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Something About Him || Pt. 2

Something About Him || Pt. 2

Something About Him || Pt. 2

Human!Bully!Ao’nung x Fem!Reader (Highschool AU)

{Part 1}

Summary: just filler tbh- im trying to set the scene for the rest of the fic

Content Warnings: swearing, random capitalization cause im lazy, and i think that's it

Additional Character Glossary:

Tirotay - ur younger brother


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The first week of school was almost over, and i've ,managed to shove my anxiousness to the side since i’m starting to get into the grove of things. however there was still one class that i only had during the end of the week; social studies. pretty easy subject from what i know since its essentially just common knowledge for the most part, and some people would say its exciting to see your new class for the year, but not when your new, and especially when you late.

“I said i’m sorry (y/n)” said Tirotay, speedwalking to keep up with me.

“Argh, Tiro, I seriously don’t understand how you manage to lose your shoes on the first week of school” I retorted, not listening to his apology

“I don’t remember putting them under my bed okay!”

“Under your bed is the first place you should look!”

“Urgh- I didn’t know that okay.” he sighed in frustration.

I didn’t have the energy to formulate a response, so his statement was only met with a frustrated huff from me. As we entered the school, we both silently parted ways, making our way to first period. I stood in the hallway, double checking my timetable to make sure i got the right room. Sigh…i’d rather just skip school then do this right now. I take a deep breath— my anxiety was starting to bubble inside of me— i grabbed the door handle and entered the room.

As i walked in, the class goes silent, and all eyes are on me, making my heart rate quicken, but having enough self control i swallow it down. My attention is immediately drawn to the teacher; an older looking woman who looked like she was surviving on coffee alone.

“Can i help you?” she said, clearly not fond of the interruption.

“Oh, i’m in this class, just running a bit late today.”

“A bit?” she said, looking at her watch before looking back at me, “Your almost half an hour late.”

“Well, better late than never.” i say lazily, shrugging it off.

“Name?” she said, an attitude laced in her words.


“Last name?” she curtly said, looking at what seemed to be the class roll.

“My name should be at the bottom.” My response making her look at me for a moment, as if to intimidate me. i can already tell this woman isn’t gonna make this a fun class. Felt like she was making a spectacle of me, and this being in front of a bunch of strangers made my face feel hot from embarrassment.

“Alright Tardy, there’s an empty seat at the back there.” looking over her glasses, gesturing to a desk with her whiteboard marker. “Sit.” she finished. ignoring the nickname she gave me, my eyes landed on an empty desk, trailing to a familiar face sitting next to it. Ao’nung; causing my face contort into one of distain.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I walk over and take my seat, trying to completely block out his presence…though he was making it real fucking hard by side eyeing me, as if i didn’t have peripherals or something. but nonetheless i tried my best to ignore his gaze, pulling out my book and pencil case instead. As i got settled, i glanced up at the board to get an idea on what we were learning, and my eyes had landed on a name in the corner; Ms. Longbottom. The name being mildly amusing in a boring class was enough to make me crack a smile, looking down at my desk in hopes no one noticed, though unbeknownst to me, a certain someone did.

As the teacher continued her lesson, my brain was on the brink of insanity just trying to comprehend what the hell she was talking about, and there was a point where i just gave up. Her words slowly started to merge together, leaning on my hand, i started to fall asleep.

Suddenly a hand made contact with my forearm, causing my head to slam onto my desk. “ACK-!” i held my forehead as if to relieve the pain. i look up at the perpetrator who just so happens to be my favorite person. “Argh- what the fuck.”

He’s looking down at me; both metaphorically and literally, with this stupid shit eating grin on his face. “You’re drooling.” he scoffs. heat rose to my cheekslook, turning my face away, using my thumb to wipe side of my mouth. ‘This asshole has way too much confidence.’ The gesture making him chuckle, taking me back a bit.

“Fuck off Ao’nung.” i sigh, his smug face faltering for a split second.

“You know my name?” he said in his usual low tone.

“You’re pretty hard to ignore.” i say, packing up my things and getting up to leave, though much to my dismay, he follows me in pursuit.

“Why are you in a hurry?” he mocked.

“Trying to get the fuck away from you.” i said curtly, trying to end this interaction as soon as i could.

