Hazbin Hotel Charlie - Tumblr Posts

Daddy's Little Apple

These two are too cute!

Cursed cat Alastor is my new obsession

There is something concerning about a creature being able to get Alastor’s staff

It’s a work in progress but they’ll both learn

Aggressive reminder that this is a pro-palestine blog! If you support Israel, and GENOCIDE, go away!!! Forever!!! If you’re “neutral” in the face of war, also go away!!! Forever!!!

I like the way you think. 😈
Yo what if Charlie villain arc
Finally done with the backdrop for the convention ☆

(Original screenshot from the show just edited out some characters)
It’s the superior trope, right up there with cold hearted man becomes a loving father and family by choice.

I love the “is a cinnamon roll but has the potential to lose all shit and dominate everyone’s ass” trope
Ares and (probably) Alastor: Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go apeshit?
Hi! Can you do a head cannon for how the various women of Hazbin hotel would confess their feelings to/ask out a clearly shy reader who's never had a partner before and they know?
Tw's - Cursing (it's hell so hush), mentions if fighting, Velvette threatening Val's 🍆, me sucking at pet names✨, spoilers (duh), injury to reader and others, let me know if there are any more!
Type - head canons
Genre - Fluff
Comments - Awww, this sounds very wholesome 🥰🥰 so of course I'll do this! In this Charlie and Vaggie are just besties, also, implied fem!reader for Vaggie, and implied male!reader for Nifty, the rest are gn!readers. (I didn't know if you wanted me to do the angels too so I just did the demons, let me know if you want a part 2 for the angels) SPOILERS FOR SEASON ONE OF HAZBIN HOTEL‼️ IF YOU'RE FINE WITH SPOILERS OR ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING THEN FEEL FREE TO CONTINUE <33
Sweet, shy thing~
- Remember how she was panicking in episode 5 when extermination day was about a month away and stayed up all night?
- Yeah, she did something similar to that when it came to asking you out lmao
- She also ended up enlisting the help of Vaggie (Angel Dust joined in because he was getting a little aggravated with how much you two danced around with each other 😭)
- Vaggie and Angel both gave Charlie a very.. straight forward approach to confessing which she knew wouldn't work out in her or your favors, but kept their advice in mind
- The best helper of them all would be Husk (who else) who told her to just be as sweet as possible and to be both straightforward (like Vaggie and Angel said) but not enough to scare you
- She took his advice with great confidence, and finally did it.
- She's asking you out!
- She grabbed a plush of your favorite animal, and a singular flower, a Lilly of the Valley
- Why that one? Because it means hope. Hope that you return her feelings, hope that all goes right with your possible relationship, and hope that you both survive the upcoming extermination.
- With all of that in mind, she gives the items to you, her hands shaking, eyes shut, and the most furious blush upon her red spotted cheeks
- She explains when, how, and what caused her to fall for you, and why she's giving you this flower
- When she finally looks at you, the last thing she's expecting is to see tears brim your eyes, the slight shake in your body as you hold the stuffed animal and flower close to your body
- She nearly has a panic attack! She starts stumbling over her words, begging for you to not hate her, asking if you both could still be friends, not stopping her words until you suddenly lean forwards and hug her, tightly
- You silently whisper in her ear that you like her too, but haven't been in a relationship before, not that she didn't know that already. But you wanted to wait until after the extermination to really give it a try
- As saddened as she was hearing you wanted to wait after the extermination, where anything could happen, she would wait as long as you wanted her to
- Normally I wouldn't decide what the readers background is, but for Vaggie you both were great friends in heaven, you just not being an exterminator
- Instead, you decided to fall from grace as soon as you heard the reason why Vaggie never came back from that extermination..
- No one up in heaven had known what you were planning until it was already done
- Vaggie only knew what you did till she discovered you one day while out and about with Charlie, casually hanging out and discussing how to promote the hotel more
- She obviously asked what happened, and she fell for you once you explain your reasoning
- The many thoughts of how she would confess to you would run through her mind as you did something she found so cute subconsciously
- She was already friends with you in heaven, and knew your mannerisms like the back of her hand
- And the only thing she could think of was the classic "I like you, and want to take you on a date. [Yes] [No]"
- Why? Because it's simple, straight to the point, but also giving you space to decide what you want to do without the pressure of her being there
