bespinnn - Bespinnn

Sarah ✨She/Her✨ 18 ✨Ceramics Major 💚

101 posts

Phoenix : Why Are Rooster And Y/n Sitting With Their Backs To Each Other?

Phoenix : Why are Rooster and Y/n sitting with their backs to each other?

Bob: They had a fight.

Phoenix : Then why are they holding hands?

Bob: They get sad when they fight.

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More Posts from Bespinnn

2 years ago


Big Mistake- Pete “Maverick” Mitchell x Reader

Big Mistake- Pete Maverick Mitchell X Reader

warnings: AFAB reader (description of genitals and some gendered terms), alcohol consumption, (receiving) oral sex, teasing, hangman gets cucked, captain kink, slight angst, 18+ minors dni


The Hard Deck is crowded, full of Navy officers and their friends. Amongst this group are the Top Gun pilots, crowded around the pool table, each with a drink in hand.

Rooster is bent over the wooden edge of the table, lining up his stick with the cue ball while Phoenix carefully observes her opponent. Fanboy, Payback, and Bob are involved in a conversation about work, and you and Hangman have been flirting for the past half hour.

Maverick watches the scene from the bar, nursing a beer that has warmed up significantly from his hand being wrapped around it. It’s not the fact that fraternization between team members is technically frowned upon, it’s the fact that Maverick thinks it should be him over there, charming you and making you laugh. 

He knows it’s inappropriate. He’s your captain, your teacher, and he’s far too old for you. You’re young and bright and vibrant, you don’t need to be brought down by someone like him. All logical thought leaves Maverick’s brain whenever he sees you, though. Your smile makes him question why he hasn’t made a move yet, your laugh makes his heart clench like nothing else has in a long time. He wants you, but he can’t have you. He can’t.

Maverick is brought out of his quiet sulking by your voice, now sounding much closer than before.

“Maverick?” you ask again, smiling when his eyes snap to yours after finally hearing you. “You alright?”

Maverick clears his throat before taking a sip of his lukewarm beer. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” he gives you a tight-lipped smile.

He notices that you have two glasses on the bar in front of you. One, your usual drink, and the other, a scotch, neat. Hangman’s drink. Maverick can’t let this go; can’t let you go. It may be unprofessional, but he couldn’t live with the fact that he gave up his chance just for you to end up with the douchier version of his younger self.

You’re just about to pick up the drinks and walk back to the table before Maverick speaks. “I need to talk to you,” he says, a little rushed as if he surprised himself with his words. You frown a bit and put the drinks back down on the bar. You sit beside him on the plush bar stool and wait for him to explain. “You can’t date Seresin.”

You stare at him blankly for a moment, trying to comprehend. “What are you talking about?”

“I saw you two over there. I can tell that you’re interested in him, but he’s not good for you.”

“What’s wrong with him?” you ask, and you know the irony in asking that because there are a few obvious red flags with the pilot, but you want Maverick to explain himself.

“He’s… a womanizer. He’s slept with every female pilot that’s been through the program since he joined.”

You almost laugh. You never expected Maverick’s to be such a hypocrite. He has a reputation; everyone has heard about his relationship with an official back when he was in Top Gun, and Penny has told you the story of their fleeting affair back in the day.

“Oh,” you say simply, not quite sure how to react. It’s clear he has a motive for not wanting you to be with Hangman, but you’re not sure if it’s for the reason you think.

“I’m sorry, Y/n, but I thought it was better to let you know before you found out on your own. You’re a good person, you deserve better.”

Maverick didn’t really mean that you deserve better. Of course, you did, but he meant that you deserve him.

You give a small chuckle. “And where would I find better?”

“Well… there’s lots of pilots if that’s your type.”

“Aren’t all pilots the same, though?”

“To some degree. It takes them a little while to grow out of it.”

Maverick swears he saw something shift in your eyes, but it could just be wishful thinking.

