Mha Touya - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Villain's Love

Dabi x Reader

Mentions: Bad behavior, forbidden love, humor, great friends. Sfw.

Reblogs are appreciated. Check Masterlist for pt.1 and pt.2

You woke up to his voice in the morning, 


Dabi: Time for school. Wake up already. You need to get ready.

You shifted thinking you were hearing shit.

 Dabi:  Flame please get the hell up. You’ll be late!

 You shot up from bed checking the time.

Y/n: 35 minutes!? Wait wait..” 

Dabi: You’re finally awake.

Y/n:   You didn’t hang up last night.

Dabi: Yeah I ended up knocking quickly after you did. I forgot.

You got up rushing to the bathroom getting ready to shower. 

Y/n: Keep me updated with the time please. 

Dabi:  13 minutes passed.

You finished your shower and started your routine. 


Body lotion


Brushing teeth

Make up 


Y/n:  Fuck my life. It’s over if I show up late.

You laughed  in the process of putting on a bit of concealer to not look dead. Skipping foundation. You always do your eyeliner quickly. A total pro. You quickly put on mascara and a dark red matte lipstick.  

Y/n: I look tired.

Dabi laughed through the phone. 

Dabi: Wake up early next time my flame. 10 minutes left.

Y/n:  My hair! I don’t have time. 

Dabi:  Screw the hair! Hair clip it or whatever. It’s not the end of the world.

 You clipped up your hair. 

Dabi: Menstrual products packed in your bag?

 You always have it packed just in case. 

Y/n:  Yup. All set.

You grabbed your bag using your quirk to get to class. 

Y/n:  Bye babe. I’m about to enter. Love you so much we'll talk later bye.

End of call 

“ You’re late Ms. Aizawa.” The teacher said, “ I’m highly aware of that.” you responded rudely as you were walking to your seat. “ You come in late to class during an exam that started 10 minutes ago and have the audacity to respond to me rudely. You have an F. Get out.” the teacher said. “Listen here! If you don’t know I’ve had 2 weeks of hell! I’ve been yelled at, slapped in the fucking face with agonizing pain. I haven’t been able to sleep right these past 2 weeks due to all the trauma piled up on me! I’m physically and mentally tired! Now I have to come in not knowing what the hell is on that test since I was stuck in the goddamn hospital and don't use the excuse of “ You should’ve studied.” Study what? My teacher didn’t care to come see me or contact my father and explain to me what is going on in class and what chapters I should focus on!!! Give me a fucking break alright!!” you yelled, getting all your anger out. “ Go to the principal's office now. Your father should work on his parenting.” the teacher said. “ I’ll take her ma’am so she doesn’t try anything.” Mirio said. “ You son of a bitch!!! You don’t have fucking kids you asshole!!! You can talk shit after you have a fucking child to raise!! No one talks shit about my father, you got that!!!” you yelled, throwing and landing a rough punch. The class gasped.

“ Now's your chance to run to your dad,” Neijire said. One of the other students helped the teacher sit up. You ran like your life depended on it. “ She’s done for..” Mirio said. “ H-Hey all might… Do you know where I can find my dad?” you asked. Guilty face and all. “ Teaching class outside in the training grounds. Why?” he asked. “No reason! Bye and thank you!” you ran. 