- She slips it under your bedroom door, knocks, then silently runs away
- She had to do something, ANYTHING to get her mind off of your response so she spent several hours working with Charlie discussing trust exercises
- It was the end of the day when she finally returned to her bedroom, she remembered the note as it sat on her bed, crisply folded. Just how she gave it to you
- That made her a little.. nervous, but she opened it..
- "I like you, and want to take you on a date. [Yes] [No]"
- Holy shit.. YOU SAID YES-
- Ahem, you said yes, and now she is taking you on a date. Where's Charlie-
- She needs to tell her bestest friend that she's going on a date with the most beautiful creature in all of hell
- She uh
- She's something ngl
- Velvette is very straightforward and brash person
- And we could tell that with the overlord meeting
- Let's say you work for her as an assistant or scheduler
- So you're always by her side, which means you spend a decent time around the other V's
- And as much as she enjoys the chaos those two bring, she gets fed up with it. ESPECIALLY Val's temper tantrums
- His tantrums include bursting into her workshop, ripping apart her models, her clothes, and just wrecking everything he declares in his way
- Unfortunately, you ended up being caught up in his tantrum. Good news, you didn't die. Bad news, your limbs were.. broken. Just a couple though, like an arm, several ribs, nose, all that jazz
- Velvette happened to hear the commotion and walked in, and saw him looming over you
- She felt her body freeze from your current state, how battered and bruised you were, your arm bending in an impossible direction, your labored breathing as you just clenched your eyes and accepted the fate Val was planning on handing to you..
- That is until Velvette fucking EXPLODES on Val, threatening to chop off his 🍆 if he didn't leave and calm tf down before she made him
- Everyone feels a chill run down their spine as she lets out more curses towards Val as she stomped towards you, demanding someone call a doctor (if they even have those in hell) and to fix everything or so help them-
- ..let's just say Val is more careful with his tantrums and everyone realized that Velvette is the scariest V when angry
- When you were finally bandaged up and resting in a bed she calmed down and really took a deep breath, and came to a realization
- She had never been that pissed that Valentino had nearly mutilated one of her employees.. what made you so different.?
- Then it hit her like a truck
- She liked you, and she didn't realize it until she almost lost you
- All of the times you did something so small for her, but it made a big difference to her was all she needed to know that you were meant for her, and that hopefully she was meant for you..
- The second you wake up you see Velvette, who lets out a sigh and gives you the softest look you have ever seen on her since you began working for the V's
- She slowly reached her hand forwards, cupped your cheek, and whispered how sorry she was for not being there to protect you
- Your cheek warmed up in her hand, not expecting the vulnerability she showed you, not to mention the worry and sorrow that covered her face
- Gently leaning into her touch, you tell her it's okay, and that you would be fine. You always were, weren't you?
- Chuckling, she shifts her face from sadness to a look of endearment. She had to confess now, otherwise she may lose her chance again
- Sighing softly, Velvette whispered her confession, of how much she adores you, appreciates your patience with her, how strong you were when it came to Valentino's rampage, and just you as a whole
- Velvette closed her eyes, halfway expecting rejection, but only opens her eyes again when she feels something wet run down her hand, the hand still on your cheek that's now very, very warm
- As she opens her eyes, she's met with a teary eyed you, cheeks ablaze with a blush so fierce
- You muttered something so softly she almost didn't catch it, almost. "I-I.. feel the same way, Velvette.."
- This woman doesn't like you
- Let's get that out of the way 😭
- She's into bad boys (like Val and Alastor)
- The reader being shy doesn't scream "bad boy" to her whatsoever
- Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <33
- She's very reserved about her feelings
- And she kinda has to be, especially when it comes to keeping her daughters safe
- But now.. she has to keep you safe too
- She had added you to her little crew a couple of exterminations ago after her daughters had discovered you running away from an exorcist, managing to fend it off long enough to help you get away
- And as an expression of your gratitude for what Carmilla's daughters did, you made a contract with Carmilla, pledging to try and protect her and her daughters to the best of your ability to repay their kindness for a random sinner
- Carmilla didn't even think much of you at first, and almost refused your offer, but didn't see the harm
- She doesn't regret it, if anything, she's very happy she did however
- You kept your word and did more than she ever expected you to do
