Kano Brushfire - Tumblr Posts

This recent oc too cuz I posted it on instagram but forgot it on here. Anyway enjoy him!
I haven't really been doing much lately because shit kinda went down with the dogs again. My moms dog tends to act out of fear and attack the other dog in our house near the scruff without letting go. So um... I didn't take that well when it happened the other night and now I've been on edge.
Anyway heres some art for the trouble and I'm sorry yall gotta hear my shit. Honestly I would be sick of me too but yeah.

Okay so I wanted to see what other designs I would've made if I didn't think of the super detailed one that I have for Kano already(so kinda like concept art but after the official design?) and welllllll......
Oh this is Kano btw!

I accidentally made him hotter than he already was????ðŸ˜ðŸ’€ðŸ¤š
I digitalized them and they're on my insta but I'm not really wanting to link anything on any of my social medias so here yall go! :D

Drawing something. A little explanation before I post the finished product (yes it's the same one in the chat but the one I sent wasn't finished)
You aren't in tears I amðŸ˜

This may or may not have something to do with the whole Faratholoriazin storyline.
Recent art stuff
First image is of my first and second attempt at drawing glendale from centaurworld.
Second and third images are of that recent frame drawing of Alka
Fourth and fifth drawings are fusions between some ocs of mine

Sorry for the delay on the actual comic but I'm wheezing at this and it's 11 something

I wanted to see what it was like of my corrupted weird toothed ocs met in an Era with phones and now I wanna continue this on the side cuz I think I have 1 more oc with the same symptoms lmfao.
Just a small pop in. Um well the comic isn't discontinued but its gonna take a little bit to get a few pages out because I've just learned that we have to move again. I don't know if we'll get to keep the internet we purchased here and just transfer it to a different house or whatnot. I may have to babysit or something when we move because the person who allowed us to stay with them has a child and I know she likes going out sometimes. Anyway I'm working on page 3 as we speak and In January we hopefully will have a place of our very own!

I accidentally gave him a Tumblr sexyman chest even though he's a skeletonðŸ˜ðŸ’€

My urge to draw angst for Ruth and Kano was strong last night. By brain came up with this thing that what if… Kano realized that revenge wasn’t what he really wanted and he actually succeeded? What if Ruth hadn’t escaped? Also like….Henna was added for extra sadness lol. Enjoy the sorta promotional art and angst I guess.

First one is a Kano and mr eclipse fusion and the second is Kano and a blackjack fusion 🧼👄🧼

This isn't a reref sheet of henna's family it's more of a "What if?' Thing. So if Kano got to stay with Henna and they had children instead of the whole Henna with Alka thing that is actually canon. I've kept the Daughter meeting Xento thing cuz it still would've happened
The colors and features of Mara's kids would also change as Kano's genes would be much more dominant over Henna's instead of Henna's genes being stronger than Alka's so it would carry down to the next generation.
Anyway have fun with the (au?) I guess.

Forgot to post this on here but anyway….
Could you imagine if I made Kano come back to the past one last time to hang out with henna, him and Ruth go at it and nearly kill each other because Ruth is trying to fix the things Kano is doing to the future by traveling like this, and henna walks in only to see them fighting and tells Kano to leave because he’s not the person she once knew? 😀

Kano bust from forager because I can’t seem to download the render since I’m broke and this is the first 3D thing I’ve managed to create ever.

Some whiteboard fox doodles with slight Rein, Skull, Pyro, Moti, and Sketches lore :D

Had to keep coming back to add their official names lol. More tags on the reblog

Doodle of Kano being dressed up nice to tide yall over until I finish detailing these other drawings. Don't worry! I haven't forgotten about the drawings with Titan or Bioshock! I'm just taking a Lil break for my hands! :D
(May upload this full doodle later lol)