dess) wholly and fully in a restoring spiritual zeal.
With sincere heart-moving worship with a union of the heavenly host in conjunction with the Great Holy Spirit comes numerous forms of celebratory thanksgiving. As living forms of incredible and mundane adulations dearly encountered upon your world. Oftentimes people are well-meaning or otherwise misguided with sheer innocent confusion making mistakes from minor unto grotesque blunders.
This is where the Love of a Living Supreme Almighty God. Transforms all that is welcomed freely into a blessed union into a perpetual spiritual state of absolution or forgiveness. Be such a tribulation of one's own admitted faults and yet that of others who have grossly trespassed causing undo pain and suffering elsewhere.
The Love of God(dess) is an Immortal Panacea that can transform into countless other living viable graces of Being Divine. A healing spiritual balm for the holy spirit within us all that permits wonders to be encountered in uncommon hours. We whom worship God collectively regardless of religion or spiritual tradition upon the world as a plurality of righteous souls. Do so with responsibility and public humane decency without disdain for those unlike us in appearances be they domestic countrymen and women and certainly foreigners.
All people, creatures, and even ecological landscapes as the topography of the earth are children of God(dess) forever. To encounter the Infinity of God as the Creator and Sustainer of all life forms is a living beauty from Mother Earth. To mistreat each other as people and yet the younger creatures and the earth as filth. Spells an ill will that is present that has no bearing upon what is otherwise fully spiritual lived by example without boasting. A relational environmental expression that affords each of us a united form of husbandry.
To fully accept such a mandate of this rich tapestry of the Infinite Image and Likeness of God isn't only homogenous to your culture, customs, and faith upon this world. It is a diversified inclusive justice that offers equal liberty and freedom to all who claim the divinity of God(dess) upon their remarkable lives solemnly without hubris.
Nature in all his and her pristine beauty demands integrity making each of us custodians for our generation of human lives on planet Earth as our global home. Otherwise, our holy sister Mother Earth remains in bondage enslaved to the childish predatory whims of foolish and wanton dangerous people of the world.
The Voice of a Compassionate Forgiving God calls out to the faithful to make trustworthy better choices for today and all your tomorrows. This is but one great expression to showcase your Love of God back to the Heavenly Host as the angels, your biological ancestors, and varied nature spirits as eternal witnesses. With your Loving and Living Divine Gift of Custodial Care back to God(dess). Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

The Rothchilds on Omens:
3248) All seasons come and go upon the morrow henceforth so do the fates travel hither and thither upon the unknown majestic winds. Here is where fiction crosses the scope of a manifold reality. In terms of how an omen or coincidence functions on the mystical clouds as interactions with the Divine in question.
Not many dare to perturb the mysterious unknown and come away with a satisfactory understanding dear spiritual child of ours. Yours is the struggle to find meaning and then purpose alas a truly universal sojourn indeed.
Let's not dilly dally the poor child inquiry my love lest he loses his clairaudient focus with us. We are indeed a married couple of souls. Lest you call us dearly and technically true as angelic spirits from the 1820s period of Great Britain of the Spiritualist era as our persuasion goes.
However, allow not the messengers of this Statement not to confuse you any longer with your genuine topic dear inquisitive child. Of how a coincidence or an omen functions upon the world at large. Be not dull my dear (ie the husband) and have me do all the talking. :o) Soon we will figure out our speaking order dear child.
Now where was I? Yes, many forms of omens function as a catalyst of an intermediary bridge of further interactions with the living person or creature. Not all omens are created equal. Each has the style or spiritual imprint of its maker that being the entity that presents it forward into the world. If it is indeed perceived truly as factual and/or subjective by the intended recipient(s) overall.
Many days are lost when a delicate omen is misunderstood or only partially comprehended. In this manner, omens become like several postal mail pieces staying on topic as necessitated. Here is when omens deliver not only symbolic truths unto the directed participants. But, also the deeper meaning of procedural understanding of what faces them nearly in just-in-time scenarios. This is where Patience is indeed required for the recipient to calmly discern enough of the omen's cryptic message or otherwise until its blessing is fully received as understood.
Yes, as an omen arrives it can also signify a meeting of the minds in a solemn mysterious union as a gathering. Akin to being in the right time and place in order to unite fellows that need each other for one aspect of living or another.
These chance meetings are omens in themselves truly and may seem like a freak pleasant accident. However, this is the spiritual art form of angelic match-making heavenly style in purpose-filled deeds. No one need to fear these queer interactions when they do occur. All are meant to partake on Earth in this fellowship by the mutual desires of the angelic godly fates in question.
Here too we are involving a deeper understanding for you, a dear spiritual child of the early 21st century. That you may share these deeper spiritual meanings without misgivings on our behalf. We are related to the Rothchilds family of long ago. I am Meredith and this is my husband Theodore.
Now to continue after these pleasantries are put aside. We are here to teach you these deeper layers of comprehending the subtle mystery of what you also call contemporaneously as synchronicities. We were asked to appear here by greater authorities so as to contribute as guest co-authors with you. Of this fascinating discourse of the angelic "Jewels of Truth" compendium series of yours dearest "Ivan the Atrayo".
