Tokyo Rev Chifuyu - Tumblr Posts
Hello! Can I request for some headcanons for the tr boys as what type of partner are they in a group project? (If you can sneak in sum romance that would be nice hehe) Thanks in advance and have a good day! (。♡‿♡。)
A/N: heyyy luv, thank you so much for the request! Here's some headcanons of tokyo revengers boys as what type of partner they are in a group project. I hope you like it, enjoy!
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Nahoya

He would be the type to sleep throughout the whole class and then when he gets paired with you, he’d ask you to re-explain what the teacher was talking about for the project.
He’d most likely be assigned a history project with you.
Right off the bat, Mikey made it clear that he wasn't going to help with the project at all due to his utmost hatred for history. So, you decided you had no choice but to drag him to the library with you everyday after school. And, as a result, Mikey would ditch school early so he'd get out of having to go with you.
When Draken caught wind of why Mikey was ditching school so early, he would drag his short ass back and make him go with you because he felt sorry that you were dealing with his childish behavior.
As expected, you ended up being stuck doing most of the work while he entertained himself with asking you a bunch of pointless questions as to what you were doing (he would eventually get bored from the project and became more curious to ask questions about you).
Despite getting stuck with all the work, you worried about him getting a bad grade, so you decided to exploit bribe the little slacker with the promise of Taikyaki. If he didn’t follow through with the promise of doing at least some sort of work, you had threatened to throw the tasty treat out or eat it right in front of him. “Ok, ok, ok! I’ll help! Please don’t do this- 🥲”.
He was the type of partner to get historical dates and events mixed up and you'd have to explain the order of what came first and what not. Meanwhile he'd sneak a few glances your way, not even listening to your explanation.
Whenever you guys would take a break from working, you’d accidentally fall asleep and Mikey would gently poke at your cheek to wake you up, but would end up just silently watching you sleep before dozing off next to you.
If you two were working with other members, I feel that he would get a little possessive of you overtime and try to do everything in his power to keep your attention on him, even if it meant getting on your nerves or sabotaging the whole project.
The two of you would be working on a literature project.
He’s the type of partner that won’t say anything unless you say something to him first.
He’s the kind of partner that will roll with whatever you have planned for the project. If you two are working in a group with other members, he’d just listen and agree with what you guys suggest since he doesn’t have much to contribute.
He has a pretty good idea of what is going on as apposed to how to start things off, so he usually turns to you for help.
If you are too shy or nervous to ask the teacher questions, he’ll be happy to do it for you (idk why but I feel like most literature teachers are so strict or intimidating).
When you both are working, he makes sure that you take breaks because he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself.
During breaks he’ll go out to a nearby store and bring back food for the two of you to eat (he’ll mainly do this if he noticed you haven’t been eating much too) and if you refuse, he’ll insist that you at least take a bite of something or he’ll simply feed you himself.
When you would be so engrossed on practicing to present the project, he would watch you with a small smile and after you were done he’d ask you to do it again and make up a random excuse just so he can listen to you talk.
If you are particularly fond about a certain topic he’ll ask questions he knows the answers to just so he can egg you on and watch your face light up as you ramble about what you plan to do for the project’s topic.
Poor boy had gotten a math project after just the first week of school 😭
Baji is the type of partner that is known to be the weakest link if (especially working in a bigger group) and when you got paired with him, you instantly wanted to change partners, but he begged you to be his partner not just for his sake but for his mother’s as well since he couldn't afford to fail another class.
You decided stick with him and just give him easier parts to work on so if he were to somehow screw something up, it would be easy to fix later.
When you guys took a break for lunch after working on the project, you saw Baji light a car on fire while eating yakisoba. Ever since then, you’ve made it a habit to always carry food in your bag so he won’t do it again.
Baji is the type of partner that gets moody when he doesn’t understand what’s going on or how to fix something, so when he gets like that it is up to you to help him. If you worked with other group members, I feel like they'd be too scared to help him when he throws a tantrum so they'd come to you to help calm him down.
He secretly loves it when you help him fix a problem or mistake, especially when you go so far as to physically guide him in some way. Most of the time, he’d mess up on purpose or throw a tantrum just so he can relish in the extra help and attention you are giving him.
When he sees other classmates trying to sabotage your hard work, best believe he’s breaking at least a few bones.
The both of you would be working on an anatomy/lab project.
He’s the type of partner that would wait until class was over so he could give you an excuse to exchange numbers for “project related purposes”.