“When I find a seasoned pilot who’s grown out of their ego, I’ll let you know,” you laugh as you pick up the drinks again, your gaze lingering on him for a moment before turning around.

He watches as you return to the high-top table that you were sitting at with Hangman. He takes his drink from your hand, letting his fingers, wet from the condensation, brush against yours. Years ago, Maverick would’ve been seething with jealousy, but now, he’s kicking himself for letting you get away.

Maverick doesn’t realize he’s staring. He doesn’t mean to, and especially doesn’t mean to get caught by Hangman. Their eyes meet over your shoulder, and for a split second, a smirk appears on Hangman’s lips, but it’s not his usual look. He’s gloating, silently from across the room, that he got the girl and edged out his instructor.

Hangman sends Maverick a wink before returning his attention back to you, and Maverick can’t ignore the frustration buzzing under his skin.

A while later, you excuse yourself to the restroom. You pass the bar on the way, and Maverick catches your eye. You give him a look that seems to him to say follow me. He prays that he’s not reading this wrong.

He swallows a mouthful of his beer, cringing at the temperature, but hoping it’d give him the edge of confidence he so desperately needs right now. Goddamn, he’s out of practice.

He waits a few minutes before taking the same path you took to the bathroom. He takes a deep breath and pushes open the door that’s marked Ladies. He finds you fixing your makeup in front of the mirror, looking at him in the reflection. Maverick gives you an easy smile once he deems this the right move, and he suddenly feels a lot less nervous. This is something he can do.

“What are you doing here, Maverick?” you ask, turning around and leaning against the counter. He steps closer to you, and just when you think he’s going to stop, he crosses the line of professional. He’s in your space, closer than he’s ever been, and you feel your heart race like you’re in the cockpit of a plane.

“I’m trying to save you from making a big mistake with that younger guy,” he says, fighting a smirk.

“So I can go on to make a bigger one with an older guy like yourself?”

“Maybe…” There’s nothing Maverick loves more than someone who can compete with him, or at least attempt to do so. He sees a lot of himself in you, the better parts mostly, and he knows you love this dance just as much as he does. “Only if you’d call sleeping with your instructor a mistake,” he jokes.

“So what, we’re just going to drop down on the tile and go at it?” you ask, gesturing to the floor that isn’t exactly clean.

“Actually, I had this counter in mind,” he smiles, a full grin that you can’t help but match. “It could be very comfortable.”

“We’re not having sex in here,” you say.

“But we will somewhere else?” he asks, placing his hand on the counter next to your hip and leaning in.

“This is highly inappropriate, Captain. You should know better than to try to sleep with students,” you say instead of answering his question.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m a dirty old man. I’ve come to terms with it,” he says, not ashamed at all. “But I can treat you right.”

You fully anticipate going home with Maverick tonight. You can’t be blamed; the man is the best of the best, a renowned pilot and your instructor. Sure, he may have an ego that he hasn’t quite grown out of yet, and he’s downright cocky when it comes to things like this, but it’s not without reason. He’s good looking and more charming than anyone you’ve ever met. Hangman can’t compete, and that’s why he hates Maverick.

“How do I know you won’t be selfish like all the other egotistical, arrogant pilots?” you ask, continuing to play hard to get because you love the chase, and he seems to love chasing.

“Sweetheart…” he leans even closer, his lips mere inches away. “I’m not like other pilots, I don’t think I have to remind you of that.”

The pet name makes your shiver, eliciting a feeling Hangman certainly has never given you even with his excessive use of them.

“No you don’t, sir,” you respond. “Let’s get out of here.”

Maverick grins, pearly white teeth practically blinding you. “I thought you’d never ask.”

“I wasn’t asking,” you smirk.

