Breaker of minds and bones since the beginning of time
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Anyone Else Have Those Embarrassing Crossovers/OCs Whose Storylines You Wont Even Write Down Because
anyone else have those embarrassing crossovers/OCs whose storylines you won’t even write down because you’re too embarrassed to just think of the story let alone actually write it down?
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Whumptober Prompt #19- Asphyixiation
“Are you cooking?” Len’s voice startled him, making him nearly drop the spoon he was using to plate.
Barry rolled his eyes at him, showing his progress. He’d been able to create a grilled chicken masterpiece, only slightly burned, with an asparagus rice pilaf on the side right under Len’s nose. Granted, the man had been napping but it still counted.
Len raised an eyebrow at him, expecting an answer.
“I wanted to do something nice for my partner.” Barry shrugged, trying to stamp down his blush.
“And instead you cooked?”
Barry glared at him.
Len snickered, uncaring.
“I’m not a bad cook.” He defended himself. “I was able to survive on my own before you started cooking for me.”
Len almost never shared the kitchen, a remnant from his past, to be able to control everything that went into his body. Barry understood that, but he did like cooking, even if his skills were rather limited in that area.
“You were living on instant ramen, microwavable meals, and protein bars when I met you, Barry Allen.” Len said, unimpressed. “You couldn’t cook to save your life.”
Barry frowned. Len hadn’t known, couldn’t know, that Barry had no issues cooking but he hadn’t wanted to show Len just how much food he truly ate. When they’d first met, he hadn’t been used to his powers, and kept everything of a high calorie count on hand, no matter how bad it was for him. Now, he kept most of his caloric bars and extra food at STAR labs. Caitlyn and Cisco didn’t mind, and understood his need to keep Len out of his life as the Flash. He’d already ruined his friendship with Patty, he wasn’t going to ruin what he had with Len. It was too important to lose. His mother had once said true love only came knocking once, so he better answer the door. And he was damn well answering Len’s knock.
“Well then, you’re just gonna have to try some.” Barry said, holding out the spoon with some of the pilaf on it. “After all, if my life depends on it…”
Len laughed, shoving his hand away. “I don’t think it’s your life on the line here, Scarlet.”
Barry gaped, thoroughly offended. “You bastard.”
Len’s smile made up for it though. “Alright, Scarlet, finish up. I’m gonna finish up my last project. Meant to do it before I fell asleep. Then I’ll brave dinner.”
Len leaned over and Barry met him in the middle, sharing a quick kiss.
“Dinner will be ready in five, you better be too.” Barry said, smacking Len’s ass. “Or I’m poisoning it on purpose.”
Len’s laugh echoed all around the kitchen as he went back into the living room.
Barry finished plating the chicken and pilaf as best as he could, stealthy watching a YouTube video on mute. He had no sense of style but Len liked the more sophisticated stuff, his fancy job as an architectural engineer gave him plenty of cash on hand. Barry would’ve thought it suspicious if he hadn’t met Len’s boss, a Captain Rip Hunter, a retired RAF.
Now with dinner finished and plated, Barry thought to himself that it looked pretty damn good overall.
“Lenny!” Barry called. “Dinner.”
“Coming, Scarlet!” Len replied at the same volume.
Barry shook his head, thinking if only he knew that his partner was the Scarlet Speedster, instead of turning the color scarlet when blushing. But he knew he had to keep Len in the dark, no matter how much Len hated lies. Len couldn’t protect himself from the likes Thawne or Zoom so Barry had to do the protecting.
“Alright, Scarlet, let’s see what creature you’ve sewn together.” Len said. “I’ll try not to become deathly ill at the sight of it and grace you with a name.”
Barry rolled his eyes but his laughter bubbled up anyway. He loved it when Len showed just how much of a nerd he was, it had taken him months to get past those walls.
Len cut into the chicken, admiring it. “Not pink in the middle, promising sign.”
Barry stared with bated breath, watching Len try a bite.
“It’s good.” Len smiled, looking impressed.
Barry couldn’t keep the sigh of relief inside him. “I worked really hard on this. This is my first time cooking for you on my own. I wanted it to be perfect.”