Once more i’m trying my best to ignore his presence, but again, it’s really hard when tailing my ass. As kids are pooling out of their classrooms, i try my best to loose him by weaving myself through the crowd, and when i look over my shoulder, he’s out of sight. with my mind finally at ease, i make it to my next class


“Alright class, today you’re going to be assigned in groups for this semesters project. and before anyone gets excited, all the groups will be chosen by random.” The teacher’s statement being met with the class’ disapproval. “Ah-! i don’t wanna hear any complaints since the last time you were given the choice to choose your own groups, more than half of you got no work done.” She went on to explain that it will be decided by drawing color coded sticks from a small tin can; calling us up to take our pick. I reached my hand out, pulling out my stick which had colored tape at the end of it. yellow.

“Hey,” A voice spoke up, bringing my attention to the student standing in front of me. “Looks like we’re in a group.” The boy said, my eyes trailing down his hand, with a stick identical to mine. He didn’t seem an awkward guy, but i could tell he was friendly, giving him a faint smile.

“seems about right. i’m (y/n).”

“Lo’ak.” the boy replied, nodding his head at me with a small smile. Before my mind could linger any longer, our teacher ushered us back to our seats.

“Alight, so for this assignment you’ll have to discuss an important topic going on in the world. Even though the year has only started, there are numerous things to speak on. But nothing specific really, as long as its not stupid.” the teacher said, her eyes landing on a pair of boys, who in return looked offended. i smile to myself at the teasing, looking over to the boy who was now seated in the desk next to mine. “So, you have anything in mind?” i asked, not really expecting much of an answer, but still decided to ask anyway.

“Oh, well to be honest, i’m not really good at this subject, its not my strongpoint so i don’t know if ill be much help.” the boy looked down sheepishly, rubbing one of his braids between his fingers.

“No that’s ok, i’m sure we can come up with something.” i reassured, already having something in mind.

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don’t be afraid to lmk what u think, or if you want to give suggestions for future scenarios u want to see (not guaranteed but will think abt it) 😚

taglist & list<3

@dotheyevenknowmars @ilovejakesullysdick @itsmclain

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More Posts from Babamiasworld

1 year ago



❂ = Fluff

➷ = Angst

♬ = Plutonic

✜ = Smut

✭ = spicy

〷 = shitpost/random


- Legend of Zelda

- Avatar


- MyStreet

-Hogwarts Legacy/Harry Potter

1 year ago

Are you sick of me yet?

Are You Sick Of Me Yet?

Hyrule!Link x GN!Reader ✭

Synopsis: Link refuses to leave you alone after you lose to him

Content Warnings: cocky link, possessiveness if you squint, light cussing, a lil kithy kith, and uhhhh jealous zelda if that’s how u wanna see it 🧍

A/N: jesus link brain rot is getting to me rn, and i got the new loz themed nintendo switch cause i’m OBSESSED- pls it’s so pretty🥰

Word count 1 .4k

Are You Sick Of Me Yet?

To everybody, Link was a man of few words, and to most, he was intense. Never speaking much, and when he did, his words were blunt, curt, and devoid of vulnerability. He didn’t care what others thought of him, only that he got paid fairly for his work. Though there was a side of him that he didn’t show all that much, a side of him that only reared it’s head depending on the situation. He wasn’t secretly a softie or anything, no no, he was worse.

“That was a tough loss.” Link said while inhaling through his teeth, mocking something close to sympathy. You had just finished a racing competition, which wasn’t something you usually engaged in, simply because you were one to get really competitive and you were a sore loser, but you’d never show it, nor ever confirm it out loud, but you were. it was a fact you couldn’t deny. So you ignored Link’s comment, simply ignoring him as you made your way to your steed, walking a bit faster in hopes Link wouldn’t catch up, because if you were being honest, if you had to look at the grin on his face…you’d probably punch it. Though Link wasn’t having it, taking your silence as a challenge.

You sharply turned a corner in hopes he’d just give up his attempts to get you to lash out at him. Moments from the race replaying in your mind, pissing you off more.  The reason he was so amused by your loss is because you’re known to be one of the most talented racers in the kingdom, and you had come second, and Link of course, was in first. He wasn’t going to let you live this down that much is for sure, not unless you were able to rub his ego into the mud…and then stomp on it multiple times…then maybe setting it on fire. If it was possible, you’d consider traveling across Hyrule to throw it into a volcano.

