Resistance - Tumblr Posts
At times, the original flora [of Palestine] manages to return in surprising ways. Pine trees were planted not only over bulldozed houses, but also over fields and olive groves. In the new development town of Migdal Ha-Emek, for example, the JNF did its utmost to try and cover the ruins of the Palestinian village of Mujaydil, at the town’s eastern entrance, with rows of pine trees, not a proper forest in this case but just a small wood. Such ‘green lungs’ can be found in many of Israel’s development towns that cover destroyed Palestinian villages (Tirat Hacarmel over Tirat Haifa, Qiryat Shemona over Khalsa, Ashkelon over Majdal, etc.). But this particular species failed to adapt to the local soil and, despite repeated treatment, disease kept afflicting the trees. Later visits by relatives of some of Mujaydial’s original villagers revealed that some of the pine trees had literally split in two and how, in the middle of their broken trunks, olive trees had popped up in defiance of the alien flora planted over them fifty-six years ago.
—Ilan Pappé, from The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Hello Can you help me? I would be really grateful if you could donate to help my children and family escape the dangers of war and genocide in Gaza to safety.
Pleas donate
Hello Safa'a,
Of course i can. May Allah SWT help you and make it easy to reach you goal soon. May you and your family make it to safety InshaAllah ❤️

These are all actual conversations I had with @mohammedayesh . In fact, while I was working on finishing this comic today, he sent me a video of bomber planes flying above them. There is not a single place in Gaza that is safe.
Please support Mohammed if you can by donating to his campaign or his PayPal below. He is less than €3000 away from his goal of €15,000. If you cannot donate, then please share. Let’s bring him hope that he can evacuate safely!! <3

Don’t stop talking about Palestine 🇵🇸

Cishet men.
I appreciate you when you are being genuinely kind with your compliments
I appreciate you when you stick up for marginalized groups
I appreciate you breaking the norm.
Well, I don’t give a shit. Time to clean up this planet infestation. For Resistance!

…. Yeah, it gets worse I made a meme
Becoming... A Cocky Jock - Part II
If you missed part one, read it here!
It had been two days since your last visit at the gym, but that didn’t necessarily mean that you weren’t having any workouts. As you got up on your feet and looked back at the sleeping blonde laying on the other side of the bed, it was clear that you were having a great time with this new life. For these past few days, you have allowed the woman to take care of your every desire, both sexually and in terms of general needs. If you weren’t in the mood to cook, she jumped at the opportunity to serve you a home-cooked meal that wouldn’t leave a lasting effect on your waistline. You couldn’t deny it, the woman was a wonderful cook. Although, you had to confess that the special kind of dessert she served underneath your bed sheets was the best part of it all. The woman was a bombshell, which when tied with your increased libido, had led to several restless nights involving hours of passionate love-making.
You especially loved it when she felt your buff body up, her well-manicured nails running along the muscular biceps and thick thighs you now possessed. Sure, the sensation was wonderful to experience, but it turned you on to see just how small her hands looked when feeling up such an impressive physique. It left you eager to continue the growth, so after enjoying these two days, you soon found yourself getting ready to head back into the gym to continue your changes.
Before you left, you woke up the woman in your bed to inform her of your departure. “See you later babe, I gotta go workout...” you said, your voice in a husky growl as you said goodbye. She looked up at you, your body clad in a white t-shirt and some red pants. “Hope to see you later tonight. I’d love to fuck that amazing bod of yours again…” you said, causing her to giggle like a schoolgirl at the compliment. You were domineering and based on her reaction, she loved that about you. Hell, even you were enjoying this new growing personality, especially given that you used to be much more timid.