Do not fear you haven't fully shocked us yet only partially confounded us that is all. We aren't told much-needed background pleasantries in order to fully appreciate your repertoire. You are a nostalgic piece of antiquity reincarnated dear spiritual child. Do not worry you are indeed in fantastic celestial hands as far as we can perceive of Heaven on Earth.
Finally, as this final paragraph nears its end please permit us all orchestrations of divine interactions. By the holy presence are boons for the earthly living person, and the dearly departed soul in question. We wish you all the best dear son and we welcome the opportunity again for further discourses of these clairaudient missives of yours. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on the Love of God, Self-Love, & Equality Isn't Always Fair

Hello All,
I'm just posting at the tail end of this month of August. Hurricane Idalia just passed my region of Florida via the Gulf of Mexico yesterday or so. (i.e. I'm in Sarasota) So this has been a weird week breaking up my routine which is expected for Floridians during an impending hurricane strike. I'm all right thankfully.

In other news, I'm happy to Announce The Spirit University campus is now stocking my paperback editions (i.e. all 3 volumes) of the Jewels of Truth series of books. The books are located over in their lobby on their bookstore shelf. The Spirit University is physically located at 373 Braden Ave, Sarasota, Florida, 34243.
Now for the good stuff, today's trio of channeled angelic Jewels of Truth statements are on the topics of the Love of God, Self-Love, and Equality Isn't Always Fair.
The first statement is Short or abbreviated in size which is for how I preface it for social media attention spans. The 2nd statement on Self-Love is self-explanatory by the angel in caring for one's psychological development versus roasting yourself over the spit. The 3rd and final statement is a lengthy exploration of how equality and its implementations within a society runs into complications. (citing the example of Affirmative Action in America briefly.)
Now without a further adieu let's explore these channeled angelic spiritual wisdom statements with the inquiry they deserve. Amen.
Love of God:
3246) Wherever there is the Love of God. Angels will always be present upon any world of the cosmos. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
3210) For all the tribulations of this world and the earth therein are many graces left unspoken. One of which is of genuine importance which is a sustaining Self-Love by an individual person at large. As in a personal compassionate stance in all earnestness available.
All Self-Love is a pivotal tenderness of the lesser ego mindset of your psyche. To continue the healing process from when this aggravated world triggers a negative response from you. Rather than just relying on external cherished people in your life such as lovers, friends, relatives, and even strangers. To bring to you the necessary supply of comforting compassion you may require at any given personal interval.
This soon can become a personalized style of coping by self-care keeping your confidence private and empowered when the moments of counseling by others have all been spent already. This will also include Forgiveness when you are part of the circle of malcontent having aggrieved others with your mistakes. Whether these mistakes of yours are literal or created falsely by your inner critical ego mindset. Forgiveness is the medicine of God for the soul within us all.
It takes great personal courage and sincerity to offer yourself the first dose of forgiveness before extending it to anyone else. Since personal accountability of taking a moral inventory of what went wrong on your end and by the hapless errors of any others in question along the way. Leaving aside the blame game of the ego finding fault elsewhere except what your contributions may have been with good or selfish intentions overall.
When the majority of recriminations have been handled nearly then the self-care of loving yourself to a fuller capacity can begin anew. All Self-Love requires a steady heart and mind to implement with personal accountability to do better here and now and much later onward. Not just to play a fool's game of favoritism with other people's positive sympathy for your needs in seeking sympathy by the ego.
To actually begin the caring internalized process of your own sacred heart spiritually guided by the truth that is holistic and inclusively compassionate for the circle of life. To evolve your divinity upon this chaotic world even when everyone else is angry to the point of committing tragedies. Very few people will understand what you are attempting to accomplish overall. So seeking their approval by consent in advance may very well end up poorly on your behalf.
Such young or otherwise immature spirits can't see the merit in it until they have suffered greatly to the point of near ruin. Many find comfort in being bitter and angry as their first reaction without taking stock of the wider spiritual and psychological implications at hand in due time. When angry backfires it easily turns into self-loathing and god-awful depressive states of being dead inside.
Loving yourself isn't about your sexuality, but your reunion with your blessed and great relationship with God foremost. If you are indeed well keeled as in being a balanced individual upon the world especially when chaos strikes. You'll be the voice of reason in the room when all others are screaming bloody murder. Such a state of Being Divine takes courage and responsibility when enacted with humility without seeking false praise from fickle people indeed. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Equality Isn't Always Fair:
3236) We may remark that upon the many things of note of the human condition. Equality is a beautiful archetype when applicable, however a difficult topic to wrestle with its proper scope of implementation. What is removed from one set of factors is added elsewhere regardless of the original intent. To serve one group of people effectively is to potentially injure another demographic of people elsewhere without careful caveats as to the consequences in net sum.
