Top Gun Maverick X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I'm almost ready to post Want you to stay all at once because I'm bored and have discovered a passion for writing on TPM, please help me by sending requests.

This is an SOS.

Tags :
2 years ago


Pairing: Beau "Cyclone" Simpson x f!pilot!reader (Callsign: Poppy) secret relationship + no use of Y/N.

Summary: Reader finds out she has been dismissed from the mission and is gonna confront the Vice Admiral about his decision.

Warnings: mentions of death through threats, swearing, bad writing, grammatical mistakes, sorry English isn't my first language.

Be indulgent please it's my first one putting the reader in a pilot seat, I'm more into the usual fluffy stories 🫣.


To say she was angry was an understatement, she could have knocked heads without batting an eyelid because she was so seething with rage. Strolling down the hallways towards the source of her problem she didn't even pay attention to Payback and Fanboy who called out to her as she passed by them. Making them raise their eyebrows and follow her lead as she walked towards the break room in which she entered opening the door abruptly, she quickly found the reason for her anger, sitting on the arm of one of the sofas, his smug smile still pinned on his face that she dreamed of hitting.

"You! Hangman piece of shit! "

The man turned his head towards her before straightening up and his smile widened as he guessed why she would have killed him if she could.

"Poppy my dear, you've never been better named than you are right now by the color of your face." He chuckled as she approached dangerously, determined this time to slap him in the face no matter what she risked next.

"You deserve to roast in hell!” A group of pilots formed around them intrigued by what was happening, as she was about to jump at his face, two arms encircled her waist to prevent her from going through with her gesture.  "Rooster let go of me! I'll take that stupid smile off your face and you'll see. Rooster, let me go!"

Jake looked at her with a proud look on his face without batting an eyelid as Bradley tried to restrain his friend.

"Leave him he's not worth it."

"What's going on?" Phoenix finally interjected as lost and stunned as the others.

"Maverick just grounded me on orders from Simpson, who was reportedly told that I didn't feel I had the shoulders for this mission, which was too much pressure for me. You're so afraid of getting passed over that you manage to sink whoever you can. You tried to undermine Bradley's confidence in his own abilities because he's your biggest competitor and now you're taking it out on me? Wouldn't it be you Seresin who doubt your abilities to the point of resorting to such low acts to oust the competition?"

Maybe he was hiding behind his smile or he was unaware of the lack of morality of what he was doing but Jake didn't bat an eye, still wearing his smirk.

"They made a mistake on the selection, it was about recalling the best. But maybe some of them couldn't make themselves available. So they had to plug the holes." Jake said.

"That's so low of you, yet not surprising." Interjected Bob who had placed himself next to her.

"It doesn't matter who will be chosen for this mission Jake, we are all on the same team. But maybe you don't really grasp the meaning of what that means?"

Not wanting to hear what he might have to say, if he had anything to say, she turned and walked out of the room to Vice Admiral Simpson's office. Once in front of the door she took a deep breath before knocking twice on it and entering when he gave permission.

When she entered the room, Cyclone was sitting at his desk, Warlock sitting opposite him, she stood by the door, straight as an i, hands behind her back, both men facing her.

"Lieutenant Caldwell." He sank into his seat with his elbows on the armrests, his hands folded in front of him. "To what do I owe your presence in my office?"

"I would like to speak with you about your recent decision about me sir."

A silence followed.

"We'll pick this up later." He finally said to Rear Admiral Bates who nodded and gathered his documents before getting up and leaving the office, nodding to Poppy who greeted him with a "Sir." Once the door was closed she walked towards the office.

"What the hell is this? You have no right to stop me from flying!"

"I have every right, in this case I'm not stopping you from flying, I'm removing you from this mission."

He straightened up in his seat, leaning slightly over his desk on which he crossed his hands.

"Are you aware that Hangman said all that just to get rid of me? Would you have called me back if you didn't think I could do it? Do you doubt my abilities?"

He passed his hands over his face while posted on the other side of the desk she leaned forward putting her hands flat on it.

"Of course not. But under the circumstances, under the method you are being taught, under the only way to complete this mission, there will be casualties." He paused, anchoring his gaze in hers. "And I won't risk losing you." She straightened up, gritting her teeth.

"Then it's personal."

"This is not the time to discuss this Molly."

"It's time if I decide to." She replied curtly, Beau's gaze turning stern. "You can't interfere with my career and ground me as soon as the danger is too great for your taste. It’s part of our job, if you constantly do that I will never fly again!"

"Molly that's enough, we'll discuss it tonight."

"Oh no, we're going to talk about this now. Put me back in."

"Molly..." He ran a hand over his face, his tone dragging.

"Beau, if you do this it’s over."

Her words had the effect of a bomb and he looked her straight in the eyes stunned by what she had just said.

"Your choice Beau, either accept the risk without something necessarily happening to me, or lose me."

