beanies-and-sweaters - Beanie Myself
Beanie Myself

Just gonna post whatever I please here, and I might end making other accounts , so who knows? (Alas I might be slightly delirious due to sleep deprivation, but who cares?🤷🏻 I’m Gen Z!)

726 posts

Final Page Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead

Final Page Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead

Final page of my sketches for my Fanfic ‘We’re a Miracle’ Spoilers ahead

1: Queen Soluna, alongside her husband Dev they rule Earthni after her parents step down. Other than being queen Soluna has also accomplished her dream of being an astronomer. She was originally going to wear a crown and queenly dress but the suit fits her more practical personality better. It took until she and Dev were 17 for the two to confess their feelings for one another, but now they are happily married with three children of their own. Soluna and Mandy are still best friends and often talk about the problems that come with each being a queen.

2: Milky Butterfly, oldest child of Soluna and Dev and granddaughter to Star and Marco. She’s cocky and a show off unlike her mother, yet underneath her prideful showboating is a kind girl that works hard to do what she does. Milky is torn that she is the first princess in her family to lack cheek marks but never gives up trying to gain her own after learning it’s possible. And although her dream of earning cheek emblems never comes true her other dream of becoming queen one day does. Her younger siblings, a pair of twins, often driver her crazy but she loves her brother Soleil and her sister Selene very much...yes they are all named after Star Twinkle Precure.

3: Nebby Butterfly, the great great great granddaughter of Starco in the distant future. Yes she is named after Nebby from Pokemon Sun and Moon, and her hair was inspired by Cosmog too! She is the first Butterfly to earn marks since Soluna, a pair of stars the same color as Star’s hearts. History has begun to repeat itself with another rebel princess and safe kid going on adventures and saving the world from evil while also becoming more than best friends. Nebby and Kai battle the forces of evil that exists several generations from now, with their greatest foe being Nebby’s father’s ex-best friend now going by the name ‘Roulette’. With her great-great-great-grandparents there to guide her, who knows how her fate will unfold.

4: Star and Marco, Spirits of Magic. The outfits were designed shortly after Battle for Mewni, originally as Blood Moon empowered battle outfits. Their weapons only appear when they take physical form to deal with threats only they can handle, it doesn’t happen a lot but they welcome the chance to get back into action. They both really enjoy teaching the Emblem Bearers of the future and training the next generation of heroes. Being dead has its ups and downs, but as long as Star and Marco have each other that’s all they’ll ever need.

Read the story here…

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More Posts from Beanies-and-sweaters

Page Seven Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead1: Its The Circle Of Life~2: Soluna

Page seven of my sketches for my fanfic ‘We’re a Miracle’ spoilers ahead 1: It’s the circle of life~
2: Soluna And Mandy meeting, one of the few pics of Soluna with her natural brown hair color.
3: Soluna Butterfly, age 7. Pink hair, went back in time, future daughter of the main couple, yeah Sailor Chibi Moon was the main inspiration during her creation. Her dress was originally closer to the other inspiration for younger Soluna, Classic Amy Rose, though details changed in the concept process. The alias she uses in the past ‘Sally’ is a shout-out to Sally The Witch, plus it sounded close enough for it to be plausible. The story of her going back and meeting her parents had been conceived years ago, but she would have landed after Starco got together and Marco would have been more involved. 
4: Mandy Lucitor, age 7. Not a lot of screen time yet but she’s a little troublemaker like her mom.
5: Hunter the Bounty Hunter. I couldn’t think of a name for a long time until one day I just thought ‘what if he was a bounty hunter named Hunter Bounty?’ last name wasn’t mentioned but it’s canon to this. I was binging Infinity Train while designing him so the Reflection Police inspired that hat of his and some unseen facial features.
6: Mother and daughter team up with Rainbow Narwhal Blast. Read the story here

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❤️🌙🎐Spring Ver🎐🌙❤️

✨Her sweet smile ushered him into the season of spring.✨

Authorized source from Weibo:思念越过时空

Spring Ver

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Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.
Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.
Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.
Page Five Of My Sketches For My Fanfic Were A Miracle Spoilers Ahead.

Page five of my sketches for my Fanfic ‘We’re a Miracle’ Spoilers ahead.

1: Star and Marco waking up after the final battle (Ch.29)

2: Star comforting Marco after another magic outburst (Ch.30) While Marco’s newfound magic is as powerful as Star’s it is much more unstable as a side effect of his circumstances. The fresh trauma of his memories of what he did under Ragnarok’s control only makes the surges of his magic worse. Thankfully Star refuses to leave his side and helps him work through his problems.

3: College age Starco (18-19) The two finally start living together permanently for the first time since the cleave. For their second year onwards they become the Vice President and president of the student council respectively.

4: College age Starfan13 AKA Darcy Nefon. I remember a while back one of the crew members jokingly answered that ‘Darcy Nefon’ was Starfan13’s real name on tumblr and I just totally accepted it as canon. She bedazzles her hearts instead of painting them on now. After the previous student council president literally lost his leg she took over but quickly realized she was not much of a leader.

5: Toddler Mariposa Diaz (3 and a half) Very adventurous and smart for her age. She and Meteora dream of being inter dimensional adventurers and fighting bad guys. Her best friend, brother and future sister in law all have powerful magic and she wants to unlock hers as soon as she can.

Read the story here

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I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.
I Apologize For The Poor Quality, I Dont Have A Scanner Or Any Art Programs On My Computer To Work With.

I apologize for the poor quality, I don’t have a scanner or any art programs on my computer to work with. 
Seeing as how my fanfic ‘We’re a Miracle’ has been out for over a year now, I decided it was about time to upload concept art and designs for characters and moments in the story! There will be spoilers for my fic so be aware of that.

1: Alphonse and the Blood Moon, I always planned for spiritual entities to be a thing in this story even before it was confirmed that Father Time is one in canon. Father Time originally had Alphonse’s role but I decided he probably wouldn’t know Morse code to communicate with Blood Moon. Can anyone translate what the Morse code says on this drawing? 2: The necklace Marco gave to Star. 3: A moment on the Ferris wheel (Ch.21), It should have more orange lighting and sunset-ness but coloring with colored pencil has its limits. 4: Corrupted Marco, Dark Seiji from Happiness Charge Precure was the main inspiration for the outfit. I always thought the show would have a Dark Marco story but it never happened. Writing my own plot line and causing Star to suffer made me think ‘is this how Daron felt?’ 5: Star’s design for the Ragnarok story arc. I just wanted to see her wear the hoodie, I actually cosplayed this design a while back at one of the Gallery Nucleus events. 6: Queen Galaxina (Ch.26), the sixth queen of Mewni from the distant past. I may have given her a jewel theme due to my love of gemstones. Her and her daughters names are shoutouts to Cosmo and her sister Galaxina from Sonic X, while the brief mention of Cosmo’s queen title being ‘Cosmo The Phantom Thief’ is a reference to Cure Cosmo of Star Twinkle Precure.

Read the story here

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