Toman!mikey - Tumblr Posts
what do you think about mikey dealing with a brat?
TW- Implied Abuse
Well, while it does depend on what Mikey we're exactly talking about, because you'll get a couple mixed reactions, but, it's still Mikey overall, and he doesn't exactly play nice with brats. Sure, again depending on which one, he can find brats fun, but... he'll quickly grow very tired of your little attitude and not so softly, put you back in your place.
Toman!Mikey likes a little brat on occasion, it gets him worked up and sometimes he'll grow bored of your obedience, so he likes the little change in your behavior, and while he doesn't need the excuse too put your little ass back in submission, it gives him one, and you don't get too be mad when your ass is bruised for the next couple of days. You were being a brat, you have no right too pout when your ass is all sore and you can't sit right for a bit, instead sitting uncomfortably on your side. Manila!Mikey quickly becomes annoyed with you and your attitude, why are you all of a sudden being such a little bitch when he's being so sweet with you. He gets tired of having too remind you too behave, so, he starts too just react, saying nothing as he puts you over his lap. There's no more asking, there's just doing now, he's grown tired of repeating himself and the fact that you lie to him with empty apologies and meaningless promises too never act like a brat again, just pisses him off more, so there's no telling you off anymore, if he bruises your ass enough, you should figure it out for yourself. There's already the expectations of obedience with Kanto!Mikey, because, while the other Mikeys, with the expectations of Street Racer!Mikey, put their hands on you already. Kanto!Mikey takes it to a whole new level, he'll beat you into submission, he doesn't repeat himself, he tells you once and expects you too listen, and if you don't... well, that's on you and it's your own fault. You really only have yourself too blame as he digs his steel-toed boots into your ribcage, don't start crying, start listening and you wouldn't be in this very painful position. He really doesn't care for the cries that fall from your lips as he does so, it's honestly pointless, all you're gonna do is tire yourself out...thinking about it though, that's probably for the best, you can't be an ungrateful brat when you're sleeping. Bonten!Mikey really doesn't care, as long as that behavior isn't directed at him and you're not causing too much chaos around Bonten or embarrassing him, then do whatever you want. Although, while he's not as quickly agitated as Kanto!Mikey, when he tells you too stop, you better listen and you better listen the first time, because he also doesn't like repeating himself and most of the time, he won't, he'll just physically correct your behavior and if that still doesn't persuade you into obedience, he has no problem letting you watch Sanzu torture traitors. Because in the moment, you are betraying him, and he hates traitors. Street Racer!Mikey doesn't really mind, because he, himself, is a brat. It turns into more of a competition then a punishment, Draken is just honestly so done with you trying too out brat each other. When he really isn't in the mood though, he'll play for a bit before trying too persuade you into being behaved, and if that doesn't work, he'll become quite serious and kinda turn back into that authoritative gang leader that he used too be. He likes playing with you but... when it's time too stop, it's time too stop.
Hii can you write headcanons for all the Mikey’s on a reader who has a lot of energy and who’s really a goofball like she jokes around all the time she also bounces off the damn walls😭 can you also throw some nsfw in there if you can can can u also include what are the punishments for her when she gets to out of control
tysmmm if you can’t it’s fine but I love your work sooo much keep up the good work I love you and happy birthday I hope I’m not too late🥰🥰🥰🥰
Thank you sm baby, I really appreciate it!!!
TW- Drugging in Kanto!Mikeys
Toman\OG timeline- This version of Mikey would quite like your personality, quite a bit actually. He thinks that you constantly joking around brings a nice change to his constant gorey environment, so it's a nice changes of pace for him. Although he does expect you too be serious sometimes and when you're constantly bouncing around will lead to punishments, because of you obviously not listening to him. He's not too harsh in these punishments simply because he thinks it's cute when you're all excited and having fun being hyper. But when he does punish you, they're more... playful? He'll just keep you in his learn, make you cock-warm him occasionally. Letting you know that if you move, you won't get too cum at that night, so just sit here and relax as he takes care of paperwork.
Manila- He finds you quite the amusement. He'll even play along with you, but you can be quite over-whelming sometimes and more often then not, he'd like too just relax with you and he can't do that when you're constantly all over the place, jumping around and spewing non-sense. If the high-energy is from you being constantly couped up in the house because he doesn't let you leave, he'll take you out, but only for a little bit and either when it's really dark out or it's very early in the morning and he'll let you run around and do whatever it is that you need too do in order too calm down and not be so hyper-active. If taking you out isn't enough, he'll exhaust you with sex, he won't really punish you because he finds your sporadic behavior pretty cute and albeit a bit of stress relief, but if he needs too lay you over his lap, he will.
