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Heyy :)), I Saw Your Requests Open And I Was Wondering If You Can Write Up Some Tokyo Rev Headcanons

Heyy :)), I saw your requests open and I was wondering if you can write up some tokyo rev headcanons for this scenario:

Chracter visits reader's house for 'studying' but when the enter the house they are immediately greeted by a huge ass doberman dog who's looking at them like they murdered their mom. And reader's just like : whuehue they don't bite :))

(I just went into my bestie's house and they didn't inform me their cousin and their dog was visiting and I felt like I almost died like three times when the dog tried to tackle me, like their paws are literally up my shoulder and their slobber was all over my face. The owner's just like 'oh he's an angel he just wanted to be friends with u' sir you don't know how to speak dog how do you know if it's actually telling me to prepare my prayers? Shdhgdhdgd sorry for oversharing but I just wanted to tell u where this came from and I also want to see others suffer the same thing. Thankss ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️)

A/N: Of course, thank you so much for the request❤️ I laughed so hard while writing this 😂 It was so much fun to do. Here you go luv, I hope you like it!

Characters: Ran, Takemichi, Shinichiro, Baji, Chifuyu



The poor bastard never expected to be face-to-face with your personal bloodhound and it was all Rindou’s fault. The younger haitani was used to coming over your house and he knew you had a dog, so when Ran told him he’d be “borrowing” you for the night to study, best believe he made sure not to mention a word about the canine that guarded you and your house.

Was screaming like a little girl when the dog started barking as it towered over him, looking like it was ready to make the lanky male its next chew toy.

He thought that if he was going to die, he’d make sure he didn't get his face messed up too bad.


While Ran was screaming bloody murder and begging for his life to a hundred pound dog, you were innocently watching the whole commotion through the home camera that was installed.

“Y/n why the fuck do you have that demonic mutt in your house?!” “ ‘Demonic’? He’s a sweetheart, he wouldn’t hurt a fly!”

Ran believed that it was utter bullshit, especially after he almost had his gorgeous face mauled.

No matter how much you reassured him, he didn’t dare come near the dog.

Complained that he could’ve died because you nor Rindou told him that you had a dog.

He spends the whole night fighting with the dog for your attention and when it would get too close to him, he would use you as a shield.

He definitely considered the idea of poisoning it at some point.

When it was time to leave he made a mental note to murder Rindou when he saw him after putting him in a near-death experience.


The poor soul passed out right then and there when he was face to face with your “human friendly” pet.

Chifuyu suggested that he should get some ‘tutoring’ from you since he was struggling so much in class.

His friend was an idiot, so of course he forgot to mention that the pet you had was a Doberman.

His screams were definitely mistaken for a little girl’s scream. The whole neighborhood could hear him.

When you come to see what is happening, you see Takemichi knocked out cold while your dog covers him in drool as he licks his face.

“A-am I dead?” “No, you idiot! My baby would never hurt someone!”

Genuinely thought you were crazy to think something as big as your Doberman wouldn’t jump at the chance to chew his limbs off.

He makes up an excuse that he was just stopping by and didn’t need any tutoring.

Cries to Chifuyu that he almost died because of him.

“If I die, I’ll make sure I drag you to hell with me!” Quoted a teary-eyed Takemitchy.


The older Sano just wanted to spend some time with you after a stressful day, but was thrown into despair after seeing a Doberman greet him in your living room.

The poor soul gets chased around your house for a whole hour before you come home to see him hitting your dog with a pillow.

“Y/n! Thank god! PLEASE HELP ME!” 

When you explain to him that you recently had gotten a dog for extra protection, it made him offended. Why get a dog when you have someone that would protect you with their life? Let alone someone who has a whole gang backing him up.

He would complain that you could’ve gotten a medium sized dog instead of asking hell for one of its' bloodhounds to be your canine companion. 

When he tries to smoke, the dog would growl at him as a warning not to smoke around you.

When he tells Wakasa and Benkei about what had happened, they admit that they also had similar encounters with your dog. They secretly made a pack that if they were to encounter your dog without you around again, they’d fight it off together. 

