Fic List - Tumblr Posts
Whumptober 2022 (Not Completed)

A Little Out of The Ordinary: "This wasn't supposed to happen!" (Deltarune) (Kris x Reader?)
Nowhere to Run: Cornered (Hero x Villain)
Hair's Breadth From Death: Impaled (SMT IV:A x Reader)
Dead on Your Feet: Waking Up Disoriented (Hero x Villain)
Every Whumpee Needs: Blood Loss (Orginal Content)
Proof of Life: "I've got a pulse." (Hero x VIllain)
The Way You Shake And Shiver: Panic Attack (Orginal Content)
Everything Hurts and I am Dying: Back From the Dead (SMT IV:A)
Whumptober 2023 (Not Completed)

Panic (Persona 3)
The Don't Care About You (Phantom Thieves x Reader)
Journal (SMT IV:A x Reader)
"You in There?" (Kris Dreemurr x Reader)
Betrayal + Reluctant Whumper (Goro Akechi x Reader)
Should Have Been Me (Celestia Ludenberg x Reader)
"Can You Hear Me?" (Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki x Reader)
"It's All For Nothing." (SMT IV:A x Reader)
"You're A Liar." (Nagito Komaeda x Reader)
Miscommunication (Phantom Thieves x Reader)
Aftermath of Failure (Ultra Despair Girls)
Insomnia (Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya x Reader)
"I Don't Feel So Good." (Minato Arisato/Makoto x Reader)
"Just Hold On." (Yu Narukami x Reader)
Suppressed Suffering (Phantom Thieves x Reader)
Lackadaisy fanfics list <3
Characters: Viktor, Mordecai, Nico, Seraphine
Lackadaisy Five by GreyRose24
Viktor Vasko’s first impression of Mordecai Heller is that Atlas has hired a scrawny kid to be his new partner. His second impression is that Atlas has hired a very irritating scrawny kid with something missing in either his head or his heart. Alternate title: five times Mordecai let the mask slip in front of Viktor and one time he didn't
This is one of my favorites. I found it when I was searching for fics that had some focus on Mordechai's Jewish background. I like how the author depicted their relationship (not because it isn't romantic), they show genuine care for one another and I want to read more.
(If you like the ship see number 3)
This is the first part in a series of 5 works, I'd recommend this series.
2. Lackadaisy Communion by GreyRose24
The Savoy siblings’ first impression of Mordecai Heller was that Asa Sweet had handed them off to a rude bookkeeper to be their new leader. Their second impression was that the boss really needed to watch his back because their new colleague clearly had his own agenda in mind. Alternate title: four times the Savoys messed with Mordecai to get to know him better and one time they didn't. [Fluffy side story, fits around Lackadaisy Diable & Triad]
Words: 25,720
The final installment of this series was mentioned earlier. Even without reading the entire series, I found it possible to understand everything. I love fluff so this is the jam.
3. What Is This Feeling? by FOxFIRe_27
4 times Mordecai had some…confusing feelings about Viktor + one time it finally clicked.
Actually wanted the 2 to be happy so it's a bit out of character, but it's sweet!
4. Frozen Hearts by meticulous-metzger (EdgeHedgeShads)
In an attempt to raise Viktor for a job without freezing his tail off, Mordecai decides to drive in the thick winter snow, only to have an accident. Irritated his young triggerman continues to be reckless, Atlas orders him out of the speakeasy and into Viktor's apartment to recover, leading to some awkward conversations, situations and a whole lot of bonding.
Mordecai has an accident and Viktor takes care of him, Unfortunately uncompleted...
5. The Hotseat by meticulous-metzger (EdgeHedgeShads)
After a storage barn gets raided by a competitor, Mordecai and Viktor are sent out to wait for the perpetrators to make a second hit. Unfortunately, it's the middle of summer, and Mordecai isn't coping with the heat well.
This one is a bit more... sweaty. Nothing too explicit, just the first kiss in the summer's heat. Again not finished... Damn!