As you got there you were sweating and panting. “ Isn’t that your daughter Mr. Aizawa?” a girl with pink hair said. He looked over at you. With the expression on your face and the time you should be in class screamed you did something stupid. “ What did you do?” he asked stopping the class thinking it was one of them who fucked up. “ I um..well these past 2 weeks have taken a toll on me dad..You know that. I woke up late today..I got to class 10 minutes late..the teacher told me I was late and I said “ I'm highly aware of that” in such a bitchy tone and then She kicked me out and gave me an F on my exam for doing that. Then I sort of exploded on her. At the end she sent me to the principal's office saying you need to work on your parenting. That made me lose my cool even worse …long story short I punched her…She’s probably at the nurses office by now.” you replied. The entire class 1-A was shocked. Who would’ve thought Aizawa’s daughter would pull such a stunt. “ That’s badass,” Bakugou said. Kirishima nudged Bakugou. “ You’re grounded. A month. Hand over your Macbook and Ipad. You’ll be using my computer for school. You will give me your phone. You’ll have your watch for communication. If any assignments are online I’ll have your teachers send it to my email. Oh and forget about the Game and Anime con.” He said. “ Yes Sir…but about the con I promised Shinso I’d go with him as a gamer anime besties date. It’s literally next week Friday-Sunday. I can’t cancel on him. We’ve been planning for months now.” You replied as you took out your computer, tablet and your regular phone handing it to him. Aizawa took them from you. He sighed. “ Get back to work, kids.” he ordered and they did.

“ I know what you did was because of what you have been through but it’s not right for you to act that way towards your teacher. The first part of it. The second part I allow it. We have each other's back. I’m so proud of you, my child. I love you. I’ll allow you to go to the convention. Your gamer anime bestie date. Keep me updated when you go out every hour.” he said. You gave him a tight hug. He hugged you back.“ I love you too ,Dad.” you replied. The girl were awed at the sight. The guys had the what the fuck face. “ How did Shinso end up being besties with his daughter? She's a total babe. I’d do anything to get with her. Her melons are huge” Mineta said. “ She is a total babe,” Denki agreed. You walked over. “ Hi boys” you said smiling. “H-Hey” Denki said. “ What’s up?” Kirishiam replied. You let Denki go but Mineta is a disgusting perv and makes women very uncomfortable with his words and actions. Mineta was drooling and staring at your body. “Denki, right? Can you do me a favor pretty pleas?”You asked. He nodded. “Is it okay if you zap him for me?It takes about 2,700 bolts to kill someone. Can you use just enough to make him regret everything he's done and said to women.” You said giving him a quick hug and then releasing him. “ Yes, anything” Denki replied. He zapped Mineta really well. Enough to knock him out. Your dad pretended like he didn’t see anything. Serves Mineta right. “ Awe, thanks so much sweetie. I appreciate it alot. I’ll treat you to lunch when I’m not busy. Do you have your phone?” you asked. He took it out. You grabbed it adding yourself to his contact list. “ I won't have my phone but I can reach you through my watch”you said handing it back. He took it. Denki was losing his mind.

You saw Principal Nezu and walked over ready for your punishment. “ What you did was unacceptable. You will give an in-person apology to your teacher on top of that. Your punishment is cleaning the class on your own. Oh and to top it off you seem to like your dad's class, so since you have off periods you can help your dad.” he said. You were shocked he even thought that crap. Yeah, you liked your dad's students but it sucked having to use off periods on them. How would you catch up on work and take power naps? “ I will apologize but so will she. She insulted my father and no one messes with my dad.” you said crossing your arms “ Alright,” he replied. All might have stayed with the class as you and your father followed Principal Nezu to the nurse's office. You walked inside with them. “ I’m sorry for being rude and punching you in the face,” you spoke to her. You’re a straight-to-the-point type of girl. “ You’ve been through a lot so I forgive you. I should’ve contacted your father about your class assignments and things you should’ve studied.” She replied. Then it turned into awkward silence. You looked at her and cleared your throat. “ Don’t you have anything to say to my dad, ma’am,” you said, raising one of your eyebrows. “ I am terribly sorry Mr. Aizawa for disrespecting your parenting. I was out of line.” She apologized to your dad. “ Way out of line,” you said. Your dad smacked your head. You rubbed it afterward. “Ouch,” you said leaving the room. You checked the time on your watch. “Off period. Fuck my life.” You walked back to your father's class. 

