bleeding-letters - Bleeding Letters
Bleeding Letters

Wound me and out won’t come blood, but stories

160 posts

Im Dead Serious Someone Fight Me

I’m dead serious someone fight me

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More Posts from Bleeding-letters

2 years ago
Hello Beloveds

hello beloveds ☺️

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2 years ago

Thank you for tagging me!

Relationship status: Happily single

Favorite color: Orange and black

Three favorite foods: Ice cream, homemade grilled pizza, and hibachi

Song stuck in my head: Never Lost by Ramp Worship

Last thing I googled: how long does it take for dental anesthesia to wear off (for context, half of my face was numb after a dentist trip, I had to go back to school)

Time: 21:50

Dream trip: Europe, mostly. I want to travel all over the world if I can

Something I really want right now: For the ibuprofen to take effect

Tagging: @uvanuva @valiantlytransparentwhispers @laffy-taffy-creations @kitsunesakii @suspicious-whumping-egg and @ anyone wanting to do it! I would love to hear from y’all!)

(And if someone doesn’t want to do it you totally don’t have to!)

I was tagged but I wanted to shorten it

Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better

Relationship Status: Single my whole life (mentally dating mikey)

Favourite Colour: Dark Green :)

3 Favourite Foods: Mcdonald’s nuggets, Chicken Katsu, Tteok-kkochi

Song Stuck in my Head: Call me Cruella

Last Thing I Googled: Hot Topic 💀

Time: 9:26pm (PDT)

Dream Trip: Disneyworld & Tokyo Disney

Something I Really Want Right Now: To pass all my classes 😭

Tagging: @saltetart @yeosatinyngz @senjuchii @arminaneka + anyone who wants to join :)

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2 years ago

My brain be going:

“Not a sound they uttered as they fought against their captor, nor when they won. As their friends were released. That was it. They were free. All of them, free. All their life, they feared standing up against their tormentors, but now they have become an inspiration to others who have been oppressed, who fear-”

An elbow met their ribs sharply. They looked over in surprise, seeing {Name} using their hands to say, “I am mute you idiot! No sound!” It only took them five signs to say as much, but there was still a smile hinting at their lips as the other explained.

“I know that! Its supposed to add drama to the story. But you’re okay with me saying that though, right? I don’t want to-”

They halted their words as the other gestured for them to stop. They knocked their fist three times, then made the gesture for ‘good’ as well. They had said yes.

And the world would know their story soon enough.


{I don’t trust myself well enough to explain the signs without thoroughly messing them up in word form, so… }

Actually we need more nonverbal/mute characters in media

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2 years ago

Prompt #30

“My sleep schedule is fucked,” hero started, scratching their hair. “So I’d like to request a day off.”

“Sir, this is a Wendy’s…" the cashier’s voice faltered, lightly trembling.

“Mm… well… I’d like to quit my job.” hero blurted out, a couple of chuckles making their way out of the hero’s mouth. “I heard villains make a hundred thousand a month…”

The cashier jumped. One hundred thousand?! A month?! That would pay all of the bills they owe to their landlord in just a second.

The hero formed a weary smirk on their lips. “Surprising right? That’s not all though, I heard-”

“Just tell me what you want!” The cashier snapped, already annoyed by the hero’s shenanigans.

“Be my villain sidekick.”

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2 years ago

Snippet #7

Tw: none

Snippet #7

“Is something the matter? You normally don’t like to stick around after a heist.”

The person across the rooftop looked up from their trance, focusing of center of attention back on their opponent. “Yeah, fine. Let’s just get this over with.”

Hero dropped their fighting stance in an instant. “Thief, that isn’t like you either. What’s going on?” They stepped a little closer, careful not to invade their personal space, but also careful not to be too far away. They knew the thief would prefer the distance, but they needed to make sure they weren’t too distanced either. They’d bolt the first chance they could get.

“Nothing,” The other bit out. “Nothing at all. Look, just- just stop asking questions, all right? I’ll give you the van Gogh back just-” They trailed off, and Hero found themselves wondering what they were thinking about yet again. It must have been something important.

“I was told to retrieve a Monet, but I’ll take the van Gogh too, if you’re offering.”

“Fine. Take them both. I don’t need them anyway,” The thief slung a long tube from off their back and held it out in front of them. “Give me an hour to retrieve the Monet and come back. You know what? Forget it, I’ll just return the painting myself. I can leave it-” They trailed off, lost in their little world again.

Well, that was concerning. Thief, willing to give up a two paintings, both of which were valued at several thousands, if not millions? Just to get Hero to stop talking? It must be serious. They needed to know what was happening to them. Now.

“Thief,” Hero took two steps forward. “Thief, talk to me, please.” Another step. They were at arm’s reach now. “I can help you, but only if you let me. Let me help you. Please.”

The thief tensed but didn’t bolt, still holding the painting out expectantly. Their eyes shone, screaming worry, fear, but most importantly, trust.

“I’m- I’m not supposed to tell you anything,” They dropped the tube into Hero’s hands and backed away. “But come the museum roof in an hour and I’ll tell you everything.”

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