Mw2 Knig - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

'Blood is the Color of Our Lives(And the Color of Our Blood)' pt3.

AHHHH FINAL PART OF THIS FIC, as said before twice, this was not going to be a long series fic like 'Adrenaline High'. This one was just supposed to be a quick one-shot type nice little spice of life fic. Enjoy the last Fic before the end of the year, everyone.

Enjoy and have a happy new year :)

Warnings: nothing but pure fluff :)

To say the least of König utterly wavering on the chair next to your bedside was an understandable understatement. He was utterly worried, partially sorrowful, and at the least part. Having only known you for giving or taking two days. He felt as though he'd known you forever. And now, here he sat, like a worried bird fluttering over you, hovering over the doctors. And now he pleaded for your still figure to awaken. Just for him to catch a glimpse of your E/c Orbs, to see the light utterly flick off of them like a sunset. Three days have passed. Three days of the head trauma you've suffered from the fall had caught you in a mid drift of coma and not a coma. And now here he was, standing up, his legs feeling wobbly, numb,and utterly weak from the denial of his own care and needs to watch over you with worry. And now here he was, quite literally staggering to the door to question another nurse to come in and check on you out of his own worrying and overbearing nature. And just as he went to reach for sullen doorknob..he heard a voice.. mumbling and quite silent... Your voice.. "König?" ... And then,he turned to see your figure sitting upright and still quivering from the mere strength it even took of energy to life yourself up, let alone you holding yourself up at the moment.

And you watched as he soon abandoned the doorway and seemed to cover the room's floor in just one singular stride. And now here he was, standing over your sitting up figure, and without warning, you just pulled him down and almost sent him toppling into you as now you held him into a tight hug. He stiffened beforehand, relaxing and catching his Bearings. And held you quietly back. As of right now, you were at peace of just holding him, and he seemed jist as well, but his legs said other wise as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. And you noticed. "Take your boots off, come on König." He jumped at your words that rumbled against his waist area as you spoke. And with a swift nod, he kicked off his boots and stared at you with an awkward look before he watched you attempt to try and lay down only to wince. Which caused him to act almost immediately. Like the flash and in a flick of a motion he had hoisted you up like a rag doll and slid beneath your now startled figure and gently placed you on his figure. The clothes he wore weren't his military gear, more just cargo sweats and a white t-shirt. Basically, what he was able to grab first before racing here to see you after he found out they had got you stabilized. And he was comfortable, and so where the arms he gently wrapped around your figure, which was wearing the usual loose fitting white t-shirt and navy sweats the Med bay had on hand to change soldiers just like yourself who came in needing serious attention and care. And soon, with his head resting gently on the side of yours,his lower face and chin resting on your shoulder,you felt his breathing slow and listened as he dozed off into much needed rest. Within a few more moments of listening to his slowed heartbeat and his breathing, you,yourself, were lulled to sleep...utter bliss of a full sleep.

You both may be hand soaked with Red, and your lives drowning in it, But you both bleed Red.

Blissful Red.

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2 years ago

🙈 alr quick question, do you all want another and lengthy konig fic? Or quicker ones(oneshots basically) about Graves and price??

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2 years ago

'To Whom The Bells Toll'

König x reader

Warnings: foul language

So, this will be as lengthy or possibly longer than adrenaline high, and so the possibility of an every two day posting or day to day base will most likely not be possible. So there will be either one to two parts posted weekly at scheduled times on the respecting days:Monday and Thursdays.

These chapters will also be much longer,give or take the range of 1,500-3,000 words or longer for each chapter.

Parts of the fan fic are not a part of the campaign as I do not like to stick to the game, so be warned if things are a little out of whack. As well as locations will also be made up.


Just as your back had struck the cold metal of the choppers belly,you felt relief from the harsh heat that broke down onto you and your team. Respectfully, Laswell had assigned you to the task force 'Dark' given your team, and you have had your fair share of doing things behind the scenes and doing thing sometimes even the government isn't even aware of until Laswell herself gets word from your team and report it back to base and then the government. And now you all were on your way to a touch and go base somewhere out in the Pacific coast line of Australia... to help or well give extra set of hands to the task force 141, and you'd be damned if Captain Fucking Price though he'd be commanding your squadron. Your team. Your family. As far as his bucket ass is concerned, your title as Captain holds you as commander on your team.

And his on his.

Turns out some sort of uprisen activity of a wanted fugitive, Hassan. Had missiles. American missles, and now here you were being sent out to help these boys out due to the uncanny fact that they got screwed over by the US governments task force : the Shadows.

Your pack lay hard against your back as you pondered what the hell made you stay. After taking a bullet to the face and surviving with basically the left side of your mouth exposed to one of your first missions to date for a commanding officer, you were "saved," but had been given the offer to stay or be departed from your team... you stayed. Scared and knurled, you climbed your way bitterly to the top, and now found yourself captain of your beloved team.

Your fingers subconsciously traced the mutilated side of your face. The scar ran down to the bottom of your chin to culr its way up to your lip or where they'd be on the left side. All that was left was a pinkish thin line of scar, and what was left of them on that side. The scar left no skin to protect your upper gum and teeth area. Leaving your teeth and canines exposed on that side. You were once ashamed of it. Before realizing that It showed you truly were a survivor.

And as the people at base call you and your team, "Laswells Hell Hounds".

Fitting to the monstrosity of things you've all seen, been through and have been left scarred with. Either mentally or physically.

Glancing over your members. Your eyes ghosted them as they conversed, gladly leaving you to be alone for the time being until you were to speak. They knew how you got on choppers. On alert. Hostile even. You never liked choppers. Always gave you the feeling of being open to being popped right out of the sky.

Almost 3/4th of your squadrons members had visible scars or mutilation from missions.

Others had them worse behind clothing and the protection of cloth.

Only 5 of you.

And you 5 where utter machines.

And you could it feel it. The urge itself to move even while sitting on the chopper. The way you shifted in your seats, your eyes scanning over everything, the constant checking of your guns.

You all were bred for it. Best of the best. Weened right off of the teat of the training programs and chucked right into others to morph you all into the beings you are now.

Like rapid dogs, you all tore up the battlefields. Secreted dread from any other teams you where placed on.

And as the wind weeded unto your now sweat dried face, you only would imagine what awaited you five when you stepped off this chopper.

Imagine, funny how you couldn't lay a finger on what would happen, yet here you all were. Standing in a dust filled room with the sun slowly creeping in like a shadow would, dancing with the dust with its rays that danced off parts of skin and wretched its way harshly onto the outlines of the guns still held in your hands like defensive dogs.

And give or take you held a scowled look, almost a snarl on your face. Couldn't help it with how you face looked now.

Scoffing at the words of your own sourness as your eyes danced along the members of the others team.

You've worked with some of these men before.

Soap Mctavish. Simon Riley. And Price.

But a new face caught your eye.

One who was hidden behind a snipers mask but was evidently too tall to even be a sniper in the first place.


And you felt his eyes lock onto yours. Crocodilan. Sharp.

You felt the hair on the back of your neck. You felt your face scrunch up slightly, your teeth baring harsh together as you forced a quick smile. And you could feel his eyes narrow at you, his back straightening and his shoulders squaring.

You could just feel that you two would be butting heads.

Feeling yourself space out at him like a rapid dog, you snapped back into motion with a blink before cocking your head audibly toward Laswells voice, the tall ones figure kept in the corner of your eye. All of their team was kept in the corner of your eye as she talked.

"The main goal is to get Missiles back out of the hands of Hassan. So far, we have gotten one missile out of this bastards hands. But there are two missing. Mind you, these are American, leading in for us to believe that Hassan had some ties with the Shadows and Sheperd. Which also has come to the lead of Hassan having ties in Russia. We may have a lead on the Missile."


Her gaze snapped to your voice as it rung out, your brow quirked up, waiting for her to answer.

And she seemed pleased to see her "hounds" ready.

"Russian Town on the border of Ukraine,океан or ocean. He is believed to be there as well. He is the second primary target of this mission. Capture or kill. Do what you may, but we need to get that missile out of his hands. You all will take one jet out. And then will weave through the rear end of the border between the town and the ocean cutting at the base of them both. And through the border, you will split. 141, your duty it to ensure a clear path way for the recovering chopper, Gaz will take an overlook and snipe. After that, Y/n will take their team and swipe the ground clean and recover the Missile and hopefully kill or capture the mad man behind this all. You have until tomorrow evening 6 sharp to rest and prepare. Dismissed"

And with that your Team had already weaseled past the rest, leaving you to shoo them off as you stayed back with the expected look from Laswell to stay and wait for the other to leave. And the rest did. Besides the hulking crocidle next to you.. of a man they called König.

And she spoke.

"König will be with your team. He is big and large and will divert eyes enough to pry attention from your guns to take the eyes eye ."

"Ma'am, I will allow him to work with My team. But he will stay clear of my way."

"As I expect him. And I expect you to ensure he stays clear out the jaws of your team. Dismissed."

And with that, you turned and left. Your eyes narrowed at König as you walked past him. And he followed After, before shoving past you like a child.

"Ah, excuse me bitte."

And with that and a heavy Austrian accent, he was gone as you both spoke in unsion.

And as you walked out after him you faintly heard a voice..Laswell.

"Don't blow it Y/ shot."


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2 years ago

'To Whom the Bells Toll' pt2

Heyyyy so yeah delayed posting on my end and Tumblrs end. Sorry about that 😭

Enjoy 🙈

Warnings:foul language, mentions of blood,and gore.

With each sharp crunch of ice and snow beneath our feet. It left you wishing you had never agreed with Laswell to take this mission. Though You don't think the team nor You had a choice. Laswell had said that National Security was at risk, hence why this task force of yours was created in the first place. You almost feel like she put König with you to test how much bullshit you both can take. Because You where already fed up the moment you had entered the jet and You had to stand next to the giant of a fucking man. You had plenty of time to get to know this man in such a short time... and..

You were sure König could agree.

Maybe that's something you both can agree on.

Russian winter wasn't always the best time to be hiking through the wilderness on the outskirts of the fishing town,but timing and scerecy were of the essence. It was imperative that you had footed the rest of the way on foot for the sake of Russian intelligence being none the wiser.

The icy winds howled past your team as you then departed from 141, König trekking close to your sniper. Lucile untilshe also departed to take a place in the shrouded hillside with a snipers nest.

And then you stopped as you approached the mere outskirts of the town as buildings crept into sight through the thicket of trees.