- You always accompanied her daughters to shipments, and even had to step in a couple of times because someone got a bright idea
- You may've been shy, but you owed them your life, and you planned on never letting them come to harm under your watch
- Carmilla appreciated it, greatly. Her girls have showed how much they've cared about you. Almost treating you like their second parent alongside her
- She didn't realize it, but you were growing on her too, just not in the same way as her daughters.
- She.. fell in love with you.. in hell of all places
- Strange, but not completely taboo
- She just wasn't expecting it to happen to her, and with you
- She wasn't quite sure how to go about it, knowing your surprisingly shy nature (despite how fierce you can be when it comes to her daughters)
- But she figures it out
- Her plan being that she will invite you to a "meeting" in a very nice restaurant
- She dresses up even, with her daughters assistance who are very much on board with you hopefully being their 2nd parent, and gets a private room for the both of you
- In that private room, as you both eat your meals, she confesses
- She tells you how much she appreciates you, and how you protect her daughters with your life, how sweet you are, how loyal, how brave you are
- She tells you that and more, including how and why she fell for you, hoping silently that you felt the same so this dinner didn't become incredibly awkward
- She looks everywhere but at you as she tells you these things, too nervous to look you in the eyes, but when she finishes and she's left in silence she finally does
- And all she can see is how flushed your face became, how you're looking down at your lap with the dopiest grin stretching across your face
- Then you mumble something, she doesn't hear it the first time so she leans in, silently asking for you to say it again
- "I-I.. I fell for you t-too, Carmilla.."
- Her heart does a flip, several, actually
- Her face flushes slightly, her larger hand reaching across the table to lift your face up, softly stroking your cheek
- "Words could never express how happy that makes me, mi amor.."
- (translation, "my love.." I couldn't think of anything better, send me a list of some cute names she would use I beg of you 🙏🙏)
That Hazbin women confessing feeling fluff was very wholesome and I loved to read it. Could you do a similar idea but for a first date and first kiss? still with a shy reader. Feel free to add the angels if you'd like.
Cautions - SPOILERS FOR SEASON 1, cursing duh, niffty biting you (you'll see lmao), a cringy song reference 🤪,
Genre - fluff
Type - head canons
Comments - Ooooo, this sounds so sweet 🥹🥹 I'm so happy to hear you loved the confessions! Like with the confessions, I'm going to separate the demons and angels into two different parts, I hope you don't mind! (Again, Charlie and Vaggie are best friends in this. Implied fem!reader for Vaggie, and male!reader for Niffty. They may or may not have pronouns mentioned in them, cause I mostly use you/your pronouns for readers) I just now realized I forgot ROSIEEEE which makes me sad 😭 (I'll add her into another part I swear just ask 🙏🙏)
Is this the part where we kiss?
- Your first date is gonna be a little rough, but it will be worth it
- However, you might be thinking that Charlie chooses to go to a nice restaurant, or a picnic in the park nearby with the least amount of sinners causing bloodshed and such, but no
- She takes you to LULU WORLDDD (I believe that's the original, and not the Mammon knockoff in greed. Let's also assume it's in the pride ring just in case you imagine yourself as a sinner <33) because she enjoys the rides and games there, and wants your first date together to be full of fun and laughter
- You two are a little awkward at first, like on all first dates, but you both very quickly become comfortable in each other's presence again after 1 ride, Charlie very quickly dragging you away to the next ride
- Several roller coasters, a few carnival games, and some over priced carnival food later and you both reach the haunted house!
- A carnival classic, the tunnel of love 💕
- You both looked at it, and silently agreed to go together, hand in hand, eating parts of your cotton candy
- You both climbed into the swan boat, the ride operator saying "Don't have too much fun, love birds~" then sending you both off into the tunnel, your faces burning from the tease
- You both recovered, just to see all sorts of beautiful art that depicted the classic baby Cupid shooting arrows at humans, making them fall in love
- You both awed at the sites, slowly and subconsciously intertwining your hands together again
- The ride was quite long, so you both chatted, about how much fun you're having, what ride you want to go on next, and how cute this ride is
- Suddenly, your eyes catch Charlie's, her giving you a sweet smile, your conversation forgotten, the both of you too lost in the others eyes to keep it going
- Almost as if you both were thinking the same thing, your eyes darted down to her curled lips, wondering how they would feel against yours
