20 / She/Her pronouns / Just your usual multifandom person I guess / Black Butler fan mostly / No I do not ship Sebaciel
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Bezierballad - Oops My Hand Slipped
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More Posts from Bezierballad

I know pretty much every Kuroshitsuji person has already talked about this moment already, but I might as well throw in my two cents.
It really interests me when we have this all-powerful threatening, unwavering edgelord of a character seem vulnerable (physically or emotionally, but especially emotionally) even for a second.
We can't tell for sure what exactly Sebastian is thinking here, but it does bring a lot of speculation; does he really care that much about what humans think about him? How does he view himself as a demon? Who knows.
His Butler, Broken
A/n: I believe this to be my magnum opus, mainly because of the length. Technically, it is a sequel fic, but only partially. It only calls back a little to the first one other than naming characters, but they'll be reintroduced now as it loosely follows Sebastian's point of view.
Following the death of Ciel Phantomhive the demon butler didn't expect himself to spiral out of control. He wasn't aware of the fact Ciel had become almost like a son to him but, when the end came he found himself unprepared. Luckily, Ciel knew that this would have taken a tole. He was aware to how close he had gotten to his butler despite being a literal demon. So he had something instated for Sebastian to fall back on, something he had kept from the demon until the day he was finally ready for his soul to be devoured.
"You need to keep your brother on a tighter leash! He went on a rampage and killed thousands of people in Germany!"Â
The angel flinched away from the woman with fiery hair and emerald eyes. She leaned over the desk, knuckles turning white her claws dug into the wooden surface. This was the second time this month Raziel was in the department of a higher up, and once again it was following something Sebastian did. It was obvious now that his brother was torn apart by the fact he cause Ciel Phantomhive's death, but it was inevitable.Â
"I know, I know. I just haven't found out how to calm him down yet..."Â
"Find out quicker or we're going to be dealing with a lot more than thousands of people dying! Not only is he overworking the reapers but he's also affecting human life that was never involved with him!" She barked in his face.Â
War was a terrifying woman. She ran on pure rage alone, not someone that anyone would want to mess with. Out of the four horsemen she was the worst of them all. Now, Sebastian wasn't the only otherworldly concern. The demon was a very big concern because of his rampages but Death was also missing. He's been missing for quite a long time. Since the reapers are being overworked there isn't anyone to truly moderate it. Sure, they can try to moderate it themselves but without their horseman at the helm attempting is futile.Â
"I'm waiting for the right time to give him that letter Ciel left him."
"There is never going to be a 'right time' with him! He's going to continue on like this unless you do something to stop him!"Â
"What if I can't stop him?" Raziel asked.Â
"Then we'll have to terminate him."Â
"Isn't that a little too hasty? Wait— You need the four of you to destroy him."Â
"No. The four of us would be needed to destroy this world we have created, only one is required to destroy that in which we molded after ourselves. Although, without your brother you would be incomplete." War sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "If it were any of the Sins they would need to be together in entirety, all seven of them are needed to destroy a demon, angel, or reaper."Â
"I thought the Sins were just a silly story that humans told their offspring?" Raziel rose a brow.
