41 posts

'To Whom The Bells Toll' Pt4.

'To Whom The Bells Toll' pt4.

Heyyyyyy, I hope everyone is having an amazing day. Also, there will be changing perspectives here and mentions of horse riding. Keep in mind that I don't have a lot of info on the military and how they do things, but I know for a fact that they have mount units so we're gonna get that and also a look into your past as y/n in this story. :) Enjoy

🤠 cowboy y/n yall yee fucking haw (I also work as a ranch in the summer at my uncles ranch I do have 3 horses that I own so I have background info on things)

Warnings:foul language, fire, mentions of death of animals, and trauma as a child. As well as slight nsfw. 👹👍

Pitted bitterly as you walked.. no stormed, out of the training area you face reddened and hot. You didn't like how every time he touched you today, you got nervous..butterflies..and everytime his gaze cut through you.. you felt..alive. You felt as though his mere touch had burned you, and it was to the point that it was uncomfortably itchy. Like the skin itself was burning. Grouching a breath you released from your lungs, almost like a snarl. You had felt flames on your skin. Merely grazing your flesh. And it hit too close to comfort. Breathing in heavily, you then shuffled your steps to stilled position. Before glancing around and mapping the area around you. And then your gaze flicked to the signs on the walls that assisted privates to their areas. Stables?

Your bare feet snapped against the dry cold ground, stamping shrubbery and sticking down against the rocks gravel that cut your bare padding on your feet. Your hands feebly held multiple reigns to multiple horses as they plundered forward blindly, being guided by you in the dark as your father shouted words at you. Guiding you and the animals blindly away from the flames that licked your heels and seared your flesh and hides like a tease.

And once you had clambered up the hill side with these powerful mounts behind you...to safety, you turned, and all you saw was Fire. Buring your barn to the ground... and you smelt it..the coursing of the wood to ash, the hay bales billowing smoke out into the world around it... in slow motion, like a movie played in slow motion, it went.. and so did your reality until your ears winced at a shrill whinny that reared of pain and agony...fear...

Oh no...

You turned to your father only to have him shove more ropes holding steeds in your hands before he had plundered down the hill like something feirce..and into the flames... your uncle shouting at him and holding back your six giant drafts from plundering into the dark...

And all you could do was scream your fathers name as he disappeared behind the smoke and flame... and waited and waited... until the flames had died thickly.. and left you and your uncle in tears. You had lost your mother to sickness. And now here you were. Standing at his funeral as the summer day blew peacefully. He had gone back for his wife's horse. Your mother's horse. The last thing you had of her. A pretty white Dutch harness horse, bold and bright was the mare..like your mother...and now here you were at your fathers funeral in his futile attempt to save you mother.. it was said by your uncle that the two were found together in the mares stall, him holding her in a futile posture.. holding her in a hug like stand around the neck, and her with her body on the ground with her head in his arms..

The smell of horse and hay welcomed you like a bitter breath as the air around you blew into a smoky white, dancing amongst the air like a ghost would. The cold chasing the fire, he had ignited into you away for the time beinv.And then you locked eyes with Laswell herself..

And she approached your stunned figure like a deer in headlights, and she spoke..as you stood there like a babe caught doing something it wasn't supposed to. Embarrassed.

"Ah, long face soldier, at ease. I see you've come back to your roots, cowboy?"

A nickname she knocked onto you Like a billowing stallion. Once she had reached your files past and read it, you got the name. And every time she gave it to you,you felt like a child again. And you hated that. But loved..craved it at the same time.

"Yes ma'am."

"Drop the formalities here. We both came back to a place of safety and familiarity. Something that reminds us of home cowboy. Now, since you're here, do you perhaps remember how to ride?"

"I learned how to ride long before I've walked Ma'am."

"Good, come. Let's find us two mounts and saddles and hit the field. I think it'd do us some good."

And so, you went, tracing the stables like a kid in the candy store, your eyes peering and pursing at the horses around you as Laswell tried to find one to her liking as you did as well. Wanting to be reminded of home...

König grumbled as he stared at your retreating figure. Finding himself doe eyed at your outburst but pleased at how he prodded you to snap it open like a book. Seeping himself into what your thoughts were like worm. And for that split moment, he had done it. He had seen into you like a glass window with no curtains. The way your face scrunched up as you bared your teeth down at him, a rapid dog. Fitting for the Hounds of Laswells squadron unit. You hadn't broken his nose, just bloodied it, and knocked the wind out of his mountainous lungs, and had yelled in his face... with those damned y/c eyes. They seemed to just utterly shatter anything he had of a defense of his own being. And he didn't like that. The way they crawled his skin like a snake.

Poised and ready to strike.

He then, instead of making his way to infirmary, went to the bathroom. And yanked off his mask. His face reddened and seemingly bristled like he had been knocked out. And he had almost been. His nose reddened and dried with blood..the bleeding had stopped. Taking a piece of toilet paper into his hand, he roughly switched on the faucet and dabbed the scrunched up toilet paper with the water before limply wiping his face. Once done, he had thrown the bloody "rag" into the toilet and flushed. Before yanking his mask back on and storming outside to the track. Needing to find any relief to the tension, he still felt that frustrated him, gripping a sweater of his with him with a rough toss of his shoulders. And a slip of his arms it was on...and so was the cold that nipped his face as he made his way up to the track, noticing Soap and Ghost where up there just due to their outlines and head shapes... even from a distance he can tell.. A dynamic duo..

You had situated your eyes on a big black stallion. Who gave a small blow of his nose at you. Dutch harness horse. Approaching him slowly, you then shifted your knuckle to his tender nose and let him sniff, letting him tickle your skin with his breath. Humming in satisfaction, you then brought your hand up to the front of his face, the bride of his nose gently before giving it a light pat. His eyes, deep and loosened, a gentle giant. He then snorted before his ears swiveled forward toward you and then to something behind you. Noticing the change of ear movement, you then heard hoof clops..and then Laswells voice, turning you found her with a thoroughbred bay tacked up and ready to ride.

"Meet you out there, cowboy. Also, his name is Angus."

