Whumptober 2022 (Not Completed)
Whumptober 2022 (Not Completed)

A Little Out of The Ordinary: "This wasn't supposed to happen!" (Deltarune) (Kris x Reader?)
Nowhere to Run: Cornered (Hero x Villain)
Hair's Breadth From Death: Impaled (SMT IV:A x Reader)
Dead on Your Feet: Waking Up Disoriented (Hero x Villain)
Every Whumpee Needs: Blood Loss (Orginal Content)
Proof of Life: "I've got a pulse." (Hero x VIllain)
The Way You Shake And Shiver: Panic Attack (Orginal Content)
Everything Hurts and I am Dying: Back From the Dead (SMT IV:A)
More Posts from Bayothemayo
Can i request izuru with an s/o that is sleep deprived and helps them get back to their regular sleeping schedule?
- hex anon
Need to Sleep (Izuru Kamukura x Sleep Deprived! Reader)

Your wrist twist and turns as the gadget in front of you is sitting idly. The smell of metal fills up the room as you tiredly wipe the sweat off your face. This has been happening every day, and every night. Since you have been working with Junko Enoshima, she has made you up late to make some gadgets for them. You can feel your back aches as you have been hunched over for many hours. You felt eyes stare at you, so you turn around to see the infamous Kamukura. He always seems to stare at you at random times, ever since Junko broke him out. He freaked you out due to his abilities, but you have gotten more relax when you don't do anything that can harm you. Not yet at least. You turn back around at your work as you grab another tool. You only work on the gadget for a few seconds until you felt a hand placed on your shoulder, you swing your tool towards the owner of the hand only to be grabbed by the wrist. You look over to see Kamukura. You shrink in your seat, mumbling a 'sorry' as you move your wrist towards you when he let go.
"You should sleep."
"Sorry I can't. Have to finish this before Enoshima gets upset." You continue to work as you talk to him, resisting the urge to yawn.
Kamukura stays silent looking at the gadget you were making. After some time he finally responded, "I can finish that for you."
You turn to look at him, "You don't have to do that."
Kamukura leans closer to you, "You being sleep deprived will affect your work."
He was right... You set the tools down and fully turn to look at him, "Well, Enoshima wanted specifically me to do the work. Probably so you can be not occupied in case she needs you for something or whatever."
"We can take turns. You can work at daytime, and I can work at night time.
You sigh, "If that is what you want..." You stand up and taking off the gloves that you have. "Just wake me up if Enoshima comes around." You went to your bed that was in the room and lie down on it, your back finally feeling some relief from being hunched over for so long. You pull the blankets over yourself and rolled over to look at the wall so they light didn't hit your face. It was only a few seconds with the occasionally tools hit the metal of the gadget from Kamukura that you fell asleep.
This went on for a couple of weeks, there were only a few times Kamukura woke you up when Enoshima was about to walk in to the room leaving you look like a zombie begging to rest again. Luckily for you, this fixed your sleep schedule and you were able to work a little more efficient during the day time. You didn't really comment on the fixed sleep schedule as you know that it will be ruined soon. Everytime you look at Kamukura, he seems pleased? It was hard to tell since he always have an emotionless face. Maybe it was just an aura that he gave. Anyhow, your sleep schedule is fixed. Kamukura is pleased? Enoshima is causing havoc as always. Ikusaba...well she follows Enoshima around so she is happy?
Either way, you are waiting for shit to hit the fan. And you are hoping Kamukura is around to fix you sleep schedule again when that happen.
Hey there! May I request a fic of Akira and Yusuke crushing on the same person, who's pretty oblivious when it comes to romantic hints? (With polyam themes if possible, like they just slowly start to crush on eachother, too?)
Crushing More Than Once (Akira Kurusu x Reader x Yusuke Kitagawa)

You know, having a crush on someone who is extremely oblivious to anything romantic is quite a challenge. A challenge that Kurusu and Kitagawa had to face. But oh a challenge that will have a great award at the end.
How oblivious that you are? Well if either of them would make an entire box of chocolate about confessing their love for you you would think "Aww what a great friend that I have." That would hurt more than the Reaper's shotgun. But that will slowly dull down after several attempts was when they realized that you were just really oblivious.
When they start to make it a little more public that they were getting your attention, as in complementing you more than you usually or showing off more in battles is when Kurusu and Kitagawa notice that they both had a crush on you.
This challenge had became a lot harder, this became a competition.
It was pretty funny to the others in the group, as there wasn't actually harm being dumb and it was a new source of entertainment with, admittedly, same usual routine in the Metaverse. Compliments, gifts, more and longer hangouts, getting physical close to you (if you are comfortable with that of course), but nothing could dent that obliviousness that you had.
But then, as days go on they realized...
They might have developed feelings for each other. This will complicate things. However, after some days of thinking about this and how to handle this they decide to talk to each other. As they sort out their feelings, they felt like have things figure out and felt like things will work out. Now, they still have a crush on you and that their feelings with each other will not go away anytime soon.
So why not kill two birds with one stone?
They figure out a plan for both of them confessing their love to you and hopefully break that oblivious shield that you had.
After some brainstorming, a highly detailed plan, revisions, practicing, some blood and sweat poured into it...they finally done it. They broke that shield of yours and accepted BOTH of their confessions. Happiness fills up their heart as they finally complete the challenge, with some unexpected bonus in the middle of it.
They couldn't ask for a more better ending.
May I request some headcanon drabbles of Makoto Yuki(p3 mc) with a physical affectionate s/o ?
Makoto Yuki with a Physically Affectionate S/O (Makoto Yuki x Reader)

