brainrot-the-frog - "We will be reunited."
"We will be reunited."

for life is like the morning dew

20 posts




Hashira x S/O

Warnings : Spoilers for Demon Slayer movie!

​​​​​​Comforting the Water, Butterfly, and Love Pillar | The Pillars (3)

| Giyuu |

— • Giyuu is a master at masking his emotions behind a nonchalant expression, it'd honestly take you a long time to notice that something isn't right. You'd tell him that you're there for him whenever and although he'd appreciate your efforts you know in yourself that he's still reluctant to express his concerns and let you comfort him. 

The first time you ever comforted him was during a rather sunny day, wind waded through trees and left them dancing, the sun kissed at your skin for today was a day of warmth and peace but you found yourself not being able to relax no matter how much times you flipped your cushions over to the colder side. 

"Damned things," You grumbled as you felt your once brewing sense of comfort subside. Maybe if you got back in the same position the comfort would return?

"I'm back." You felt a chill rundown your spine like a rain drop pouring down a leaf as the monotone voice of Giyuu cajoled you. "Welcome back Giyuu! How was your day?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." His tone held a sense of secrecy as he made his way to his bedroom. Something was off. Giyuu liked to keep to himself but the urgency in the way he moved and the slight waver in his voice, as if he'd developed a stutter, had you concerned.

"Giyuu?" You knock on his door, "what's happened?" You're left standing there for a good while until Giyuu finally slides his door open, his eyes not meeting yours, but you can tell he's in need of you when he softly grabs your hand.

"Giyuu, what's wrong?" There was a brief silence. Until-

"I failed to save a friend today.. I don't know what to do." He gently pulls you towards him in a hug you find yourself stuck in. Your hand makes its way to his hair and strokes it.

"Everything will be okay." You muttered as you began to sway back and forth, easing him into peace, 

"I promise."

| Shinobu | 

— • Similarly to Giyuu, Shinobu can mask her face rather well behind a plastic smile. Her emotions however, seep through her like an unwanted aroma Tanjiro thinks. However others tend to compare it to a soft shore suddenly being hit with a tsunami and no, Shinobu does not appreciate the comparison, in fact she abhores it. When something isn't right you can sense it and it annoys Shinobu to no end, she doesn't want you to see her vulnerable, she finds shame in it no matter how much you've consoled her in the past.

"Something on your mind?" You sipped your drink whilst keeping your eyes on Shinobu's tired form, to you she appears as though she's been overworked to the bone which isn't an uncommon sight for you unfortunately. You poured her a cup of tea whilst she wiped her face with a damp cloth.

"It's nothing really, just work—"

"Shinobu, I heard about Rengoku's passing." She stiffened, the damp cloth falling from her face, her eyes covered by her bangs and the only visible thing on her face is her small, fragile smile.

"Yes. Quite unfortunate.. he was a good man. A kind man." Her smile was gone as soon as you grabbed her so delicately that she immediately hugged into your side. Her fingers curled into your robe as if she's afraid of letting go.

"It's terrifying you know?" She breathed in, weary of being loud. "I see the pained expressions of people who've lost others and I can't help but feel small."

"It's not your fault Shinobu." You massaged her scalp as she embraced her face to the crook of your neck. She continued, you didn't know if she'd heard you.

"I realize that I'm truly hopeless.. I can't help the people like me. But you, you always help me when I need it most." She removed herself from your touch to meet your eyes finally, hers are drowned in a deep purple.

"So I'll ask you this, as shameful as it sounds.. won't you hold me just a little harder Darling?"

| Mitsuri |

— • Mitsuri Kanroji is a woman that believes in being completely open to you about how she's feeling, she's a very emotional person and is not ashamed about it at all. She carries her heart on her sleeve and loves to carry a passionate and kind disposition wherever she strides. But at times in where she needs to vent she ALWAYS makes sure you're okay with hearing her ramble and asks how you are beforehand. Because truly she wants to make sure you're mentally okay with whatever she wants to talk about at all times.

​​​​​​​​​​You heard a knock at the door of your shared bedroom, knowing very well it was Mitsuri who was behind it.