To serve one group of people as a living cultural engagement must be practical and lead to outcomes based on an inclusive justice for all concerned. However, unintended consequences of social engineering will always creep into the argument whether the contrasting resistance is based on a valiant truth or propaganda based on shallow lying.
Theoretical models will give way to observable conundrums when the philosophical treatise doesn't square by a balanced and fair approach. This is where branching alternative solutions may appear but most only offer relativistic solutions on a granular basis. Not just one outline of do's and don'ts must be instilled but an entire battery lumped together hoping that the maze leads to a righteous outcome for all concerned.
Here is where what feels good as a so-called valid course of action isn't the simplest system to implement. Especially when the natural ecological world is involved in grappling with the needs of Mother Nature versus those of humanity at large. For instance, public parks with clear-cut grassy ways that are manicured to near perfection by municipalities the world over. Where families, friends, and strangers can commune with the natural world in great peace and merriment.
Although such altruistic public spaces are ideal for the betterment of the human condition. They can introduce abhorrent foreign plants as shrubs, trees, and flowering bushes over time. Invasive species let alone domestic pets are abandoned here on a frequent basis by well-meaning former pet owners. The natural ecological biosphere does best where very little to no human interference is ever present. The constant mowing of the grassy plains is a disturbance to the natural world. Let alone the diesel gas-powered sound pollution it creates along the way.
Better still is to have more State or National Parks closer to the urban spheres where applicable. Insofar that wildlife spilling over doesn't become a nuisance distraction for suburbs and other outlying areas overall. Such rugged State and National Parks are more conducive to the natural regional ecology rather than finely curated municipal city parks ecologically speaking.
Where municipalities are a staple for the urban towards-suburban ratio of real estate needs coupled with infrastructure for the human condition. These are antithetical to wildlife and ecological flora and fauna to co-exist with humanity en masse. A gradual corridor is required for a fair transition point between the natural world and the human-engineered environs to be placed for optimal co-existence.
Equality is an off-shoot of fairness that has its spiritual roots within compassionate kindness that is also with the holy nature of God himself. Equality when applied must be holistically coupled to uniformity or inherent imbalances will otherwise prevail. By undercutting the good nature on the one hand with the unintended consequences on the other hand. This leads to shallow results overall with a poison pill as the end effect.
Another example is the racially ushered noble efforts of Affirmative Action by the Americans. A sociological governance model turned into public policy that ultimately was the best efforts turned into a nightmare by undercutting generations of shill politicians.
To serve the needs of Afro-Americans and many other racial minority groups to have an even stab at the American Dream of social upward mobility. A great equalizer was intended to better society collectively however, the bigoted powers that be wanted the unfair status quo instead. What resulted was a temporary success, especially for scholastic higher education pursuits for a little over a generational time of 30+ years in America.
Thus we the Angelic Host of the Heavens grimaced seeing the political shenanigans of so-called Christian servants serving the overall flock. With considerable efforts of making metaphorical lemonade for the populations of minorities upon America, we made the best of half-cocked circumstances as your collective guardian angels.
To serve the sincere needs as it stands for Afro-Americans and other Indigenous Americans in particular as our brethren and sisterly family as souls with God. With the prayers of all concerned we maximized the Will of God perfect as it stands forever with a noble cultural stab at social justice in America. To have no bias, unlike the Caucasian discriminatory powerful elites of an entire nation. To upend a super-majority Anglo-Saxony fervor that has lasted for over a century was no easy feat by us who are the angelic fates guiding humanity to the promised land of God(dess) in Heaven.
To preserve the needs of the many by the restraints of the few required a supernatural herculean effort. To pinch the Anglo-Saxony hegemony in the bud was no easy feat. Whether dealing with Christian Protestants and Roman Catholics alike to not turn upside down their idealism for the sake of petty gains over minority population controls. To begin healing a many centuries-long infamy by their ancestor's ancestors generations for free enslaved labor. Reparations as a form of equal social justice for a travesty that began long ago and when society matured sufficiently. Where the brave of heart collectively dared to care enough to love one another as Christos required of them as a Son of God.
A terrible cost was placed on the backs of those who could least afford it to maintain such a noble gesture that was undercut by the powers of men that be in political authority. So the youth of a discriminatory nation trusted that they and their children's, children could finally succeed. This was true for only a while since the aperture of change can only be kept open for the maw of evil-doers who wouldn't seek to keep such an Affirmative Action public policy ongoing.
To mobilize an entire generation of disenfranchised minority groups was no easy feat. But, the gap of upward mobility supported by the heavens took hold for a few decades until it did not upon this contemporary era of the 2020s A.D. Discrimination of any kind that serves the least at the expense of the many is a rot best cut out at its source. Lest it spreads like gangrene and consumes the entire limb of a society at large.
