Aot Manga Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Falco baby I'm sorry for even thinking that you were the one who transformed them into titans when you just screamed out of frustration šŸ˜­

Edit : could be both c:

Isayama Please Let The Kids Be Happy PLEASE

isayama please let the kids be happy PLEASE

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4 years ago

This is just painful. Iā€™ve seen a lot of tv shows/movies with sad endings, this one just gutted me the most.

Letā€™s talk about Annie who has been wanting to reunite with her dad for nine years. Nine fucking years! She was so close and seeing that moment stolen away from her was just... I donā€™t have words for it.

Then we have Gabi. A twelve year old girl! She turned into a Titan at the age of TWELVE! This is a kid who had her childhood stripped away by fighting in wars and had her head filled with so much propaganda that damaged her whole perception. She grew past that and started to see the world differently. My only hope for her is that Reiner will let her eat him. After all, Gabi was supposed to inherit the Armored Titan until Falco started to work hard.

Connie killed me. The same thing that happens to him happened to his family. He saw it with his own eyes happened to his mom and we saw that even years later, he still wanted his mom back. For this to be Connieā€™s fate also, itā€™s such a tragedy. What is worse was that he immediately knew what was happening. He knew that his fate was going to be like his family before everyone else figured whatā€™s going on.

My boy Jean. His fate hurts the most. Not only because I love him more than all the previously mentioned characters, but because we saw Jean dream of another life. He wanted to have a family and live a normal life. He was done being a scout. It was obvious that he wanted it a lot and itā€™s utterly sad that he never will get to. Itā€™s hard to talk about him since his end is depressing.

As for Levi, Mikasa, Falco, Armin and Reiner, I donā€™t even know what to say about them. I guess Iā€™m going to wait until the last chapter to talk about them.

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4 years ago

thinking about how Gabi shot both Eren and Floch, who are the most important characters on the yaegerists' side, and how Mikasa finished off both of them

teamwork ā¤ļø

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4 years ago
I Love Gabi So Much. Her Character Is So Beautiful And Important, And I Feel Like The Story Simply Would
I Love Gabi So Much. Her Character Is So Beautiful And Important, And I Feel Like The Story Simply Would
I Love Gabi So Much. Her Character Is So Beautiful And Important, And I Feel Like The Story Simply Would
I Love Gabi So Much. Her Character Is So Beautiful And Important, And I Feel Like The Story Simply Would
I Love Gabi So Much. Her Character Is So Beautiful And Important, And I Feel Like The Story Simply Would

I love Gabi so much. Her character is so beautiful and important, and I feel like the story simply would not be complete without her.

She wanted to free everyone from the internment zones. She wanted to prove that Eldians weren't devils, that they were good people. She wanted freedom. But Marley took this wish for freedom and twisted it to their benefit.

And suddenly, Marley wasn't the oppressor anymore, it was the Eldians from Paradis. The people of Paradis were devils, monsters. But she was different. The Eldians from Marley were different. They were good people. And so, in order to be free, in order to be respected, in order to be happy, they had to get rid of the devils of Paradis. Everything was their fault, not Marley's. Marley was good and correct. Being loyal to Marley meant being cleansed of her ancestors' sins.

It meant being a good Eldian.

It meant being free.

So she trains for Marley. She fights for Marley. She kills for Marley. And she feels no regret, because it's all for the sake of freedom. Her freedom, and everyone else's. Once she kills the devils of Paradis, the good Eldians will be free.

But then she actually gets to Paradis Island. She meets Kaya and the Blouse family. And they're kind. They're good. Kaya even offers to help her and Falco. She gets to the restaurant. A love with an Eldian. The soldier she killed was a part of the Blouse's family. She expects them to hate her. But they forgive her. They treat her injuries. And they're kind and good and all the things she was taught they were not.

They're normal people just like the Eldians back home. Just like her family, and Falco. Just like her.

There's a lot more after this, but it's the realization that the people of Paradis are normal people who just want to live that makes her character change and that makes her so precious in my eyes.

She's no longer fighting for what Marley wants.

She's fighting for what she wants.

I love Gabi so much, and all I want for her is happiness and freedom and love.