Len’s eyes softened, and he took Barry’s hand.
“It’s not your fault I’m a control freak.” Len sighed.
“You’re not a control freak.” Barry protested.
Len raised an eyebrow in sarcastic disbelief.
“You’re not.” Barry insisted. “You had a rough time growing up, and you’ve got some defense mechanisms, some intense coping techniques, but you don’t try to control me. You don’t say I can’t see Joe even though you don’t like him much, or that I can’t be friends with Cisco because he’s interested in your sister. You like to control your surroundings, Len, you’re not a control freak.”
Len pulled him into a kiss, this one more passionate, more intimate. He knew Len had a hard time letting down his walls, his abusive father, people who only pretended to care because it got them ahead, people who didn’t like Len’s love language, it had made Len very jaded and lonely. Barry had been one of the only ones who understood why Len did the things he did, and didn’t judge him for it. Len once told him that he’d never understood how someone as wonderful as Barry had put up with him for so long. Barry hadn’t gone on patrol that night, thankfully Central City got along just fine without him, and had spent the night having a serious talk about how Len was the wonderful one and Barry was the problem in their relationship. A lot of tears had been shed that night, on both accounts, and they’d come out nigh attached at the hip. Barry had realized Len was knocking on his door, and he knew Len had realized the same.
“Scarlet, come back to me.” Len said, already having pulled back.
Barry snapped out of his trance. “Sorry. Guess I got a little caught up in the moment.”
“We could always skip dinner.” Len teased. “I’m sure it’ll keep. We could continue this in the bedroom.”
Barry shoved down all the ideas that came to his mind.
“No, I want a nice dinner with you.” Barry said, clearing his throat and purging his mind. “I put a lot of work into this and I’m not reheating it.”
“Then dinner it is.” Len said, scooping up a bite of the pilaf. “I would do anything if it made you happy, Barry Allen.”
A rush of feeling washed over Barry. Len had made declarations of love like that before, but it always felt like the first time each time. It always made Barry fall just a little more in love with Len.
A small gasp escaped Len’s lips. Barry blushed, he couldn’t believe his first attempt at cooking for Len was going so well. He couldn’t believe in the three years he’d been with Len he’d never cooked for the man.
“Scar- Scarlet? What is this?” Len cleared his throat, wiping his face with a napkin.
“Asparagus rice pilaf.” Barry said, frowning at Len’s unusual mannerism.
Len pulled at his throat, clearly in discomfort.
“Are you okay?” Barry asked, his own food abandoned. He knelt beside Len. “Lenny, what’s wrong?”
“Is- sesame seed?” Len choked, unable to draw a full breath.
“I used some sesame seed oil.” Barry guessed. “Only a teaspoon.”
While the Flash may be what he loved most, he was still a CSI by day, and he knew anaphylaxis when he saw it.
“Do you have an Epi-Pen?” Barry asked, his panic seeping into his voice.
Len shook his head. “Know… how to… avoid.”
Len’s lips were turning blue, as well as the skin under his eye from lack of oxygen. An ambulance wouldn’t get there in time. Len needed medical help immediately or he was going to die.
So Barry did what he did best. He scooped Len into his arms, and ran.
They arrived at the hospital within seconds, Len’s eyes realizing how they’d gotten there.
“Somebody please help, he’s dying!” Barry shouted as they entered the ER.
The ER staff sprung into action, helping Len onto a gurney and a nurse fetching an Epi-Pen, slamming it into Len’s thigh. With a gasp, Len’s breath returned to him. The nurses wheeled him behind doors Barry wasn’t allowed into, leaving Barry to talk to the nurse now assigned to Len’s paperwork. He explained dinner, saying that the Flash had noticed Len being unable to breath and whisked them both to the hospital. He left out the part where Barry had been the cook, and implied the restaurant they had clearly been out had left out the sesame seed oil from the menu, making up a false name for the restaurant.
“He’s lucky Flash saw you, hon.” The nurse said. “An ambulance might’ve taken too long. The Flash saves the day again.”
“Will he be okay?” Barry asked, unashamed of the tears now running down his face.