Then a voice creeped out into your ear piece.

"This Bravo-134 in position."

Then you spoke. Pointing at Jake, one of your other members, and Maxwell. Your medic. And then König and motioned them to go left.

"This is Bravo 0-2 sending 0-8 and 12-3 your way sight on left along with 141s boy"

You could feel eyes dagger into your back as you ignored them. Hearing their boots straught out of ear sight.

"This is Bravo 0-2, 0-6 and I are moving out"


Your second in command was Jake, but Serena was quieter.

And you needed silence.

And she needed it.

They had the "diversion," and you had you utter rumble of a breath in your chest.

"This is Bravo 0-2, going in with right side team."

"Roger than, 141s boy out."

A thick Austrian voice.

Fuckinb König.

And in you went.

Sniper nests broke into your sight as you both crept with a light jog until the whizzing sounds of a snipers bullet sipped the airs silence until light thuds sounded out..

Atta'girl Lucile.

Your feet broke out into a run, Serena shadowing you before she broke into your left side. Seemingly like dogs, you flew with harsh glints in your eyes

Then, you grabbed your gun and slid to the left side of the fenced area, finding its way to be strapped to your back. You tore wire cutters out of your left hip and snipped the fence open before plowing through the loose netting of the fence and into the camp you went.

And your gun found its way into your hands and with a quick eye, and with the assistance of the darkness, you clipped a silencer onto your gun, and off you and your partner went.

And all hell broke loose.

An explosion sounded on your left, causing you to shove Serena to the right behind a few crates as gun fire broke out. A grunt escaped from her as she then got up and started returning fire. And quick work your gaze made of some of the ground of Russians at this out post of a fishing village. Motioning to the group you ducked as she kept returning fire and ducking from it you crept to the right side of the gate,hugging it ad your crept closer and closer until two grenades gripped themsleves Into your hands and the clips sank itself into your teeth as you pulled them off and whipped them right at the group. And down you ducked.


A loud boom erupted into your ears that turned into ringing, and the sight of a light yellow came and went as it quickly came. But the smell causes your nose to quickly recoil to shallower breaths and something splattered over you and onto your face..and a couple thud echoed out into the air that now was silent.




You then crept out of the hiding spot, your gun raised and poised to be fired at any given moment until the sight you saw beheld you to a sick satisfaction.

The smell of metalic crept out as you saw pinkish colors of someone's lower body and grey military pants now soaked with blood darkened to a reddish black, the part of the spine showed mixed with the intestines, severed and reddened through their pink shade and moistened texture, the right leg still twitched with nerves still thrusting through its systems. Blood scattered and practically soaked the concrete. Someone arm lay close by, bodies contorted in motion and missing pieces.

And then a groan erupted, causing your head to whip to the left, cocking to the side as Serena came into view on your right in your peripheral vision.

A soldier, male, laid trapped beneath a piece of shrapnel, his arm lay trapped beneath a sharper piece, evidently about to fall off at any given moment but still connected to the bone and nervous system as flimsy flesh held it together.

Approaching the soldier a badge caught your vision.


Your eyes narrowed as you squated above the man in the dark. The street light that dimmed yellow was the only thing that masked the whitened, terrified gaze of the man in front of you as you spoke.

"Where is Hassan."

Hos gaze narrowed as he spat at you before mumbling something to you in Russian and on mere reflection of the moment you then stood up and pressed your foot against the tender wound.And he cried out and weakly pried with his other hand to try and push you off of his arm,writhing like a fucking worm.


"I'll give you one more chance soldier. Where is Hassan."

Nothing, and then with a tight pressure of your foot you pressed down to hear a ripping noise come from this man's arm.

And then he broke.

With a pained gasp he broke out into a mumbled babble of a whimpered broken sentence before he repeated it. Clearer. Shorter.

"The D-do cking house awaiting pick up.."

The docks. Not far from here.

Pursing your lips, you released your foot from his arm to hear a relieved gasp come from him as he panted vigorously and spasmed against the relief from the wound. And then you cooed mockingly at him.

"That wasn't so hard was it? Now..let me"

Breaking yourself off, you then placed your foot against the sharp shrapnel that pierced the arm. And you pushed,and a pleasingly crack broke out into the night as the man screamed..

"Give you a hand."

A clean cut. A splattering noise made its way into your ears as his now dismembered arm flopped limply to the side. Oozing blood... and the bone slightly peaking.

He seemed relived.. and then pure utter horror broke out onto the man's face, and a scream went to make itself out of his pain wracked body. Until Serena brandished a blade and made quick work of his jugular as blood sputtered and scattered onto your boots and her arm.

Motioning her to move out, you both jogged quickly, leaving the now twitching body of the soldier on the ground in the concrete light.

"This is Bravo 0-2, Hassan is located on the docks awaiting pick up. I repeat, revendous quickly to the Docks!"

And with that, you broke out into a quick sprint, the dirt and concrete stone roads before your two whipped around the corner and into the docking area, guns drawn as you slammed into the docking buildings door. Shattering it beneath your weight as your guns ready to fire as you creeped through the building until one small creek made your body whip around, just enough to the point a bullet zipped past your head,causing you to stumble back and twist behind a pile of crates, Serena taking spot In a neighboring sack of something. The air stunk of gun powder and fish...and then with your back to the crates, your gaze caught sight of something...the Missile.

You then gritted your teeth before whipping up around the crates before releasing rapid fire, your teeth bared as a shout erupted from the air. And then a thud... you continued watching the men fall... gaurds.

You then turned to face Serena only to find her writhing on the ground, gripping at her chest. Your face dropped into shock as your heart pounded into your chest. You felt the color drain from your face until you threw yourself next to her,cradling her upper body onto your lap as your shouted into the comms..



You then took out your first aid kit and took out gauge and tried pressing it to stop the bleeding until sputtered breaths broke into her used to be staggering breaths..blood leaked through her nostrils and mouth as she struggled to speak.

"Nonono...No! Fuck, Serena save your strength.."

And then, with a strong grip, she spoke. Her gaze blazing with acceptance and a look of determination...


With a groan of pain, you went to say something as she spoke..

"Shoot the fucker down...."

And with that she limply gripped her dogtags off and ripped them with what was left of the strength in her strong but shaking limbs..and shoved them into your chest,and then your held her shaking hand..

"You're gonna be okay Serena.. You're gonna be ok -"

You heard one last shallow breath escape her shell of what she used to be and then nothing...


Your face then broke Into its used to be harsh look...



Looking up at the ceiling, a harsh bite hit your bottom lip as you blinked back tears as you shakily spoke into comms. As the footsteps broke into your line of sound...and then stopped...

"This is Bravo 0-2.. Serena is down. Requesting back up from left side group to retrieve the body and then locate the boat in which Hassan is in.."

Capture or kill.

Then Jake's voice broke out into the Docking house..

"We're here, Max, get the Blood prepared for trasfu-"

before he stopped... and saw the sigh of a now limp and dead Serena in your arms with your hands still gripping the bloodied gauze to her chest with a shaking grip...


Looking at them from the corner of your eye,you then spoke bitterly. Nonchalantly... like nothing had happened.

"Jake, Maxwell, Take the boat out to Lucile and then transport to the chopper point."



With a harsh tone, Max nudged Jake before he nodded to you and approached the body. Of what she used to be. And then took her head off of your lap and gently placed it onto the floor..your pants and arms soaked with blood. Her blood.


"Me and König will find Hassan and take him out and then cripple the Missile. Now go.."

With a knod, Maxwell hoisted the limo body of your guys comrade, and with Jake, they left. Her dogtags are still tight in your hands before you swiftly yanked them onto your head before tugging it under your gear. And then approached the Missile. König standing gaurd outside of the Docking Building as you made swift work of cutting wires that needed to be cut in the Missile. Before jamming a blade into its wiring panel. Making it unfixable. Pulling your blade out and then shoving it back into your sheath you then spoke..

"Let's go..."

Shoving past the mountain of a man, you then heard him mumble something directed to you, ignoring it. You then looked at the three ships on the docks...

Two seemed to be abandoned small Russian military boats and the other a normal fishing boat.

"I got the the two on the left, take the one of the right."

With a glare to the side of your eye, you watched him solemnly nod to you..huh...

Barging into the first deck of one of the military boats and turning your flashlight on, before whipping around the corner around the front part of the deck and made your way to the front part of the ship, toward the bow. And then rounded to the steering amd control area of the boat..nothing.

Heading out of the boat, you spoke hushed into the comms between you and König, "Clear. Checking second now"


Spiffy. Asshole. Scoffing, you then headed toward the fishing boat and hopped into the back deck before searching the captains area. And then rounded it and found it to be clear.. before you creeped onto the front deck on the right and approached the edge of the boat... and checked the water for anything...

And felt a rush of footsteps only to round your footing to release two quick shots from your gun only for the figure to just blindly leap at you and slam into you,your gun was flung out of your hand,and slammed onto the deck with a bang as you felt the edge of the boat soon become nothing but air as the cold harsh thwack of the thin ice break with your weught and water below strike you and envelop you into darkness as you made out a figure...and then the familiar face...Hassan.

Bleeding from two wounds in his side, you both blindly tangled away and toward each other as your staggered back with quick thrush of your legs only for him to rush a quick burst of a swim and slam you into the rough edged of one of the concrete pillars holding up the dock..and then a glint met your eyes as you ducked, the quick sharp split of the knife zipped through the air before your pistol hidden in your boot found its way into your hands a up It went up against the thrashing Hassan..and then a bang...

Blood enveloped your vision as he then stopped moving. Then you watched as the whites of his eyes roll to the back of his eyes before you kicked his sinking figure away from you as you discarded your now ruined pistol, feeling the cold shock through you as your lungs screamed. .. clawing to the surface, you then broke the top of the thin iced water coughing and clawing limply at the ice toward the dock to try and climb it or even grab its edge to pull you up... only to feel yourself slip on the ice, and it breaks under your thrashing weight and paddling swimming strides..

And the cold shocked through your body, causing you to shiver until a large hand grappled your right arm and pulled you out of the water with a hoisted Grunt until your "hero" unceremoniously tossed you on the deck as you shuttered and caught your breath..

König. And in silence, he crouched next to you, gasping figure as the cold enveloped your every sense and figure.

"What happened?"

"Fucker rushed me on my blind side... and down we went. Now, if you don't mind my prince in shining armor, I'd like to not freeze to death."