6. Stopgap by Stariceling
Viktor and Mordecai look after each other, at least long enough for the bleeding to stop.
A break from shipping, another platonic fic!
Mordecai took out his handkerchief again to finish the interrupted task of fastidiously cleaning the blood from his face. “That should suffice until you see a doctor.”
“No doctor,” Viktor muttered. “Alvays threatening to chop off legs.”
7. Lackadaisy Liaison by bubble_bees
Viktor couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment their relationship developed into this. It was natural. They gravitated around one another as if that’s what they’ve done all their life. Or: a look at Viktor & Mordecai's partnership, up until its rather violent end.
The betrayal of getting kneecapped buy your dear friend. Poor Vik...
There should be more fics focusing on Viktor and Mordecai. On Viktor in general. Also on the Savoy siblings.
I know they aren't the main characters, it's to be expected but come on! Will I have to write? I want a fic in which Viktor gets an apology for being kneecapped into early retirement, well a longer fic than this>
I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead by Lack-luster-daisy (cowgremlin) We are back to shipping.
Please write for the series! Finish them, please!!!
"Papa me want more movie!"
Why are there only 4 pages for Mordecai and Viktor (platonic) on AO3? Well looks like someone's got to change that.

Ineffable Spouses Ficlist 👿♥ 😇
Third story - A fake relationship fic. When Aziraphale is questioned about how he and Crowley survived their attempted executions, he panics and tells them that it's due to their souls mixing because of their romantic and sexual relationships. This ones a decent length. 10 chapters, about 50 thousand words. There are a lot of sweet moments, but also a lot of emotional scenes, particularly toward the end. This one is rated E and is definitely NSFW.
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Second story - a kind of meta fic one shot fic where crowley and aziraphale create a podcast together to offer advice to humans. This is legitimately one of my favorite stories, the humor is amazing and it has a really sweet ending. It is told entirely through dialog and chat room text, which I know not everyone loves.
Aziraphale has put memories away for centuries. Carefully filed them around far-flung corners of the island he has claimed as his Principality. As he and Crowley celebrate 1000 years of their Arrangement, he begins to wonder what he’s been missing. Crowley has plans of his own, plans that he wants to share. But with the angel looking to the past, he knows he’ll have to be patient about their future.
Aziraphale has hidden his regrets. Crowley has hidden his hopes. One day they’ll unpack them together.
Follows Crowley and Aziraphale from Eden to post-end of the world exploring their relationship with each other, and Heaven and Hell, and what it means to have their own side.
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[Minor AU in which Aziraphale is an eldritch angel, but otherwise the same person and the same things happen as canon. This is post-canon.]
Abominations of the Mythos run on a different metaphysics to Biblical entities; they have partial immunity to things that would obliterate an average angel or demon. So even Heaven will recruit one sometimes, after centuries of vetting. But there’s no changing what you are, and sometimes, that gets H’zr aph’aal down. It’s all very well for H'aaztre, now a Duke of Hell. Hell doesn’t mind a bit of ooze.
Crowley would’ve known how to cheer Aziraphale up, of course. Hell has the best tunes, and Crowley had been a legitimate demon.
If only Crowley were here.
Pray for us, Icarus by Atalan
For three centuries, Crowley has been reincarnated over and over as a human with no memory of his past. Aziraphale has tried to find a way to restore him to his true self, but all he seems to do is hurt them both. This time, he only means to steal a brief moment when he walks into Crowley's flower shop. But Crowley can't let it go...
Slow Show by mia_ugly
In which temptations are accomplished, grand romantic gestures are made, and two ineffable co-stars only take four seasons of an award-winning television program to realize they’re on their own side (at last, at last.)
The stars walk backward by Beckers522
The year was 1926. Anthony J. Crowley and his wife were in need of a tutor for their young son Adam. Dozens applied for the job, but only one stuck out above the rest - a kind bookshop owner from Soho. It was impossible for Anthony to know during their first meeting how much of an impact Ezra Fell would have on his family or, more importantly, how much of an impact Ezra would have on his heart. He wasn’t certain of much anymore, but one thing was for sure, Crowley knew he would never be the same again.
