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Reasons why not to visit a group of thieves or vigilantes hangout
It’ll take you hours to find the street their base is on— due to the cryptic message directions —and another hour to find a lever to open a trapdoor. This will let into a 2 by 4 foot crawl space that will lead you into a pitch black basement. Then you’ll realize the nagging feeling that you’re in the wrong place was indeed right, because you know they don’t have a guard dog. And you’ll definitely know it took you less than 3 seconds to get back out the window.
At that point, you might be ready to give up and go home. But then you’ll get a text from an unknown number. It’ll say you have to go down another two streets. You’ll ask how they knew where you were. They’ll say they could hear Mrs. Masrani’s doberman from the hideout.
However, if you do find yourself still wanting to go:
1. Know they never have any food. Well, they do, but it’s all hidden. Living on the streets all those years taught them to cherish all food they come across, and to be the only person to know where their stash is. To get food, you must either ask or bring your own.
2. Make sure you show up at the exact time they told you.
3. NEVER, under any circumstances, mention you have ramen at home. Unless of course you have enough to feed all 20 of the teens and preteens living in the hideout. Ramen is a sacred thing.
4. Never take anything of value to the hideout.
5. Never ask where the swords hanging on the wall came from. In fact, never ask about any of the decorations.
6. Don’t ask how much any of the decorations cost either. You might have second thoughts about your profession.
7. And finally, never promise to visit again soon. When you say soon they think you mean tomorrow. And they will hunt you down if you don’t show. Say you’ll come whenever you have some spare time. Which is almost never.
Your Boss warns you,
My brain be going:
“Not a sound they uttered as they fought against their captor, nor when they won. As their friends were released. That was it. They were free. All of them, free. All their life, they feared standing up against their tormentors, but now they have become an inspiration to others who have been oppressed, who fear-”
An elbow met their ribs sharply. They looked over in surprise, seeing {Name} using their hands to say, “I am mute you idiot! No sound!” It only took them five signs to say as much, but there was still a smile hinting at their lips as the other explained.
“I know that! Its supposed to add drama to the story. But you’re okay with me saying that though, right? I don’t want to-”
They halted their words as the other gestured for them to stop. They knocked their fist three times, then made the gesture for ‘good’ as well. They had said yes.
And the world would know their story soon enough.
{I don’t trust myself well enough to explain the signs without thoroughly messing them up in word form, so… }
Actually we need more nonverbal/mute characters in media
I’m not sure where this came from. It was late. I have not proofread. Enjoy. Lmk what y’all think please
The storm drew her on.
She knew she would never make it through the night if she didn’t find shelter. And soon. The storm drew her on.
She shivered as the rain went from heavy drizzle to downpour. She was soaked to the bone, and she didn’t think any amount of warmth would be able to save her if she was out in the weather for much longer. The storm drew her on.
The wind howled, threatening to take her hood and cloak along with it. The lightning lit her way, but only for a moment before she was plunged into full darkness again. The thunder shook the ground so hard she stumbled at times. The storm drew her on.
One hallowed breath after another. She was so close to safety. She could feel it in her bones. But they were lying. The storm drew her on.
She collapsed to the ground in a heap. Where had that light gone to? She watched for it, but it would forever be gone. She crawled on, too weak to stand against the torrent’s blasts any longer. The storm drew her on.
“Need some help?” A voice called from before her. One that held years of experience and enough confidence that she knew he wasn’t lost.
Her voice was long gone, but he had already taken her hand and lifted her to her feet.
She collapsed again, only for her to be kept up by the strong hand. And suddenly he was close, and she, held. The storm would not draw her on anymore.
100th Special
When I said give me a few hours, I meant like, two hours. Guess who forgot to upload and realized it fourteen hours later! Sorry.

The person sighed, the perfect picture of relaxed. Laid back, eyes closed, perfectly content. This place really was the best to come for stargazing. Superhero sat beside them, glancing between them and the stars.
“Can I ask you a question?”
There was a beat of silence before Superhero replied. “Only if I get to ask you one back.” The Supervillain looked at them, and they froze. “I-I didn’t mean that… It was a joke. But um, sure, go ahead and ask.”
They waited a moment, not wanting to ruin the peaceful atmosphere. “Why… aren’t you afraid of me? After all of the things that have been said, and all the things the people around me have done, you still choose to talk to and hang out with me.” Both of their gazes had long turned back to the stars.
“I-I don’t know. There’s something about you, I guess,” Superhero smiled. “This little voice inside me tells me I can trust you. It says you would never hurt me, and it’s been right so far, so… yeah, I guess that’s why. I don’t know, does that make sense?”
Superhero kicked their legs back and forth off the edge of the skyscraper deck.
“I guess so. Your turn.”
Superhero froze for the second time that night. “I was joking.”
“Well, it’s only fair,” Superhero couldn’t see the others’ face very well in the dark, but they could feel the smug grin coming off of them in waves. “So, what question do you have for me?”
But now the only thing running through Superhero’s head was, what do I ask a supervillain, the supposed enemy, who had been nothing but kind and genuine to them at all times? And how could they-
“Hey! Who’s there?” Both supers shot to their feet in an instant, watching the flashlight beams come closer and closer. Someone found them.
“Next time then, love.” Supervillain planted a quick kiss on their cheek and took to the skies.
Next time…
Odds and Ends
Reasons Why Not to Visit a Vigilante’s Hideout
Collab Short - Ren Fair Fight
The Storm