"Mitsuri you know that you don't have to knock." You heard a slight snicker as the door slowly slid open. You paused upon the sight of her droopy eyes and weak smile. You attempted to get up but she waved you to stop and stay comfortable. 

"Sorry!" She hushed herself. "Did I wake you?"

"No no! It's fine! Is everything okay?" You chuckled as Mitsuri plopped onto the end of the bed and hugged your legs. She let out a tired groan as you played with her hair.

"Uhm.. are you okay with me talking about uhm- sad stuff? I don't want to stress you if you're not up for it-" you grasped her hand, a reassuring smile graced your lips. "Of course, thank you for asking. What's happened?"

"Well I I- messed up big time." Mitsuri smiled as tears trailed down her cheeks she crawled up and hugged into your chest. "Kyojuro passed away and it hurts! I should have have- gone with him!"

"Mitsuri.. you can't blame yourself for something that happened so suddenly, Rengoku wouldn't want you to blame yourself." You kissed her forehead and wiped her tears, albeit that wasn't enough as more began pouring down. You're left in a silence as Mitsuri tried to collect as much of herself as she could.

"..I was his student y'know, I learned everything from him." She choked on her sobs and stuttered again and again,

"I do my best but now I'm wondering if that's even enough.. baby I'm in so much pain." She clutched at her heart as she pressed her forehead to yours. You were at a loss for words and she knew that, Mitsuri didn't want to overwhelm you. She leaned in and kissed you slow, your shoulders relaxing with hers.

"I'm so sorry for your loss-"

"You don't have to say anything, please just be with me in this moment."


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More Posts from Brainrot-the-frog

4 years ago

MHA bite sized imagines #1

Bakugo giving you his gauntlet as an apology after a fight. (Ignore the fact that that shit would be sweaty and greasy as HELL and just blow shit up.)

Denki using his quirk to charge your phone first out of everyone elses. (Boy straight up EATS your phone and zeep zoop it's charged!)

Jirou writing a song about you and singing to you in her dorm. (Don't laugh at her flustered face >:()

You and Deku take care of a small garden the two of you built together. (He gives the plants encouragement so they can grow faster.)

Sero giving you origami he made with his tape. (His go-to design being a little turtle.)

Momo having you try different types of tea with her and laughing when you drink a type of tea you find ghastly. (She mass-buys your favorite drink.)

Aoyama teaching you french words and giving you different cheeses every day. (You're not quite sure how he gets so much cheeses.)

Ojiro letting you play with his tail and lifting you up with it. (He considers it extra training so why not?)

Shoji wanting to meditate with you. (Boy introduces you to so many chill youtube accounts.)

Tokoyami letting you pet Dark Shadow. (He's not jealous, nono definitely not-)

Ochaco turning you into a kite. (Pray that you don't have a fear of heights, but don't worry she's got you.)

Mina teaching you different dances for tiktok. (You can't convince me she isn't Tiktok famous.)

Iida taking you to watch a quirk-sports game. (He buys all of the popcorn and churros.)

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4 years ago

Cat Dad | Bucky Barnes

Cat Dad | Bucky Barnes

Warnings : None! (Aside from the fact this is quite shit and very short)

Tags : Fluff!

I thought of doing something Marvel related and small <( ̄︶ ̄)/✧


This was a bad idea.

Bringing a cat home was never a part of your plan, your schedule was consistently mundane. Wake up, go to work, go home, and hope your metal armed boyfriend comes back in one piece. It had only been a month since you moved into an apartment in Brooklyn. Pay was sustainable, view was nice, and it didn't have a superfluous amount of cat hair everywhere. Well, not at first.

You had to do something before Bucky came home.

"This is for your own good! You smell like Bucky's laundry!" The cat was in desperate need for a bath, but wouldn't budge. It let out an ungodly sound before fidgeting out of your grasp, it found refuge in said laundry pile just outside your shared bathroom. It hissed in response before kneading into your boyfriends dirty clothes like bread dough.