A silence settled between the two of them, looking into each other's eyes and it seemed to last forever until he finally spoke again in a neutral tone.

"After careful consideration Lieutenant Caldwell, your abilities making you a suitable pilot for this mission, you are reintegrate in it."

She straightened up and her chest heaved as she took a deep relieved breath, she didn't realize she had been holding it until then.

"Thank you sir." She turned on her heels about to leave the office when he rose from his seat, slipping one hand into his pants pocket, the other touching the desk with his fingertips.

"I didn’t authorize you to dispose of Lieutenant." He spoke in a sharp tone.

With her hand on the doorknob she turned her head towards him, his downcast look had given way to a threatening one, knowing full well what was coming next her fingers slid from the door handle to the lock below and locked the door.

"Good." He commented on her gesture.

With a feline gait she returned to the office.

"You seem irritated."

"Why wouldn't I be? You show up into my office and discuss an order."

"Seriously Beau?" A frank laugh shook her chest. "I don't think I stormed in here like a fury and almost revealing our little secret. And as for discussing an order, it's within my rights to want to discuss a decision with my superior and express my point of view. You never would have made that decision if Hangman hadn't come in to screwed it up."

"Are you really going to blame me for wanting to protect you?"

"You can't protect me Beau, I blame you for letting the personal override the professional. We agreed this wouldn't happen! Do you know what it's like to be put on the spot for that reason?! No, you didn't think about that, did you? Maybe you were more focused on the possible loss of your toy, who would have sucked you under the desk on your lunch break otherwise?"

A dull growl escaped from his chest. "You're going too far, be careful."

"Or else what? Fire me, my career won't end there. Fire me, and what will Admiral Kazansky think of a Vice Admiral who sexually blackmailed one of his subordinates?"

His jaw clenched so hard he could have broken it in anger.

"You are going way too far Molly, stop this right now."

"It was you who started Beau, assume that for once you didn't take the right decision, even though the intention was laudable I admit, it was unprofessional." She paused and thought for a moment before going too far and regretting it. "It's up to you if you'd rather sleep on the couch tonight, if not it'll be me." She was about to turn her heels and leave once and for all of his office when in a flash he made the turn. Everything happened quickly, a hand sliding in her neck he drew against her to crush his lips on hers, pressing her against him with a hand in her lower back. Surprised but without any intention to push back him, she rolled up her arms around his nape and pressed her chest against his deepening this passionate kiss, one of those which follow the reconciliation of an argument. Taking off his lips of hers he put his forehead against hers.

"No one will sleep on the couch tonight."

Tags :
2 years ago

Shattered souls

Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x expilot!fem!reader (no use of YN)

Summary: One mistake, three destroyed lives, a lost love, they will have to rebuild themselves. This is the story of two shaken beings.

Warnings: angst, death, physical wounds, trauma, swearing, very long post, maybe inaccurate things about the Navy (I really don't know much about it sorry), English isn't my first language so for sure grammatical mistakes

Shattered Souls


She felt a weight crush her chest and jerked upright under the pain, her heartbeat ringing in her ears. The presence of the sheet under her hand reminded her that she was in her room. Staring at the darkness in front of her she tried to regain her normal breath. A quick glance at the alarm clock on the bedside table to her right told her that it was only five o'clock in the morning, eighteen minutes to be exact. Her sigh broke the silence that reigned and with one hand she removed the sheet before getting out of bed. Grabbing her robe from the chair in the corner of the room, she left it to go to the kitchen. She didn't need to turn on the light, the coffee machine's indicator light was bright enough for her to use. While the coffee was brewing, she leaned against the counter of the central island, slipping her cold hands into the pockets of her bathrobe to warm them up. Staring blankly into the darkness and silence of the night, her dark thoughts found their way, that they knew all too well into her mind. The beep of the machine indicating that the coffee was ready made her raise her head, she took the cup with both hands to enjoy the warmth of it and leaned on the central island, leaning on her elbows, facing the window observing the streetlamp on the other side of the street whose light was oscillating.

Shattered Souls

"Alright alright! I'll bet you twenty bucks that she'll turn you down before the end of the night!" She giggled as her friend and navigator jostled her by pushing her on the shoulder making her stagger to the side and bump into someone.

"Be careful pretty, I hope you don’t fly as you walk." Mocked the blond Ken that she collided before resuming his way. She looked at him moved away taken aback.

"Who's that one? I've never seen him on base." She turned her head to Billy who shook his head signifying that he didn't know who it was either.

"This one is Hangman." Said Shark who had slipped up behind them without them feeling him coming and startled them. "He just arrived, replacing Sunrise who broke his arm."

"Wait what, how did he do it?"

"He wanted to do trampoline at his little nephew's birthday party. He jumped too hard and ejected and landed against the fence, well actually going through the neighbor's fence to be exact."

The pilot and her navigator looked at him in surprise, a completely stupid look on their faces.

