Sano Manjiro - Tumblr Posts
Damn shawty bae

If I can't have your genes, then please just give it to my children's... lemme just yk …▄█▀█●
Please.. I beg of you

Matsuno Chifuyu | Chibi
⚠️ Tokyo Revengers spoiler ⚠️
Ladies and gentlemen...
It's been a long time since you...

If he's a walking red flag, I'd be his mf flagpole

The both lost the most important person in their life.
Okay, so the recent chapters of Tokyo Revengers is like, Mikey beating the shit out of Michi, yk.
Remember Mikey's dark impulse?
So it's Michi getting beaten up
And Senju's promise? yeah.
Imagine if Senju stepped in and since there's almost no one near Mikey's strength? And she's possibly the only person that can save Michi from being beaten to death.
Imagine if Waka stepped in to save Senju 😍
Now... Let's wait for it.
Say the line, Wakasa!
Wakasa : ... Take Care of Brahman's Princess?..
Me : YAY.
And Mikey ending up in prison is just straight up plain.
Police officer : so, why did you kill them?
Mikey : I have something called ✌️ Dark Impulse ✌️ after my brother died then my sister comes next. and somehow, killing people doesn't bring them back to life. I'm not Senju nor South, so, I can't control my own shit. Deal with it.
No, Mikey, your reasons and opinions ain't ✌️ valid ✌️😐
Like, move on, you're not that special when it comes to family relatives dying.
I'm welcoming Mikey slander if he kills Waka bae.
M-mikey mouse and Senju are lo-lovers??...
On Mikey’s ‘Dark Impulses’, 241, and Shinichiro
I’m pretty sure Mikey isn’t a real person, or at least not the real Manjiro.

This analysis is all pure speculation after the events that happened in 241, but speculation based around manga canon. I’ve done my best to interpret things as objectively as I can, and acknowledge when something can have a more charitable interpretation.
I’m fairly positive that Mikey not being Manjiro is one missing puzzle piece that connects everything together so we can see the full picture. I think what isn’t said in Tokyo Revengers is so much more interesting than what has been said so far.
I think that the other puzzle piece is Shinichiro. And that Shinichiro was a bad guy.
I think he’s the bad guy and everything we’ve been told about him is a massive misdirect.
I think the story is telling us the truth, while the characters are lying to us or are unreliable narrators.
And I think I have a pretty compelling argument proving this.
*Trigger warnings for mentions of: child abuse, violence, and basically everything bad Tokyo Revengers has already covered in canon up until now. Anything worse than what we’ve already seen in TR will have a giant warning beforehand with more detailed TW’s so you can turn back*
*Also spoilers for the entirety of Mr. Robot (an American TV show). Yes, it is connected*
**DISCLAIMER: I am in no way attempting to assign any diagnosis to any character, nor insinuate that any specific disorder may manifest itself in a particular way in real world situations involving real people. Any perceived similarities to real life are completely incidental and unintentional**
**For consistency, only official translations were used from digital volumes 1, 2, and 14-24; and for volumes 3-13, I’m like 99% sure readtokyorevengers dot net has just screen-shotted all of the official translations and re-uploaded the images for every official English release, lol. There are no official translations I can find for volumes 25 and 26 chapters since they don’t seem to get official English chapter releases outside of finished volumes, so my opinions could change once those are out, if the story isn’t finished before then. If I goofed on any details, please let me know**
On Chapter 241 and What it Means