He lets you go first, then follows behind you from a short distance away. It’s not the most covert move he’s made, but to the casual onlooker, they wouldn’t notice where he came from or who he had been. Unfortunately, Hangman wasn’t a casual onlooker, and had caught Maverick’s eye from across the room. Maverick gave him a wink like he had received earlier, and Hangman looked ready to shatter the glass in his hand.

You ignore the pilot seething at your table and push open the door to the bar. Maverick’s bike is parked in front and he laughs when he sees you hesitate.

“What’s wrong? Never been on a motorcycle before?” he teases.

“No I haven’t,” you roll your eyes.

He puts up the kickstand and swings his leg over the bike, the muscles in his thighs flexing as he does.

“Come on, it’s not that different from flying,” he grins as he gestures to the spot on the seat behind him.

You sit down and realize there’s not much room to keep your distance. Your chest is flush against his solid back, and you realize this is the closest you have ever been to him. He’s warm, heat radiating off of him and it makes you want to get even closer. You wrap your arms around his waist, and you feel a small patch of skin where his shirt has been pushed up.

He pulls out of the parking lot and in true Maverick fashion, speeds off down the road. You’ve gone fast, of course; you’re a pilot. But there’s something about feeling the wind in your hair and your body against his that fills you with adrenaline even more than the speed.

You’re at his place in a few short minutes. It’s a small house that he’s renting, just big enough for a single guy and whoever he brings home. Today, that’s you.

He leads you inside and through the house, not bothering to give you a tour. The only place you need to know is the bedroom, and you’re about to become well aquatinted with it.

Before you could really look around, Maverick is closing the door and pushing you up against it. His knee slots between your legs, pinning you in place, and his hands are on your waist. His lips crash against yours in a messy, heated kiss. The feeling of touching him like this, like he’s desperate for you despite all of his composure, ignites a fire inside you.

His hot breath comes out in pants when the kiss finally breaks. He’s holding you close, gripping your tightly like you’re going to disappear right before his eyes if he lets go. You can feel the bruises appearing on your hips underneath where his fingers dig into you, and you know you’ll be able to feel the reminder of him long after you part ways.

Maverick moves his knee up higher so your core is pressed to high thigh. You involuntarily roll your hips against it, seeking any friction to give yourself some relief. Before you could continue to move, Maverick is pressing your hips into the door, immobilizing you.

“Maverick,” you breath, your voice coming out more desperate and whiney than you were anticipating.

“Be patient, sweetheart,” he smirks. “I’ll give you what you need.”

“Yeah, after teasing me until I can’t take it, right?” you huff.

Maverick’s face splits into a grin and he lets up on your hips. Before you coukd take advantage of your new-found freedom, he is tugging you by your arm over to the bed. He backs you against it, but your legs hit the mattress and you fall backwards onto of it. Looking up, you see the wild look in Maverick’s eyes. He’s looking at you like a target, like you’re a challenge, a competition that he is determined to win.

“Tell me what you want,” he says, looking down at you with a smug smile.

“You know what I want.”

“I do,” he grabs your legs and spreads them so he has room to stand between them. “But I want to hear you say it.”

“I thought you said you grew out if your ego?”

He grins, his eyes full of mischief and pure hunger. “I guess some things don’t change.”

Maverick leans over your body, his chest just barely touching yours and his lips brushing your ear. His teeth scrape against your neck, then followed by his tongue that leaves a hot, wet trail over your skin. Your back arches and your chests touch, and you’re certain that he can feel your heart beating.

His hand slides up your shirt, his calloused hands hot against your skin thats cooled by the air in the room. You pull it over your head to give him more room to work, then Maverick slides down your body so he’s even with your exposed stomach. He looks up at you through his lashes, an action that makes him look both innocent and devious at the same time. He peppers kisses on your skin, starting at the bottom of your ribs, trailing down past your navel.

“I don’t think Hangman would tease me this much,” you chuckle, an airy noise that’s followed by a whimper when Maverick nips the skin above your waistband.

“You know that’s not true, sweetheart. I’m being generous.”