With a scoffed chuckle, he threw your gun at you before he yanked you to your feet just as your gun was in your grip. And without warning, he began to stride into a sprint. Even with the thick, shrouded clothing you wore. It was soaked. And heavy. And slowly feeling like an icy tomb on your end.

And with a shaking breath you shouted as you ran.


Then, a familiar voice broke out. Prices.

Good fucking God.

"Roger than Captain Y/N, Choppers already on its way"

Scoffing, as you both stopped and waited for pickup.. which seemed only a mere moment as the chopper broke out into sight...and With a quick movement it lowered and you and König hauled ass to the chopper, leaping into the chopper , you dare not look at the sheet that covered Serenas body as Price shot you a sorry look. And then he watched you shiver as the cold air, basically going to catch hypothermia if he delayed giving the pilot the ok to fly out...

And off you went, and out you spaced as you realized that she was gone...for good...and as if he sensed it, König found his way next your figure and sat down next to your shivering figure and patted your back teasingly.

"Yeah yeah piss off König."

"Ah, but then you'd miss the mere presence of me."

"Fuck you."

"Vielleicht nehme ich das Angebot an."

"Yeah whatever you said."

And in silence, you both sat as the chopper made its way to base...

Once the chopper landed, you practically had defrosted after changing areas and thermal seasons. Now you were a dry damp. And here you were, watching as people who took care of the soldiers dying on the field or while still in service take her away...

They took your statement of what happened while in action before questioning her dogs tags before explaining to them what happened. And then they left.

Leaving you damp,wet, and numb.

You hated this. Gaining a member, and then losing someone to something. You now went from a pack of 5. To 4. And Laswell won't recruit anyone else to your team. Saying it's not needed.

You felt a hand on your shoulder before you shoved it off and turned around. König.

"I'm fine"

Hissing the words, you rushed away, no stalked away from everyone else, and threw your guns into your room and discarded your gear on the floor before rushing into a shower in the personal showers in the barracks before getting into a pair of sweat and a clean pair of boxers and socks...and laid in bed. .staring at the ceiling...numb.


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2 years ago

'To Whom The Bells Toll' pt.3

👹 oooggggaaa boogggaaa

Warnings: Foul language, and pure angst/ mutual pinning(cause im just slick like that)

Enjoy 😌🫡

Staring at the mirror, you felt like hurling your lungs out, 3 in the morning, and here you sat. Or well stood. Utterly aching for breath and not finding it, tears burning your eyes.

The call came to you just moments ago, awaking you from your futile tossing and turnings to try and rest in order to face a day of paperwork for today's morning and afternoon training.

They wouldn't allow you to go.The family got the news last night, after you filed proper paperwork in the middle of the night,and the government received it from Laswell... and then the family was almost immediately notified. But Laswell denied your request to go to her service. Claiming, "that there is bigger things at hand that need you to be here and present y/n. I can not allow you to leave, I'm sorry."

You remembered just grinding your teeth to the point that they still ached, or perhaps that's from your bruised tongue that now was sour and sore with aches from how hard you had bitten down on it whilst she had told you.


She was fucking sorry.

Scoffing you then glared at your disheveled self. Eye a mess. And your eyes utterly bloodshot, either from crying in your sleep or the lack of sleep in your system now. Either way, you're livid and exhausted

Almost shoving the sink away from your body, you resumed into motion, away from that small snippet of time that held you, and now here you were. Trudging to your bed, aching, hoping. For any kind of relief that a small amount of sleep would give to you, even for a mere moment. Just a small relief from that reality you had to face in the longer hours of the mornings bitter attitude and feeling in your bones.

Your socked feet padded on the floor quietly, and once your bed came into view as you exited the private bathroom of your barrack, you slammed into its thin cushioning and felt yourself utterly groan into your pillow before a couple movements and later. And here you were. Passed out cold. Saving the last of your strength from yesterday for today.

And out you went, drifting yourself to a somewhat comfortable rest that caused your bones to stop aching the mourning grief that you now felt.

Awakening to your quiet hum of an alarm, you found yourself on autopilot, dragging yourself out of your warm cocoon and into the bathroo where you brushed your teeth and washes your face until you put on deodorant. And only then did you walk out and quiet literally yanked your clothes on, simple black sweats and a tight light clothed under Armour green tee-shirt, before stomping out of your barracks to retrieve the piles of paperwork from Prices office. Yours and Serenas dogtags clinking as you marched.

Your boots scuffed on the cold pavement of the tiles floor as congregating soldiers and privates slid past you in the halls, you were intimidating. Stared at. Gaucked at. Because of the way your face looked, knurled and angry. A scar that proved one thing, you where alive.

And Serena was not.

Groaning at the though, you shoved it down the throat of your brain and back into the pit of your stomach, and felt it sink in the dephs of your chest, making it difficult to breath let alone stand at the moment. And yet you swallowed it and held it and marched your way to Prices office.

Once arriving at the end of the hall, you stood at the dark wooded door. And knocked, your knuckles rapping against the wood three times in a rhythm. And then a low voice awnsered.

"Come in."


Letting out the breath you've been holding, you twisted the knob, almost retracting at how cold it was. Before entering, and there you stood, eyes locked with fucking König as he sat in one of the two chairs before Prices desk. Pursing your lips and narrowing your eyes at him, you then directed your attention to Price, your voice low and guttural. Like a snarling animal.

"Came for Laswells paperwork that she sent for me."

And you read Prices expression, stuttered, but coarse. An acknowledging look. He knew what it was like to lose men, soldiers. Brothers and sisters. He gave a slight tilt of his head that seemed to ask, 'Are you ok?' And you gave him a slight knod. And with one tilt of the head of König, who sat man spread with arms crossed, revealed that he noticed. Narrowing your gaze, you felt your hackles raise,more so the hair on the back of your neck stood right up. And so did your eyes. You could just feel them dilating as you snapped your gaze to him from the corner of your eye to Prices hand, which now held plenty of thick files that needed to be done. That Laswell needed done. Giving a short "Thanks, Price." You left and practically slammed the door behind yourself and slid through the halls like a snake, avoiding conversation, avoiding confrontation. just avoiding. Anyone and anything. And made your way to the kitchen. And with a sweet bliss of one thing going right in your life, your Case of 20oz coconut redbulls laid untouched. With a quick swipe, you held two in one hand, and your paperwork was in the other and solely slicked to the quietness of your "office" that they placed you in for the time being while being out here. Holding all the materials you'd need and file cabinets holding all the information you needed to have. A small corner office,tucked away from everyone and everything with a simple desk with three drawers on each side and a slim long one above the space your legs go, a bulletin board with maps and photos of a trace board you created whilst trying to connect certain things to certain people that you needed to find out. A filling cabinet behind your left side of the swivel chair that was in the room, an simple office chair, and then a lamp in the corner of the room and one on the desk And a simple cacti you placed on the desk to keep you company, placing your files down and then your redbulls you situated your seating in your chair and dove into a quick swig of a energy drink and then into the paperwork you went.

Rubbing your eyes, you then hummed in content, seeing that you now were done. But utterly miserable. Glancing at the clock you gazed at it, your visions blurred before a quick blinking moment stroked it away. 2:45pm.

Not bad. Gave you give or take two hours to have an hour and a half workout or two hours to yourself. With a quick stretch out of your seat, you slammed the rest of the remaining last redbull and tucked your chair in before organizing the folders and made your way to drop them at Prices office. Once doing that, quick and bitter exchange you made your way to the gym area, aching for a good workout to get your mind off of what happened the day before. Anything to get the feeling of her blood and breath off of your mind.

It seemed like eternity,your body aching with sweat and burning from the workout you had encased yourself into. And now here you were, pushing out the still remaining aggressiveness you had over yourself that seemed to never end.

And mid push up, you heard footsteps, and with a quick glance..König. Ignoring the presence of the mountain that had just entered the room, you then felt yourself feeling no use... three hours and no sign of your anger burning out. Nothing. Grunting, you then went to push yourself up only to hear quick steps your way, and before your reflexes could kick in due to the fogged up aggressiveness that haltered it. A knee firmly slammed you down and knocked the choked air out of you.

Laying your palms flat and gritting your teeth, you let out a hiss. You expected it to be someone tolerable. Someone close, Soap or even Simon.

"Get up ."

König. Glaring at him over your shoulder, you felt your nostrils flare as you spoke, guttural. Growling.

"Get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. Me."

"frech, get me off- "

Cutting himself off, he glowered down toward your ear, and before you could snap back at him, he wrapped his thick forearm around your throat, cutting your air off in a threatening, uncomfortable manner. Reminding you of the ice cold water enveloping you from the night before. Choking you.

"König I'll fuc-"

"Get me off, or else perhaps something like last will occur at the next mission, hm? A dead teamate and then an attack on your own personal? Fix it."

He seemed just as pissed as you. Maybe even more.

Sour nerve. You felt your eye lid twitch before a rumble of a yell erupted from you as you shifted your left knee up and used your palms to push up, thwaking your head back like a rearing mad horse, and struck him right on the head, and off your pushed him before you twisted and practically leapt on the man before colliding a harsh swipe at his chest with the base of your knuckle and gripped his shirt, your legs straddled his mid waist area as your used both your hands to hold his white shirt by the collar and gripped him up, your body to blinded by rage as you barreled down at his gaze, some red tint gleaming through his snipers mask.

"Do not think for one fucking moment that I don't utterly drown in last night's events. Her blood. Her breath. DO YOU FUCKING THINK THAT IT DOESNT FUCKING HAUNT ME?! EVEN FOR A MOMENT? ONE DAY ITS BEEN, AND YOUR ALREADY HOLDING IT OVER MY HEAD."

Your voice cracked with pain, hurt. You felt a burning sensation creep its way to your eyes.

"Do you not think for a moment that I want to go back in time to prevent it? Fuck you König."

Your eyes narrowed as your chest heaved, and you stared at his shocked expression before his gaze narrowed, and before you knew it he left hand had socked you and sent you sprawling as he threw you off of him with his hips and like a bear he was upon you,dragging you toward him by you upper knee area and under him he held you, only invoke you lunging at his loose held figure and sent him and you sprawling backwards, and with the momentum you thrashed forward with, and with him one reflex using his legs to push up, you both did a flip,and your back hit the ground with a thwack as he stared you as he held your shoulders down and his one leg pressed down on your knee. Holding you there. Hissing the words out to you like a panicked mother would to a child.