Mikey badly hurts Haruchiyo in 241. I’m going to ask ‘why’, not to excuse his violent behaviour, but because people just don’t do shit like that, and the ‘why’ is important. Also, it’s fiction, so let’s try to analyse what’s going on in this ongoing (very much not finished) story with that in mind.
Mikey mutilating Haruchiyo over a model plane breaking makes no sense, if only for the fact that Shinichiro was still alive and kicking at the time. He’s literally in the scene, lurking around the background of the page, contributing nothing to the events going on. If Mikey was retaliating against Haruchiyo, it would be wrong regardless, but why like that? Most kids with anger issues would resort to punching, or kicking, or throwing.
I don’t think Haru was a very physically strong kid; in the present day he uses weapons and we’ve never seen him fight once (before the 3 Dieties, where he uses a weapon). We don’t actually see him at all until volume 14 or 15, and he’s never shown fighting a single time. Even when he’s in Tenjiku, he just stands there in the background (anime fights featuring him were added and not in the manga, trust me I kept trying to find him in the background). He also doesn’t seem to have attended the dojo with Mikey and Baji, or learned any martial arts. Mikey is a martial arts prodigy, he could have taken Haruchiyo down in an instant. He could have just kicked him a bunch of times if he wanted to hurt him, or bullied him some other way. Again, of course this is wrong, but little kids express themselves in wrong ways all the time when they don’t have anyone teaching them better. It doesn’t make him evil. He was like nine, he’s sick.
The kids were all nine or ten years old, maximum, and Mikey was already like that. They were so young. Without knowing the context, because we don’t, that’s some serious serial killer energy. Kids don’t lash out with that level of violence and literal bloodshed, just because they’re angry. That’s the kind of behaviour that comes from very bad trauma.
As Senju is telling her story, it’s pretty obvious that she’s confusing correlation and causation. She breaks the plane, lies about it to Mikey, and then sees Mikey standing over Haruchiyo’s bloody form with blood all over his hands. So she thinks cause and effect, but admittedly, she just kind of walked in on the scene and didn’t hear or see much of what happened. This would be a traumatizing thing for anyone to see, at any age, but especially when they’re all so young. In her mind she thinks she caused it, because she was maybe eight. We all know it had nothing to do with a broken plane. Maybe the plane led to a confrontation between Mikey and Haruchiyo, but based on everything we’ve seen up until this point in the story, it would be out of character for Mikey to hurt his friend because of a toy.
Mikey may be possessive, but he doesn’t seem to care about material objects all that much, at least not above his friends. And he’s never shown to be a bully. When Baji is getting beaten up protecting Mikey’s moped, Mikey trashes it himself, because it’s dumb that Baji got hurt over such a stupid thing like an object. Baji was precious to him, not the bike. When the plane breaks, Shinichiro was still alive to build him another plane. If he was mad about it (though we don’t see him actually express any anger), it wouldn’t be because of the object, but the sentimental value it held. Which is none as far as we know. Again, Shinichiro is still alive at this point and will be for years to come.
Mikey could have easily overpowered and beaten the shit out of Haruchiyo, these kids would probably be accustomed to physical altercations, and familiar with the casual violence of punching someone. Kids play rough. These kids have older brothers in a gang. But instead of roughhousing, Mikey permanently scars his face. And not his nose, or his eyes, or his ears. Mikey seems like he’d be that kid that bit people, he could have pulled a Mike Tyson even. But he rips open Haruchiyo’s mouth. Why his mouth?
I think something Haru said set Mikey off or …maybe Mikey was trying to help him in a messed up way? (I know, I know, just stick with me. I’m not absolving Mikey of being an absolute terror. I have a reason for thinking this, just keep reading, I’ll get there I promise.)
I have a very bad feeling and the more I go back and think about it, the worse that feeling gets. Re-reading the manga did not alleviate that feeling, it just reinforced it. I could be wrong, but. Well.
This is incredibly long but I promise there’s a point. This is mostly about Mikey as a character and what I think is going on with him (and therefore the entire story). But also Shinichiro and Izana, and what that all has to do with Sanzu.
I’ll get to Shinichiro and why he’s a bad person.
I’m prepared to be way off the mark here and reading way too far into things, but this has been bugging me since the leaks for chapter 240 came out.
Against my better judgement I re-read the entire manga (and the volumes I own several times) to make sure I’m not misremembering anything, but if I’m flat out factually incorrect about anything, please let me know (I wrote this twice (well, three times) and it’s long, so I may have missed an error I made in an earlier draft).
But I digress, if you’ve seen Mr. Robot through to the end, I imagine you know exactly where I’m going with this and that it’s in a very BAD direction.
Let’s start with why Mikey is NOT Manjiro.
I don’t think Mikey is a ‘real person’.