Lost in your thoughts, with your eyes fixated on the cobblestone path beneath you, you didn’t see the encroaching obstacle in front of you until you collided with it. Looking up at a very unpleasant face. Link didn’t say a word, just staring down at you with that stupid smug face, as if you were smaller than him. Physically yes. But in every other aspect absolutely not, but as much as you hated it, you couldn’t help but feel heat rising to your cheeks at the proximity between the two of you. You stepped to the side to leave him behind yet again, though he mirrored your actions holding his expression.

“Can I help you, asshole?” You spat, sounding like more of a demand rather than a question. But much to your displeasure, your comment only inflated his ego as he tilts his head playfully at you.

“Aw don’t be like that.” He teases, causing your scowl to intensify.

“Shut up. Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this.” You retort. Pushing past him.

“You know me well~” He chuckles. The sound making your stomach flutter.

“Piss off.” Eyes focused on the stable that your Loftwing resides in, sleeping peacefully.

“No. I don’t think I will~” He taunts. Unbeknownst to you, he picks up his pace, inching his face closer to yours, whispering into your ear. “I know you like it when I tease you.” Emitting a sharp gasp from you, whipping your head at him with a look of disbelief, holing a hand over your ear.

“No I don’t!” You retort, a little more enthusiastically than you intended, mentally cursing yourself as you see Link puffing out his chest; and by your red cheeks, it only confirms his statement.

“Yeah?” His tone was quiet, as if you’d both get in trouble if he was heard. But as he starts moving towards you, absent-mindedly stepping back as he did, until your back hits the cold stone wall, only then do you realize it’s just you that’s in trouble. “Then why are you so flustered then?” Asking a question he already knows the answer to.

“I’m not.” You stare at him through your eyelashes, trying to intimidate him, though you know it won’t work. This causes Link to tilt his head once more, but his expression is different this time. He’s looking at you like he wants something…needs something. You immediately pick up on this; his hungry gaze, half-lidded eyes analyzing every inch of your face causing your heart to beat rapidly.

You turn your head away from him to hide your red face. But Link wasn’t having it. He wanted you to squirm under him his gaze, lifting a hand to your chin and tilting it up so you’d look at him. He was surprisingly gentle with his movements, slowly pulling your chin upwards towards him but stopping before your lips could touch. The proximity of your faces causing your eyes to flicker to his lips, only for a moment before meeting his eyes again. Though this didn’t go unnoticed by the man in front of you, causing him to look down at you with a seductive glint in his eyes.

“See something you like?” Link teases, adoring how red you’ve gotten. He moves closer, lips ghosting over each other for a few seconds before you can’t take it anymore and finally kiss him, a hand snaking up his neck; fingers lacing between his soft blonde locks while your other hand lays against his ribcage for support. Your boldness causing Link to chuckle into the kiss, sending heat through your body like shockwaves which only intensifies when his hands find their place on your hips, using them as an anchor to push his body against yours, chests pressed against each other.

He pushes his tongue into your mouth, his hand dragging up your body as it settles on your jaw, pulling you even closer. His kiss is heated, rough, and possessive, as if this was his way of claiming you as his, and deep down, you didn’t mind as much as you said you did, indulging yourself in him. Both of you were growing desperate, frantic even, as if you’ll die if you separate, but sadly breathing is a necessity.

You break the kiss to breathe, but before you can even take a full breath, Links lips find yours again, groaning into your mouth.

“Ahem!” A distant voice echoed. Causing you both to freeze, Link pulling away from your lips to turn his head towards the voice, a trail of saliva connecting the two of you. As Link moved his head, you were mortified to see Zelda standing a few meters away with her arms crossed over her chest, looking at you two clearly unimpressed with what she walked in on. “Link, my father wants to speak with you. He insists you meet with him as soon as…” She trails off, eyes flickering to you for a moment, then back to link. “…you’re done with your little rendezvous.” Zelda finished, turning on her heel and taking her leave.