"Do not think for one moment Y/n that I don't see it. How you are today. I noticed it in Prices office."

And he lowered himself to your level, his gaze holding yours. Mere inches away from your noses touching. His bloodied spot spreading even more on his mask.

"So do not think that I want you to forget it. But now it is time for you to try and get better, to bot let it happen again. That is why I'm here now, that's why I'm here forcing you to feel it. To relive it."

And with a defeated huff, you glowered at him and thrusted your legs up forward and knocked his knee that held your legs down to the side with a swift sift of your weight before shoving him to the left before rolling ontop of him and straddled his hips before gripping his shoulders back at him.

"Do not think I will let that happen again."


And then you realized the position you were in, panting heavily against him. His one large, thick hand holding just above your knee area and the other flat palmed on the ground to brace his upper body. His gaze. And then you felt something below you.... You snapped off him like he had burned you before you spoke harshly, almost nervously at the mere moment.

"Your bleeding, go to med bay König."

"Hm. Fine liebling."

He spoke the last word that you didn't know with a tainting tone. And as you marched out of the gym door, he scoffed and got up,his pants suddenly feeling tight and his body too warm.

And then a mutter.


Tags :
2 years ago

'To Whom The Bells Toll' pt4.

Heyyyyyy, I hope everyone is having an amazing day. Also, there will be changing perspectives here and mentions of horse riding. Keep in mind that I don't have a lot of info on the military and how they do things, but I know for a fact that they have mount units so we're gonna get that and also a look into your past as y/n in this story. :) Enjoy

🤠 cowboy y/n yall yee fucking haw (I also work as a ranch in the summer at my uncles ranch I do have 3 horses that I own so I have background info on things)

Warnings:foul language, fire, mentions of death of animals, and trauma as a child. As well as slight nsfw. 👹👍

Pitted bitterly as you walked.. no stormed, out of the training area you face reddened and hot. You didn't like how every time he touched you today, you got nervous..butterflies..and everytime his gaze cut through you.. you felt..alive. You felt as though his mere touch had burned you, and it was to the point that it was uncomfortably itchy. Like the skin itself was burning. Grouching a breath you released from your lungs, almost like a snarl. You had felt flames on your skin. Merely grazing your flesh. And it hit too close to comfort. Breathing in heavily, you then shuffled your steps to stilled position. Before glancing around and mapping the area around you. And then your gaze flicked to the signs on the walls that assisted privates to their areas. Stables?

Your bare feet snapped against the dry cold ground, stamping shrubbery and sticking down against the rocks gravel that cut your bare padding on your feet. Your hands feebly held multiple reigns to multiple horses as they plundered forward blindly, being guided by you in the dark as your father shouted words at you. Guiding you and the animals blindly away from the flames that licked your heels and seared your flesh and hides like a tease.

And once you had clambered up the hill side with these powerful mounts behind safety, you turned, and all you saw was Fire. Buring your barn to the ground... and you smelt it..the coursing of the wood to ash, the hay bales billowing smoke out into the world around it... in slow motion, like a movie played in slow motion, it went.. and so did your reality until your ears winced at a shrill whinny that reared of pain and agony...fear...

Oh no...

You turned to your father only to have him shove more ropes holding steeds in your hands before he had plundered down the hill like something feirce..and into the flames... your uncle shouting at him and holding back your six giant drafts from plundering into the dark...

And all you could do was scream your fathers name as he disappeared behind the smoke and flame... and waited and waited... until the flames had died thickly.. and left you and your uncle in tears. You had lost your mother to sickness. And now here you were. Standing at his funeral as the summer day blew peacefully. He had gone back for his wife's horse. Your mother's horse. The last thing you had of her. A pretty white Dutch harness horse, bold and bright was the your mother...and now here you were at your fathers funeral in his futile attempt to save you mother.. it was said by your uncle that the two were found together in the mares stall, him holding her in a futile posture.. holding her in a hug like stand around the neck, and her with her body on the ground with her head in his arms..

The smell of horse and hay welcomed you like a bitter breath as the air around you blew into a smoky white, dancing amongst the air like a ghost would. The cold chasing the fire, he had ignited into you away for the time beinv.And then you locked eyes with Laswell herself..

And she approached your stunned figure like a deer in headlights, and she you stood there like a babe caught doing something it wasn't supposed to. Embarrassed.

"Ah, long face soldier, at ease. I see you've come back to your roots, cowboy?"

A nickname she knocked onto you Like a billowing stallion. Once she had reached your files past and read it, you got the name. And every time she gave it to you,you felt like a child again. And you hated that. But loved..craved it at the same time.

"Yes ma'am."

"Drop the formalities here. We both came back to a place of safety and familiarity. Something that reminds us of home cowboy. Now, since you're here, do you perhaps remember how to ride?"

"I learned how to ride long before I've walked Ma'am."

"Good, come. Let's find us two mounts and saddles and hit the field. I think it'd do us some good."

And so, you went, tracing the stables like a kid in the candy store, your eyes peering and pursing at the horses around you as Laswell tried to find one to her liking as you did as well. Wanting to be reminded of home...

König grumbled as he stared at your retreating figure. Finding himself doe eyed at your outburst but pleased at how he prodded you to snap it open like a book. Seeping himself into what your thoughts were like worm. And for that split moment, he had done it. He had seen into you like a glass window with no curtains. The way your face scrunched up as you bared your teeth down at him, a rapid dog. Fitting for the Hounds of Laswells squadron unit. You hadn't broken his nose, just bloodied it, and knocked the wind out of his mountainous lungs, and had yelled in his face... with those damned y/c eyes. They seemed to just utterly shatter anything he had of a defense of his own being. And he didn't like that. The way they crawled his skin like a snake.

Poised and ready to strike.

He then, instead of making his way to infirmary, went to the bathroom. And yanked off his mask. His face reddened and seemingly bristled like he had been knocked out. And he had almost been. His nose reddened and dried with blood..the bleeding had stopped. Taking a piece of toilet paper into his hand, he roughly switched on the faucet and dabbed the scrunched up toilet paper with the water before limply wiping his face. Once done, he had thrown the bloody "rag" into the toilet and flushed. Before yanking his mask back on and storming outside to the track. Needing to find any relief to the tension, he still felt that frustrated him, gripping a sweater of his with him with a rough toss of his shoulders. And a slip of his arms it was on...and so was the cold that nipped his face as he made his way up to the track, noticing Soap and Ghost where up there just due to their outlines and head shapes... even from a distance he can tell.. A dynamic duo..

You had situated your eyes on a big black stallion. Who gave a small blow of his nose at you. Dutch harness horse. Approaching him slowly, you then shifted your knuckle to his tender nose and let him sniff, letting him tickle your skin with his breath. Humming in satisfaction, you then brought your hand up to the front of his face, the bride of his nose gently before giving it a light pat. His eyes, deep and loosened, a gentle giant. He then snorted before his ears swiveled forward toward you and then to something behind you. Noticing the change of ear movement, you then heard hoof clops..and then Laswells voice, turning you found her with a thoroughbred bay tacked up and ready to ride.

"Meet you out there, cowboy. Also, his name is Angus."

And with that, she had left you to your thoughts and mere presence with this horse. "Angus Huh? Well, you sure fit the size, boy." You then glanced around before spotting a wall of tack. And names that belonged to the fitted tack. Walking over, feeling the horses eyes follow you, you searched for his name before finding his saddle. Western. And then his bridle and toughened leather reigns so that they didn't drag on the cobble smooth ground. Grabbing them, you then approached the stall wall and tossed the saddle over the side, and let it rest there before evidently keeping the bridle in his gaze before slipping the cold heavy bit into his mouth and watched him relax into your request of him allowing you to slip the rest of the bridle up his head and behind his ears and allowed you to Thighten the straps onto his face snugly but comfortably. You then opened the stall door before slipping into the stall with the horse. Grabbing the saddle pad with a quick motion, you had placed it onto the groove of his back before his shoulder blades and not passing your three finger spacing of the saddle away from his strong shoulders and evidently good withers. Then came the saddle into your hands like old lovers, tenderly and gentle to you. Hoisting it onto Angus's back, you then situated it and tightened the girth of it on his stomach before double checking everything and then opening the stall door and grabbing the reigns and leading this battle horse out of his stall. His ears are ready and altert.. and it seemed it was only you and Laswell that were out here. Moments of peace for you two are not common with your tanking of field in professions.

Shutting the stall door behind you two, you then placed the reigns over his head and gently onto the saddle horn before holding him steady and then placing your foot into the stirrup. And then pulled yourself up and onto his back, gently placing your weight into his back to let him get a feel for you. You then situated your other foot into the other stirrup before taking the reigns into your hands and urging the stallion into a canter to the paddocked field that was, upon the sunlight glaring your eyes, gated as soon as you stepped out of the stable and evidently huge and lengthy. Enough room to well enough ride even the most profound race horses of the day to top speed and limits in one go.

König had approached the track to get a workout in, only to see Ghost and Soap Gaucking of the fence at something, following their gaze to down below, he had found them staring at the paddock for the mount unit. Pursing his lips, he strode over before making himself known, though he knew the two had already known he was there with their trained senses.

"What's are you both looking at?"

His accent strong and thick, and cutting through their murmuring, Ghosts gaze glanced at König before he nudged Soap, as he went back to watching the thing that was happening down below in the paddocks. Soaps voice,snapping Königs observation from Ghosts face to Soaps now moving one.

"Just watching Laswell ride. And a certain special team captain. Never knew that they knew to ride."

"Especially like that,nothing about having a background that involved riding was mentioned in profile briefings."

Ghosts voice pulled a look from the mountain of man as he glanced back down, this time his body shifting to face the paddock themselves and leaning against the fence he watched. Yes, there were two riders, but.. oh..


Your hands held deeply into the mane of the now galloping but not sprinting horse below you, Laswell yelling something to you as her horse fell behind the massive strides of the mount beneath you,your quads pressing lightly into his sides and this was the speed he was giving you. Thunderous and daring.

Your one hand found itself patting his neck before restoring itself to the reigns that held his head. You had made a bet with Laswell, one lap around the whole paddock. A race. The first one to win owed the other a free smoke after this.

And well... not even at the first turn, and you had high hopes for her to beat you two.But the minute you had rugged an urged from Angus. And he had lunges forward, ears pinned forward and body lunging you had to hold at his thick neck for a moment before finding his mane with the reigns. The wind snapped the air from your lungs, and your face was beautifully, and your hair tossed around in the wind with the stallions mane that blew into your gaze like grass of the world that tore up beneath his hooves.