I don’t know enough about mental disorders that cause one to disassociate as hard as Mikey does to try and put a name to it, nor do I want to armchair diagnose someone (and the same disorder can vary wildly from person to person, so). But it really seems like Wakui has been laying the groundwork and leaving clues the entire manga so far, that the Mikey we’ve seen for the majority of the story is not the original Sano Manjiro.
And I don’t mean that Mikey is a second time traveler.
I strongly suspect that those 'dark impulses’ or 'other Mikey’ is an alter, or another personality (for lack of better terms) completely separate from 'our Mikey’. Maybe we’re almost always seeing Mikey and we’ve either never met Sano Manjiro, or we see him very briefly, when it’s just him and Takemitchy.
Tokyo Revengers is a story about becoming a whole person again when you’ve lost yourself. It’s Takemitchy’s entire journey. It’s also Mikey’s journey. They’re both just parts of the whole person they should make up and not ‘real people’ themselves. If they were both ‘real people’, they should have all their memories and neither of them do.
In fictional stories, names are very important. Not just the meaning of the name and how it relates to the character or overall story, but if a character has a name at all, or if they have multiple names.
Takemichi has two names. He’s given the nickname Takemitchy (by Mikey, isn’t that interesting), because he’s a different person. Mikey may not know that until the Tenjiku conflict, but we know it as the audience. He’s an alternate version of himself when he’s in the past, and annihilates his alternate self to take over that body when he goes back to the future. There’s a version of him, Takemichi, that we never get to see. We only follow Takemitchy’s story. We never really see what kind of person younger Takemichi is, because we’ve never met him. We aren’t afforded the opportunity to see what happens in the past when Takemitchy isn’t there and Takemichi gets his body back. We can only piece together what happens from information other characters give us. Takemitchy doesn’t get any of Takemichi’s memories in the future, because he’s not him.
Mikey has two names. Manjiro and Mikey, but he only goes by Mikey. A name he gives to himself to no longer be Manjiro. NOBODY calls him Manjiro aside from Shinichiro, Izana, and Takemitchy that one time (no, a character saying his full name does not count). I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Takemitchy calling his real name is the thing that gets through to him at the last possible moment as he finally asks for help.
Mikey isn’t the original Manjiro, and Takemitchy isn’t the original Takemichi.

But then there’s also “Mikey”. In the Bonten timeline, Sanzu says “Mikey” is gonna speak, in quotation marks. It’s possible that this is just a strange stylistic choice made by Wakui or a rogue translator, but. He already called him Mikey when they were children, why the distinction in quotations here? Is there a difference? Can Sanzu tell the difference because they know each other so well and have for so long?
Mikey also goes between calling him Sanzu and Haruchiyo, which could be nothing, but IS interesting, since he calls everyone else by one chosen name and only that one name. He doesn’t go between ‘Kenchin’ and ‘Draken’, or ‘Mitsuya’ and ‘Takashi’, or ‘Takemichi’ and ‘Takemitchy’. Sanzu is the only person who’s different.
Keep reading
Mikey: Did that guy die for someone like you to live?
Kakucho: At least "that guy" loved me
Kakucho: Bitch.
If you’re a real human person still using the default tumblr avatar, consider changing it.

why should you change it?
When you guys pop up in our notifications, most seasoned tumblr users will suspect you’re a bot and block on sight.
why do we block immediately?
tumblr has a history of bots trying to infiltrate and establish a connection to a valid, existing blog in order to populate google searches. Simply liking or reblogging a post, not just adding a scam link to it, establishes this connection. Tumblr users don’t want this to happen, especially if it’s a scammy p*rn bot. So, we often block on sight.
So now I have to reblog stuff AND change my pfp?
Well, of course that’s up to you! I just want to explain why you may have been already blocked by an artist/blogger you may have discovered recently, and how you can avoid it in the future.
Reblogging does help creators more than likes because your reblogs will show up on the dash of those that may follow you. Plus, reblogging puts that post on your own blog, and in case the original gets deleted or edited by the OP, it’ll be on your blog like that–forever (or until you delete your blog). Nice.
Here are some free icons created by catalyststuff on freepik. Highly recommend their art for a simple replacement!

Manila Mikey™ because ever since i read the manga i have not known peace 🤡
(please don't repost my art anywhere ty❤️)
Someone needs to write about this

shark week
synopsis: you forget about your upcoming period and you had no choice but to seek help from the school's gang leader
warnings: fluff! mikey is kinda an idiot but when is he not, he is the type of person i would scream at if im on that time of the month tbh, he asks too many questions, kinda oblivious to everything tbh
wc: 2.1k
notes: special thanks to kar and hailey for beta reading