“If one of us goes down, then we all go down” - Shinichiro.

One day, he brought his siblings over to your house with him and your dog instantly fell in love with the two. (Complained later on that the dog was trying to replace him)

Manjiro and Emma teased him for being a wimp and he had threatened to feed them to the dog, but ended up almost having his hand bitten off afterwards.


He was used to dealing with animals at the pet shop, especially angry cats, but dealing with a huge ass Doberman was a different story.

The moment he walks in your house, he is greeted with your angry-looking Doberman with small bits of meat decorating its teeth.

He genuinely thought you had been eaten by it.

In an attempt to get away, he throws his backpack at it while running out the door.

He ends up bumping into you and is relieved yet confused at the same time.

It takes you two whole hours just to get him to calm down.

“He doesn’t bite Baji!” “You weren’t the one that thought it ate their friend.”

When he sees Chifuyu at the pet shop, he makes sure that they don’t end up taking in any big dogs like the one he had encountered with you.

Has nightmares about his cats getting murdered by your dog for the next two weeks.


Similar to Baji, Chifuyu is an expert at handling animals, but not huge dogs.

You and him were studying for an upcoming exam and you had forgotten that you needed to feed your dog.

Now, in Chifuyu’s mind he thinks you have one of those small-sized puppies girl’s usually like. But, he’s proven wrong when you come back with a huge Doberman following behind you, already eyeing Chifuyu as his dinner.

At the moment, it looked like you were going to feed him to the dog.

He starts to beg for forgiveness for whatever he’s done wrong to make you want to use him as a human sacrifice. 

Goes on and on about stuff he did wrong while clinging on to your leg. 

Poor Chifuyu was in a state of panic, until you shook him hard enough for him to get his act together.

“Chifuyu he’s trained, he won’t eat you.” “Last time I checked you don’t speak dog language! What if he plans to eat me behind your back!”

He thinks it’s jealous of him because you guys are close.

Forces you to come over his house if you want to see Peke J. because he firmly believes your dog will try to murder his cat out of spite.

Wanted Baji to suffer the same thing he went through, but ended up getting the shit beat out of him afterwards.

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More Posts from Authorluvgxbby

2 years ago

oh my god just read ur mitsuya and chifuyu’s type post,,,,

would like to know how u think mitsuya would act around his crush!!

A/N: Ask and you shall receive! 

So, in my previous post I thought of Mitsuya being attracted to an independent and creative person. So I feel like he would be the type of person to try to mask his shyness around his crush by acting cool and calm around his crush. Like, he’s so used to being the one responsible for things and taking the lead, but when he sees his crush being independent in their work and handling things by themselves, it just makes him feel a bit vulnerable and out of place. This sudden change causes him to question himself and really make him think about how he should pursue his interests in you. 

When he realizes he has a crush, he tries his best to not let it show because he’s afraid his crush might catch on too quickly.

He’s always shy or nervous around his crush, but plays it off with confidence and a calm expression.

He sometimes tries to hint his feelings by offering advice to his crush if they are ever struggling with something or simply complimenting them and their work. 

He loves the fact that his crush has their own goals and wants to help them to succeed, so if there is anything that he can do to help, all they need to do is ask.

He secretly remembers the small things his crush likes and doesn't like and ends up developing a habit of showing what he remembers. For example, he’ll remember the kinds of food his crush eats and doesn’t eat and if the two of them are ever eating out with co-workers he’ll make sure to push aside or take the foods they can’t handle, so that they won’t end up having to try them to see which one’s are to their liking.

If there is something that particularly bothers their crush (e.g. sounds, pet peeves, triggers etc.) he’ll do his best to try to accommodate your tolerance and will defend you if someone tries to bother you in some way.

Naturally, Mitsuya is a gentleman and polite to others, however with his crush, there is a whole other level of his mannerisms. He won’t even realize that he is being overly polite with his crush unless they point it out.