Konig found himself watching intently..almost too intently. Watching your body move in such sync with such a powerful animal. Amazed him. He has tried horse riding twice. Both he had found himself utterly over powered by the sheer strength the horses here gave. But...then again,...most backgrounds in the profiles had been backed out during briefings. But not his. And not yours.. well, for the file he had been given about you... he had read your background. Country grown and then sprung out into the world like a thrashing steed that you now rode upon. He read that you had climbed the ranks fast with your wits upon you, and the fact that you were a soldier...and a damn good one at that. And now here you were... riding seemingly strides in front of your superior on a horse that towers over you in strength and speed.. and he then watched you lean forward.. and watched as your quads evidently tightened at how you know held yourself into the saddle, your arms moving vastly with the horses head as it surged forward like a damn tank. A whistle sounded in his ear as he glanced down at Soap as he laughed before speaking, " Wouldn't wanna be caught ensared in those legs, they'd bloody snap a neck if needed, look at em just easily holding a beast like that." He felt something stir in him that made him bristle..not rage...not disturbance... jealously... he was feeling..jealous?

You felt the ground beneath you tremble as you both strode away with an ease much like a breath away from Laswelll and the througbred she rode. You now knew why such a strong looking thoroughbred wasn't on the race tracks. After zipping the second turn and making your way hallway through it, you then found yourself giving the horse his head, moving your arms with him swiftly and your body leaning forward and low. Your legs tighten against the saddle and his sides as you urged forward roughly and in response he had lunged forward and unleashed a speed that burned your face with stinging air and numbed it, a speed of such a mass of power that could have torn your arms clean out of their sockets if you dared to try and halter , hearing a loud whoop and something fumbled into the wind from Laswell you smiled to yourself as you both rounded the last corner before crossing the last had won.

Letting out a loud victory, whoop you then patted the stallions neck whilst trying to pull him into a slowed canter..and you did so with an evident grit of your teeth as you slowed the power house of an horse down to a slowed canter before he reared in decimated defiance or perhaps he too had felt victory. You cringed close to the horse own rearing body before he lowered himself back on all four hooves. Leaning his head down, he huffed before you laughed at him. Patting his upper neck, you then turned to look at Laswell, hair tossed and unkempt from the wind as she trotted up next to you and Angus.

"Well, I guess I owe you a smoke cowboy."

And as if on cue, she slid a cigarette pack out her pocket and tosses it to you. Grabbing it with a hand, you then slid the reigns onto the saddle horn, slipping two out and a lighter tucked into the plastic surrounding it before stuffing the rest into your back pocket you then handed her one before lighting one and then offering her a light, one that she thankfully took.

Inhaling the bitter breath of the first drag, you then looked out to the sky, clear..and the sun setting.... And then you felt that feeling again. Serena.

"I know you miss her, I do too already. And I'm sorry, I know you'll hate me now, maybe forever, for not letting you go, but your team needs you. And so does this operative mission."

"I know Laswell. That's why it hurts. Because I know I can't mourn. Not until I'm in my grave. Maybe then I'll be able to mourn. Perhaps not. Probably not. "

"Ain't that the fucking truth."

In silence, you both worked the horses out with a slow, cool down walk back to the stables as you spoke. Sharing bitter things of the past and a smoke. Simple things like that can change many things.

Huffing you put your smoke out with your dog tag, avoiding serenas as you a hooligan before stuffing it in a place of your pants that'll be probably lost..

Dismounting,you then went your separate ways. She briskly thanked you for your time and cleaned and brushed her horse and tack up..and before she went to leave, she approached your still figure as it seemed to be in sync of a conversation to the horse with praise..

"You know, Angus's main rider and soldier assigned to him was killed a few weeks ago by a sniper, right on His back. I'm sure he'd love for someone to connect with. And I'm sure we'll both be here for a while Cowboy. He's all yours."

Nodding and a quick thanks you hid the excitement that now hid the grief that had pitted itself in your stomach through a crooked smile as you patted the stallion and grabbed his stall birdle and halter before slid the riding one off, the bit slipping right out of his loose and relaxed mouth before he shook his head and snorted and stood perfectly still as you slipped on his other one and clipped the lead onto it before tying him loosely to a post inside the stable and undid his girth and took of his saddle and then his saddle pad, putting them back to where they belonged you then went to work with rubbing his joints out and muscles loose, before scrubbing his coat and brushing it out to where it shined. Satisfied with your work you then took it upon yourself to make sure he had fresh water and feed...well...he was

Yours.. it's been..awhile since something had been..yours.

Leading him into his stall, which he went into with no issue, you then slipped off his halter and lead and hung them up on the hook next to his stall door. And bid him a good night before sliding the stable doors shut and glanced at him one last time before you took yourself back to the main base.. and back to the main hall... until a rough hand gripped your forearm and yanked into the darkness of an unlit room..not out of place for sleepy privates or soldiers otherwise...

Going to let out a yell, you felt a hand clamp down on your mouth mufflung it as the door was kicked shut..hearing the door Scruff against boots..

And shut you in complete dark.

And a sudden release of you,sent you stumblung forward for staggering on your heel to turn around in the dark..only for the sudden turning on of a light blinded you, sending your face to scrunch up at the sudden blinding.

And then a glare exceeded your face as you realized who had gripped you into the darkness. That damned snipers blanckava with bleach stained tears bore down into you with his damned eyes.. feeling that feeling you had felt earlier from him arise, sent your body buzzing with a hushed whisper of a border of an angered front bear itself up to hide the butterflies in your stomach..

"What do you want König?"

Your eyes narrowed at him as he then tilted his head to the a fucking snake.. before he then approached, slowly. Like a hunter to an injured animal. And you sure as hell felt like a cornered beast as he advanced to the point you now were stuck up against the door.

"Well, for starters, I did not know you could ride like that..."

His face crept dangerously close to you before, then he watched you try to Avert your face and gaze away from his mask and peering eyes. Pursing his lips, he let out a grumble and rolled his eyes...

And his large roughened had found itself gripping your chin and lower face and forcing your head with enough force you swore you heard it Crack and your body startle from whip lash..

" Tsk tsk mein Schatz, I heard something from the Sargeant that caught my ears."

Cooing at you as your eyes furrowed until he leaned down close to your ears, his breath tickling them as he held your face still.. and you realized the mirror faced you both..... and you saw that he wanted you to see you reactions....

Gritting your teeth, that you knew he evidently saw or heard from your half exposed mouth... as you spoke..

"What is it that you heard coming from someone's ears whose not even in my regime nor task team König?"

Spitting the words out, you felt the butterflies in you worsen as he was enjoying a game of cat and mouse...


Cutting himself off, he then pulled his face away from your ears to now being in front of you now, his eyes boring down into yours.. now blocking the mirror...his eyes now forcing themselves to be your mirror..

"I heard him see something about not wanting to be caught between those strong thighs of yours. Now it's had me wondering Maus.. on just what he was implying hm?"

And you felt your eyes widen, and you watched them go doe like in his reflection... and you shuddered at his eyes dragged themselves upon your figure.

"You mother fucke-"

"Hm.. I think that language is not needed in this moment, now is it..Cowboy."

The nickname chilled did? No. It's not time for that.. thinking but not thinking you blurted out two simple words...without thinking..

"Fuck you.."

His face seemingly shifted as he smirked before using his free hand to pull off his snipers blanckava. Revealing a sharp jawline with a dark stubble and brown hair so dark that it could be mistaken as black that was short and a growing out buzzcut that was freshly shaven two months ago.. his hand that now held your face had its thumb up against your bottom lip. His crocodile like eyes, now hidden by his blown up pupils.

"Wouldn't I love to take you up on that offer Leibe."

Your face then went red. And you knew that he knew it was..saw it was red now due to the look that crossed his face.

"Now If i did that, you'd be in tears."

Your face then narrowed at him as your gaze sharpened at his. You felt yourself practically drag your eyes up and down his figure that bowed over you and leaned against the wall with one hand,the other still holding your face still in his gaze.

"Prove it then," tilting your head to the side only to be pulled roughly back to being straight and still from his grip that now was harsher than before. His gaze now sharpened, breathe ragged...

"Are you sure?" His voice raspy and quiet this time. It's almost like a tender prayer to your words. Afraid of what was to come next. Glass he became in his expression as he awaited your awnser painstakingly..


Confirmation to his prayers like the divine themselves you saw his expression slip into a tender but smug smirk before he studied your face for any hesitancy. Even for an asshole.. a giant among men.. he cared. Rolling your eyes at his waiting, still body, you then used your two free hands to pull him forward and initiate the kiss. His body startled..he startled..before he leaned into hungrily. His hand released your face before both of his rough hands found themselves gripping your sides before trailing down your ribs that fluttered against his touch..until he reached your hips.. and hoisted you up into the air with ease. And your legs found themselves around his sides, resting at his upper hip area comfortably. And with a gasp, he broke the kiss...and before a full breath found its way into your lungs, you then were sucked back into the whirlpool of feral emotions you both felt at the moment.

And then you felt him walking due to the sway motion you felt against his hips moving in rhythm. And then you felt something hard touch your rear before he let you go, his hands finding themselves on either side of your now still figure as he broke the kiss as he studied your face with such a tender look. He had placed you onto the desk that every barrack room came with. But he had..two.. this one you noticed was empty and clear..while the other one had arranged products of hygiene,books and folders for paperwork. He then tilted his head to surround you with just him. And only him..enveloping you in the cedar smell of the woods the grandfather's of the giants that gifted him height such as the one he now had lived. A divine thing he was indeed.

A hand then roughly gripped at your hip before he tugged at your pants.. and you noticed the audible tent growing in his pants.. as if getting the memo of your eyes drifting, he was now quickly fumbling with his belt buckle and boots.. and well you..where a stuttering fumble of a mess.. your boots soon kicked off as your pants were mid way being yanked off by you alone.. until two large hands found themselves speeding up the process..your boxers being the only things hiding the now evidently boners you both had.. until you both sank back into a kiss. This one slower..deeper and much more decisive than hungry... but his teeth found your bottom lip and tugged.. before your hands glided up to the base of his neck to the rounding of the muscle that flexed and shuddered every time you fluttered over them..before your hands found themselves at his hips...and with a ringed tug you sent him a message that seemed to transpire red to flash through his eyes... as he tugged his boxers off with utter ease..until his hands found themselves at your hips and tugged at your boxers as well.. and without warning, tugged them off with enough force your legs burned for a moment until his utter grazing touch that slid up them as they now rested both at the crook of his own hips made them burn even an electric touch... and that made your eyes go doe like as he cooed at you with pursed lips through a smirk....