“ Hey you’re back!” Denki said. “ Yeah in my off class I will officially be with you guys.” you yawned. “ Alright. I see you’re all working on your power moves. Show me.” you ordered. Everyone took turns showing you. “ They all suck at the moment. Yes, even your power moves Bakugou, so take that stupid look off of your face.” you said strictly. The guys laughed. “ Kirishima. Make your hardening, harden even more. I think tossing you a few sharper and more heavy things will help. Denki try and aim your electricity better so that you don’t hurt your friends around you. Try out targets.Uraraka when you use your quirk try to relax your body. Clear the mind. Remember you have control of your quirk not the other way around. Mina you should try and form different and effective ways to hold your acid. Bakugou. Those Ap shots auto cannons need help. They can be stronger. If you can just take the stick far up your ass out and allow me to help you.” You said with a yawn afterwards. “ SHUT UP AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!” he yelled.

You took 30 minutes to help the girls and 40 to help the guys. “ sooo ... .Ms.Aizawa do you like someone?” Mina asked.  She loves love. You blushed instantly. “She does!” Jiro yelled. “ Mina. Jiro. Get back to work.” you ordered. “ Is he cute or hot or both?” Mina asked while working on her quirk. “ He’s hot af. Very handsome. He treats me very well. He's cool, ya know. That’s all I’ll be telling you.”  you responded. “ We don’t know. You’re lucky.” Momo replied. You gave your advice and helpful orders then went over to the boys. You pulled out some very sharp knives and threw them at Kirishima with much power. He managed to block them but still got cuts. “ Mhm… I’ll get back to you on that.” you said to him. He was shocked you tried that without warning first. “Tokoyami. Your quirk. Have you ever thought of using it to fly?” You asked. “ I need help controlling it first. In the darkness…it takes over.” he replied. “ Okay but answer my question.” you said. “No I haven’t.” he replied. “ You can control it during a certain time. You can use it to learn how to fly. I’ll put in a good word with Hawks. He can teach you. I’ll beg him if I have too. You’re doing great.” you pat his back. You groaned while walking over to Bakugou. “ Idiot. Don’t just make accurate pinpoint explosions. “ you said, crossing your arms. He ignored you and continued. “ What a waste of a great quirk.” you commented trying to get his attention. “ I’m the best one here!!” he yelled at you. “ Oh really. Would you like a reminder on how I kicked your ass. Now get the stick far up your ass and let me help you.” you spoke sternly. He nodded. “ Your Ap Shot auto cannon is great. Amazing. It has potential to be more than that. When you pinpoint them they’re still in a large shape. How about making them thinner. It will pierce and explode through something and if you manage to control very strictly you can pierce something and turn them into bombs. You’re welcome extra.” you say walking away. He stood there feeling stupid. All might and your dad watched you. “ Your daughter is very smart.” All might, said to Aizawa. “ I know. I raised her.” he said 

As the school day was finally over you walked back to your dorm. “ What’s your punishment?” Tamaki asked. “Cleaning duty, Off periods I’ll be helping my dad with his class, which gives me no time to catch up in class nor take naps. My dad took my Mac, Ipad and phone away. I only have my watch so yeah.” you replied. “ I’ll help you clean so that way you can have some little more time to catch up.” he said. “Thanks Tamaki. Let the others know I said HI.” you replied going to your room. 

As soon as you closed the door behind you, you grabbed your phone video calling Dabi. You changed quickly. He answered. 

Dabi: How was your day?

Y/n: I yelled at my teacher then punched her…I’m grounded. 

Dabi: You more than likely did it for a good reason. How are you holding up?

Y/n: I’m okay. I’ll be busy catching up with school work. I’m sorry If I don’t answer your messages throughout the day. 

Dabi: It’s okay. Just work hard to finish your studies. 

Y/n: Oh and I have the perfect days for the Vacation house. Next week 15-17 and the weekend. The students have a break. It’s the teachers grading and evaluation days. 

Y/n: I’d have to invite a friend with me otherwise things will look suspicious. 

Dabi: That's great. I can’t wait to see you soon.

Dabi: You told people about me didn’t you.

