blueberrywombat - valkyriecain

she/her lesbian and human garbage w/ an ao3 addiction and a strong aversion to rl ppl, nice to meet you

789 posts

Blueberrywombat - Valkyriecain - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
This Was The Plot Of S1, Right?

this was the plot of s1, right?

1 year ago
Collaboration With Jn3008

collaboration with jn3008

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1 year ago
Let's Get Cozy, Friend.
Let's Get Cozy, Friend.
Let's Get Cozy, Friend.
Let's Get Cozy, Friend.
Let's Get Cozy, Friend.
Let's Get Cozy, Friend.
Let's Get Cozy, Friend.
Let's Get Cozy, Friend.

Let's get cozy, friend.


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1 year ago

Random fantasy/worldbuilding thing:

Everyone from a different culture seems strangely poetic and profoundly deep in their observations, but only because they speak whatever the common tongue is as a second language, and whatever they are saying is actually mostly just clumsily translated common sayings/figures of speech that flow much better in their own tongue, and make perfect sense to the people who understand the cultural context.

Someone who comes from a place where geodes are common will describe another person: "He is like a stone that seems to hold a treasure inside of it - you learn to know such stones by their shape and their weight - but once you split it open, there is no quartz, no amethyst, no sparkling and brilliant crystal you expected. Just solid rock, through and through. He is like one of those rocks." Which vaguely makes sense, but they're clearly frustrated about not being quite able to express what they're trying to say.

The thing is, in their own first language, there's a specific word for this kind of rock - one that outwardly seems to be a geode but it isn't one after all. This word is also commonly used as an insult, to describe a person who is charismatic, convincing and outwardly seems brilliantly smart, but is actually dumb as shit.

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1 year ago
blueberrywombat - valkyriecain
1 year ago
This Was A Great Read. Laziness Does Not Exist By Devon Price

this was a great read. “Laziness Does Not Exist” by Devon Price

1 year ago
Do You Think Hes Proud Of Us?

Do you think he’s proud of us?

1 year ago

hey y'all i hate to ask AGAIN but i was out of work sick with a chest infection for a week and a half, then landed in the ER where I discovered I've got a cyst on penial gland, that I'm going to have to get MRI's for.

all this to say i need some help and any at all is appreciated

v: mintyfreshkid

c: rubylovehart

pp: rubylovehart

thank you so much for sharing

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1 year ago
blueberrywombat - valkyriecain
1 year ago
blueberrywombat - valkyriecain
1 year ago
blueberrywombat - valkyriecain
1 year ago

This is apparently a hotter take than I thought but: hating on lawyers as a profession, calling them inherently dishonest etc. is politically reactionary. It discourages defendants from seeking legal counsel, puts forth the idea that it’s inherently suspicious to insist on seeing a lawyer before you answer police questioning (your constitutional right!) etc. which ultimately just benefits the state in making it easier for them to convict you. This is one of those things that “progressives” who were raised conservative often don’t realize is one of the parts of their parents’ worldview they should question more, but they should. Not only are lawyers not The Problem with “our system,” but having someone who is educated in the law whose job is to represent your interests in court — getting one regardless of your ability to pay, even! — is in fact one of the best parts of it.

1 year ago

Help us Eat and Make Rent Please

Hi all once again We're 3 disabled trans girls living in an expensive apartment together with no regular income and we need some help. New policies by the Biden admın have meant we no longer qualify for EBT/Food Stamps, and any money we have goes toward housing. Rent is due soon and we are going to be a bit short and our fridge is getting a bit bare, if we could raise $400 for food and to make rent on time we'd be extremely grateful!

Venmo: @nakam1492

Cashapp: $kosherdyke


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1 year ago

What in the fanfic hell is this?? 😂😂

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1 year ago

My roommate and I had important appointments yesterday. His got rescheduled because mine ended up costing way more than anticipated. We need to pay for him to go to his now, and we desperately need food. I'm also going to need to pick up a prescription, because I learned from my appt that I probably don't have cancer, but I definitely need this med.

Dm me for proof or details.

I'll do art for anyone who gives $50+ just dm me at my art blog @theartistrans

My Roommate And I Had Important Appointments Yesterday. His Got Rescheduled Because Mine Ended Up Costing
My Roommate And I Had Important Appointments Yesterday. His Got Rescheduled Because Mine Ended Up Costing


V: tab-99

Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.


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1 year ago

once more i ask for your help

hello everyone it is me

since my last dono post a few months ago we've managed to stabilize, somewhat. i got a job, though it only gives me ~25 hours a week, so we're afloat but kinda barely. recently someone in our household lost EBT, so the food budget has been eating into rent and other bills. between that, my gf's student loans we'll have to start repaying soon, and several of my friends/my wife being on the brink of starvation/homelessness, it's really very stressful!

if you are able to help out in any way, it would be greatly appreciated. we're consistently spending everything we have every paycheck and it's starting to get harder to find the money to pay for what we need (my clothes are falling apart and need to be replaced, it's getting down to the low 30s and i'm a native floridian so i need a winter jacket, etc.) because we can barely afford the bare necessities.

the long and short of it is, the next few months for us aren't going to be easy. if anyone can spare anything to help, it would be greatly appreciated.

c$shapp: $MsHannahBanana143


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1 year ago

reblog if you dont have a bra on

1 year ago

body positivity has largely failed because people started arguing for attractiveness and romantic prospects instead of respect and dignity

1 year ago

Crowley watches him enter the lift and doesn't move. He watches and waits until he turns around, until the doors slide close, until the lift begins to rise higher and higher, until the blinding white light disappears.

Crowley waits until he is sure he is gone and won't be coming back.

It is the hardest thing he has ever done, and that includes clawing his way out of a pit of burning sulphur and suffering. The pain around his heart is the same: an aching pressure panicked and frozen as it tried to find a way to escape, to survive, just to be forced to face reality.

Living without heaven, without God, is doable, but living without him might kill him. Whatever is left of his soul is flowing apart like badly rotten fruit, covering his hands in foul black mould and dripping through his fingers in an attempt to follow him despite everything—even though the only way it can go, the only way he has always been able to go, is down.

Crowley drives away with his eyes clinging to the walls of the bookshop until they too disappear, and when he is confronted with his new reality (alone in the car, on the street, on earth, alone alone alone), he realises the hardest part is yet to come.

Living without him will be torture. Living with himself after letting him go will be torture.

Then again, Crowley thinks, breathing around the shape of his lips pressed against his own, so was loving him.

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1 year ago


If you happen to stumble upon an ad that looks like this, DO NOT SCROLL DOWN.


The rest of the ad is a very tall GIF of strobing red light that can potentially cause seizures. You cannot scroll past this ad quickly enough to avoid seeing it.

There seems to be no way to report the ad, so the next best thing is to use an adblocker (if you haven’t already) or even stay off the mobile app.

Please reblog to help spread awareness.

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1 year ago

pym’s soggy sundays are what makes life worth living tbh

1 year ago

It’s interesting how diseases rip through schools at incredible speeds despite being in an arguably modern, clean(ish) environment. I wonder if it has something to do with the whole “you need a doctor’s note to excuse your absence of even one day” combined with the average price of going to a doctor, the lack of education on things like “you’re still contagious even after the fever goes away”, and the overwhelming message of “if you don’t struggle through it, you’re a failure!”