Bucky X You - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Old Friends

This time the inspiration came from a Tinder conversation I saw on Reddit (didn’t could find later to put it here, though) and instantly thought about some situation with Bucky. So, that’s it, I hope you enjoy! Like always, English is not my first language and I was a little sleepy writing this so, expect some mistakes.

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (female)

Warnings: none. not proofread

Word count: 502.

Bucky’s POV

     She was coming, walking straight towards him. The girl he’s been looking through the whole night and trying to collect enough courage to talk to. When Sam brought him to this bar, he didn’t think anything different than the usual would happen, but after a few minutes being there, his eyes caught her on the other end of the room and he just couldn’t help but stare. Even with Sam constantly pushing him to go talk to her, he couldn’t do it. And now, she was coming in his direction, and he didn’t have a clue on what to do.

     - Hey, I’m Y/n L/n. – She said while offering her hand to him when she got at their table.

     - Bucky Barnes. Hi.

     - So, Bucky, what do you say we play a game? – The woman had a look of playfulness in her eyes, and suddenly Bucky was feeling (even more) nervous. Sam just observed the scene trying to find out what would come from that interaction.

     - What kind of game? – He asked with uncertainty, but at the same time wanting to spend some more time with the beautiful girl who took his attention through all the night.

     - It’s simple. We’re just going to pretend like we’re old friends who lost touch with each other, like 10 years ago or something like that. What do you say? You first? – Bucky took some time to considerate his options and concluded that he got nothing to lose by going with this. So, he took a breath and entered in character (at least he hoped he succeeded on this, after being in a lot of disguised missions, it shouldn’t have been hard).

     - Y/n, is you? I’m Bucky, remember? We don’t talk since the Eiffel Tower incident. How are you?

     - Sorry, I’m not sure if I remember you – She said with her brows furrowed feigning confusion and then she winked and mouthed “You’re doing good”. He smiled at that and answered.

     - We had a few classes together at college, I used to have my hair shorter and was in the football team.

     - Oh, Bucky! Now I remember you. My phone got broke some time ago and I ended up losing all my contacts. Do you mind telling me your number again so we can keep in touch this time?

     - Well, that was- that was good. – He said really surprised, not having expect the conversation to take this path right away, but enjoying that it did, nonetheless. Sam couldn’t help but laugh at Bucky’s expression.

     - Good enough for you to give me your number? – She asked while offering her phone to him and Bucky didn’t think twice before taking it in his hands and adding his number there, proceeding to give it back to her when he was done. – I’ll call you. – And then she winked and turned around to leave. Little did they know that they would end up being so much more than just (fake old) friends.

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2 years ago

To Die Alone

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader (Soulmate!AU)

Word Count: 631

Warnings: a little bit of angst, but it’s fluffy

This idea popped in my head out of the blue and I just had to write it. Not proofread. Hope you like it! :D

To Die Alone

Before he went to the war and his life practically ended, just to begin again, Bucky Barnes used to wonder why he didn’t have a soulmate. Though he usually just shrugged off and said that he wasn’t one to settle for one girl when someone would ask about it, the truth was he couldn’t help but think about his situation.

  Was he destined to be alone forever? To die alone? Was it some mistake of the Universe that he was the only one who didn’t have the first words that his soulmate was going to say to him on his right arm like everybody else?

  He got the answers to his wonders when he fell off that train and was captured by HYDRA. Of course I don’t have a soulmate. The Universe knew what was going to happen to me. He came to that conclusion once he was free from HYDRA and could think for himself. At the same time he felt comforted by that thought (that he didn’t let a lover waiting for him in the forties, alone), he felt sad, extremely sad. He was living free again, almost a century later, and he was still the only person without his other half. It is my burden to live alone. To die alone.


  Bucky now lived with the Avengers, he was a part of them.  That means he often had to sit in a room full of super heroes (and their super egos) for more than one hour discussing missions. He hated that part. That’s why the former Winter Soldier was more than relieved when one more of this meeting ended. Without a word to any of his teammates, he stormed off the room wanting to get to his floor as soon as possible.

  But, life has never been easy for him. The second he turned the hallway, his tall frame collided with one much smaller and fragile. If it weren’t for his enhanced reflexes, the woman who just ran into him (or him into her) would’ve ended up on the floor for sure. Lucky for her, he was able to catch her before that happened.

     - Sorry miss, I wasn’t looking where I was going and… - The words died in his tongue when his eyes found her face. She was beautiful, just like an angel. - Wow.

  Bucky, then, took in her wide eyes and startled face and realized he should be looking like a psycho or something staring at her like that. He took a step back, apologized again and went to go to his room when she stopped him by holding his arm.

  He looked at her face, then her hand on his arm and that was when he saw. She was holding him with her right arm, and on it he could see the words he had just said to this woman, this angel. Bucky’s mind now was a thousand miles per hour. I am her soulmate. But, how? He didn’t have a soulmate. Or did he?

  Once again his eyes went to her face and now she was smiling.

     - I don’t-I don’t understand. I never had anything on my arm. - He managed to say, still doubting this was really happening.

  The woman didn’t speak with him. Instead, she took a little notebook and a pen from the bag she was carrying and wrote something on it. When she was done, she showed him the paper. 

I’m Y/n. Lost my voice some years ago. It’s good finally meeting my soulmate.

  And she was smiling again. Bucky felt his own lips turn upward. The Universe hadn’t wronged him. He wasn’t going to die alone. He had a soulmate. For the first time in his life he felt like he wasn’t empty. He was worthy of love after all.

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9 months ago

Y/N, on the phone: Can you buy me ice cream from the store?

Bucky: It's 3am

Y/N: So is that a yes or...