And with that, she had left you to your thoughts and mere presence with this horse. "Angus Huh? Well, you sure fit the size, boy." You then glanced around before spotting a wall of tack. And names that belonged to the fitted tack. Walking over, feeling the horses eyes follow you, you searched for his name before finding his saddle. Western. And then his bridle and toughened leather reigns so that they didn't drag on the cobble smooth ground. Grabbing them, you then approached the stall wall and tossed the saddle over the side, and let it rest there before evidently keeping the bridle in his gaze before slipping the cold heavy bit into his mouth and watched him relax into your request of him allowing you to slip the rest of the bridle up his head and behind his ears and allowed you to Thighten the straps onto his face snugly but comfortably. You then opened the stall door before slipping into the stall with the horse. Grabbing the saddle pad with a quick motion, you had placed it onto the groove of his back before his shoulder blades and not passing your three finger spacing of the saddle away from his strong shoulders and evidently good withers. Then came the saddle into your hands like old lovers, tenderly and gentle to you. Hoisting it onto Angus's back, you then situated it and tightened the girth of it on his stomach before double checking everything and then opening the stall door and grabbing the reigns and leading this battle horse out of his stall. His ears are ready and altert.. and it seemed it was only you and Laswell that were out here. Moments of peace for you two are not common with your tanking of field in professions.

Shutting the stall door behind you two, you then placed the reigns over his head and gently onto the saddle horn before holding him steady and then placing your foot into the stirrup. And then pulled yourself up and onto his back, gently placing your weight into his back to let him get a feel for you. You then situated your other foot into the other stirrup before taking the reigns into your hands and urging the stallion into a canter to the paddocked field that was, upon the sunlight glaring your eyes, gated as soon as you stepped out of the stable and evidently huge and lengthy. Enough room to well enough ride even the most profound race horses of the day to top speed and limits in one go.

König had approached the track to get a workout in, only to see Ghost and Soap Gaucking of the fence at something, following their gaze to down below, he had found them staring at the paddock for the mount unit. Pursing his lips, he strode over before making himself known, though he knew the two had already known he was there with their trained senses.

"What's are you both looking at?"

His accent strong and thick, and cutting through their murmuring, Ghosts gaze glanced at König before he nudged Soap, as he went back to watching the thing that was happening down below in the paddocks. Soaps voice,snapping Königs observation from Ghosts face to Soaps now moving one.

"Just watching Laswell ride. And a certain special team captain. Never knew that they knew to ride."

"Especially like that,nothing about having a background that involved riding was mentioned in profile briefings."

Ghosts voice pulled a look from the mountain of man as he glanced back down, this time his body shifting to face the paddock themselves and leaning against the fence he watched. Yes, there were two riders, but.. oh..


Your hands held deeply into the mane of the now galloping but not sprinting horse below you, Laswell yelling something to you as her horse fell behind the massive strides of the mount beneath you,your quads pressing lightly into his sides and this was the speed he was giving you. Thunderous and daring.

Your one hand found itself patting his neck before restoring itself to the reigns that held his head. You had made a bet with Laswell, one lap around the whole paddock. A race. The first one to win owed the other a free smoke after this.

And well... not even at the first turn, and you had high hopes for her to beat you two.But the minute you had rugged an urged from Angus. And he had lunges forward, ears pinned forward and body lunging you had to hold at his thick neck for a moment before finding his mane with the reigns. The wind snapped the air from your lungs, and your face was beautifully, and your hair tossed around in the wind with the stallions mane that blew into your gaze like grass of the world that tore up beneath his hooves.

Konig found himself watching intently..almost too intently. Watching your body move in such sync with such a powerful animal. Amazed him. He has tried horse riding twice. Both he had found himself utterly over powered by the sheer strength the horses here gave. But...then again,...most backgrounds in the profiles had been backed out during briefings. But not his. And not yours.. well, for the file he had been given about you... he had read your background. Country grown and then sprung out into the world like a thrashing steed that you now rode upon. He read that you had climbed the ranks fast with your wits upon you, and the fact that you were a soldier...and a damn good one at that. And now here you were... riding seemingly strides in front of your superior on a horse that towers over you in strength and speed.. and he then watched you lean forward.. and watched as your quads evidently tightened at how you know held yourself into the saddle, your arms moving vastly with the horses head as it surged forward like a damn tank. A whistle sounded in his ear as he glanced down at Soap as he laughed before speaking, " Wouldn't wanna be caught ensared in those legs, they'd bloody snap a neck if needed, look at em just easily holding a beast like that." He felt something stir in him that made him bristle..not rage...not disturbance... jealously... he was feeling..jealous?

You felt the ground beneath you tremble as you both strode away with an ease much like a breath away from Laswelll and the througbred she rode. You now knew why such a strong looking thoroughbred wasn't on the race tracks. After zipping the second turn and making your way hallway through it, you then found yourself giving the horse his head, moving your arms with him swiftly and your body leaning forward and low. Your legs tighten against the saddle and his sides as you urged forward roughly and in response he had lunged forward and unleashed a speed that burned your face with stinging air and numbed it, a speed of such a mass of power that could have torn your arms clean out of their sockets if you dared to try and halter , hearing a loud whoop and something fumbled into the wind from Laswell you smiled to yourself as you both rounded the last corner before crossing the last corner...you had won.

Letting out a loud victory, whoop you then patted the stallions neck whilst trying to pull him into a slowed canter..and you did so with an evident grit of your teeth as you slowed the power house of an horse down to a slowed canter before he reared in decimated defiance or perhaps he too had felt victory. You cringed close to the horse own rearing body before he lowered himself back on all four hooves. Leaning his head down, he huffed before you laughed at him. Patting his upper neck, you then turned to look at Laswell, hair tossed and unkempt from the wind as she trotted up next to you and Angus.

"Well, I guess I owe you a smoke cowboy."

And as if on cue, she slid a cigarette pack out her pocket and tosses it to you. Grabbing it with a hand, you then slid the reigns onto the saddle horn, slipping two out and a lighter tucked into the plastic surrounding it before stuffing the rest into your back pocket you then handed her one before lighting one and then offering her a light, one that she thankfully took.

Inhaling the bitter breath of the first drag, you then looked out to the sky, clear..and the sun setting.... And then you felt that feeling again. Serena.