Basically, every time you had a chance you cuddle him like there was no tomorrow.
You give him a lot of small kisses in public. It was only when you two where alone you give him much more kisses.
Hugs? Yep. Side hugs, full hugs, and tackle hugs.
You usually hold off on affection during battles, as it was crucial for you and him to focus. Only when you guys are in the lobby you give him a peck, the beginning for good luck and the end for good job.
When ever there is a status ailment that have to doing anything to do with emotions, some quick affection snaps him out of it.
It was just your love language.
His reactions are always great for you, since you always has that neutral look on his face. There would be some faint blushing, maybe some embarrassment. The special reaction is when he smiles, even if it is a small smile that could be easily miss you were overjoyed. You always give him some more compliments to saying that you want to see him smile more.
He always affectionate back, not as much as you do. But as long as he is comfortable, you are happy to be with him.
Hi, can I request a Nagito x Reader (Gender neutral please) where Nagito just recovered from the despair disease and is being informed of how he acted while he was affiliated with the disease? Preferably a mix of angst and fluff but it’s up to you!
Informed (Nagito Komaeda x GN! Reader)
Spoilers for Danganronpa 2: Chapter 3
Note/Warning: Swearing.

You shifted uncomfortably as you look at the dead bodies of the recent victims Mioda and Saionji. Mioda had the Despair Disease, she was already suffering before her death. For Saionji, she was trying to not get the disease but ended up dead anyways.
Hinata, Kuzuryu, Nanami, and Tsumiki was already there at the Titty Typhoon, you and the others were just summon by Monokuma to the crime scene.
"Whoa there...That's not all. I'v also summoned the others who were at the hospital." Monokuma also added. You hear some footsteps apporaching and you turn to look to see Komaeda and Owari. Before you can really say anything Hinata asks if they were okay. They seemed to be a little confused before Monokuma pipes up, "Are you talking about the Despair Disease? Jeez, you guys. That stuff is totally over now." You did a sigh of relief. Even if Monokuma can be a dick and dragging us into this game, at least he stops the motives when a murder happens. Anyhow, we have to investigate two whole murders now.
You walked up to Komaeda, "So do you want to investigate together again?"
Komaeda has the usual smile, "A ultimate asking once again to tolerate my presence. How could I not decline?"
You sigh, "Come on." The two of you went to check the areas where the murder would most likely to go to. In the meantime, you were debating whether or not to tell him on how he acted. It seems like Komaeda notice this.
"Something on your mind (L/N)?"
"Well, yes but it is not important at the moment."
"Come on, it must be troublesome for an ultimate to worry about during a investiagation."
You turn to look at him, "Well, it was about when you had the Despair Disease. I am guessing that you don't remember it?"
"I remember bits and pieces."
"Do...you want me to tell you about what happen during that time?"
"Of course, it might help us in the investigation."
"I...don't think it will. But here we go anyways. So you had the Liar Disease, where everything you said that would be the truth in a normal state turns into the lie because of the Liar Disease. You said some...pretty hurtful stuff to me."
Komaeda face falls a little bit, "I see. Well I-"
"Don't apologized!" You said rather loudly and you quickly cover your mouth. You lower your hands as you continue, "Don't apologize...I know you didn't mean to say those horrible things. It's just...you think I am beautiful? You think that I am...special to you?"
You can see Komaeda got closer to you, "Yes, I do think you look beautiful."
Your face turn a little red as you twirl a piece of your hair, "You...really meant all those positive things about me? Even if they all are turned horrible because of that Liar Diease...you really meant that I am cute, smart, amazing, cool...all of that?"
He smiles, "Of course."
You got a little more flustered and embarrassed, "O-Oh wow." After a few seconds you snap out of that state, "Wait let's continue the investigation. We can talk about this after the trial ends."
"Right. Wait I remember something that would really help us."
"Really? What would that be?"
"Well it is about Tsumiki."
Well looking at the results early it looks like you guys are alright with idea.
I have good and bad days of art and some spots I am not good at. But I’ll try to post art that are presentable. Also I will probably switch between Ibis Paint X and Krita.
(This might be my low self esteem talking but try not to have high expectations on my artwork.)