He knows that he won’t be able to keep his feelings down for much longer so he tries to ask his little sisters’ advice on how to ask his crush out because his crush is similar to him and the only people that know how to deal with a personality similar to Mitsuya’s are his little sisters.

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2 years ago

Hello! Anon here who requested the partner headcanons. I just want to say thank you jdvdjejwh I literally screeched when I saw it and I was giggling like mad after reading it. Have a nice day ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

Of course, I'm so glad you liked it :)) and thank you so much for the request, I loved writing it ❤️

2 years ago

Hello hello! May I request for some angsty headcanons for the tokyo rev boys with estranged friend reader who they cut ties with cause they lived two opposite lives (and is secretly jealous of each other) BUT the prob is they always see each other in school busy being a delinquent and the other being an overachieving goody two shoes. Thanks you in advance ❤️❤️❤️

Genre: Angst

TW/CW: Jealousy, hurtful comments, mentions of/reader suffering from burn out, mentions of the stage of grief: denial, cursing, reader kinda gaslights herself in Baji's part

Characters Included: Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, and Baji

A/N: heyy Anon! I am so, so, so sorry for the wait, thank you so much for being patient! This one's for you, enjoy!

Part 1 Part 2



You and Mikey were childhood friends and from anyone’s point of view, it was obvious the two of you were close. However, things became different when Toman was formed. Slowly, you and Mikey began to drift apart. You tried to make the little friendship you both had last, but it was all futile. The last thing Mikey said before he severed the few strings between the two of you was, “You’re useless to me. You’ll only hold me and Toman back, so it's best if we go separate ways.”

After that day, you had been in complete denial that Mikey ended the bond between the two of you.

You tried calling him and looking for him at school, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Overtime, you would try to get over him, seeing how maybe he was right and that things just wouldn’t work out between the two of you since both of you were striving for completely different things in life.

That’s what you try to tell yourself at least.

As a way to distract yourself, you’d put in 100% of your effort into your academics to the point where you would constantly suffer from extreme burn out.

You began to distance yourself away from all your other friends, and eventually be hated or envied by most of your peers.

Meanwhile, you hadn’t noticed that Mikey had been watching you from a distance, making sure no one dared lay a finger on you.

“Once a good-girl, and always will be a good girl,” he whispers to himself, a smug smirk growing on Mikey’s face as he watches from afar as you become engrossed in your new assignments while walking back home.


“W-what?” you asked, stumbling back a bit as you try to process what Draken had said. Sighing, the tall male takes a big step toward you, shadow swallowing your own as he bores his cold eyes down on you. “I don’t want you around anymore,” his words once again sting you like you’ve just been slapped across the face, “all you do is focus on school, whatever happened to the fun, pretty girl I used to know? You’re no fun anymore”. Tears began to well in your eyes, but you force them back, not wanting to show any weakness to your new-found enemy. “You know what,” you grit out, holding his stare, “I wouldn’t want to be around a thug like you anyway! You’ll just get me in trouble and ruin my life!” You spat, swinging your backpack onto your shoulder as you shove past him.

Oh, you would definitely show him that you would be just fine without him around.

The moment you got home you lost his number and wiped away any traces of him. From burning pictures of the two of you together, to dumping all of his belongings in the trash.

Time passes and your in high school, currently class president and ranking #1 when it comes to test scores.

Meanwhile, Draken was rarely seen in school, too focused with Brahman and bikes, and sometimes secretly keeping watch of you.

Most of your female classmates didn’t have much respect for you, too envious of you after seeing how you had both beauty and brains. However, most of the boys in your class would constantly drool for you, and even go so far as to do everything you asked them to when needed. 

This fact had Draken livid.

Every day he was forced to watch some random guy (usually from quite a good background in comparison to himself) try to impress you or find a reason to talk to you, and it’d have his blood boiling as he watches from the sidelines. And to top it off, you’d entertain them and go along with the little game they were playing, including flirting with them.

However, what Draken didn’t know was that his “secret spying” wasn’t much of a secret at all, since you’ve known he’s been watching you for quite a long time.