your eyes widened as an uncomfortable sensation leaked from your lower body. you grit your teeth in embarrassment, looking around the classroom feeling as if all eyes were on you and your shame.
breathe. just breathe. you try to compose your breaths, cringing slightly as another uncomfortable sensation trickles down your private area.
fuck. this was just the worst.
with a shaky hand, you called upon the attention of the teacher who was teaching god knows what– math? history? you weren’t even sure at this point.
“may i be excused?” the teacher gives you an unimpressed look before he rolls his eyes and gives an affirmation, going back to the topic at hand.
you silently thanked the designers of your uniform for making the skirt a dark color as you briskly walked towards the bathroom and hurried into a stall.
fucking hell. your worst nightmare came true.
you were on your period, and you didn’t have a pad.
the toilet paper on the side of the stall was empty on all stalls. it felt like the gods were punishing you for something that you weren’t even aware of.
you looked at your watch. five more minutes until break time. then, you can maybe ask a girl from your class for a pad.
five more minutes.
just five more minutes…
where the fuck are they?!
ten minutes passed and no one seemed to find the urge to use the comfort room. you swore you heard the bell ring around five minutes ago, but the hallway where the comfort room was is still quiet. too quiet.
where the hell are the people?! you sighed. not knowing what to do.
“ne, ne, ken-chin. we should get dorayaki after school!” you hear a voice chirp up and you immediately poke your head out the door, only realizing after that it was a male’s voice and you’d rather die than accept help from a man.
you froze once you realized that the voice belonged to sano manjiro and you were now eye to eye with him as he stopped in front of the restroom door and tilted his head to the side in confusion. you wanted to ask what was wrong with him but you looked like a deer in headlights and he’s probably the one asking you that instead.
“eh?” mikey asked in confusion, you slammed the door in front of him and planted your back against it, as if shielding yourself from him. you silently counted for a few seconds, counting until a hundred before you opened the door once more, hoping to not see the delinquent.
“what’s wrong with you.” you yelped, once you peaked your head out and saw that sano manjiro was still outside, but his right hand man was nowhere in sight.
“nothing.” you answered, still holding the door for dear life, not wanting to entertain the delinquent further.
“it’s not nothing if you’re being weird in the comfort room.” a gasp escapes the blonde, a mischievous look overtook his features. you didn’t like where this was going.
“you need to shit, don’t you?” “what the fuck?!” you couldn’t help but say out loud, the laugh that escaped the gang leader’s lips.
“it’s fine (n/n)-chin, everyone needs to take a shit, i even took one before going to school.” you winced at the literal filth that came out of his mouth
“i don’t need to do that, sano-kun.” you say in a loud whisper, then sighed internally, there was only 10 minutes left for break time and sano manjiro was probably your last saving grace.
“can you… call for a girl to come here?” mikey blinked his big black eyes in confusion at the sudden change in tone. “eh? why?”
“just please.” you say in a quiet voice, wanting to get the situation over with. mikey looked at you with a concerned expression, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips were formed into a pout as he tried to decipher what was wrong with you before he gasped once more, his eyes lit up and a smile replaced the pout.
“you need that don’t you?” that? your face portrayed a look of confusion and mikey reached into his pocket, searching for whatever that is.
“my sister always needs this for some reason, and—” he pushes a safety pin on your hand “here!” you looked at the safety pin then back at mikey who looked back at you with a grin on his face.
“what am i supposed to do with this?” you asked, looking back at the shining metal cautiously.
“it’s to fix your skirt, right?” “what?” “your skirt is probably too loose, right? that’s why you’re so panicked?”
“huh?” “am i wrong?”
“yes!” “then what’s your problem?”
“it’s uh…just… please get a girl, i need help from a girl.”
“eh? aren’t you being a little too sexis–” you couldn’t help but let out a whimper as a cramp made its appearance. “are you okay?” mikey cut himself off, asking worriedly.
“just get a girl, please!” you yell, having enough of the exchange
“uh, on it! i’ll be right back in two minutes!” then he was off. he ran to the other side of the hallway, stopping by the corner just to give you a cheeky wave. you rolled your eyes but trusted his words.
true enough, after two minutes you hear two pairs of footsteps get louder as they approach the door.
you expected to hear the boisterous sound of mikey’s voice but was pleasantly surprised once you heard a soft knock on the door.
“may i come in?” her voice was soft, gentle, and maybe even comforting. you let her in and you can see her short stature enter the restroom.
“mikey said you were having –air quote– weird girl problems” you rolled your eyes for the nth time.
“yeah uh… i forgot to bring a pad…” you mutter and emma nods understandingly before she pulls out her sanitary kit.
“take whatever you need, my name is emma by the way!” you nodded and rummaged through her kit. you pulled out what you needed and gave emma an embarrassed smile.
"the name's (y/n)... uh, thank you so, so much." you repeat before emma just smiles and gestures you towards the stall.
you cleaned yourself up and felt relief as you finally stopped feeling conscious.
you exited the stall and emma was standing there, washing her hands, she perked up once she saw you through the mirror.
“are you feeling better now?” you smiled back and nodded, “yeah, thank you so much! how could i repay you?” emma giggles and waves her hand in dismissal.
“it’s no worries. promise!” she reassures you. “ah, i have to get back to my classes, but it was really nice meeting you, (y/n).” she waves as she leaves the restroom.
you splashed water on your face, fixing your hair before you sighed, mentally scolding yourself for being so unprepared .
you pushed the door opened, not expecting to see the blonde delinquent waiting for you as he leaned back against the wall.
“oh, there you are! are you okay now, (n/n)-chin?” you nod, a bit confused as to what mikey was still doing there, he pushed himself off the wall with his foot and walked over to you with a smile.
“i’ll escort you to class.” eh? “you don’t have to.” mikey shakes his head. “i want to, uh…” mikey looks away, a blush coating his cheeks.
“emma told me what happened, i didn’t know it was your–” he coughs in embarrassment. “...shark week.”
you stifle a laugh. shark week, really? you wanted to tease him more but stopped yourself to not further his embarrassment.
though you couldn't understand why was he the one embarrassed.
"it's fine, sano-kun." mikey shakes his head before he pulls you toward the hallway leading to your classroom.
"well uh… see you around, sano-kun." you bow slightly. "thank you for helping me with this, as embarrassing as it is.”
“don’t worry about it, (n/n)-chin, and i didn’t really do anything… whatever, it’s fine. i’ll– uh… see you around!” mikey says, not giving you a moment before he runs away, waving as he turns the corner.
you didn’t realize that you were smiling as you watched him go.

