awesomespiritcat21 - Faratholoriazin

Don't even try to look up the word. You won't get the actual meaning.Tired...☆chill out my friend you're in a safe space☆ ☁️ 19🌈

689 posts

Just A Small Pop In. Um Well The Comic Isn't Discontinued But Its Gonna Take A Little Bit To Get A Few

Just a small pop in. Um well the comic isn't discontinued but its gonna take a little bit to get a few pages out because I've just learned that we have to move again. I don't know if we'll get to keep the internet we purchased here and just transfer it to a different house or whatnot. I may have to babysit or something when we move because the person who allowed us to stay with them has a child and I know she likes going out sometimes. Anyway I'm working on page 3 as we speak and In January we hopefully will have a place of our very own!

Just A Small Pop In. Um Well The Comic Isn't Discontinued But Its Gonna Take A Little Bit To Get A Few

I accidentally gave him a Tumblr sexyman chest even though he's a skeleton😭💀

  • cupheadinmysweetlittleangel
    cupheadinmysweetlittleangel liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Awesomespiritcat21

3 years ago

Fun fact about Henna Flamesmoore!

She's based off of me during high school.

Specifically 9th and 10th grade!

The bag she carries represents the one I always carry around when on the move. I never let this thing go. I've recently gotten a new one but the one I used to use all the time could hold 2 to 3 small 1 to 2 inch binders with some notebooks and a pencil bag. If I was feeling lucky enough I could usually fit a small book and a waterbottle in it.

This isn't the prettiest image but the one on the left is the one I'm currently speaking of. The one on the right is the new one that I got from the 4h fair ☺

Fun Fact About Henna Flamesmoore!

It's all beaten up and the straps are a little stretched but if you knew how many pounds I had to carry every day you would probably be amazed. I never used my locker at all. So all my school stuff came with me everywhere in the school. I'm kinda good at carrying heavy stuff now and my shoulders are good at taking weight so thats good I guess

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