It’s still loving Mikasa hours 24/7/365 here and I will never be closing up shop.
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I love Gabi so much. Her character is so beautiful and important, and I feel like the story simply would not be complete without her.
She wanted to free everyone from the internment zones. She wanted to prove that Eldians weren't devils, that they were good people. She wanted freedom. But Marley took this wish for freedom and twisted it to their benefit.
And suddenly, Marley wasn't the oppressor anymore, it was the Eldians from Paradis. The people of Paradis were devils, monsters. But she was different. The Eldians from Marley were different. They were good people. And so, in order to be free, in order to be respected, in order to be happy, they had to get rid of the devils of Paradis. Everything was their fault, not Marley's. Marley was good and correct. Being loyal to Marley meant being cleansed of her ancestors' sins.
It meant being a good Eldian.
It meant being free.
So she trains for Marley. She fights for Marley. She kills for Marley. And she feels no regret, because it's all for the sake of freedom. Her freedom, and everyone else's. Once she kills the devils of Paradis, the good Eldians will be free.
But then she actually gets to Paradis Island. She meets Kaya and the Blouse family. And they're kind. They're good. Kaya even offers to help her and Falco. She gets to the restaurant. A love with an Eldian. The soldier she killed was a part of the Blouse's family. She expects them to hate her. But they forgive her. They treat her injuries. And they're kind and good and all the things she was taught they were not.
They're normal people just like the Eldians back home. Just like her family, and Falco. Just like her.
There's a lot more after this, but it's the realization that the people of Paradis are normal people who just want to live that makes her character change and that makes her so precious in my eyes.
She's no longer fighting for what Marley wants.
She's fighting for what she wants.
I love Gabi so much, and all I want for her is happiness and freedom and love.
I hope she finds it someday.
TL;DR: Gabi Braun is amazing and she deserves to live happily ever after with Falco.
Something I found on twitter that makes perfect amount of sense.
To quote @Rlazibal on twitter. And here is the link to the post
“For the people wondering “why would Isayama make the warriors parents and Gabi be titanized?“
One of the major theme in Attack on Titan is "never push your will to your child” and “don’t let your child go to war”.
That is the consequences for going against this theme.“
And in attack on titan we have already seen examples of parents forcing their will to their own children. Such as:
Keep reading
Totally, it's sad how Mr. Blaus' speech was treated :/
The restaurant scene was so fucking good but I feel like people overlooked it bc the table scene is right after it
Reblog if you think fanfiction isn't a waste of time.
Reblog if you think it’s a good way to practice writing.
Reblog if you have made friends because of fanfiction.
My sister called it a waste of time and I want to prove her wrong.
thinking about how Gabi shot both Eren and Floch, who are the most important characters on the yaegerists' side, and how Mikasa finished off both of them
teamwork ❤️