Not wanting to waste time, you quickly headed out, grabbing a hat and pacing down the stairs with increased haste. The best thing about the growth in your legs was just how much easier it was for you to descend down those several flights of stairs. It made it impossible for you to ever be late for any meeting with any gym friends or the girl who was seemingly your girlfriend now (even though a voice at the back of your head stated that there was no desire to give a title to it).
Now working like a cog in a machine, you quickly gained the gist of working out and went right onto the gym floor and began to workout. You did a few repetitions of some leg and arm workouts, just to feel an incremental increase in strength begin to appear in your four limbs. However, now your desire was aimed at getting a set of pectorals and abs that would match the rest of your buff body.
To start, you first hopped onto a pec deck machine, grinning wildly as you gave into the temptation of growing your body once more. That all familiar tingle rushed against your chest as you wasted no time putting in the hard work. You couldn’t help but look down with each passing repetition, waiting and practically salivating for your flat chest to finally fill out and give you some prominent pectorals.
This wish is soon granted as you begin to watch them grow with every exhale from your heaving chest, small incremental changes pushing muscle out to your personal glee. Staring down, you watched as muscle flooded into your chest quickly as you suddenly gained a chest that could rival that of a teenage girl. But you weren’t going to stop at some simple pectorals, you wanted something impressive to showcase just how manly and stunning you were. So, the reps continued, muscle continuing to grow as your chest attempted to make room for the growth. To your surprise, you watched as your nipples soon began to point downward as your chest grew so buff and inflated.
Deciding to take a break, you stopped your workout and moved your hands towards your chest. Running your hands against it, you were chuckling with narcissist admiration at the curved chest you now possessed. Squeezing it and feeling the thick muscle underneath, you were ecstatic about just how amazing you looked and felt.
Wasting no time, you set down a gym mat and peeled off your shirt due to your eagerness to see this next part. Laying onto the mat, you began to crank out a series of crunches and other core workouts as that tingle manifested once more. With each passing crunch, you looked down and watched as your torso grew tight and lost practically all of its body fat. With a weird tingle, you watched as abs popped into existence one-by-one until you were left with almost a fully defined eight-pack. Luckily, you knew you could make an eight-pack a reality later if you desired it.
Standing back up, you looked up and stared at your new sweaty body displayed in the mirrored walls. You felt like a god and your body was a prime example of why you felt this way. Your ego was also inflating with each additional muscle growth, but you felt no need to worry. It felt normal to you, to you it made sense to feel like this. After years of wanting to be bigger, you were blessed with a gift that gave you the chance to do just that at your own pace. Continuing to look at your own reflection, toxic masculine emotions began to overtake your mind as well, with your levels of rage increasing along with your libido and narcissism.