Kanto- The worst when it comes too having a partner like this, Kanto!Mikey is the most likely too dish-out punishments simply because his patience is near non-existent at this point. He lacks the patience and his dark impulses are running rampant at this point and he sees your obnoxious behavior as an inconvenience of sorts and he especially won't be too happy when he tells you too settle down only for you too be all over the place minutes later. He doesn't care for exhausting you through sex, no, at this point, his punishments will be more focused on the physical aspect because of your personality. He'd be very much into physically exhausting you play-fighting of sorts, more like holding you down and making you tire yourself out and if that doesn't work, he has other methods, such as drugging you a bit, nothing too serious, just some sleeping pills
Bonten-He gets pretty annoyed with your constant high energy, it's pretty exhausting for him, especially when he just wants too lay down and relax with you. This is another version of Mikey that takes your constant bouncing off the walls when he tells you too calm down, as disobedience. You're someone that he finds pretty mentally and physically exhausting. So, he does what he needs too, he'll let you run wild for a bit, but when he's tired, he's done. So, that means a punishment and he's not ever nice when he delivers punishments. If he doesn't have the energy too exhaust you himself, he'll bring in quite a bit of help and by help, he means toys. He'll lay you out on the bed and find the most long-lasting vibrators that he can buy, he'll just sit there and watch you and when you are finally exhausted and you're relaxed, he'll let you up and let you calm down, give you a nice bath if he's feeling up to it.
Street Racer- He'd love you like this, he has pretty high energy himself so he finds it too be quite fun, too be around you. He appreciates how spontaneous you can be. You guys are both impulsive so it always leads to you doing something fun together. He's always up for the constant wild and spontaneous ideas that you, Mikey even encourages you and you impulsivity. But, he does understand that sometimes you're too crazy.. and it's his job too calm you down. While this version of Mikey doesn't punish you, because he really doesn't see a reason on why he should, his method of damage control is just fucking you too sleep. You have so much energy, and he has better things you can do with your hyper-activity, and that's letting him overstimulate you to exhaustion. You won't be hyper when you can barley walk, now will you?
Im desperate for mikey toman smut🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 please any. Literally any.
Toman!Mikey isn't home a lot, and you always miss him so much when he isn't, but you know it's because he has too leave.. his job is so high-matinence and you get that, you do, but it doesn't make it any less heart-breaking for you. Especially when you wake up early just too kiss him goodbye and he's already left for work. He always makes it up to you when he gets home though, so you're not too peeved with him and the whole situation, because he always makes it up to you at the end of the day, like he's doing now. Having you laid out under him, his pretty blonde locks framing his face as those dark eyes stare you down from above. He always looks so pretty to you, always will, as his head is thrown back as his chest heaves, as he continuously attempts too swallow in the fresh air while his hips move against yours. His soft hands bruising your hips as he leaves pretty bruises from the imprints of his nails. While the thrusts are un-coordinated and hurried, they still feel good enough too have tears pouring down your cheeks as you push at his chest, your eyes squeezing shut as you squirm under him. He's unfocused as he swats your hands away from his chest, his panting becoming harsher as his hips move faster, he's close, you know that. Especially when his previous swatting turns into him grabbing and reaching for your hand, content in just holding one of them as his other hand is forced too hold up his weight. He's rough as he squeezes one of your hands in his own, pressing kisses against the soft skin of your hand as he lets out something akin to a whine. You can feel his abs flexing against your stomach, his neck bending down as his face drops into your neck, his hips stuttering against your own, as he pulls yet another orgasm from you, the eighth or ninth, you're not completely sure, but everything is so close and overwhelming as you cum, causing the already drenched sheets too continuously soak through with your slick. He's so close as he pants in your ear, his breath tickling your neck as sweat drips down his own, you hope he's done now, you pray that he is, your body literally becoming limp from exhaustion... but you know he's not, not when he presses a chaste kiss to your cheek and his hips start moving again, one of your hands still grasped tightly in his own as he nuzzles into your neck.
"Not yet baby... 'm not done with you yet.. just a bit longer for me, can you do that?"
AHHHH saw that baby girl reader who loves sucking on mikey's cock.... but how about baby girl who doesn't want to? she says that it's too big, she doesn't like the taste, and her jaw hurts
Oh... I'm not sure, how about we ask them!!!
Toman!Mikey- "That's fine.. I know not all girls are into that, I'd like her too do it at least once and we'll go from there though. She might end up liking it when I do it."
Manila!Mikey- "Well.. that sucks for her then, because then she won't get her pretty little pussy ate like I know she fucking loves. It's only fair, no?"
Kanto!Mikey- "Hm.. well I'd like for her too do something, at the very least... I need too relax, so if she doesn't want too, she'll have too ride me then."
Bonten!Mikey- "That's fine, she can just sit on her knees and look pretty like usual, as I cum on her face. She doesn't have too swallow- or even taste it. But I need something pretty too look at and cum on."