Until he rested at the base of your inner thighs and made you shudder deliciously in his gaze.. And his gaze was rough.. and animalistic...

Tags :
2 years ago

'To Whom The Bells toll' pt5.

Heyyyy, umm yeah this is just gonna be utter rough smut so..uhh yeah enjoy.

Warnings: lots and lots of degrading, marking and bites, and a very very sexy König.

If yall don't like don't read 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Being a commander of your own squadron was supposed to be fully an honor of that alone. Your job was to make sure the mission got completed and your team was alive. And if anyone got in your way in or off the battle grounds of war far, to them down...

But here you were, getting fucked by a literal fucking mountain. The only mountain here....

He was rough, no doubt, poor you, he had already made you cum more times than your dazed mind could count as you got cock drunk. Your body littered with bites, hickies and dark hand marks left by him on your hips that were now gripped in his steel hands.... that he so generously inflicted on you.

Now he had you bent over the bare desk he had just so recently caressed you and spoke such soft words on. Behind, spewing such vile words to you.

"Say it. Say it to me. Say you're fucking mine. Only mine." König taunted and moaned, pulling your hips back against his rut even harder, Words couldn't even begin to form from how mercilessly he was fucking you, slamming his cock into you repeatedly. Almost knocking the wind right out of you.

"Im....nmmmmh...yours..." Breathless words. Almost inconphresible, finally rung in his ears like a beautiful symphony. Just what he wanted, just what he craved from your bruised and sweaty body. Sure, you left a marks on his back, clawed in desperation and hickies Trailing down from his belly button down to his cock that he slammed repeatedly into you.

His face was now next to your ear, chest pressed against your back, and both of his big hands placed over yours. Almost as if he was apologizing for the marks he had left on you.

But you both knew he wasn't sorry.

The thrill of seeing your eyes glossy with overestimated tears and glazed lust dulled gaze was enough to make him go mad. The snaps of his hips slowed a bit as he spoke, " so behaved for me maus.."

Cooing at you as he chuckled at your whines against his movements, taking one of your hands into his grip, he then trailed down to your lower abdomen, wincing at the soreness as your grazed the marks he left down there, and you felt the bulge of his cock disappearing and appearing again as he thrusted into you.

"Nmmm, feel that maus ? Your taking me so behaved for me..."

If he wasn't pounding into you, his words could've been mistaken for gentle... loving even. The desk you were bent over was starting to creak at his movements. Its condition of being old was obviously showing.

You cried out as he nipped at your back again, clearly going for another mark as he full-fledged a harsh bite onto your skin. Marks already littered your body. One more couldn't hurt, right? Oh, but it did... badly.

It stung as he kissed with a cooing mutter, previously clinging to the warmth your skin gave on the tip of his tongue.

The way he'd hurt and then praise drove you crazy. A mark, then a kiss. A hiss of words and then a coo of words. One right over the other over and over again. He wanted to break you down and build you all the way back up again until you where only his...his alone.

His pace was back again and hard. Powerful even. "F-fuck König pplease!" Your plead was almost like music to his ears as he continued. And you both knew you weren't walking out of here with anything sort than satisfied.

He took great pleasure in seeing how your body reacted to his words, trembling legs barely holding you upright, hands gripping the edges of the desk with such an urgency and for dear life,your voice cracking from how loud you were making such lewd noises: it was an utterly perfect sight to behold.

You could feel your stomach starting to coil and burn. Another orgasm was going to shudder through your tired body, and König wasn't showing signs of stopping. He panted, huffed, and groaned as he gripped your hips, nails digging into your tender skin. Feeling you tighten around his dick made him want to go harder and deeper into you.

"F-fuck...mhnnnn.. K-könig I'm gonna..." You whispered and whimpered, half excited and half afraid of how hard your next orgasm was going to be.

"Awwww for me? You feel so good, Maus..." He purred, talking to you as if you were a crying baby. A taunting pout could be heard in his voice as he spoke to you, suddenly flipping you over onto your back, quickly hooking his hands under your knees and pushing them to your shoulders.

"Look at you. Such a fucking mess."

You felt like you were floating, stars danced in your teary, blurry vision, it felt like he was going to break you In half with his cock. Another orgasm raked through your body, and God did it hurt.

You were so tired... so sensitive..

König smiled to you as he heard you whimper and gaps beneath his grip, holding you there as you shuddered against him as you clamped around his dick. You desperately tried to catch your breath, his tongue clicked, and he grabbed your chin to force you to look at him. "Maus.." He kissed you, chuckling at your whines of desperation to him. Slowly, he pulled out of you, making you feel terribly empty but relieved to catch your breath.

He didn't like how quickly you relaxed, how comfortably you looked. Did you forget what he just did to you? Not even a single 'thank you' uttered from your lips? No, no, he couldn't have that. To think König was going to give you a chance to catch your breath.

"Sit up,get on your knees now. "

It sounded like a growl rumbled in his chest as he moved away from you to sit on a swivel chair, making the air around you feel cold.

Shit. Was he mad? He definitely sounded mad.

Once you got on your knees, in front of him, obviously nervous to hear from him what you did wrong, you heard his tongue click again.

"When I tell you to do something, Maus." His hand found its way to grip your chin again, making you face him head on, mere inches from your own face. Watching your face go doe like.

"You say, yes sir..understand?"

In any other time, you'd have whammed him in the face or made him scrub the shit out of toilets. But now. Now you where his. Maus...a mouse to him with those Catlike eyes...

Lord's he was sexy when he was mad. Thick eyebrows, hooded lids, burning eyes staring down at you with such power and control. Hell, you had half the mind to disobey him, just to see him more riled up. But then again, you didn't have the energy for it.

"Awnser me."

The grip on your face tightened. Ah. You realized you were staring. "Yes, sir.." you muttered.. looking away from his glowering eyes. Your face was staring to feel warm from all of this eye contact.

Oh but he couldn't have that.

"What was that Maus. Speak up."

His gaze narrowed as he spoke, daring you to pull that stunt again, all the more reason to keep his promise with you that started all of this, to make you cry. He'd go all night if he had to, just to see you break down in front of him. of course, Human bodies had their limits.

How he wondered how far yours could go.

"Y-yesir!" You yelped. The taste of want in your breath made him praise you. "Good... very good." His grip then traveled to the tip of your head, entangling itself with your hair gently. He leaned back into the chair, guiding you to his still very hard on.

"Put a show on for me, Maus."

His eyes swirled with such want and lust, such an overbearing crave for you to pleasure him, to give him what he wanted and more came in such overbearing waves. And who where you to tell a gentlemen no?

The head of his dick prodded your lips, willingly you to open them and take him in your mouth. As you did so, he sighed softly, his hand bobbing with the rhythm of your head.

"Hmm..that's it...take it maus..." He said, not being shy to push your head down further. The smirk on his face could've snapped his face in half when he saw you choke, his hips jerked upwards when he felt the tip of his head prod the back of your throat. Throwing his head back, groaning and mumbling as both of his hands now held you there to keep you still as he practically face fucked you.

Tears squeezed from your now clamped shut eyes, trying to take his length as best as you could. It was hard to catch your breath when something was being shoved down your throat every other second. Still, it was so...exciting.. Having his bigs hands holding you in place as he had his way with you. Moaning, panting, degrading, complimenting...

It turned you on...

You whine on his dick, causing him to look down at you with hooded eyes..

"Dirty.."And with a click of his tongue he jerked his hips up into your throat as a tease to your shuddering figure.

Now, the rock of his hips was slower, more so grinding than thrusting. He didn't want to ruin such a delicious treat by Cumming so fast. He wanted to see more of your tears as you struggled to take his length, he though you looked so pretty with those wide teary doe eyes.

You could feel the grip on your hair somehow tighten as he panted heavier now, his hips stuttering and rythym turning frantic, Königs moans were raspy and deep as they got louder.. good thing these walls where sound proofed...

One thrust. A second. A third snap of his hips finally gave him what he wanted, "fuckfuck, oh baby, please!" He said in one breath, not being able to prevent his legs from slightly shaking while the orgasm took over his senses. He had whined...begged... even if it was a mindless babel of words he had done it notheless.

You had no choice but to swallow his load since he didn't let up with his hold on you. Soft praises left his lips, as he watched you, his cock slowly going in and out of his mouth, not hitting the back of your mouth anymore, until it eventually slid out altogether.

Coughs and gasps filled the room, immediately coming from you as your head dropped down in exhaustion. So beautiful. Such a perfect mess for him. Sitting right in between his outspread legs.

Again, he grabbed your chin to make you look at him, both of your eyes where half lidded, one of exhaustion. The other of lust.

"Aw maus, don't look so relieved. We aren't done yet, I still haven't made you cry~" He spoke in a sing-song voice, eyes burning brighter than ever. Not a single ounce of tiredness possed his body. Infact, he was more energetic than anything


Tags :
2 years ago

'To Whom The Bells Toll' pt 6

Uhhh yeah, so sorry bout that small little break, it was a busy week last week and one this week too as well so a quick update for you guys 👹 enjoy!

Warnings: morning devils tango 🫡, and pure fluff yall

Your body stifled a twitch as you felt your body hijack itself back from sleep. Awake, bustling yo the hum of warmth enveloping you, and then you went to shift only to feel a hiss seethe through your teeth as pain shot through your rear and at the base of your back. Then you remembered last night, well, how could you ever forget, by the time he was done with you, you were shaking violently and so sensitive to anything, and he had your whimpering and crying beneath him as he did exactly as he promised and you egged for.

And no doubt your body was exhausted... and in pain... you then went to shift slightly again, only to feel a strong arm grip your body from behind and pull you close with a grumble, rough and groggy before he spoke louder, his voice causing shivers to crawl up your spine.

"No, you don't liebling. Rest. We have nothing to do today, so you will rest. Last night has left you battered and bruised like a poor thing." You could hear the tease at his words at the end. And you were just too tired to retaliate against his slick words with your silver tongue. Releasing a huff, you dug yourself against him deeper, relishing the warmth he offered and gladly let you seep up as your hips dulled an ache and groan from you. He felt your body jolt from it. He felt it.