Y/n: Yeah…

Dabi: It’s fine. Just know if they try something on me I’ll make sure they’ll regret it. 

Y/n : They won’t I promise. Although they will have their guards up just like you. This is all if they agree to come with me. 

Dabi: Alright. I’ll have to call you later my flame. I’m meeting up with Shigaraki soon. You need to focus on school right now. Oh and you look sexy in my hoodie. 

Y/n: Yeah? Glad you enjoy seeing me in it. I’ll send you pics later. Don’t be a perv and think they’ll be naughty. 

Dabi: I’m not thinking that. I have to go. I love you very much. 

Y/n: Love you too bye.

End of video chat. 

You hid the phone away. 

You have sent nudes to Dabi before and you’ve received some as well. You’ve been feeling insecure for a while. You noticed you gained a lot of weight. You obviously hated that. You were chubby. Dabi had no issue with it. He made that clear. You still can’t help but think if he’s just being nice. 

You sent messages to the rest of the big 4. 

Message sent: Meeting at my dorm 3 mins. 

They all liked the message to confirm attendance. 

You opened the door once they got here. “ Okay dudes. We have to talk.” you said closing and locking the door. “ Like girl talk?” Mirio asked. “I was wondering if you guys would like to hang out at my family vacation house. The days of break we have.” you invited them. “ You want us to go with you because you want to see your prince.” Neijire summed it up. “ Yeah…he knows I told you. Can you please do me the favor? It’s not only to see him. We need a serious break.” you replied. “ The first and last time we help you meet up with him.” Tamaki said. 

As the break finally came. You were excited to see him. Mirio was driving with Neijire as the passenger princess. You sat in the back with Dabi and Tamaki. Poor Tamaki was scared and ready to throw hands if necessary. “ Say Hi.” you ordered Dabi. “ Not much of a social guy but Hey.” he said to everyone. “Hi! You’re Y/n’s criminal. Forbidden love. Romantic!” Neijire said. “ Yes I’m hers.” he replied, pulling you closer to him. “ Hello.” Tamaki and Mirio said. You yawned, leaning into Dabi. He gently played with your hair and hummed you to sleep. “ You got her to sleep in an instant. She’s been having trouble sleeping these past two weeks…” Mirio spoke. 

“I know. She asked me to stay on the phone with her last week when she woke up late.” Dabi said.

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10 months ago

Murderer's in love

Dabi x reader

Mentions: Aggressiveness, Murder, l.o.v, Emos, Sex, Virgin Reader, squirting(simple), Fucked Dumb, Fluff ending.

“ y/n you will always be an orphan! You will never have parents who care about you!  You will never experience a parent's love!” Momo yelled at you. The party was going very well, laughter, food, drinks, games, etc. Bakugou was playing Just Dance way too seriously with Mina and Jiro, Denki stuffing his mouth with food. Uraraka recorded everyone doing silly things. 

You looked at Momo, “ W-What?” you said. “ Woah calm down.” Kirishima said. Izuku was thinking of a way to clear the tension. “ What’s gotten into you, Momo?” Tsuyu asked. You started crying. “ It’s the truth.” she replied and turned away. You weren’t about to let her get away with what she said and so you gripped her hair then made her fall to her knees. “ What are you going to do? Hurt me? I don’t think our friends would be happy about that.” she said. The smirk on her face made you even angrier. You dragged her outside. They followed. You had multiple quirks. This time you’re using them for evil. 

All your life you were treated badly and being a hero you promised to help civilians have a peace of mind. With the money you make from being a Pro- Hero you're planning to open an orphanage and make sure children will be safe and being cared for. 

