awesomespiritcat21 - Faratholoriazin

Don't even try to look up the word. You won't get the actual meaning.Tired...☆chill out my friend you're in a safe space☆ ☁️ 19🌈

689 posts

The People Who Just Reblogged My Post About Crow Rick Just Made Me Able To Sleep Tonight. Didn't Think

The people who just reblogged my post about crow rick just made me able to sleep tonight. Didn't think I would get recognized on here 😅

I do have some other rick and morty posts but they are more of an adaptation to my oc world so they look like they're from an au? Idk I love how I shaded all of these tbh

More Posts from Awesomespiritcat21

2 years ago

For the first time today I got to feel what it's like to rush out of the house with a piece of toast in my mouth and MY GOD was it surprisingly the best piece of toast I've ever had (mostly cuz I was super hungry but still)

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2 years ago
Forgot To Post This On Here But Anyway.
Forgot To Post This On Here But Anyway.
Forgot To Post This On Here But Anyway.
Forgot To Post This On Here But Anyway.

Forgot to post this on here but anyway….

Could you imagine if I made Kano come back to the past one last time to hang out with henna, him and Ruth go at it and nearly kill each other because Ruth is trying to fix the things Kano is doing to the future by traveling like this, and henna walks in only to see them fighting and tells Kano to leave because he’s not the person she once knew? 😀

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