"You're changing the subject!" She sneered through gritted teeth, fangs glinting in the yellow light that illuminated the room.Â
"You're the one who brought it up..."Â
"Just— Get that damned demon on a leash before I have to do something about it, I'm not as forgiving as I appear to be."Â
"I get it, you're holding back."Â
Raziel stood from the broken chair that had been stabbing into his back for the past hour. Relief washed over his face as his hands quickly went to rub at the irritated area. Like her name suggested, War's office was broken down and torn apart. From the looks of it she had stopped buying new furniture after the continuous destruction. As much as he was curious of whether or not the Sins did truly exist there was a much more important pressing matter. Finding Sebastian. The good thing is he didn't go and destroy Britain, otherwise that would have really pissed off the horsemen of the apocalypse.Â
Exiting through the door he had come through the butler clad in white found himself back on the busy streets of London. It seems Ciel's death hadn't majorly affected the human world as much as it had affected the otherworldly beings. Running a hand down his face his feet carried him in a random direction. Unlike his brother, Raziel didn't feel the need to cause massive amounts of destruction after Oscar had died. He'd known this was coming for a long time. It was ultimately Sebastian's fault to get involved with a human being he'd made a contract with. That was the first and only rule he willingly broke without a second thought. Shaking his head with a laugh he ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back from his face. Humans were complicated, confusing, and overall just small beings compared to angels and demons. They were their food after all, they had to be small in comparison. The ultimate predator needs no predator of their own. Especially not when it comes to their food.Â
Pulling the letter from his waist coat his gloved fingertips ran over the wax seal. Ciel's refined handwriting decorated the back of the envelope addressing the letter to the demon. It had only been two weeks since he'd seen his brother but it feels like it has been centuries from the way he was acting. It was in fact against code to kill humans that are not involved in a contract, but it's very clear wrath and gluttony have taken the demon over. Sins and Virtues were put in place as a way to hold humans down and make sure they continue to fight one another instead of finding out the truth about their world. Their little minds wouldn't be able to handle the information.Â
His eyes flashed golden for a second. Humans always smelled wonderful in the morning. He was almost envious of the way Sebastian could just willingly deal away with all these humans lives and not feel remorse for what damage he has caused. He was envious of all the food he was eating. He wished he was the person who thought about it first. Raziel mentally cursed himself for not taking to killing thousands of people. Humans were beneath him no matter what he thought of those in contracts with him. They were bugs to be crushed under his feet, small lives that meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Even the tainted humans like vampires and werewolves were below him, although he wouldn't dare eat them.Â
There was no way to travel to Germany without the help of a reaper. They had the easier and faster ways to travel after all. With headquarters all over the globe they obviously had a way to cross the world. Reapers were far more easier to deal with than other demons and angels, although there were rather annoying reapers he'd much rather avoid. Namely one Grell Sutcliff, but she always managed to find him. Possibly it was because he was related to Sebastian, or just for her own amusement. She was nice company when she wanted to be tolerable.Â
"What are you doing here without a contractee?"Â
Snapped out of his thoughts by the reaper in the tan trench coat there was a ghost of a smile on his face. Matthew O'Harris was a much more pleasant surprise then getting snuck up on by Grell Sutcliff. Stuffing the letter back into his waistcoat Raziel only chuckled dryly.Â
"Angels don't always need contracts to walk amongst the lower life forms."Â
"Ouch, I was once human you know." Matthew snickered, humor a bit too dry for his liking.Â
"I'm well aware, but you are no longer human so you do not count."Â
"Didn't you have a contract with a human?"
"Yes, but it was terminated not long after..."Â
"Ah, right. I'll take it you want to go see him quickly, eh?" Matthew pulled a iron key with a skull on it from his pocket.Â
They had stopped at the entrance of an abandoned alleyway. Shoulder to shoulder the angel was far taller than the reaper could ever be. Emanating a faint glow as the buildings blocked out the sunlight, Raziel watched the reaper use the back end of the key to outline a door-esque shape on the red brick and flip this key around. It was magical how once the key was inserted in the keyhole and turned a door appeared before their very eyes. The reapers always had fun things attached to their job. They only had to deal with collecting the souls, not taking care of those same souls until the moment they died.Â