Ever since that day, you promised you’d do everything in your power to hurt him like he hurt you. You wanted him to suffer. And what better way to do that when you have the power to make him see how much of a treasure you are after throwing you away like garbage? Maybe he’ll learn a lesson after your done tearing down his pride.


“You know… it must be hard having to balance a life as a part time babysitter, being a delinquent, AND running the school’s sewing club,” you say with fauxed concern as you eye Mitsuya from the doorway of where he worked in the classroom. “What do you want,” he scowls, refusing to meet your gaze as he continues with his work on the sewing machine. Humming you slowly walk over to him, eyes scanning over his focused orbs and his terrible posture. “It’s useless,” you state, using the heel of your foot to turn off the extension plug of where the sewing machine was powered by, “you’ll never beat me Mitsuya, so just stick to being a scummy thug and leave the sewing club to me.” “Get. Out.” he growls, finally lifting his head up to face you. "Oh come on, taka-chan~," you coo, leaning slightly over the table, "that's no way to treat a former friend."

The two of you were close when you both were kids, and when you both had discovered a similar passion for sewing, it was no surprise that you two had clicked immediately.

As you two grow older, you and Mitsuya began to grow apart due to his sudden interest in delinquency, while you strived to become a successful fashion designer in the future.

But what really broke the two of you apart was when you both had competed in a small fashion competition, which resulted in Mitsuya winning first place.

From then on, you had despised Mitsuya, seeing how not only he wanted to be a delinquent but also become a successful designer as well.

When Mitsuya became the sewing club president at your school, it only added more fuel to the fire, and it was safe to say that the whole school knew about the little rivalry between the two of you.

When you would happen to pass each other in the hallways or if you would just happen to stumble around the corner where the sewing club is, you’d peek through the glass to see him helping the club members that admired him as they worked on different projects.

You would often curse yourself as your mind wonders as to what things would have been like if you and Mitsuya had still been friends. 

On the other hand, when Mitsuya would work on projects of his own, he would always have the thought of you and him working side by side and would think that if he had time machine to see what went wrong, he’d fix the pasts mistakes in order for you and him to still be together.


“Just what the hell were you thinking Baji?!” you shout, a mixture of anger and concern settled in your tone as you look at your bruised faced friend that was completely relaxed as he settles into your couch. Baji rolls his eyes scoffing,“It’s not that big a deal, I only got punched once.” “Not a big deal?” you repeated, folding your arms, “Baji we were just walking home and the next thing I know you're suddenly getting into a brawl with a fucking gangster twice your age, that is more than a big deal!” you shoot back, pacing back and forth in your living room as you rub your temples to try to soothe the headache coursing through your brain. “Yeah? Well it doesn’t mean much to me, because unlike your goody-two-shoes-self, I know how to take a fucking hit,” he defends, standing up to close the distance between the two of you which causes you to halt in your action, “your overreacting, it’s not like you were the one fighting,” he spits, glaring down at you. “You know what,” you growl, your piercing gaze challenging his own, “if you think I’m overreacting so much because I'm worried about you, then go ahead and find someone else to leave you to get killed!”

After the argument you two had, you stopped seeing each other from then on and decided to live the different lives you both wanted.

Baji had gotten into more fights since then on, and every time he tried to clean himself up (and end up having to call chifuyu or his mom) he’d think of the times you used to dress his wounds.

Baji would pass by the nurse’s office with Chifuyu tailing behind him and he’d watch from a distance as you would help nurse a fellow classmate while scolding them about being careful and taking care of themselves.

Seeing you happy with others and scolding your friends once in a blue moon struck a nerve with Baji, seeing how you're doing fine without him, meanwhile he could barely wrap a bandage around his finger. 

Meanwhile, you would wonder as to how Baji was doing without you.

When you would study by yourself or help out a friend, you’d think of all the good times you’d have when you would have to constantly help Baji with his homework.