Stepping out and towards the locker room, a fellow gym-goer made the mistake of accidentally bumping into you. “The fuck’s the matter with you?” you growled, your mind instantly jumping to defense mode to any man who you feared to try to invalidate your manliness. Despite the man profusely apologizing and trying to calm you down, you were having none of it. “If you ever do that again, I won’t hesitate to fuck you up. Understand?” you continued as you put your hefty arms up and grabbed onto the man’s shoulders. He shook his head rapidly, which allowed you to watch just how fearful he was of you. “Fuck yeah, he should be afraid…” you thought to yourself, but this thought had a strange ripple effect. At this point, that original personality of yours was desperate to regain control and that thought was the catalyst to prevent you from being completely consumed with the alpha cocky jock persona.
Shaking your head and allowing your real persona to return back into dominance, you looked up at the guy and apologized for your behavior. “Sorry man, I don’t know what came over me a second ago... I think I need to go eat something…” you said, attempting to smile to try and show that you weren’t mad at the man. The man himself grew confused, shaking his head and just saying a simple “Ok” as he left.
Heading into the locker room, you began to realize that these workouts are actually having some sort of mental effect on you. As a double-edged sword, you realized that you were able to gain the body you wanted, but with each passing workout, the ever-growing persona of a cocky jock was attempting to fully take over your mind and turn you into a walking stereotype. In fear, you quickly rushed into the locker room and grabbed your stuff before fleeing the premises. “Maybe it’s best to take a break from the gym…” you said under your breath as you walked back to your apartment and made plans to try and go out and explore the town with the lady friend staying at your apartment.
It had been a week or so since your last gym visit, but during that time, you had been having a good time exploring Los Angeles and going on dates with Shelby, the receptionist from the gym. She had enjoyed the romantic efforts you went through to try and apologize for that cocky persona that had made its appearance off and on during their last couple of days together.
You had enjoyed the time away from the gym as well because it just allowed you to enjoy your body in the privacy of your own home. Also, it seemed like the changes were set in stone upon each visit to the gym. Despite being a fairly healthy individual, these past few days had allowed you to indulge more on junk food and desserts than one with this physique would normally expect. However, despite expecting some sort of weight gain to occur, your weight remained stationary at the same weight it had been for days now.
In fact, you were beginning to enjoy the possibility of never having to step foot in a gym again to avoid the threat of that persona taking you over. Despite deciding to meet Shelby at the gym after her shift ends so you could go to a late night movie, you refused to step foot inside of the building. So there you were, on a late Friday night just leaning against the building and waiting for her arrival. However, to your surprise, the desire to step foot inside was only increasing the longer you were standing near it. The energy of the gym was pulling you in and you were attempting to put up a good fight. The alluring concept of growing bigger and buffer was still swirling around your mind, but you attempted to keep pushing the thought away. You knew the risk and you didn’t want to give into that intense desire..
You shut your eyes, groaning as the thoughts began to grow too much to take. You begged for it to stop so you could just live your life in peace. However, instead of the thoughts disappearing, you felt a cacophony of inner voices cheering and pushing you in. Opening your eyes, you gasped as you found yourself back inside the gym. You attempted to turn out and run away, but your feet refused to move towards the door. In fact, your feet began to move elsewhere: towards the locker room. You groaned and struggled to resist, but it was no use. The gym was pulling you in and you were now stuck under the magic of the gym and the desires of your body.
Heading into the room, your body moves robotically as you take off your clothes and put in a spare set of clothes that you left in your locker. A tight white compression shirt is pulled over your head, causing you to look down and see how it perfectly displays your bulky frame as it tightly wraps around your muscles. Your automated body removes your jeans and pulls on a pair of grey shorts, which once in place, cause your body to begin to walk out of the locker room.
With this complete, you begin to walk out onto the gym floor and sit down on the first machine you can find. Your eyes glance into the reflective walls, where you watch as your body instinctively flexes and your biceps bulge against the fabric. Based on what’s going on, it seemed clear to you that you were able to become your worst nightmare: a dumb, gym-obsessed cocky jock. Giving up your resistance, you groaned as all sorts of knowledge soon began to evaporate from your mind to better fit this new life. An intensive career in computers and IT faded away as you gain the memories of being a college drop-out that decided to devote his parents’ saved tuition money into gym memberships and protein powder instead. “But at least I look fucking stunning…” you thought, which caused you to feel devastated as you could feel the cocky persona beginning to overtake your mind completely now.

In a strange mix of your body being under auto-pilot while this new persona was slowly gaining control, you began to workout on several machines. With each passing set, more information was being rewritten to accommodate your new life. Gone was the concept of monogamy, no, a cocky jock like you didn’t subscribe to that kind of lifestyle. You had your desires and not just one woman could satisfy your needs. You were a womanizer and you loved that about yourself. The women also seemed to like it as well, willing to be one of several side pieces if it meant being close to a gym stud like you.
Continuing to get up and try out all of the possible machines, your body was continuing to inflate with muscles that were beginning to defy the limits of your tight white shirt. This was the least of your concerns though, as each machine just brought with it a new morsel of information to help you adapt to your new life. Sitting down at a bench press, your vocabulary was rewritten to adapt a more leisurely and bro-like vernacular. With each press up and down, your biceps continued to inflate, threatening to tear the fabric apart at the seams. These changes also occurred at your pectorals as well, growing thicker and wider as they began to tug against the fabric in another direction.
Your head was practically empty from all previous recollections of your past life, but still a few morsels of info remained that were unable to be rewritten. However, before you could even begin to wonder what those random thoughts in your head were, a loud rip broke your concentration and led you to quickly drop the barbell and sit up. With this quick motion pulling you forward, you watched as the white shirt ripped into tatters and barely clung onto your body. In shock, many people looked at you in disbelief at the ripped state of your shirt. However, you weren’t fazed in the slightest, in fact, you were actually turned on. With a slight tug, your muscles allowed you to rip the tattered shirt off your body and reveal the incredibly buff and inflated physique that was now permanently yours. “Fuck yeah bro, I look fucking incredible!” you said, your voice looking any resemblance of intelligence as it gained a strange vapidness that worked well with your new body. You let out a deep chuckle as you ran your hands against your buff physique, the stares of your fellow gym-goers not mattering in the slightest anymore.
Heading off to the locker room, you wasted no time trying to intimidate several of the guys and flirting with several of the girls. Looking away from one of the girls, you caught sight of that receptionist Shelby staring at you in disbelief and anger. Watching her turn her back and walk away stomping, you chuckled at her sadness. It was always disappointing when a girl thinks they can tie you down like that. “A buff god like me deserves total free reign…” you thought to yourself as you continued to flirt and gain a stack of numbers to call up anytime you were needing to get off (which was more often than one would expect).
Heading into the locker room, you decided to make a plan to head out onto the town. You had no job beyond being a personal trainer, so despite wanting to be in the gym 24/7, you knew that it would be good to go out and explore every once in a while. Putting on a Lakers jersey, you grabbed your stuff and began to exit the locker room. However, before you exit, you catch a sight of a poster on the gym. On it, it’s promoting some sort of travelling set of personal trainers that are offering free training sessions. Looking closely into the poster, you can’t help but feel like one of the guys looks familiar. This guy on the middle right with the facial hair and hairy chest, you couldn’t help but feel as though… he was one of your writer friends?