Link looks back at you with a that same stupid smirk, and your just absolutely traumatized that the princess caught you making out with her knight, but Link has a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Wanna keep goin?” Link said with optimism. Which pissed you off considering you’re probably not the princess’ favorite person after that; the thought far from pleasant as you pushed him away and stormed off.

“Argh- you’re so stupid! Don’t ever pull that again.” A frustrated hand running through your hair, trying to find something to help you forget about the whole ordeal.

This causes Link to let out a low chuckle, watching the way your hips sway as you fade into the distance.

“That’s what you said last time.”

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3 years ago

Sad SDV Headcanons

Abigail is rebellious because she doesn’t get the attention she needs from her parents

she feels like shes only viewed by her mother as an object; the perfect daughter that she could never become

Abigail also feels like she is never enough for her dad and that shes a disappointment to both her parents

Sam has adhd and he gets insecure about it sometimes

Jodi is so detached from life that it often makes her feel miserable and confined to her mundane routine

she also secretly wishes she hadn’t gotten pregnant; she often wonders about how much she’d travel the world if she didn’t have the responsibility of children

(she still loves her boys tho❤️)

Penny always puts a blanket on her mother when she’s passed out drunk on the couch

and she also cries when nobody’s looking...she can be seen walking around town with teary eyes

Sebastian is so neglected by his family that he feels like he could disappear and they wouldn’t even notice

Maru is also part of the problem, she knows how Sebastian is feeling but she does nothing about it, which Sebastian lowkey hates her for

Maru blames herself so much for it though- she just doesn’t know how to fix frustrates her because its the only problem she cant solve

(shes trying her best- pls dont hate her for it)

Demetrius doesn’t acknowledge Sebastian at all; probably refers to him as ‘Kid’ or ‘Kiddo’

only calls him by his name if he needs to have a stern talk with him

i feel like  Demetrius wouldn’t exchange words with Sebastian unless it’s absolutely necessary, even on his birthday

But although it seems rude of him, it’s actually because he feels like its not his place to try and be Sebastians father figure, but little does he know that his ignorance negatively affects Sebastian

Caroline feels like she’s failed as a mother and as a wife; that she brings nothing to the family

Caroline also looks back at baby photos of Abigail when shes alone and cries; she misses her baby girl

Pierre also does the same thing but he doesn’t cry, he just reminisces on the times when he could make Abigail laugh and smile

Jas’ parents died when she was very young and was put into Marnie’s custody

Marnie’s brother was Jas’ father and whenever Marnie looks at Jas she’s reminded of him; she misses him so much and sometimes engulfs Jas into random hugs and tears up

Jas’ mother was Shane’s closest aunt that practically raised him and he began turning to alcohol after her death

Jas doesn’t really understand the concept of ‘death’ which means she just thinks that her parents didn’t want her anymore which makes her really sad

The reason she’s found skipping under the sakura tree is because thats the only memory she has of her parents; both of them holding each side of the the rope as she jumped up so high

so she tries to recreate that memory to have that feeling of comfort again

Vincent often finds his mum in a sad mood and hugs her so tight

he usually says something like “Im sorry mama...” :(

which makes Jodi’s heart break because she can’t bring herself to deny the meaning behind his words

Pam actually feels terrible about her new self, and how it affects Penny, but she cant stop

It breaks her not being able to provide for her daughter anymore, and that Penny can never rely on her anymore

Clint has high functioning anxiety and doesn’t know how to make friends even though he’s so desperate for human interaction

he hates himself that he’s only seen as a creep to most

Willy actually used to have a wife he loved very much, but she took off on the sea one day on an expedition, but never returned

thats why he’s always on the docks at hopes that she’ll come back home to him

Linus is scared of thunder and lightning but he doesn’t have anywhere to hide from it

and when it rains, all his stuff gets wet because his tent is so old it has holes in it, but he cant afford to buy a new one

Linus feels like he brings the worth of stardew valley down

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10 months ago

Stop me if you hate the concept: short, fat, hairy lady gets isakai'd into a high fantasy, and instead of "oh look at all these ethereal elves woe for I am but a flawed mortal" routine she lands in Dwarf territory and is immediately revered as the most enchanting and desirable maid in all the land. This immediately becomes a zesty romantic drama. Thoughts