Belos - Tumblr Posts
She waited her whole life to say that! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Eda, King, and Raine stomping Belos to death

i forgot that tumblr exists hi belos
I want to literally DIE. I'm in AGONY. SOMEONE HELP ME.

(that’s rhetorical the answer is NOT GOOD)

Bro, I ain't getting from Uber Eats out here again meme- Beastlos edition
Source of meme :
I saw this thread going around about a year ago and thought it would be perfect for Beastlos looking around for food and the place he hits up happens to be Jacob's house dljfasdfljadl;

Previous Instagram story
That dumbass really never though of the Titan’s heart as anything but decor huh? This idiot really found a giant beating heart and only used it for the aesthetic of his living room. Dude never put 2 and 2 together and came to the realization that was the Titan’s fucking heart.
His ass found a giant heart and went “fucked up demon rocks I guess” The 8 year old figured it out in 10 seconds and his ass was sitting under it for hundreds of years. One of the absolutely biggest Ls I have ever seen right there.
Collector: I know what you're going to say. Belos has reasons behind what he does and I should be trying to get along with him. Luz: No. He's crazy and he needs to go down.
The Owl House Predictions
As someone obsessed with fandoms and shows that I’m probably too old for, this is my over-analysis of who might die in The Owl House series finale.
Well, a type of death where someone dies and then comes back. I don’t think that Dana Terrace would actually kill someone off permanently. It’ll be an Amphibia of Gravity Falls type sacrifice thing. So which characters are most likely to be killed off? Fake killed. I hope no one actually dies because I love them too much.
Luz: Could have some sort of heroic death moment like Anne from Amphibia but I don’t feel like this actually fits her character arc. I feel like, at least according to the trailer, that she’s going to see someone she loves ‘die’ instead and is then going to become filled with rage and sadness and will absolutely beat the shit out of Belos or The Collector. Of course, there was that scene where King and Eda were going absolutely fucking feral, so she could have some kind of ‘death’ scene. She’s a maybe.
King: No. He’s not going to die. He’s a Titan, I think he’s crucial to the plot and has already had his sacrifice moment at the end of Season 2. He also is shown in the trailer to be, as I said, going absolutely feral. I don’t think he’s doing to die or even seem to die.
Eda: SO…she’s on shaky ground, I feel like. She shouldn’t die, she’s too amazing and phenomenal to die BUT…the mentor figure does tend to die in stories, and she’s shown in the past that she is completely ready to sacrifice herself for the ones she cares about. Agony of a Witch and Eda’s Requim are two prime examples. So she might sacrifice herself for her kids, but she’s also shown in the trailer to be going feral with King. So she’s a maybe, like Luz.
Amity: I don’t see it. She’s too strong and powerful and I don’t think they’re going to kill off a kid/teen character who’s not the main character. And Luz is obviously going to survive this mess, it’d be a terrible ending if she didn’t, and they’re not going to split up Lumity.
Hunter: So…he’s fan favorite. Obviously. And has had a fucked up life, ngl. So him dying would definitely be heart breaking, but again, he’s a teen character and Huntlow has only just started being explored, so I don’t think he’s going to die.
Willow: I actually feel like if they were to kill off any of the kids, it would be her. She’s willing to go to great lengths to protect her friends, and I can see the death being emotionally devastating. But again, Huntlow. So she would definitely be a faked death if something was going to happen to her.
Gus: Sadly, no one cares enough about him to make his death really heartbreaking. Which sucks, because he’s a seriously underrated character. I could see him dying, but also no one would believe he’s dead because he’s literally the illusions guy. So no, he’s probably not going to die.
Lilith: I am so scared for her. She’s done so much to prove that she’s a good guy, and there would be nothing more ‘good guy’ for her then to sacrifice herself for Luz, Eda, or King. She could be the one that Eda and King are going absolutely feral to try and protect/avenge. So yes, I can see her being a likely person to die.
Hooty: Also, scared for him. Mainly for the reason that in season 2, episode 3, he ‘sacrificed’ himself to protect Lilith from the stuffed animal that was thrown at her. And she was all like, “Hooty, it’s make believe.” CAN YOU IMAGINE THE FAN EDITS IF HE ACTUALLY DIED and Lilith held him just like she held him in that episode? So yes. I’m very scared for Hooty and feel like he’s a prime subject to be ‘killed’ because, being a demon, he could maybe be revived easier than anyone else.
Raine: So, ultimate ending to The Owl House would be a Raeda kiss, crossing fingers, but I can see Raine dying. I mean, you have the scene in the trailer where they’re literally being, like, consumed by Belos. So, unfortunately, I have a feeling that they are a prime character to die. AND IT SUCKS BECAUSE I LOVE THEM.
Belos: He’d better fucking die.
The Collector: Okay, he could die but also I really don’t want him to die because he’s too adorable and needs protecting. I want King to help him with his problems.
Alador: We have no idea where he is so I have no idea whether he is going to die or not. Nothing I can go off of.
Darius: Eh. I don’t feel like it’s going to happen. I love him, but I’ll be really surprised if he actually dies.
The Other Heads of the Covens: I dunno. Except for Darius, Eberwolfe, and Raine, I don’t think they’re noteworthy enough to die. Maybe Terra Snapdragon, cause she’s a bitch and we hate her.
Steve: I HOPE NOT. He’s adorable and need to survive. But also, probably too minor to be killed off.
Camila: HOO boy. So, yes. She could die. She’s been growing, and becomming a better character, so yes. She could die. And then it would be easy for Luz to stay in the Demon Realm instead of going back home. But, it would also be really painful for Luz to have another parent die, so it’s 50/50, I think.
Vee: Nope. In the human realm, out of the big fight. Not dying. Hopefully.
Palismen: I don’t think anyone’s palisman is going to die, although Flapjack’s death was extremely surprising and heartbreaking. Stringbean’s not, but I do feel like because Owlbert is gone there’s a chance he could die. Probably not, though.
In conclusion, Belos obviously needs to die, Hooty, Lilith, and Raine are prime characters to die, Camila, Eda, Luz, and The Collector definitely could die, Willow, Hunter, King are in the running but most likely they won’t, and everyone else I would be very surprised if they die.
These are just my ideas, and I really want all of my predictions to be wrong and everyone to survive and be happy and us to get a Raeda kiss at the end.

