22 & she/her & ace | aquarius | i write! | aureliu_s on AO3 | one piece, skyrim, DA, star trek, WoT, ATSV, BG3, and many moooore | inbox always open! :3 | pro🍉
289 posts
Some Wip Wednesday!
some wip wednesday!
just wanted to share some of the skyrim project i'm working on :3 hoping to start posting in april (or at least put ch1 up before my ao3 draft dies lmao). open tag for anyone who wants to join, but here are some folks i know may have WIPs of any kind:
@kiir-do-faal-rahhe @helix-studios117 @nuwanders
Suddenly Miraak was below her on the ground, his eyes widening and the stench of fear flooding through his pores as he called her name; he was so distant, so slow. Her saliva slathered over her chin and dripped onto his neck, onto his pulse, quick and warm. She felt dirt push under her nails as she dug her hands into the soft ground on either side of his head - somehow his arm had detached from her, she felt it slip away as her back began to bend and crawl and her skin moved and bubbled and trembled, stretching so thin it turned white, and then a murky brown-grey.
"Tharya," Miraak whispered, struggling for breath as her face twisted and snarled just above him, as her teeth lengthened and sharpened. "I'm here, elskavin. Don't. I'm here. Your family-" she screamed at him as he spoke, a scream that had a thousand different sounds behind it, augmented chords that pulled and plucked her voice into a gargling roar, and then a guttural howl.
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More Posts from Aureli-us
okay halo people new question: what do you think chief actually looks like??? i LOVE masked characters (cough miraak) because i love the chance to sort of invent them physically below the mask. for that reason i hope to never actually see a canon john face in the games (despite being the literal greenest newbie to play halo on the planet rn) BUT i really enjoy trying to think of it myself??? some ideas i got browsing:

from the halo: escalation comic so the site said. i LOVE his baby blues i love how deep and colorful they are. i cant tell if he looks a little tan under there or it's just the shadow? i've seen somewhere the games or books describe him as too pale bc he rots in his armor all the time lmao. BUT i really really enjoy the oceanic eyes. idk if this comic ever shows his full face, i saw others did, but i would be SO interested to see what they do with the rest of him bc he'd probs look sick as fuck in the dark horse style

THIS ONE to me is gorgeous. i 100% love his hair here, it's exactly how i imagined it. brown and short, but like, military short but NOT a buzz (sorry i hate him w a buzzcut. its most probable but i cant😭) big fan of the widow's peak/hairline and tbh i really like his scars? im all for him being fucked up. part of me also wonders if his face would possibly be more protected??? but also all i know about spartans is that becoming a spartan Hurts so maybe they're like,,,, GMO scars

(ik i legit haven't touched deviantart for like....a decade) THIS was a cool collection. OP points out some similarities that are interesting (mainly his short brown hair, straight nose, and SCRUFF🥰🥰🥰). my favorite favorite favorite is probably second column from left, three down, the one where he has 117 buzzed into his undercut. that shit goes fuckin HARRRRRRRDDDDDDD. i tried to reverse search it but i couldn't rly find the OG of that one, which is sad 😔
that's all!!! i just thought it'd be cool to get ppl's thoughts. i saw a lot of comments that were basically like "chief has no face to me, he's the helmet" and tbh it makes a lot of sense, esp since that's legit how he was designed for the express purpose of first person feeling/relatability. feel free to reply or dm me your ideas!!!
i can't tell if i want to be master chief or be with him. is halo about to become a new hyperfixation? my guess is NO but i could be open..........

i can’t think of any silly caption for this, i just wanted to draw my miraak’s tits. so this is him post-bath.
this piece is dedicated to the person who decided to comment on my fic and say “Bit of a cliche first meet ngl kinda ooc for miraak”🫶
WAIT I have another. Miraak is the kinda person to use those toddler leashes if the LDB has any kids
HONESTLY. i want to say yes but also no but also....like YEAH😭
for me, my army of OCs largely never have (biological) kids because i personally don't want kids and tbqh i don't.....REALLY like them a lot? tho some OCs adopt or gain found-family children (i.e. my inquisitor & sebastian vael, who adopt meghan vael when she reappears in the city after seb takes the throne).
miraak & tharya never have kids of their own (there's lore), but miraak really loves kids. so i remedied this by making tharya's family have a ton of kids; you have sofie, who they unofficially adopt, and then tharya's brother adopts her, and then tharya's OTHER brother and his wife have 3 kids (there's a very tender scene of him getting their youngest cozied up for a midday nap in my upcoming fic). miraak also occasionally teaches local whiterun kids at the temple of kynareth. he enjoys letting them climb all over him and is happy that his presence makes them feel safe, and gladly holds them or holds their hand when they want, and is VERY protective of them when he has them. BUT i cant help but think some days he would wish to live in a world w the backpack leashes when they're all especially rowdy🗿 but this is all just me teehee i wanna hear other miraak crowd's thoughts 👀👀👀
jesus christ tumblr just told me this blog is 4yrs old. and this is my NEW blog. where am i