"I know you miss her, I do too already. And I'm sorry, I know you'll hate me now, maybe forever, for not letting you go, but your team needs you. And so does this operative mission."

"I know Laswell. That's why it hurts. Because I know I can't mourn. Not until I'm in my grave. Maybe then I'll be able to mourn. Perhaps not. Probably not. "

"Ain't that the fucking truth."

In silence, you both worked the horses out with a slow, cool down walk back to the stables as you spoke. Sharing bitter things of the past and a smoke. Simple things like that can change many things.

Huffing you put your smoke out with your dog tag, avoiding serenas as you did..like a hooligan before stuffing it in a place of your pants that'll be probably lost..

Dismounting,you then went your separate ways. She briskly thanked you for your time and cleaned and brushed her horse and tack up..and before she went to leave, she approached your still figure as it seemed to be in sync of a conversation to the horse with praise..

"You know, Angus's main rider and soldier assigned to him was killed a few weeks ago by a sniper, right on His back. I'm sure he'd love for someone to connect with. And I'm sure we'll both be here for a while Cowboy. He's all yours."

Nodding and a quick thanks you hid the excitement that now hid the grief that had pitted itself in your stomach through a crooked smile as you patted the stallion and grabbed his stall birdle and halter before slid the riding one off, the bit slipping right out of his loose and relaxed mouth before he shook his head and snorted and stood perfectly still as you slipped on his other one and clipped the lead onto it before tying him loosely to a post inside the stable and undid his girth and took of his saddle and then his saddle pad, putting them back to where they belonged you then went to work with rubbing his joints out and muscles loose, before scrubbing his coat and brushing it out to where it shined. Satisfied with your work you then took it upon yourself to make sure he had fresh water and feed...well...he was Yours...now..

Yours.. it's been..awhile since something had been..yours.

Leading him into his stall, which he went into with no issue, you then slipped off his halter and lead and hung them up on the hook next to his stall door. And bid him a good night before sliding the stable doors shut and glanced at him one last time before you took yourself back to the main base.. and back to the main hall... until a rough hand gripped your forearm and yanked into the darkness of an unlit room..not out of place for sleepy privates or soldiers otherwise...

Going to let out a yell, you felt a hand clamp down on your mouth mufflung it as the door was kicked shut..hearing the door Scruff against boots..

And shut you in complete dark.

And a sudden release of you,sent you stumblung forward for staggering on your heel to turn around in the dark..only for the sudden turning on of a light blinded you, sending your face to scrunch up at the sudden blinding.

And then a glare exceeded your face as you realized who had gripped you into the darkness. That damned snipers blanckava with bleach stained tears bore down into you with his damned eyes.. feeling that feeling you had felt earlier from him arise, sent your body buzzing with a hushed whisper of a border of an angered front bear itself up to hide the butterflies in your stomach..

"What do you want König?"

Your eyes narrowed at him as he then tilted his head to the side...like a fucking snake.. before he then approached, slowly. Like a hunter to an injured animal. And you sure as hell felt like a cornered beast as he advanced to the point you now were stuck up against the door.

"Well, for starters, I did not know you could ride like that..."

His face crept dangerously close to you before, then he watched you try to Avert your face and gaze away from his mask and peering eyes. Pursing his lips, he let out a grumble and rolled his eyes...

And his large roughened had found itself gripping your chin and lower face and forcing your head with enough force you swore you heard it Crack and your body startle from whip lash..

" Tsk tsk mein Schatz, I heard something from the Sargeant that caught my ears."

Cooing at you as your eyes furrowed until he leaned down close to your ears, his breath tickling them as he held your face still.. and you realized the mirror faced you both..... and you saw that he wanted you to see you reactions....

Gritting your teeth, that you knew he evidently saw or heard from your half exposed mouth... as you spoke..

"What is it that you heard coming from someone's ears whose not even in my regime nor task team König?"

Spitting the words out, you felt the butterflies in you worsen as he was enjoying this..like a game of cat and mouse...


Cutting himself off, he then pulled his face away from your ears to now being in front of you now, his eyes boring down into yours.. now blocking the mirror...his eyes now forcing themselves to be your mirror..

"I heard him see something about not wanting to be caught between those strong thighs of yours. Now it's had me wondering Maus.. on just what he was implying hm?"

And you felt your eyes widen, and you watched them go doe like in his reflection... and you shuddered at his eyes dragged themselves upon your figure.

"You mother fucke-"

"Hm.. I think that language is not needed in this moment, now is it..Cowboy."

The nickname chilled you..how did? No. It's not time for that.. thinking but not thinking you blurted out two simple words...without thinking..

"Fuck you.."

His face seemingly shifted as he smirked before using his free hand to pull off his snipers blanckava. Revealing a sharp jawline with a dark stubble and brown hair so dark that it could be mistaken as black that was short and poofed..like a growing out buzzcut that was freshly shaven two months ago.. his hand that now held your face had its thumb up against your bottom lip. His crocodile like eyes, now hidden by his blown up pupils.

"Wouldn't I love to take you up on that offer Leibe."

Your face then went red. And you knew that he knew it was..saw it was red now due to the look that crossed his face.

"Now If i did that, you'd be in tears."

Your face then narrowed at him as your gaze sharpened at his. You felt yourself practically drag your eyes up and down his figure that bowed over you and leaned against the wall with one hand,the other still holding your face still in his gaze.

"Prove it then," tilting your head to the side only to be pulled roughly back to being straight and still from his grip that now was harsher than before. His gaze now sharpened, breathe ragged...

"Are you sure?" His voice raspy and quiet this time. It's almost like a tender prayer to your words. Afraid of what was to come next. Fragile..like Glass he became in his expression as he awaited your awnser painstakingly..


Confirmation to his prayers like the divine themselves you saw his expression slip into a tender but smug smirk before he studied your face for any hesitancy. Even for an asshole.. a giant among men.. he cared. Rolling your eyes at his waiting, still body, you then used your two free hands to pull him forward and initiate the kiss. His body startled..he startled..before he leaned into hungrily. His hand released your face before both of his rough hands found themselves gripping your sides before trailing down your ribs that fluttered against his touch..until he reached your hips.. and hoisted you up into the air with ease. And your legs found themselves around his sides, resting at his upper hip area comfortably. And with a gasp, he broke the kiss...and before a full breath found its way into your lungs, you then were sucked back into the whirlpool of feral emotions you both felt at the moment.

