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2 years ago

Something About Him || Part 1

Something About Him || Part 1

Human!Bully!Ao’nung x Fem!Reader (Highschool AU)

Summary: you and your younger brother had recently transferred to a new school after your dad got a job in another state. your brother is trying to be positive abt this change but you weren’t a big fan of change, and your family new that this move was going to be really tough on you, but they new better than to confront your newfound attitude, but how long will it last?

Content Warnings: angst, slow burn, (light)bullying, enemies to lovers, (y/n) is kinda a bitch in this LMAOO bc me too🤭, random capitalisation bc m’lazy, a lot of swearing

Additional Character Glossary:

Tirotay = ur younger brother

A/N: this fic is heavily inspired by @yunaloona‘s highschool AU fic series but i really need some of that angst and drama so i’m doing my own version 😫😜- but def go check their one out if ya want something short and sweet xx. ➥ also i’m writing this as someone who is aroace, so i HATE when the deal is sealed, so i ain’t gonna give y’all closure easy mk🤭

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The sound of a muffled voice pulled me out of my dream before i could even recall it, my eyes groggily opening to a painfully bright light, my eyes tracing the worn wallpaper and towards the figure standing in the doorway; Tirotay.

“(y/n), c’mon, mom said to get up now or you’ll have to catch the bus to school.” he spouted firmly, before sauntering down the hall…leaving the door wide open.

“uugGHHH- close my damn door bro!” I yelled, while knowing full well he wasn’t gonna come back to close it, so i shot up from my bed, already pissed off and slammed my door, tuning around i was able to take a look at my new room. besides a few unpacked boxes here and there, my room was pretty much the way i wanted, which made this place a little less bad. my favourite of course being my tall bed, with a disheveled display of a soft quilt, decorated with an embroidery design, topped with a modest amount of silk covered pillows piled at the headboard; undeniably being the centrepiece of the room, i would GLADLY stay in that bed all day if that was a choice.

I lazily through on some clothes, more concerned with comfortability rather than style; it’s not like i was trying to dress to impress, i don’t care about what these people think of me to be honest, and im only going to school so i can get my graduation certificate and that’s it. i don’t need friends, i already have plenty from back home, so i don’t need anymore.

after brushing my teeth and hair i head downstairs to the kitchen to grab the lunch mom made for us, shoving it in my bag.

“(y/n)! are you ready yet babe? we gotta go!” mom shouted from the living room.

“yup- im ready now! i’ll be waiting in the car!”


you and your brother had both already done orientation day and just headed towards the office to get our schedule, both silently praying we still knew how to get there from memory. reaching the principals office we we greeted with two happy faces.

the principal slightly perked up at our presence, “(y/n), Tirotay, it’s nice to see you again.” after we exchanged pleasantries, she handed us our timetables and gestured to the sweet looking girl standing next to her and continued. “this is Tsireya, she will be your guide.”

“Hello! it’s nice to meet you both!” Tsireya chirped, followed by a short wave and a smile.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too.” i quietly replied with a nod. looking over at my brother who was avoiding her gaze entirely, rolling my eyes I turned my attention back to Tsireya, who giggled in response.

“Ok, let’s get you two to your homeroom class.” Tsireya gestured to follow her.


“alright aaand this is your homeroom (y/n)! you have Mr. Samual, so you’re definitely one of the lucky ones- hes really nice.” she whispered the last part, “and hey if you need someone to hang out with at lunch, you’re more than welcome to come sit with me!” she offered.

“thanks- appreciate the offer.” I gave a simple nod and then walked into my classroom. ‘so much for not making friends…’ i thought to myself, but she was so nice, and that made it really difficult to not reciprocate.


The bell rang pulling me out of my dazed thoughts, civil war history was never really my favourite. the teacher was saying something about homework, though i really couldn’t care less, packing my stuff away in my bag and making my way out of the classroom, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

walking into the cafeteria was a little daunting, but thankfully i didn’t draw too much attention. i saw Tsireya eating next to a few of her friends, but i decided against going up to them, I was more comfortable by myself anyway. Scanning over the cafeteria once again, I noticed a side door leading outside, so i tried my best to not be seen sneaking out.

outside wasn’t anything breathtaking, but it was empty, which was all i needed. i leisurely, walked up to a tree in the distance, setting myself down and grabbing my lunch from my bag. pulling my phone from my pocket, i leaned it against my bag, putting my headphones in and choosing a random youtube video that looked entertaining enough.

a few minutes passed as i mindlessly ate my food, though my thoughts were interrupted by laughing, i look up to see a collective group of boys holding their stomachs. at first i didn’t give a fuck, but then i saw someone amongst the group who didn’t look too happy; a girl. i paused my video to hear what they were saying.