you didn’t hear from the gang leader for a while, well— he hasn’t really showed up to school in a few weeks and you didn’t really expect him to. it has been almost a month since your encounter by the restroom and he has made no move since then.
not that you’d expect him to but it was weird that you never saw him again since that day.
opening up your phone, you cursed once you opened the tracker on your phone and realized that you were about to have your period, but thankfully. you were prepared this time.
the day ends with you sighing as you pack up your things and stood up from your desk, waving your friends off before heading out the room.
“(n/n)-chin!” you hear someone yell and his voice was very familiar, a high pitched tone but instead of it sounding annoying, you welcomed the sound as you turned around.
“oh, sano-kun, good afternoon.” you bow your head in greeting. mikey smiles at you as he walks alongside with you.
“how’ve you been, i haven’t seen you in a while.” you asked, mikey shakes his head. “i’ve been okay, uh…” mikey moved his arm and you can vaguely hear the rustles of the plastic bag from the convenience store that he held.
“oh, this is uh… for you.” mikey handed you the black plastic bag, you looked at him confusedly.
“uh…” you tilt your head to the side in confusion. mikey coughed, a blush forming on his cheeks. “it’s uh— things for your…cough lady needs—”
you open the bag to see a few pad and tampon brands, chocolate, candy, even a few teabags. a folded note was also found tucked into the bag but before you could get it, the bag was shut close by mikey, who wasn’t looking at you.
“open it when you’re at home, geez.” you looked at him with a raised brow before nodding.
“oh…kay.” you smiled softly at the blonde before thanking him once more.
“thank you, sano-kun…” “just call me mikey.” “okay, mikey.” the aforementioned smiles before nodding.
“mikey!” you hear a deep voice yell, the both of you turned towards the voice and you could see his right hand man –draken, walking towards the both of you.
“we have to get to the shrine, the rest of the guys are already there.” draken stops in front of the leader then looks at you before taking another look.
“holy shit, mikey. you didn’t tell me you were with her.” draken laughs. “you didn’t tell me you were with your little girlfriend.” mikey’s face exploded with red as he sputtered out in denial.
“draken, fuck off. you go on right ahead. i’ll follow after.” draken laughs before he nods, still laughing at his leader as he walks away.
“what was that about?” mikey shakes his head. “nothing, you don’t need to worry about, (n/n)-chin. i have to go.” you nod, smiling at him once more.
“thank you again for this, mikey-kun!” mikey smiles a bit at your words as he walks away, when he was about to leave the school gates, he turns back at you.
“(n/n)-chin, don’t let anyone else see the note, okay?” you were confused but remembered about the note he stopped you from reading.
“okay!” you yell back, mikey beamed before he walks over to his motorbike and revs it up, waving at you as he rides away.
you head home with no other agenda, plucking out a chocolate bar from the bag.
the paper scraped against the back of your hand and you gasp in realization that you haven’t read it yet. with that, you took the paper from the bag. you scoffed playfully once you see that the paper was slightly crumpled and had a few erasures, but the message still managed to make you smile.
‘hi (n/n)-chan! i don’t know how to tell you in person but i like you. uh i hope these make your shark week more tolerable and if you’re free… here’s my number, we should talk sometime. xxx-xxxx-xxx
ps: i didn’t know what to get so i asked emma for help.
you could feel your face flush at the letter and the next thing toman knows is that their leader suddenly stopped in his tracks and took out his phone.
the next thing draken knows is that his left arm was stung from the impact of mikey’s unexpected punch.
“the fuck’s your problem?” draken hissed as he rubbed his now bruised arm.
“she messaged.”
the rest of the toman meeting was spent with the captains hyping mikey up and helping him in drafting his response to your ‘hey.’