But, when you’d feel yourself missing him or thinking about him, you would remind yourself about the argument you had with him and would tell yourself that it was for the best since he clearly didn’t value how much you had cared for him

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2 years ago

Looking At Me - Part 2

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: None

Characters Included: Takemichi, Kazutora, Nahoya, Inupi, Kokonoi


Part 1    Part 2


Takemichi lets out an exasperated sigh, “I just don’t get Mikey-kun at all…he’s so unpredictable.” He runs his hands through his disheveled blonde hair, letting out another sigh. “Hey, y/n, what do you think I should…,” he trails off, eyes widening in surprise as he meets your focused gaze. How long have they been staring at me? Hesitantly, the blonde makes his way towards you, gently tapping your shoulder. “Hey, y/n? Everything ok?” he asks softly, concerned laced in his tone. You jump slightly at the contact, snapping out of your dozed state. You blink for a moment before shaking your head as a giggle escapes your lips. “Sorry, michi, you just look kinda cute when you're so focused with your thoughts.” you confess. Freezing, Takemichi’s face warms at your compliment, a hand reaching up to clench his chest as his heart rate races a mile a minute. He’s quick to look away, eyes flickering to the corners of your room as he tries to avoid your sweet gaze. “Y-you really mean it?” he mumbles, sheepishly rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. Scooting closer to him on the floor, you cup his face, turning him to face you. Placing a soft kiss on his reddened cheek, you pull back slightly, and whisper, “Of course, after all, I love you takemitchy~” you coo, once again giggling at his ever-growing flustered state. The moment the statement had reached the blushing virgin’s ears, he had sworn to himself that a part of him died right then and there. 

“Would you cut it out y/n? You’re gonna make Kazutora quit if you keep watching him like a damn hawk,” Chifuyu grumbles, crossing his arms as he shoots you a pointed look. However, all comments fell on deaf ears as you continued to eye the dual hair-colored male from across the pet shop, sighing in defeat at the thought of how someone as good-looking as him would never even look your way. It wasn’t fair. Every day there’s a new woman coming into the pet shop, not bothering to look for a pet, but to look for Kazutora. And every day he’d always pay attention to them, but never to you. It was as if the universe was rubbing it in your face that you didn’t have a chance with the man at all. “Then just fire me already,” you pout, eyes never tearing away from the blonde and black-haired cutie as he engages in a conversation with yet another girl, not even bothering to glance at you at all. “Here,” a stack of papers is dropped in front of you with a loud thud, “if you're gonna sit and stare at him, you might as well help with the catalogs too while you're at it.” he states, turning on his heel as he grabs his coat and bag. “Where are you going?” you straighten up from your hunched over position. Ignoring your question, he rifles through his coat pocket before fishing out a set of keys and tossing them to you. “Make sure you and Kazutora lock up after, ok?” and with that he makes his way out of the store, leaving the both of you alone. Or, per say, the three of you. It didn’t take you long to finish the paperwork Chifuyu dumped on you, leaving you with the opportunity to spend the rest of the day staring at Kazutora, who had long ago waved his persistent visitor goodbye as you got lost in your thoughts. The shop is soon filled with deafening silence, with the occasional shuffle of a broom or movement of a few boxes. As Kazutora finishes tidying the shop, he catches a glance of your stare, causing him to halt his actions as he fully turns his attention towards you. You wore a pout on your lips, eyebrows furrowed as you bore holes at him, holding your cheek in your hand. Furrowing his own brows, he makes his way toward you, stopping in front of the desk that stood in between the two of you. “Hey…y/n?” he softly calls, yet there was no response. Glancing down at your balled fist on the wooden surface of the counter, he hesitantly reaches a hand out to stroke your skin with his thumb, “y/n?” The sudden contact causes you to snap back to reality, eyes widening slightly as you come face to face with a familiar tiger tattoo. Looking up from where you sat, you see a concerned Kazutora towering over you, eyes fixated on your own. A blush creeps its way onto your face, and you're quick to retract your hand from his as you cover your face. Chuckling, Kazutora shakes his head, “You're too obvious when you stare y/n,” he teases, leaning over the desk as he inches his face closer to your own. “Pfft-me? Stare? I don't know what you mean!” You try to avoid his prying gaze, but failed miserably when he takes your chin between two fingers, forcing your face to meet his own before letting go. Standing up straight, he smiles, “If you want, how about you let me take you out? That way, you’ll be able to stare at me all you want and not get in trouble with our boss,” he offers. You couldn’t utter a word. Were you dreaming? You had to be. “y/n you don't have to-” “YES!” you shout standing up and hugging him over the desk. Chuckling once more, he wraps his arms around you, mentally noting to thank Chifuyu later.