“Leave me alone!” she shouted, though falling on deaf ears, as their smug demeanours didn’t falter.

“Awww the little freak wants us to stop..” one of the boys taunted, getting up in her face, “If you don’t like the way we’re treating you, why don’t you just call your big brother to come save you~ orrr you could just run off and cry like you did last time.” his words causing the girl to grimace, as the rest of the boys laughed.

i had seen enough- already stopping off towards them, a scowl painting my features. the boys kept circling her like vaulters, the boy who insulted her before clearly was the main perpetrator, the other boys looking like nothing other than his “minions”.

“HA-! look! the freak’s starting to cry again!” he scoffed, expressing fake sympathy towards the girl. “I’m sorry we hurt your wittle feelin-”

he was cut off after i shoved him away from the girl. “what the hell is wrong with you? Do you seriously have nothing better to do?” i scolded, a disgusted look taking over my features. he looked at me up-and-down, clearly offended that i had ruined his fun.

“who the hell are you?” he spat, looking at me, as if I was the scum of the earth.

“who am i? who the fuck are you? honestly, you think with all that forehead you got you’d have a big enough brain to comprehend common decency, but i suppose i can’t be surprised, since in seems your skull is so fucking thick, it makes sense that you never had a lot of brain growth.” i spat, the boy in front of me now seething.

one of the other boys stepped towards me but was halted by his leader. “c’mon ao’nung, these bitches aren’t worth it.” another boy spoke, causing the boy he was talking to to scoff, staring you down before turning around and walking away, his little followers tagging along behind him.

ao’nung…that was a name you wouldn’t forget anytime soon.

after they had left i immediately turned around to check on the girl. “Hey, are you ok?” i asked, slight worry crossing my face. the girl looked at the concrete, blinking away frustrated tears.

“yeah i’m fine,” she meakly spoke, looking up at me, “thank you…for that.”

“of course.” i smiled, given her a nod of acknowledgement. my eyes trailed down to the girls bag, a green crocheted tote bag with a flower in the centre. “I like your bag. It’s very pretty.” gesturing to it.

she gave a shy smile, eyes focused on it as her grip on the strap tightened. “thank you, i made it myself.” her eyes meeting mine again. “my name’s kiri by the way.” she said with a smile, which i immediately returned.

“name’s (y/n). nice to meet you.”

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Part 2

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2 years ago

Something About Him || Pt. 2

Something About Him || Pt. 2

Human!Bully!Ao’nung x Fem!Reader (Highschool AU)

{Part 1}

Summary: just filler tbh- im trying to set the scene for the rest of the fic

Content Warnings: swearing, random capitalization cause im lazy, and i think that's it

Additional Character Glossary:

Tirotay - ur younger brother


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The first week of school was almost over, and i've ,managed to shove my anxiousness to the side since i’m starting to get into the grove of things. however there was still one class that i only had during the end of the week; social studies. pretty easy subject from what i know since its essentially just common knowledge for the most part, and some people would say its exciting to see your new class for the year, but not when your new, and especially when you late.

“I said i’m sorry (y/n)” said Tirotay, speedwalking to keep up with me.

“Argh, Tiro, I seriously don’t understand how you manage to lose your shoes on the first week of school” I retorted, not listening to his apology

“I don’t remember putting them under my bed okay!”

“Under your bed is the first place you should look!”

“Urgh- I didn’t know that okay.” he sighed in frustration.

I didn’t have the energy to formulate a response, so his statement was only met with a frustrated huff from me. As we entered the school, we both silently parted ways, making our way to first period. I stood in the hallway, double checking my timetable to make sure i got the right room. Sigh…i’d rather just skip school then do this right now. I take a deep breath— my anxiety was starting to bubble inside of me— i grabbed the door handle and entered the room.

As i walked in, the class goes silent, and all eyes are on me, making my heart rate quicken, but having enough self control i swallow it down. My attention is immediately drawn to the teacher; an older looking woman who looked like she was surviving on coffee alone.

“Can i help you?” she said, clearly not fond of the interruption.

“Oh, i’m in this class, just running a bit late today.”

“A bit?” she said, looking at her watch before looking back at me, “Your almost half an hour late.”