notes: toman huddled up together with mikey's phone in between because they're discussing what to reply to "hey" is such a thought.
can you write one where mikey tries so hard to hide your relationship but he lets you into toman without you really being all that strong (he just wanted you around) and some members try to hit on you and he teaches them a lesson?
HIDDEN RELATIONSHIP ! but some new toman members make it not-so-hidden
with mikey + fem!reader
warnings unwelcome attraction, they corner you and try to force you into a date, a guy puts his hands on you against your will
notes i love this request !! :D i think i went overboard tho lol
mikey was the epitome of attention as the leader of the growing toman. he really couldn't help the fact that emma was known as his sister, but he desperately tried to keep the fact that you were his girlfriend under wraps. couldn't have dumb kids trying to use you against him or get you caught up in gang wars.
every time he dropped you home, you slid off his bike and handed him his spare helmet (more like his only helmet, cuz he didn't wear one).
"bye, mikey." you hummed. "pick me up tomorrow?"
you didn't even have to ask. "yeah." he leaned back in his seat, one hand resting on the bike handle while the other was held in front of you, palm towards the dusky sky.
you slipped your hand into his and he squeezed it, lingering as if he were contemplating something. you waited patiently.
he was so tempted to pull you back into his arms. who cares about the toman meeting when it meant a few more minutes with you?
he sighed and gave in, pulling you closer to the bike bashfully. he looked shy to ask. he'd never spent much time with you after school as he usually ran with his friends. but this time... he just wanted you close.
"ride with me?" he mumbled. "...again?"
you tilted your head slightly. "but... i thought you were gonna hang out with your friends?"
he tugged you forward, forcing a little yelp out of you as you fell into his shoulder. he hugged you tightly, his voice muffled against your chest.
"we never get to hang out for long..." he said. just this once, and no one will notice. maybe he could introduce you to his close friends this time? "it'll be okay. trust me."
you smiled and climbed on again, clasping the helmet buckle under your chin. "okay."
his bike roared to life, zooming down the streets.
he parked his bike nearby, but far away enough so that it'd look like he walked to the meeting spot. your eyes drank the sight of the crowd down there. you knew who mikey was and what he was involved in, but never actually saw it for yourself.
he pouted. "why do you look so surprised?"
you chuckled. "aw, don't pout. i know you're a hotshot, mikey, but seeing all your guys is a different thing."
"not all of them are my guys." mikey whipped out his phone. "anyways, i want you to meet my sister."
you blinked, whipping your head to face him. he already had the phone to his ear. "now?!"
mikey grinned mischievously. "hey emma? i've got someone here, come to where all the bikes are parked."
after a few minutes, his sister came running up with a groan. "what do you want mikey—oh!" emma's jaw dropped. "a girl?!" she pointed an accusatory finger at mikey. "explain yourself!"
mikey smirked proudly and pulled you closer, his arm strung around your shoulders. "a girlfriend."
"girlfr—?!" emma paced in a frustrated circle. "and you didn't tell me?!"
"yeah, cuz it's supposed to be a secret!" mikey retorted, huffing. "and i know you'd just tell ken-chin or something."
emma gaped at the two of you for a moment. you waved meekly, squeaking a "hi, emma. i'm y/n."
she rushed towards you, clutching your hands in hers. "tell. me. everything."
mikey smiled despite his front of annoyance, ruffling both your heads as he walked by. "come on."
as mikey walked, gang members scurried away to make ample room for their president and the two that flanked him: his sister and who they assumed was her guest. he soon reached the platform where all the captains gathered. his crew looked more curious than confused at your presence.
"oi, emma," draken narrowed his eyes at the blonde, the first to pipe up. "you can't just bring whoever you want to these things."
emma opened her mouth to retort, but mikey nudged her side. that was enough to make her revise what she was going to say. "whatever."
you, on the other hand, were confused, thrown into a whole new environment that you knew nothing about. seeing all these violence-prone tough guys made you feel so small and weak.
mikey observed you as your eyes nervously darted across the crowd of toman. he leaned towards you to whisper while his friends were occupied by a chatty emma, his hair brushing against your ear. "just stay where i can see you and you can see me."
