black-opal-001 - Helo, o estouro da goiabada
Helo, o estouro da goiabada

I like gems! and stars! and anything shining. twitter:@GhostQuartz077

59 posts

Black-opal-001 - Helo, O Estouro Da Goiabada - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago


In day 23 we have:"Rag doll's and a lonely boy":



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10 months ago


In day 22 we have:"The beast":


Oh yes, bug thing.



Someone was possesed by the Devil, i wonder who is that person.🤔

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10 months ago


In day 21 we have: "98 plant, because she is neat:D":


When i saw the depedent plant was magical, i was stunned looking at the mysterios fairy-like-lady, my face was exatcly like that:😲



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10 months ago


In day 20 we have: "🌠", ":O", "Look at his face!" and "She is so cute!:D":



First of all: Drawing Knives eye was fun.

Second:Jessica is cute:).



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10 months ago


In day 19 we have:"I did it! A good side profile:D" and "You can do it!":


Another of my favorite ep! For me it has one of the most impactent plots, you dont have the right to take a life, but what if this life had took another one? Had abused another one, and this another one is someone dear to you, someone you love, your daugther, also, the one who did it was never a good person at all.

I happy the father dint actually kill the guy, but if he have done it, i would totally undestand.



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10 months ago


In day 18 we have: "Vash and Lina", "Ele pita muito", "He needs to sleep more" and "A Wolfwood i did for my art class":


I dont have much to say now because i really tired and need to sleep, but i also love this ep and i really hope Vash and Lina have see eachother again.



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10 months ago


In day 17 we have: "Pretty lady!", "Mary and butter Knives" and "Vashu and Kni":


The last time i said fifth moon was my second favorite episode, my favorite Trigun episode of the two animes is this one, i LOVE lore, we get an actual look on knives here, we meet the crew, we meet REM, oh boy, i love her, her character is awesome and she is soooooo pretty! I also like Mary, i wish we can see more of her in stampede too, even if it is kinda impossible lol, the design of Knives and Vash as kids here is my favorite one in the series, i just really love to draw long hair.

The vibes of this ep too, all of Knives plan scary me, i saw one coment on a tri98 fic that says they would be scared and worred if a kid came with something like that to me, and i fully agree with them, but at the same time i was like "HELL YEAH!! THAT BASTARD DESERVES IT!" lol.

Also, the great fall was a woderful scene for me, i love the dub here.




"He is done with your shit"


"His studyngggggg":


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10 months ago


In day 16 we have: "The power of God in his hands in front of you", "A quinta lua (The fifth moon)" and a extra:


I REALLY love this ep, its one of my favs and where things go to south in a surprisely( But not bad) way!

All the vibe here is awesome, the angel arm, the pain on Vash's face, Rai dei ( I don't know if i write that right) eyes, his fear, the girls looking behind, everyone from the last episodes appearing, Wolfwood in the end, and i LOVE the color pallet that is used here, my second favorite episode everyone!




Ironic that he arrived at day 16 lol

He is here for the trauuuuuumaaaaaaaaa



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10 months ago


In day 15 we have:"..." and "A Dominique scket i wanna forget i made":


When i saw Dominique i was like "Cool! Hot dude:D" then she speak and i was like "Cool!!Hot woman:D"

Lol, she should have more screen time, i hope Stampede gives that to her.



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10 months ago


In day 14 we have:"Side profile?" and "Shortie":

I dint have much time to do these, my school tests are coming and i need to study:/


I still gonna try my best to keep posting, wish me lucky in phisic folks👍

Also, i love this ep, because we have more foucus on the girls, and i LOVE the girls:D



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10 months ago


In day 13 we have: "Drawing Vash is fun" "i don't like recaps ep that much" and "Fuck that, have Emo Vash":

So, here we go, as i said drawing Vash is fun! His hair and ouffit are a fun chalenge to do, and he is helping me learn male anatomy, thanks for that Mr.Stampede!

I gonna be honest, i don't like ep 13 that much, because i don't like recaps that much, but the final scene got me to laught, i cant deny that.





I saw that on pinterest, and i was like "oh yeah, he would definely wear that... I quess..."

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10 months ago


In day 12 we have:"Just me talking about my 98 lore headcanons theorys, Legato and a cool crossover i draw" English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes:

Ok you read the title, first theory! Or headcanon, whathever.

I just think sometimes, how the dependent Plants where made? Like by humans, of course, but how exatcly? Like did they just find one of them and started to clone them? Did them found something else, and created the Plants with it? They have acess to the multiverse so i just have one question, how the fuck. (How they where made is more open in the 98 anime, so i theorizingggg)

Second, and todays star, Legato.

He is still a crazy bitch here, of course, but i think his powers are more interinsing here for two reasons:

1°: Knives just gave his brother arm for him, and like, this is so fucked up, it tells a lot about Knives, and has potential for some body horror art, something that this fandom likes a lot.

2°: Is Vash's arm guys, its Plant lore!!! Knives is show in the flashbacks to have some potential to do more weird things than normal, and Vash's arm gave Legato his powers, so i can make headcanons and theorys about the 98 twins from here! A LOT.


Also, 98 Legato is my favorite version of him, he is way more a villain than Knives is here, and he scared me a lot, made me curse him a lot, and the first time i saw him i said: "Oh! A hot goth!" Then we got a close for his face and i was like "OH MY GOD! BLUE HAIRED SETO KAIBA!!!!!!" lol, i not kindding, i really said that.

This ep also made me learn how Vash is when he is angry, it really was something.