“He should be.” The nurse said. “The Flash is pretty quick, he seems to have gotten here in time.”
Barry nodded and started to fill out the clipboard the secretary had given him.
“Are you next of kin?” The secretary asked kindly when he gave it back.
“His sister but she’s in Coast City right now.” Barry said, knowing Lisa had gone on an impromptu business trip for the Snart family business, needing to promote Len’s particular brand. “I can call her.”
“Just write her number here.” The secretary held out the form and Barry dutifully wrote down the number. “Are you his husband?”
“Partner.” Barry said. Len hated calling Barry his boyfriend, said it made him feel like he was twenty again and he had long left the embarrassment of his twenties behind him.
The secretary nodded. “Just listen for his name.”
Barry nodded and sat down, hugging himself so tight, if he didn’t have the healing factor he did, he would’ve left bruises.
Forty-five agonizing minutes later, “Family of Leonard Snart?”
Barry had to stop himself from flashing over there. “I’m his partner, Barry Allen.”
“Well Mister Allen, you were very lucky Flash was there. Leonard is going to be just fine.” Barry nearly collapsed in relief. “Now we’re going to keep him overnight, just in case, but the worst should be over.”
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” Barry shook the outstretched hand.
“I will be prescribing him an Epi-Pen after this, by the way.” The doctor added. “The pharmacist will go over how to use it.”
“Can I see him now?”
The doctor nodded and began to lead him through the door. “He’ll be very tired, the medication can often make a person drowsy, so don’t be afraid if he falls asleep. This experience must’ve been very frightening for you.”
“I didn’t even see it at first, didn’t see it.” Barry admitted. “I’m a bad partner, I’m sure he knows all of my allergies.”
“Cut yourself a break, you’re not the first nor will you be the last. You know now, that’s what matters going forward.” The doctor stopped just outside of a “room” that had no doors, only curtains.
Barry nodded, thanked the woman, and headed “inside”, past the curtains. Len lay sleeping in a flimsy hospital gown, bed raised up, nasal cannula wrapped around his face, an IV in his arm. Barry sat down in the standard uncomfortable hospital chair, waiting for Len to wake up. He didn’t have to wait long.
“Who knew I had you right on the money, Barry?” Len mumbled, his eyes fluttering open. “You did poison me.”
“I’m so sorry.” Barry said, a few more tears slipping down his cheeks. “I should’ve known, I should’ve been more careful.”
Len cupped Barry’s face gentler than he deserved, wiping away the tears.
“I didn’t tell you, it’s not your fault.” Len said. “I should’ve figured you’d get tired of me cooking all the time.”
“No, Len, don’t blame yourself.” Barry said, scooting closer to his partner. “You’re the one who could’ve died, and it would’ve been my fault.”
Len shook his head. “You didn’t know. I didn’t tell you. Looks like we’ve both kept secrets from each other.”
Bary blushed, unable to meet Len’s eyes.
“I guess I really do know you, even if it’s subconscious. My Scarlet Speedster.” Len muttered. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’ve already lost so much to being the Flash.” Barry admitted. “My mother was murdered by a man from the future because he hated who I was going to grow up to be, my father was wrongfully convicted of her murder and I still can’t see him unless it’s behind glass, and I can’t have a normal life anymore. I was given these powers for a reason, Lenny, not because of random chance, but because I’m supposed to be the Hero of Central City, the Fastest Man Alive. But because I have these powers, because I chose to put myself on the line, it puts everyone I love on the line too. Cisco and Caitlyn, my STAR labs friends? They’ve both been kidnapped by villains who are trying to get to me. Captain Cold once threatened Cisco’s brother to get him to build another gun for him and I just… I couldn’t bring you into that world. I couldn’t do that to you. You trusted me, you were supposed to feel safe around me. And how am I supposed to do that if I’m the Flash?”
Len stared at him, his face mostly blank with a small frown, processing Barry’s ramblings.
“It’s not that I didn’t trust you either.” Barry continued when Len didn’t say anything. “I trust you with my life, Lenny. I just wanted… I just wanted you to keep yours, without any of my problems putting you in danger.”