And then you felt him walking due to the sway motion you felt against his hips moving in rhythm. And then you felt something hard touch your rear before he let you go, his hands finding themselves on either side of your now still figure as he broke the kiss as he studied your face with such a tender look. He had placed you onto the desk that every barrack room came with. But he had..two.. this one you noticed was empty and clear..while the other one had arranged products of hygiene,books and folders for paperwork. He then tilted his head to surround you with just him. And only him..enveloping you in the cedar smell of the woods the grandfather's of the giants that gifted him height such as the one he now had lived. A divine thing he was indeed.

A hand then roughly gripped at your hip before he tugged at your pants.. and you noticed the audible tent growing in his pants.. as if getting the memo of your eyes drifting, he was now quickly fumbling with his belt buckle and boots.. and well you..where a stuttering fumble of a mess.. your boots soon kicked off as your pants were mid way being yanked off by you alone.. until two large hands found themselves speeding up the process..your boxers being the only things hiding the now evidently boners you both had.. until you both sank back into a kiss. This one slower..deeper and much more decisive than hungry... but his teeth found your bottom lip and tugged.. before your hands glided up to the base of his neck to the rounding of the muscle that flexed and shuddered every time you fluttered over them..before your hands found themselves at his hips...and with a ringed tug you sent him a message that seemed to transpire red to flash through his eyes... as he tugged his boxers off with utter ease..until his hands found themselves at your hips and tugged at your boxers as well.. and without warning, tugged them off with enough force your legs burned for a moment until his utter grazing touch that slid up them as they now rested both at the crook of his own hips made them burn even more..like an electric touch... and that made your eyes go doe like as he cooed at you with pursed lips through a smirk....

Until he rested at the base of your inner thighs and made you shudder deliciously in his gaze.. And his gaze was rough.. and animalistic...

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More Posts from Bleachedjuice

2 years ago

🙌😭 the new release of the next chapter of 'Whom the Bells toll' will be delayed tomorrow afternoon northeastern time due to Tumblr deciding to not want to work with me rn with posting it and I'm not about to lose an entire weeks worth of work.

Sorry guys 👍😟

2 years ago

'To Whom The Bells Toll' pt.3

👹 oooggggaaa boogggaaa

Warnings: Foul language, and pure angst/ mutual pinning(cause im just slick like that)

Enjoy 😌🫡

Staring at the mirror, you felt like hurling your lungs out, 3 in the morning, and here you sat. Or well stood. Utterly aching for breath and not finding it, tears burning your eyes.

The call came to you just moments ago, awaking you from your futile tossing and turnings to try and rest in order to face a day of paperwork for today's morning and afternoon training.

They wouldn't allow you to go.The family got the news last night, after you filed proper paperwork in the middle of the night,and the government received it from Laswell... and then the family was almost immediately notified. But Laswell denied your request to go to her service. Claiming, "that there is bigger things at hand that need you to be here and present y/n. I can not allow you to leave, I'm sorry."

You remembered just grinding your teeth to the point that they still ached, or perhaps that's from your bruised tongue that now was sour and sore with aches from how hard you had bitten down on it whilst she had told you.


She was fucking sorry.

Scoffing you then glared at your disheveled self. Eye bags...hair a mess. And your eyes utterly bloodshot, either from crying in your sleep or the lack of sleep in your system now. Either way, you're livid and exhausted

Almost shoving the sink away from your body, you resumed into motion, away from that small snippet of time that held you, and now here you were. Trudging to your bed, aching, hoping. For any kind of relief that a small amount of sleep would give to you, even for a mere moment. Just a small relief from that reality you had to face in the longer hours of the mornings bitter attitude and feeling in your bones.

Your socked feet padded on the floor quietly, and once your bed came into view as you exited the private bathroom of your barrack, you slammed into its thin cushioning and felt yourself utterly groan into your pillow before a couple movements and later. And here you were. Passed out cold. Saving the last of your strength from yesterday for today.

And out you went, drifting yourself to a somewhat comfortable rest that caused your bones to stop aching the mourning grief that you now felt.

Awakening to your quiet hum of an alarm, you found yourself on autopilot, dragging yourself out of your warm cocoon and into the bathroo where you brushed your teeth and washes your face until you put on deodorant. And only then did you walk out and quiet literally yanked your clothes on, simple black sweats and a tight light clothed under Armour green tee-shirt, before stomping out of your barracks to retrieve the piles of paperwork from Prices office. Yours and Serenas dogtags clinking as you marched.

Your boots scuffed on the cold pavement of the tiles floor as congregating soldiers and privates slid past you in the halls, you were intimidating. Stared at. Gaucked at. Because of the way your face looked, knurled and angry. A scar that proved one thing, you where alive.

And Serena was not.

Groaning at the though, you shoved it down the throat of your brain and back into the pit of your stomach, and felt it sink in the dephs of your chest, making it difficult to breath let alone stand at the moment. And yet you swallowed it and held it and marched your way to Prices office.

Once arriving at the end of the hall, you stood at the dark wooded door. And knocked, your knuckles rapping against the wood three times in a rhythm. And then a low voice awnsered.

"Come in."


Letting out the breath you've been holding, you twisted the knob, almost retracting at how cold it was. Before entering, and there you stood, eyes locked with fucking König as he sat in one of the two chairs before Prices desk. Pursing your lips and narrowing your eyes at him, you then directed your attention to Price, your voice low and guttural. Like a snarling animal.

"Came for Laswells paperwork that she sent for me."

