bayothemayo - (Requests Open) BayoTheMayo
(Requests Open) BayoTheMayo

She/Her | Cis | LGBT+ Ally

78 posts

Hellooo. I Hope You're Doing Okay, Thanks For Opening Requests.

Hellooo. I hope you're doing okay, thanks for opening requests.

How would they react to an affectionate lover? Someone who really loves them and states so in public and always defends them in front of people, who dislike them.

With Maki and/or Nagito please, if it's okayđŸ„ș

Maki Harukawa & Nagito Komeada with an affectionate S/O (Separate)

Maki Harukawa

Maki is used to have strong attachments, considering she watched over little kids.

However she gets annoyed since she prefers to be alone most of the time.

She always accept your gifts, even if it has no use to her.

Though she eventually got used to it and your affection. She doesn’t show it, but she secret enjoys it.

To an outsider, it looks like one-sided love. Though Maki shows back love, even if it is almost unnoticeable. Like giving you a small quick smile.

When Maki got revealed to be the Ultimate Assassin, you still defended her. You told the group that is she is a threat she would’ve kill someone already. That didn’t change their minds though.

When Maki was basically outcasted, you still hang out with her. You bring food to her if she requested. The group is confused how you are defending and still hanging out with her.

“I love her” You responded

Little did you know Maki heard it all. Maki was sneaking out of her room to watch you so you won’t get attack by the rest of the group, mainly Kokichi.

After that, she became more open and affectionate. It confuse you at first, because you didn’t know that she heard you say that you love her and she haven’t done that before. She started to hold your hand, sometimes on the lookout for Kokichi in case he scares you or mock you.

When she tells you about her background, you hug her tightly. She been though a lot. You didn’t notice her cheeks are red.

You and Maki are always seen together, especially if there was a murder.

If you get murder, Maki will stare at your corpse. She will be silent throughout the investigation, looking at every nook and cranny for evidence. She will be aggressive during the Class Trial, accusing the people she doesn’t trust. When the blackened gets reveal, she has to get pulled back from strangling them. She does eventually starts to cry after the Class Trial ends.

If you were the blackend, she definitely will be sad. She will hold you in her arms tightly in order so they can hold you longer. Maki knows that you will be executed no matter what. She will cry while holding you and you hugged back.

Maki will turn away from your execution, not wanting to see your death.

Nagito Komeada

He doesn’t think he deserves this level of affection.

Even though he keeps telling you that he is trash and that he is unworthy for this affection, you ignore that and shower him in it anyways.

You always defend him, even if what he is saying is crazy and even if the entire groupshate him.

You show concern whenever he says that he is willing to be a murder victim, often intervening the conversation.

“He doesn’t mean it.”

“Yes I do.”

You keep telling him that you love him, even if the others hear you.

Sometimes you are seen hugging him. Nagito gets happy even though he thinks that he is worthless to deserve these hugs. He stopped saying that, because you will keep hugging him no matter if he says that.

You are basically his support.

When he got the Despair disease, you basically his personal caretaker. You stay by his side, sometimes fall asleep in the chair. Since you don’t want to get the disease you were less affectionate, which made both you and Nagito sad. Don’t worry though, you were a lot more affectionate when he got cured.

If you get the Despair disease instead of him, the disease made you hate him. You give him a look that could kill, and is actually willing to hurt him. This confused him when he saw you in the morning, especially when you slap him hard in the face. This hurts you both deeply. Seeing you yelling and throwing stuff at him when yesterday you give your usual affection
hurt him. You hold back the best as you can in your weak conscious state if Nagito is in the room, especially if he is trying to give you affection. Safe to say, you hug him when you got cured and keep apologizing.

He hugs you back, “It’s not your fault my hope.”

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More Posts from Bayothemayo

1 year ago

🎃Whumptober Day 8: "It's All for Nothing." (SMT:IV Apocalypse x Reader)🎃

TW: SMT:IV Apocalypse Anarchy Spoilers, Character Death

Whumptober Day 8: "It's All For Nothing." (SMT:IV Apocalypse X Reader)

You breathe heavily as you feel light-headed from the intense fighting and the blood loss. Your friends' dead bodies lying limply around you. You look at Nanashi as you were shaking, "N-Nanashi..." You take a couple of steps back, trying not to step on your friends' dead bodies. "C-Come on Nanashi
” You nervously chuckled. All of your demons are either dead or too weak to defeat him. Nanashi approaches you while you keep stepping away from him. You back hits the wall. Nanashi roughly grabs your neck and you immediately grab his arm. “N-Nanashi
you can still go back
y-you don’t have to do this.” Nanashi stays silent as he tightens his grip around your neck. You gasp and you try to tear his grip away from your neck. “Nan-“


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2 years ago

Mukuro Ikusaba x reader romantic headcanons?

Mukuro Ikusaba X Reader (Romantic Headcanons)

Since Mukuro was new to dating, she doesn't know what to do.

She is very loyal to you, too loyal. You tell her that it is alright to not do what you say if it inconveniences her or makes her uncomfortable.

