What Do You Think About Mikey Dealing With A Brat?
what do you think about mikey dealing with a brat?
TW- Implied Abuse
Well, while it does depend on what Mikey we're exactly talking about, because you'll get a couple mixed reactions, but, it's still Mikey overall, and he doesn't exactly play nice with brats. Sure, again depending on which one, he can find brats fun, but... he'll quickly grow very tired of your little attitude and not so softly, put you back in your place.
Toman!Mikey likes a little brat on occasion, it gets him worked up and sometimes he'll grow bored of your obedience, so he likes the little change in your behavior, and while he doesn't need the excuse too put your little ass back in submission, it gives him one, and you don't get too be mad when your ass is bruised for the next couple of days. You were being a brat, you have no right too pout when your ass is all sore and you can't sit right for a bit, instead sitting uncomfortably on your side. Manila!Mikey quickly becomes annoyed with you and your attitude, why are you all of a sudden being such a little bitch when he's being so sweet with you. He gets tired of having too remind you too behave, so, he starts too just react, saying nothing as he puts you over his lap. There's no more asking, there's just doing now, he's grown tired of repeating himself and the fact that you lie to him with empty apologies and meaningless promises too never act like a brat again, just pisses him off more, so there's no telling you off anymore, if he bruises your ass enough, you should figure it out for yourself. There's already the expectations of obedience with Kanto!Mikey, because, while the other Mikeys, with the expectations of Street Racer!Mikey, put their hands on you already. Kanto!Mikey takes it to a whole new level, he'll beat you into submission, he doesn't repeat himself, he tells you once and expects you too listen, and if you don't... well, that's on you and it's your own fault. You really only have yourself too blame as he digs his steel-toed boots into your ribcage, don't start crying, start listening and you wouldn't be in this very painful position. He really doesn't care for the cries that fall from your lips as he does so, it's honestly pointless, all you're gonna do is tire yourself out...thinking about it though, that's probably for the best, you can't be an ungrateful brat when you're sleeping. Bonten!Mikey really doesn't care, as long as that behavior isn't directed at him and you're not causing too much chaos around Bonten or embarrassing him, then do whatever you want. Although, while he's not as quickly agitated as Kanto!Mikey, when he tells you too stop, you better listen and you better listen the first time, because he also doesn't like repeating himself and most of the time, he won't, he'll just physically correct your behavior and if that still doesn't persuade you into obedience, he has no problem letting you watch Sanzu torture traitors. Because in the moment, you are betraying him, and he hates traitors. Street Racer!Mikey doesn't really mind, because he, himself, is a brat. It turns into more of a competition then a punishment, Draken is just honestly so done with you trying too out brat each other. When he really isn't in the mood though, he'll play for a bit before trying too persuade you into being behaved, and if that doesn't work, he'll become quite serious and kinda turn back into that authoritative gang leader that he used too be. He likes playing with you but... when it's time too stop, it's time too stop.
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More Posts from Baby-tini
HELLO?? TINI??? ARE YOU OKAY???? girl u GAWT to stay off the writing grind and let yourself heal. Sending sosososososososoooo much love from me and my girlfriend. We both fucking love your works so much and we hope you get better soon π«Άπ«Άπ«Άπ«Ά
(P.s. my girlfriend said she would make you some cookies to feel better..)
Aww, that's so sweet, tell your girlfriend I said thank you!!! I'm so glad you both love my writing so much, it makes me sooooo happy β€οΈ. But, no worries, I will get the very much-needed rest, I've been putting ice on my fingers, they feel a little better but omfg, I didn't know shit like this could happen ππ
Eee I was thinking about trauma bonding Dabi. How he manipulates you into thinking you're nothing without him/are fully dependent on him!