And you read Prices expression, stuttered, but coarse. An acknowledging look. He knew what it was like to lose men, soldiers. Brothers and sisters. He gave a slight tilt of his head that seemed to ask, 'Are you ok?' And you gave him a slight knod. And with one tilt of the head of König, who sat man spread with arms crossed, revealed that he noticed. Narrowing your gaze, you felt your hackles raise,more so the hair on the back of your neck stood right up. And so did your eyes. You could just feel them dilating as you snapped your gaze to him from the corner of your eye to Prices hand, which now held plenty of thick files that needed to be done. That Laswell needed done. Giving a short "Thanks, Price." You left and practically slammed the door behind yourself and slid through the halls like a snake, avoiding conversation, avoiding confrontation. just avoiding. Anyone and anything. And made your way to the kitchen. And with a sweet bliss of one thing going right in your life, your Case of 20oz coconut redbulls laid untouched. With a quick swipe, you held two in one hand, and your paperwork was in the other and solely slicked to the quietness of your "office" that they placed you in for the time being while being out here. Holding all the materials you'd need and file cabinets holding all the information you needed to have. A small corner office,tucked away from everyone and everything with a simple desk with three drawers on each side and a slim long one above the space your legs go, a bulletin board with maps and photos of a trace board you created whilst trying to connect certain things to certain people that you needed to find out. A filling cabinet behind your left side of the swivel chair that was in the room, an simple office chair, and then a lamp in the corner of the room and one on the desk And a simple cacti you placed on the desk to keep you company, placing your files down and then your redbulls you situated your seating in your chair and dove into a quick swig of a energy drink and then into the paperwork you went.

Rubbing your eyes, you then hummed in content, seeing that you now were done. But utterly miserable. Glancing at the clock you gazed at it, your visions blurred before a quick blinking moment stroked it away. 2:45pm.

Not bad. Gave you give or take two hours to have an hour and a half workout or two hours to yourself. With a quick stretch out of your seat, you slammed the rest of the remaining last redbull and tucked your chair in before organizing the folders and made your way to drop them at Prices office. Once doing that, quick and bitter exchange you made your way to the gym area, aching for a good workout to get your mind off of what happened the day before. Anything to get the feeling of her blood and breath off of your mind.

It seemed like eternity,your body aching with sweat and burning from the workout you had encased yourself into. And now here you were, pushing out the still remaining aggressiveness you had over yourself that seemed to never end.

And mid push up, you heard footsteps, and with a quick glance..König. Ignoring the presence of the mountain that had just entered the room, you then felt yourself feeling no use... three hours and no sign of your anger burning out. Nothing. Grunting, you then went to push yourself up only to hear quick steps your way, and before your reflexes could kick in due to the fogged up aggressiveness that haltered it. A knee firmly slammed you down and knocked the choked air out of you.

Laying your palms flat and gritting your teeth, you let out a hiss. You expected it to be someone tolerable. Someone close, Soap or even Simon.

"Get up ."

König. Glaring at him over your shoulder, you felt your nostrils flare as you spoke, guttural. Growling.

"Get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. Me."

"frech, get me off- "

Cutting himself off, he glowered down toward your ear, and before you could snap back at him, he wrapped his thick forearm around your throat, cutting your air off in a threatening, uncomfortable manner. Reminding you of the ice cold water enveloping you from the night before. Choking you.

"König I'll fuc-"

"Get me off, or else perhaps something like last will occur at the next mission, hm? A dead teamate and then an attack on your own personal? Fix it."

He seemed just as pissed as you. Maybe even more.

Sour nerve. You felt your eye lid twitch before a rumble of a yell erupted from you as you shifted your left knee up and used your palms to push up, thwaking your head back like a rearing mad horse, and struck him right on the head, and off your pushed him before you twisted and practically leapt on the man before colliding a harsh swipe at his chest with the base of your knuckle and gripped his shirt, your legs straddled his mid waist area as your used both your hands to hold his white shirt by the collar and gripped him up, your body to blinded by rage as you barreled down at his gaze, some red tint gleaming through his snipers mask.

"Do not think for one fucking moment that I don't utterly drown in last night's events. Her blood. Her breath. DO YOU FUCKING THINK THAT IT DOESNT FUCKING HAUNT ME?! EVEN FOR A MOMENT? ONE DAY ITS BEEN, AND YOUR ALREADY HOLDING IT OVER MY HEAD."

Your voice cracked with pain, hurt. You felt a burning sensation creep its way to your eyes.

"Do you not think for a moment that I want to go back in time to prevent it? Fuck you König."

Your eyes narrowed as your chest heaved, and you stared at his shocked expression before his gaze narrowed, and before you knew it he left hand had socked you and sent you sprawling as he threw you off of him with his hips and like a bear he was upon you,dragging you toward him by you upper knee area and under him he held you, only invoke you lunging at his loose held figure and sent him and you sprawling backwards, and with the momentum you thrashed forward with, and with him one reflex using his legs to push up, you both did a flip,and your back hit the ground with a thwack as he stared you as he held your shoulders down and his one leg pressed down on your knee. Holding you there. Hissing the words out to you like a panicked mother would to a child.

"Do not think for one moment Y/n that I don't see it. How you are today. I noticed it in Prices office."

And he lowered himself to your level, his gaze holding yours. Mere inches away from your noses touching. His bloodied spot spreading even more on his mask.

"So do not think that I want you to forget it. But now it is time for you to try and get better, to bot let it happen again. That is why I'm here now, that's why I'm here forcing you to feel it. To relive it."

And with a defeated huff, you glowered at him and thrusted your legs up forward and knocked his knee that held your legs down to the side with a swift sift of your weight before shoving him to the left before rolling ontop of him and straddled his hips before gripping his shoulders back at him.

"Do not think I will let that happen again."


And then you realized the position you were in, panting heavily against him. His one large, thick hand holding just above your knee area and the other flat palmed on the ground to brace his upper body. His gaze. And then you felt something below you.... You snapped off him like he had burned you before you spoke harshly, almost nervously at the mere moment.

"Your bleeding, go to med bay König."

"Hm. Fine liebling."

He spoke the last word that you didn't know with a tainting tone. And as you marched out of the gym door, he scoffed and got up,his pants suddenly feeling tight and his body too warm.

And then a mutter.


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2 years ago

Red is the Color of Our lives (and Red is the Color of Our Blood) pt1.