"You know you're really not helping you stinky little shit." You rubbed your eyes so many times you wondered how they weren't popping out of their sockets.

As if some higher being wanted to make your day worse because why not? A sound of knocking rang through your walls.

Thin walls huh.

"It's me!"

"I knew from the loud ass knocking!" You quickly picked up the little furball and rushed to the bathroom, you hid the cat in the bath before you headed out to greet Bucky.

Until you saw that the cat had shat on his laundry and pissed on the floor.

"oh fuck me with a broomstick-" You sighed.

"Plum? Can you let me in? I lost my key."

"in a minute!" You grabbed some toilet paper, plastic bag and a mop, not without flipping off the cat as you passed by and cleaned up its mess.

"Baby?" You could tell Bucky was growing impatient from the amount of grumbling you heard behind the door.

"In a minute!" You wrapped up the plastic bag and made a beeline to hide it in a trash can.

But when you turned around you did not expect to see your lover leaning on the doorframe of your shared bathroom with a sleeping cat in his arms.


"Shh- in a minute." He flashed a soft smile as he cradled the cat in his arms with such softness you felt your lips rise to a grin. He approached you and gave you a gentle kiss on the lips, the type of kiss that leaves with your eyes closed just a bit longer.

"We can keep em if you want." Bucky mused as he swayed with the cat securely in his arms.

"We can?"

"Of course, Doll, we can have a new member of the family." He let out a chuckle. Bucky was beyond handsome, and the sunlight that painted along his defined face made him look twice as good.

"So...." He glanced past you at the trash can you had stuffed. "You shitting in bags now or?"

"Shut up James."

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4 years ago

Sweet dreams // Tanjiro x Reader


You woke to the soft calls of your name, your frame held securely by two strong arms. Your heart quickening at the feeling of warmth residing at the crook of your neck.

"Tanjirou?" No reply.

You found yourself staring at your open door, coming to the conclusion that Tanjirou was too lazy to close it. With a groan of annoyance, you eased your way out of the arms of your lover and closed the door shut. You smiled at the fact you weren't wearing your own haori, but Tanjirou's, you indulged in his scent that sprung up a bitter sweet memory held close to your heart.

Blood. Upon the chance of tragedy the scent of blood will linger in the air, reducing any other scent to forgotten nothings. 

You had never imagined Final Selection to be as cruel as it were. Seven days without food and water in a demon infested forest. You were greatly prepared for all of it. But what you weren't prepared for? The deaths, the cruelty. The very cruelty that lies in the hearts of men.

You met two boys who were walking together, you conversed and discovered they were friends. You got along with them well which had your nervous thoughts gradually subside.. Up until you came across your first demons, simply looking at them you knew it was going to be difficult to defeat them all but since there were two others besides yourself, you were confident. You readied for battle and assumed the others would too.

Instead, one of them attempted to run whilst the other was considering it.

"Wait! don't flee!" You held your hand out to the one running, just missing the collar of his haori. He ran without looking back, a demon sprung from the ground and sent three devastating slashes to his back, having him fall to the gravel floor with a deafening shriek.

"Quick!" You screamed to your other companion. "We need to help him!" You knew the look in his eyes, you knew it well, fear. His eyes welled up, his teeth clenched and shivered.

"S- Scre— Screw that! That bastard just tried to run! Save him yourself!" And with that, he ran as well.

"P- please help me! Don't run!" The boy crawled as fast as possible to be by your side just a little, earning a chuckle from a demon.

"Haha! You might as well run now! At least humor us before getting eaten!"

You gritted your teeth in rage, "I won't do something as cowardly as give up on my friend!" You unsheathed your blade as a demon bit into the neck of the boy. His body going limp.


With one clean slice the demons neck was cut off successfully.  

One down. Four more.

You concentrated, breathed, and let out an attack so strong there were only two left to execute. 

"Damn it! T-that kid is mine!" 

"I saw the kid first! Lay off!" Concomitantly, the demons lunged at you in hunger. Despite that- you didn't falter. Instead you took a stance, and exhaled.

One movement. The demons were dead. But so was the boy. 