- You both looked back up at each other, and slowly leaned in. Just before you kissed, your lips brush against each other, you hesitating to lean fully in.
- Charlie notices, knowing that she wanted your first kiss to be memorable. She gently squeezed your hand, bringing her other to cup your burning cheek, stroking it softly and giving you the most love filled look you had originally thought you would only see in your dreams.
- When you smiled too, she leaned in again, you following suit, leaned in too, kissing her gently. She smiles into the kiss, so happy you kissed her, that you loved her so much to give her your first kiss, and that she belonged to you, and you belonged to her, heart, body, and soul.
- The extermination was coming up, and you were struggling a little with the actual fighting but refused to just stay inside the hotel during it, wanting to fight alongside your girlfriend
- And she appreciated it, and seeing the determination to learn how to fight the angels burn in your eyes made her feel nostalgic in a way
- And so, your training began! She took you to a quieter part of the land outside of the hotel, away from the cannibals that were still training
- She gave you a small selection of blades to choose from, all of which were made of angelic steel, supplied by Carmilla Carmine (Carbine?). As you looked through the weapons, you decided on [y/w] (your weapon) and raised it up to Vaggie. She nodded, then put the rest of the weapons away, then started explaining the best ways to use your weapon
- As she explained, she did a few examples, and answered any questions you had as you went. Eventually, she handed you the weapon, then asked you to do a simple attack. And you did pretty good! Vaggie gave you a small clap, very proud of her girlfriend. She asked you to do a more difficult attack, but not much harder than the first one. You did okay, just needed to adjust some of your posture
- She walked over to you and started adjusting your posture, nudging your foot to the side, adjusting your hold, then her hands went to your waist
- Vaggie didn't even realize where her hands were until you went stiff, then she looked up at your tinted cheeks and realized what happened
- She almost removed her hands from your waist until you muttered a small "w-wait.." and she also went stiff
- You gently drop the angelic weapon on the ground, then put your hands on her shoulders. A blush creeped on her face as well, realizing how close you both were.
- Vaggie's eyes dart down to your lips, then back up to your eyes, when she realized that your eyes were also looking at her lips
- She smirked slightly, then brought a hand up to brush your hair away from your eyes, her other hand going to the small of your back to pull you in closer to her.
- As she tucked your hair behind your ear, she leaned in slightly, tilting her head. As you got on, your blush became deeper, but you still tilted your head to the side, then your lips finally meet
- As soon as it begins, it ends. A small peck, but it spoke a thousand words from Vaggie. "I will protect you, because I'll be your armor." <3
Niffty (nifty?)
- Again, doesn't do shy guys 😭
- If you were to try and kiss her, this crazy bitch would BITE YOU
- So, in other words, remain 6 feet from her at all times if you value your.. undead life
- Like, I love how crazy she is but she literally KILLED THE ADAM
- You do not wanna test her 😭
- You both had been working hard recently, more shipments are being made, gathering the angelic steel from around the pentagram, and lots of paperwork that needed to be done
- You both could feel your backs dying as they hunched over those mounds of paperwork, however your saving graces showed up from a weapons delivery. Clara and Odette (Carmilla's daughters if you didn't know, I sure didn't) opened the doors to Carmilla's office, and tisking at the tiredness in both yours and their mother's eyes.
- That's how you both got kicked out of your own home and forced into a reservation at a nice restaurant lmao
- You both enjoyed your time there, finally relaxing, letting your hair down (OUT FOR LOVEEE) and joking around. Now, on the way home you held each other's hands, talking about how you needed to pay back Clara and Odette for their kindness in getting you out of the house and taking care of the paper work
- As you both returned, you were giggling happily after a story you told from when you were alive. You entered the front door holding onto each other as you hunched over, holding your stomachs from how much you were laughing.
- You both felt so relaxed, especially you, who had some wine at the restaurant and was feeling less shy about showing Camilla affection, and it showed.
- Your giggles died down as you both looked at each other, slowly leaning, and sharing your first kiss.
- As you part, a blush crosses both of your faces and you look away shyly
- Around the corner, Clara and Odette were silently cheering and giving each pats on the back for their perfect set up