Ineffable Felinity by Dacelin
It's hard to communicate with humans when all they understand is 'meow'. It makes saving the world that much harder.
It's Good Omens, but the ineffable idiots are cats. Yes, really.
Petrichor & Parchment by MrsNoggin
“Mr. Crowley, I presume?” Aziraphale asked in lieu of an introduction, which was not forthcoming. The guy hadn’t even removed his sunglasses. Oh God, he had a tattoo on his face. Aziraphale wasn’t one to judge, but… what kind of gardener had a snake tattoo on his face?
Getting a Wiggle On by Kedreeva
Crowley's prank to leave Aziraphale with fake eggs to babysit does not go remotely as planned.
Be Still, My Love, Be Still by entanglednow
In which a lonely bookshop owner, and a lonely sleep paralysis demon fall in love, and try to make it work, in the brief snatches of time they can be together.
The Scarecrow by AppleSeeds
The last surviving member of his family, Aziraphale inherits a crumbling 14th century cottage from his uncle. Staying in the cottage to catalogue his uncle's collection of rare books, Aziraphale combats his loneliness by speaking to the scarecrow in the neighbouring field. He awakes one night to find the scarecrow in his bedroom, mouth torn open, speaking to him...
Crowley was cursed by a witch and turned into a scarecrow over five hundred years ago, but somehow Aziraphale's presence is changing him into something more human. While Aziraphale works to break the curse completely, the two of them spend a great deal of time together and find something special within each other, both discovering what it truly means to be free.
More Perfect by MostDismalFeldsparkle
Every night, huddled in whatever doorway, tunnel, or bench he had found, his reluctantly-sentient shopping-trolley standing guard, Aziraphale had the same dream. He did not dream of shooting the boy, Adam, the only thing he knew about himself, his only memory apart from his name. Although that thought haunted his days, it never bothered him at night
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I bring you AUs.
Icing on the Cake
The Rose and the Serpent
Fire, Bridges, and other Sensible Idioms
Win a Date With Anthony J. Crowley!
Old Vines
Slow Show
Never Have I Ever (Been Myself)
And two non-AUs
it's the light (it's the obstacle that casts it)
Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach
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Nail Whyyyy!
Season 2 destroyed me.
This list was made a long time ago when I was happy... By merging multiple lists, again.

Thought I would compile all the fics I read each month as a rec list, for anyone who missed the reblogs of each fic or wants a central place to find stuff. And also for my own tracking purposes as I continue to read based on my notifications.

Period Headcanons by @kimiheartblade | Cody, Wolffe, Fives, Echo, Rex, Kix, Hunter x reader
To Speak Without Words - Ch. 1 by @stardusthuntress | Crosshair x reader
Awake series by @danceswithsporks | Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 | Crosshair x reader
"I think this is the part where you kiss me" by @wings-and-beskar | Hardcase x reader
"Need my mouth on you." by @littlemissmanga | Jesse x reader
I'm Not Alone (That's Good to Know) by @baby-i-just-wanna-kiss | Captain Rex x reader
Battle Scars by @just-here-with-my-thoughts | Tech x Phee
Slow Dancing by @coffeeandbatboys | Captain Vaughn x reader
Slow Dancing - Part 2 by @coffeeandbatboys | Captain Vaughn x reader
End of Avoidance by @hetalianskywalker | Commander Wolffe x reader
Midnight Dances by @dragonrider9905 | Wrecker x reader
A Kiss by @merkitty49 | Wrecker x reader

Sid/Geno Recs - Hidden Gems
I’m glad I had time/motivation to get this second list finished by the end of July for @pensmonthly ‘s “Rec Lists” theme this month. I picked an arbitrary and sliding kudos cut-off and collected some of my favorite fics that won’t show up on the first 10 pages when you sort by kudos on ao3. I particularly tried to focus on older fic and ones not in recent exchanges because those are most likely to be missed!