(Foaming at the mouth, I love ur writting btw π©·)
Thank you sm baby~
TW- Abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, Trauma-Bonding, Manipulation, Controlling Behavior
A toxic, trauma-bound relationship with Dabi is pretty unavoidable with Dabi, in all honesty. He has a lot of baggage because of his trauma, so he doesn't handle things.. normally. He doesn't talk about his problems, he doesn't communicate, he has.. no healthy behaviors really. So it's not a huge surprise when the relationship goes down-hill, very quickly. Now, it's not a slow-burn, it's actually pretty quick and obvious. At the start of relationship, he'd just.. up and leave, just disappear for days sometimes weeks on end. It's an ugly cycle of up and down, sometimes he's all over you. Kissing you, wanting too have sex for hours on end... and other times, he's just the absolute worst. There's loud screaming and arguing, with him getting in your face, his blue eyes glowing along with the azul flames itching at the skin on his palms. His eyes are narrowed as he spits out mean words through gritted teeth- and he's so mean to you when this happens. But.. it's not all the time, he can be so sweet sometimes, so doting with you, sometimes he takes great care of you, and that's where the ugly cycle of co-dependancy starts. He knows though, with the way you cling to him all the time, even after one of your many, many intense arguments with him. There's tears in your eyes as you cling to him, with the pleas of not wanting him too leave, that you hate when he leaves you, and he's fucking thriving on this little high that your co-dependancy gives him. Now, he has yet too actually hit you, but he gets pretty damn close and he'll do other abusive things. Like when he grabs you by the throat when you attempt too yell at him, or when he holds your jaw in a tight grip as he shakes your head. Getting in your face and using the tight grip that his hand has on your jaw, forcing you too nod for him as he just spews out question after question, rhetorical of course, but your tiny little brain can't comprehend his infamous sarcasm. The co-dependency gets so bad to the point where you can't do anything without him, he's in charge of everything you do and you lose all your sense of independence. He rarely lets you out of the house, and when he does, he talks for you. He doesn't let you speak to anyone- especially see anyone, and that's when your social skills start too grow poor, and he'll feed you information, mostly over-exaggerated, about the ugliness of the world. So, naturally, you start too grow weary of everyone and everything, even having full on break-downs when he's not around. He needs you too understand that you are nothing without him and the sooner you figure that out, the less harsher he'll be with you.
random thought: i think kanto and manilla! mikey would die of happiness if they heard their gf calling his name in their sleep. they wake up a little cranky, since they tend to have a more irregular sleep schedule than you, only to feel cocky seeing that you can't escape them even in your dreams
Goodnight, dear ^v^
Oh yeah they are, and they're so fuckingn mean about it too. When they wake up, still sleepy and hear you calling for them in your sleep, they're over the moon about their little.. discovery. Now, I do think their reactions would differentiate, depending on why you're calling for them. If it's in a sexual manner, they're so cocky, hearing you moan out for them as you start too rut against the bed, your hands grabbing at the pillows as you whine. Don't worry baby, Manila!Mikey doesn't mind slipping his hand in your panties and rubbing your clit for you, the bud aching for his attention as he makes you cum on his fingers, that should stop your whining for a little bit, huh? Now, Kanto!Mikey he'll just sit there for a little bit, just watching you struggle, before he makes the decision too fuck you awake. You wanted too get fucked so bad that you're dreaming about it- of him. Then you shouldn't mind at all as he rubs his, now, hard cock against your clit, still covered by your panties, after all, you're being so good for him right now, thinking of him while you sleep. He doesn't mind rewarding you.
If it was for an innocent reason though, like you just spoke his name, nothing too serious. Then Manila!Mikey will definitely take a little video and tease you about it a whole bunch in the morning. His ego gets a lot bigger after that happens and he'll use that whenever you claim that you "hate' him. He'll shove his phone in your face with "proof" on why you couldn't possibly hate him, not when you're calling out for him in your sleep. Kanto!Mikey on the other hand, will just let you be and won't say much about it- if at all. He won't tell you, but he does feel happy about it, his stomach flutter as eh'll constantly replay the memory in his head, over and over again.
Goodnight :)
Hey!! Tini! How is your injury? How are you doing? You're one of my fevorite writers! Love your contents π€. Get well soon. Stay safe , Drink more water , Have a nice day! ILYπ
Hi baby!!! I'm doing good!!! My fingers feel better and I'll be uploading later today!!! ILYT!!!