Street Racer!Mikey- "I don't mind, if my baby doesn't want too, she doesn't have too. I'm more then willing too just have sex with her... and of course go down on my little princess~"
Hi! I love how you write mikey 🤍. May i request reader wanting to break up with mikey in all timelines please? And the reader doesn‘t accept any disrespect or them trying to harm her, instead if they want to stay with her they need to talk it out. Please 🤍
TW- Implied Physical Abuse
Toman!Mikey- This version of Mikey is pretty sweet with you, he's the second healthiest out of all of them and so the relationship isn't actually that bad. However, he can still be quite mean and demanding when he needs or wants too be and he knows this, but also, he does expect quite a bit of obedience and when you provoke him, he's very argumentative and in your face about it. He may seem understanding when you tell him that you want too break up, but you're not going anywhere, he'll keep you by force if he needs too.
Manila!Mikey- That's not happening, he wouldn't even let you get to the point that you'd even think of breaking up with him. He's always so controlling and he makes it very prevalent that, that's something that's just not very plausible for you at all. He can be very threatening but even more so when he's waving a gun in your face. If you were adamant about it though, he'd tie you down and keep you their, in his apartment, and any bit of freedom, which honestly wasn't much, are immediately stripped from you.
Kanto!Mikey- The chances of successfully breaking up with this version just got much lower then the chances with Manila!Mikey. He just snaps at you. What, you wanna leave him too? After all of his family dies and his friends are gone.. you wanna leave too? It just causes him too lose it and he'll become worse with you, which you didn't even think was possible, but it is and he just gets so much worse, and it's quick, it's just sudden as you're locked away from everything you've ever loved and he controls you way more then he did before, which was already pretty bad.
Bonten!Mikey- The most non-plausible out of all of them. He is the most dangerous out of all the Mikey timelines, and no, it's not because he's the most abusive, it's mainly because of his influence and all the people he has under him in Bonten, especially Sanzu, Sanzu is watching you when Mikey can't and he's so mean about it. Bonten!Mikey though, is actually not that mean to you, he's just really strict because his tolerance to disrespect is basically zero at this point and you will no longer be receiving such sweet treatment that he was more then willing too give you.
Street Racer!Mikey- This version of Mikey doesn't disrespect you but he does have the unhealthy habit of not admitting when he's wrong, so that does cause quite a few problems in your relationship together and he does need too be alone for a bit after you guys are done arguing. Even though the arguments are far and few in between, they still happen as with every other couple but he does become insanely apologetic and he does feel really bad when you tell him that somethings that he might've said hurt your feelings. They never get so bad to the point of a break-up but if they did he might pull some guilt-tripping but even then he'd expect your wishes.
All timeline Mikeys easily manhandling their gf/wife. How often and why they'd do that👀
Manila!Mikey would do it the most often, this version of Mikey loves the physical control aspect of your relationship, and given just how easily he exercises control over people, and just how easy it is for him too put people down physically, it's extremely likely that, that would be relatively abundant in the dynamic that you two share. One of the things that he's notorious for doing is grabbing at your hair when you have an attitude and try too walk away from him, he really doesn't like that. So he'll fist at your hair and bring you back towards him, pulling your head back as asks you too repeat yourself for him, and when you don't, he'd tell you that it'd be best if you drop your little attitude now, before something worse happens. He'd also be very into pinning you down and taunting you, you must not when him too get off you because you're not even trying too push him off... oh, you are? Well you're not very good at it, and he knows that's not the case, Manila!Mikey or just Mikey in general is insanely strong and you not being able too push him off, is no big surprise and he thrives off you struggling under him.
With Bonten!Mikey though, it's not often and he doesn't really. Now don't get me wrong, he's still got a bit of strength but.. he's very malnourished and under-weight. So, manhandling you isn't super common with him, mainly because he kinda can't. That's why he sticks to guns now, because he's not able too exercise the same strength he used too when he was younger and more up to par with his martial arts. Now, if he's pissed with you, he tends too grab at you, mostly grabbing at your shoulders or arms and holding you their, but even then, it's still not that hard, it only hurts because his hands are relatively big and he squeezes tight, so the spot that he's squeezing will start too become sore and it'll start too hurt you.
Kanto!Mikey though, he's a force and he's insanely strong and he's also in relatively good health so he's very physical with you, and I rarely mean in the affectionate way. He's very big about exercising just how much stronger then you he is. Now, he's intimidating enough, so he doesn't have too physically handle you often but it's not rare either. He's pretty big on forced submission, as in, he'll make you sit at his feet and he'll pet you.. like you were a prized pet for him. He's very big in making it known that you are beneath him and that he's stronger and obviously you know this but he likes too keep you on a rather tight leash, not literally, and he wants too keep that in your head that you can't stop him. He's also really into grabbing you up, like if you're throwing, as he calls them, a temper tantrum. He'll grab you up by the arm as he leans into your ear, in a scarily calm voice, he tells you that you need too, "behave or you'll find yourself crying on the floor."