"So he's the one who's going to replace him, Sunrise isn't here to come back at the moment. Jake Seresin, that's his name, that guy is arrogant, nobody can stand him where he comes from." He continued.

"What a beautiful portrait, it makes you want to know him."

The three went back to their planes. As they were about to take their seats, their superior came trotting up to them.

"Touchdown! Sunshine!"

"Yes sir."

"You must have heard that Sunrise wouldn’t be with us for a while, nothing changes for you, his replacement takes his place as a wingman."

The two looked at each other sharply, how stupid had they been not to make the connection when Shark had told them about him a few minutes earlier? From the top of her ladder ready to take her place at the front she saw Jake further away wink at her with a sly smile. It was promising.

Shattered Souls

Turning off the shower faucets she grabbed her towel and tied it around herself, went to the medicine cabinet above the sink to get her cream, and ran her hand over the foggy glass once it was closed. She looked at herself for a moment in the mirror, swivelling her chest to observe the huge scar that had been part of her for two years now. She brushed it with her fingertips before lowering her eyes and going to her room to get ready.

As she did every Wednesday morning, she went to the local church for the meeting that took place in a room adjacent to the religious building. As usual, she warmly greeted the men and women who, like herself, were attending the meeting, some of whom were just partners in suffering, others had became friends who had found each other and created a bond based on mutual suffering. All the people present at this meeting had suffered a trauma in their lives, all as varied as each other, but which allowed them to understand and help each other in the painful ordeals that followed.

She took off her jacket and hung it on the back of the chair, the same chair for the past two years, a creaky old folding chair with a cracked brown leather seat. Always in the same place, in the same circle, surrounded by the same people.

Shattered Souls

"Sunshine and Touchdown? Where do you get names like that?" Jake's voice came over the radio and Billy could feel his friend rolling her eyes. "Come on what, we're going to get really close over the next few weeks, maybe months. How about we get to know each other."  The young woman winced at the word "months", she wanted her wingman back, her habits, she hated change and especially, new things. Yes, Sunshine was a person who was perfectly happy in her habits and her comfort.

"Billy was one of the best players on his college American football team, and he's a big fan to this day." Her melodious laughter filled the cabin and the radio as Billy took offense, the pleasant sound making Jake smile.

"One of the best?! I was THE best, the handsome player, I could have been a star myself ma'am."

"And Sunshine where did that come from?"

"She's the sunshine of the base." Billy cut her off as she was about to retort. "A real ray of sunshine that little piece of woman."

"Stop it Billy, that's not true."

"Of course you do! You're always in a good mood, always smiling, and everyone finds it a pleasure to hear your cheerful tone and laughter over the radio when we're on mission."

She felt her cheeks catch fire and put her cold fingers on her cheek to cool down.

"Embarrassed Sunshine?" Jake's mocking tone rang in her ears and she turned her head to the left to see his plane next to theirs, a perfect but mocking wide smile on his face and she flipped him off for any response which made him burst out laughing.

Contrary to what she could have thought from the portrait that had been drawn of Jake, the young woman supported him rather well, obviously with a point of exasperation in certain moments, but she had to admit that he had a certain charm that she wouldn’t have known for all that to describe, but the Texan didn’t leave her indifferent. The two pilots spent their time sparring and jabbing at each other, mostly with a smile, until one day one of the spats ended unexpectedly.

"You are so condescending and lacking in discernment!" She exclaimed exasperated by his behavior.

His legendary cocky smirk on his face, his hands in the pockets of his flightsuit, following her on her tail through the corridor.

"Would I have lacked discernment with you sweetheart?"

She made volt face what he didn’t expect and had just the time to stop himself not to enter in collision with her, and she was now almost against him. She raised her head to address him because he was a good head taller than her. Their two faces were only a short distance from each other. An impassive air on her face, a soft glance and a smirk on his.

"Why do you always have to look so flirty Seresin." Her voice was low, giving a certain intimacy to their closeness.

"Always, you sure?"

"I've always seen that look on your face, a face I often hold back from hitting."

"Maybe you've always seen me with that look on my face because that's the one I'm willing to give you." His seductive tone provoked shivers in her neck and she rolled her eyes ready to turn her heels to move away from him. Nevertheless before she could make any gesture he brought a hand in her neck and put his lips on hers. Surprised, she widened her eyes and felt Jake smiling against her lips. He was insufferable, but at the same time he attracted her like a magnet. Her hand slid down his neck and she stood on tiptoe as he wrapped an arm around her waist. She would have let herself choke for lack of air not to have to break this kiss. A throat clearing was heard and they parted in surprise, but not without Jake pulling his arm from her waist. She looked at Billy who was with a few meters of them and who had just surprised them, then her glance settled on the arm of Jake that she pushed back abruptly.

The three of them looked at each other not knowing what to say and then finally Billy broke the awkward silence.

