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79 posts

I Complicated Things

I Complicated Things

I complicated things

Shipping Chart Template I Found On Twitter. The Creator Of It, @grzmot, Is Fine With People Using It
Shipping Chart Template I Found On Twitter. The Creator Of It, @grzmot, Is Fine With People Using It

Shipping chart template I found on Twitter. The creator of it, @grzmot, is fine with people using it as long as the watermark under the title isn’t deleted 👌

So that one’s my shipping chart, more or less! I restricted myself and only put the most relevant ships for me, otherwise it was a cluttered mess 😅 And I left the friendships out of this one cause I would need to do a whole new one just for those!

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More Posts from Bandora-sss

5 years ago

How to fix R6 siege operators part 3 : most banned

This the third part of this i think you know the drill by now

I will be talking about echo, lesion, cav, jackal. Sheilds will have thire own post soon enough

I wanted to write this because jackal's rework has been revealed and probably the rest will see thire changes coming soon as well and i want to share my thoughts before that happens, let's begin


His rework has been revealed you probably already seen it, i think it's live on the TTS

Personally I think that this rework should make him less frustrating and reduce his ban rate, because unlike lion's rework this one is just nerfs to an operator who had a very low win rate but suddenly people were complaining about him, despite the fact that between globals he's the least dangerous because he doesn't show your current location but instead where you have been allowing him and his teammates to track you and you can potentially bait them

This rework helps you to locate him easily by the number of pings

I personally think he needs small buffs

His visor will be easier to see with

The effects of being shot while the visor is own will be reduced

Tracking footprints without scanning them or mistaken them with another will be easier

I would however nerf the C7E by only one of the following

Lowering the damage

Lowering the fire rate (could be the best option)

Lowering the magazine size

Increasing the recoil (i personally don't want this)

Worst of all, removing the acog (which seems pretty effective)


The main problem with echo is that he can put you in a huge disadvantage for 10s without moving being in danger himself

His drones are hard to spot if you're not looking for them, making IQ his only counter

And he can stop the plant very easily, move around and gather information, his teammates can watch throw the drone

So here's what I would do to him

His drones will be easier to spot especially when he is using them

There will be a longer cooldown between each shot

He won't stop the plant but he will still affect the enemy

Not necessary but maybe reduce the damage of his MP5SD from 30 to 27 mainly because it's suppressed and has a similar recoil to MP5 but more damage


He's the simplest one to nerf

Make his gu minds easier to see, since people fall for ones that are easier to see, and you can hide them with barbed wires very easily

The damage will stop after 3 to 4 hits, because i personally hate a gadget that lasts infinitely like dokkaebi used to have

Idk know about this but some people said he shouldn't stop us from sprinting

(i hope his T-5 SMG doesn't get nerfed)


She's by no means overpowered but she can be annoying and some people still leave when she interrogates them, i do think that the damage of her pistol is ridiculous especially with the fact that it's suppressed but i think that the damage nerf it had could be enough most of the people who ban her are noobs to average players but surely they are solo, she can be easily countered if we payed attention to our surroundings and gave callouts not to mention globals can ruin her day

so there's only one nerf i would give her

When using silent step her speed will become that of a 2 speed, maybe a little slower

If i nerfed her pistol instead, then I'll do one of the following

Lower damage to 50

Increase the hip fire spread

Increase the damage fall off

Please share your thoughts on the comments section

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5 years ago
Ramadan Just Ended And Today Is Eid
Ramadan Just Ended And Today Is Eid

Ramadan just ended and today is eid

And wish for everyone a happy day🌹❤️💕

Contact your friends and family

Do not forget your brothers and sisters in the world who are in need of help

(created this picture using a screen shot of lion and changed the eays a little bit it's not perfect but not the worst thing i tried to do)

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5 years ago

Things that i want to say about the win/pick rates

Attackers :

Things That I Want To Say About The Win/pick Rates


Previously he was very close to the center but now it seems that he fill out of the meta

Finka and ying

Thire gadgets requires you to rush which is not the best choice in a game like this


I honestly think that he's underrated, his gadget is very good for clearing out enemies gadgets


Blitz is by far the weakest attacker and montagne is banned a lot


Someone explain to me HTF he got there when he's being banned the most


I see her banned quite a bit, but i think her main problem along with glaz is that they don't have reliable close range weapons

Things That I Want To Say About The Win/pick Rates


Compared to wamai jager can set his gadget and roam around without causing the team any problem, while wamai has to stay alive and must be careful where to place his gadget


The only problem with him is that his gadget is very dangerous and easy to spot and destroy by the attackers and much like castle he rely on the map and the doors


She's very underrated, i don't understand why not a lot of people are using her when she has everything a roamer would want


"perfectly balanced, as all things should be"

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6 years ago
The Worst Thing Happened

The worst thing happened

The Worst Thing Happened

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5 years ago

Glaz rework idea

If you have been following me or taken a look at my posts, at this point you would know that tumbler has become the place where I talk about my ideas and frustration with some of the current issues with R6 siege. glaz has the worst pick and win rate of all the operators

The reveal of kali reminded me of my frustration with glaz's current position and gave me a few ideas that I want to share with the community

So here's my ideas

His gadget

His scope will be the only one he can use which means that he can't use any close range sight or flip it off like he currently does

The scope would be easier to see with just like the acog. Idk how to explain it but If you payed attention you can see a difference (in the colors?) between the acog and the scope, the acog is much clear, nice and easy to see through

Moving will still cause you to lose vision through smoke, but enemies will be highlighted in yellow to some degree weather you're moving or not

The gadget button will allow you to throw smoke grenades (instead of flipping your scope off) you'll have 2 to 3 smoke grenades

As a secondary gadget smoke grenades will be replaced with a claymore

If needed he will lose his frags

His primary weapons

The dmr will stay as his primary but it'll need some or all of these buffs

Reduce the recoil to match that of the other dmrs and give it access to grips

Give it more soft breaching capabilities to allow glaz to open new lines of sights

Increase the damage from 71 to 80 at maximum (maybe this change is pointless i didn't do the math I'm not ROGUE-9)

Make it fully suppressed by removing all the barrel choices (of course without affecting damage or recoil)

Reduce the RPM that was recently increased

His secondary weapons

Replace both of them with the C75 and the SMG-11 to give him a reliable option for close to medium ranges, this will also allow him to enter the building like other attackers and anchor later, i think it's the thing that glaz needs the most


I think that the movement penalty was knda necessary but ubisoft's biggest mistake with him was that when they nerfed him they needed to buff some other aspects about him.

Just like they did with lion, they removed the outlines and the scaning time but reduced the warning time of and made it recharge faster.

I think that glaz needs some or all of these buffs but with kali soon to introduced to the game hopefully ubisoft can gather information and get ideas on how to balance glaz, if I'm not mistaken they have stated that they'll keep an eye on him for future charges

Please share your thoughts and ideas with me it's always nice to hear from the community sometimes they give some interesting ideas

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