 You made Momo levitate in the air. “ Y/n whatever you’re going to do. Don’t do it!” Izuku yelled. Momo isn't the only one who can create things. You tied a noose around her neck. Everyone was too shocked to even move. They couldn’t believe their beloved friend was doing such evil. You tied the other end on a tree. You were crying. Crying in pain. You’ve had enough. Everyone ran to Momo except Katsuki who held you down to the ground. You struggled to move. You’ve had it. Enough is  enough. “Hurry up Idiots!!!!!” Bakugou yelled. You started burning his arms. No matter how much they tried to untie the knot and bring her down they struggled like crazy. It wouldn’t undo. They’d have to beat you unconscious if they want to save her. Denki zapped directly at you. You yelled in pain. “ Sorry..but you’ve crossed the line.” Denki said. You snapped your fingers and she was let loose. You made sure she couldn’t save herself. You laughed with tears running down your face. Bakugou let you go. “ We will give you a 10 second head start,” he said. Ida ran to the station and informed what happened. Within seconds other heroes showed up and at a distance sirens were heard. You caused a very huge explosion causing the fire and with that cover up you left. You knew exactly where to go. Your old hideouts as a child. Very hidden. 

You’re officially a murder. A villain. You manage to live. Stealing was easy. Food, electricity, even water. A distant hidden location. It looked like no one lived there when you first moved in. After a month and a half. Someone kicked open the room's door. “ We like the update. Get out. You’re in our turf.” a man with a touch of gray and blue hair said.  He had hands over his body. He looked in his early 20’s ? You yawned getting up off the couch remembering him. “League of Villains…Shi-Shigaraki.” you spoke. You’re a little scared and nervous. “ I’ll kill you,” he said. “ Go ahead. I’m fine with it. I’ve lived enough in this shit world.” you responded. He hesitated. Every Villain has a hard past. “ Who would’ve thought a little mouse like you would end up here.  A pro hero.?” Dabi asked. He gave you a teasing look. You know they want from you. Intel. “ You will tell us everything you know.” Shigaraki said forcing you to sit down. Toga stared at you and licked her lips. “ You think you can get to me just because I murdered a hero?” you said crossing your legs. “Well now we know the reason you disappeared!” Toga said, giggling afterwards. Dabi was eye fucking you. “Quit eye fucking me. You’re old.” you said. “I’m still in my 20’s babe.” he replied sitting next to you. “If you give us some answers…we’ll reward you.” Toga said. “ I don’t need money so good luck.” You replied. “ I’ll kill your family.” shigaraki said. “ You can forget about that one too.” You replied. They felt bad for you. No friends, No family. Nothing. They also had no family but at least they have each other. 

A month went on by and they basically lived with you. You wiped your tears and then shook Dabi awake“ I can’t sleep…had a nightmare. Can..I sleep with you. Only for tonight?” You asked. “ Okay.” He replied. You immediately got into bed. You kept your distance. Dabi is a hugger and so in the middle of the night he pulled you to him. You both felt comfortable. You slept so well that night. Like a baby. 

You woke up in his arms. Clinged onto him. “ You’re finally awake. Can you let go now. I woke up 2 hours ago. I tried to get you off but you’re very clingy and strong.” he said as you let go. “ Drink tea for nightmares…chamomile and Lavender helps.” He said. You started getting ready for the day. Once you were done, you walked downstairs seeing your fella villains. “ Why did you kill a classmate?” Toga asked. “ You ask me that every morning it's annoying.” you replied. “ Leave her alone Toga. After all it’s her Birthday..” Shigaraki ordered. You looked over. “How the hell do you know?” you asked, upset. “ Ua students can’t just roam around freely. I’m sure you still have information.” he said. “ I don’t have any information. You can interrogate me all you want and threaten to kill me but I have nothing.” you replied drinking water. “ Lets celebrate! You’re one of us now. We always celebrate each other's birthdays. I know it must be shocking for you.” Toga said smiling. Twice handed you a full bottle of  Whiskey. You sighed and said, “Fuck it. Why not?” Shigaraki smirked. “ There’s more where that came from.” Twice said. “Happy 18th Birthday to me.” You said chugging the alcohol given to you. It’s your first time drinking. Tears slipped from your eyes. They all knew how you felt so they didn’t stop you. You eventually stopped and burped. “ Like it?” Dabi asked. You nodded. “ Strong but enjoyable.” “Toga go do your job for her special day.” Shigaraki ordered. “ My classmate always bullied me..I kept pushing forward…My class planned a party to relax… she just bursted on me. She said that I'll always be an orphan. That I will never have parents that care for me and their love. That was my last straw. I have multiple quirks and I can create more..I used them to hang her.” you said aloud. “  Your 1st murder always hurts you but eventually you’ll know that killing people is for a good reason sometimes.” Shigaraki said. Villains are emos for sure but they hide. Your birthday was surprisingly fun. They really care in their own way. 