"Okay I'm definitely not a fan of what I just saw to be honest and I hope to erase it from my memory soon." She bit the inside of her cheek, why did she feel embarrassed? She was of age and vaccinated, right? She could do whatever she wanted. "But if it means you'll be watching over her even more she's in the air, that's fine with me." He finished before passing by them to continue his route, gently squeezing the arm of his friend while passing by her.

Shattered Souls

Hands clasped on her knee, legs crossed, her gaze fell on the person in front of her, a newcomer, someone who had been unlucky, someone who would be scarred for life, someone who would never be the same. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head towards Denise who leaned towards her.

"Would you join us for coffee after the meeting?" She whispered to her and when she looked up her eyes caught the faces of Barry and Shirley behind her neighbor who were watching her waiting for her answer.

"Sure." She whispered in turn causing smiles on all three faces to which she responded with a slight smile and returned her attention to the newcomer who was finishing telling his story.

The door at the back of the room creaked and a cold wave swept into the room, Curtis, who was leading the meetings and had been absent a few minutes before, hurried back to the middle of the circle, he glanced at the young woman, playing nervously with his fingers.

"Please excuse me, I was with a newcomer." He cleared his throat and turned to the door as a figure rushed in, Curtis desperately searched for her gaze and when he caught it, addressed her with a silent "I'm sorry." she frowned not understanding what he meant and was struck with dread when she saw the face of the person taking his place in the circle.

Shattered Souls

Sitting on the right side of the row next to Billy she saw Jake, sitting on the left a few rows ahead turn his head and wink at her, holding back a smile she pretended to look away which only widened the pilot's smile as he returned his attention to their superior.

"This is a reconnaissance mission prior to the decision of a possible attack. You will take off, perform your reconnaissance and return to the aircraft carrier. Touchdown, Sunshine and Hangman, that's for you, you'll board in two hours."

The pilot and navigator exchanged glances before getting up and leaving the room. As they left to retrieve their equipment wandering through the building, she felt a hand reach between her loins and Jake appeared beside her.

"It's all about reconnaissance. We'll be back as soon as we're gone." Said Billy.

That's what it should have been, a simple reconnaissance patrol.

Shattered Souls

Her heart was beating so fast and yet she had the feeling that it was no longer irrigating her brain. She sat back in her chair, resting her back against the backrest, her hands still crossed on her knee. She wasn’t able any more to think, wasn’t able any more to keep her attention on what it happened around her, the memories for which she put so much energy to keep buried in her went up to the surface, she knew this moment by heart. It lasted the moment of a flash but she felt it as if it had lasted for very long minutes.  

"Thank you Ben for your testimony." Curtis' deep voice brought her back to the moment. It was his turn now, her gaze quickly found his to get lost in it, as if no time had passed, as if they had seen each other the day before, as if they hadn't gone through the horror that had knocked them both down.

When the meeting came to an end, everyone stood up and after greeting each other, headed for the exit.

"Don't wait for me, I'll be there as soon as I can." She addressed the small group that was waiting for her to go to the cafĂŠ, the one on the corner where they used to meet. They nodded and headed for the exit, leaving only the two of them, face to face, hands in his pockets, her fingers around her scarf, revealing the white knuckle of her fists clenched around the fabric.

"What are you doing here?"

Shattered Souls

What was ironic was that spending so much time on aircraft carriers, she still hadn't been able to get over the seasickness, ironic, right? For someone in the Navy, even though her role, fortunately, was to spend more time in the air than at sea.

"Shall we do karaoke night this weekend? Just so I can introduce you to Naomi, we'll do duets. You and Ken and Naomi and me." She laughed at Billy's naming of Ken for Jake, they had been dating for several months and Billy, moderately liking Jake, making an effort for his friend, still couldn't bring himself to call him by his first name.

"Maybe you could start by making an effort and calling him by his name." He pouted, which caused her to roll her eyes. As she was about to climb on the plane she heard Ken trotting towards her.

"Hey hey hey. You know we never leave like this without saying goodbye." She giggled.

"Jake we literally fly together, and we talk to each other over the radio." He placed a kiss on her forehead.

"That's no reason, we may be together up there, but we're not physically together."

"God, he's even more annoying that way than when he's a dickhead”. Grumbled Billy who took his place at the back of the plane rolling his eyes of exasperation, what Jake didn’t pay attention to, too busy to scrutinize his girlfriend.

"I got your back." He added before placing a furtive kiss on her lips and joining his plane.

"Hey Cinderella, do you care to come up?" Billy called out to her, she looked up at him and grabbed the ladder to climb up.

"Why should I be Cinderella?"

Shattered Souls

"Hangman do you see anything?" She glanced to either side of the plane.

"Nop. All seems quiet. We do have the coordinates listed though."

"I don't like it." She muttered to herself.