But with Street Racer!Mikey it's only in a playful aspect, he likes too play-fight with you it's actually really fun, because while yes, he is stronger then you, he still lets you pin him down and get on top of him as he pretends too struggle with you, and while you know he's pretending, it's still fun as you guys giggle about and there's a struggle with each other while he pins you down and tickles you. Sometimes that leads too quite intense sessions as he has your hands pinned above your head and you're breathing heavily as he stares you down, his eyes starring you down as they're lidded and he's grinning your face as you squirm under him.
Toman!Mikey really likes manhandling you, he gets quite the thrill from it and you makes it even better when you lean into and playfully provoke him. It's more affectionate with him in a way as he'll hold you to him and keep you their, right against his chest. He's very big in physically leading you, as in he'll grab you by the hands and pull you with because when he has you, and when he's able too be with you, when he's not working, he likes too touch you as much as he can. With this version of Mikey, he's also still pretty strong and pinning you down or picking you up is rather quite easy for him. He likes too grab you by the face and get your face as he squeezes your cheeks together as gives you a peck to your lips.
different mikeys (separate) reacting to y/n calling them daddy?
Ahh, this is right up Manila!Mikeys alley, he's heavily into the whole daddy kink thing, he really likes this kind of dynamic. The first time you utter the words, "please daddy.. please," he just loses it and he goes feral. Manila!Mikey can already be rather rough during sex and he's also rather infantilizing towards you but this just makes him go crazy and he takes on that role completely. It's also the authority that, that name gives him and the control he feels as you utter those words into his ear, he's really into it. Street Racer!Mikey also likes it, not as much as Manila!Mikey but he still does nonetheless. Although, he likes it for the opposite reason and that's because he takes it as a sign of trusting submission. It makes him quite soft to be honest, that you're willing too give him that type of authority and just the amount of trust you have for him leaves him all giddy and pleased, he loves taking care of you already.. but this is a new level in his eyes. Bonten!Mikey is also quite into it, for a reason pretty similar to Street Racer!Mikey, as in, the title means a lot to him and he appreciates that you see him in that light. Even if you just meant it in a sexual light, he still takes quite a lot of pride in it. Although, that is something that he will want you too refer to him from now on, it's not all the time but it's quite often and he really doesn't care who's around. Toman!MIkey isn't super into it, but he really doesn't mind it, he would just rather you keep all of that in the bedroom and it's expected too be used in a private setting. I can't really see Kanto!Mikey being that much into it- if at all really. If it's something you're really into and you want too give it a go, you'll have too really behave for him for a while.. it'll be like a reward of sorts, I do kinda see him leaning into it but only because the control that, that tittle holds, not really the caring, nurturing part that is also basically expected.
random thoughts — healthy relationships with the mikey multiverse
toman — i think he'll be able to be in a healthy rs as long as his gf is understanding of his job (he seems to be the 2nd most normal)
manila — definitely will not have a healthy rs! i think he's very controlling in this timeline
kanto — i think he can be in one? if the gf's nice and follows his orders
bonten — tbh i'm in doubt of him bc he can be nice but also 😨
street racer — he's normal of course he'll have a healthy rs
This!!! This is perfect, you're absolutely right. Toman!Mikey is actually a really amazing boyfriend and he takes amazing care of you, but sometimes he becomes irritated with just how stressful his job and when you're not in the best mood, that's the perfect disaster for an ugly argument. Manila!Mikey you got perfectly, he's so controlling to the point that you can't say or do anything if you don't run it by him first. He's overall just a very dominating person overall and he thrives with the forced submission that is forced upon you. Kanto!Mikey you also got spot on, in this timeline, he runs high on his dark impulses and he has little patience for your bratty attitude, even if you're just moody, he really doesn't care, he has no tolerance for disrespect, but if you're a good girl.. he has no problem treating you as such. Bonten!Mikey is generally not that bad, as you said. He can be rather sweet with you, but just like Kanto!Mikey, he also has no tolerance for any type of attitude from you. Street Racer!Mikey is, again, like you said, the healthiest version of Mikey and he treats you like you deserve, like a spoiled little princess.