His lips, teeth, and tongue caress your stomach as his fingers work open the button of your pants. You lift your hips to help him get them and your panties down, and he slides them off and tosses them somewhere across the room. His eyes seem to glaze over at the sight of your pussy, filled with pure desire.

Roughly, he grabs your thigh and hooks your knee over his shoulder. He’s a breath away from you now, but he’s still looking up at you, asking for permission. You nod and give a quiet yes, and that’s all he needs. He licks a long, slow stripe up your pussy, from your entrance to your clit. He hums while he does it, enjoying the taste of you. When he goes back down, your body jerks and he chuckles, although muffled, at how responsive you are.

You slide your hand into his hair and he takes that as encouragement to continue. He eats you out like he’s starving, running his tongue over every inch and savoring your taste. After a particularly hard suck to your clit, your hand tightens in his hair, gripping his short locks. Maverick can’t help the groan that comes out, and now it’s your turn to laugh at how responsive he is.

He pulls away from you slightly, just enough that he can look up at you. Your hand is still tight in his hair and you’re more desperate than ever, pussy leaking with desire for your captain. When he moves to stand, you let go of your hold. He pulls his white t-shirt over his head and leaves it on the floor. His tanned abs and chest are all you can focus on, and you wonder in the back of your mind if his skin is really as warm as it looks.

“I need you to fuck me, Maverick,” you say, less breathless now that he’s given you a moment to regain your footing. He grins, satisfied and smug that he finally has you like this.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he says, walking over to the nightstand. He retrieves a condom and tosses it on the bed before undoing his jeans and kicking them off, his boots having been removed when you were distracted.

He notices your staring, and in true pilot fashion, he shows off. He stands, just in boxer-briefs, and lets you take in the sight of him. His legs are equally as tan as his chest, and you can see a band of slightly lighter skin peaking out from above his waistband. The waistband that is acting as a barrier between you and what you so desperately need.

You’ve been quiet for a few minutes, having not responded to him after being distracted by his physique, but it doesn’t stop you from saying, “I wasn’t asking.”

He laughs as he sheds his boxers, finally revealing his hard cock that you’ve dreamt about getting your hands (among other things) on since your first class at Top Gun.

He unwraps the condom and rolls it down his length, then strokes himself a few times as he moves you into the position he wants. He rolls you into your stomach, then pulls you towards the foot of the bed. He knees between your legs and grabs a pillow, his pillow, to place underneath your hips.

The new angle makes you feel more exposed, especially with the heavy weight of his eyes on you. With two fingers, the rubs your pussy, and he slicks his cock with the arousal he gathered. He moves closer to brush his tip through your folds, and you let out a quiet moan at the contact.

“You sure about this?” Maverick asks, more to tease you than genuinely concerned that you were unsure.

“Yes, Captain,” you groan in frustration.

The use of his rank has more of an affect than you were expecting, and before you know it, he’s pushing into you. You feel the slow stretch of his cock inside you, and he feels so big that you were almost relieved when you felt his thighs press against the back of your own.

He wraps his arm around your middle and holds you to him, not moving even the slightest bit yet. Just taking in the feeling of you: hot, tight, wet, and better than he could have ever dreamed of.

“Fuck,” he whispers, quiet enough that it wasn’t meant for you to hear.

You move first by gently rolling your hips and pressing back on him. That bit of friction is enough to reignite his fire, and he starts to rock with you.

After a short while of gentle, minimal movement, he begins to fuck you like he promised. Thrusting into you with long, deep strokes that you can feel in your stomach, Maverick takes his time to bring you pleasure.

It’s a slow build as he fucks you, like a volcano that’s been bubbling under the surface, gaining pressure until it’s violent eruption. Each stroke makes you tighten your hands in his sheets until the skin of your knuckles are stretched taught.

“Oh, fuck!” you moan when Maverick shifts slightly to hit a new angle.