So I was thinking about how grimwalkers are born from the ground, then started to imagine how they must have started out small (picture from the book) and Belos probably had to start somewhere. They are basically weird mandrakes. So here is Belos repotting his baby grimwalker-mandrake. Inspired by that scene from Harry Potter.
Thanks to Them Thoughts

The first special of The Owl House’s third season recently dropped and I can say with full certainty that it hasn’t lost what made the second season so special.
I don’t think I’m in the minority when I say I was disappointed that the third season got shortened to three specials but I wanted to come in hopeful for what these specials could bring. The Owl House proved to me in its second season just how phenomenal it could be within a limited time frame with episodes like Eda’s Requiem, Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door, and Hollow Mind. I know that the situation is different but it’s proof just how much this show knows how to tap into the emotional core of its characters, stories, and relationships in 22 minutes.
This episode does the same thing by digging into the core of Camila, Luz, and Hunter.

Camila is a character that had the fandom split and in my opinion received way too much hate. She was a single mother doing her best with a specific set of struggles due to the point she was in her life and the circumstances surrounding the start of the series. This episode understands that Camila loves her daughter and wants to do right by her but parenting rarely has a perfect answer.
Camila’s choices are given more context and shown in a different light. I was already in the camp that believed Camila was a loving parent that made some mistakes because she’s only human, but this episode solidified it.

The nightmare Camila has about halfway through the episode is a poignant way to explore the concept of generational trauma and trying to break that cycle.
Luz found a community that will accept her the way she is and a place where her strengths can flourish. Once Camila has had time to grapple with the reality that Luz went to the demon realm by her own choice and she gets to see just how good this place has been for her she embraces it.

She even wants to go to the demon realm with Luz so she can be a part of that aspect of Luz’s life as well (and look out for her daughter in a very dangerous situation). It’s just a really touching portrayal of motherhood.
That’s actually the part I’m the most upset we missed out on due to the shortened season. Seeing Camila be a supportive mother to Luz and give Amity and Hunter their first real experience with a caring parent is something I would have loved to see considering how much their abusive/complicated home lives we’ve gotten to explore over the show. (I specify Amity and Hunter because we know that Gus and Willow have loving home lives. I would still love to see Camila be a parental figure to them too)
We still have some more time. I’m hoping we’ll get to see more of surrogate mother Camila over the next two specials.
Hunter especially needs that care because he cannot catch a break.

Season 2 and now season 3 has been one long trauma conga line for Hunter with so much of that trauma being born from his twisted relationship with Belos.
Hunter being possessed by Belos is a very fascinating turn of events that foreshadows so many possibilities with Belos but there is one area I think could have been handled better.
I want to touch on the scene where Hunter stood up to Belos first. This has been a long time coming. Hunter has submitted to Belos’ ideas for his future for most of his life and even after leaving the emperor’s coven he didn’t get the chance to have a confrontation with Belos where he was given the time to address this area of growth.