𝕄𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕡𝕝𝕖!𝕄𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕪𝕤- Yelling back at him NSFWish Getting their name tattooed NSFWish Mikey timelines as doms NSFW Things Multiple!Mikeys would say to you in bed NSFW Does Mikey cover your mouth or let you be loud? NSFW You escape and he finds you NSFW Healthy Relationships.. and Multiple!Mikeys NSFWish Calling him "Daddy" NSFW Manhandling NSFW Breaking up with Multiple!Mikeys NSFW What if you didn't wanna suck 'jiros cock? NSFW Mikeys with a hyperactive darling + punishments NSFW Mikeys dealing with a brat NSFW All Mikeys and anal NSFW Pretty Girl just loves too suck 'jiros cock, huh? NSFW 69-ing with Multiple!Mikeys NSFW All Mikey timelines w/ a gf who's never cum NSFW All Mikeys with a gf that hides her face NSFW All Mikey timelines and eating you out NSFW Multiple!Mikeys with a girly gf NSFWish Multiple!Mikeys timelines with a clingy gf NSFWish Multiple!Mikeys with a reader who can't get themselves off NSFW Multiple!Mikeys with a domestic reader NSFWish All Mikeys as fathers SFW Running from it. (All Mikey timelines) NSFW Pushing at all timeline Mikeys hand NSFW Accidentally getting pregnant with all Mikey timelines SFW Trauma-bonding with all Mikey timelines NSFWish All Mikey timelines with a possessive\jealous GF NSFW All Mikey timelines with a taller GF NSFWish All timeline Mikeys with a Muslim s/o NSFWish Mikey and their body counts NSFW Which Mikey is M to L likely to be in a relationship. All Mikeys NSFW How many rounds? All Mikeys NSFW Does Mikey smoke weed? NSFW All Mikeys expectations on obedience NSFW Bonten and Manila Mikey at the same time NSFW Which Mikey would be M to L likely to kill you? NSFW

do you think you could make some hcs about how each Mikey would react about reader successfully escaping and he finds her years later? And if not that's completely fine, have a good day
Not exactly HCs, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless~
TW- Kidnapping, Abuse
With Street Racer!Mikey, there's no escaping really, and I don't mean that as in you're not gonna get away, I just mean that he doesn't really have any bad or toxic behaviors, so there's no need too leave really. But, for the sake of this post, I'll say he does. I would say that it wouldn't be easy, simply because of his reputation and the fame that he has. I do imagine that he's pretty big on social media and he obviously has pictures of you, so fans are gonna recognize you. With constant paparazzi in your face and fans swarming you, leaving Street Racer!Mikey isn't going too be easy. If you did manage too get away though, he'd be pretty heart-broken and upset, I don't see him getting super pissed buy he'd be pretty upset and would actually file you a missing person, because, why would he look, knowing he doesn't have the capabilities in doing so, he'd have the police do it for him, When they do manage too find you though, his eyes are just empty as he takes you in his arms as he welcomes you home, stating that he was so worried and that he's glad you're safe.
Manila!Mikey would be the easiest, surprisingly, simply for the fact that he doesn't have the influences that the others do. He's not a big gang leader anymore, it's just you and him. The most difficult thing would be living in the Philippines, specifically if you're not from there and you're simply just a tourist, Manila, in the Philippines, is surrounded by water, so you can't leave without a boat or a plane so you'd have too be hiding out there. Getting on a plane or boat would be relatively hard for you because that's where he's constantly gonna be looking out for. It'll be harder for you if you stay on the move and are changing your name or look constantly. He will find you though.. and when he does, whether that be years or months later, you're deeply in for it and you're never leaving again. He might even go as far as too break your legs so that you physically can't leave him again, his approach isn't really that bad though, especially if you're in public, he'd just lead you away, whispering threats in your ear as you feel his gun digging into your side. When he gets you behind closed doors though... it's not very pretty for you.
Bonten!Mikey and Kanto!Mikey are the hardest too escape from, simply because of their influence and authority. They're both infamous gang-leaders and have a plethora of disposable men that are constantly watching you.
For Bonten!Mikey though, your biggest problem wouldn't even be Mikey himself, it would be Sanzu. He is extremely loyal to Mikey and he reports everything you do back to Mikey, even the smallest of things, like eating a certain thing or where you're going and how often you're going too. Now, with Bonten!Mikey, while he is busy quite often, he's not away all that much, he just sends his executives away too do it for him so that he can stay with you and you're always physically with him. So much so that he'll stand outside the door as you're showering, he's truly so clingy, so escaping him has an extremely low success rate. When, or if, you do, he's gonna lose it. He turns more cold, if possible, and everyone bares his wrath, he becomes more physical and he's teetering on the edge if a breakdown. You are another person that has yet again, left him, and he's just out of it, even slipping into a depressive episode. That was until, Sanzu had found you, and he's quick too report it too Mikey and he's never driven so fast, demanding, over the phone that Sanzu consistently trail you as he gets there. You don't really know what's happening as you're thrown into a car, it's dark and it's cold, you can't even see anything as you fall face-first on the soft cushioning as his hands immediately grab for you. The same cold hands you've dreaded feeling since you've escaped as you stared up onto the dead black abyss that were Mikeys eyes. Kanto!Mikey is a very similar situation for you, its very hard too leave for you because he's so notorious in the gang world and there's a lot people that are willing too hurt you. So, he's already very watchful of you in the first place. You're constantly with him, you don't even have room too breath- much less have freedom around him. He's also so very strict with you and he has rules planned for you, as well as consistent updates about you, from his men. Now, lets say a miracle happened and you did escape. He's not going too stop until he finds you and if it takes him years too find you, it's gonna be a brutal meeting when he sees you again, he's gonna go from having his hands around your throat too making out with multiple times within the same hour and it's excruciating for the next few months for you. You're gonna be walking on egg-shells for a long time and he'll never trust you again and you're not gonna be on your own ever again. You can do nothing by yourself, ever again. Good luck.