“That’s it, sweetheart, let me hear you,” he praises.

His one arm is firmly around your middle, keeping you stable while his hand presses into your side. His grip is tight, not as much as yours, but enough to leave a faint bruise in the morning. His other hand trails over your back, shoulders, and the sides of your neck that make your body break out in goosebumps.

He holds into the back of your neck, squeezing slightly with a firm, almost comforting grip. You feel yourself nearing your edge, and with the way he is groaning in your ear, you know he can feel it too.

“God, baby, you’re squeezin’ me so good,” he says, voice gruff in your ear. His works make your skin tingle and your pussy clench. You want to hear him praise you like this forever.

“I’m close,” you breath out, your voice a soft whine.

Maverick keeps up his pace, fucking into you hard and deep. The coil in your lower stomach tightens and tightens, threatening to snap.

“Who’s fucking you like this, sweetheart? Who’s making your cum on their cock?” he rasps.

“Fuck,” you whimper, “You are, Maverick.”

When you cum a hot, tingling feeling shoots throughout your body. The scorching heat of pleasure builds behind your eyes and tears spill over, down your cheeks.

“Say it,” he whispers, and in the throes of your orgasm, he sounds distant.

“You’re making me cum, Captain,” you slur, words running together.

His chest his pressed flush against your back now, and as he cums, he sinks his teeth into your shoulder. Even through the condom, you can feel his hot cum spilling out, and it makes your body temperature rise even more.

As you come down from your high, you vaguely register then sounds of his heavy breathing in your ear and the dull ache in your shoulder. You let out a small giggle when Maverick pulls with a groan. He throws out the condom, then joins you again on the bed.

You roll over so you’re laying face to face, and from this close, you can see all the fine lines and wrinkles that show his age. His soft like this, comfortable, so unlike the captian that is about to lead a team of Navy pilots into a suicide mission.

“Hey,” you say quietly.

“Hi, sweetheart,” he replies with a grin, but its not the cocky, self assured look you’re used to. It’s kind, genuine, happy.

“Should I…?” you start, motioning towards the door. His brows furrow, the crease between them deepening.

“No, I want you to stay.” His arm wraps around your waist and pulls you closer to him so you couldn’t leave even if you wanted to. “I’m not gonna let you go.”

You smile softly and your eyes fall closed as you feel the exhaustion from the day’s activities catching up with you.

“I’m glad you saved me from a night with Hangman, you joke, and he smiles but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

“I didn’t…” he pauses. “I wasn’t just being selfish. I really do like you,” he confesses, and it warms your heart to see him this vulnerable.

“I like you too, Maverick.”

He chuckles. “I just couldn’t stand the thought of you and Seresin together. You deserve better.”

“And that’s you?” you tease, poking him in the ribs, making him squirm.

“It can be… if you’ll have me.”

You pretend to think about it like your heart isn’t racing in your chest.

“I’ll give you a chance,” you smile. “You’re not too bad for an old man.”

He raises his eyebrows at that. “Old man? Sweetheart, I’m pretty sure I just showed you that I can still keep up.”

“Maybe you’ll have to show me again.”

This is how it should be. You and Maverick, sharing the same breath and feelings for each other in private, away from any judgment and danger. This is the happiness that Maverick has been searching for, and if he doesn’t return from the mission in a few days, at least he would have found some peace in the chaos.

likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated!!

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2 years ago

Hangman : You're right.

Y/N: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?

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2 years ago

Y/N: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it.

Phoenix: Just rip the bandage off.

Y/N: It’s Hangman.

Phoenix: Put the bandage back on.

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2 years ago

Phoenix: I can't believe you and Y/N broke the bed last night! Like what were you guys even doing??

Hangman: *smirks* yeah, what were you doing huh?

Rooster: uhhh....

[the night before]

Rooster: Bet you can't jump high enough to touch the ceiling!!

Y/N : Try me.