I hope she finds it someday.

TL;DR: Gabi Braun is amazing and she deserves to live happily ever after with Falco.

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3 years ago

Eren pls survive and tell them the truth, you can die later if you want āœ‹šŸ»

Eren Pls Survive And Tell Them The Truth, You Can Die Later If You Want
Eren Pls Survive And Tell Them The Truth, You Can Die Later If You Want

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4 years ago

So these are the official spoilers...

So These Are The Official Spoilers...

Everything ok with snk and I have only respect for Isayama but I personally am not liking the direction the story is going.

I am so confused, I am so confused that I don't even know what to feel anymore.

I know I say this in almost all my posts but Hange didn't deserve to die.

Letting Hange die was a mistake.

It may sounds kinda bad but I hope when Levi thinks of his dead comrades give Hange some more time.

Levi is alive thanks to Hange, everyone is alive thanks to Hange

And they were together all this time

I know I am the only one who keeps thinking of ch132 but It was so unnecessary šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

But at least for now everyone is safe. Or so it seems...

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4 years ago

What the actually fuck chapter 136 ?? Now I can officially say that the chances of me liking snk's ending are very slim...

It's ok...

I am disappointed and sad but i guess this is the direction isayama wanted to go so i dont have much to say about it.

I just really wish things had been different

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4 years ago

Not accurate translation

Not Accurate Translation

Gabi?: What happened!?

is the giant helping you!?

Levi: I think so

Zeke: hey

Not Accurate Translation

Zeke: Hey!!

Zeke: Here it is!!

Gabi: what...

Levi: Nonsense

Not Accurate Translation

Zeke: You wanted to meet me!? Levi!?

I didn't want to meet but!!

Levi: ...Zeke

Not Accurate Translation

Connie: How did this happen!?

Armin: Thanks to Mr. Zeke.

Mikasa: (idk what she says here)

Idk who is saying this: In the world of 'the road' without cadets or death

Woke up everyone who was asleep

šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø ???

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4 years ago

My boys!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

I was never prepared for an ending without Jean and Connie

My Boys!!!

I wanted to say goodbye somehow talking a little about them

I always felt very close to Jean and Connie because they are both the characters that most resemble me.


Connie always seemed to me the character with the most sensitive heart

Despite all his suffering and having lost his entire family, Connie always cared about his friends.

My heart is broken just by thinking how he must have felt all this time taking care of his mother and still fighting for humanity.

My Boys!!!
My Boys!!!
My Boys!!!

And Jean I am so proud of him šŸ˜­ He is one of my favorite characters, one of the few characters that NEVER disappointed me. The way he matured and grew up all these years makes me so emotional I I really wanted to see him have the life he deserved.

My Boys!!!
My Boys!!!
My Boys!!!

Now I can say that the ending of snk lost its meaning a bit without Jean and Connie I feel like I care less now.

Definitely if I can't see them being happy and alive then I'm not that excited about the ending šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”

My Boys!!!
My Boys!!!
My Boys!!!

And I still can't believe they're really gone

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3 years ago

Like nobody cares but I felt like I had to do this.

these are my goodbye words to the manga of snk:

(Sorry for my ingles)

I have my own little personal thoughts about the final chapter, I'm still trying to process the information and recover from the emotional shock I felt while reading it. I am so confused I'm not sure what I feel right now šŸ˜‚

But nothing changes how grateful I am to Isayama for all these years.

I love snk so much. I knew that no matter how the ending was shown, that was not going to change.

I really had a great time all these years, especially meeting Hange was something very meaningful to me. I'm crying I'm so sad and I wish it had lasted longer...