My categories (Very AU, Slightly AU, Get Together, Sex, Quiet/Domestic) have a decreasing level of priority - no matter the topic if one doesn’t play hockey it is under “very” au, if there are biology changes but its totally sex focused, it still qualifies as “slightly” au, etc etc.
If you want a specific content warning/character check beyond the authors tags, please message me specifically related to a fic, I’m including no warnings here.
Errors, typos, bad links etc - lmk please!
Very AU - one or both do not play professional hockey or hockey does not exist in the AU
For the Roses by ionthesparrow (2014) A still more glorious dawn by i_claudia (2014) let this road be mine by pollyrepeat (2015) elastic heart by cathedralhearts (2015) let me be your skyline by agirlnamedfia (2015) Feather by elareine (2015) Coach’s Corner by torigates (2015) The Emperor’s Humility by itsacoup (2016) Keep Calm and Marry On by umbrellacam (2016) Nesting Instincts by MapleMermaid (2016) Bloom by omelet (2016) Sparked Under Pressure by itsacoup (2016)
Slightly AU - both play professional hockey but there are significant world-building differences such as magic, altered biology, large societal structure changes
the laws of gravity are very very strict, and you’re just bending them for your own benefit by spuffyduds (2013) The Gentlest Chains by LadyJanelly (2013) this is my heart, it’s on the line by bropunzeling, nebulia (2014) A Curse, and a Blessing by brutti_ma_buoni (2015) Switch Hitter by Snickfic (2015) the moon like an animal by snoozingkitten (2015) i can’t feel my face when i’m with you by hauntologie (2015) Aftermarket Peripherals by siegeofangels (2016) Full by soixante (2016) Almost as Bright by Snickfic (2016) two kids, you and me by myownremedy (2016) I’m So Full of Love by neveranygoodupthere (2016)
Get Together - these fic include the beginning of a relationship
Cold Days in Hell by nebulia (2013) a better way to fall by morphosyntactic (2013) miles to go by hauntologie (2013) Save Some Face by dedougal (2014) A Foreign Familiarity by spinel (2015) don’t even know what i’m looking for (but at least i know what i’m gonna throw away) by nebulia (2015) Sing Your Praises by itsacoup (2015) March Into The Sun by o_contrary (2015) You Don’t Get an Alibi by coricomile (2016) The Problem with French-Canadians by pinkish (2016) an uncharted country by flamingo_sex (2016) little steps (getting there;being there) by onceuponamoon (2016)
Sex - the primary focus of these fics are sex and sexuality in established/developing relationships
Then It’s Yours by liophael (2014) Put It On Me by o_contrary (2014) soft around the edges by crosbutt (authocracy) (2014) Everything You Can Do (I Can Do Too!) by Dangereuse (2015) she exhales vanilla lace (of sugar and ice i am made) by thescrewtapedemos (2017) Always for the First Time by GovtDarling 2018
Quiet/Domestic - established/developing relationships
Your hand in mine by i_claudia (2013) Let Steep for 4-7 Minutes by mriaow (2013) Name the Name by red_crate (2014) Mustard Can Be Magic by james (2015) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go) by coricomile (2017)
A friend that I was more-than-friends with got into a relationship out of the blue and now I’m trying to get over someone I never dated... send hELP (and maybe some fic recommendations for some cathartic tears?)
Aw darling, so sorry to hear that. It sucks to have feelings for someone and watch them with someone else. I don’t know what advice to offer you on it without knowing more of the story, but I definitely can include a fic rec list. I made one previous to this which included a LOT of my favourites, which you can find here. So, in an effort to avoid repeating myself with those favourites, here’s a brand new one for you. I hope they distract from the heartbreak.
1. Simple Pleasures by @pawprinterfanfic
Right - first of all, this girl is a dear friend of mine and I basically love everything she writes. Her talent is out of this world, but this fic in particular just blows my mind. It’s a Hunger Games au with some angst, fluff and breath holding moments. It’s a multi-chapter, going to be about 48 chapters - so if you’re looking for a good, old long and brilliant read, this is for you.