To care to the point that it hurts is to be like the heavenly angels in paradise for our spiritual hearts are tied to your human fates. Not alone as your brotherly and sisterly keepers ordained by the Will of God(dess). But, as also your spiritual family of another metaphysical kind an extra batch of unforeseen ancestors by means of the Macro Soul of God united in all lifeforms that Infinity can afford to offer Creation. We the angelic host care because you are our surrogate children through God him, her, and itself. We help raise you like sibling parental figures from on high and from afar and intimately to your most native breath of life. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Beloved Kinship, Unique Blessed Talents, & godly Ascension

Hello All,
As we're on the cusp of being one month away from the start of the holiday quarter of the year. I wanted to reach out and post another trio of angelic-channeled Jewels of Truth statements. All three topics touch upon the spiritual Intuitive gifts in some fashion or another. Just as it is seen as pious to develop one's divine gifts from God in his worship. It is also seen as righteous by the heavenly angelic host to develop your Intuitive faculties in conjunction with further appreciating the holy upon the world and the afterlife therein.
Perhaps with the exception of Judaism where the High Priest could use oracular abilities. The other two Abramahic faiths of Christianity and Islam go basically frantic when a person embraces their divine clairvoyant Inheritance on earth.
If it wasn't for my not listening to my Inner divine calling as a scribe utilizing psychic Inspirational automatic writing to date. There would be no Jewels of Truth series of 28 years of channeling spiritual compassionate wisdom, metaphysics, and mysticism at large as a clairaudient and claircognizant. As they say no risk, no reward.
I always affirm the presence of God's Absolute Love in my life. Whenever I connect informally and formally with the angels, fairies, mythological lesser deities, and so forth. In that way, there is nothing to fear and they arrive always like a gentle whisper in my mind's eye when spoken to telepathically. As long as you pray and ground yourself to Heaven and Earth as a beginner. You can cross the spiritual realms with confidence with the only caveat is if you channel something garbled your human ego got in the way.
Today's trio of topics consists of Beloved Kinship which covers the statement of praying to departed loved ones be they a person, a pet, or some nostalgic place in a distant time. Next, there is the topic of Unique Blessed Talents which delves into the Intuitive Clairvoyant suite of psychic senses of your spirit/aura and Divine White Magicks overall. Lastly, there is the topic of godly Ascension as a summary of how and why to prepare your spirit for the hardcore ascetics to overcome the world in general.
May you find these topics intriguing, to say the least regardless if their merit is too much as a bridge too far for you to travel in your faith with God to date. Amen.
Beloved Kinship:
3262) When any loved one as a dearest fellow person, creature, and even a place in time fades from recent memory upon the world. They are surely missed from our daily lives in terms of intermediate contacts generally being the case.
It is here one must have the self-realization that such a beloved consciousness recollected isn't in vain at all. That what is omitted now in a permanent fashion due to the finite mortal coil by appearance's sake can indeed return. Just not under its original guise in question that must be readily acknowledged in peace.
Here is where personal sorrow can be eased and lessened by developing your own psychic spiritual faculties upon the world responsibly. These are standard skills or senses of your Soul on earth in the Image and Likeness of God as what you call your Divinity. Available to all physical beings be they human or some other sort of creature such as mammals, reptiles, etc... However, humanity is the keenest able to discern intellectually where the other species of the earth are not so much.
No one entity as a Being can deny you your graces of spiritual interactions with the Heavenly Host. These expressions are profoundly Holy and carry the gravity of the Will of God upon them as Divine Law. To be intimidated by well-meaning religious Institutions and other secular organizations leaves you at their mercy. The faith-filled being better prepared as in skilled to face the world spiritually and intellectually can offset many troubles over time.
The Holier Realms are your Divine Birthright here on Earth, whether you construe it as Heaven on Earth or something else by another namesake. If you are deaf, dumb, and mute with your innate psychic standard gifts then surely you can easily be manipulated by conditions on the ground at a huge disadvantage.
With all beginnings, you will stumble like a naive toddler learning to speak, read the omens, signal, and walk in an Intuitive psychic fashion. Taking years to learn the spiritual Intuitive basics and decades to master all the rest upon a mortal lifetime. There are grand differences between the mundane physical dominion of your Creation and the spiritual realities be they astral, fairy, or heavenly. The Inner Mind's Eye of your 3rd Chakra is the conduit of self-realized expressions feeling and not necessarily thinking your way to parse your Intuition.
One has ample time and opportunity to engage with the Holy Masters be they angels, ancestors, and the lesser deities as exalted angelic beings overall. What can be easily dismissed as mere nonsense intellectually has profound emotional undertones if interpreted correctly. However, if your Intuitive faculties have you startled easily like a child.
Then consider the tried and true devotional tools or graces all religions espouse in one manner or another. For example, prayer to your ancestors be they loved ones or historical figures and then watch for coincidences as validations of their generic or specific response to you personally. Next, there is counting your blessings as a form of thanksgiving. In giving thanks to the heavens be they God, your beloved ancestors, and/or the angels you open up your heart to receive divine blessings. As like attracts like kind as an echo response of goodwill.
