Skyrim Fic - Tumblr Posts
here you'll be able to find all my writing works, past and present! i write for lots of different fandoms but i flip flop between hyperfixations and obsessions pretty regularly lol. my most written-for fandom is skyrim. currently i'm 500 episodes and 1 fic deep into one piece! i have a few fics on hiatus but 100% intend to finish them and working (VERY slowly) on both. below you can find my fandoms and my current/most recent works for each!
From the New World with Love (recently done!)
Smoker/OC content: a retelling of Punk Hazard with additional OC lore in the second half. rated T on AO3 for violence and language.
On the Cruise (collection)
a collection of oneshots, drabbles, ideas, and headcanons for one piece characters, mostly OC-centric. gets pretty smoker-focused in recent updates but things for other characters are still there and may be updated! NSFW content is marked in chapter titles!
it's been a while since i've written anything substantial for skyrim, but i do have a completed series and more plans for fics on the way!
First & Last Series (completed)
six fics telling of the journey of the last dragonborn as she rescues the first from apocrypha, brings him back to tamriel, grapples with the political turmoil of the country and magical happenings related to the pair of dragonborns. includes REVENANT, my crowning glory fic, a story told by the LDB of her past after killing alduin but before the events of the series.
4E 208: The Wild Hunt (not yet posted)
Set Yourself Free (in progress; no schedule)
a miguel o'hara x spidersona/spider oc fic, which takes place mostly in the time between ITSV and ATSV. lots of anguish, relationship building, emotions, a little smut, and (hopefully) a sound resolution 😎 guest appearances mainly by peter b and gabriel o'hara, and gwen/spidergang later on!
other assorted fandoms you'll find on my AO3 (these are either not updated or updated very infrequently)
star trek (mostly discovery & strange new worlds: pike centric, more maybe to come once SNW S2 comes out!);
a bit of jojo's, a fic i really need to finish (and intend to) but have been dragging my feet on forever;
dragon age, which i dearly love but had my hyperfixation peak on a while ago so it's been hard to get back into it:
and probably other stuff i'm forgetting, but those are my mains! please enjoy and always feel free to drop a comment on AO3 or come to my tumblr inbox no matter how old the fic or how weird the question. thanks for stopping by!

hi all! i haven't done fictober since 2019 but i hit a break with my return to longfic writing recently and want to celebrate with another fictober!!! i usually don't like the lists i see floating around so i once again made my own :) am sharing here just in case anyone else is interested. hopefully quality isn't too trashy
(edit: follow along on my ao3!)
some wip wednesday!
just wanted to share some of the skyrim project i'm working on :3 hoping to start posting in april (or at least put ch1 up before my ao3 draft dies lmao). open tag for anyone who wants to join, but here are some folks i know may have WIPs of any kind:
@kiir-do-faal-rahhe @helix-studios117 @nuwanders
Suddenly Miraak was below her on the ground, his eyes widening and the stench of fear flooding through his pores as he called her name; he was so distant, so slow. Her saliva slathered over her chin and dripped onto his neck, onto his pulse, quick and warm. She felt dirt push under her nails as she dug her hands into the soft ground on either side of his head - somehow his arm had detached from her, she felt it slip away as her back began to bend and crawl and her skin moved and bubbled and trembled, stretching so thin it turned white, and then a murky brown-grey.
"Tharya," Miraak whispered, struggling for breath as her face twisted and snarled just above him, as her teeth lengthened and sharpened. "I'm here, elskavin. Don't. I'm here. Your family-" she screamed at him as he spoke, a scream that had a thousand different sounds behind it, augmented chords that pulled and plucked her voice into a gargling roar, and then a guttural howl.
I'm not sure how you'll take this but when I was reblogging hircine art from you, I misread daedric prince hircine as daddy prince hircine and got concerned for your fanfic
PLEAAAASE THIS IS MAKING ME CRACK UP IN THE DINING HALL- we will NOT be smashing hircine in this fic!!!!! so far the only prince we've smashed (non-canonically) is SANGUINE. he feels most smashable. the only thing to be smashed in this fic is hircine's stupid FACE 🔛🔝☝🤓
I'm terrified because I accidentally in my enthusiasm sent the miraak starter to the person who made the post but there's no take backsies. But the "in the mortal realm, I'm under your power" is such a powerful thing to sAY
LMAOOO please i don't think they'll mind teehee. and YOU'RE SO RIGHT THAT ONE IS LITERALLY CRAZY- my mind took a bit to get the idea for it but in the end it came up w this ehhe
i hope you enjoy! it's not exactly the most evident(?) thing you would expect from that prompt but tbh they're all so amazing....feel free to ask for others bc i NEED to write them all😩
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
i was tagged by @2lim3rz but the og post was getting pretty big, so i remade it!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
30! soon to be 31 😎
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1,166,343. 😳 woah
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mainly skyrim! it's my most beloved, my bread and butter. however i recently also wrote for one piece, dragon age, spiderverse, and some older stuff for jojo's and star trek!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. apocrypha
2. dragonmark
3. smut drabbles (not really a fic but im lazy)