"A hunch?" Asked Billy, who had learned over time to trust his friend's hunches.

"Yeah, and not a good one."

"Relax, everything will be fine, it's just a reconnaissance." He tried to convince her as much as for himself.

"I know a good way to relax." Jake's voice came over the radio, which had the effect of making her giggle and Billy mime a vomit. Her joyful laughter echoed through the radio to Jake's delight. Flying with them, he had quickly understood what the navigator had said the first time. A melodious, joyful, infectious laugh that had relaxed many on missions. Jake considered himself lucky to be able to enjoy it outside of these moments and better, to be the reason for her laughter even in some cases.

"If you're laughing that means it’s okay. I'm unbuckling myself to look further."

"Jake no, don't." Her laughter stopped short and she looked around for his plane.

"Everything is going to be fine sweetie, there is nothing to report obviously." He wanted to reassure her.

"Hangman you're a pain in the ass, don't do this to us."

"My presence reassures you Touchdown?" He teased.

"That's the whole point of your role dickhead." He replied scathingly.

"I'll be back in a flash." He steered to go in an opposite direction leaving them two, a hint of insecurity rising in her, Billy fulminating in the back.

"I swear, once we get on the ground I'm going to punch him in the face."

"This is the excuse you've been waiting for for months. Do you see anything?"

"No nothing." She sighed continuing her monitoring when Billy stirred behind her. "Shit."


"We have two bandits coming our way."

He barely had time to look behind him when he saw two planes heading straight for them.

"Touchdown talk to me."

"There's one coming at five o'clock." He looked across the canopy. "The other one at seven. Shit! Hangman what the hell are you doing bringing your ass in!"

Everything happened very quickly, surrounded by the two, not being able to avoid them being on each side, she accelerated and tried to maneuver not to be hooked hoping that Jake intervenes very quickly. 


"Sunshine I'm coming!  I see them, I lock him, I shoot!" Jake, who had managed be on the tail of one of them, was able to stick to him and lock it  before making a strike, but this one had time to shoot before being hit. By the time he could react, the second one had caught up with them and fired instantly, hitting its target in the heart. The first missile hit one of the engines which caught fire, the lights started to flash like a Christmas garland, and Sunshine tried as best she could to regain control of the plane without much success.

"I can't control it! I can't straighten!"

"Eject!" Jake yelled into the radio.

They didn't have time to do so as the second missile hit them dead center, taking out the end of the plane and the second engine, the back of the plane went up in flames, and she heard Billy screaming behind her, desperately trying to pull on the ejection seat suspensions.

"Request backup, request assistance, Touchdown and Sunshine are hit! Damn it hurry!"

"Billy! Billy!"  Overwhelmed by panic her heart raced and tears began to blur her vision, raging on the suspensions. "Why isn't it working, Jake! Jake!"

Her laugh would never echo through the radio again.

Shattered Souls

When she woke up she was dazzled by the brightness of the room and had to blink several times to adjust. She felt a sharp pain run down her back and let out a groan of pain.


That familiar voice was Jake's, who walked around the bed and came to stand next to her pressing a button on the headboard.

"It's morphine, it will help."

"Where am I?" She tried to look around her but her field of vision was restricted, lying on her side, she looked up at Jake who showed a serious face. Suddenly all took place again in her mind, she tried to straighten up abruptly and a cry of pain of her part pulled a grimace of pain to Jake devastated to see her in this state. The pain forced her to lie on her side. He sat down on the chair facing her and took her wrists in his hands, the palms of her hands being bandaged. In a last effort she had pulled as hard as she could on the suspensions that burned her palms before being ejected.

"You... You were able to eject in time. But the flames that had already reached the device burned your back.” She looked at him frightened, she didn't remember having the burning sensation in her back, maybe it had been because of the adrenaline. But if flames were so close to her to burn her, what about Billy?

The worried look she gave him made him understand what she was wondering and he shook his head silently. Tears began to stream down her face and she began to sob violently. Jake didn't know what to do, he leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of her head, a tear rolling down his cheek and crashing into her hair.

She wasn't sunshine anymore.

Shattered Souls

Her hard gaze met his, which she couldn't make out, was he sad? Sorry? Full of regret? All three at once?

"What are you doing here Jake?" She repeated wearily.

"I ... I don't know. This wasn't a good idea." He began to walk away with his hands in his jacket pockets.

"You know what wasn't a good idea?" He stopped short and lowered his head knowing very well what was coming next.

"That you're dropping us on this mission." He stared blankly at the ground. "That you leave me when I needed you the most after this."

"You were mad at me..."

"And you think that made it better?!" Her tone grew louder and more aggressive than she would have liked.  "I would have learned to get over it Jake, you made a mistake, maybe it would have made a difference if you had stayed, or maybe they still would have had the upper hand, maybe we thought there was no danger, there could have been no danger." He lifted his head and pivoted toward her. "But you left me alone after that. I needed you Jake."

