Embrace - Tumblr Posts

faceless embraces
1. alex & lutz back, 1992, ph. wolfgang tillmans 2. ph. nan goldin 3. love-In, los angeles, 1967 ph. jerry de wilde 4. joseph lorusso, “cafe lovers 4” (detail) 5. el lenguaje del limbo II by mariana restrepo 6. photographer unknown 7. lovers in a field, 2019 ph. clifford prince king 8. isle of wight festival, 1969 ph. david hurn 9. joseph lorusso, “lovers in the garden” 10. the big gamble (1961), dir. elmo williams & richard fleischer

a lovers embrace
bob hickok // egon schiele “the embrace (detail)” 1917 // jenny slate “little weirds” // “in the kitchen” helena janecic // “cecila and the satellite” andrew mcmahon // “some sort of love poem” @its_prettybent on ig // ph. nan goldin // nikki giovanni “ever want to crawl”

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone, and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom, for it is only when he is alone that he is really free. Arthur Schopenhauer Well, Mr, Schopenhauer, I do get where you’re going with this, I’d counter that as a believer in G-d, we’re never alone, but He’s with us in our solitude……therefore, in solitude we can truly engage in & embrace our freedom. If we never need experience the depths of despair & loneliness, then solitude becomes a respite where we are truly able to be free & can take that joy to the rest of our lives…….okay, wow, didn’t see that coming, stepping down from the soapbox….this concludes Morning Musings with an English Major (who apparently is a closet Philosopher-who knew?:-). Bon Mercredi, mes amis!
Whumptober day 31 - Embrace
My final fill for @whumptober2019! A very whumpy WinterIron ficlet that is also available on Ao3. Thank you all so much for following me this month, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it!!
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He wasn’t going to last much longer.
Every single part of him was hurting. He had long since passed being exhausted. Some of his wounds had become infected, and he was pretty sure some of his bones had been broken and were healing wrong. Not to mention the fact that the cough he’d developed was worrying him. Ever since Afghanistan, his lungs had already been compromised, and he wouldn’t be surprised to find out they’d gotten infected as well.
If the others didn’t find him soon, he was afraid it might end up being too late. And what was worse, they’d started to make him doubt.
Usually, people would kidnap him for ransom or to make him build them something. It was what he’d been used to since far too young, and he knew how to deal with either of those situations.
These people hadn’t, though. As far as he knew, there had been no demands - to Pepper, to Rhodey, to Bucky, or to the other Avengers. And they certainly hadn’t let him anywhere near anything he could use to get himself out. Instead, the only thing they seemed to want was to make him suffer as much as possible.
Oddly enough, the physical torture wasn’t even the worst. It hurt, and it might be what ended up killing him, but mentally, he could deal with it. But they’d kept him awake for days with lights, with noise, and despite being used to some sleep deprivation, this had quickly surpassed his ability to handle it. And then there was the mental torture - the curses, he was familiar with. Even the way they told him, over and over again, that everything was his fault, that he was a terrible person and that his weapons had killed thousands, that he would burn in hell for all eternity, was familiar.
It was the certainty with which they told him that no one was coming for him that threatened to break him, though. The way they yelled that no one cared about him, because how could they, and they would be glad to be rid of him. The way they laughed and told him he was pathetic, thinking people could actually love someone like him.
Somehow, it felt as though they’d dug up his deepest, darkest fears and threw them straight into his face. It was everything he’d ever worried about, all of the things he had thought but never said out loud.
He’d managed, so far, to pretend it didn’t bother him that much. Three days in, he’d gone silent, stoically gritting his teeth and mentally chanting ‘Stark men are made of iron’ over and over and over again. Outwardly, they might be able to see that he was suffering, but he could still pretend that they hadn’t broken him.
Maybe they hadn’t, yet. Maybe this was just bending, farther than he’d ever thought he could. As long as he didn’t let them see him break, maybe… Maybe he hadn’t, yet.
Through it all, he’d tried to remind himself that they’d come. He might be all of the bad things they said and more, but… They knew about that. Rhodey had known him since he’d been a teenager, had been there through so many highs and lows that he probably knew more about Tony than he knew about himself. Bucky had gotten to know things about him that he’d never told anyone else and still stuck with him, still told him he loved him. Pepper, the other Avengers...
They all knew him, good sides and bad, and they still cared. There was no way they’d faked that, no way they would pretend to like him just for his money or his tech.
(Except he’d thought Obie cared as well, hadn’t he?)
((But Rhodey and Pepper both would’ve been set for life if he’d ended up dying in Afghanistan. Yet they’d never stopped looking for him, never stopped setting up search missions to try to find him.))
