Yesyesyesyesyesyesplease I Will Give You My Firstborn-
Yesyesyesyesyesyesplease I will give you my firstborn-

Simon Riley was given a bad hand when he was born. His father abused him and his mother, he had to learn how to steal to get by, and by the time he was twelve, the knights in the kingdom knew where to drop him off after he was caught stealing for the hundredth time.
But as Simon got older, as he grew out of his lanky and awkward stage, he started defending himself and his mother. But when he was thirty, and his father nearly killed his mother, Simon saw red, and then everything was a blur until he stood in front of the Princess of the kingdom, waiting for his fate.
So, you can imagine Simon’s confusion when the Princess asked him his side of the story, how his father died. And Simon spoke truthfully.
Next thing he knew, the Princess was shouting at her order of chivalry. Demanding why she wasn’t told the whole story. Before she apologised to Simon, and although she couldn’t legally let him go, she decided that Simon would be her bodyguard, serve his sentence that way.

Should I make this into an actual fic because I totally will
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More Posts from Belle-noche
Psychic paper
tenth doctor x reader
Summary: In which the psychic paper betrays the Doctor
A/N: The Doctor is fruity, deal with it xx

You’d been traveling with the Doctor for a while now and you loved every minute of it. In that time he had shown you all kinds of things you had priorly deemed impossible; aliens with wiggly tentacles, a spaceship that defies the laws of 3 dimensional space, a buzzing device he calls the Sonic Screwdriver, and homicidal salt shakers with toilet plungers for arms to name just a few.
It seemed that with every adventure he showed you something new and fascinating, constantly topping himself without even trying. There was so much in all of time and space it wasn’t that hard. Anything outside of the 21st century was new to you.
This time, the Doctor had taken you to see a mechanics factory in the 35th century, but as always the adventure didn’t end there. Aside from new experiences, the Doctor could almost always promise some kind of trouble. He claimed he didn’t go searching for it but rather that it tended to follow him. Either way, most adventures with the Doctor involved some kind of mischief and usually a lot of running.
“It’s no good, you can only get in with an ID,” you groaned, popping your head back around the corner. “There’s a security guard checking everyone going in and out is an employee.”
You were hiding in a hallway, hoping to get inside the establishment's headquarters. The Doctor had a hunch that malicious alien forces were behind the operation, but he couldn’t be sure without poking around further. Typical Doctor, he just couldn’t leave well enough alone.
“I can’t think of any legal ways to get in there,” you shrugged, turning to the Doctor for ideas.
“I have identification,” the Doctor smirked, rummaging around in the seemingly endless pockets of his coat.
“You’re not an employee,” you pointed out.
The Doctor made a triumphant sound as he pulled what appeared to be a small black notebook out of the depths of his pocket. He flipped it open and you realized it wasn’t a notepad. The item was more like a police badge, minus the actual badge part.
He turned the paper towards you with a smile, clearly expecting you to be impressed
“Aren’t I?” He grinned brightly, looking at you eagerly. “Psychic paper,” he explained, tapping the stark white paper with his finger.
You grabbed the item from him, squinting at it. You wanted to make sure you were reading it right, maybe your eyes were acting up.
“This just says ‘I love you’?” You asked, handing the Doctor his weird paper back with a frown.
“I think that flirting with the security guard is more of a Jack move,” you winced, not wanting to hurt his feelings. The Doctor was quite the charmer, but strategic flirting wasn’t his strong suit.
The Doctor grabbed his psychic paper from you, frowning at it aggressively. It wasn’t supposed to say that.
“What-?” he asked, glaring at it the same way you did. Once the words registered with him he turned a dark shade of red. He should have been more careful when he handed it over to you.
“It’s not supposed to say that,” he mumbled his thoughts, trying to hide his fluster.
“How does it work? Is it like a reusable notepad?” You asked, genuinely interested. Even if the Doctor’s tools could be finicky, they were interesting. Maybe he had just forgotten to erase the message from the last time he used it.
“No, it’s supposed to show the reader what I want them to see,” he blushed, shaking the paper out like a Polaroid. Usually shaking the item would clear it, but those three words refused to fade from the paper.
“Sometimes it’s a bit slow…” he said, really more to himself than to you. He was still shaking the paper, desperately trying to get the words to disappear.
“So you were going to try and flirt with the security guard?” You frowned, now you were even more confused. The Doctor would much rather blow the whole place up than try and flirt his way through security.
“No!” He said, almost a bit too quickly. He blushed again and averted his gaze, an anxious hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. He hadn’t planned on telling you like this. He hadn’t planned on telling you at all.
“When I handed it over it was supposed to show you an employee ID,” he winced. You nodded, this much you knew. What you didn’t understand was the confession of love.