"I'm not a kitten!!" Check out MadKittyCat's lovely Hazbin Hotel fan comic here 😍

What would family life look like for Charlie, Vaggie and their children? Lovely Hazbin Hotel fanfic by eddymartyn 😍 Full comic here
![Alastor Welcomes Misty Into The Hazbin Hotel! [Misty_Moo]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a8365a8c86df5544dcfebdfbc4ff91a4/f59c724a3009dbed-1b/s500x750/55d5d7eae591c9e06e9475f3e56c2f7aa07d31b2.png)
![Alastor Welcomes Misty Into The Hazbin Hotel! [Misty_Moo]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5170e2984df2f2ac5cc73e397ebcf75f/f59c724a3009dbed-07/s500x750/046dd9813a0fd0cf3d525b6f0e1e1abfaaa098f8.png)
![Alastor Welcomes Misty Into The Hazbin Hotel! [Misty_Moo]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f8fc45de74c31dcf3ba419aa0fda2e42/f59c724a3009dbed-6a/s500x750/b015c62ad75b4c55df42d475e5b32ecf59294596.png)
![Alastor Welcomes Misty Into The Hazbin Hotel! [Misty_Moo]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/dd33900e4fa2e7536e62987567e6cc13/f59c724a3009dbed-b3/s500x750/1ceb9c2cec51415ede99fe1fb0c4f3f151b91acd.png)
![Alastor Welcomes Misty Into The Hazbin Hotel! [Misty_Moo]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f9c99ff1591e081ba1dc8af9ddad1997/f59c724a3009dbed-9d/s500x750/d6979476b9a6004079b3e392b2a6c0930651a36e.png)
Alastor welcomes Misty into the Hazbin Hotel! [Misty_Moo]
Misty, a deaf sinner sent to hell, is struggling to survive in the seven rings.
We'd love for you to check out Misty_Moo's lovely Hazbin fan comic "Deals with Demons." 🤗 This is the first comic posted on Fanon where ASL (American Sign Language) is used!
Check out the full comic: https://www.fanon.co/fanfics/0019
!["So... How Is My Little Brother?" [eddymartyn]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0ae1f217c5f0b4b3264300ce0f7e7582/998ae4061ec1d7f3-f0/s540x810/7fbfdd45eedca3514c87669f8689bf5dc6177f13.png)
!["So... How Is My Little Brother?" [eddymartyn]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5d87d0651072a423a86a672ba1421a13/998ae4061ec1d7f3-d7/s500x750/86416bb690c1f53fd74b0a467f39424ecc689241.png)
!["So... How Is My Little Brother?" [eddymartyn]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/66288c8b347c8eedf86e1f7d099df23b/998ae4061ec1d7f3-4d/s500x750/b3efba7947a80913e66ccb755b62f39a2f11582b.png)
"So... how is my little brother?" 🥹 [eddymartyn]
What would family life look like for Charlie, Vaggie and their children? Check out EddyMartyn's lovely Hazbin fan comic "Family Laces" on Fanon 😄