"so, at the front?" you gave him a skeptical look.
"wherever you want, i just wanna see your face." he smiled, eyes closed. heat rose to your face as you cast your gaze elsewhere. dork.
you and mikey were pulled from your own little world when emma huffed and puffed at draken.
"ugh, this is boring anyway!" emma turned on her heels. "come on, y/n!"
"oh! okay..." you blinked and gave mikey a parting glance.
the boys watched the two of you race down the steps.
draken scoffed, standing at mikey's side. "why was that girl looking at you like that?"
mikey smiled to himself, his heart thrumming happily. "dunno. might be in love with me or something."
they all laughed at him. yeah, as if!
"emma, slow down—!" you grunted as you wove through all the boys gathered, ignoring their smirking or curious faces as you desperately tried to keep her flowy blond hair in your sight. but it was dark and the black uniforms didn't help one bit.
you paused, looking around.
you lost her. you cursed and just focused on making your way to the back, being alone around all these weird teenagers didn't sit well with you.
the firm grip around your wrist sent chills down your spine. you tugged once in a hopes to slither away but with no luck.
"what're ya doing here?"
you turned to see a group of guys surrounding you. your heart dropped into your stomach. your eyes drifted upwards. you couldn't see over their heads; you couldn't see mikey.
"oh, just hanging out with a friend..." you answered. "i'm gonna go now..."
"hold on, you think we buy that?" the one doing all the talking scoffed. "you're a girl here at a gang meeting, what 'friend' are you visiting, huh?!"
you flinched at the tone, unable to find the words.
"wanna know what i think?" he bent down to look you in the eye. "think you're just looking for attention. what, need a boyfriend, sweetheart?"
you hurriedly shook your hands, staring at them with panic. "no! no, i have one! i have a boyfriend." you hoped that would deter them, you desperately hoped they would leave you alone. your head swiveled around. some were taking amusement in the interaction, others were turning a blind eye.
"really?" he asked.
you found yourself glaring at him, despite the uneven match. "yeah."
the boy paused and surveyed you, his nasty gaze raking over you. his lips curled into a smirk. "ha! why should i believe you?"
you resolve crumbled. you whimpered at the failed attempt to get the fuck out of here which did nothing for your case.
"aw, sad you got found out?" he grinned down at you, shoving his hands in his pockets. "it's okay, we can go somewhere together after this, how about that?"
you scoffed, crossing your arms. "i said i have a boyfriend." who, for all the class he lacked, had way more class than this piece of shit.
that seemed to anger the boy. "quit lyin, we know you ain't got shit."
mikey, please just notice me. you begged silently, hoping for some miracle that'd get you out of this situation.
"did you hear me?" the boy hissed, grabbing your wrists. you gasped and glared at him, pulling against him with all your might. "quit—" he grunted. "cut that out!"
you felt cornered and tears pooled in your eyes. your heart felt almost cold as you let your impulses take over, screaming, "let go!"
mikey was eagerly listening as his captains addressed the gang, but his mind was still looking for you in the crowd. he searched for minutes and still couldn't find anything.
he wilted. was he just a bad boyfriend? not being able to recognize his girl in a crowd?
then he heard murmuring, hushed whispers, before he heard your voice.
"let go!"
his face scrunched and he rose to his feet. let go? who had their hands on you?
he marched to the front of the platform, scanning the crowd with newfound intensity. draken seemed to notice and did the work for him.
"oi!" draken's voice made the gang fall silent. even the guy who acted big froze in front of you. "why the fuck do you have your back turned to your leader when he's addressing you?"
mikey saw a couple boys distance themselves from the commotion, where he saw. anger flared into his body and he itched to beat someone to death.
you were looking at him, completely distraught.
he flew down the stairs, shoving past the members towards you. hatred radiated off him in waves as his eyes never left the sight in front of him. someone—his gang members—were fucking disrespecting you. he felt embarrassed and enraged.
the boy who had pressured you immediately let go. you stumbled backwards before looking at mikey. even now, you didn't know if you should run to him in front of everyone.
your doubts were squashed when he opened his arms. you inhaled deeply. your breath shook as you blinked the tears from your eyes, speedwalking towards him. the silence was killing you. what a reveal, you thought. you didn't care though, just happy to be in mikey's arms.