“Well, better late than never.” i say lazily, shrugging it off.

“Name?” she said, an attitude laced in her words.


“Last name?” she curtly said, looking at what seemed to be the class roll.

“My name should be at the bottom.” My response making her look at me for a moment, as if to intimidate me. i can already tell this woman isn’t gonna make this a fun class. Felt like she was making a spectacle of me, and this being in front of a bunch of strangers made my face feel hot from embarrassment.

“Alright Tardy, there’s an empty seat at the back there.” looking over her glasses, gesturing to a desk with her whiteboard marker. “Sit.” she finished. ignoring the nickname she gave me, my eyes landed on an empty desk, trailing to a familiar face sitting next to it. Ao’nung; causing my face contort into one of distain.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I walk over and take my seat, trying to completely block out his presence…though he was making it real fucking hard by side eyeing me, as if i didn’t have peripherals or something. but nonetheless i tried my best to ignore his gaze, pulling out my book and pencil case instead. As i got settled, i glanced up at the board to get an idea on what we were learning, and my eyes had landed on a name in the corner; Ms. Longbottom. The name being mildly amusing in a boring class was enough to make me crack a smile, looking down at my desk in hopes no one noticed, though unbeknownst to me, a certain someone did.

As the teacher continued her lesson, my brain was on the brink of insanity just trying to comprehend what the hell she was talking about, and there was a point where i just gave up. Her words slowly started to merge together, leaning on my hand, i started to fall asleep.

Suddenly a hand made contact with my forearm, causing my head to slam onto my desk. “ACK-!” i held my forehead as if to relieve the pain. i look up at the perpetrator who just so happens to be my favorite person. “Argh- what the fuck.”

He’s looking down at me; both metaphorically and literally, with this stupid shit eating grin on his face. “You’re drooling.” he scoffs. heat rose to my cheekslook, turning my face away, using my thumb to wipe side of my mouth. ‘This asshole has way too much confidence.’ The gesture making him chuckle, taking me back a bit.

“Fuck off Ao’nung.” i sigh, his smug face faltering for a split second.

“You know my name?” he said in his usual low tone.

“You’re pretty hard to ignore.” i say, packing up my things and getting up to leave, though much to my dismay, he follows me in pursuit.

“Why are you in a hurry?” he mocked.

“Trying to get the fuck away from you.” i said curtly, trying to end this interaction as soon as i could.

Once more i’m trying my best to ignore his presence, but again, it’s really hard when tailing my ass. As kids are pooling out of their classrooms, i try my best to loose him by weaving myself through the crowd, and when i look over my shoulder, he’s out of sight. with my mind finally at ease, i make it to my next class


“Alright class, today you’re going to be assigned in groups for this semesters project. and before anyone gets excited, all the groups will be chosen by random.” The teacher’s statement being met with the class’ disapproval. “Ah-! i don’t wanna hear any complaints since the last time you were given the choice to choose your own groups, more than half of you got no work done.” She went on to explain that it will be decided by drawing color coded sticks from a small tin can; calling us up to take our pick. I reached my hand out, pulling out my stick which had colored tape at the end of it. yellow.

“Hey,” A voice spoke up, bringing my attention to the student standing in front of me. “Looks like we’re in a group.” The boy said, my eyes trailing down his hand, with a stick identical to mine. He didn’t seem an awkward guy, but i could tell he was friendly, giving him a faint smile.

“seems about right. i’m (y/n).”

“Lo’ak.” the boy replied, nodding his head at me with a small smile. Before my mind could linger any longer, our teacher ushered us back to our seats.

“Alight, so for this assignment you’ll have to discuss an important topic going on in the world. Even though the year has only started, there are numerous things to speak on. But nothing specific really, as long as its not stupid.” the teacher said, her eyes landing on a pair of boys, who in return looked offended. i smile to myself at the teasing, looking over to the boy who was now seated in the desk next to mine. “So, you have anything in mind?” i asked, not really expecting much of an answer, but still decided to ask anyway.

“Oh, well to be honest, i’m not really good at this subject, its not my strongpoint so i don’t know if ill be much help.” the boy looked down sheepishly, rubbing one of his braids between his fingers.

“No that’s ok, i’m sure we can come up with something.” i reassured, already having something in mind.

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don’t be afraid to lmk what u think, or if you want to give suggestions for future scenarios u want to see (not guaranteed but will think abt it) 😚

taglist & list<3

@dotheyevenknowmars @ilovejakesullysdick @itsmclain

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