Toman!Mikey is a good 50\50 for escaping for you, it's not the hardest but also not the easiest. Again, going back to him being a gang-leader, he has people watching you and it's for the simple facts of safety. He understands how dangerous his reputation is perceived and there'll be people that are going too use you as collateral too spite him and Toman!Mikey can't have that happening. So you're already on a pretty tight leash and are constantly escorted by his most trusted men to everywhere you're going, and while he would constantly like too be with you, he knows that's not very plausible, but he's fine with the cute pictures and videos that he has you send him while he's away from you. When you do manage too escape though, Mikey doesn't really notice at first, simply because he's away, but when he receives the flood of texts from his men, detailing your escape, he didn't think it was actually an escape at first, he thought it was a kidnapping and he was quite infuriated. When he does figure out it's a kidnapping, he has his men working day and night looking for you, no rest for them until you're back in his possession and they know that. When you're back in his arms years later, you are no longer given the freedom that you once had, but you now sit, as a caged bird. No longer allowed the fresh air as he, personally, watches you from the video camera he had installed in your new room.

Omggg tinii I feel like this version of Mikey would be a bully in the bed and also outside of the bed too I feel like he would act similar to Kanto Mikey but idk I’m just really obsessed with this man🥲🥲🥲 #if only he was real☹️
Toman!Mikey is a good mix of both mean and nice, I think it's a really nice balance as well. He can also be pretty mean, but he's not as mean as Kanto!Mikey that's for sure. As for in the bedroom, yeah, he's a bully, he does really like being mean to you during sexual activity but he always takes care of you. As for outside of the bedroom, he'll do the occasional tug at your hair when you're not paying attention to him or he'll grab at your face and squeeze your cheeks together when you're pouting. Also your obsession with Toman!Mikey is valid, he's everything
Do you think Mikey is the type too cover your mouth or do you think he wants people too hear you?
Depends on which one we're talking about, because Toman!Mikey does a bit of both, but he's kinda risky with it. He doesn't care if his men are right outside, sure he'll slip his palm over your mouth, but it's loose and he really doesn't care if anyone hears all that much. If he's fucking you in a highly public place, as public as he can be in anyway, he'll cover your mouth, but again, if he can get away with it, he'll let you be loud. Manila!Mikey on the other hand, he always wants you loud and verbal. He really doesn't care if the neighbors are banging at the door during or after he fucks you, because they won't be as confrontational when he opens that door and flashes his gun. You won't hear a single complaint from those neighbors again, ever. Kanto!Mikey does cover your mouth, simply because there's always people roaming around just outside and he doesn't need any interruptions, so he'll either slip his fingers in your mouth or just straight put his hand, sideways, over your mouth. Bonten!Mikey doesn't care and he'll let you scream as loud as you want, whenever you want. He's fucked you in meetings, in front of his executives, so he really doesn't care when they hear you screaming. Who's gonna say anything anyway? To the Manjiro Sano, leader of Bonten? Yeah, he didn't think so. Street Racer!Mikey is also a mix, if it's just the two of you, he wants you loud as you verbalize how good he's making you feel and how good he feels inside of you. But, if there are people around, he'll cover your mouth as he speaks lowly into your ear about how pretty you look when you cum for him and good you feel when he fucks deep into you.
I just know kanto Mikey says the meanest shit in bed 😞
You're not too off, here are things that Multiple!Mikeys would say to you in bed~
Toman!Mikey- -"Mm mm, say it again... go on, you could say it once, so you can say it again."
-"It feels that good that it has you crying, huh baby?"
-"Inside where, baby? Inside what? You have too tell me where you want me too put my fingers, can you do that for me?"
-"That's it baby, ride it just like that... mhm, move your hips just like that."
-"Don't push me away, you can take it, you've done it before."
Manila!Mikey- -"Keep talking to me like that, and I'll really give you something too scream about."
-"Say thank you. Say, "thank you for discipling me Manjiro.""
-"What happened to that smartass attitude, huh? Where'd that go?"
-"You really gonna roll your eyes at me? Ok... get your ass over here."