He would be suprisingly good with writing reports and labs, while you dissected stuff.
He was definitely the partner that gagged as he watched you cut the specimen open.
If both of you didn’t want to dissect the specimen, you guys would settle for rock, paper, scissors as to who has to cut it open.
Chifuyu loves animals, so as he watches you dissect the specimen all he can think about is Pete J. (When he goes home he cries while hugging Peke J.)
He would find your fascination with dissection creepy, but he’d find it cute if it meant seeing you happy and excited.
I feel like he’d be the type to complain to the teacher why you guys got a 95 instead of a perfect score.
Nahoya (Smiley)
You two would be assigned partners for a chemistry project/lab.
Throughout the whole project he would flirt with you and tease you with cheesy puns and pick up lines.
“It’s obvious we have great chemistry together, that’s why we were assigned as partners, don’t ya think?”.
Always complained that you were too uptight and needed to let loose.
When you stressed so much over the deadline or that you might’ve missed a step in the instructions, he’d comfort you by making jokes and keep up a positive mindset to not not worry over small things.
When you had invited him to work on the project reports in the library, he had been staring at you for the past hour with smirk on his face, completely uninterested in working. When you had finally met his gaze he said, “Don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying’ the view~”. (he teased you for the rest of the day and both of you had gotten nothing done afterwards).
If you two had an extra member added to your group, he’d get jealous and fight with the newcomer over your attention behind your back.
Heyy :)), I saw your requests open and I was wondering if you can write up some tokyo rev headcanons for this scenario:
Chracter visits reader's house for 'studying' but when the enter the house they are immediately greeted by a huge ass doberman dog who's looking at them like they murdered their mom. And reader's just like : whuehue they don't bite :))
(I just went into my bestie's house and they didn't inform me their cousin and their dog was visiting and I felt like I almost died like three times when the dog tried to tackle me, like their paws are literally up my shoulder and their slobber was all over my face. The owner's just like 'oh he's an angel he just wanted to be friends with u' sir you don't know how to speak dog how do you know if it's actually telling me to prepare my prayers? Shdhgdhdgd sorry for oversharing but I just wanted to tell u where this came from and I also want to see others suffer the same thing. Thankss ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️)
A/N: Of course, thank you so much for the request❤️ I laughed so hard while writing this 😂 It was so much fun to do. Here you go luv, I hope you like it!
Characters: Ran, Takemichi, Shinichiro, Baji, Chifuyu

The poor bastard never expected to be face-to-face with your personal bloodhound and it was all Rindou’s fault. The younger haitani was used to coming over your house and he knew you had a dog, so when Ran told him he’d be “borrowing” you for the night to study, best believe he made sure not to mention a word about the canine that guarded you and your house.
Was screaming like a little girl when the dog started barking as it towered over him, looking like it was ready to make the lanky male its next chew toy.
He thought that if he was going to die, he’d make sure he didn't get his face messed up too bad.
While Ran was screaming bloody murder and begging for his life to a hundred pound dog, you were innocently watching the whole commotion through the home camera that was installed.
“Y/n why the fuck do you have that demonic mutt in your house?!” “ ‘Demonic’? He’s a sweetheart, he wouldn’t hurt a fly!”
Ran believed that it was utter bullshit, especially after he almost had his gorgeous face mauled.
No matter how much you reassured him, he didn’t dare come near the dog.
Complained that he could’ve died because you nor Rindou told him that you had a dog.
He spends the whole night fighting with the dog for your attention and when it would get too close to him, he would use you as a shield.
He definitely considered the idea of poisoning it at some point.
When it was time to leave he made a mental note to murder Rindou when he saw him after putting him in a near-death experience.
The poor soul passed out right then and there when he was face to face with your “human friendly” pet.
Chifuyu suggested that he should get some ‘tutoring’ from you since he was struggling so much in class.
His friend was an idiot, so of course he forgot to mention that the pet you had was a Doberman.
His screams were definitely mistaken for a little girl’s scream. The whole neighborhood could hear him.
When you come to see what is happening, you see Takemichi knocked out cold while your dog covers him in drool as he licks his face.
“A-am I dead?” “No, you idiot! My baby would never hurt someone!”
Genuinely thought you were crazy to think something as big as your Doberman wouldn’t jump at the chance to chew his limbs off.
He makes up an excuse that he was just stopping by and didn’t need any tutoring.
Cries to Chifuyu that he almost died because of him.
“If I die, I’ll make sure I drag you to hell with me!” Quoted a teary-eyed Takemitchy.
The older Sano just wanted to spend some time with you after a stressful day, but was thrown into despair after seeing a Doberman greet him in your living room.
The poor soul gets chased around your house for a whole hour before you come home to see him hitting your dog with a pillow.
“Y/n! Thank god! PLEASE HELP ME!”
When you explain to him that you recently had gotten a dog for extra protection, it made him offended. Why get a dog when you have someone that would protect you with their life? Let alone someone who has a whole gang backing him up.
He would complain that you could’ve gotten a medium sized dog instead of asking hell for one of its' bloodhounds to be your canine companion.
When he tries to smoke, the dog would growl at him as a warning not to smoke around you.
When he tells Wakasa and Benkei about what had happened, they admit that they also had similar encounters with your dog. They secretly made a pack that if they were to encounter your dog without you around again, they’d fight it off together.
“If one of us goes down, then we all go down” - Shinichiro.
One day, he brought his siblings over to your house with him and your dog instantly fell in love with the two. (Complained later on that the dog was trying to replace him)
Manjiro and Emma teased him for being a wimp and he had threatened to feed them to the dog, but ended up almost having his hand bitten off afterwards.
He was used to dealing with animals at the pet shop, especially angry cats, but dealing with a huge ass Doberman was a different story.
The moment he walks in your house, he is greeted with your angry-looking Doberman with small bits of meat decorating its teeth.
He genuinely thought you had been eaten by it.
In an attempt to get away, he throws his backpack at it while running out the door.
He ends up bumping into you and is relieved yet confused at the same time.
It takes you two whole hours just to get him to calm down.
“He doesn’t bite Baji!” “You weren’t the one that thought it ate their friend.”
When he sees Chifuyu at the pet shop, he makes sure that they don’t end up taking in any big dogs like the one he had encountered with you.
Has nightmares about his cats getting murdered by your dog for the next two weeks.
Similar to Baji, Chifuyu is an expert at handling animals, but not huge dogs.
You and him were studying for an upcoming exam and you had forgotten that you needed to feed your dog.
Now, in Chifuyu’s mind he thinks you have one of those small-sized puppies girl’s usually like. But, he’s proven wrong when you come back with a huge Doberman following behind you, already eyeing Chifuyu as his dinner.
At the moment, it looked like you were going to feed him to the dog.
He starts to beg for forgiveness for whatever he’s done wrong to make you want to use him as a human sacrifice.
Goes on and on about stuff he did wrong while clinging on to your leg.
Poor Chifuyu was in a state of panic, until you shook him hard enough for him to get his act together.
“Chifuyu he’s trained, he won’t eat you.” “Last time I checked you don’t speak dog language! What if he plans to eat me behind your back!”
He thinks it’s jealous of him because you guys are close.
Forces you to come over his house if you want to see Peke J. because he firmly believes your dog will try to murder his cat out of spite.
Wanted Baji to suffer the same thing he went through, but ended up getting the shit beat out of him afterwards.

Looking At Me
Prompt: Tokyo Revengers boys caught you staring at them
Genre: fluff, sickly romantic?
Warnings: None except for y/n being a slight pervert in Mitsuya’s part sorry not sorry
Characters Includes: Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Baji, Mitsuya
A/N: heyyy luvs, I’m back in the saddle lol. Just wanted to share some 3 AM thoughts that I had wrote up! I’m considering making more parts of this cuz this had me running LAPS 🫠, feel free to tell me what you think! Also, thank you all so much for the appreciation of my posts, you all are the best, enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2

“And then ken-chin was like-hey, y/n, are you listening to me?” Mikey asks, tilting his head up to look at you as he adjusts his position from where he layed in your lap. Silence was your only response as you continued to gaze at him with nothing but love. Gently, he reaches a hand to your face, delivering feathery touches to your cheek. You hummed at his soft gesture, placing your hand over his own. “Sorry. Wasn’t paying attention.” You breathe out, snapping out of your love-sick daze. Pouting, he’s quick to sit up and turn his full attention to you, “What? The whole time?” You couldn’t help but giggle at his puppy-like nature. “You were just so cute, I couldn’t help myself Mikey,” you confessed, smiling as your boyfriend’s cheeks sprouted red at your sudden confession. He’s quick to bury his flushed face into the crook of your neck, pulling you into a messy hug that causes the both of you to topple back down on the couch with him on top of you. “Why do you have to be so cute all the time?” he whines, burrowing his face deeper into you as you laugh at your boyfriend’s soft nature.