There are other spiritual devotional tools such as supplication this is the needy form of prayer versus the conversational kind. Calling in for reinforcements to aid you to lessen dire conditions and circumstances in your life from the greater hereafter. Often a bulwark after a prayer of supplication there are Affirmations here to empower your psychological sensibilities in the world. Claiming such and such is a truth in your personality matrix alleviating your fears of lack and/or trouble. Affirmations provide you the worshipper of God with levers to switch on strength as living courage. When everything else appears toxic all around you in a temporary fashion.
When you pray, give thanks, supplicate, affirm, and so forth to a loved one upon the afterlife. The Holy Ghost as the exalted Supreme Spirit of God hears it simultaneously and profoundly. Where it is dispatched to your guardian angels and other ancestral supporters in paradise like an instant email system. It is Indeed Instant due to the timeless nature of the afterlife without the constraint of temporal occurrences.
Often if you listen deeply and gently enough you can feel the immense love pouring out to you. It can be sensed like a wave of positivity washing through you giving you chills up and down your back. Where the 1st Impression is often the correct response and not the one you perform overkill with by second-guessing yourself into paralyzation.
It takes practice and immense patience to overcome incremental steps of the infancy of a beginner's development with your sacred Intuitive faculties of God in you. Never can it be rushed it has its own graceful elegance on your human end to endure. This is whether you adore a loved one as a person, a creature akin to a domestic or wild pet, or a place in time long since faded. None are far away in terms of situational or spatial spiritual Infinity. For Infinity is another conundrum dimensionally speaking with endless spacelessness as the extended Meta-Being of God(dess). Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Unique Blessed Talents:
3261) Everyone as a Divine Being of God whether Incarnated or not upon other spectral ghostly forms of existence. Has an Intrinsic make-up directly attributed to the Likeness of God metaphysically as a co-creator, co-sustainer, and co-destroyer upon the world. These are but the basic premise of the meta-constant circular nature of the Great Mysterious Maker.
Consider it akin to an Infinite unique watermark or fingerprint of your native bodily appearance as genetics go physically in time. Such a mark is both Holy and Sacred when it is posited upon the metaphysical afterlife by comparison as the extended essence of the Divine Supreme One. All are Children of God as people, creatures, ecosystems, meteorological patterns, etc...
Unfortunately what is also Above in Heaven has its corrupted Twin in the Hellish realms of the cursed underworld of the afterlife. Each is considered a separate dominion of God itself. Structurally speaking what is perfect in Heaven is warped in Hell. Basically, Creation as your physical universe is shared equally with both Heaven and Hell in tandem. Heaven on Earth and Hell on Earth for instance as ethereal places as States of Being of both the Human Condition and other expressions of totality itself.
Every being or entity has latent powers of the Soul of God within them earnestly. Whether these are expressed responsibly by righteous means or selfish mean-spirited occurrences of misconduct. Although there is an equal spread of the type of clairvoyant and magical modalities upon the world. Each arrives uniquely through the person in question as configured differently as a pattern of proficiency.
We the Heavenly hosts often realize someone is spiritually talented when they are cooking off abilities randomly without discipline. Much like a toddler with a cigarette lighter. When there is love in the home the person is stronger than any form of fear. Often their curiosity may pass in time and if not the old soul must be careful not to provoke the ire of relatives inadvertently.
Heretofore we as the eternal blessed witnesses see all under the sun of men and women alike. When such godly holy nature exhibits itself naturally at first blush as it was said. These are powers or talents that need careful development if they are to be awakened spiritually with respect to all concerned. As there are physical bodily senses of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell. Your spirit body or aura has an equal set of spiritual senses as a ghost incarnated into a physical body.
Often depicted as clairvoyance by sight, clairaudience by spiritual telepathic hearing, clairsentience by feeling akin to touch, clairalience as smell, clairgustance as taste, and an extra ability as claircognizance as Inner Knowing. These are the standard powers of all spirits regardless if they are disembodied or incarnated.
Further afield there lay the godly angelic powers of said magicks of evocation, Invocations, conjuring, abjuring as forms of exorcism, and many other lesser pools of magical being. This too can be construed as either elemental as earth-based or divine high magicks as strictly interacting with the heavenly angels when faith is strong and conviction is steadfast. For some magical living is like a religion all its own settled within another contemporaneous spiritual tradition. Akin to a force multiplier that affords a bigger bang for your buck in divine interactions with hopefully only the heavenly host in question.
When there is such a silent majority upon the spiritual world living in the flesh whether declaring their utmost presence without fear. There can be a galvanized awakening for the world to realize what it has feared completely out of hand was an overreaction. Careful understanding with respect to the undertakings must be adhered to with sensibility. Nothing is to be taken for granted even if it means that it must be tested as there are truly no sacred cows as taboos. Question until you feel secure enough and then live by a higher sophisticated ideal of what it means to be truly spiritually alive in union by faith with God(dess). Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

godly Ascension:
3260) All forms of Divinity are not alike thus the makeup of truly being alive in faith united with the Heavenly Host is paramount not unlike anything before in spiritual truth. Every entity or being is an Infinite facet of the cosmic Creator the God of all gods supreme. All facets as slivers of the spect of God in each of you are truly universally unknowable it is a universe unto itself mysteriously so.