Anyways, here is the cool crossover i made:


Oh yes, dommed by narrative, my favorite kind of shipp.

Madoka is cool, Vash too, so why not?

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10 months ago


In day 11 we have:"She knows your bullshit" and "Milly my beloved":


I was busy today, so i dint have a lot of time for drawing, but i tried my best! Also its my first time drawing Kuroneko, i love and despise that cat.



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10 months ago


In day 10 we have: "Local birds see a Plant for the first time", "What a malewife" and "Tu é?🤨"


Mom said its my time to draw the weird priest in a apron.

Ep 10 was really funny to me, one of the episodes i had more fun watching , also, Vash and Nicholas dimanamic has got me for real in this one.



I gonna draw Wolfwood in a normal amount, trust me👍

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10 months ago

@trigun98watchparty OH HELL YEAH! WOOWOO IS HERE!!!!

In day 9 we have: "Nicholas D. Wolfwood makes an entrace!!", "Trombadinha" and "Silly Milly and Dummy Vash.":

@trigun98watchparty OH HELL YEAH! WOOWOO IS HERE!!!!
@trigun98watchparty OH HELL YEAH! WOOWOO IS HERE!!!!
@trigun98watchparty OH HELL YEAH! WOOWOO IS HERE!!!!

As 80% of the fandom Nicholas is one of my favorite characters, not only his desing is cool but his backstory! My favorite version of his backstory, and character in genaral, is the stampede one, but the 98 always will have a place in my heart with the trimax one (also because trigun 98 is my favorite trigun so yup!)


@trigun98watchparty OH HELL YEAH! WOOWOO IS HERE!!!!
@trigun98watchparty OH HELL YEAH! WOOWOO IS HERE!!!!
@trigun98watchparty OH HELL YEAH! WOOWOO IS HERE!!!!

I love this excuse of a priest, i hope nothing bad ever happens to him!

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11 months ago


In day 8 we have:"Why do i even try?" and "He's thinkingggggg":


BDN makes a entrace! A very cool one, but for God's sake, that bitch is hard to draw:(



I never drawing that guy again.

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11 months ago


Day 7! 7 is my lucky number:)

Today we have:"Best Girls", "Smile!" and "Rem":


The first time i saw Rem was magical, the blue sky, the red petals and the music! I really love sound life, man i wished i had a complete portuquese version, but unfortunely, the brazilian fandom is too small for that:/



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11 months ago


In day 6 we have: "Elizabeth", "Hand test" and a extra!


Ep 5 and 6 where a role coaster for me, the city going after Vash, the Nebraska, the whole thing about Elizabeth and July, boyyyy, thats the point i noticed things where not that simple.

Extra:"Its a Plant hole!":


References credits go to @shhapeshift and @xoxo-otome, thanks for the screenshots! The Plant hole reference was taken from the video "Rabbit hole" by channelcaststation on YouTube:



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11 months ago


I adimit, i gave up doing the first drawing lol

In day 5 we have: "I tried👍" "Poor Meryl" and "Vashuuu!"




Oh boy, there goes the city, but is kinda their fault, they destroyed the city even more going after Vash lol.

Also, Meryl finally undestand that she has to deal with this idiot for her job, she really needs a break, at least Milly is with her.

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11 months ago

@trigun98watchparty Thanks for the day 4 drawing ideia:)

Today we have : "Derringer" and "Idk, a silly skchet of Vash and Meryl:')"

@trigun98watchparty Thanks For The Day 4 Drawing Ideia:)
@trigun98watchparty Thanks For The Day 4 Drawing Ideia:)


@trigun98watchparty Thanks For The Day 4 Drawing Ideia:)
@trigun98watchparty Thanks For The Day 4 Drawing Ideia:)

I tried a simple style today, for make the process of drawing Meryl pose easier, also because i love this little style:)

Fun fact: my blog name is a joke with Vash's title here in Brazil, The stampede=O estouro da boiada.

Then i named myself after a funny video i saw from the brazilian fandom.

O estouro da goiabada=The guava paste explosion, on a literal translation.

Guava paste is a candy, i don't like it that much, but i coulnt miss the oportunid lol

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11 months ago


In day 3 we have:"Scenery training with Trigun!" and "Insegurance gals!"





Oh boy this ep made me laugh a lot, but also make me fell sad for Frank, oooooo the fells😔✊

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11 months ago

A little mensage😊✌

A Little Mensage

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11 months ago

For day 2 i present: "Merly Stryfe is done with your shit" and "Silly Milly"!

For Day 2 I Present: "Merly Stryfe Is Done With Your Shit" And "Silly Milly"!
For Day 2 I Present: "Merly Stryfe Is Done With Your Shit" And "Silly Milly"!

Thanks for @aluvian for the screenshots reference!

Oh boy, it was with this ep i undestand three things:

1°-Vash is a simp.(gado demais😔✊)

2°-Poor Meryl is going to suffer a lot.(Being Meryl is suffering.)

3°-Milly is a angel.(and the only sane one.)

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11 months ago

Some scenes redraws for trigun 98 watch party day 1!

Some Scenes Redraws For Trigun 98 Watch Party Day 1!
Some Scenes Redraws For Trigun 98 Watch Party Day 1!


Some Scenes Redraws For Trigun 98 Watch Party Day 1!
Some Scenes Redraws For Trigun 98 Watch Party Day 1!

I tried👍

Also i think i remember everything from this ep, Because i rec this anime for most of my friends and watch ep 1 with them, so i know (almost, my memory is not that good.) everything! Haha

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