Something slid across Barry’s hand. Barry nearly jumped in shock, before he realized it was Len’s hand, intertwining with his.
“That’s a pretty good reason, I guess.” Len muttered, his eyes straight ahead. Barry squeezed his hand, giving Len time. He had trouble making eye contact in difficult conversations, so Barry just let him stare ahead. “I… never really considered what Flash’s family would go through for what he does. I don’t think many people do. Our society takes heroes for granted, thinking that they’ll always be there for us. It’s easy to critique and praise from afar, but you’re right in the thick of it. And now so am I. And I’m… surprisingly okay with that.”
“Scarlet, you’re the one.” Len pressed on, squeezing Barry’s hand like a lifeline. “You’re the one I want to wake up to in the morning, and the last thing I wanna see before I go to sleep at night. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you put up with my bullshit, and I put up with yours. You make me want to go ring shopping, Lisa called it. I’ve never wanted that before in my life. I’ve never had anyone stick with me this long, let alone live with me who wasn’t a desperate roommate or Mick, and Mick doesn’t count. I’ll admit, I’m a little freaked out, and I’m gonna be mad you kept it a secret a little later down the line, but for right now, with what I want… I’m good being the Flash’s partner. I want to be the Flash’s partner.”
Barry stared at Len in amazement, unable to process Len’s words.
“That is,” Len hesitated, “if you’ll still have me.”
“Marry me.”
Len whipped his head around. Both of them were surprised, even though the words had come out of Barry’s mouth. But he wasn’t taking them back now. Len knew everything and still wanted him.
“I know this is probably the worst time to ask, I don’t even have a ring or a speech, but I’m not an idiot. You can’t say something like that and not expect me to react.” Barry then proceeded to kneel on the ground. “I love you, Leonard Snart, more than anyone I’ve ever loved in my life. You’re my true love, my soulmate. Marry me.”
“I’m taking your last name.” Len whispered, his voice barely audible.
Barry gave a watery chuckle. “Excuse me?”
“I’m taking your last name.” Len said, his chest heaving, tears in his eyes. “Always hated Snart.”
Barry felt tears well up in his own eyes. “Is that a yes?”
“Of course it’s a yes.” Len nodded. “How could it be anything else?”
Barry laughed hysterically, emotionally exhausted with uncontainable ecstasy, the tears of happiness falling down his cheeks. Even Len let a few tears slip. Barry jumped up and kissed him, unable to control the heat and passion overflowing from the two of them. Len pulled back sharply, coughing hard.
“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh, are you okay, I’m so sorry.” Barry threw himself back.
“Water.” Len gasped out, trying to get his coughing under control. Barry grabbed the cup on the bedside table and held it up to Len’s mouth. Len drank slowly, the strain on his lungs easing. Once Len was able to breathe again, Barry set the water cup down.
“Maybe we should pick this back up when you’re not recovering from a near-death experience.” Barry said, wiping at his eyes.
Len nodded listlessly, his body slumping against the bed.
“You’re exhausted.” Barry maneuvered around the machines and tubes to lay down beside his fiancé, and didn’t that thought send a thrill down his spine. He wasn’t entirely sure if the hospital would allow him to sleep beside Len but at the moment, he didn’t care. “I’m not going anywhere. Go to sleep.”
Len adjusted so his arm was wrapped around Barry’s shoulders, their legs were intertwined, and their foreheads were almost touching. There wasn’t really room on the bed for two people but they made do. They always had before.
“Goodnight my hero.” Len mumbled, already half-asleep. “My future husband. Husband hero.”
Barry chuckled. “Goodnight, my darling fiancé. I love you.”
A soft snore was his only response. Barry allowed himself one more small smile, but snuggling into his fiancé and slipping into sleep himself.
Attention writeblr, how do you guys deal when you get a comment that... disappoints. Like someone who didn’t need to comment that they didn’t like it, or if they’d properly read the tags they would’ve seen the thing they’re complaining about coming. I don’t want to be annoyed by this but I can’t help my thoughts always drifting back. Any suggestions?