Months passed and you were getting close to dabi. Too close. You’re 18 legal of course but he’s 5 years older. You didn’t care because you were underneath him. 

“ You sure you want this y/n?” he asked. You nodded. “Words little flame.” he said. “ Yes Dabi please. I’m ready.” you replied. He slowly slid his cock into you. You whimpered in pain gripping his arms. “ It’s okay. It will go away. Relax, please you’re going to break me.” he said, allowing you to adjust to him. He pecked your forehead. He started thrusting. Groaning in pleasure from how tight you were. He loved the feeling of your gummy walls sucking him right back in. He started fucking you hard. “ D-Dabi!” you yelled out as you felt immense pleasure. “It’s daddy now. Got that my baby girl.” he responded. He knew you wouldn’t last long. That won’t stop him from finishing. “Come on baby girl. Say it.” he ordered slapping your cheek softly. Your eyes rolled back with your back arched as you said, “Daadddyyy please.” He smirks, giving you what you desire. He was rough and fast. You gripped his arms and eventually left scratches all over his back. “S’close. Daddy.” you said legs spasming. “ Cum f’daddy baby. Make a mess.” he ordered. You came and squirted. A few more times as he kepted going.  That only made Dabi chuckle and grow harder. Your juices were all over him and on the bed. After he played with you for awhile you were fucked dumb. He finished cumming. 

He was planning to make you his since the moment he saw you. As he pulled out he noticed you were responding. He shook you softly. “ Passed out. I should’ve held back.” he said. You both developed feelings for each other. You guys wouldn’t have had sex. He knew you were a virgin and you wanted to lose it to someone you trust and like. He made you take a bath. You were too tired to even wake up. He also bathed. 

The following day you woke up to him dressed in his usual clothes.. You sat up in bed feeling pain. “ Rest.” he ordered. You didn’t listen and got out of bed falling on the ground. You felt pain on your back and legs. “ What did I tell you Y/n. You need it. I’ll be taking care of you. You’re mine now. My girl.” he said, setting you back on the bed. “ I’m all yours and You’re mine.” You said smiling. “ Yes I’m yours y/n. You passed out on me last night. You didn’t even know we bathed together. It was a bit of a struggle but it worked out. I’ll make dinner for you. Something quick and yummy.” he said ruffling your hair. You fixed your hair shocked. “D-Dinner? What did you do to me?” you asked. “ I knew you would finish first. You came a few times. I needed to finish too. I overstimulated your body and you passed out by the time I came. You were great. I loved it. I hope you enjoyed your first time.” he replied. You blushed “ Yes I did. I didn’t think it would take a huge toll on me.” you replied. “ Sweetheart, I like it hard, rough, and fast. You’d obviously be tired and weak.” he replied, handing you a pain killer with bottled water. You swallowed the pill with the water. “ know…I’m not much of an emotional dude in front of people..but with you.. I love you.” Dabi said while facing away from you. “ I love you too, idiot. Look at me please.” you said holding his hand. He faced you and you surprised him with a kiss. He returned it. The make out session started and it was full of passion.