4. break of dawn
5. sic parvis magna
5. Do you respond to comments?
ALWAYS‼️ i love love LOVE commentors and do my best to respond within 1-3 days!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
UGH i wish i could but i don't often do REALLY angsty endings. so this would probably have to be dragonmark, since it ends with tharya and miraak quite estranged from one another and quite a frosty exchange of dialogue, as well as setting up for the next fic (which ends a teensy bit angsty as well, but not really)
possible runnerup to this is from the new world with love, since it ends rather ambiguously on what happens next.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
easily revenant. it's a rollercoaster of a fic, approx 40 chapters iirc, but ends with the thing i set out to do when i initially started writing the first & last series :3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
NO, but i have gotten bot comments! i'll take it as a mark of fame 💅 lmao (jk i have no allusions of grandeur)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YES. YES. YES. i'm probably a boring smut writer bc i kinda just write tharya and miraak over and over and over and over and over. but i do enjoy experimenting with them!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really - though i did write a dragon break fic once and asked a few other writer friends to lend me their characters for it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope! would be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
also not really, but for that same dragon break fic i had those writer friends write scenes and brainstorm with me to fit everything together! so in a way, sort of :)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
god....would it make sense to say even though i write, i'm not very active in fandoms? i've never really considered myself well and truly a PART of a fandom (aside from skyrim), just someone who likes to orbit the fandom and extract ideas from the source content. so i don't have many fandom/canon ships i like. can i say my own characters instead??? if so. my ldb/miraak 10000000%
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm....well, it was arms of chaos before i gave up and deleted it. i have two longstanding WIPs (jojo fic and miguel fic) but i'm in love with their content and ideas, so i do have full intentions to finish them both! might just take a while
16. What are your writing strengths?
i would say putting emotion and description into my work. i LOVE trying to perfectly capture emotions as i feel them, even if that sometimes means the way they get written can be unorthodox. and, ofc, im obsessed with describing stuff all. the. time.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description is a double edged sword LMAO😭 sometimes (most times) i go way too overboard or in depth. i also have a hard time writing kids 💀 and am not the best at writing normal fluff, i always need some kind of emotion or drama or problem/underlying plot to latch onto. i really wish i was, bc then i could write the cyrodiil vacation fic i've been dreaming of for two years
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
supporter! i do it occasionally with miraak and tharya. the original shōgun miniseries from i think the 80s is what first showed me that not all dialogue needs to be understood by the audience - in fact, it can be a powerful plot device when it isn't. so i'm a big fan of untranslated dialogue (in moderation) when it serves a purpose. otherwise i just denote the dialogue is in a different language after writing it in english.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
god....probably transformers (i've gotten over that shame and am now in love w transformers again)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
i often say revenant because it is in a way my crowning glory. but it's also stuck in my old style of writing (which is not bad, just less matured imo, and more flighty). but revenant is probably my fav ever content for a fic, it's something i wanted to write for like 4yrs before i did - from the new world with love is the only fic currently completed in my newer, aged wine style, and i really enjoy that one as well!
((but my coming soon fic is probably gonna take the cake whenever it drops))
i'll tag @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @nuwanders @elventhief @nusaran and absolutely leave an open tag for anyone who wants to do it :) tag me so i can see it!
IT'S UP!!!!!!! description from ao3:
“You are a beast, Tharya Stormhand. Dragonborn, soldier, werewolf - all beasts of different titles, but beasts nonetheless. You have never been anything more. You will never be anything better. Isn’t that why you gave your soul to me?”
Last Seed, 4E 208. Almost a full year since the events of Revenant, the Dragonborn - and their burgeoning family - have found home in Whiterun, with work and adventure to keep them happily busy. When the summer nights grow watchful and the moons deadly, Tharya finds herself at the center of the Wild Hunt, desperately outrunning a secret that has both plagued and formed her life and relationships for the past eleven years. Unwilling to let her long years of evasion go unpunished, the Daedric Prince Hircine gives chase, and the Hunt begins.

i like dropping little tidbits about upcoming fics as if i'm a huge name brand movie studio dropping tiny crumbs of information to goad people so they freak tf out when the full thing drops 😌
Okay gang, this is pretty unorthodox for me but...
I have not only written, but actually posted fanfic. Granted, at this stage "fanfic" is a bit of a stretch? It's the game script rewritten. There will be more deviation later.
Without further ado: