awesomespiritcat21 - Faratholoriazin

Don't even try to look up the word. You won't get the actual meaning.Tired...☆chill out my friend you're in a safe space☆ ☁️ 19🌈

689 posts

*judges You In Stripper*

*judges you in stripper*

*judges You In Stripper*

Original image

*judges You In Stripper*

Me and my bestie @/starwolfdraws wanted to do something funny or more or less I kinda forced her to do it with me💀 hopefully I can get her to do one more in this format:

*judges You In Stripper*

More Posts from Awesomespiritcat21

3 years ago

Sorry for not posting recently ive been trying to draw more stuff and school is getting in the way. My phone also has been broken because i dropped it into a water puddle and it got waterlogged so im trying to digitalize everything to make it high quality. Thank you if you understand 💙

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3 years ago

So I am very much working on the Circus of flames comic right now and so far I have 3 pages in the works with 1 finished(?)

Anyway yeah. That's a thing now.

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3 years ago

I have a new drawing on artfol but ill have to wait to post it on here. In the meantime i have a photo of a recent sketch i did?

I Have A New Drawing On Artfol But Ill Have To Wait To Post It On Here. In The Meantime I Have A Photo

Grump butt here is probably gonna be my favorite thing to draw 😅

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3 years ago

I always catch myself doing this and i never understand why when it happens. My mom has told me to stop but i cant exactly stop it sometimes .

awesomespiritcat21 - Faratholoriazin

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