belchyra - Wiame/Ely

genderfluid bi ¦ 19yo ¦ she/they/he ¦ multifandom

722 posts

Me, Looking At Pictures Of Gabi :

Me, looking at pictures of Gabi :

Me, Looking At Pictures Of Gabi :

Me, remembering that one panel in chapter 138:

Me, Looking At Pictures Of Gabi :
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More Posts from Belchyra

4 years ago

Connie: "bruh I think we're fucked"

Jean: "yeah bruh but we're fucked together"

Connie: "i love you bruh"

Jean: "i love you too bruh"

Connie: "bruh"

Jean: "bruh"

(idk that's just the vibe I got from seeing them)

4 years ago

anyway i hated this chapter 😆👍 if everyone doesn't turn back to human in 139 like i'm convinced they will, i'm fucking leaving this planet.

gabi's development down the fucking drain because she's a mindless titan now — i'm not even a diehard gabi stan, but the thought of her process of disillusionment regarding marley's propaganda only being for nothing is tbh crushing

the pointlessness of pieck becoming a warrior for her father's treatment and only earning him borrowed time since he becomes a titan anyway

jean and connie literally surviving everything that's been thrown at them until this point as normal fucking humans

falco's promise to protect gabi

reiner not going through with his suicide attempt and him surviving all the times he's put his life on the line for the sake of other people since returning to marley

annie seeing her father for a total of 10 seconds before he transforms (and he even manages not to roast annie who was literally a foot away when it happened, mind you, for some reason — i know she'd heal from it quick as anything, but it bugs me, personally)

. . . what was the point of all that when in the end it all results in the titan shifters being eaten by the ones they care about the most? the titan shifters' time was just limited and there's no hope for them so we just need to resign ourselves to their fate?

i'm hoping that ymir herself will break the curse even if it's only because of a weird reason, namely mikasa giving eren's decapitated head just 2 seconds of lip-on-lip action (and i absolutely do not understand why she cares so much about mikasa kissing eren . . . can someone get this kid some primetime tv)

i believe that a story must give the reader some satisfaction, no matter how gruesome and tragic it is, and i personally have never been further from it.

also, i have never hated the time loop theory more than i do now because it seems highly probable ((to me)) and gives the option for either

an open ending if eren is considered to have failed to stop the cycle of conflict and it fucking repeats AGAIN and we're just supposed to imagine a world where eren was successful. isayama gets to leave us with no concrete, canon endings for the characters

or closed ending — ymir likes the kiss, apparently (😒) so she helps eren "succeed" this time by bringing back everyone? and everyone would have apparently learned their lesson about not perpetuating violence against other "races" after they died i guess. i only have the vaguest possible idea of how that would even work (and if it does happen i don't think my brain would be able to take it anymore)

which lets isayama keep everyone in the dark during the wait between the penultimate and the final chapter. i hate it here

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4 years ago

Eren:*finally dies*

Hanji: Since you finally got here Eren, I have a question for you. What. The FUCK?!

4 years ago

you're telling me eren started the rumbling just because he thought he got rejected by his long time crush... ok

4 years ago

i miss gabi LMAO