-"Please do, please give me a reason too bruise that pretty little ass, go on."
Kanto!Mikey- -"What have I told you about that whining shit?"
-"Maybe I should just leave you here, and let you think about how disrespectful you've been."
-"Ask me nicely for what you want angel."
-"When you decide too behave, then you can speak."
-"No, none of that "mm mm" "mhm" shit. Speak."
Bonten!Mikey- -"Open, let me see... good, now swallow."
-"Now you're behaving? You only apologize when your face is pressed against my desk, huh?"
-"Answer me princess, I want you too tell me why I should let you cum right now."
-"You gonna put on a show for my executives sweetheart, yeah?"
-"You obviously don't wanna cum that bad if you can't say please angel."
Racer!Mikey- -"Look at my pretty baby, you're just so impatient, huh?"
-"Don't act all shy now, princess, say please."
-"You're so eager too taste yourself, huh baby?... Yeah? Now you know how I feel."
-"C'mere baby, come ride my tongue."
-"All you had too do was ask baby, you don't need too tug at my hand pretty girl."
What kind of doms are all mikey timelines?
TW- Abuse in Kanto!Mikeys part.
I am not the most knowledgeable when it comes to the BDSM community, so if there is any misinformation or harmful content please let me know, so that I can fix it.
Toman!Mikey- Daddy Dom. He's both strict and playful, the perfect balance of a dom. He's also very heavy on aftercare and he makes sure that you're well taken care of, even if he's horribly tired. Because, he prioritizes you above everything and anyone else. He definitely feels like the type too let you just play with his hair as he sits in meetings with his legs spread as he barley listens to his, already, anxious lackeys that are trying so hard too not fuck up and receive a round in their skull, especially in front of you. While he does have rules with the high expectations that you follow them to a T, you usually have a lot of freedom and can do as you please, as longs you're not getting into trouble, because depending on what you did, the punishment will not be too nice for you... or your ass.
Manila!Mikey- Brat Taming Dom. I've stated this already here, but I'll happily dive into it a bit more. Manila!Mikey gets a sick kick out of your disobedience, it's not the act in it's self, but more of what it always leads to, which is punishment. He'll let you do as you please, just watching you as he sits on the couch as you stomp your foot on the floor, with a loud whine for whatever it is that you're wanting in that very moment. His face blank as his eyes stay locked on you before his arm lurches forward and he has your shirt in a tight grip as you quickly stumble forward into his lap before he puts you on the floor, on your knees, looking up at him as he pulls your head back, his hand tugging at the roots. His other hand squeezed tightly around your jaw as he tilts his head to the side. The look in his obsidian eyes empty as he stares you down, your lips sealed as you hold your breath, your eyes deer-wide as you wait for him too do something.
Kanto!Mikey- Sadistic Dom. Now, it's no big surprise that this version of Mikey is mean and harsh, he makes it very obvious that he is too be respected and never questioned and that's what you do. Because you know Kanto!Mikey can fly off the handle within seconds, being a relationship is like walking on eggshells and you have too be very cautious with every question you ask and everything you do because it's heavily monitored by him or his lackeys. He thrives off the fearful look in your eyes, because that's what his whole gang is gang is based on, the fear of Mikey and he knows that. Fear is still respect at the end of the day, and as soon as you see him walking to you, his composure calm but you know that it's the farthest thing from good and the consequences will be dire as you feel his hand grab you up by your hair and drag you away, some of the strands being tugged out.
Bonten!Mikey- Hard Dom. I think this version of Mikey would thrive in a dynamic like this, simply because control is a very big thing for Mikey and he expects complete obedience and he's not too happy when you display behaviors that are against that, in any way really. While you know he's in control, he also enacts this control in less obvious ways as well, such as, choosing your clothes, deciding how you get your nails done and even how you style your hair that day. Your days are very scheduled, not fully packed, he does let you have some down time and relax, he's not always hounding over you, you have time for your own activities, but he does control a large part of your day. He, just like Kanto!Mikey and Toman!Mikey, has rules for you, but his rules are more day-to-day based instead of in general, especially with how all over the place his schedule can be, so he just accommodates your rules for that day based on himself.
Street Racer!Mikey- Pleasure Dom. He is very giving and fully focuses on satisfying you before he even lets you think about touching him. The foreplay with him is long and welcoming as he drawls out your pleasure and makes you cum for him over and over again, leaving your head all cloudy as he has youm laid on your back and spread for him, but it's not an uncomfortable vulnerability with him, it's very welcoming. He makes you want too be vulnerable with him because it's a scarce kind of trust that people rarely feel, but with Mikey, it's so easy too let him do everything for you, for you too let him make you feel good because he always makes it worth every second of it. He's so intuned with you during these intimate moments as well, always checking with you, not for every little thing because he knows the tiniest of twitches in your muscles when you need a break or are, quite often, insatiable. He makes sure that he pays close attention, but he does expect you too verbalize what you want or need, sometimes too be a tease but more often, your verbal reassurance.