Hunter finally has the chance to choose his destiny which is something he stated he was jealous Luz could do back in Hunting Palismen. Due to his journey in the human realm he has the self worth and the security to stand up to Belos for the first time in his life and it was a powerful scene because of the build up.
Hunter has gained so much that he has lacked all his life due to his time away from Belos and in the human realm. It makes this moment and his sacrifice hit all the harder because of how far this episode shows he’s come.
He has a family

He likes who he sees in the mirror

He has friends who value him for who he is and not what he can do

He can take part in his hobbies and indulge his interests

He no longer needs Belos like Belos tried to make him believe. He can finally be the person he was always meant to be.
Hunter is brave, caring, and kind. No matter what Belos did or said to him he never lost those qualities. He is willing to stand up to Belos and possibly sacrifice himself to protect everything he has come to love. He has people that will extend that same care and compassion towards him.
This brings us to one of the saddest moments in the episode: Flapjack’s sacrifice.
Hunter has gone through so much and Flapjack’s sacrifice hits especially hard because Flapjack was one of the first people Hunter could rely on and probably even call a friend.
Flapjack was important for Hunter’s development in more ways than one. He provided him with a confidant when he didn’t have anyone else and it helped him question and re-evaluate Belos’ actions in regards to palismen and wild magic. He also met him because of his first real encounter with Luz.

It all comes full circle. He initially protected Flapjack from Belos because he knew Belos would use him as fuel/a life source but now Flapjack is willingly being exactly that for Hunter. He is now a part of Hunter. It’s a very bittersweet ending to their relationship that shows the growth and care that they each had for each other.

That moment where Hunter stops in front of the portal and holds his hand over his heart was a short but very effective moment at conveying his grief.
This sacrifice was very well executed in my opinion.
All of this works emotionally within Hunter’s character arc.
However, the battle didn’t quite reach its full potential. It had incredibly fluid animation and was amazing to watch, but it wasn’t as emotional on Amity, Gus, and Willow’s end as it could have been in certain ways.

You could feel the conflict and pain from Luz’s end. It was made clear that she was purposefully not trying because she didn’t want to hurt Hunter and even hugged him to try and get through to him. She doesn’t want to hurt him because of how much she has come to care for him and this turmoil could be seen in every action Luz took and could be felt in her voice acting performance.
She’s the only one you could understand the full grasp of her conflict over the fight with Hunter though. There wasn’t any of that same hesitation or desperation on anyone else’s end. You know that all of them are close to Hunter and care about him but you don’t feel the full depth until after the fight.

These connections are really important to Hunter’s character because of how Belos isolated him prior to season 2 and I loved all the moments that showcased how important Hunter is to the group and vice versa. That’s why I decided to point out the lack of hesitation on everyone else’s part. It doesn’t break the episode (in fact the episode is great) but I thought it could have been executed a bit differently.
Hunter is one of the strongest characters in the show and the way this episode handled him was great.
This brings me to Luz.

King’s Tide had real consequences for Luz. She feels like she couldn’t protect Eda or King and she couldn’t stop Belos or the Collector. She doesn’t know the fate of the family she left behind and she believes that everything that happened is her fault.
She’s understandably not handling it well.
Luz this episode and in a few episodes last season is used to explore grief and loss. This is explored in more ways than one through the loss of her father and her newfound family in the Boiling Isles.
Luz’s father was noticeably absent in her life at the start of the series but what happened to him wasn’t revealed until “Reaching Out” (In a fantastic scene by the way). We get even more expansion on it through Luz’s video diary entries.
Luz was much more aware of what was happening with her family and father than she let on to her mother despite their best efforts to shield her. The way you can see the decline in her emotional state through her entries as her father’s health declines makes the process feel real. This wasn’t a quick but a slow process/struggle for the family over time until he unfortunately passed. It’s something that Camila and Luz are still struggling with.
The process of healing isn’t linear for any of the characters.

It also reveals that Manny introduced Luz to the Good Witch Azura. This is really bittersweet and touches on something that this episode emphasized and that is how media and stories can help us process, heal, and feel seen in aspects of life that people struggle with.
Hunter finds connection and healing through the Cosmic Frontier character O’Bailey. Luz finds that same connection and escape through Azura. It helped her during a really hard time in her life by helping her find a connection to her father after he was gone.
It makes everything in regards to her Good Witch Azura book and hyperfixation very bittersweet and puts so much in a new light. It’s a brief but powerful moment in the episode.
The exploration of Luz’s grief in the present day is handled just as well as that short segment. It shows the repercussions on her mental health and how it trickles out in unexpected ways like her rant in class.
But most importantly it shows how her support system understands that she’s struggling and they are there for her no matter what. They might not all know how to best handle what she is dealing with but they all give it their best and make sure they let her know that they don’t think of her as a burden.