Heyyy I took a little break for a couple of days, and HEYYY MY BIRTHDAY WAS YESTERDAY YEAHHHH


I hope everyone's having a good day and enjoys this entrance to our little story (this one's gonna be probably a 1-4 part series, maybe longer or maybe shorter

Warnings: foul language and mentions of blood

You've never been much of a fighter as a kid. You got your way to the military and to where you were now, all on your lonesome.

Having been in 141, grouped In after your first four years of service by Laswell and Price themselves. You wanted to be a medic, but you soon found that a sniper fit in your hands better.

And yet here you were, 3 years later, striking your feet harshly on the tread mill in the gym room as you sprinted forward,huffing and puffing as sweat slicked your body. And there stood Ghost timing and pulling you through this already hour long "light cardio" as he called it of sprints. And then, with one loud clap and a whitlse followed by Soaps voice breaking through the little bubble you and Ghost had built at the moment..."DAMN LOOKING GOOD Y/N" and then, with a nod from Simon,you began to slow before grabbing the sides of the treadmill to help your body slow to a jog,then a brisk pace before a stop.

Turning over your shoulder with a heavy breath, you watched soap motion you two to walk over. The Swedish man stood at the entrance of the workout facility, not moving, only watching us with a shit eating grin crossing his face. Before you and Ghost had walked side by side toward him, you were only a measly 5'9 "compared to these two. But, with their height, you make up for speed. And then, as soon as you stopped, giving Soap a wave before he spoke.

"Alrighty boys, we got a new member joining us today. He's been updated on missions and has proved to be a good addition to the team. He's already been introduced to everyone else, but you two. König. If you would step out of the dark please?"

And with a step to the side, an utterly massive mountain of a man steppes out of the dark, his head ducking beneath the door Frame as he stood over you three. And you watched him. Before your gaze snapped over to Soap as he spoke, both and you Ghost somehow simultaneously crossing your arms as you listened.

"This is Ghost, one of our main powerhouses to the team, big ol toughy eh? And this here is our sniper, Y/N, sneaky bastard. Well, I'll let you tow get back to it-"

"We just finished,actually."

Simon's voice sounded rougher, harsher. He was distant with even mentioning Konigs massive structure.

And then he stormed off.

"Exscuse him Kõnig, he's just grumpy today. But, welcome to 141." And then he watched his gaze lock to yours. And you found his green eyes entrancing, sharp, like a double-edged sword.

You then watched as he quickly tore his gaze from yours before you excused yourself and went on auto-pilot as you rushed into the main quarters and then into your room and grabbed something from the bag next to your cot. Yes, you did laundry daily,and yes, you took the time every day to repack everything in your pack. But, it was a habit, especially after living your life out of a pack and always being on the move, a thing trained to always be ready to be on the go, to need to move from place to place. And you knew you had to quickly shower and get your clothes washed due to the mission tomorrow morning that hung over your shoulder. All you had to do was scope and snipe out coverage if needed and take out people when needed while the boys went in and extracted the info needed and destroying the base, courtesy of Laswell and her best of the best bomb makers designing little things that go" boom".

In your hands were sweats,socks,boxers, and a plain sweater. Your boots now kicked next to your cot as you practically ran to the bathroom. And welcomed yourself to the cold air before encouragingly entering the warm shower, and you almost scrubbed your skin raw. Knowing that this could be the last shower you take in God only knows how long due to the mission length unknown if anything were to go wrong.

And just as you seemed to have gotten in, you were getting out and drying yourself off and shoving on your clothes to ignore the redness of your skin and out you went,almost slamming the door behind you..

Watching the laundry washer go on and on in a circular motion as you heard boots click in the quiet area and up your head shot up before you locked gaze with König. And this time, he looked just the same amount of towering out of his gear just as he would with it on. And at the moment, he is sporting his boots,sweats and a loose t-shirt.

And then, without a single word, he left the room. Huh, nervous? Perhaps anxiety. Shrugging you then heard the sound cry out from the washer before you opened it and threw the clothes into the dryer and sat back down watching it turn..and turn..and turn....

Before you knew it, you were being nudged awake by someone only for your eyes to snap open and you instincts to snap awake as you kicked your legs out and tackled the figure in front of you and hearing them land underneath you with an 'ooff' only for the motion detection lights to flicker alive only to reveal you had slammed poor König underneath you. And you became self-aware of where your hips were. Quickly scampering off of him, you apologized profusely as you helped him to you feet only to be silenced by a light German thick accent breaking through from underneath his mask.

"Ah, no worries. I'm quite surprised at how someone so small can pack quite the punch! But I walked past the barrack area and your door was open and you weren't there so, I came back here to find you sleeping."

Face warming up, you laughed to yourself before thanking him as you took your outfit from earlier out of the dryer and folded the clothes only to find him standing there waiting?

As if he read you like a book, he suddenly broke into words, sporadically speaking swiftly.

Oh- sorry. I was just gonna walk you to your room- if you'd be okay with it?"

You watched him fiddle with his fingers nervously like a child would when caught in with their hand in the cookie jar.

"You can walk me to my room König"

And with that, He seemed to lighten up, and in silence, you two had made your ways to your room, and with that, He abided you a good night and left you to your own devises. And with huff, you made sure your pack was all set and you put the clothes needed for tomorrow on the floor next to the cot as you set an early 4am alarm before lying beneath to small blankets covering you now, savoring them and drifted off the rest before the hell waiting for tomorrow as the image of green eyes drifted into thoughts of sleep....

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2 years ago

'Adrenaline high' pt3.

I hope everyone is having an amazing day so far and if not I hope reading this makes it better for you even for a moment :) enjoy!

Warning: foul language

To say the least with a fucking ghost mask in your face to fleeting moment your eyes open,freaking out is a perfect reaction.

As if on cue you let out a startled noise from the literal pits of hell as you let out a hard left hook which sent the Larger man stumbling back with a groan as you lurched forward..and immediately felt the adrenaline in your body wake you right up alongside the near heart attack experience you just had.

"Jesus fucking christ Simon!" a harsh breathe came from you as the now respectively pissed off Simon Riley stood and stared at you at a safer distance a couple feet back.

"Do you just fucking sneak up on everyone and shove your face against theirs?!" The words hissed out at you as a groan audibly came from you as drumming sound pounded into your skull,and then the aftereffects of lurching upward and using your bad arm to knock a man his size back was coming to light with a oh so nice heavy throb to it.