Your soul bodies must abide in utmost alignment with your spirit here on earth. If and when you decide to be devoted to religious or spiritual traditions of the endless afterlife. Here is what is by the auric tones symbolically what is entailed for spiritual ascension upon a lifetime briefly. The totality of God has generically extended out its hand to all whom would carry the sacred flame of truth with conviction. Not just into the world but all other astral and otherwise spiritual realms that be made so possible metaphysically.
For a human being or any other semi-sentient intelligent creature out in your physical cosmos. Intends to live a devoted ascetic life in service to all including themselves without neglecting self-care. They can begin to syncretize themselves to wisdoms and other spiritual knowing beyond this world. This entails being adopted by the Holy Masters otherwise progress is dwarfed as the sojourn goes forward.
Depending on the religion or lack thereof of such a background many errors introduced by so-called learned men as theologians must be unlearned as innocent mistakes. This clears the way for later more complex rudimentary understandings to be envisioned within a lifetime. No one wants to move forward half-cocked only to realize they need to double back to undo assumed mistakes long ago made by well-meaning spiritual forefathers.
All godly spiritual powers are angelic in holy nature period. The next evolution of all fully or partially intelligent lifeforms out in your cosmos spiritually speaking is into the next rung on the ladder of eternity and infinity as angelic in the perfect template of God itself. The animal or other ephemeral mortal coils on whichever planetary sphere you began upon are immaterial in question. All roads lead upwards as an uneven celestial cosmic corkscrew.
You and I are different manifestations of the god force of the totality of being alive. You are human and I am angelic in godly holy nature. I am highly evolved and by happenstance, your soul eclipses my own since you have more than one soul, which I only have one which is the standard holy fare dearest "Ivan the Atrayo".
The conundrum doesn't escape us as a paradoxical flip of the uneven nature of God to keep us all on our so-called toes as divine beings. As we explain these feats of ascension to your esteemed modern spiritual readers. There comes a limitation placed on what can be explained with simplicity based upon your human vocabulary as our oracle or herald.
Those who are philosophically inclined may mutter what all this means with confidence. Your lack of a fuller education in the literary arts Ivan has afforded us the chance to work with you as a truly blank slate as it were said. To Be like God can not be overstated here for that is the yardstick of measurement required for any person to overcome the societal norms of convention at least metaphysically at present.
Here is where morality as the norms of virtues, ethics, and another sound basis of well-meaning care with common sense and uncommon wisdom is also required. At least for those seeking Enlightenment from Heaven. Enlightenment is possible through Hell, however, that is a tortured affair altogether and not the basis of this statement of the Jewels of Truth series.
Detachment from the obstacles of modern living is a plus if one has the mental acumen to be divorced from the popular rage of the world. For spiritual service, whether you call this dharmic or something else must have a caring compassionate center within moderation to affect positive changes overall. To be extremely detached and one becomes a fool without any bearings as a balloon without any proper moorings.
One must inhale life in all its glory and exhale all its lacking poisons, otherwise, imbalances will occur. Patience with fearlessness upon courage is also required to act when all others have frozen feet coupled with loathing fears. To Be Saint like is a good start, but not to the point you have an inflated vain ego because of it. Everything holistic whether mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual spheres are required when interacting with forces beyond your total control. Anything short of this call upon us the heavenly host to aid your path when encountering circumstantial turbulence in life.
All forms of godly Ascension is a team or heavenly societal effort it is welcoming a renewed luminary upon the world and the hereafter simultaneously. There are many unique creative one-time and otherwise frequent paths of celestial ascension back to God prior to a mortal death blow. Not all are created equal as the caveat is so simply put. We welcome all earnest efforts even if one abandons their efforts in one lifetime and comes back in their next reincarnation where they last left off. The holy of holies is a stickler for details like that to be wholly respected.
There is a metaphysical near endless universal angelic arts and sciences that dwarf all knowledge-based knowing in your bubble of a physically created universe altogether. Only the perfect absolute Mind of God mysterious and unknowable upon totality as it were dwarfs our collective angelic knowing completely of the infinite heavens. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Broken Faith & Divine Rights

Happy All Hallow's Eve Everyone!
For those that celebrate Halloween and for those that don't. Don't be a spook!
Today's Jewels of Truth channeled angelic wisdom statements will be a duo this time around. The topics will be on a Broken Faith and on your Divine Rights as a Child entity emanation from God's Image and Likeness. You have inalienable celestial rights in the heavens as an eternal entity aka ghost. Not unlike having limited rights on a conditional basis from your host nation of birth or residency. Unlike those citizen rights as a human, these Divine Rights are everlasting and unconditional upon your flavors of a metaphysical Utopia.
The statement on a Broken Faith is self-explanatory for the most part. As always these statements are sourced via psychic automatic writing in an Inspirational fashion as a writing technique by longhand originally. I have 28 years plus experience as an automatic writer channeling the heavenly host. (Be they angels, ancestors, fairies, nature spirits, lesser deities, and certainly God(dess).)