You stared at his corpse, your gaze hardening, the grip on your hilt tightening.

"I don't understand..." you fell to your knees from a sickening wave of exhaustion. You covered your nose as well, finding the smell of blood just as sickening. "Why did your friend leave you? W- why did you not fight?" 

Was this how it was supposed to be? Friends abandoning friends? Demon Slayers running the second they see the very thing they are supposed to slay?

Tears ran down your cheeks.

"This is not how it's supposed to be." Your eyes widen in feeling the presence of another, a hand placed upon your shoulder. Warmth. Unlike the icy floor this contact was warm.

"It's alright." You turned to the figure, and as you did they embraced you. Rubbing circles on your back. "You're okay." Your eyes welled up once more. Unrelenting. 

"Who?!" You broke the hug when realizing you didn't know the person at all. Your voice broke slightly, "just who are you?!" 

You were entranced as he smiled at you.

"Tanjirou." He replied, softly grabbing your hand and encasing it with his own, bigger ones. His smile showed nothing but understanding, his kindness palpable.

"Tanjirou Kamado."

You smiled at the memory..

you jumped in fright as you felt two arms snake around your waist, but your nerves were at ease as a gentle kiss was placed on your shoulder.

"Please come back to bed.. it's too early.."

You stared back at Tanjirou and saw he was wearing your haori, his warm smile so irresistable. How could you say no? Your eyes wandered a bit, scanning every inch of your lovers face.

Still beautiful like the day you met.

"Okay," you kissed his birthmark before he picked you up and laid you softly on the bed you shared.

"Sweet dreams, love." He whispered before kissing your neck,

"Sweet dreams."

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4 years ago

MHA bite sized imagines #3 (LOV edition)


Shigaraki only allowing you to hold his hand and play on his computer when you're bored. (You're the only one he felt comfortable enough to tell the origins of his families hands.)

Toga wanting to have a vial of your blood as a necklace or accessory. (With your consent of course.)

Dabi cooking you breakfast or dinner with his quirk. (Ok this is random, but I since yall would be on the run a LOT food options would be scarce, but he'd like- heat up a can of beans for you and only you.)

Mr Compress teaching you a bunch of magic tricks and boasting a lot about them. (You and Compress always do little magic shows that not nearly enough of the LOV appreciate.)

Twice letting you vent and rant to him. (Idk much about the dude, but I know he's someone that wants a person to talk to on a personal level.)

Kurogiri teaching you to make drinks and meals. (I just KNOW this man makes a damn good meal.. when the LOV get anything other than soup or some shit.)

Geten always icing up your drinks. (Sometimes he'd do it to be nice, other times he'd do it to piss you off. You can't tell.)

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4 years ago

Moments in time | Hashira

《Imagines》 《Inspired by KNY Imagines [to the moon] on Tumblr》

This post contains spoilers for Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon slayer!

《6:02, AM》 《Mitsuri Kanroji》

You chuckled as you felt sweet kisses tickle your neck up to your jaw.

"Mitsuri! We must get up!"

You said with barely any force behind your words, truly, you didn't want to leave your bed, you didn't want to have to leave Mitsuri either. 

And man did she know that. 

She subtly held and pinned your hands as she continued to kiss you. Her lips connected with every bit of skin on your face and neck, until finally, her lips made contact with yours.

One word. It took one word for you to completely give in and be at her mercy. She gave you a kiss so tender you forgot to breathe, she inched her lips to your ears and whispered smoothly,


《7:34, AM》《Shinobu Kochou》

"You need to slow down! You're going to choke!"

Shinobu yelled as she flailed her arms in front of your figure, you were downing every rice ball, oatmeal, eggs, and meat on the table you shared. You were beyond hungry for whatever reason, and Shinobu merely watched blankly as you began to choke violently.

"My, my, what did I tell you?" She huffed before expertly delivering pressure to your stomach and in one extra push, the piece of food escaped your mouth. You began panting in a crouched form, with your lover crouched in front of you with a hand on your shoulder.

