Fucking Air To Air Missiles Vs A B 29 Superfortress - Tumblr Posts
WHY CAN A VAUTOUR II FIGHT A B-29A?????????? RADAR GUIDED MISSILES VS A 1944 BOMBER IS NOT FAIR IN THE FUCKING SLIGHTEST!!!!!! I own a Vautour, it does NOT belong at 8 point fucking 3, send that fucker to 9.3 AT LEAST!!
I do not care if the Vautour isn’t brilliant at 9.3, it’s fucking dumb as shit to put it at 8.3 and let it fight mainly WW2 vehicles???!?!!??!
And get this: the Israelian version, the same fucking plane with worse missiles (non-radar guided and no turn radius), is 9.0, so why is the one with RADAR GUIDED MUNITIONS 8.3?? The fact that it is approaching SPITFIRE territory in BR is disgusting, send it to 9.3.
It’s at the same BR as the Javelin FAW. As someone who mained the Javelin for 2 months, if the Vaut is at 8.3 then the Javelin should be fucking 3.0.
It’s the most modern Vaut there is and it can fight mid-late WW2 aircraft, absolutely horrific balancing there Gaijin.
Hi hey it’s me and I’m here to continue to complain about this fucking abomination of horrific balancing on behalf of Gaijin

It is at a lower BR than the Sea Vixen, which has been nerfed so hard that it is now dogshit useless. The Vautour IIN Late sits at a fucking disgusting 8.3 when it’s a 10.3 at fucking MINIMUM.
If you do not have an offensive gun or are in a WW2 prop bomber (which this things can fucking fight on a regular basis, not even a full fucking uptier) you die. End of. No evading. No dodging. No possible change to fight back, it locks you from 3km the front and insta-kills you with radar guided munitions. At fucking 8.3.
‘But it turns like shit!!!!!!’ It’s an interceptor.
‘It’s actually pretty balanced’ sit in a B-29, see one of these kill you every game with 0 chance for you to fight back or do anything and then say that again.
I’ve stolen this meme and it pretty much sums it up

Yes I am mad that I just lost 8 >150% boosters because this thing flew in my general direction every fucking time and just instantly killed me.
And I love the official war thunder Reddit being like ‘Ooooohh but it’s an interceptor!!!! It’s meant to do that!!!!’ It fights 1944 propeller driven bombers on a regular basis. It is from 1970-80.