"I was so angry with myself that I couldn't inflict my presence on you every day. I thought it would be better for you, not to have the face of the man who killed your best friend constantly in front of you."

"It wasn't you who killed him Jake."

"But it's my fault."

A whirlwind of emotions formed inside her. It had been two years since she had seen him, she was torn between giving him a slap, ignoring him, throwing herself at his neck, screaming at him, it was perhaps the difficulty in choosing between all these possibilities that nailed her to the ground and that she was unable to move. Not even taking a step back when he came closer.

"I'm so sorry. I feel so bad if you knew."

And she realized that she wasn’t the only one to have suffered these last two years. But she had been lucky enough to be able to surround herself with people to learn how to rebuild herself, had he been able to do the same?

She was struck by his reddened eyes and tired face features, never had she seen him like this, he who had seemed so strong with her in the times that followed, before he left, and now he had the face of a man crushed by remorse. He who always had a cocky look and a frank smile.

"I hope you can forgive me one day, because I can't." His voice became weaker and almost died out at the end of his sentence. "I lost you, and it's probably the biggest disaster of my life.” He took a step closer to her only being a small space away forcing her to raise her head to look at him. "I need you, do you think you can ever forgive me?"

When he saw her raising the arm he closed the eyes expecting to receive a deserved slap. But she didn’t, with an unexpected softness, she put delicately her hand on his cheek that she caressed with her thumb, wiping a tear which traced its way. He opened his eyes to see her showing a light smile, filled with sadness. He took her hand in his to deposit a kiss inside her palm. Then when she passed her arms around his neck to tighten him against her, he buried his face in her hair and she slipped a hand in his as one comforts a child.

Two years had separated them, and despite any resentment she might have had towards him, it was all gone in an instant. They were two beings in love and torn, who had suffered and who would have to learn to heal, together.

Tags :
2 years ago

First steps

Pairing: Beau "Cyclone" Simpson x wife!reader

Summary: Cyclone being the first and best supporter for his son.

Warnings: relatively short, not really good quality sorry about that.

First Steps

"Okay buddy, here we go, you can do it."

Intrigued by Beau's words you heard from the kitchen, you frowned curiously and headed for the living room. Stopping between both rooms you saw Beau standing, leaning forward holding Luke's hands, arms raised above his head, struggling to stand on his legs and trying hard to put one foot in front of the other. Amused, a smirk stretched your lips and you crossed your arms over your chest watching the show.

Seeing you out of the corner of his eye, Beau turned his head towards you with a huge smile on his lips and swiveled towards you, pulling Luke who was staggering on his little legs.

"Hey, look at mommy. Show mommy what a big boy you are."

Raising his head from his feet on which he was focused, his smile revealed his one small tooth and he gesticulated awkwardly trying to make his way towards you with his father's encouragement. You crouch down and stretch your arms towards him, encouraging him to come towards you.

"Oh my baby, how big you are! Look at you, you can almost walk!" You exclaimed cheerfully, Luke chuckling at the sound of his mother's voice.

"He's growing up so fast! It feels like yesterday that you expelled him from your womb." He says nostalgically.

"Oh oh, don't worry I remember it very well, as if it was yesterday." You say while laughing.

Being only a meter away from you, he knelt behind Luke and when Luke seemed to find his balance, he gently let go of his hands, placing them on either side of his waist, without touching him, to catch him if necessary.

"Come on little man. Show us what you're made of."

Luke glanced behind him as Beau dropped his hands and leaned forward slightly, as if looking for balance or a way to move forward. He turned his head toward you and you clapped your hands, arms outstretched toward him, to make him come. With great confidence, probably greater than himself, he lifted his right leg to take a step forward and stopped, perhaps waiting for the fall, which didn't come.

He then raised his left foot to try again and gesticulated, clapping his hands and laughing as he saw that he was still standing. Repeating the experience, he cautiously walked towards you with a huge smile on his face, little chirps of joy coming out of his mouth. When finally after a few steps he almost reached you, he stumbled and you caught him in time. Luke in your arms you clapped and congratulated him and Beau did the same joining you. Luke imitated you, clapping his hands and shouting with joy mixed with his high-pitched laugh.

"Our baby boy walks!" Beau exclaimed joyfully, placing a kiss on the top of Luke's head and subsequently crushing his lips to yours. "I wouldn't want to live this adventure with anyone else but you."

"And I with you."

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1 year ago

Beach Day (HangmanxF!Reader)


Summary: F!reader’s asthma is flaring up at the beach and Jake is being a worried mother-hen.

A/N: I was working on this before I received the prompt: Hangman takes care of the person of your choice.  But this fits that prompt perfectly!  Let me know if I should also post this on Ao3!