"You're lucky I'm on my way to the German branch, it's a good thing they said they needed help."Â
"Yes, a good thing indeed." Raziel rolled his eyes. He never liked travelling companions.Â
The door opened to a path surrounded by the cosmos. Swirls of colors mixed together and curled around one another. Tones of purple and red, orange and pink all mixed together among the black expanse. No matter how many times Raziel has seen the paths of the dead he was still speechless upon seeing them. Matthew didn't wait for him. He walked on ahead with no intention of stopping and talking to him. That was another reason why Raziel didn't want to run into Grell, she would most certainly stop and talk to him the entire way. Talk his ear off until they reached their destination and had to part ways. People like that were awfully dull. Those who spoke incessantly had nothing of interest going on about them. Wearing their heart on their sleeve and their soul as an open book led to very uneventful beings. That too was something he didn't like about humans. Even those that tried to convince others or themselves that they weren't as open like a book were the most predictable and boring individuals on the planet.Â
Oscar was among those like that. He lived and died without changing, not even an inch. Raziel felt better off without him, but at the same time he was starving without him. Maybe he hadn't enjoyed the soul as much as he should have. Quickly eating was a habit he'd tended to pick up from Death, his creator. Perhaps gluttony had come from Death as well.Â
Raziel could no longer see Matthew as he made it to the end of the pathway. Typically this would only shut him inside until another reaper came to get him or happened upon him by accident, but he could see the open door at the other end. The forest of Germany greeted him when he stepped out. The rain already soaking through his white clothing causing the darker colors to show through so quickly. Scowling at the rain his ears twitched feeling something in the air. Sebastian was here. He was thankful, at least, to be able to sense other beings like himself. It made his job easier.Â
The angel didn't have to go looking for the demon when his brother came to him. Tackled to the disgusting, wet ground by the man clad in black his reflexes kicked in when Sebastian had bit him hard on the arm. Black blood oozed out of the injury and sizzled in the falling rain. The brothers struggled for what seemed like eternity rolling around on the horrid terrain of Earth. Dirtying their clothes and themselves with dirt and their blood. It seemed Sebastian had simply overdosed on human souls and was now displaying Wrath fueled by all those angry beings. They weren't properly absorbed to become one with him.Â
"You've turned into a filthy animal." Raziel scoffed, kicking Sebastian in the stomach.Â
"Really, look at yourself. This lack of moderation is unbecoming of you Zariel."Â
Something about his true name made Sebastian snap even further. It was like the angel was looking at someone entirely different from the demon he'd known for years. This reaction would only come if they were fighting for their food but there was no food to fight over, not when Sebastian had eaten almost all of it. Raziel stilled kept silverware in his waist coat, just in case he needed to defend himself against something that wasn't human. Using them on his brother wasn't entirely ideal but he had no other choice. Of course, his brother didn't have the power to kill him but he needed to be put to rest only for a moment.Â
"It's like you loved that human so much you became something like it."Â
Sebastian didn't respond, far too gone to respond to anything. Not even a response to the insults. Deep down he knew that he was becoming a disgusting creature. There was just this hole that couldn't be filled. Neverminded eating thousands of people, that hole would stay. He felt broken, incomplete without the missing piece. Something really was torn away from him when he had to kill Ciel at the end of their contract. He looked at his brother with unbridled rage in his eyes. Anger towards a being who could mercilessly take a human life and not feel anything toward it.Â
"You and I may not be two different sides of the same coin after all, I mean, I wouldn't have this reaction to a mere human being killed by my hand. Better it by you than something else." Raziel's talking annoyed him, like nails on a chalk board.Â
Holding his hands over his ears he screwed his eyes shut tight. Blocking the angel out the best he could all these voices on the inside were screaming at him. He really had eaten too much. This sick and twisted cacophony played inside him like an orchestra. Ciel was like a child to him. Was like a son to him. Someone that meant everything to him. Without that piece there was a part of him that was missing. He was truly flawed. He was nothing like his brother. His time on Earth had indeed tainted him greatly. Â