Wincing you then rubbed your temples before muttering a sorry to him as the sound of something caught your attention in the silence..his voice.

"No,I don't. But that's not why I'm here. Two days you've been out Hound. It's time to get up,Your wanted in Prices office once you've.." you listened to his gruff voice trail off as his blue eyes glanced up and down your now slightly shaking figure that now had a death grip on the thin covers of the hospital bed in med bay..suddenly becoming aware on how shitty you must be looking at the moment. And then snapped out of your self conscious thoughts as he continued,the sound of his throat clearing audibly before he began. "Become seeable. See you there in 20" and with that,almost like a robot he turned and began to walk,and just as he was about to stride out of door he looked over his shoulder at you,watching a you staref back at his now still figure. "Don't be late y/n"...and he left. Leaving you to Bare a hard glare into the back of Ghosts retreating figure before you huffed and grumbled like an angry child would as you shoved the blankets off before swinging your legs to the side of the med bed and stood slowly,your legs crooning at the glee of be used again after...two days?.. your brows furrowed as you began to space out during the journey of making your way to your room and snagging clothes and quite literally stalking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you a little too hard..

The way you looked in the mirror,under the whitened light that was overhead made you cringe a bit. Your eyes sunken in,sad looking almost from being asleep but not actually resting and your hair...sticking to some of the dried blood from the fight and dirt in frenzied strands it sat,greasy and flat looking. Causing you to feel dirty and shudder as you tore you gaze from the mirror and turned the shower on,testing your still slightly aching shoulder in the water,you found it to not sting as much as you had thought it would. Almost tearing the clothes you had on off as you scrambled to get under the hot water you stumbled before huffing as you kicked off the last pant leg into the pile now sitting near the door as you waddled into the warm water. Your body relaxing and you letting a groan that wouldn't be misplaced in the bed room..which caused you to roll your eyes at yourself as you began to wet your scalp and scrub your skin and body until it hurt..and then you got out after what seemed forever..but in really you knew was only eight minutes. Awkwardly drying your self off you threw on the clothes you had on,military cargo pants that where held a little higher then your hips with a thin elastic belt and a black tantop..and you caught a look at your shoulder,the wound was red..mean and ugly as it was stitched tightly and cleanly shut..not sign of infection..you glanced away from it and went back to the task at hand,hiding your dog tags under the shirt as you dried you hair,scrambled white socks on and then brushed your teeth and deodorant before scuffing to your room and yanking a pair of military boots on.. and on your way you went to Prices office,with a good three minutes to spare as you made your way down the hall way to the office. But the thoughts of what this was about was sending you through a whole loop..and then you stood out side the door before you rapped against the wood With your knuckle once before a voice boomed.

"Come in"

Prices voice. It was heavy and did not sound happy nor angry...just heavy..

And with a harsh swallow you reached for the knob and twisted before stepping into the office.

And the sight of Price sitting at his desk with Ghost standing near him sent a message to you..possibly the wrong one.

Oh good God is this how you lost your job? Because Ghost couldn't fucking watch his back properly? And then that sent a thought of disdain toward him. Mayne he wasn't so great if he did a simple mistake. Maybe-

"Y/n" Prices voice rang out as you stood there,position tightened and your back as straight as it could get as you stared ahead with you hands behind your back.

"Yes sir?"

"You can sit. Your not in trouble. Just a meeting soldier."

And with that your body relaxed a breath you didn't even realize left your body almost urgently. And then you crossed your arms and waiting for what he was going to say,all the while you could feel Ghosts gaze boring holes into you.

"With the uncovering of not just one but multiple Hard drives of information and planning of the cartel we've been able to break some ground . In the following week we will all move out to a town,or well a ghost town neighboring the one you two just where. That is where their storing all of their drugs and weapons.. and so,we will be in charge of quite literally blowing it to the ground..understand?"

"Yes sir!"

In unsion you both spoke and in unsion both your gazes locked..and so did a glare match at both your faces..and then prices voice said something that made your day..

"Now get the hell outta my office". And with that as ghost was making his hulking ass to the door,you shouldered past him roughly as he muttered something after you and off you marched off to wherever your feet where taking you..and soon you found yourself outside with joggers and a thick red hoodie.. The bitter air woke you right up as it filled your lungs sharply,burning them as you felt your gaze snap to soap and gaz who both had obviously noticed your arrival to the track as they approached and soon you three where talking and walking.. and then soap spoke loudly,making himself known quite well even though you and gaz where hearing him perfectly fine without his screeching...

"Say...how about a race? First one to finish 400 meters win a free drink yeah?"

And a smile broke out onto your face as gaz laughed nervously.

"Oh your on McTavish,But..here's the question,who'll stand aside and say ready set g-"

"I will"

Gaz blurted almost immediately. Eagerly,which caused you to bust out laughing as Soaps utter dumbfounded face.

"Ok,well,to the starting line Y/n"

It was nice hearing your name other than hound..reminded you that you where human and not just a dog to laswell..

You followed behind soap as he approached the starting line,and Gaz stood on the grass area of the inner track and glanced around as the two of you took positions. And the world around you seemed to slow and dispate,your shoulder...soaps nagging and taunts as you looked ahead..you took a basic sprinters position.."Runners on Your mark"..your body working like clock work as your relaxed your shoulders as the adrenaline In your soared.."Get set"...your head lowered and your legs raised...and then Gaz's words thundered into air around you..


Springing Into action you flew upwards,your legs pumping hard and fast as you approached the middle of the first turn on the track with soap riding the inner lane..and so..you pushed him harder as you both broke the first 100 meter line. Your legs now lengthening in stride and your arms pumping harder,your stride became larger,more so exaggerated..and then mid way through the second 100 meters you felt yourself stride away from Soaps figure..and soon you found yourself utterly flying through the last turn and down the runway,your legs flying swiftly as your breath hissed in quick short pants and soon you found yourself thundering through the finish life and slowing to stop as your leaned over and began huffing for air as you listened to Gaz laugh at Soap as he soon after many moments..many moments..crossed the finish line. Once you caught your breath you stood up with your hands on your hips to find Alejandro and Ghost standing next to Gaz..approaching the trio as Soap was quite literally gasping for air still on the track.