“But I think the psychic paper picked up on my feelings instead,” he whispered. If you hadn’t been listening intently you might have missed the last few words.
“Are you saying that you love me?” You frowned, looking at the floor with concentration, “or the security guard?” The second option seemed more viable at the moment.
For the first time in a century, the Doctor was speechless. He stared at you, wide-eyed and unblinking as you waited for his answer. If it was possible, his jaw might have fallen to the floor.
“He’s pretty handsome, I can’t blame you,” you added, peeking over the wall to look at the security guard again.
The Doctor shook himself out of it, rambling a string of incoherent words. “I- uh, wha-?” He stumbled, trying to form a sentence.
“I handed the paper to you.” He said definitively.
“It’s a really dramatic way to come out, Doctor.” You continued on, ignoring him. It’s not like you didn’t know already, he wasn’t exactly subtle about it.
“It didn’t say ‘I love men’!” He threw his hands up in distress. “It said ‘I love you’!”
You finally stopped rambling on about the security guard and turned your attention to the Doctor. His words caught up to you and tentatively you pointed at yourself as if there was any other you. The Doctor nodded exasperatedly as if to say “Yes, you!”
“You love me?” you asked, still pointing at yourself.
“I think I’ve said it about four times now.”
“You?” You pointed at the Doctor, “Love me?”
“Blimey! Yes!” He shouted, frustrated now. You widened your eyes and anxiously checked around you, scared he might have given away your location. Thankfully, everyone appeared to be out of earshot.
“Yes, I love you,” he whispered this time, his eyes boring into yours. You blinked slowly, your brain still refusing to process his confession.
You smiled brightly, your grin taking over your entire face. The Doctor loved it when you lit up like this, your happiness radiating off of you. He felt a small smile of his own tugging at his lips just looking at you.
“I hope that’s alright,” he whispered quietly. He would never forgive himself if he lost you over a psychic paper mishap. The embarrassment would be too much - he’d have to run away. Maybe to that planet inhabited by only rubber ducks?
“That’s more than alright,” you grinned, a hand instinctively reaching up to his arm to comfort him. The fabric of his coat was cold against your palm, but you didn’t pull away.
The Doctor really smiled back at you now, the wild lopsided grin that was reserved just for you. The kind of smile that always made you laugh with joy.
He wasted no time wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting your body off the ground in excitement. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your familiar scent. You laughed happily, waving your feet about slightly.
The Doctor pulled back just enough to kiss you, his lips soft and gentle against yours. Neither of you could stop smiling, even as your lips met. You laughed against him, planting kisses across his face sloppily. Your lips brushed the tip of his nose, the arch of his cheekbone, the corner of his mouth, and his jawline.
“The security guard is pretty cute though,” the Doctor teased with a sly smile.
“I knew it!” You burst out laughing, throwing your head back as you did.
Short from my story
The Doctor had come a long way from the reckless and borderline suicidal man he was in his ninth incarnation. But he still had moments of sadness.
Like the time the two of you were striding through a field, hand in hand, looking for an ancient cave network that housed 10 foot sparkling crystals.
“Do you know where you’re going?”
“This way, y/n. You’re gonna love this! The crystalline structures were formed from silica created by a huge lava pit that used to be here. They’ve been growing for thousands of years. Bioluminescent organisms in the molecules of the crystals make them glow!” The Doctor rambled on happily leading you over rolling hills.
“Doctor I think I see an opening in the hillside over there” You said pointing across the clearing.
“That’s the one!”
He began tugging you in that direction. The two of you trudged down, into a valley between hills.
He had stopped abruptly, forcing you to stop with him. You turned to the Doctor, fully prepared to tug him along impatiently, as he often did to you. But the look on his face made you pause.
Big, sad eyes, framed by his creased brow. You couldn’t quite place the emotion. You followed his gaze back to the scene in front of you. It was beautiful, sure, but not something you’d guess would warrant that look.
But as you took in the mountains, the sinking sun casting an orange halo around them. And the field that stretched out between you, it clicked.
His voice in your memory, leaned towards you and hushed, for your ears only. He spoke of his home. Gallifrey, with its burnt orange sky and giant, magnificent citadel. Incased in a glass dome. You could picture the resemblance.
You could now put a name to the emotion spread across his face; a bittersweet nostalgia., homesickness. Your gaze softened and you took a step closer to him, gently squeezing his hand.
The Doctor finally glanced away from the scene to meet your eyes.
“It’s beautiful here” You say, keeping your voice soft.
“It is, isn’t it?” The Doctor smiles down at you and begins walking again at a slower pace towards the cave.
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
Men are trash I’ll stick the fictional ones thanks.