boohbeau - BoohBeau

Wait there’s another customisation option?

147 posts

If Everyone On The Planet Gives Me 1, Ill Be A Billionaire, Generate A Passive Income And Then Pay Everyone

If everyone on the planet gives me £1, I’ll be a billionaire, generate a passive income and then pay everyone back £2. It’s a worthy investment for you guys.

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More Posts from Boohbeau

7 months ago

That image of Joe Biden holding 2 water tanks labelled ‘Republican Tears’ is why I have high hopes for the future of humanity.

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7 months ago
Overthrow Hamas And I Genuinely Think That The World Would Help Palestinians.

Overthrow Hamas and I genuinely think that the world would help Palestinians.

Hamas is the terrorist organisation, overthrow Hamas and a two-state solution could actually work. Or the nations around Israel could donate some of their land to Palestinians and welcome them into their borders seeing as though they love them so much (the joke is that the countries funding Hamas refuse to actually help Palestinians and have forbidden them from fleeing the country).

Also remember that Hamas wants to instate Sharia law. Israel does not force you to be Jewish, but Palestine/Hamas will force you to be Islamic under threat of execution if you are not. Remember those girls that were beheaded in…was it Egypt? Off the top of my head I cannot remember, but a nation around that area executed two girl for not being Islamic.

It could’ve been Saudi Arabia actually, my bad, not Egypt.

Hamas is an organised terrorist group leading a country into a war, not for independence, but for domination and control. They do not want to be free, they want to kill Israel’s population.





Hamas must not survive. They are a threat to the civilian lives of Israel with their nightly rocket attacks on civilian housing, but they also plan to enact a law that forces all Israelian people to give up their religion and convert to another under threat of death. And on top of that, LGBT people too, accepted in Israel, punishable by death under Hamas. They are NOT the organisation you should be fighting for in this conflict.

Also the post makes no sense, because then surely YOU don’t deserve liberty because you STOLE the land you live on from someone or something. But I guess that’s just me overthinking things.

No Liberty On Stolen Land

No liberty on stolen land

Rb if you agree

8 months ago
boohbeau - BoohBeau
7 months ago

Youuuuu mayyyy want to mark it as a spoiler or something btw, the GG discord banned it for spoilers and some other places have too.



8 months ago
boohbeau - BoohBeau