"Thank you so much... I'm sorry for not listening...." you said as Shinobu offered you a glass of water. You let out a much needed exhale as you drank it all.

"My~ you'd truly be dead without me hm?"

"I would." The two of you chuckled until suddenly you inched closer, Shinobu gave the smile of a vixen before swiftly connecting her lips with yours. She cupped your face and deepened the kiss until you departed for air.

"But to be frank...." she stroked your cheek lovingly and gave you a genuine smile only you were capable of getting from her.

"I wouldn't be able to live without you too..."

《9:15, AM》《Sanemi Shinazugawa》

"Oi Sanemi! I've brought you some ohagi!" You grinned as you held a plate of ohagi in your hands. You realized Sanemi was training and thought it would be a nice treat.

"Took you long enough..." he sat down next to you and gratefully took the treat and downed it with ease.

You chuckled in seeing the little bits of ohagi remains on the outskirts of his mouth.

"Why the hell are you laughing? What's so funny?" You covered your mouth to suppress a snicker, though it still urked Sanemi for the sudden secrecy.

"Whatever.." he glared slightly.

"I want another one.." Sanemi leaned in your direction, not noticing the fact your eyes were on his lips. Swiftly you took a small bite of the ohagi in your hands before planting your lips on Sanemi's.

His eyes grew wide in suprise, the sweet decadent taste of the dessert amplified the effect of your lips, Sanemi was reduced to a vulnerable shell as you pressed on. You departed for air, your eyes opened slowly to see the surprised face of your lover.

"I think...." you licked your lips.

"I made the ohagi too sweet again," you cooed slyly.

《11:54, AM》《Kyojuro Rengoku》

"You must hone your body to become the best version of yourself! I believe in you!!" Kyojuro remained enthusiastic even at the sight of your sweating, slightly dead body panting a storms worth.

"EASY FOR YOU TO SAY! NO MATTER WHAT VERSION YOU'RE STILL THE BEST!" His eyes went wider, much to your surprise. He smiled a soft, and loving smile you couldn't look away from no matter how bright.

"I believe in you okay? I know you think I'm going hard on you but that's because I know you're destined for greatness. But I understand that forcing you will not help... you may train at your own pace, I still believe in you no matter what." You swear your heart leaped to your throat as he said each word like honey, his loving eyes and smile were toppings on the cake.

"Y-you.." you were at a loss for words at the short vulnerable moment Kyojuro had given to you without much thought.

"I love you so much.." you embraced him, he smiled as you buried your face into the crook of his neck.

"No matter what happens I will love you always."

You remember him saying as you wiped your tears into the familiar white haori decorated with flames.

《1:30, PM》《Muichiro Tokito》

"Are you thinking about him again?" Muichirou rested at your side, you hugged the white haori tighter as he put his arm around your shoulder.

"I miss him too, I really do. But he wouldn't want you to mourn him. He'd want you to be strong and become the best version of yourself..." he rested his head on your shoulder as he sighed.

"But for me... I'm fine with your mourning, crying, and sadness..  I don't want you to bottle your emotions, I want them to be free without constraint, without judgement...." he trailed off his words... his eyes now viewing the sun rays outside.

"Come.." he softly lifted you up, his hand giving you support to walk. As the light came into view you were stunned by the warmth of the sun. It came down upon you as if you were a stranded boat in a violent sea, feeding you with peace and hope.

Like he did.

"Thank you Muichirou..." you kissed his cheek and laid your head on his shoulder.

"Anything for you..." you didn't know it..

But he needed just as much comfort as you did.

《4:42, PM》《Iguro Obanai》

"Kaburamaru.. what're you doing here?" The Ivory serpent head butted your cheek, a small hiss escaping its mouth, as if they were trying to tell you something.

"Where's Iguro?" Kaburamaru wrapped around your lifted arm, you felt a slight pull at it coming from the snake. You trudged forward as you sang a soft tune, your plan was to visit Iguro anyway, so Kaburamaru's arrival was anything but an interruption.

You found yourself at the entrance of his estate, you knew well that he probably would be sleeping by now, you also knew that the Snake Pillar usually sleeps on tree branches.