And then Alejandros voice broke through,a laugh in his tone as he spoke.

"Who knew even with a busted shoulder you'd be flying out of here like Diablo himself was ok your ass" a smile spread across his face as you laughed with him at Soaps pouting face before you found Ghost baring a stare at you,which sent a slight shiver down your warm body.

"So..Alejandro you up for a run?"

"You take me for a fool Hound? You will outrun me worse than Soap!"

And then you all agreed to head inside to the base,and in jostle words and jokes you all walked,even Ghost slipped in some comments but you always found his gaze always on you..and to be frank it was slightly pissing you off In a way..ignoring it you shoved the annoyed feeling you had down your throat bitterly and once you found yourself in the warmth of the main room you found yourself scrambling to the kitchen for a hot drink..tea sounded good..now let's just hope Ghost doesn't throttle you with a tea bag if he find you drinking it. You listened as the group dispersed,Gaz and Soap flopped onto the couch into the "living room" and Alejandro slunked off to somewhere and Ghost?..you didn't have a clue and to be frank you did not care as you shuffled around in the cupboards and hummed as you found a thing of green tea,snaking a tea bag into your hand you then,like a giddy child filled a mug up with water before placing the bag onto the counter and then into the microwave..and before you knew it,you where sipping a cup of now Luke warm tea at the kitchen counter on a stool as you heard snores..? Was it night already? Glancing to your watch you felt your throat go dry..it was 9 at night..and here you where,sipping you 4th cup of fucking tea as you stared at the wall like it was interesting..and then a voice made you jump..

"Are you drinking my fucking tea?"

Oh shit....

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2 years ago

'Adrenaline high' pt 10.

Warnings:foul language and slight nsfw

Hey everyone ! I hope you're all doing OK! And good and swell in this time for the holidays :) sadly this chapter will be the ending chapter for this bitter sweet story BUT DONT FRET THERE IS A KONIG X MALE READER THAT WILL BE POSTED TOMORROW OR CHRISTMAS 👀

Also, if you have any requests for little one-shot stories and such as just dm me or pop a comment on any post of mine and I'll see it.

Anyhow, enjoy this last chapter of this little spice of life :)

Simon stirred away in the sunlight, streaming down onto both your still figures, your bare backside pressed elegantly tightly against his bare chest as you slumbered,taking in the heat of the larger man who watched your sleep peacefully. He then felt his hand shift from your side down to your hips and began to gently slide his hand up and down your side,as if he was forcing himself to remember your touch against his, how your sides dipped and how your curves felt and how the daring mountains of ribs that where moving from every breath you drew mightly moved beneath his touch.

He cooed at you and watched it silence as he felt at peace..but not just at peace.. alive. He felt utterly alive and steady with you right now. And he didn't want to let that feeling go. Not now,not ever.

And he watched as you stirred,grumbling with a whine as you peered over your shoulder at him and broke a light grin at him and shot a quick, 'morning' to him as you rolled onto your other side to face him, and he found his hand placing it self onto your waist and pulling you closer to him, watching you envelope yourself into his warmth. And he spoke, with such a rough morning voice that it stirred you to fumble your morning demeanor and scramble to refind it. "Well, good morning to you too"

And that's when you looked up to see his supirsed and smirked expression on his face, and then it dawned upon you....the sudden realization that he wasn't wearing his mask... and you took in the sight of his face, your mind memorizing a million times over in the short span of such a few seconds. The way his growing out blonde buzz cuts tight curls matched him perfectly in a way... the sigh of his eyes...piercing blue and utterly memorizing you..and his nose..that looked to be defiantly broken a good few times over seemed to be perfect to you... he was perfect to you ..and that's when your gaze found its way to the scar on his thin,pinkish, chapped, and rough lips.. it traveled from the base of his left jaw with his face stubble, and it traveled up through a part of his lef side of the lips revealing part of his gums and teet,especially the canine teeth of his..and it utterly amazed you and looked...utterly beautiful on him.

"Your beautiful..."

The words left your mouth and left you stunned at what you said as your heart stopped before restarting in spasms as you realized what you had just said... and you watched as his gaze went wide before it softened as he replied to your voice.. "God's I love you." His voice cracked as he spoke..like he was afraid of saying that aloud..like he was afraid of even putting it out there to anyone..to you...

And then that single phrase made you think..and then you mouth opened and a single phrase that came out of your mouth made you want to slam your head into a wall.

"What are we?" It was fast,sudden..nervous.. afraid perhaps of what Simon would say?

All you knew is that He smirked and replied with such a crooked smirk that it made you shiver Beneath his gaze as his brows quirked up.

"Well..what do YOU want us to be hm?"


You then thought before beginning a mindless ramble to yourself in your mind before you suddenly spoke, quickly, as if you where afraid of the ability to speak to leave you before you two had stopped talking.

"Well,let's see, we both fucked,we're cuddling,we've saved eachother a million times. You make me nervous,I can feel your hard on rubbing against me, and we're in YOUR bed.. so..what does that make us Simon?"

"Well..thats makes you my Boy yes?"

My boy..


Your his...

And him yours...

You then nodded and snuggled closer to Simon's body and breath with him,listening to his steady heartbeat with the comfortable silence surrounding you two.

As of right now, you weren't just two humans.. hell, you two weren't just "The Hound" and "Ghost"..you two were just, "Y/n" and "Simon"

Two humans just trying to find where they belong.

And you belong with him. And he belongs with you. Together, and you had found a high better than any drug, him. He made you feel.. safe, perhaps? And you..you made him feel alive, secure.

Both of you had found your own Adrenaline High amongst each other, each both making the other alive and moving...

And well... you both knew that the journey from here on out..

As you both laid in eachothers arms,both drifting back to sleep smiling...

That this was going to be one hell of a ride....

I hope you all enjoyed this small, lengthy ride of a journey as much as I have with this story, and don't fret! Like I said, there is one with Konig and you coming soon enough! Possibly in two days,and requests are always open :)

But thank you all that enjoyed this story and are going to look and find it it in the future. :) until tomorrow everyone.

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