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2 years ago

"He was never a failure to begin with at all! He could of have a brighter future ahead of him but you can't change someone's life especially they're past life that you don't know about. He always be the young touya I see in my eyes but he will always still be Dabi to other people "



Drew this in reaction to Chapter 350! If Touya heard Enji call him an almost perfect creation, I get that he wasn‘t ecstatic about returning.

fun fact, the font used for this is called „I know a ghost“

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2 years ago

Huh.....I kinda knew that Dabi will be Grillby from undertale. But never thought that Hawks will be Sans the skeleton.

Undertale AU
Undertale AU
Undertale AU

Undertale AU

Had a throwback to Undertale late last year so Dabi!Grillby and Hawks!Sans happened! I had intended to draw more of this AU but haven‘t yet. Maybe later.

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6 months ago

I do this in ICT class :D

I Do This In ICT Class :D

I have to do a collage of any character, real or fictional, and y deside to do the second one.

Sorry if my english is bad :'(

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6 months ago

brothers bestfriend!touya x bestfriends little sibling!reader

synopsis : basically just touya being your older brothers best friend and you constantly fawn over him but you’re off-limits so he ignores your advances 🤭

note: touya is like no more than three years older than reader so CHILL everyone is legal 😍 lmk if y’all want more of this or whatever REQUESTS ARE OPEN TOO!

Brothers Bestfriend!touya X Bestfriends Little Sibling!reader
Brothers Bestfriend!touya X Bestfriends Little Sibling!reader
Brothers Bestfriend!touya X Bestfriends Little Sibling!reader
Brothers Bestfriend!touya X Bestfriends Little Sibling!reader
Brothers Bestfriend!touya X Bestfriends Little Sibling!reader
Brothers Bestfriend!touya X Bestfriends Little Sibling!reader
Brothers Bestfriend!touya X Bestfriends Little Sibling!reader

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5 months ago

that one scene from 10 things i hate about you

but with a twist

sorry this took so long for me to post! hope you enjoy. :)

dabis turquoise orbs glared at you from across the room, brows knitted together in a tight furrow. the familiar melody of ‘hypnotize’ by the notorious B.I.G. rumbled annoyingly loud through the cramped house party and dabi couldn’t help but grimace. you were stupidly dancing on top of one of the tables, clearly far too drunk for your own good. your hips swayed provocatively in front of the leering drunk men that surrounded you, cheering and whistling.

dabis long ringed digits tightened around the red solo cup in his large palm, threatening to crinkle and break the crimson plastic and screeching inaudibly beneath his grip. he hated this. he really really hated this. there wasn’t enough words to describe just how much he hated this. were you stupid? must be. that was the only logical explanation for this disgusting performance. i mean seriously, where was your shame?

dabi shouldn’t feel the intense jealousy that boiled under his skin, bubbling angrily through his now scorching veins but his otherwise uncaring judgement was clouded by white. hot. anger. you and dabi were friends - with benefits might i add - and that was all. no strings attached, no labels, nothing. so why was he so damn furious watching all these drunk fucks leer at you like a pack of wild animals. his nostrils flared as he watched you roll your hips and slowly bend your knees with your hands on your thighs to support your wobbly figure, continuing to dance along to the familiar song.

eventually dabi grew sick of watching you flaunt yourself and rose from his chair, the wooden legs scraping loudly against the floor below it. he took long strides towards the table, shoes pounding against the wood below him, each deliberate step he took making his adrenaline spike even more. “get down. before you break your fucking neck.” his deep voice reverberated over the loud music, his turquoise orbs blazing abnormally bright. you merely looked down at him, smiling drunkenly as you continued to dance, slowing your movements just to be spiteful and dabis knuckles turned white against the pressure of his clenched fists. “get. down.” he repeated through gritted teeth, barely audible but you still got the message.

dabis patience wore thin and he grabbed hold of your wrist, yanking you down from the table all while making sure you landed safely in front of him. gasps and boos erupted from the crowd of drunken men and dabi scoffed. “shows over.” he growled as he tugged you away from the kitchen and towards a more secluded spot in the house. “what’s your problem dabi..” you slurred, stumbling as you tried not to drag your feet and dabi snapped his head to glare down at you. “what’s my problem? what’s YOUR problem? standing up there dancing like an idiot and making an ass of yourself like some kind of whore?” he seethed.