One of my favorite moments showcasing this in the episode is when Amity lets Luz know that Belos meeting the collector because of her help isn’t a failing on her part. It doesn't make her a mistake or the harbinger of doom she believes she is. She assures Luz it’s a testament to her good heart instead.
Luz’s support system doesn’t automatically make her better either. The Owl House understands there is no quick fix to depression and other mental health issues. There is no list of requirements to check off to “cure” it. It’s something that is dealt with on a daily basis.
Dealing with mental health isn’t linear just like dealing with grief isn’t linear.
I am really intrigued to see how they handle Luz’s struggles moving forward and believe that they were handled with a lot of tact in this premiere.

This show has really come into its own. Season one was fun and had a great world and characters that drew you in but lacked a strong vision of where it wanted to go with wonky power scaling, an inconsistent level of control and influence from Belos that changed to suit the episode, and parts of the story that clashed with its core themes. I loved the season but thought there was missed potential.
Season two came around and reached the heights I thought it was capable of and it seems like season 3 plans to do the exact same. I can’t wait for the final two episodes. If this is any indication of their quality I bet they will be amazing.
Extra thoughts
I love when Camila lets Luz sleep with her after she’s awoken from her nightmare. It’s just a really sweet mother-daughter moment.
I really liked Hunter’s cosplay and how his attachment to the character of O’Bailey speaks to the importance of representation and how it can help you heal and feel seen.
Gus definitely knows that Hunter is a Grimwalker. He purposefully introduced Hunter to a character that he could connect to and even tried to imply that he knew before Hunter covered his ears to avoid spoilers. I really appreciate their dynamic in the smaller moments of this episode.
I said it in my Hollow Mind thoughts but I’m going to say it again here: I think that Evelyn was a Calwthorne. There’s just too many clues in the show for her not to be and the Owl House has a pretty good track record of paying off obvious hints.
The best thing about this episode is how it carries over the consequences of King’s Tide. There are a few times where the tension the characters should feel to get back to the Boiling Isles gets a bit lost. The most notable example was how solving the clue they found to get them back to the isles was framed more as a way to cheer Luz up than a way to return to their families and know if they are okay.
Yeah, the characters are sad to be away from their families but there isn’t the desperation to know about their fates that would be expected considering what happened with the day of unity and the collector. I like how this plot point was used in regards to Hunter and Luz but thought it was a bit lacking in execution and development when it comes to Amity, Willow, and Gus.
Amity, Willow, and Gus are unfortunately the ones that suffer from this section of the season being shortened. They are fun and engaging supporting characters but they noticeably don’t get the emotional focus or development that Luz, Hunter, and Camila get. I don’t dislike the choice, in fact, I think it was a smart choice to narrow the scope of the episode because it would likely become bloated and lack the strong focus and emotional core that it has.
It’s just unfortunate because Willow and Gus are not as well explored as Amity, Luz, and Hunter. Gus at least has “Labyrinth Runners” as an episode focused on him and a few episode B plots but Willow doesn’t really have her own spotlight episode. Both of her episodes “Understanding Willow” and “Any Sport in a Storm” are actually Amity and Hunter episodes respectively.
I would just like to see a bit more of Willow explored.
This is the first time Hunter has really cried in the show. He’s teared up before but never allowed himself to fully cry. It’s telling that the moment that gets to him the most, that makes him drop those walls and breaks the dam, is when Luz calls him family. It’s not traumatic or violent. It’s quiet and tender. He’s never had a family (something he mentions in Hunting Palismen) and now he does. Earth really did allow Hunter to come into his own and gain so much that he lacked all his life.
I absolutely adore all the end credits art. Most of it is just so wholesome with my favorites being Luz teaching Camila glyphs (Camila is really committed to learning from Luz) and Flapjack tucking in Hunter (this is just so bittersweet).

He had been a human, but now he is a half-witch, Emperor of Boiling islands, kingslayer and bastard who captured a throne. He rules around 300 years and have a heir only latest time... By... Strange way, someone talking about grimwalker spell but it`s just rumors nothing more. . . . . Or not? (you can ask me about my au if you want :) )

I tryed to do art in Darkest Dungeon style... And a little bit fucked up. There is Wittebane brothers. I like how looks older one :DDDDDD

Scetches with dark au Caleb. He had been died a long time ago and turned into a ghost, and when he was dying he got into his sword. Someday, when Philip rules the army of rebels, Caleb trying to call his little brother, but in battle he didn`t hear him... Only before that, future emperor, could hear weak voice of his older sibling. Sad but Philip didn`t recognized him in first time, because ghost was really week and didn`t really remember who he was. By the time Caleb remembered about who he is and take more human look. He cares about his little brother... At least trying to do it. And YES IN THIS AU PHILIP IS NOT BROTHER-KILLER (he has different sins, but he really loyal to his family)

Some dark!au Philip sketches. Yeah i draw him before his body started destroying because of magic.
His hand i draw just for study

Philip Wittebane and William Wittebane