But anyway my favorite moments of the chapter were my three babies, I mean I knew I was going to cry but damn ... Mikasa, Armin and Eren šŸ’™

that will be really hard to watch in the anime

(And I miss them ALL alreadyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)

this manga save me and I'm lucky to be able to say that I was part of this when it wasn't over yet :')

Thank you so much for all these years, thank you so much to the levihan and Hange fandom for share most of the experience with me šŸ’•

Thank you to Isayama for being a genius and to the little me who decided to watch snk and got so excited about the first episode that she watched it twice in a row

(What a weirdo)

Also another uninteresting little thing I probably won't post for a while, it's not like I do it often either but I'm just saying

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3 years ago



due to the twists and turns that attack on titan provides, mikasaā€™s character arc is largely overlooked. ā€œerehā€ is one of the first things people think of when ā€œmikasaā€ is brought up. but obviously, she is more than someone in love with that freedom obsessed conflicted idk i can go on and on guy.

mikasa represents pride, armin represents hope, eren represents freedom. i wrote about freedom before (i linked it at the bottom of this post), but what is pride? it is to feel a sense of satisfaction with themself.

mikasa is someone who values the relationships she has built throughout her life. in a world filled with disappointment and is stuck in a cycle of hate, mikasa ackerman is the ray of sunshine. nothing is stable; from households to government, to history, but to believe in the relationships between people is the only thing worth holding onto.

some may belittle her by saying she is simply like that because of her ackerman name. but can you do what she has done? can you continue to believe in someone who has disappointed you plenty?

mikasa is the beauty in this cruel world she was born in. i guess some people donā€™t understand that she was one of the first characters to be developed. she learned to live without eren in chapter 7.

ā€œIf I can't, then I'll just die. But if I win I live. Unless I fight, I cannot winā€ is the mentality of this character. she saved gabi, the person who killed one of her closest friends, being able to look beyond hatred, something the world cannot seem to let go of.

in the end, mikasa values her friends. she free of ymirā€™s curse never bound to the chains of revenge ymir embedded onto eren. she fights against the inevitable results of that revenge.

ā€œi am strong!!ā€ yes. strong-minded. strong-willed.

so how is her character going to come to an end?

mikasa will be the wings of freedom

freedom analysis

v <3

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3 years ago



hatred, disgust, maybe even abhorrence are most of the reactions to floch forsterā€™s character. and that is understandable. people hate floch because he wanted erwin to live, described erwin as a devil, and dissed armin. people hate floch because he didnā€™t understand what the scouts went through prior to him joining them. people hate floch because he is a yeagerist. people hate floch because he was the cause of hangeā€™s death. and there is much more.

something i believe people donā€™t realize is that floch is a representation of the audience/reader.

rationally speaking, saving erwin is the obvious choice (at first), but throughout the series, arminā€™s character had been developed in front of our eyes. erwin is an established character, hence why people are more attached to armin.

after witnessing all of the deaths derived from erwinā€™s lead, floch grew to despise him, but he understands that erwin is the only person capable to lead.

bias. that is what a lot of attack on titan fans are. and what angers me is that they donā€™t notice that they are biased.

many proudly claimed that they are yeagerists and are for eren. they say that after three seasons of supporting eren, how are they supposed to hate him now? dude theyā€™re literally floch kinnies.

from that reaction alone, floch embodies the general audience. at first they agree that erwin should be the one to live, then they are in support of eren despite him continuing the cycle of hate. honestly, people are so stupid.

floch provides an opposing view. and i admire him because he strongly believes that it serves a good purpose. he truly believes that working with eren and following his ideals will benefit the world. maybe he is right. but either way, i donā€™t agree.

even so, i think flochā€™s position in the story is highly important. without him, we wouldnā€™t be able to understand the opposing side, whether we agree with them or not.

flochā€™s character offers a different perspective. people are in support of the main characters because the story is following them. like gabi. people quickly hated on her but disregard the propaganda that has been shoved in her face since she is a child. weā€™re told that brushing our teeth twice a day is healthy, but then all of a sudden it is not. wouldnā€™t that confuse you because youā€™ve been told that brushing your teeth twice a day is healthy?

being open-minded will always be better than being stubborn. trying to understand flochā€™s point of view is understanding why the majority of the attack on titan fandom his terrible comprehension skills.

so why do people who agree with floch, hate him? they see a reflection of themselves and disapprove of it, but they donā€™t want to admit it to themselves that they are just as blind as floch forster.

sorry for dissing the fandom. AHAHA ! i just get really annoyed with like 75% of the fandom because they donā€™t understand the significance of a character, scene, or other aspects of the series. there is always a purpose for each character and moment.