“jeez, you’re so uptight.. i think you need another drink.” the way you spoke so casually - as if you didn’t care about the situation at all - made dabi sneer. how could you be so careless? what if he wasn’t here to protect you? he couldn’t have you being taken advantage of - or worse. he was furious just thinking of all the possible outcomes. if he wasn’t here to protect you that is.

“grow up, stop acting like a fucking teenager. we’re leaving, you’ve had enough for tonight.” dabi grunted as he turned to pull you away to find the front door but his movements were halted by your resistance. “i don’t want to leave, i’m having fun.” you protested as you planted your feet on the ground. “well i don’t care what you want to do.” dabi growled. you narrowed your eyes at him, studying his face for a moment before you spoke. “why do you care so much?” you ask, lifting your chin up questionably and dabi simply shakes his head. “i don’t.” he replied curtly and your eyes only narrow even further.

dabi shakes his head at the shit eating grin that progressively grew on her lips, about to tell you to shut up before you even spoke, but you beat him to it. “you’re jealous.” “no-“ he practically interrupted growling through his words. “i’m not ‘jealous.’ i just don’t want to sit here and watch you make a total ass out of yourself like a moron.” he retaliated and you only laughed. “aww, this is new. jealousy looks kinda hot on you.” you licked your lips with that same wide grin and he scoffed. “we’re leaving. it’s late anyway.” with that, dabi grabbed your arm and began leading you away from the party and towards the front door, and this time, you didn’t protest. “maybe when we’re home, you can take all this anger out on me..” you purred suggestively and he rolled his eyes. “not happening. i don’t want you to puke in my mouth while we’re doing it.” he grumbled, his face twisting in disgust at the mental image. “you’re drunk as fuck.” you only laugh and lean against him, entertained by his words as you both leave the party.

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1 year ago

Guys I need help finding a dabi ff that I have read on ao3.

I tried searching for it in the dabi/reader tag and I cannot find it no matter what.

The reader have a really simple quirk, a cherry blossom quirk ( and gives off flowery smell ). If I remember correctly ( I can be totally wrong on how it started I don't remember 🤷🏻‍♀️) it started as reader coming back from work and seeing dabi injured and took him to her house (?)

Then they spent some time together and fell inlove, she took him to her family holiday or like a family gathering.

After a while his villainous friends started getting suspicious on like where is dabi? He isn't participating in their lovely outings so tomura tells dabi to kill her or like get rid of her or he will, dabi couldn't do anything and I think the reader gets kidnapped by them and gets thrown off a cliff so hawk saves the reader and fakes her death for a while, and dabi is going crazy about the reader's death and tries to get revenge.

In the end they meet again and live happily ever after 🎉

That's all I remember, I may get somethings wrong since it's been a while since I read it so tumblr do ur thing 😔😔😔

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10 months ago
Dabi, Workouts, And Research Papers Don't Go Well Together, But They Sure Do Posit Interesting Results.

dabi, workouts, and research papers don't go well together, but they sure do posit interesting results. i'll eventually come back to this 🐺

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10 months ago
El Ritmo De La Noche

el ritmo de la noche

sounds of fiesta

El Ritmo De La Noche

i just really wanted an excuse to draw him with a rictus grin, yeah.

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7 months ago
PRE-ORDERS For These Keychain Charms On Now Open And Available In My Shop! They Are Open Until September
PRE-ORDERS For These Keychain Charms On Now Open And Available In My Shop! They Are Open Until September
PRE-ORDERS For These Keychain Charms On Now Open And Available In My Shop! They Are Open Until September

PRE-ORDERS for these keychain charms on now open and available in my shop! They are open until September 30th. Please make sure you read the description thoroughly, thank you! Let me know if there are any problems.

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