Just like towards Junko, she is very protective towards you. She keeps her eye out if you two went out, just in case there is a threat.

If there was a threat, she is willing to beat who ever the person is. The benefit of dating the Ultimate Soldier.

Mukuro always have that serious look on her face, so it was always delightful when her eyes becomes wide and her face red when you kiss her cheek.

She is disappointed when ever she have to cancel her plans with you, either because of Junko or something else.

Mukuro always make sure that you stayed out of Junko’s plans and keep you as a secret. Lord help her if Junko finds out about your and Mukuro’s relationship.

If you catch Mukuro beat herself saying that she is fat, ugly, stupid, etc, you always intervene.

“Don’t say that about yourself! You’re adorable, smart, and perfect the way you are!”

You are the hope in her world that is full of despair.

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2 years ago

You Can Request For:

Phantom Thieves (Persona 5)

Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker (Persona 5)

Goro Akechi (Persona 5)

Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)

Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)

Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)

Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)

Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)

Haru Okumura (Persona 5)

Investigation Team (Persona 4)

Yu Narukami (Persona 4)

Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)

S.E.E.S (Persona 3)

Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)

Sora (Kingdom Hearts)

Riku (Kingdom Hearts)

Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)

Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa)

Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)

Mukuro Ikusaba (Danganronpa)

Kokichi Oma (Danganronpa)

Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa)

Izuru Kamukura (Danganronpa)

Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa)

Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa)

Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune)

Nanashi (SMT IV: Apocalypse)

Please note that your request may take a while to complete.

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1 year ago

🎃Whumptober Day 2: “They Don’t Care About You.”🎃 (Phantom Thieves x Reader)

Whumptober Day 2: They Dont Care About You. (Phantom Thieves X Reader)

It has been a while since you hung out with any of your friends. Every time you ask one of them, they always have an excuse to not hang out with you. At first, you thought nothing of it. After all, you get busy yourself. But after a while, it seems like they are becoming more distant. To add to that, the group chat isn’t active anymore. Even if there are messages, they are short or one word messages. It is like they are slowly forgetting you.

Maybe you should leave them alone.

Maybe they don’t care about you anymore.

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2 years ago

hi! this is my first request and saw that your requests are open, can you do akira kurusu relationship headcanons? ( fem reader )

💕 Akira Kurusu Relationship Head canons (Female Reader) 💕

Note: This is a long one.


You first heard about Kurusu when he is going to be a new student.

Hearing that he has a criminal record, you were of course afraid.

However, that all change when he helped you through all the troubles that Kamoshida has caused.

You slowly warmed up to him.

Occasionally, you two hang out.

You talked about your interests while he smiles and nods in adds into the conversation.

He takes you to places where he knows that you would enjoy.

If there is someone giving you unwanted attention, he would always step up and protect you.

Other than the unwanted attention, it was always a great day when you hang out with him.

If he asks, you will help him with his work.

If you are also confused, you two will try to figure it out.

If You are A Part of the Phantom Thieves

When you found out that he is a Phantom Thief, or when he slips it out. You were shocked, but it slowly pieces together. How he sometimes cancel your hangouts, and yet you see him around the area. How he seems a little more stress than usual. Or how most of his friends also decline your hang out requests, all of them decline it.

You support him. He did saved you from more suffering from Kamoshida.

You always asks if he needs help with anything for his Phantom Thief job, he doesn't need help but you are always open to help.

You are a little more teasing towards him.

"You're the leader of the Phantom Thieves and you don't know how to solve this math problem?" Expect him to tease back.

You understand if he has to cancel your hang outs.

If you are a part of the Phantom Thieves, he always make sure that you are okay and not too injured.

If you ever feel like you are holding the team back, he will interupt your negative thought and tells you that you always help out with the group and basically the backbone of the group.


When he confessed to you, your eyes went wide as you accepted is his confession.

He gets you all flustered when he held your hands and said the smoothest line you ever heard in your life

When you guys go out for dates, you got to places to eat if you two haven't eaten. If you two aren't hungry, you go to places you usually go to.

Akira always flirts with you, sometimes small lines and sometimes lines that make you blushing all crazy.

He takes you out to watch movies as well.

One time the movie was so boring that you fell asleep. When you woke up, you were leaning asks him while he put his arm around you. He smiles at you while you're apologizing for sleeping in the middle of the movie.

You stay over at his place for a little bit, you either eat his curry or drink his coffee.

Up in the attic, you cuddle. On the couch or on the bed.

Maybe play video games or watch a VHS/DVD.

You are always relaxed when you visit him

If You Are A Part of the Phantom Thieves

Akira always shows off if you are with him in the Metaverse

Winks, poses, critical hits is how he impress you.

You roll your eyes as your face is red.

Ann always teases you about it.

He takes extra care about you in the Metaverse.

If the enemy has an element attack that you are weak to, he moves you out of the group.

If you get hurt, he always heals you.

If you get taken as a hostage, he will do anything to get you back safe.

If you get hurt by the shadow that has taken you as hostage, then the shadow will have their life flash be their eyes.

After leaving the Metaverse, he always check up on you.

If you need to go somewhere after that, he will give you a kiss goodbye

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