Happy Radiorose Week with @nerdynuala's lovely comic 💕
![Pentagram City Is Under Attack! [toridesori]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2ab0dba5c605ec80afa55a73b974b554/a112ec26a60a4197-fb/s500x750/04f21153ab29fe551c1352bb37f25022d0315d33.png)
![Pentagram City Is Under Attack! [toridesori]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/93eb30dbb0daec773ae21d968917faf8/a112ec26a60a4197-5b/s500x750/d5a87c10a20fa24bf34ea49a3ef69632357270e4.png)
![Pentagram City Is Under Attack! [toridesori]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/67d52e95692b1dd18c2cf52ae51e2730/a112ec26a60a4197-2d/s500x750/4d228931bc0f2c18a6fe83e4e3a22ea6f3453821.png)
Pentagram City is under attack! [toridesori]
Stills from @toridesori's incredible fan comic of a_j_splatoon's Hazbin fanfic "Rise Of The Hell Empire"
I really hope that this is the case. I just want the Morningstars to be a happy a wholesome family. 😭😭
I honestly wonder what Lilith's deal with Adam is. Cause I highly, HIGHLY, doubt she's just chilling while everything else goes to shit. Got any theories swimming?
Oh yeah I do.
So in episode 1 Lute said Charlie was pardoned from Exterminations because of a deal made between Lucifer and Heaven. But I don't think it was the whole truth.
The deal was actually made between Lucifer, Lilith and Adam. Lilith would say up in Heaven, under their watchful eye and in exchange Adam and the Exterminators would not hurt Charlie.
Now why would Heaven want to keep Lilith away? Because she was inspiring Hell. When Lucifer fell he lost a lot of his drive, but Lilith inspired Sinners with her song. Heaven couldn't risk that, they had to keep the Sinners as miserable as possible to:
keep them from rebelling
to punish them
to punish Lucifer and Lilith
to have an "excuse" to exterminate them year after year
Lilith's inspiration was a threat to their order, so when presented with a way to remove her from Heaven they sent Adam, and Lute. After that deal was made Lilith had to leave, and that's where she's been for 7 years. But Lilith also had a deal with Alastor, to keep an eye on the Hotel and on Charlie. Lilith knew Charlie was like her dad, a dreamer, she knew Heaven would try to kick her down just like they did with the two of them. She knew Lucifer wouldn't want that either but she also knew Charlie wouldn't give up. So she sent Alastor as a kind of safety net.
Lucifer only interfered when Adam went after Charlie, because at that point their deal was broken by Adam. After Adam died Lute told this to Lilith, their deal is broken. BUT now Charlie is fair game in future Exterminations. At least she will be unless Lilith goes down there and does something about the Hotel.
The only thing is that she doesn't want that. I suspect she hoped that the Hotel would be successful and that Heaven would change their mind when they saw redeemed souls, bringing an end to Exterminations, the danger to Charlie and her having to stay in Heaven all at once.
But now Lilith, who wanted freedom, went from one cage (Heaven), to another (Hell), and then back to the first one, has her hands tied once again. Adam is dead, but she's not free, because if she were to leave Charlie would get hurt.
People in this fandom are so quick to villainize her because she's at a beach (and cause of how Stella is apparently?). It's Heaven. A pretty cage is still a cage.