224 posts
@queenofhartsxo Gets A Shippy Starter From Nikki.
@queenofhartsxo gets a shippy starter from nikki.
ever since nikki could remember, nattie had been her best friend. she had been there when nikki and brie had debuted, helped them every step of the way. and if she even got to hold the divas championship for as long as she had - she owed credit to nattie for that. she always felt like there had been something other than friendship between the two of them for so many years. but she wasn't about to say anything and ruin a 10 year long friendship. they were both training at the gym today. it had been such a long time since nicole had been in a wrestling ring and she was thinking about making a comeback. she just wasn't sure if wwe would be her home or if it would be somewhere else. ❝ you are truly my best friend in the entire world, nattie. i really missed training and working out with you. ❞

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Nikki Bella + Dolph Ziggler
@champ1ons ( braeden sinclair ) gets a shippy starter from nikki.
nikki had been there last night to watch her boyfriend win his football game. it was funny because before she met braeden, nikki had always been an philadelphia eagles fan first and foremost. but now that had all changed. she was a chiefs girl and she was proud of it too. just don't tell her twin sister or she would have something to say about it. ❝ you did so good last night, i'm so proud of you. ❞ sitting in the diner, nikki grabbed the menu and looked over at it before taking a sip of her wine. she really had been proud of her man because he had overcome his injury and he was probably the biggest face in the football world that everyone loved and adored. including herself. sometimes she just enjoyed looking at him and thinking just how lucky she had been to be with someone like him.

like this for a shippy starter from nikki bella <3 due to recent events, my baby girl deserves some happiness in her life. even if we have other stuff going on, you can still like this. and if we don't have anything together, ship or otherwise, definitely like this!!!