“Hey y/n, I’ll be right back alright?” Nayoha voices, glancing at you before walking off to join the other division captains that were gathered in the center of the entrance of Musashi Shrine. “Yeah, no problem,” you nod in reply, watching as he walks off. “Hey y/n!” turning around, you see Souya sitting on the steps leading to the shrine, motioning for you to come over. Walking over to him, you take a seat next to him on the steps, following his gaze to where he watched Nahoya engage in the meeting that was being held. “What do you think they’re talking about?” you asked the blue-haired twin. Shrugging he says, “Beats me. Big bro doesn’t tell me much of what he hears in the division captain meetings, but it’s probably about the new gangs that are popping up in Shibuya.” Nodding at his statement, you turn to where your boyfriend stood, holding your head in your hands as you gaze at the pink-haired male. You couldn’t help but worry for him, as well as his brother. Ever since the events of the Bloody Halloween, you’ve been worried sick for the twins, but mainly Nahoya. He always puts you and his brother first before himself, and it scares you that he might end up getting into a fight that he might not be able to win. Just the thought of Nahoya getting hurt makes you frown and your heart ache, all of which didn’t go unnoticed by Souya. An hour later, the meeting between division captains was adjourned, while everyone went their separate ways, Nahoya makes his way back to where you sat alongside his brother. “Hm? What’s up with her?” he questions. Standing up, Souya glances at you before turning his full attention to his brother. “I think she might be worried.” Nahoya raises a brow, turning his gaze back to you. He stands in front of you before crouching down to meet your eye level. Reaching a hand out, he pinches your nose, wiggling it slightly in his grasp. This, no doubt, causes you to jump out of your thoughts as you quickly grab onto Nahoya’s arm. “H-hey! Nahoya, let go of my nose!” you whine, pouting as he lets go of your nose. “Quit frownin’ doll.” You stifle, before turning away from him, “Nahoya, I-” he doesn’t give you a chance to speak, silencing your lips with a quick kiss. He takes both of your hands, pulling you up to stand up with him and hold you in a warm embrace. “Everything is fine, so stop worrying.” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “Ok,” you whisper, snaking your hands around his neck, pulling yourself closer to his chest.  “By the way…,” pulling away, he cups your face to look at him, “if you’re going to stare at me, you should be more subtle about it.” Souya stifles a laugh from afar as you turn away in embarrassment. “Nahoya!” you whine, earning a giggle from your pink-haired partner. 