You shook your head at the thought, knowing there was no way that you could have been friends with this guy. “I would never be friends with a guy as weak as him…” you said with a chuckle. Although, the concept of attending this free meeting was intriguing to you. Though it wasn’t for the fact of actually gaining some tips, it was the concept of being able to show off his body to these guys and especially show off to that one guy who looked familiar to you that was so appealing. Still though, you couldn’t get the idea that you knew this guy out of your head. This was just like that one dream you had a few nights about being an average guy wishing to be super buff. Ever since that day, you’ve had this constant nagging thought that this wasn’t a dream, but that doesn’t make any sense. You had no idea why you would ever dream of something like this, especially with such a wonderful life like this. Everything was great and you practically had life by the balls. The world was yours to dominate and you were adamant about making that a reality.

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No matter what, we'll win

this pride, i learnt about the Palestinian trans woman Oscar Al-Halabiye, dancer and resistance fighter against the israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. she named herself Oscar after Lady Oscar from the "The Rose of Versailles", a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.

her story is documented in Cinema Fouad(1993). zionists use pink washing to reinforce their genocidal terrorist narrative when queer Palestinians have been fighting against the occupation since the very beginning. you can watch it here with english subtitles. long live the intifada!

"B-but Palestinians can get their freedom with peace not violence 🥺🥺" no. Screw your feelings. The armed resistance against colonizers and murderers is what will give Palestinians their freedom and what will eventually achieve real peace.
An enemy that bombs and uses white phosphorus against civilians doesn't know nor practice what your broken moral compass describes as "peace". Freedom was proven throughout history not to be achieved through kneeling and asking the oppressor to kindly stop. Freedom needs to be taken by force. Your little Utopian way of thinking doesn't work in the real world. Your feelings don't matter because you're not the one living under occupation. Your feelings don't matter because you're not one of the thousands of children who lost their limbs. You're not one of the children who became orphans due to this genocide. You're not the mother who lost her child to the carpet bombing. You're not the father carrying the remains of your child in plastic bags. You're not the newlywed woman who lost her husband. You're not the one at risk of either getting killed any second or losing your loved ones in the blink of an eye!
"Peace" is not really a thing you see during a live ethnic cleansing!
It would honestly be funny if cons said that Indivisible or whatever are the “committees for the defense of building back better” to make it sound like Democrats are communists or something, like the “committees for the defense of the revolution” in Cuba, and of course there’s the committees for the defense of the fourth transformation in Mexico who are AMLO and Sheinbaum’s foot soldiers. But yeah, as if republicans don’t have moms for liberty which are their foot soldiers for fascism. Every political movement has its loyal foot soldiers lol

Poe sketch for upcoming art stuff~

Semester is over and i finally have the time to do my own stuff again! Had the idea of star wars graphics so here's my first one, the resistance sign ~ Will also do a first order one :3

Star Wars Jedi Order 8-2-2021.

Political corruption and the hatred of the Australian people. Our governments are an absolute disgrace!
What the actual FUCK?
It's time to end the World Economic Forum. PERMANENTLY!

The WE’s agenda becomes clearer and clearer as time goes on.