His one hand found its way to your hip and rubbed it before kissing the back of your neck slowly and hummed against you from the pits of his chest. Almost like a guttural noise, a cat. His hand then laid there, rubbing your hip bone as it peeked above the blankets that jostled your shared warmth. The blanket was thin, but it did its job by continuing the warmth that enveloped your sleep drunk body. Well, your lower bodies, you soon came to the realization that the blanket covered only up to your hips area, and you could only guess the same for the hard body you were pressed against. You grumbled as the cold air cooped your chest with a bitter chill, a lukewarm feel to it causing you to shiver slightly alongside the burly man behind you, only for a dark chuckle weep through your ears.

"Ist Maine maus kalt?" You then grumbled at him in return only for you to arch against the grip that had formed itself against your lower spine, teasing against your tailbone area your hissed a breath from the sudden movement only for him to hum and dig his head into the crook of your neck where you shoulder meets your neck, inhaling your scent bitterly like a drug. And then he began to leave pampered kisses over the marks he had left on you, causing you to flinch and squirm against him, working yourself and him up. You whimpered, feeling yourself begin to get worked up all over again and felt a painful hard on work itself through your system, causing you to shudder in utter testing of your own moral compass as König rubbed against you from behind like a ragged and wanting animal.

He then hummed before murmuring something to you, obviously about your wiggling against his teasings. And then he noticed your painful hard on, and as you glanced behind you, you saw a towering head gleaming thunderous green eyes toward you with one question. And with a discarded prideful swallow of air, you then nodded. And it was all he needed. He gently roamed his hands over your now shuddering body as a gasp engulfed your lungs as he flipped you onto your back. He sat back on his heels a couple inches away from the the inner thigh area of your outspread legs, blankets discarded, leaving your scarred and obviously muscular body out onto display for him as he admired you like a work of art, and he thought of pride when the marks he made where on your body like paint on a canvas. And he watched as your chest heaved as a look of confusion coursed through your eyes and then admiration, watching your pupils inflate he smirked to himself before kissing gently up your inner thigh, his hands gently holding your shuddering hips down as his breath glided against your hard-on, he chuckled watching you squirm beneath his grip as he kissed past your hips, up your tensed stomach and your shuddering chest and fluttering ribs until he rested his lips mere inches from yours before he gently invited a kiss to you, which you utterly accepted like a hungered beast. And then he broke it just as soon as he insisted it. His hands gently positioned your weak knees against his hips, your knees crooked in a gentle angle to give him more access to you. Before he gently entered you, it seemed like he had changed his entire person since the night before. Instead of a roughed grip, it was gentle, and a coo of mumbles slipped past his lips as his hands rocked your hips gently against his gentle snaps of his hips. Savoring it even as he felt your hands gently grip his shoulders. You felt cold but now soon was finding his rocks to be lazy and warming to your groggy figure.. you limply whimpered against the ache your body welcomed you into, and in return, he gave small whispers of loving words, and it left a sweet after taste on your mind and mumbling tongue.

And then you felt him graze that one sweet spot of your body that caused you to see stars and arch against his touch with want. As if he got the memo, he sank deeper and gently hit the damned holy spot every time, and he carried out like this, slow and sensible to your eased body before he soon felt you clench around him, and he anticipated his reward. And he did. You came hard, and with a final slow snap of his hips, he did as well. Your fluid grazing itself inebtween both your figures and his dribbling out of felt it.. and you shuddered against him before he untimely pulled out, his hands holding your hips in place as he did so. And then he stared at you, and with one final peck on the forehead, he was out, and two fingers had found their way to his fluids where dribbling out of, pressing it there. Almost like he was dumbfounded on how it looked. He then got up and helped you clean yourself, patient with you shudders and whines, and then he cleaned himself.

You had now found yourself finally resting against him after a quite eventful night, and quick morning, his back faced the door as your back was pressed against his chest, both comfortably dozing in the warmth of eachother only to hear the fast groan of rusty hinges and a door knod rattling ...and a familiar fucking Scottish accent....

"Oi, König-"

As König turned to look at Soap over his now lifted arm, it seemed Soap had caught sight of your head as it creened over your own shoulder and Königs massive hulking figure with the look on his face and loss of words. With a loud shout of curse of German to Soap and the throwing of something that König had in his hand, probably a pillow, Soap was gone with an array of 'sorry' and his cackling giggles.. and then, with a sigh, you heard the door slam as a mutter of Königs thick accent disputing through the air. You snuggled closer and hummed before you suddenly felt the loss of warmth and his arms around you. Stifling a groan, you glanced over your shoulder at him and watched with half lidded eyes as he made his way out of the blankets and Into the cold, as well as leaving you to shiver at the cold as well due to the lack of a warmth the bear of a man gave. He shoved on his pair of boxers before sweats and then turned to look at you before he shuffled for something on the ground and then made his way to you before yanking the blankets off of your already shivering body causing you to yelp. Within a moment, his hands were gently rubbing your hip area and soothing the cold out of your bones with peppered smooches to silence your chattering. And then you felt something graze your feet... you glanced down to him, shifting your boxers on and assisting him. You tugged them almost hastily to even secure any warmth from it. God's you where freezing. Closing your eyes, you are huffed before a hand encloses itself onto the back of your neck before nudging you slightly. Catching the motion, you then lifted yourself up only for König to grab your hands and gently hold them up as he yanked something warmth and thick onto your upper body. His hoodie.

He then gently pushed you back down to the bed before he basically crawled over you to his side of his own bed where he was earlier and tugged you closer... everything was quiet, warm...and great even... and your body felt warmth like a fire....

Fire was your gazes even pampered to wince as a groaning whistle cut through the air loudly before you turned to see a helo coming crashing down.... you felt the rain patter onto your skin harshly as your hands felt stuck to the gun, bullets zipping past your head and shot after shot left your sniper rifle. Your teeth knurled into a snarl as you lowered against the wall to hide yourself. To catch your bearings. Even for a moment. And then you turned to see a shine glimpse through the air.... sniper.. you aimed and relased a bullet from your chamber before basically careening your higher up into the dirt below, add a sharp aching pain erupted in a blossomed red hot scrounging pain cut though the left side of your face and a scream of pain erupted from your lips...

You jolted awake with a gasp before you felt the weight of Königs dozing arm to steady you. He then, as if sensing your startling, awoke with a dazed focus from his in and out slumber.

"What's wrong maus?"

You felt your face warm as you shied yourself deeper in the blankets of his bed, inhaling his scent as you gulped a breath before speaking, shyly,almost ashamed to say it.

"Nightmare, it was about me gaining the face I now have..." You felt embarrassed, you, a soldier, practically a killing machine, having a nightmare?"Ah, do you want to talk about it?" " right now.."

"Hm, I respect that, now come, sleep, and don't worry, I'll protect you, Liebe." Tears pricked your eyes as he pulled you closer and hummed a lullaby to you, and you felt your breathing relax, and your body lull to sleep...and then your eyes drifted to a dazed daytime rest...


Tags :
2 years ago

'To Whom The Bells Toll'

Warnings: mentions of warfare, angst, and a special supirse at the end MWAHAHAHAHHA



That was all you craved. Wanted. And now, now here you where knee deep in swamp lands with goop containing the gods only know what. The smell was sulfur like and gritty, not like the smell of fresh dirt at all. It was putrid, puffy, thick, and strong. It was like a sickly sweet after smell, sticking to your lungs in their shallow breaths as they desperately squeezed any remnants of this damned air out of them and into the cold world with a puff of smoke billowing out of your body like a dragon.... your face was bitterly numb as your muscles ached... you've been sitting at this nest for what seemed forever.. your comms were silent and still as ever as you trickled against the cold air beneath your thick clothing and as small droplets dripped onto your Luke warm body.

"Fucking hell...."

Soaps voice called out behind you, he was your backup, left up here to help you out in case it was foreshadowed and needed that someone or a group had found your little nest and decided to get a dog fight between you two and them. Price had decided that it was safer leaving the Sargeant of his group up here with a commander than to risk both lines of command entirely. And you bit your teeth back as you scowled as the rain came down harder.

"Don't worry Soap, they'll be out soon, they gotta be."

"Fuckin better"

He mumbled, and then something shining caught your eye.. or well reflected off of your scopes' lenses. Stifling your muscles, you creened into your gun like you two where one...melded together even.

And then you saw a head..narrowing your eyes yoru nostrils flared in anticipation....not one of yours nor 141. You then lulled the trigger into a stiff pull and watched as the body fell.

"Soap, I give em... not even five more minutes until we scope closer in to see what the hell their doing down there."

"Your the boss."

Stifling a groan at the comment, you then shrugged some rain off your body, feeling it seep into your now darkened sky...the stream lights pouring into the area around it..that base... you then huffed and went to roll into a crouch to get yourself up and moving, until you heard the comm static....and then gun fire...and then a yell. Simon... loud bang..then nothing.

You then looked at Soap before you scrambled to your feet and stared ahead, and made your way down the mountain side...but before you two could even fathom touching the bottom a whistle spooked through the air...and then you ran pike hell as a grenade exploded behind your two now racing figures...hoping your dark clothing would seal you both into the darkness and rain as it snuck unto the cold night around it... and it did... the only thing you both heard as your own heartbeat and adrenaline pulsing into your veins.

The forest surrounded you now, both close and tight knit figures, as you spoke hushly into the comms.

"This is bravo 0-2 with bravo 0-7. What is going on down there?"

Nothing...pure static.

You motioned to Soap as you two crept closer and closer... and then you spoke hushly. "Your going to go through that side area that's open, see it?"

"Yeah.. but what about you?"

"I'll be going through the hatch up there,"

Cutting yourself up you pointed to the hatch near the roof area...where parked truck was just below it.

"I'll climb up that truck and make my way in. It'll be more heavier guarded than the area I'm sending you in. Soap.. be careful."

"Will do commander."

And with that and a simple fist bump and nods. You both went you separate ways... you trickled down the now muddle hill side as the ground below you swallowed your boots and the rain that piujddd down onto your now moving figure. Stinging your skin as you moved... until you then leaped and landed at the base of the mountain. And you took off running until you approached a covered area of the gate...and wire cutters gripped your hand as you snipped a whole into the fence... and weaved your way into base... before you hugged the walls and left the watch towers alone, not being in the mood to alering the entire base that there were intruders amongst its walls.