Whumptober Prompt #31- Embrace and alt.Prompt#14- Touch-Starved
I can’t believe it! My first Whumptober is already over! Thirty-one days already gone past, thirty-one prompts filled. It feels like just yesterday I started writing! Well, I hope you all had as much fun reading them as I did writing them. Thank you all so much for your support this last month, I treasure all of your comments and notes. You really made me feel special. And now onto the story because I know that’s what y’all are waiting for ;) I started with Lucifer and I’m ending with Lucifer. (Takes place after Prompt #4 Human Shield technically you don’t need to read it but it’ll help)
Lux was alive that night, as it always was, but Lucifer barely paid attention to the music and dancing. He was waiting for Miss Lopez, as she had requested to speak to him. She had yet to go up to his penthouse, so he was waiting at the bar for her. He thrummed with anxious energy, though he never would’ve admitted to it, because he could not for the life of him figure out what she wanted to talk to him about.
Ever since that debacle with Michael, Miss Lopez had stuck to him like glue. She hovered around him, getting closer than her usual, always trying to be bubbly but he could tell she was hiding something. She was hesitating over something but he could not figure out what.
“Miss Lopez, may I ask you what exactly you are doing?” Lucifer had finally broken when she asked to show him a new piece of evidence and it was nothing new. “Why are you hovering over me like a vulture with its prey?”
“What? No, I’m not.” Miss Lopez had drawled out, her tone indicative that she knew had been caught but didn’t want to face it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Something is clearly different about how you treat me.” Lucifer had insisted. “You are on the precipice of a cliff, and I am getting tired of you hesitating to jump. What is it? Is it Michael?”
Miss Lopez sighed. “Look, Lucifer-”
“You needn’t fear, Miss Lopez.” Lucifer said. “I will protect you should she return, though I doubt she will. Michael does not like to be challenged, and she will not return when she knows you have no problems challenging her. Even if it is just calling her out on her bullshit. There is no need to hide behind me as if she were to jump out at any corner. Besides, I would sense her presence before you.”
“I’m not afraid of Michael, Lucifer.” Miss Lopez said.
Lucifer’s shoulders slumped ever-so-slightly. “If you’re not afraid of her, then what are you afraid of? Me? I mean, I am the Devil but nothing has changed, I swear to you.”
“I’m not afraid of you, Lucifer.” Miss Lopez said hurriedly. “I’ve never been afraid of you. I’ve been friends with the Angel of Death since I was eight, you don’t scare me.”
“Then what?” Lucifer said. “What are you so afraid of? Because I’ve noticed, something’s changed since Michael.”
Unfortunately, at that moment, one of Miss Lopez’s machines beeped at her, drawing her attention elsewhere, likely back to the case.
“Lucifer, maybe now isn’t the best time for this conversation.” Miss Lopez said. “My mass spectrometer just got a hit. You’ll be at Lux tonight, right?”
“Of course.” Lucifer said.
“Cool. I’ll meet you at Lux at eight. Sound good?” Miss Lopez said, smiling in her way.
“I cannot wait.” Lucifer had said, smiling back, though he hardly felt like it. What conversation could she want to have that she couldn’t have in her lab? It had seemed so strange and it set him on edge.
So here he was, eight sharp, waiting at the bar for Miss Lopez to arrive. He saw her in her normal jeans and jacket, not in her usual club wear. She saw him, and her smile lit up his world. Miss Lopez’s constant optimism had always been infectious, even to him.
“Hey, Lucifer!” Miss Lopez called, racing to him.
“Hello again, Miss Lopez.” Lucifer said.
“Wow, I didn’t think an early Wednesday night would be this busy.” Miss Lopez said, glancing around at the throngs of dancers.
“Lux is always busy, love.” Lucifer said. “Perhaps we should pop up to my penthouse. It’s quieter up there.”
“Yeah. Yeah!” Miss Lopez said, her smile spreading. “I’ve never been up there! Always wanted to see it!”
“Ask and ye shall receive.” Lucifer led her over to his private elevator and called it down to them.
“You have your own elevator?” Miss Lopez shrieked. “That’s so cool! Do you have a doorman? How do you stop people from going up? Is there a list? Am I on the list?”