mikey hugged you tightly, pulling back to observe you for any damage. he ghosted his fingers over your wrists. "did they hurt you?"
you gulped at the menacing edge to his voice. you shook your head. he gave your wrists a soothing squeeze.
the aggressors' eyes flickered between you and their leader.
you smiled sweetly and pointed at mikey, mouthing boyfriend!
they paled.
you grinned. get fucked.
"do you know what you just did?" mikey asked, shrugging off his coat and putting it around your shoulders. he walked past you.
"h-hey... i didn't know—" the guy scrambled backwards, his voice dripping with desperation.
"who cares?" mikey's eyes were cloudy. "even if she weren't mine, are you trying to make toman look bad? if you're gonna be pathetic, do it somewhere else."
the guy took that as a cue to leave, quickly turning around.
"who said you could leave?"
you blinked and he was on the ground, mikey's foot landing gracefully.
"huh?" you mumbled. before you could even process it, he was standing over the other bystanders, holding them by their shirt as he landed punch after punch.
when they were all piles of bones on the floor he stood up, dusting his pants and slipping his hands in his pockets. "you're not welcome in toman. you better not let your faces be seen around here any more or i'll bash your head in."
you pulled the wings of mikey's coat closer to your body. despite the violence, you felt... warm and soothed by mikey's actions.
draken dismissed the meeting and the gang practically ran out of there, eager to get out of mikey's area of impact. the founding members and emma remained.
mitsuya looked sheepish when he asked, "i guess she really was in love with you, huh?"
mikey turned his nose in the air. "of course. why would i lie about that?"
pah scoffed. "do you even know yourself?"
you inched closer to mikey, unsure of your place here. he held you by your waist, reassuring you. your racing heart slowed down, little by little.
"hey." surprisingly, draken looked a little embarrassed, probably because he treated you like some rando when you were mikey's girlfriend. "you... we're not like that brat, okay?"
"yeah, what a disgrace!" pah interrupted, huffing.
"you don't have to be afraid." draken continued, glaring at pah. "just like mikey, we'll look out for you."
you smiled, coming out of mikey's side just a little. "thank you. i'm y/n, by the way."
mitsuya groaned. "oh, now it all makes sense." you voiced a confused hum and he elaborated, telling you that mikey would always go on and on about you. his friends thought you were just a crush of his, and since they'd never saw you they honestly thought you were a figment of his hormonal imagination.
your cheeks burned. "oh... no, i'm totally real."
emma peeked out from behind draken. her eyes were glossy and she sniffed, toddling towards you. "y/nnnn!" she wailed, hugging you. "i'm so sorry!"
you pat her back. "emma, it's not your fault! oh my god. please don't cry!" you looked at mikey for help but he just smiled. that smile faded when he realized that his friends and sister were slowly pushing him outside their little circle, wanting to know everything.
"okay, get off." mikey's demeanor changed in an instant. he slipped in under draken's arm and grabbed your hand, tugging you behind him.
"hey, no fair!" emma exclaimed, running after her brother. "you had her for who knows how long but i can't even get to talk to her for five minutes?!"
mikey sped up, laughing. "she's my girlfriend, not yours!"
his bright laughter brought a smile to your face. he mounted his bike and made sure you were secure before revving off into the distance, his friends hot on his tail.
you gripped mikey's torso, nuzzling into his back. "thank you."
"don't thank me." mikey replied, quiet. "should've never happened in the first place."
your cheek rested on his shoulder blade, staring at him. his hair cascaded just enough to obscure his eyes from view. "i'm glad i have a strong boyfriend to protect me." you giggled.
his chest puffed with pride. "i am pretty strong."
you rolled your eyes.
"but it's not just us anymore." he turned his head to meet your eyes. "you have a new family, now. and they're all gonna look out for you."
your jaw hurt from how hard you smiled. your heart fluttered. resting your head on his back again, you squeezed him tight.
the peaceful drive soon turned into a competition when the toman captains tried to race mikey down, determined for answers. emma, who rode on draken's bike, was especially vicious.
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
TR spoiler
Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes:/

TR spoiler
People are like "he murd*red people" okey and? he look hot doing so<3