Day14 - Tumblr Posts

Inktober- day 14 It's raining Hihihi I make more Inktober :,3 Well I don't know exactly why, but I have the idea to draw people happy under the rain xd. The eyes was a new form to draw eyes that I was experimenting so don't have pupils.

Photo A Day April Day 14 How you feel today...
wishing I could lay around like the monkeys @ the zoo! But alas, tis not to be
In day 14 we have:"Side profile?" and "Shortie":
I dint have much time to do these, my school tests are coming and i need to study:/

I still gonna try my best to keep posting, wish me lucky in phisic folks👍
Also, i love this ep, because we have more foucus on the girls, and i LOVE the girls:D

you said it’s yours? now , it belong to me. (・`ω´・)
#14 Tanya
Banyak Tanya
Berputar di Kepala
Entah kenapa
Kehidupan dewasa
Sulit untuk dicerna
Bukankah Tuhan selalu ada
Untuk setiap hambanya?
Senin Sore 16.00 WIT - 06.11.2023