Draken grunts softly as he straightens his posture after three long hours of tinkering with the bike he had been working on. “Hey babe, could you pass me that wrench from the toolbox over there?” he groans, stretching out once more from his hunched-over position. When he doesn’t hear your usual “yes baby” or “ok kenny” he turns over to where you were seated at on the stool that wasn’t too far from where he was working, only to be met with your fixated orbs on him. You were hunched over with your elbows propped on your knees and hands holding your face. Raising a brow, he walks over to you and gently pinches your cheek, “Angel?” Feeling the soft tug on the side of your face, you snap back to reality, and are met with your boyfriend’s questioning gaze. “Hm? Yes?,” you asked, straightening yourself up as you looked at the blonde’s questioning gaze. “How long have you been staring like that?” he asks, tugging your arms to pull you up into a strong embrace. You grin, resting your head against his firm chest. “Is it wrong for me to admire my hard-working boyfriend?” you hum, grin growing wider as you listen to the sudden rapid heartbeat of your tall lover. Clearing his throat, he tightens his grip on your waist. “N-not at all, I was just worried s’all,” he mutters.
“Thanks, come again soon!” Chifuyu chimes from behind the counter as he waves off another customer of the pet shop. Sighing, he turns his attention to you, where you sat on a chair, cross-legged with mischievous, narrowed eyes. He slightly jolts at your sudden trained gaze on him. “y-y/n?” he calls out, snapping you out of your trance. You smile sweetly at the sound of your name being called from the dark-haired male. “Yes, love?” “How long have you been staring at me like that?” he asks, relaxing his temporary tense muscles as he makes his way over to where you were sitting, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Not long enough,” you smirk, throwing him a wink. Chifuyu gawks before quickly covering his now reddened ears at your remark. “Baby!” he groans. You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched the warmth spread from the tips of his ears to across his face. “I love you~,” you coo, blowing him a kiss. You certainly would be the death of him.
You sigh, as you continue to observe Baji from afar as he talks with the other division captains of Toman. You sat fully on Baji’s bike, leaning over the front of the bike with elbows propped on either side of the bars as you held your face up to admire your long-haired lover. You could never get over the fact of how handsome Baji looked with his hair out, of course with the complement of his gang uniform as well. You couldn’t help but grin like an idiot as you let your mind wander in your thoughts as to how in the world you got so lucky to be with someone as sweet as Baji. Despite his violent nature when he is in fights, he never fails to be as gentle and caring towards you. Even when you first met him, he had been nothing but a gentleman to you. “Hey…y/n?” a waving hand enters your field of vision hearing the familiar voice of Mitsuya, you slightly jolt up from your dazed state as you turn your head to the side to face a smirking Mitsuya. “You’re so obvious, why not just take a picture of him? It would last longer.” he snickers. You glare at him, landing a hard smack to his arm. “I’m her boyfriend, she doesn’t need a picture if I’m around her all the time.” Chimes the familiar, aggressive voice you knew all too well. Before you know it, a warm hand is tugging at your chin, turning your head to face none other than your boyfriend. “Don’t worry babe, you can stare at me whenever you feel like it,” he smirks, gently thumbing over your plump lips.
Mitsuya always looked so sexy when he was concentrating on his work, but the price for the nice view was such a mighty one. It was such a shame that he seemed to pay more attention to pieces of fabric than you. Huffing, you couldn’t help but glare daggers at the flimsy inanimate objects that Mitsuya had been toying with on the model mannequin for the past few hours, not even realizing that you have been eyeing him the whole time. You even had the chance to admire his butt from where you sat, not that you were complaining, but it was frustrating when you weren’t being acknowledged by your workaholic lover. Unconsciously, a slightly high-pitched whine reverberates from your throat, snapping Mitsuya out of his focused zone, turning his full attention to you. Smiling he calmly walks over to you, reaching a hand to cup your pouting face, “Yes, honey?” he coos, the nickname causing butterflies to flutter your stomach. “You’ve been neglecting me Takashi, I bet you haven’t even noticed me at all” you cry out, earning a chuckle from the calm male. Leaning over you, he uses his other hand to hold himself up using the amrest of the chair, while the hand he had on your cheek wanders under your chin, tilting your head up as he inches his face closer to your own, giving you a better look of his handsome features. His gaze flickers back and forth from your mouth to your eyes, slowly leaning in next to the side of your growing crimson face, breath fanning against your ear, “Oh, my love, you mean how you’ve been staring at me the whole time?” he asks in a husky tone.