The bell dinged and they entered.
“In order, Miss Lopez? No, I do it myself, I hardly have a need to stop people from going up, there’s isn’t a list but if there was you’d be on it. My bouncers know you, that’s what matters.”
They arrived at his penthouse. Miss Lopez whistled as she entered.
“Damn, Lucifer!” Miss Lopez’s eyes went wide with shock. “You’ve been holding out on me!”
“I’m glad you can appreciate it.” Lucifer said, walking to the bar. “Drink?”
“Lucifer, you should know better.” Miss Lopez smirked. “Of course. Whatcha got?”
“Anything your heart desires.” Lucifer gestured to his full stock.
“You know me pretty well, Lucifer.” Miss Lopez said. “Surprise me.”
He nodded, and poured her a glass of fifty-year-old scotch.
“So, Miss Lopez, why did you ask to meet me tonight?” Lucifer asked, as he handed her the glass. “I’m afraid I cannot understand why you hover over me nor why you insist to draw me closer than needed.”
Miss Lopez sighed. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Lucifer. I just- I thought- I…”
He frowned at her. “Miss Lopez, I’m afraid I still don’t understand.”
“IJUSTTHOUGHTYOUREALLYNEEDEDAHUG!” Miss Lopez shouted, the dam clearly bursting.
He stared at her. “What?”
“You need a hug!” Miss Lopez shouted, startling him. “Like really, really badly.”
“Miss Lopez?” His voice sounded strangled, even to him.
“Meeting your sister, that was crazy!” Miss Lopez kept going, apparently on a roll. “I mean, she’s supposed to be the best of the angels! And she’s the freaking worst! I mean, four brothers wasn’t always great to grow up with but that must’ve been Heaven compared to growing up with her! And you threw yourself on the line for us, knowing what she could do to you! You protected us from the biggest threat to you, and you did it without hesitating! And after that happened, after you kinda freaked when I hugged you, I realized why some of you is the way you are. Growing up with a sister who hit you must’ve really freaked you out when it came to touching people. I know Amenadiel isn’t the biggest touchy-feely guy so you must have grown-up so touch-starved. Even Rae-Rae doesn’t really touch me and I’m, like, the biggest hugger ever! And I haven’t been wanting to make you uncomfortable but you seriously need a hug!”
He just stared at her, completely stunned. None of his human companions had ever told him he needed a hug of all things before.
Miss Lopez just groaned without words, clenching her jaw, and then threw her arms around Lucifer’s chest and arms. He stood, still stunned, but after a moment, his skin started to crawl.
“Miss Lopez, while I appreciate that you are trying to show me affection, I am perfectly alright.” He finally found his voice, the thrumming under his skin growing louder with each passing moment. “I am in no need of a hug.”
He fought the urge to squirm, his skin was tickled with little pseudo-bugs, as if thousands of minuscule legs danced along his skin. It felt awful, but he didn’t want to hurt Miss Lopez’s feelings. She was trying to help in her own human way.
“How different biologically is this form from a humans?” Miss Lopez asked, not letting go of him.
“I don’t know what you mean.” He said, unable to fight the urge any longer. The legs were now sharp, the crawling across his skin unbearable to him. He felt like his skin was tearing itself apart.
“I mean, does this body you have react similarly to humans when introduced to stimuli?” Miss Lopez clutched him harder to evade his writhing.
“I don’t know.” Lucifer growled, unable to keep his voice down. “Will you- Miss Lopez, please- I cannot- Will you release me?!?”
Miss Lopez finally released him at his nigh scream. He scrambled back away from her.
“Lucifer?” She asked, sounding almost afraid.
He struggled to get his breathing under control, his skin screaming out at him.
“What did you do to me?” He asked.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Lucifer, it was just a hug.” She said, starting to ramble.
“Must’ve been more.” He snapped, unable to figure out what his nerves were screaming at him for. She had let go. “Why do I… feel this way?”
“What?” She asked.
“Why do I still feel it?!?” He shouted, startling her. “My every nerve is on fire, I cannot stand it! My skin is trying to…. something! What did you do?”