Ok so, Idk what time it is at you, but for me it is 23:30 and I am at the limit(in my case, if in your country the limit has been reached, then feel free to ignore this)
Ok so(not me speedrunning this), my request) may I request a yandere toman, bonten and kanto mikey with a darling that rejected him for the simple fact that their zodiac signs werent compatible? Tsm for reading my request
TW- Kidnapping
Toman!Mikey- He's a little thrown off in the moment, he doesn't really understand what you're talking about, while he's aware of what zodiac sighs are, his younger sister having been obsessed with them and always giving him un-asked for readings of his chart. He really can't believe that you're rejecting him simply based off the fact that he's a leo... or that apparently your zodiac signs aren't compatible together. He's honestly just standing there in disbelief as you just stand and stare at him, seeming confused at his genuine bewilderment. Nonetheless, he'd let you go there and then, but be too surprised when you get a little surprise at your front door late at night as he saunters in, taking you away with him.
Kanto!Mikey- Doesn't really know what the hell you're talking about at first, he originally thought you were saying that he wasn't your type, which just pissed him off furthermore. He doesn't let you hold the conversation for too long before you're surrounded by men and he's leading them, and you, to a car that pulled up after he gave one of his men a look. You're put into a van of sorts, eyes covered by a blindfold and wrists tied. The floor of the van cold and dirty, smelling of copper and death, the ride felt longer then it actually was, but when you were picked up and carried for what felt like hours, finally able too see, you were no longer in the van but in a room. Dropped onto a plush bed as you watched the man known as "Mikey" leave, his last words haunting, seeing your stay for the near future.
Bonten!Mikey- Is just blank for a bit before he blinks at you, his head tilting in honest confusion, that is the stupidest reason he's ever heard for rejection, and he's anything but pleased. Your seriously not gonna date him because the stars don't align for the two of you too be compatible romantically. Similar to Kanto!Mikey, he doesn't let you spew this sillines for a long time, clocking it as soon as you start too blabber about how you'd be more companionable if he were too be another sign, because it's annoying him. So, while you don't know the pink-haired man that clasps his hand around your mouth, he just smells of danger and you're more then weary, immediately thrashing as you're picked up and carried away, two men with lilac hair emerging from the shadows like predators, with the sickest grins on their face. Quickly shooting your eyes back over to the short white-haired man being referred to as "Boss." His big black eyes starring through you as the wind blew through his short white hair, his pale skin akin to a ghost as he directs the men too put you in the pretty black car.
hello! how are you? I want to ask for headcannons with Mikey (toman) with a girl who often loses weight. She is small in stature and weighs a little less than normal
I know it sounds dumb, but still..
TW- Talk of an ED
-He'd be very concerned for you, especially if it's a lot of weight in a small amount of time. He'd ask you about it first, but if you dodge the question or give him an un-wanted answer, he'll have you looked at by medical professionals, under his guidance of course, even if they are professionals, he doesn't trust anyone with your life except himself. Because he knows that he has your best interests at heart.
-If it was more simply that you're very active or you just have a fast metabolism, he wouldn't be too worried, it's normal, unless it was extreme weight loss then he'd either want you too be less active or he'd get you something prescribed for your metabolism, but again, that would only happen if it was something that he'd see as serious.
-Now, if it was something more serious like starving yourself, or making yourself throw-up, then you're no longer allowed too be on your own because he obviously can't trust you too be by yourself and he will be watching you from on. Even if he's busy, he has cameras on you at all times, so you're not alone, ever.
-You being small isn't a big deal to him, especially if it's something you can't control, like you're height, then he really doesn't care, you fit perfectly in his lap and you'll never hear him complain about that. You being under-weight though, that'll bother quite a bit and he'll be the one making sure you eat a lot, or at least a good portion before you're allowed too leave the table.
-If you were too refuse too eat at all, at anytime. He will force feed yoo, or have a tube put in your arm, your health is his top priority and if you're loosing too much weight, especially in an unhealthy way, he has a very big problem with that and he really doesn't care for your complaints, he's doing what he thinks is best for you, and he certainly knows what's best for you.
-If it were too be because of a medical condition like diabetes or lupus, he'd have the best medical staff that money could buy surrounding you at all times. He, again, will be watching you quite closely, his phone line always opened to you and the doctors, ready too drop everything in case of an emergency.
-If you're happy and healthy though, he really doesn't care, sure he might tease you about it, especially if you're smaller then him, but that just makes you all the much easier too pick up and be carried around. He'll have you sit in his lap all the time, or just pick you up at random too scare you or, one of his favorites, he'll hold things above your head.