Day7 - Tumblr Posts

#day7 #12daysofxmaspuns #12daysofxmasjokes #mentalhealthawareness #lookafteryourselfovertheholidays

#Day7 #aunderXvirginia
Jasico Week 2024 - Day 7
Words: 619 Rating: General Audiences Type: Oneshot
Description: Jason is sick and decides to make it everyone else’s problem.
Sidenote: This fic was written for @jasico-challenges Jasico week 2024 event!
Full fic under the cut! Small warning, the formatting is a bit weird here and I do prefer AO3 lol
Nico’s husband could’ve been dead, for all he knew. It wasn’t very often that Jason called while he was at work, and it was even rarer for him to get sick at all.
Nico practically flew out of his office, giving a brief run down to his boss, who let him go mostly because he’d never seen Nico so frazzled. He got in his car, barely taking the time to turn the thing on, and almost got a speeding ticket driving back to his and Jason’s house.
He tugged open the door, nearly dropping his keys. His eyes scanned the room before falling on Jason, staring at him from the couch.
“Are you ok?” Nico asked, words falling out of his mouth breathlessly. Jason looked confused. “Yeah?” he said, slightly more nasally than he had been when Nico left that morning. Nico straightened up. “Oh.”
Jason sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around him and a pile of tissues in front of him. Something played on the TV that Nico didn’t recognize and couldn’t be bothered to care about. Their dog sat happily beside Jason, wagging her tail like everything was completely normal. Probably because it was.
“Are you sure?” Nico asked, taking a second to smooth his wild hair. Jason nodded blankly. “Pretty sure.”
Nico looked at his phone, then Jason, then back at his phone. “You texted me “Come home. Dying. Now.” twenty minutes ago?” Jason laughed. “Can’t you see? I’m going to wither away.”
Nico rolled his eyes. He walked over, shoes clacking on the ground, and buried a hand in Jason’s short blonde hair. “I thought you got stabbed or something.” He smiled despite himself, unable to push away the humor of the situation.
Jason leaned back to look up at him. “I may as well have been,” he smiled back. Nico poked his shoulder. “What’s wrong with you?” “Common cold, according to Reyna.”
Nico rolled his eyes again. “You big baby,” he laughed, walking around the couch. He plopped down next to Jason, letting him lean his head on his shoulder while he rubbed his head. “Is it really that bad?” he asked, a little more sincerely.
Jason laughed. “No, I just wanted you to take a break from work. Being sick was my scapegoat.” He nuzzled his head on Nico’s shoulder. Nico leaned back a little to see his face. “Have I been working too much?” he asked. Jason sat up, raising an eyebrow. “I haven’t seen you in a month.”
That was an exaggeration, of course. Nico spent all his evenings at home, plus the weekends. However, even he could admit he spent most of it either worrying about work, trying to get ahead on work, or sleeping because he was tired from work. So maybe Jason had a point.
Nico buried his head in Jason’s hair. “Sorry,” he mumbled, letting his husband lay between his knees with his head on his stomach. “It’s fine. I know you. I know how you get,” he hummed, squeezing him a little too tight for comfort.
Their dog bumped Nico on the elbow with her nose, informing him that it was dinner time. In fact, it was past dinner time.
Nico kissed Jason’s head. “You gotta let me go.” Upon hearing that, Jason only tightened his iron grip. “Jason..? Jason!”
Nico squirmed, yet he was not released. The dog got fed, only much, much later than she probably would’ve liked.
A few days later, Nico ended up sick too, likely due to his husband smothering him for comfort. Jason was delighted in the situation, and saw to it that Nico took a real, proper break from work. Nico couldn't help but enjoy it.
Day 7! 7 is my lucky number:)
Today we have:"Best Girls", "Smile!" and "Rem":

The first time i saw Rem was magical, the blue sky, the red petals and the music! I really love sound life, man i wished i had a complete portuquese version, but unfortunely, the brazilian fandom is too small for that:/

DAY 7 - ENCHANTED #inktober #inktober2019 #day7 #inktoberday7

2017 INKTOBER DAY 7 : shy
my baby is sleeping. (*ˇωˇ*人)
it’s the first time i draw a tree by ink, i think i do it great for the first time. ;’3.
#7 Doa

Hanya itu kekuatan seorang Muslim,
Karena sejatinya kita makhluk lemah tanpaNya,
Mengapa sebegitu angkuhnya dirimu, sampai tanganmu saja begitu sulit meminta kepadaNya, Sang Pemilik Segala Hal
Yang dapat dengan mudahnya, mengubah sesuatu yang mustahil menjadi ada dan terlihat
Apakah hatimu sudah terlalu lama mati?
Hayya 'alashshalaah
Hayya 'alalfalaah
"Sesungguhnya bahwa jarak kemenangan hanya berkisar antara kening dan sajadah"
Dia-lah Pemilik Segala Hati
Kembalilah, percayalah, dan ikhtiarkan semuanya hanya kepadaNya, Wahai Tuhan Semesta Alam
©naa - 19.10.23