Miss Lopez steeled her features. “You’re touch-starved.”
“Touch- what?”
“Touch-starved.” She repeated. “Humans need touch to survive, we can fall into deep depressions, or even get aggressive to others because of it. I was sure I recognized the symptoms when I first met you, and when I found out you were an angel, I dismissed it as a human flaw. But after seeing Michael, and seeing how you view touch, you’re definitely touch-starved. Another way to say it is skin hunger. I think that’s what you’re feeling.”
“My skin is hungry?” He asked, appalled. “I’m dying!”
“No, no, Lucifer,” She held up a hand. Part of him lurched for it and another part pulled him back. “It’s just the word for it. Because your nerves, your C-tactile afferents, haven’t been getting the gentle contact they need to function, your skin is unable to process it the way it’s supposed to. You haven’t been touched enough.”
“I get more than my fair share, Miss Lopez.” He snapped. “I mean, just last night, I met this wonderful man who could-”
“Not sexual touch.” She insisted. “Gentle touch, sensual but not sexual. I mean, when’s the last time you get a proper hug that wasn’t from me? Or cuddled with someone instead of just sex?”
Lucifer’s mouth opened but no sound came out. He tried a few times, searching his memory, but within Miss Lopez’s parameters, nothing came.
“That’s why you’re freaking.” She very carefully came closer. “You’re so used to painful touch your body has no idea how to process good touch. Trust me, sex isn’t enough to satisfy your body’s needs.”
She gently touched his arm and rubbed up and down. His skin screamed again, but the smooth, rhythmic motions made any protests he could make die in his throat.
“Miss Lopez, are you propositioning me?” He asked, unsure of himself.
“No.” She shook her head sadly. “All I want to do tonight is watch Netflix with you on your expensive looking couch, drink your definitely expensive liquor, and cuddle you until morning comes. That’s all.”
“My club, the case, I don’t- I can’t.” He found himself being led to the couch, his heart not in his words.
“Lux will survive without you for one night.” Miss Lopez said soothingly. “Tell you what. Why don’t you take off your jacket and nice suit, go sit on the couch, and pick something you wanna watch? I can take it from there.”
He stared at her, the five-four human who had taken on the Soldier of God herself. He decided to do as she said. If she could offer him respite to this… hunger, as she called it, he would take it. He didn’t understand why he was feeling this way, so he had to defer to her judgement. So he started to remove his clothing.
“You want food or do you just want a drink?” Miss Lopez called.
“Whatever you want.” He answered on instinct.
“Food it is.” She said. “My treat.”
He barely heard her, his heart was beating hard against his chest. He now was only in his underwear, and for the first time in his life, he felt rather exposed. Maybe this was why Chloe hated it when he went without clothing. When she returned, he found her only in a tank top and some booty shorts. He frowned.
“Skin to skin contact.” She said simply, settling in beside him.
She wrapped herself around him, where he was the little spoon for once, with his head tucked into the nape of her neck, his chest enshrined in her arms, her legs wrapped around his, but yet, he could tell that if he wanted to escape her hold, he would be able to. But he found himself unable to force himself to. He was… comfortable, for lack of a better word.
“What do you want to watch?” She murmured, her lips almost brushing his ear, sending an unfamiliar feeling across his body.
“Bones?” He offered.
Miss Lopez snorted. “You know that show isn’t scientifically accurate in the least.”
“It’s fun.” He pouted. “Reminds me of the Detective and myself.”
“Alright, alright, since this is your night.” She laughed into his hair.
“Thank you, Miss Lopez.” He mumbled, switching on the television.
“We’re literally cuddling on the couch right now with takeout on it’s way. We’re basically Netflix and chilling.” She said. “Least you can do is call me Ella.”
“Ella, then.” He tested the name out. It felt odd but safe, in a strange way.