Hi 🫧 here, I’m not sure if this works with your rules for the requests or it really doesn’t have to be a request, tbh I just wanna know what you think 🤔
I’ve been having TR brain rot all day and I can’t help but wonder what their type is 👀 like I feel like Draken would totally love an adorable short girly girl he can protect like a little flower and Baji maybe a playful girl who can impress him on a skateboard but also super cute and studious! But I’m having a hard time pinning down Mitsuya and Chifuyu 🫠
A/N: heyyy luv! I was thinking about this a lot and I was able to draw up a few ideas of what Mitsuya's and Chifuyu's types were! Also, I apologize in advance for any hearts broken due to the standards I’ve drawn up for these two 😭
Mitsuya: Lord the bar is so high for this man-😩 I feel like his type is more like a creative girl who is interested in the arts or something closely similar to what he is interested. I can also see him interested in either a very shy and humble girl or someone who is very mature and independent but either way very successful in some way, shape or form (owning a business, making progress in life, pursuing a career, and etc.). I could picture Mitsuya working with a s/o who is independent and has a passion for designing clothes or making a profit off of their own creativity alongside Mitsuya. I feel like he'd want someone that could listen to his thoughts and ideas about the different designs he plans to come up with. He’d probably enjoy conversing with someone who is also interested in his latest work and designs and listen to the feedback that his type would give him.
Chifuyu: (y’all might hate me for this one) I think Chifuyu’s type would be a girl who is very pessimistic or someone who just doesn’t like to be bothered in general, but LOVES animals. I feel like he’d be the type to have so much energy and love to give someone that he would want to be around someone who can receive his massive amount of affection. And when he finds out that his s/o likes cats, he falls head over heels. It was practically love at first sight. But, the only problem is his type doesn’t want him back, so he’d be having most of his energy to win his type’s heart while expressing every ounce of love he has for her as well. Overall, I feel like he would want someone to balance out his overly-loving self while also wanting to care and enjoy similar interests with his type as well.
Hi, I hope you're doing well.🤗 I absolutely love your relationships HC.🤩 I don't want to be rude, but could I request from Toma!Chifuyu and Tenjiku!Kakucho (my favorite boys)? Thank you very much.❤️
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day 💜 you didn't specify the theme of the hcs, so I'll use the basic one as it would be in a relationship (if I made a mistake, tell me immediately, I'll correct it and do the theme you like most!) Furthermore, I'm still not used to making two characters in one post, so as soon as I have 2 free minutes I will post the part dedicated to kakucho :)
— Matsuno Chifuyu in a relationship HCS ᡣ𐭩
He's clearly the kind of guy who learned everything slightly romantic he does from a romantic manga he read. He's canonically a fan of Ai Yazawa, the creator of Nana, so who knows, maybe sooner or later he'll give you some glasses with strawberries
It seems impossible but he asks Takemichi for advice on how to deal with you. We all know that Takemichi isn't exactly the person with the most self-esteem in a relationship, however he has always helped Chifuyu, despite sometimes getting into trouble for stupid mistakes. Hanagaki had advised him to get you some flowers to give you after school, but he got the ones you're allergic to. He panicked when he saw you sneeze so many times in a row while you told him to move the flowers away from you
He's slightly unsure of himself, but he doesn't show it. As a result, he feels slight jealousy which he hides quite well, he knows that you would never cheat on him and therefore he represses this side of him because he knows that it is useless. Maybe when he doesn't succeed he'll show off a little more, perhaps resting his head on yours or giving you a few pinches on the side
A typical date might be at a comic book store. He would like to spend time with you at his side while you talk about the comics you are reading or would like to read, and I don't know why but I can see him showing you the cover of a romantic manga where the two protagonists are while he says "this could be us"
Your first kiss wasn't actually planned, or at least not for him. It was Baji who insisted that he had to kiss you, he didn't agree because he wanted you to take the first step and he didn't want to force you anyway, Baji ignored it and pushed him against you. As luck would have it, the impact made you kiss
More than a few times he faked his condition after a fight. You have an unwritten rule that says that after every fight he has to call you, because you want to know if he's okay or not. He often says he feels fine even when he has a few broken bones. He hates seeing you worry about him, so he tries to lie as best he can
You automatically entered the group formed by him and Baji. You're both his two favorite people, so why not all of you hang out together? You often go on long motorbike rides, you and Chifuyu on his motorbike and Baji on his, or you simply like to while away the hours at the arcade in Shibuya