Atrayo's Oracle Blog Site is your online resource for FREE for the latest Jewels of Truth series of statements. Aside from Volumes One, Two, and Three of the Jewels of Truth series sold online at Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.
These two most recent statements were channeled less than ten days ago as fresh off the pearly gates. :o)
May you find them intriguing whether you accept them or not. As long as they expand your blessed horizons of the Infinite Divinity within us all. Amen.
Broken Faith:
3269) Sometimes in life very bad things will happen to good people who were already struggling with other hardships outright. Often this signifies a hurling even further backwards personally akin to an insult to injury. From the Big Picture angelic Heavenly perspective in a detached compassionate manner, it is another opportunity to reset your dilemmas in the world.
What appears as personally disastrous at first glance is the heavenly expression of Tough Love to steer you around so as to orient you onto a stronger pathway of redemptions. What was once before a dead-end cycle of turmoil leading you in a circle around a self-created abyss of your own annihilation. With a renewed long-distance Hope you have a 2nd chance to heal your psyche, living conditions, and a potential righteous outcome, if you have sufficient courage to claim such soulful treasures of God.
What was once a prior perpetual state of despair has you boomer ranged onto another loop that has a chance of success versus a dead-end street just before of wretched agony. We the heavenly host often sling-shot mortals through Tough Love in order to catapult them away from pre-existing miseries of all consecrated kinds.
When your faith is in another person versus a set of circumstances of your own dysfunctional making as flawed coping mechanisms socially speaking in the world. You have linked hearts to another spiritually speaking whether they are a fine suitor or a wretched behemoth of foul relations. Be this with unspoken allegiances to individuals as relatives, friends, and perhaps strangers verily unto other impersonal organizations such as to a government or a corporation.
Many an idealist that swears fealty towards an organization by a declared oath of principles. Only to realize years to decades later such people run Institutional entities are flawed. Much remorse with disgruntled recriminations occurs needing heartfelt healing of such feelings of betrayals to be allievated. No one can deny there is goodness and even greatness of the people nameless and perhaps even recognized in such human-led Institutions of all kinds on earth. However, there are also backstabbing politics of usurpers and deceivers as snakes in the grassy knolls best avoided at all costs.
When a Loved one breaks your heart and mind not just once but repeatedly over the years. What sort of resolve do you have? Often the best recourse after breaking your selfless soul as a compassionate spirit to their parasitic tendencies is to simply let them go. Take your own medicine of courage led by faith and trust in God and save yourself unless you martyr yourself to a miscreant dearly loved.
Walk away, nah crawl away if you must slowly psychologically as contemplations before the eventual day you actually leave such an aggrieved abuser. Be this a spouse that has self-destructed or a relative perhaps a young adult addicted to opioids. You can not save them if you have personally self-destructed first morally and certainly spiritually by living in a self-created Hell on Earth.
Seek help from social welfare and religious organizations aside from having confidants be they therapists to other relatives and friends that can be trusted. Do not be selfish with your hardships for spiritually they belong to the world whether they are acknowledged or not. What must bear fruit takes many such seasons to grow unfettered without interference lest a healthy pruning from time to time.
Only those individuals that make a clear and lasting break away from the pandemonia at the home or office workplace front. Can find the moments between moments in utter silence to listen to the Intuitive stillness of God and the angelic powers that be for guidance. Yours isn't a unique tragedy although it feels horribly as such. To have your holy rightful redemption you must develop personal courage even if you must crawl like a newborn child emotionally and mentally to achieve it.
Your masochism at the hands of an abuser isn't noble anymore. Their frigid demeanor must be surrendered to a higher authority even if you must metaphorically walk on your knees out of such a hell hole. The scars can heal if you are dedicated once you are outside such a killing field of angst. Those that harbor monsters either die a slow cowardly death morally and spiritually. Or become just like their abuser as tormentors of another demented sort as the once abused is now a victimizer of another generation of hapless victims.
Be the Difference to experience a positive change start small and tiny with moral choices that are anonymous without advertising to anyone your progress. Seek resources locally and online to overcome your hardships whatever they may be in fact. Your facts can change if you start now and continue even if you have fits and starts over a period of months and years. You aren't completely lost to us in the heavens, pray without ceasing and give thanks even for the slightest foolishness to God. That is only redemptive by his Glory alone.
Yours can be the path well-lived even after years of tragedies and internalized abuses. Forgive yourself, forgive your tormentors silently, and even Forgive God if you must for feelings of abandonment. The path to success in life is for all who claim such bold glory. Even if you fail along the way a modest success is nothing to surrender easily. Your dearest eyes tell sagas to us the heavenly angelic host of the saints and sinners alike.
Be on your guard for the greatest threat comes from within humanity before even the impersonal natural disasters lays claim to your souls on Earth due to climate tragedies. Situational awareness is a must not with paranoia but with Pronoia realizing your divinity is the sacred pathway of overcoming this world slowly and deliberately.
