be3b0o - dumb ig
dumb ig

67 posts

If I Had A Timetravel Machine, I Would Punch Myself A Lot.

If I had a timetravel machine, I would punch myself a lot.

More Posts from Be3b0o

1 year ago
They Are Studying Us In Petri Dishes

They are studying us in petri dishes

2 years ago

As the gatekeeper of Hell itself, you’re used to hearing “I don’t belong here.” Your job is to convince people they do. So this morning, the last thing you expected was a call from Heaven, about a goody-two-shoes fussing about how they don’t belong inside the pearly gates.

6 months ago
A Summary Of The Consequences Of My Life Because I Read Percy Jackson

a summary of the consequences of my life because I read percy jackson

2 years ago

You are a long forgotten god. A small girl leaves a piece of candy at your shrine, and you awaken. Now, you must do everything to protect your High Priestess, the girl, and her entire kindergarten class, your worshipers.

1 year ago

Eating a mozza ball rn, hits different when its not cut up :D