It didn't take you long to find him since his black and white haori was an eyecatcher in the crowd of brown and green.

You stared upward at his sleeping face, Kaburamaru left your arm and slithered to Iguro's. That movement wasn't enough to wake him though, but you knew what was.

"I–Gu–Ro~!" You trudged up, and you were just able to to meet your face with his, you kissed the cloth that covered his lips, you felt him lean forward into the lip lock as his eyes began to open.

"Good morning.." he yawned.

"It's 4 o' clock silly!"

《6:56, PM》《Gyomei Himejima》

"I must ask... why do you choose to hang around me like this?" Gyomei asked, the two of you were sat outside near a lake. You were being hugged from behind by Gyomei.

"Because you're always working! I never get time with you!" You heard a chuckle as deep as the ocean, Gyomei rested his head on yours.

"I have a duty, as a Pillar, I must work twice as hard. You understand, no?" You sighed as you leaned into his embrace, his touch brought you peace albeit your thoughts were anything but. You had to talk about them.

"You need time for yourself, you need to work at your own pace and not do anything so taxing.. I know you're one of the most strongest humans alive, but even you have a limit, I'm telling you about this because I care about you.." You turned around to face him, his mouth was slightly ajar, he didn't expect you to say that. Ever.

Tears. Suddenly he was tearing up, your first instict was to wipe them away however they poured and poured.

"I–I understand.. perhaps.. I could treat myself to some peace... with you?" He didn't even have to ask. You smiled, then passionately kissed him.

"I love you.." you whispered out to him.

"I love you too."

《8:21, PM》 《Giyuu Tomioka》

"Ouch!" You hissed as Giyuu carefully rubbed healing ointment on your wounded arm. He tried to be as gentle as possible however it still stung.

"This is why I told you not to stray so far," he said blankly, but you could sense the undertones of worry as well as the boiling frustration that began to grow.

"I wasn't aware of the other Kizuki's presence, I didn't expect the demons to be together at all—" You grunted in pain as Giyuu tightened the bandages on your arm.

"Which is why I told you not to be so reckless and idiotic! You fail to understand your own limits! I hate it!" You swore that if he kept tightening the bandages, he'd rip up a dozen more injuries.

"G–Giyuu! Stop it!" You gasped as you retreated your arm, you could visibly see the veins in your arms.

"I–" his eyes went wide as he realized what he had just done. "I'm so sorry– please forgive me–!" You tackle hugged him to the floor, without thought his arms wrapped around your waist, enveloping you in a tight warm embrace.

"I know you're frustrated, and I understand you only did that out of worry.. but you have to understand I'm not so fragile and soft, Giyuu. However, you are one of the only people that can make me that way... I did what I did, so you didn't have to." There was silence as you cupped his face with your hands. You let out a sad smile at the sight of his eyes. Dark, but filled with so much emotion.

"I can't lose you, I won't lose anyone else.." he whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere," you softly gave him a kiss, the feel of your lips reducing him to a baby.

"No matter what happens, I will love you always."

《11:11, PM》 《Tengen Uzui》

"why are you up so late?" 

Tengen came up from behind you and kissed your shoulder, you smiled as his hands were carefully placed on your once cold ones. You were staring back at the glowing moon, its breathtaking shine rained down upon the two of you. Making the moment even sweeter.

"I believe this is the time of night where one makes a wish." You turned to give Tengen a kiss before looking back at the moon.

"Oh? Have you thought of any wishes?" He asked, holding you tighter.

"Hm.. maybe to be more flamboyant?" You smiled in seeing the look of utter bewilderment your husband gave you.

"You are the love of my life! So naturally you have reached maximum flamboyance! You're wasting your wish Love! Think of another!" You giggled like a child. 

You loved and cherished every moment you've spent with the man beside you, but you also cherished the time you've spent with the others.

Slowly but surely, the answer came to you.


"I wish to spend every moment in time, with the ones I love."

(I'm bringing all of my old works from my Quotev to Tumblr! It'll take a while since I've written a lot!)

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