Whatever faith or a dear sacred trust becomes broken in the world. It takes triple the effort to restore it over time in a sincere often selfless resolve to heal what was once scarred. It takes a whole regime of personal self-development to release the dysfunctional old patterns by finding renewed hope to reinvigorate a psyche and a human body away from maladies that once before injured it. Whichever path you choose may it be the right one for you even if mistakes are encountered along the way. They aid you such mistakes to realize what isn't for you.
Go with internalized humble confidence away from your pain into your strengths instead. Those will be the laurels gained and cherished over time that lead you away from misery unto your own slot of peace on earth. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Divine Rights:
3270) For all concerned souls on this version of the earth beyond your humane arts and sciences that endeavor to reveal the glories of the world at every unforeseeable turn of events. Yours is a glory already forgotten long ago in terms of the metaphysical wonders in your common ancient midsts. Every creature whether as a human person or known to you as wildlife primitive in its ways. Along with the spirits of a place be it urban, suburban, and certainly a wild ecological sphere of an untamed environment.
All these entities spiritually have a right to exist and thrive by their own solemn divine accord as Willed by God(dess). Every entity spiritually as a spirit and by hierarchical connections of the soul body of God have inalienable Divine Rights to flourish upon Creation. We the angelic host as minor deities move the cosmos to make this ultimate desire of God the Lord of Majesties Eternal to bring this Immaculate Truth to bear as realities without end or beginning.
Every entity has a responsibility to grow, mature, and serve one another with dignity. Be this on the physical interactions and certainly with the spectral ethereal environs by worshipping God, however, you define him, her, or it.
We denote that there are universal tenets known to many of you as the virtues, norms, ethics, and rules of sound judgment coupled with benevolence that make such a noble difference to exist into perpetuity. Such a godly essence is perfect in terms of retrofactions to curve the bend of realities back onto itself so this Creation may exist forever. A loop of another order of magnitudes that permits the divine to intercede on behalf of the living by the flesh or other energetic transfers of being alive.
A macro totality of souls of what you term as the afterlife embodies all the values of the just and of the wicked known and unknown unto all Creations alike. Those who herald eventually back to the Heavenly hereafter are afforded esteemed privileges and rights garnered by how their reincarnation has lived rightly. Most of these basic rights are gifted as Promises Everlasting by God itself and all the rest as privileges are earned on a case-by-case eternal basis on the soul level over eternities of collective efforts of all your rebirths.
Such ones that are called Old Souls are the juveniles of eternity having gamed the celestial system as the ringers. Reborn to serve and cause mischief out of delight to enjoy this side of the universe with grace and ease well deserved by the angelic gods indeed. These are the awards of past, present as concurrent, and forelong future reincarnations co-existing with you. What was once garnered is now redeemed to be cherished once more with greater factors of privileges by the fates in question for any entity that has earned or been gifted them to live by the grace of God indeed.
The unfair advantages a person, circumstance, or a force of nature may have in the world. These are heralded from far away remembered eternally and cherished by God as the ultimate supreme guarantor.
Your free will is indicative of not just the number of choices you exercise but the prestige of your divinity on earth to be living to the fullest expression of the Glories of God everlasting. Many variables and attributes have been predestined as baked into your reincarnations right now as reborn heavenly young angelic spirits. Those who live in accordance with their highest and purest truths experience such heavenly privileges foremost before all others in slumber within a lifetime of denial.
The karma available to each of you is sacred and neutral. What you make of it is yours alone although you can carry the karma of others as a selfless sacrifice of your own noble choice. Those with boarder shoulders spiritually speaking get the best whistles and toys as blessings within a lifetime. What they utilize isn't for selfish use alone. Many are constant givers to the point of self-destructive ruin as martyrs. Not all martyrs are wise and not all martyrs are destined to rise to the occasion. Some are merely victims caught up in the fervor of another miscreant's slaughter.
Each of you are solemn ghosts with physical bodies that you deem as human and as such mortal for a finite era of time on earth and no more. This can not be further from the metaphysical truth eternal as it is glorious to recall your divinity is a life within a human lifetime. Each of you has more than a single lifetime simultaneously ongoing in a multi-dimensional constant. What is deemed as your Over-Soul is a constellation of all your reincarnations happening Right Now! Be this ten thousand years ago as a Neanderthal hominid, five hundred years ago in the European Ressainance, and One Thousand years from now on a human colony barely surviving on another planet.
The turnstile of portals of the ages is always happening metaphysically Now, not later or then. Your face is but a finite echo of something far greater looming forever and it won't stop just because you're agnostic or an atheist filled with unresolved dramatic confusion. All are welcome to cherish their divinity and to safeguard the foreigner's divinity without condemnation and certainly without discriminatory persecutions based upon cultural creeds.
You each are inches from self-realizations of astounding gobsmacking wonders of the glory of God(dess). Claim them if you are so bold as to remember what it means to be an angelic spirit living as someone else perceiving itself as divorced from the cosmos. Rekindle what is yours to achieve within a lifetime shared by the goodwill of others that accept your artistry and magnetic resolve to carry on by chance and destiny alike. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.