2. Give Me Your Fate / Where The Light Won’t Find You by @asroarke
Okay, so I’m cheating here. Including two fics for the price of one ;) but I love this author, she’s incredibly gifted at writing. The first fic mentioned is a political au where Bellamy gets hooked into an arranged marriage with Clarke. It’s AMAZING and to be honest, politics is something I don’t have much interest in. Yet, this girl seems to have a knack for sucking me into fics I would never normally be drawn to. The second fic mentioned is a high-school au that unfortunately is written from experience on her part. It’s truly brilliant though and I can’t wait to read more.
3. Looking For A Lifeline by @illgivethatoyou
I LOVED this and I read it far too quickly. She writes it so beautifully and it has everything I look for in a fic. Lots of angst between Bellamy and Clarke, lots of pining and lots of these two dancing around their feelings. Ugh. It’s one I re-read and to be honest, I don’t do that with a lot of fics.
4. When There’s Nothing Left To Burn, You Have To Set Yourself On Fire by @octannibal-blake
I’m not sure if this fic is being continued or not? But all the same, I ADORE it. An angsty, Bellarke boxing fic which makes me want to cry when I read it because she writes SO GOOD. Like major envy vibes here. You can probably see a pattern here with the fics that I like, haha. Check this out though because I’d read every single chapter if she continued it indefinitely.
5. Talking With You In The Dark by @bettsfic
Bed sharing. Need I say more? So nice and fluffy and like everything this girl writes, brilliantly written. I’m including a lot of my favourite authors on this list because I feel like if you like one of their fics, you’ll like the rest. I really enjoyed this one and would 10/10 recommend it.
6. I Don’t Need Your Love (I Just Need You Now) by @talistheintrovert
I don’t even know how to describe this fic. Like. JESUS! Starts out with Bellarke not getting on and obviously ends up with them in love. Protective Bellamy, angst, fluff - UGH I loved this fic to no end. You’ll understand when you read it (and also, Talis is fucking amazing as well).
7. Devil Side / Waste It On Me by @eyessharpweaponshot
Feel like now is as good a time as any to plug my own fics. Shameless. Devil Side is a Bird Box au with tonnes of angst, self sacrificial Bellarke and lots and lots of love and tension (the best combo, in my opinion). Waste It On Me is a soulmate/reincarnation au where Clarke has sworn off love until she realises fate has a different path for her, one with Bellamy Blake at the end. Both fics are my two baby’s and I love that everyone is enjoying them as much as they are. Thank you all
8. The Color of Grief by @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky
This girl has incredible fics everywhere but this one in particular stands out the most to me. Again with some angst, but lots of fluff and an amazing storyline to boot. I enjoyed this fic so much and everyone needs to read it.
9. Don’t Wake Me, I’m Not Dreaming by @grumpybell
This is one of the most original fics I’ve ever read. Clarke has the ability to visit other people’s dreams and she visits Bellamy very often. Oh my goodness, I think I’ve read this three times already. Again, the author always writes fics that I love to read so I’m not one bit surprised that this amazing fic came from her. A must read.
10. Stardust, In You And In Me by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
I am very fond of this girl and VERY fond of this fic. Soulmate au’s are everywhere and I love them, but this one definitely stands out to me. She wrote it in such a way that it had me gripped and waiting for updates desperately. I loved it so much and if soulmate au’s are your thing, this one is not to be missed.
11. The Way We Used To Be by @hawthornewhisperer
Is it any surprise this girl is on my fic rec list? I adore everything she writes and this one in particular is amazing. An exes fic full of smut and angst and ugh, everything I crave from fics. I actually want to write my own exes fic and this just inspired me even more. I will re-read this fic until the day I die.
I’m afraid that’s all I have the time to recommend, but other authors that are phenomenal writers are: @thelittlefanpire @arysafics @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @carrieeve @the-most-beautiful-broom @candybellarke
There’s fic’s that I’ve read from those authors that are utterly brilliant too and some of them I’ve mentioned in my previous fic rec list. But yeah, I hope this helps you, anon. Much love from me