The first time you went to his house, the first person, or rather animal, that welcomed you was Peke J: he immediately approached and started meowing. You spent a few hours with the cat on your lap while petting it, while Chifuyu whispered that you were giving more attention to the cat than to your boyfriend
He's the type to celebrate every date, even a stupid one. For example, it was precisely midnight and you were sleeping when you received a phone call from him. You asked him why he called you so late, which was unusual because if he called you it was before you went to bed. He, extremely happy, said he had called you because it was the date when for the first time, two years earlier, you had sat together in class, but at the time you weren't even friends, therefore not even engaged. You wanted to insult him, but you admit it was nice
I don't know why but I see him as someone who LOVES matching clothes. Like, if you casually told him that you're going to show up on a date in a beige dress, he'll do anything to find something beige in his closet. He finds it a nice thing to do as a couple
Hi, I hope you're doing well.🤗 I absolutely love your relationships HC.🤩 I don't want to be rude, but could I request from Toma!Chifuyu and Tenjiku!Kakucho (my favorite boys)? Thank you very much.❤️
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day 💜 you didn't specify the theme of the hcs, so I'll use the basic one as it would be in a relationship (if I made a mistake, tell me immediately, I'll correct it and do the theme you like most!) Furthermore, I'm still not used to making two characters in one post, so as soon as I have 2 free minutes I will post the part dedicated to kakucho :)
— Matsuno Chifuyu in a relationship HCS ᡣ𐭩
He's clearly the kind of guy who learned everything slightly romantic he does from a romantic manga he read. He's canonically a fan of Ai Yazawa, the creator of Nana, so who knows, maybe sooner or later he'll give you some glasses with strawberries
It seems impossible but he asks Takemichi for advice on how to deal with you. We all know that Takemichi isn't exactly the person with the most self-esteem in a relationship, however he has always helped Chifuyu, despite sometimes getting into trouble for stupid mistakes. Hanagaki had advised him to get you some flowers to give you after school, but he got the ones you're allergic to. He panicked when he saw you sneeze so many times in a row while you told him to move the flowers away from you
He's slightly unsure of himself, but he doesn't show it. As a result, he feels slight jealousy which he hides quite well, he knows that you would never cheat on him and therefore he represses this side of him because he knows that it is useless. Maybe when he doesn't succeed he'll show off a little more, perhaps resting his head on yours or giving you a few pinches on the side
A typical date might be at a comic book store. He would like to spend time with you at his side while you talk about the comics you are reading or would like to read, and I don't know why but I can see him showing you the cover of a romantic manga where the two protagonists are while he says "this could be us"
Your first kiss wasn't actually planned, or at least not for him. It was Baji who insisted that he had to kiss you, he didn't agree because he wanted you to take the first step and he didn't want to force you anyway, Baji ignored it and pushed him against you. As luck would have it, the impact made you kiss
More than a few times he faked his condition after a fight. You have an unwritten rule that says that after every fight he has to call you, because you want to know if he's okay or not. He often says he feels fine even when he has a few broken bones. He hates seeing you worry about him, so he tries to lie as best he can
You automatically entered the group formed by him and Baji. You're both his two favorite people, so why not all of you hang out together? You often go on long motorbike rides, you and Chifuyu on his motorbike and Baji on his, or you simply like to while away the hours at the arcade in Shibuya
The first time you went to his house, the first person, or rather animal, that welcomed you was Peke J: he immediately approached and started meowing. You spent a few hours with the cat on your lap while petting it, while Chifuyu whispered that you were giving more attention to the cat than to your boyfriend
He's the type to celebrate every date, even a stupid one. For example, it was precisely midnight and you were sleeping when you received a phone call from him. You asked him why he called you so late, which was unusual because if he called you it was before you went to bed. He, extremely happy, said he had called you because it was the date when for the first time, two years earlier, you had sat together in class, but at the time you weren't even friends, therefore not even engaged. You wanted to insult him, but you admit it was nice
I don't know why but I see him as someone who LOVES matching clothes. Like, if you casually told him that you're going to show up on a date in a beige dress, he'll do anything to find something beige in his closet. He finds it a nice thing to do as a couple