i donā€™t love floch but i don't hate him. although i do think his character is vital to the story.

v <3

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3 years ago



gab is a controversial character. and many donā€™t like her for her way of thinking and her actions, like peopleā€™s reactions/feelings towards floch (i linked that post below). they disregard the fact that they are bias towards the island of paradis people.

through the time span from 2013 to 2019, weā€™ve only seen the perspective of those who are on the island. as the audience, we understand the hurt, trauma, and many terrible adversities those on the island have gone through, therefore, empathizing with them. we later learn that the marleyans are in charge of that oppression and oppress the eldian on the motherland as well.

gabi, a child in marley, grew up in a place that constantly pushes propaganda onto their people. they made people like karina braun, reinerā€™s mother, believe those lies implemented into their lives.

we are told that it is healthy to sleep 8-10 hours our entire life, but what if all of a sudden it is proven otherwise? wouldnā€™t it impact our views? wouldn't some people question what they've been told and be in denial as well?

gabi and falco grew up their entire lives believing that eldians deserve this ā€œrepercussionā€. how do you blame a child who believed the lies sheā€™s been fed since the very beginning of her life?

falco understands that the marleyans have done much wrong because he was present during the conversation between reiner and eren. he gained a new understanding when ā€œreiner, i am the same as youā€ was uttered from erenā€™s mouth. whether it's a blessing or a curse, falco understands the mindset of eren and the reasons of why what happened during tyber's speech, happened.

besides gabiā€™s way of thinking, people dislike her due to the fact that she killed sasha. i understand the hurt as i was distraught when i read that chapter as well, but understand that sasha also killed gabiā€™s friends and contributed to eren's attack. i understand that it doesnā€™t justify murdering someone, but why do people hold gabi accountable and not sasha? reason being point-blank, people are biased towards sasha. she is a lovable character, some would even categorize her as the comedic relief, the twin flame to connie. thatā€™s why it hurt so much.

another point is the fact that gabi's character is parallel to eren. the series began with eren cursing at the titans, wondering why is it that people within the walls live in a constant fear due to the titans existence. they did no wrong. why were they being attacked?

why were the innocent eldians in marley attacked? were they responsible for their governmentā€™s actions? werenā€™t they just as oppressed as the eldians on the island? gabi saw the friends that she grew up with die just as eren saw his mother die. so why do people hate her more than eren? why don't they hold eren accountable? once again, it's due to them being biased.

gabi escaped with falco and went to live with sasha's parents, which prompted her character arc. she began to understand the eldianā€™s on the island. they were not devils as she was told her entire life. they were mere humans who wish to live in freedom.

later, when she met with niccolo, she then truly understood the weight of her actions. only then did she realize that she contributed to the cycle of hate.

in the recent chapter, chapter 138, gabi turned into a titan, which ultimately led her to death's arms. that in it of itself is really telling of her overall character. at first, i didnā€™t realize this but she cursed people of the islands for having devil blood and for being devils themselves. she thought that if she sided with marley she would be ā€œhonorary marleyanā€. after erenā€™s attack, she realized her perspective was wrong. her efforts to suppress her blood was all for naught.

gabi dying from turning into a titan makes us, the readers, understand that at the end of the day, she is an eldian. through it all, she cannot escape what is in her blood.

in hindsight, i thought it was a mundane ending to her character, but i later realized that it was very good ending to her character. i wonder if at that point, she truly accepted who she is. is it a bittersweet ending, or simply a somber one? it's all up to your interpretation of it.

in the end, all characters within this series have done wrong. evidently, some more than others, but the world isnā€™t simply black or white. it is a vast of grey and the only choices can make are not right or wrong, but better or worse.

i donā€™t love gabi but i donā€™t hate her either. although, i think she is an important character within the story, much like floch. compared to eren, she is a different side of the same coin. driven by revenge.

what i love about her character is that she was able to break free from the cycle of hate to create her own opinions, to break free from what the government has told her to believe. not many have that opportunity or luxury to say they have done the same, whether it be within the story, or real life.

wow i wrote a lot

floch character analysis

freedom analysis

v <3

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