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2 years ago

Under The Radar - Mini Series (5 parts) - Master List

Under The Radar - Mini Series (5 Parts) - Master List

Series Summary: Being a navy pilot you expected to have your world turned upside down from time to time. Taking to the skies was the easy part, the lessons you learn on solid ground are the hardest.

Warnings: angst, fluff, soft Jake, jealousy, asshole Jake, break-ups, cheating (reader is the other woman but doesn't know until after), preludes to smut, heartbreak, Rooster is a bit of an ass in parts, fluffy Rooster. Parts 3 & 4 include spoilers for Top Gun: Maverick.

W/C: 19k - it was supposed to be a drabble. 

Rating: 18+

Characters: Lieutenant Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Lieutenant Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, fem!reader (You. Call sign: Huntress), a few needed OC's. Mentioned/Small Parts: Lieutenant Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Penny Benjamin, Lieutenant Javy "Coyote" Machado, Captain Phil “Maverick” Mitchell, Hondo, Admiral Simpson, 

Pairing: Hangman x Fem!Reader, Rooster x Fem!Reader. 

Notes: no descriptions of reader body type or ethnicity. Takes place before Top Gun: Maverick. First time recruits at Top Gun and during the movie. For this to work they were all at the academy together but I know that’s probably not canon. 

A/N: I was thirsting over Miles Teller with Sabrina - @sfreeborn - and she asked if I would ever write for him. After seeing Top Gun: Maverick, I really wanted to. My creative juices had been non-existent for weeks, but Sabrina was kind enough to give me a prompt that inspired a fic. The details of that fic (part 3) meant I needed to write another one to explain Reader x Jake’s relationship, and it spiralled.

Super Special A/N: @writercole helped me with ideas for this entire series and contributed a lot of lines/sections when I got stuck so I’m giving her co-author credit. 

Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch //@cockslutpadalecki

Graphics: made on canva.

The series is complete just waiting to be beta'd.

TAG LIST is OPEN - fly on over and send me an ASK.

Under The Radar - Mini Series (5 Parts) - Master List
Under The Radar - Mini Series (5 Parts) - Master List

Part 1 - Leave 'em Hanging

Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin never loses. That is until he sets his sights on the one target that might bring him to his knees.

Warnings: angst, fluff, brief soft Jake, jealousy, asshole Jake. My HC is that he’s a softie behind doors, and no one can convince me otherwise.

W/C: 4.3k

Under The Radar - Mini Series (5 Parts) - Master List

Part 2 - The Fall

Summary: Jake has proven he’s an asshole; you shouldn’t be surprised when he proves it again at graduation. But at least graduating means you’ll be free of him, or does it? 

Warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, injury described, fluffy Rooster.

W/C: 3k

Under The Radar - Mini Series (5 Parts) - Master List

Part 3 - Just A Kiss - Friday 1st July*

Summary: A kiss always means something, especially with an ex.

Warnings: potential spoilers for Top Gun: Maverick - I’ve used some lines from the movie, language, angst, fluff, Hangman is a cocky son of a bitch with a soft side, Rooster is kind of an ass, the beach scene. 

W/C: 5.6k

Under The Radar - Mini Series (5 Parts) - Master List

Part 4 - Got Your Six - Sunday 3rd July*

Summary: The heart wants what the heart wants, sometimes the right man is not the better one.

Warnings: potential spoilers for Top Gun: Maverick - I’ve used some lines from the movie, language, angst, fluff, soft!Jake, 

W/C: 3.6k

Under The Radar - Mini Series (5 Parts) - Master List

Part 5 - Hate To Love You - Tuesday 5th July*

Summary: Bradley was right, a kiss with an ex always means something. You just need to figure out what that means for your future, with or without Jake.

Warnings: sweet Rooster, fluff, slight angst, Jake being an handsome asshole (see picture above). W/C: 2k

Master Lists: PrincessMisery // Writercole

*dates may change.

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