Inupi always acted so serious around you, but would sometimes show you the soft side of him. When there were times you wanted him to be soft with you, you’d usually have to take matters into your own hands, even if it meant staring holes into your boyfriend while he worked. Inupi and Draken were working on a bike that wasn’t in the best of condition due to the lack of care its owner had for it, so it was as expected neither of them would be paying you much attention any time soon, especially your boyfriend. A frustrated sigh leaves Inupi’s lips as he wipes the sweat that had been collecting on his brow, “Hey Draken, you mind grabbing the screwdriver on the desk over there?” he asked, pointing to where you were seated at. Grunting, Draken moves from under the bike and makes his way over to you. Grabbing the tool, he pauses before looking down at you. You sat with your head down on your folded arms as you watched Inupi tinker underneath the bike, eyes glued to him and completely void from your own surroundings. To Draken, it was kinda creepy, but he also felt bad, knowing that Inupi barely talks with you, let alone spend much time with you due to his shyness and the fact he’s been put to work most of the time. Walking back to Inupi, he taps his leg with the tool, gaining the sweaty male’s attention. Motioning with his head toward you he says, “Go take a break, I got this.” Inupi knits his brows together, straightening up from his position and glancing from you back to his boss. “But-” “Go,” Draken interjects, while rolling up his sleeves, “you should go spend time with her, besides the bike will be here for another week if not longer, so take a break and go see about your girl.” he says, shooting a stern gaze to his stunned employee. Nodding, he quietly strode toward you, where you sat completely fixated from where he was. Guilt tugged at his heart strings as he saw your dozed state. Sighing, he takes a seat next to you before reaching a hand over to rub circles on your back. The soft contact was enough to startle you out of your daze, pulling you back into reality as you take aware of your surroundings once again. You turn to the side, eyes locking with your boyfriend’s as he softly grins at you. He trails his hand from your back to your cheek, using the back of his finger to caress the soft skin. “Hey..,” his voice is soft, not his usual flat tone, “I-um, I just-” you cut him off with a peck on the lips, smiling as red coats his pale cheeks. “No worries, I don’t mind.” You say, grinning as he huffs before cupping your own cheeks. “Babe?” You hum, a sign that you were listening. “If you're going to stare at me, could you do it at home and not at work?” he pleads, giving you a pointed look. “But-!” “No buts.”

“Are you an idiot or what?” Inupi mutters as he shoots a pointed look over to his distracted friend. Kokonoi hums as he continues to sift through the book he had picked up, “What is it now? If you're bored, then leave.” Huffing Inupi hits the dark-haired male on the shoulder, causing the book he was holding to fall out of his grasp with a loud thud echoing throughout the library. Kokonoi grits his teeth, slowly turning to look at his friend. “Inupi. What the fuck?” he growls, sending a glare of his own towards his seemingly stoic friend. “Is this how you treat y/n, too?” Furrowing his brows, Koko narrows his eyes at his friend, “What the hell are you on about?” “Are you dumb or something?” Inupi states flatly, gaze boring into Koko’s now seething ones. “She’s been staring at you ever since you dumped your head in that book.” At the mention of “she”, Koko turned around in his seat and was met with a pair of trained eyes on him. There you were sat at a table, bright e/c eyes fixated on him as your head rested on one hand. Kokonoi is quick to blush, feeling flattered at the fact that you were so focused on him. “You should go talk to her, you like her right?” Inupi asks, scanning his flustered friend. Clearing his throat, “w-what? But I-,” when Koko turned to look at his friend, he was met with nothing but an empty seat. Swallowing hard, he takes a deep breath before making his way over to your table. You were so lost in your trance that you hadn’t even realized you were face-to-face with your delinquent crush. Kokonoi glances from your soft lips to your eyes, scanning over your attractive features. He was so lost in his own trance of observation, he hadn’t realized he had reached a hand to tuck a strand of hair from your face. The small contact between the two of you pulls you both back to reality, leaving the both of you just as confused and flustered with each other in sight. “O-oh, hey Koko! Um..,” you pause searching your jogged brain for anything that could squash the sudden awkwardness between the two of you, “how long have you been at the library?” The question gains the attention of the stylish-looking male, almond-shaped eyes, holding your own. Leaning over he props his head on his hand, tilting his head to the side as a small smirk reaches his lips. “Long enough to see you staring,” he replies, the answer causing you to squirm in your seat as you look down at your fidgeting hands on the wooden surface. “You know,” he says, bringing a hand over your own, “maybe we can hang out here again? Just the two of us, so that way you can stare at me whenever you like instead of snooping around,” he breathes out, silently praying you’d agree. Shyly, you nod, squeezing his hand as you finally look back at him, “If that’s ok with you, then I’d really like that koko.” God, what did he deserve to finally have someone like you?

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2 years ago

heyy luvs! I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’m so sorry! I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and trying to take care of myself. I’ll be back to posting tomorrow at the latest. Also, thank you guys so much for the requests, I’m so happy to be able to bring joy to you all with our fictional cuties. Please continue sending in requests, it honestly means so much to me that I get to write for you all. As always stay hydrated and well lovelies ❤️