Something very strange was definitely happening to him. His skin no longer felt pain at her touch, especially since she had given him a way out if need be. In fact, he felt a craving he had not felt since a time before he could remember. He wondered if this was a side effect of the Detective making him mortal, or spending too much time on Earth. But the longer he spent in Ella’s embrace, the less he cared. Cuddling with her made him feel safe, sated, satisfied in a way he’d never felt before. He realized that no matter what else happened tonight, he didn’t want Ella moving. She was too close, too strong, too necessary for his happiness tonight. Without a word, he nuzzled deeper into her neck, pleasure seeping into every fiber of his being. He heard her chuckle breathlessly, and she started to lightly scratch at his scalp with her fingernails. It sent shiver after shiver down his spine. His brothers and sisters were wrong, the Silver City wasn’t Heaven. Simply sitting with Ella with her fingers in his hair was Heaven.
They remained in silence until the food arrived. Ella made to get up grab her wallet but Lucifer, having already grabbed his before he sat down, shoved money in her hands. He wasn’t sure how much but he was sure it would cover the cost.
“I said I got this one.” Ella protested.
“Ella, I believe you are doing me the favor here.” He murmured. “I’ll pay. And I absolutely do not want you to move whatsoever and I don’t care what money it takes to keep you right here.”
As he was buried deep in her embrace, he missed the smile that had overtaken her face. His usual delivery boy for Chinese takeout, doing favors for all of his favorite restaurants and always tipping well had its perks, didn’t say anything about the odd arrangement and simply placed the food on the coffee table. Ella gave him the money, and the delivery boy went back down the elevator.
“I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I just asked for your usual.” Ella whispered.
Lucifer only hummed in response to her. He didn’t want food, he wanted this, never-ending. Just him and his human, cuddled up close, without a care in the world.
“Well, when you want it, it’s here.” She chuckled. He wasn’t sure what she found amusing but he was glad she did. She deserved to laugh, to be as happy as he was in this moment.
He paid less and less attention to “Bones”, his mind lazily drifting as the familiar episodes washed over him. He had started with season one, in case Ella hadn’t seen any of the episodes, so she wouldn’t be lost. Contentment filled his body and his mind, ever so slightly pushing him over the edge of sleep. By the time a gentle voice was singing of a Winter Wonderland, his eyes were closed, his body lax, and his arms wrapped tight around Ella. But he did not want to sleep. Sleep meant he would lose Ella, he would wake up and she’d be gone, off solving crimes and examining evidence, and the world would begin to turn again.
“Go to sleep, Lucifer.” Ella whispered in his ear, as if somehow reading his thoughts. “I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
That seemed to be the final piece that pushed him over the edge. He fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of soft laughter and light touches. He’d never slept better.
Yo sorry this took so long- I haven’t been feeling well lately
Thanks for the tag @learningtowhump
Broken ankle or broken wrist// Bruised ribs or a concussion// CPR or the heimlich// falling off a cliff or almost drowning// shot or stabbed// broken nose or broken fingers// physical pain or emotional// sickness or injuries// romantic caretakers or platonic// appendicitis or pneumonia// car accident or building collapse// sprained ankle from hiking or tortured by a whumper// collapsing from exhaustion or collapsing from diabetes// heart problems or Ruptured spleen // broken collarbone or broken knee// crutches or sling// wheelchair or cane// tonsillectomy or appendectomy// broken bones or dislocated limbs
I’m tagging @winedark-whump @galaxy-whump @the-wandering-whumper
This or That (Whump edition)
I like doing those This or That games where you tag people, so I made this one up. Bold the ones that you prefer. I’ll go first!
Broken ankle or broken wrist// Bruised ribs or a concussion// CPR or the heimlich// falling off a cliff or almost drowning// shot or stabbed// broken nose or broken fingers// physical pain or emotional// sickness or injuries// romantic caretakers or platonic// appendicitis or pneumonia// car accident or building collapse// sprained ankle from hiking or tortured by a whumper// collapsing from exhaustion or collapsing from diabetes// heart problems or Ruptured spleen // broken collarbone or broken knee// crutches or sling// wheelchair or cane// tonsillectomy or appendectomy// broken bones or dislocated limbs
Even if I don’t tag you, go ahead and do it if you want to!
I tag: @mypoorfaves @poor-sickies @bigwhumpus @whumpitgood @dontyoubleedoutonme
Hey, reminder that I love your writing person 💓
Hey, reminder that I love you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