Rating: G

Word Count: 1,254

Keep reading

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2 years ago

MITCHELL | Jake Seresin

❝𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭❞

━In which Top Gun best aviators are reunited for a mission, unexpected encounter of the man who always leaves his wingman alone and a dangerous woman aviator who happens to be Pete "Maverick" Mitchell's daughter.

MITCHELL | Jake Seresin
MITCHELL | Jake Seresin





Pete "Maverick" Mitchell

Tom "Iceman" Kazansky

Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw

Natasha "Phoenix" Trace

Robert "Bob" Floyd

Rueben "Payback" Fitch

Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia

Javy "Coyote" Machado



I don't own Top Gun and Top Gun Maverick. Credits to the artist, director, etc.



❝Call sign? Oh you're a pilot❞

❝That's right, a naval aviator.❞

❝I've gotta be at work very early in the morning.❞

❝Then what are you doing here?❞

❝Lieutenant Mitchell you're late.❞

❝Apologies sir.❞

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2 years ago


kodzukenmaaa - ❝My darling❞

↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ pairing: Jake Seresin X Reader

↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ genre: romance, action, adventure, Drama, Fight.

↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ warnings: violence, course language.

In which Top Gun best aviators are reunited for a mission, unexpected encounter of the man who always leaves his wingman alone and a dangerous woman aviator who happens to be Pete "Maverick" Mitchell's daughter.

ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀﹀

ㅤㅤㅤ      ㅤ 。↷ ✧*̥₊˚‧☆ミ table of contents!¡ •ଓ.°



              ┊i.    one

               ┊ii.   two

               ┊iii. three

                ┊iv. etc

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶˗ˋ  .*ೃ✧₊˚.❁ ↷

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2 years ago
Main Masterlist Top Gun Maverick Masterlist Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw Masterlist Updated 21/06/2022

Main Masterlist ♡ Top Gun Maverick Masterlist ♡ Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw Masterlist ♡ Updated 21/06/2022

Rooster gets a call from his ex-girlfriend. Their 18 year son wishes to join the US Navy. Rooster sees no issue with it as it is a family tradition. YN on the hand, does not like the idea.

Part 1 ♡

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2 years ago

Y/N: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!

Rooster: Oh yeah? You're the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!!

Y/N: I'm leaving you, and IM TAKING BOB WITH ME!

Phoenix: *picking up the monopoly board* I think we're gonna stop playing now.

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2 years ago

Rooster : You know those things will kill you, right?

Y/n : *pouring another glass of whiskey* That’s the point.

Phoenix : *smoking a cigarette* We’re trying to speed up the process.

Bob :*Nods while eating raw cookie dough*

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2 years ago

Y/N: In my defense I was left unsupervised.

Maverick: Wasn't Rooster with you?

Rooster: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.

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2 years ago

Y/N: What's a word that's a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?

Bob: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-

Hangman and Rooster in unison: Smad

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2 years ago

Y/N: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it.

Phoenix: Just rip the bandage off.

Y/N: It’s Hangman.

Phoenix: Put the bandage back on.

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2 years ago

*Rooster and Y/n skipping stones on lake*

Rooster : It’s such a beautiful evening.

Y/n, whispering: Take that you fucking lake

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2 years ago

Rooster , in a hawaiian shirt: So sue me, it's October and I'd like to be on Island Time for a day!

Y/n: I have Spotify open right now on my computer, do you want me to blast you? Do you want me to put you on blast? Cuz I've got your history right here on the sidebar,

Y/n: Take it Back by Jimmy Buffet, Nautical Wheelers by Jimmy Buffet, Jolly Mon Sing by Jimmy Buffet, Steamer by Jimmy Buffet, trEAT HER LIKE A LADY BY JIMMY BUFFET, MAÑANA BY JIMMY BUFFET, WHEN SALOME PLAYS THE DRUMS BY JAMES BUFFET, HAVANA DAYDREAMIN BY JIMMY BUFFET- What the FUCK happened to you?!

Rooster , laughing: I HAD A CASE OF THE MONDAYS!



Rooster , cry-laughing: ᴵ ᴴᴬᴰ ᴬ ᶜᴬˢᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴹᴼᴺᴰᴬʸˢ

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2 years ago

Rooster : Truth or dare?

Y/n: Dare

Rooster : I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room

Y/n: Hey Hangman

Hangman *smirks* Yeah?

Y/n: Could you move? I’m trying to get to Bob

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2 years ago

Hangman : You're right.

Y/N: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?

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2 years ago

Rooster : Favorite horror movie?

Y/N: It

Hangman: Saw

Phoenix: Annabelle

Bob: High School Musical. After watching it I spent all my middle and high school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics

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7 months ago

Sneak Peak of Upcoming fic!

at a Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x reader Smutty Fic🧎 because I’m too hyper to not share !!

A/N ; Please do not input my work into any ai along with Poe and! I also do not consent to my work being published on different sites without my consent! I also do not want my work translated without my permission! Ty!

