bradys-01 - Brady the AOC Dem
Brady the AOC Dem

Here because Twitter is going down. Kind of a politico 🤷‍♂️ Measure 110’s strongest soldier, don’t care how many people think I’m crazy, I will not back down from my stance that drug possession should not land you in jail. Mostly photography, politics, geography, etc.

116 posts

It Would Honestly Be Funny If Cons Said That Indivisible Or Whatever Are The Committees For The Defense

It would honestly be funny if cons said that Indivisible or whatever are the “committees for the defense of building back better” to make it sound like Democrats are communists or something, like the “committees for the defense of the revolution” in Cuba, and of course there’s the committees for the defense of the fourth transformation in Mexico who are AMLO and Sheinbaum’s foot soldiers. But yeah, as if republicans don’t have moms for liberty which are their foot soldiers for fascism. Every political movement has its loyal foot soldiers lol

It Would Honestly Be Funny If Cons Said That Indivisible Or Whatever Are The Committees For The Defense
  • bradys-01
    bradys-01 reblogged this · 1 year ago

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1 year ago
Twitter Trads Are The Most Pathetic People Ever. They Were The Kids Who Thought They Were Better Than

Twitter trads are the most pathetic people ever. They were the kids who thought they were better than everyone for listening to avant-garde shit lol

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1 year ago
Conservatives Like This Will Yell Save The Children But Simultaneously Support Making 13 Year Old Rape

Conservatives like this will yell “save the children” but simultaneously support making 13 year old rape victims carry their rapist’s baby.

1 year ago

a lot of anti-historian stuff comes across like “i want history to be simple and i am suspicious of people who tell me it’s not” and this is a thing you see from people on any place on the political spectrum

1 year ago
Reminds Me Of This. In All Seriousness, Why Do Some Cons Believe Biden Is A Maoist In Particular? Does

Reminds me of this. In all seriousness, why do some cons believe Biden is a Maoist in particular? Does Maoism just sound scarier I guess? I suppose that’s why.

It would honestly be funny if cons said that Indivisible or whatever are the “committees for the defense of building back better” to make it sound like Democrats are communists or something, like the “committees for the defense of the revolution” in Cuba, and of course there’s the committees for the defense of the fourth transformation in Mexico who are AMLO and Sheinbaum’s foot soldiers. But yeah, as if republicans don’t have moms for liberty which are their foot soldiers for fascism. Every political movement has its loyal foot soldiers lol

It Would Honestly Be Funny If Cons Said That Indivisible Or Whatever Are The Committees For The Defense