"Answer me, you mutt!" Raziel had grabbed him harshly by the collar, spitting in his face. "Why have you decided to destroy not only yourself but everyone else around you?!"Â
There was something swimming in Sebastian's eyes. Behind their red hue was that hint of unabsorbed souls swimming within him. Bouncing around as if his body was a bouncy castle. A grimace fell upon Raziel's face as he let go of his brother, letting him crash toward the dirt. He was feeling more than just disappointment. This rage bubbled inside of him seeing his brother so recklessly horrid. So torn apart by a mere human. A mere tiny life form compared to their ethereal forever.Â
"I believed you were finally worthy of this, but you are worthy of nothing. You should be below me with your precious humanity." Raziel pulled the letter from his waist coat, the rain begun to soak it. He was able to fix it, of course, but he was taunting the demon.Â
"No!" Sebastian finally screamed, it came out strained, as if his vocal cords hadn't been used in forever. His voice was raw.Â
"No? Finally, you say something." Raziel sighed.Â
"Give me that! Is it from Ciel?!" Sebastian reached out to grab the letter but Raziel wasn't going to give it to him, obviously.Â
"Are you really still rambling on about that puny human? I expected better of you."Â
"Give me the letter!" Sebastian cried, the tears that ran down his face matched the color of his eyes.Â
"Now you're crying."Â
"Give me— The letter..."Â
Sebastian heaved, it was odd now that he had suddenly calmed down once he'd laid eyes on the letter that Ciel had written. Raziel shook his head and looked up at the sky. He hoped the horsemen were looking down at him and pitying him for having to deal with his brother like this. Grabbing Sebastian's arm harshly the angel pulled the demon to his feet and grimaced at the disheveled state of his clothes. Sebastian had barely laid his eyes on his brother now that he was calm before he had fallen unconscious. Supporting him despite wanting to let him fall and leave him their he noticed the woman in red he wanted nothing to do with. Once she spotted them she immediately came running over with her death scythe clutched tightly in her hands.Â
"You know, I was wondering when you would show up— Oh dear, is bassy..." Grell's eyes widened, Sebastian being unconscious became clearer the closer she was.Â
"I believe he's just passed out due to all of those unabsorbed souls."Â
"Then we'll have to take him to the reaper hospital."Â
"We?" Raziel rose a brow, his face otherwise blank.Â
"Yes! We. There's no way you're just leaving him with me like this, I'm not going to be the one to explain to my superiors what happened." Grell planted her hands on her hips.Â
"How come I have to explain this to your superiors? I was never a reaper."Â
"He's your brother, you found out how to calm him down."
"Alright, let's just go to that stupid mortal hospital."Â
Unlike angels and demons, reapers had a hospital in which they operated out of. Those who reaped souls were once human themselves. It was a way to keep a bit of that humanity instead of othering themselves. Raziel was uncomfortable in the hospital. He was uncomfortable around reapers in general. It didn't matter if they were no longer human, they were once human and that made them less than what they seemed to be. He'd explained to Grell's higher ups, leaving her in the hospital room with Sebastian. When the demon came to she had a frown on her face.Â
"How did you eat five thousand souls without stopping and thinking about the consequences?" Her voice was level, she was holding his hand.Â
"I— What?"Â
"Sebastian, those souls were going to rip you apart."Â
"What do you mean?" He asked, completely serious.Â
"You ate five thousand souls! What else is there to say?"Â
"I... Ate five thousand souls?"Â
Grell sighed and shook her head. On the bedside table was the letter that Ciel had written to Sebastian. It was like he was noticing it for the first time today. Reaching over to pick it up the red-haired woman furrowed her brows in confusion. Did he really still care about that letter?Â
"Ciel... Where— Where is the young master?"Â
Moving to sit up he looked around frantically. It was heartbreaking watching him like this. It was as if nothing that had transpired ever happened at all. It was was if he completely had forgotten the rampages he'd gone on or the damage that he'd caused. Like this he looked frail and powerless.Â
"Sebastian, he's dead."Â
You got me there lol
Idk why but the concept of Sebastian facing demon peer pressure from other demons is both interesting and funny to me.
Like, I know we haven't really seen a lot of demons as a species nor do we know how they behave in general (unless you count the garbagefire that was Kuroshitsuji II of course but I digress)
Sebastian's not just a demon butler that's serving a human; he's a demon butler who adores cats.
Meanwhile I can imagine almost any other demon wanting to eat a cat.