bgyuus - 🫧soshiro’s girl☁️
🫧soshiro’s girl☁️

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560 posts

Be My Lantern Rite Date Pls Lol

be my lantern rite date pls lol

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More Posts from Bgyuus

3 years ago

I want to gently hold Kaeya’s face and press our foreheads together and tell him, “thank you for being here.” I want him to know how much I appreciate him and cherish him. I want him to know he’s worth it, and he deserves the entire world and more.

I want to break down that facade he puts up around people. I want him let his bottled feelings out. I just want to hold him and tell him he’s done well to make it this far. I want him to know I’m proud of him, that I love him with all my heart, and I would never abandon him no matter the circumstances.

I want him to know how loved he is, and just how precious he is to me. I want him to feel safe. Safe enough to let that facade drop around me, safe enough to open up to me about his feelings and his troubles, safe enough to feel like there’s a place where he belongs.

Fk I’m so soft for him I’m crying while thinking of him at 2 am rn

3 years ago


we finished paper pai and seni for today!! exam pai was a pain like throughout the whole exam i felt like throwing the paper out of the window sbb there were some questions that i remembered reading the topic but not hafal the topic like what do they expect dh la kene baca 16 chapters 💀💀👎🏻👎🏻 then for chinese new year we won't be cuti-ing pon sbb ada kelas 💀 even this friday (which should be a weekend sbb kedah cuti on fri and sat) pon ada class 😭😭

ALSO 3 DAYS AGO my classmate lended me his laptop for genshin 😭😭 and he helped me get yanfei's ascension materials bcuz he wanted to try out my childe (since i have him) AND GUESS WHAT ?!?!?!! CHILDE DID AN 11K 😭😭😭 the whole time i sat beside him i was so terkejut like 😭 also he was sweet enough to craft the one last jade for yanfei now she's finally ascended to her final lvl 90 <3

EH 4 PPL FROM YOUR CLASS GOT COVID?? OML hope you're okay sweetie ☹️ that means you kene quarantine la kan?? OH so THIS WAS ONE OF THE KLUSTER PENDIDKAN I THINK? no wonder my parents told me to jaga myself

stay safe nurin :(( dh la nk dekat spm god ,, pls jaga yourself elok2 syg you mwah <3

@xxkaeya rie since your inbox is just for aesthetic im just gonna do this here HSHSVSB

so hows your tests going ? cuba cite sikit manatau stress ke apa ke kan. in my head skarang tengah terbayang korang tengah study ramai2. teringat zaman prep dulu 😞💔. kalau at the end of each day rasa nak rant pasal how your day went masuk je inboxzzz im here to read them

anyways kan rie saje nak cite skarang my school tutup seminggu unexpectedly sebab GUESS WHAT? ada doploh covid cases and empat from my class ha kejodt tak sis pun kejodt 😌 sudahnya dari cuti seminggu cny jadi cuti dua minggu hmm gituler

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2 years ago

guess who has ideas for a few fanfics? that's right me! in celebrating tokyo revengers manga's ending >:D so stay tune!

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2 years ago

i think im in my blue lock brain rot era rn

cw: making out with my beloved kaiser

the rose patterned tattoo on michael kaiser's neck looked absolutely gorgeous and you definitely held back the urge to kiss it.

kaiser was scrolling through his phone when he felt your eyes staring at him. he turned to looked you with an eyebrow raised. "what?" he asked. you snapped from your thoughts of nibbling on his tattoo. "nothing." you said as you rose up from your armchair and walked over towards him.

you placed yourself above his lap, making him put away his phone. arms slithering across his neck, you said,

"you're so pretty,"

as you twirled some of his blue streak locks in your finger. kaiser's lips curled into a smirked. "not as pretty as you being above me like this," he said, as his hand began to snake around your hips.

you giggled at his words. god, he's just so pretty. you stared into his blue hues as he stared into yours. your hands hold the sides of his face, slowly closing the gap between you. his lips, your lips matched perfectly with one another. your tongues were dancing at first until kaiser wanted to turned up the heat by deepening the kiss. you sighed into his lips. kaiser gripped your hips and pulled you closer to him.

you released him for air and continued to suck on his skin, specifically on the tattooed part of his neck. kaiser groaned when he felt a sharp sting. "hah, did you just bit me?" he sighed as you continued to kiss his neck. you brought your face towards his and kissed his lips. "it's hard to resist that rose tattoo of yours," you pouted. kaiser lifted your face with his index finger.

"you're more irresistible, meine liebe."

im so in love with him omg

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2 years ago

// tokyo rev chapter 278 spoilers

in celebrating the manga's ending 🥹 (not proofread btw)

note: im estimating them to be around 20+ in here

There you were, standing beside chifuyu, baji and kazutora as you saw your best friend, hina and takemitchy, walking down the stairs of the church.

The bells were ringing and wedding songs filled your ears as you smiled at the newlywed. you were happy for them but deep down, you wanted what they have as well. to get married and settle down with the love of your life, oh how you wish to experience that.

Baji, who noticed your smile slowly dropping at the sides of your face, placed a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, you alright?" he asked. you smiled at him and nodded. baji hummed in acknowledgement as he faced the pair once more.

You went to stand next to emma, who was wiping her tears with a handkerchief draken had given her. you stifled a giggle at her antics. "hey don't laugh! this is an involuntary action y'know!" she said as she snorted into the handkerchief. "haha ok ok i'll stop," you laughed. your gaze then turned towards a figure standing beside draken. he had jet black hair and a toned lean figure. god, he looks so fine in that blue suit, you thought.

Mikey has changed a lot throughout his teenage years. he's now a professional motor racer, just like he always dreamed of. you've always admired him, ever since you guys started being friends. and as a result, you've fallen for him. you've fallen for his personality, how he always cared for the people around him and of course his looks. but his looks comes second tho. but god, you've fallen in love with him since forever.

"Hey y/n! how's the wedding event so far?" a sudden voice chirped, immediately snapping you out of your train of thoughts. you looked up, face to face with chifuyu. ah chifuyu, the golden retriever yet as bashful as a schoolgirl, especially when he's around you. yes, you knew he has a crush on you, ever since you best friends. mind you, baji told you when you were way back in high school.

"It's great! I just can't imagine how we're all here to see them together. It's like how I've always dreamed of," you sighed dreamily as you saw takemitchy and hina cutting a slice of their wedding cake together. "I wish that could be me one day," chifuyu sighed as he put his hand at the back of his neck.

"Fuyu, i-"

"Go out with me, please?"

Your gaze snapped towards him instantly. chifuyu was looking down towards the ground, not wanting to see what reaction you hold. you felt bad for him. you know how he feels towards you but you've never feel the same way towards him. and he doesn't know that you had feelings for mikey. "fuyu, about that, can you give me some time? I just think that it's a bit inappropriate to be answering that during someone's wedding," you chuckled awkwardly.

Chifuyu immediately stood up straight with a smile as bright as the sun on his face. "Great! I'll be waiting for you then!" he said as he went back to baji's side. you smiled as you saw him gone, but the smile dropped once more when you realized that you had just gave him hope. a hope where you're sure that you are unable to return it back to him.

finally coming back from my "writer's block" (hopefully) and maybe thinking about turning this into a series or something idk (i feel bad for doing this to my beloved chifuyu but i wanted some angst lol) 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ let me know if you want a sequel!

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