I also have some stuff of Fanboy as well! ^^


Sneak Peak Of Upcoming Fic!

He can’t help how he bites his lip, drawing a bit of blood as he holds in soft pants and whines. He’s sitting on the edge of the couch in your living room. His shirt unbuttoned and messy, his pants already off and littered on the floor by the couch. His eyes closed as he took in the pleasure. It’s been months since he’s had your touch, since he’s tasted you, since he’s breathed in your perfume that defined your scent so nicely. It’s all so overwhelming in such a good way that he can’t help but take it in. His cock twitching in the underwear he still had on.

You’re sitting on his lap, softly kissing up his neck and grinding down with soft movements. His hands are rested on your hips, kneading your soft plushly flesh in his hands, scooting you closer as a whine escapes his mouth. Your shorts hike up your thighs, and your shirt off. “Love you Robby, love you s’much” you mumble with each kiss you leave on his neck. Sucking and nipping along with kissing his flesh. He can’t help but gulp nervously as his eyes flicker open. Lidded they were, filled with love for you. His hair was messy and his glasses were barely holding on, inches away from slipping off his flustered face.

“Honey—B-Babydoll—“ he tries to speak, his voice stuttering within his mumbled tone. Your lips were too intoxicating to him. “Robbyyy” he could hear you whine out to him, your hips continued their actions. Your voice was filled with lust and need. “Sweetheart just—let me have more of you please—“ He couldn’t help but trail on a whimper. Begging to get more of you than kisses on his neck. His hands were still gripping on to your hips, but slowly starting to trail to your ass—yet his hands cradled and remained on your thighs for a good amount of time. The more he spoke, the more his little accent drawl spilled through. 

Pausing for a moment, your lips unattach from his neck as you pull away gently. Your eyes flicker open, admiring the scene in front of you. Bob breathing heavily, his mouth now open. His head tilted just a bit back as it gave you access to his neck that was now littered with wet kisses and hickies—bite marks galore—and you loved it. “Look at you Robby, looking so sweet~” you teased, a soft lustful smile adorned on your face. At your tone Bob couldn’t help but groan in pleasure as a response. Your voice, your body that was already up against his—it was almost too much—he loved every second of it. In his tight pants he could feel his cock twitch again. 

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7 months ago

Gonna post the rest tomorrow I think! If you guys have any request for Top Gun or really anything— lmk! Aha!

Sneak Peak of Upcoming fic!

at a Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x reader Smutty Fic🧎 because I’m too hyper to not share !!

A/N ; Please do not input my work into any ai along with Poe and! I also do not consent to my work being published on different sites without my consent! I also do not want my work translated without my permission! Ty!

I also have some stuff of Fanboy as well! ^^


Sneak Peak Of Upcoming Fic!

He can’t help how he bites his lip, drawing a bit of blood as he holds in soft pants and whines. He’s sitting on the edge of the couch in your living room. His shirt unbuttoned and messy, his pants already off and littered on the floor by the couch. His eyes closed as he took in the pleasure. It’s been months since he’s had your touch, since he’s tasted you, since he’s breathed in your perfume that defined your scent so nicely. It’s all so overwhelming in such a good way that he can’t help but take it in. His cock twitching in the underwear he still had on.

You’re sitting on his lap, softly kissing up his neck and grinding down with soft movements. His hands are rested on your hips, kneading your soft plushly flesh in his hands, scooting you closer as a whine escapes his mouth. Your shorts hike up your thighs, and your shirt off. “Love you Robby, love you s’much” you mumble with each kiss you leave on his neck. Sucking and nipping along with kissing his flesh. He can’t help but gulp nervously as his eyes flicker open. Lidded they were, filled with love for you. His hair was messy and his glasses were barely holding on, inches away from slipping off his flustered face.

“Honey—B-Babydoll—“ he tries to speak, his voice stuttering within his mumbled tone. Your lips were too intoxicating to him. “Robbyyy” he could hear you whine out to him, your hips continued their actions. Your voice was filled with lust and need. “Sweetheart just—let me have more of you please—“ He couldn’t help but trail on a whimper. Begging to get more of you than kisses on his neck. His hands were still gripping on to your hips, but slowly starting to trail to your ass—yet his hands cradled and remained on your thighs for a good amount of time. The more he spoke, the more his little accent drawl spilled through. 

Pausing for a moment, your lips unattach from his neck as you pull away gently. Your eyes flicker open, admiring the scene in front of you. Bob breathing heavily, his mouth now open. His head tilted just a bit back as it gave you access to his neck that was now littered with wet kisses and hickies—bite marks galore—and you loved it. “Look at you Robby, looking so sweet~” you teased, a soft lustful smile adorned on your face. At your tone Bob couldn’t help but groan in pleasure as a response. Your voice, your body that was already up against his—it was almost too much—he loved every second of it. In his tight pants he could feel his cock twitch again. 

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