You then coddled the shadows like a babe until you saw the coast was clear to make a sprint for the truck..and you did. Climbing up its side with such urgency had your ears ringing with nervousness..

And then you hoisted yourself up the upside of the trucks bulging metal stomach and landed on its smooth silver roof. You then slowly slid on your stomach and scooted toward the opening, glad to have avoided the gaurds that were now perching your shadowed area without a fuss or an issued sound or incident.

You then slid toward the opened hutch of the grated window side and went in legs first, sliding you but in a scoot like manner as you held your breath before letting go of the truck behind you and descended in a sliding manner down the thick glass window and into darkness with a slight thump of your boots.

Fuck. You then looked around before whispering into your comms.

"I'm in Soap, any updates?"

Silence...than static....

"This is Soap, I'm in, I found 141, and some of Kortac, Your teams also in position out of the range awaiting to be back up to pick us up...but Königs not here..."

"Copy that....eyes peeled for Jolly green giant. Got ya. Get everyone else outta here... and remorse my words to my team, await my command on via comms to take off even if I'm not out. "

Prices voice shouted through the comms...pissed.


"No buts. No use to risk three whole teams for two people. When I say go, they'll take off with your two and mine In tow."


Bitter and resentment of Haltering words broke out into the comms from Soap as Prices muffled mumbling baked into your mind through the comms.


Muttering to yourself, you then looked around in the greenish lit area, noticing how dull and sickly it looked, like a horror movie. You shifted quietly through the halls and then whipped around a corner to find a door at the end...and two rooms on each side with unopened doors. Shuddering your sniper rifle and puckering out your hand gun and blade you crept silently and turned into the two rooms farthest from the last three first...clear...and then the next...clear...before you stood in front of the door....and with a silent prayer you swung the door open to see a mangled looking and heavily breathing König his eyes wide on you like a frantic stallion.... and four men... three bullets left your gun... two down for injured..and the other barreling you into the wall like a bull. And then your head cracked harshly against the wall, and your body felt numb, and your vision went blurry as you felt yourself get thrown into the desk occupying the area, your body skidding across it and it's holdings with a crash as you hit the floor dazed.... and you heard König

Roar.. as your body staggered a moment before you whipped your hand around for your blade...fuck... you then saw a pencil...that'll do...

You then heard a click...and then a glint in your non blind side.. and then the pressure.

"One wrong move, and I'll muster your face to mangle into a more fucking ugly look."

Tags :
1 year ago

'To Whom The Bells Toll' pt 8.

Warnings: mentions of violence and cursing and angstttttt

This chapter was posted a bit later than I would have liked, but it was a fairly busy week. I apologize!

"One wrong move, and I'll muster your face to mangle into a more fucking ugly look."

You froze. Your heart beat jaggered a harsh pulse, jumping in the pits of your stomach as it fell short of shitting out of you at the mere moment. Your jaw locked as cold sweat shivered your spine with the feeling of the Gun harsh against the near rear side of your head. Your blind side.


You then felt an arm grasp you by the collar of your uniform and yank you to your knees and then yank to the point you had no choice but to un gracefully wobble to your feet, and there you stood, frozen and still like a spooked still deer. Your nostrils flared as you narrowed a side glare from your wide doe like eyes. You one-eyed pupil blew up from the adrenaline as well as fear. You could taste it on your lips. And you watering jaws.

"Now, where are the rest of your crew hm?"


You could tell that the question was directed to you. You then heard the air whisp behind you as a loud thwack erupted from the back of your skull as your brain bounced like a pin ball in your skull.. with a shout, you lurched forward only to be pushed to your knees, a mere foot or two from the giant of a man who bristled at the seams.... as he watched you waver ever so slightly against the now ever dull pain that throbbed at the back of your skull from the whack you had just suffered from the butt of the gun that now reveled in a tight grip in this man's hand as be shotted in a forgein language as he waves the gun around until he pointed it at König, which obviously or evidently got a rise out of your now stiff and still body.


"Where is the rest of you?"

You bit your tongue and bared your teeth crookedly like a beast would as you spoke.

"Their gone."

"But where?"

He then growled and backhanded König as the giant roared in German at the man. Silence now.. again... you felt the mere tension from Köniv as he obviously tempered himself into the urges of just killing the man before him...

And that man crept his way closer to you...the two dead both lay where they were...the injured groaning in pain as he slowly bled out, as his own teammate remained at the focused task of you two... and the gun returned to your head... and you saw from the corner of your good side... where the gun was held, that the man lowered himself to yourself height..your level as though to make himself seem more intimidating..scary to you... to emphasize the fact that he had the power and you did not right now.

"WHERE?!" A scream hoarded through this man's throat as his face reddened with either embarrassment or anger.. perhaps both as he then turned to König as König began to shout German again. And then man began to move, the gun now away from your head..and as soon as he leveled himself a meter two inches above your head, the gun swung to the opposite area of his arm as he got up... and you struck. The pendul in your hand sinking deep into the temples of the man repeatedly as screams cut through the air as two bullets braised your face, knicking it, and defeaning you as you leapt onto of the man and repeatedly stabbed...and deformed the man's face into nothing but chopped holes..until you were grabbed from behind and pulled off by an oh do familiar grasp.


You whirled around with a snarl onto your face as it twisted with adrenaline until his hands held your face still, like a beating wing that was frantic for its other half.

His eyes gleamed as he attentived your face to his, steadying you.

You stilled and then huffed shakily.

"I'm fine. We need-"

You then tore yourself from his grip and whirled harshly before turning and twisting to the left and then the right, until you turned to face him again.

"We need to go..."



And with that, you both bolted like bats out of hell to the chopper revendous zone... and once the chopper had taken was deafened silence....silence between the crews...and you and könig...

By the time you made it to the base and dispatched from Laswells office to your own...your door was slammed and your body was timid...


Muttering a whisper, you grumbled into your office chair, your hands covering your face as you exasperated a frustrating groan of yell.....

Then a knock....

Bitterly, you rubbed your nose bridge... before glaring at the door...

"Come in..."

And the knod twisted, and then the door opened... and then you held back a sucked breath as you stared at the figure in front of you, slammed the door shut.

Tags :
1 year ago

'To Whom The Bells Toll' pt9

Warnings: angst and some heated moment and some cursing.

Uhhh hayyyyy🙏 please forgive my quick absence and enjoy this chapter,


Your gaze locked onto Königs with such a vice grip that your breath had hitched to the point you head started to pound alongside your racing heart. Your chest cheering its way into a adrenaline spike, your hands gripped themselves together, clasped on the desk as you stared into the damned crocodilan eyes...


Your voice hard and swift, it showed that you were in no mood for games, and with the fact your shoulders shuddered as you held a hardened posture showed the exhaust that you were feeling. You were tired. And it showed. Painfully.

"Commander Y/n."

His eyes narrowed on your steeled stare, and that caused shudders to tremble down your spine, you where in now mood for his games nor the way he sauntered over to your desk in such a damned manner, he looked like a fucking crocodile about to lurch forward and tear your throat out. And so,you stood and held your ground. You were not going to let this man even try to console you in a taunting manner. You didn't need it. You didn't... right? Right.

With only the desk separating you both now. You then spoke again. Your voice stilling the air with such a harsh voice it almost surprised you.


"What is it you want König? It's late and I have paperwork needed to be done."

He studied you, and in his eyes, you looked like a wolf about to snap its jaws at him. He audibly saw your hackles raise on the back of your neck and your face twitch into a slight snarl. He smirked. He was working you up, and he knew it, and enjoyed it.

"I want to see if you needed company hm? Given the fact that we both almost got our brains out I though it'd be... a grand idea to come and visit to see how my Maus was holding up? Can I not?"

You scowled before walking around the desk and shoving your finger into his chest as you spoke, your voice audibly getting louder.

"This is not a game to me. It is not funny..nor is it amusing to me on any occasion or shape or form. So either you fucking leave or...."


"Make it worth my fucking time König.

And with that, He was upon you, his hands holding you close to his body as his mask was yanked off by his own aggressive hands and then at your hips as you both pressed up against each other, your lips interlocked before breaking as you danced around him and slipped your hand on the doors lock and with a click.. you were upon him again, and the same as the last kiss, hungry. Greedy even..

He then gripped your hips and practically sided the paperwork with one hand into the floor, somehow still in their respected folders and general piles.. his teeth found themselves on your throat that lay bare for him as he nipped and prodded at the small whines that escaped your mouth before then grumbling into the crook of your neck before speaking in a hushed tone.

Sincerely. And afraid.

"I thought... I thought i would lose you....Y/n.."

The air finally dispelled any tension in the room, and the air finally snapped from blazing hot to a chilling cool.


" I watched as your figure went across the desk and the gun in his hands went to your head...I thought he would.."

"König, I promise you now....and forever... you'll never see my brains blown or my body limp and cold-"

He hushed you as he pecked your face lightly, his body leaned against yours as broken hissed giggles crept through your body as he grumbled in a pleasant manner before speaking with his face leaned into your chest.

"Maus..don't speak about yourself like that...please.."

And with that you sighed contently before a hand gripped your upper leg area near you ass and lifted you with ease that startled you.

"Easy there, I'm just bringing us to my room maus.."


And within a door closing and fast-paced strides, you were back packing on his back as he practically ran through the halls, his chuckles driven small snickers from your body before he stopped and opened the door..and with that He let you drop and in you both went, dancing alongside his trampling feet as he rushed to kick off his boots as you shoved yours off and within a moment his hands where on your hips as he stood behind you, holding you against him before he hummed into the crook of your neck and slowly his hands trickled down your body causing you to shudder as he undid your belt and slowly pulled you pants down your hips...and then he allowed to kick off the rest, his hands then found themselves tugging off his own. Leaving you squirming.. and cold from the attentive lack of a layer of clothes and his warmth. With a tug his shirt off and on, and then he tugged was a loose-fitting pair of gray sweats. And then he let you grapple to the pair of sweats that will look like a onesie bottoms on you out of his hands. He then chuckled before snuggling you to the bed, and you complied and flopped backward onto the bed before he snuggled up to you, and with that, He slipped next to you and held you in his arms, near his his heart pounded alongside bells....

For oh to whomever the bells toll. You knew your tolled for him....and for whatever came for him after wards...

And with a small peck on your head you knew his did too...

For whom the bells toll, you both tolled for each other.

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