Lack of sleep wasn’t helping when it came to trying to have faith. His mind oscillated wildly between the hope that the others cared, that they were looking for him, and the despair of knowing he wasn’t worth it and they shouldn’t come for him, wouldn’t come for him.
He coughed again, grimacing at the way it made agony course through him. There were a few trickles of blood as some of his wounds opened again due to the movement.
Gritting his teeth, Tony reminded himself to just hang on.
They were looking for him. They had to be. They were his friends, his family. They weren’t fake, not like Obie had been. He might not be worth it, might deserve to die right here, suffering until his last breath. But that wasn’t the kind of people they were. They were good, and honest. They were heroes. And he knew he was not a good person, but somehow they must have found something in him that was decent enough for him to deserve having them care about him.
So all he had to do was last.
Stark men are made of iron. Hang on. They are coming.
He repeated it to himself over and over and over, ignoring the pain as they hit him, cut him, kicked him.
He repeated it to himself over and over and over, drowning out their voices as they yelled about how terrible he was, how pathetic, how worthless.
He repeated it to himself over and over and over, clutching to it desperately as they pushed him down into a tub of salt water that made him want to scream.
Stark men are made of iron. Hang on. They are coming.
He was still holding onto it when the gunfire started, when there were yells and screams and roars. And he had to crush the little spark of hope, because if it wasn’t them, that might just end up breaking him.
Instead he held on, breathing as evenly as possible and listening carefully for hints of what was going on. And if, in his mind, a litany of please please please had started, well… No one else could hear that, or judge him for his weakness.
And then the door was slammed open, bouncing off the wall and off the hinges.
Bucky was dressed in full gear, one hand holding a gun and the other a knife. The look on his face was absolutely murderous, and even the black of his gear couldn’t hide the blood.
The moment his eyes met Tony’s, his entire face softened in a way that was so intimately familiar that Tony’s breath caught for a moment. “Tony…” Of course, then he looked at the rest of Tony, and his face looked like it could have been carved from stone. Tony knew him well enough to know that, right now, Bucky very badly wanted to go out there and make every single person that had hurt him suffer.
Rather than doing that, though, he stepped further into the room. “Found him,” he informed the others, voice flat and business-like. Tony couldn’t hear what the others were saying, but he could guess when Bucky’s next words were “alive, but injured. Badly.”
After informing the others, though, he once again focused fully on Tony. “Oh, doll…”
He wanted to speak up, wanted to say hello, or that he’d missed him, or that he’d be fine. But he didn’t want to risk it, not with his injuries and his lungs and the way that his throat felt like he’d swallowed knives. So instead he just attempted the best smile he could, feeling the way it sat unevenly on his face.
And then Bucky was there, and for the first time in what felt like ages, someone touched him without hurting him. The whimper he let out was completely involuntary, instantly triggering another coughing fit that made his eyes water with the pain of it.
Through all of it, Bucky held him, somehow managing to find the exact right balance between tight enough to make Tony feel secure without being so tight that it would hurt more or injure him further.
He didn’t have a lot of strength to move with, but with the bit he had left, he buried his face into Bucky’s neck, savoring the warmth, the feeling of utter and complete safety that Bucky always inspired in him. With Bucky holding him, nothing would hurt him anymore. And while he was still very aware of his injuries, they seemed somehow less painful now.
As he pressed a small, desperately grateful kiss into Bucky’s neck, he could feel the way those strong arms tightened just a little, the way Bucky curled around him protectively.
“I’ve got you, doll. We’re here, we’ve got you. You’re safe now.”

Acrylic paint and charcoal on paper. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQbJ6VdnwcZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
Who are you? Why do you embrace me so? How is it you're never absent? Why is it you're never leaving? How is it your arms are so heavy on my chest when you're only skin and bones in a shadow veil? How is it you speak with voices of so many without a tongue to form the words? How is it you scream; how is it you howl without opening your mouth? Why do you cling to me, say that you belong with me? How is it I don't even know your name but you know my every thought? How is it I've never seen your face when you're always by my side, holding my hand, guiding me like a child? Why do I follow? How is it I let you? What are you?
Emily Yvonne, fragments of my mind

I love Fransiska being a little possessive of her girlfriend, holding her close whenever she can C:

Warm embrace

© Lulu's Secret Desires by Veronika (Nika) Jensen www.facebook.com/lulus.secret.desires

Embrace I, II (Diptych) (October 7, 2019)
by ©️sophia D. S. wright
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px each