Bucky: You're a grown adult, do it yourself

Y/N: I knew you never loved me

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11 months ago

Domestic Affairs with Bucky Barnes

Domestic Affairs With Bucky Barnes

―I used to cut my father's hair while he was working in the lab, so I know what I'm doing― Cass said as she placed a towel over my shoulders and covered my chest.

It was time for a haircut. Steve had told me, Sam had told me, and Natasha had laughed at me because I couldn't always have it in my eyes, and I was fed up with it. Besides, Dr. Raynor had said that maybe a change in my appearance would help me think outside the box and do some exposure therapy to deal with crowded spaces or being touched by unknown beings. I wasn't comfortable with that, and since I urgently needed someone to help me, I reluctantly asked mini Stark for help.

―Just… do it quickly, I don't want to be here for too long― I said uncomfortably.

I looked in the mirror of my bathroom and saw her with a small empathetic smile, touching my metal shoulder, which made me feel worse. It wasn't a part of my body that I loved.

―I want you to know that if you feel pressured or have any horrible Hydra flashbacks while I'm cutting or using the machine, you need to tell me to stop because it won't be good for you to keep that to yourself. Trust me, I know from experience― she said, looking at me through the mirror.

I nodded with little confidence, but we were already here, and I wasn't going to let anyone I didn't know touch me.

―Tell me about what you've learned about the new world recently― she said, wetting my hair with a sprayer, and my skin quickly became goosebumps. I sighed, closing my eyes.

―Steve has been showing me music or the one he started delving into modernity with, but I still prefer 40s music.

I felt the metal blades against my nape, and I was momentarily startled, but Cass's free hand gripped my shoulder, tapping or making patterns to keep me calm, something she did to herself sometimes when there were loud noises or her father talked about her time in Hydra as an experiment. She played with her metal heart-shaped pendant on her chest.

―¿What music did he show you? ¿Pop? ¿Rock? ¿Hip-hop? ¿Rap?― she asked, very concentrated as she cut. I could feel my long hair falling to the floor.

―He showed me a band, Nirvana, ¿maybe? He likes them a bit, but I don't know. I have to listen to more things― I said with a grimace.

―Their albums are on Spotify. Dad kind of likes Nirvana, and I'm okay with their lead singer― she said, her tongue sticking out, too busy to connect my gaze with hers in the mirror.

―¿Is Spotify that round black and green thing in every room of the house?― I asked, confused. I had been trying to be explained things like the screens in every room or the circles that, when touched, showed other things, but it was still hard to grasp.

She let out a amused laugh, stopping cutting my hair to grab the modern version of my flip phone. She liked old things but with a new version for this time, or so she kept telling me when I asked her how a young and beautiful girl could kiss and love an old and broken man like me.

Leaving the scissors on the sink and talking to the house's robot, an old 40s song began to play. I didn't like it much, but it was nice, and I liked how she swayed her hips, resuming work and humming a few things.

―You'll hear the songs that have been left in your personal music registry by Steve and some songs of mine with certain similarities in melody or tempo, so you can find new things without leaving your comfort zone― my hair was getting shorter, and the time to use the machine was approaching, but Cass's sweet and calm voice was like a fog to my mind.

―I still prefer record players― I said.

She laughed again.

―Of course you do― she said, putting the scissors on the white marble and resting her forearms on my shoulders. ―¿What do you think? ¿Shall I start cutting with the machine or leave it like this?"

She asked me, looking into my eyes through the mirror with a little smile.

―Shorter, nothing behind the ears, and little hair on the face― I said confidently.

She smiled and gave me a small kiss on the cheek before stepping away from me and grabbing the machine carefully.

―Let's go carefully, ¿okay? If you feel pressured, if you don't like it, if the noise is too much, we can stop whenever you want― she lightly massaged my shoulders.

I nodded carefully, sighing and closing my eyes and staying with the soft sound of the guitar and violins playing in the bathroom. Cass's soft voice singing along with the woman in the song trying to distract me from the sound of the machine so close to my head was comforting.

―It's called 'The Lakes.' It's from a very calm and deep album by Taylor, the blonde girl I have plastered all over my room― she said near my ear with a calm voice.

―¿The one you spent making bracelets and made me one?

―Exactly, you'll like this album. It's very calming and has very beautiful lyrics, and it helps you sleep because of how sweetly she sings. I have the vinyl, so someday, when you have nightmares, we'll listen to it.

―I always have nightmares.

―And that's why we're going to listen to it tonight― she kissed the top of my head before turning me around to face her.

Both of us face to face, her eyes shining with excitement with the machine in hand, and for a moment, I remembered that thing passing by me, and I didn't even feel it.

―I have to tap ahead, so I need you to be very still and calm, ¿okay? You can hold onto my waist if something scares you― she grabbed my chin with a smile on her face.

―It's okay, Doll, I promise.

She stopped looking at me and focused on cutting the front part of my hair while my arms were around her hips, watching her from below. Her concentration was the same as when she used to create her machines or when she did things in her laboratory, so she was taking her work very seriously.

―I vaguely remember my mother cutting my hair when I was little― I said, looking at her.

―That's sweet, Buck. For a long time after Daddy rescued me from Hydra, I couldn't get near anything sharp because I wanted to end my life on Earth, so when they had to cut my hair, Dad and Adriana, his assistant, would put on Disney movies for me, and both of them would cut my hair― she hummed a few lines of the song from before from time to time.

She suffered for three years what I did for 50 years, but we were still at the same level of pain and trauma. She was very young, a preteen, and she was already a killing machine, and they not only messed her up mentally but physically with that star on her chest and putting cables instead of veins.

―I'm sorry.

―Buck, everyone has their response to the situation. Mine was wanting to throw myself out the window because of the pain, but now I'm better and ready to help you in everything― she bent down to kiss my lips carefully before turning me around to look at her in the mirror.

It didn

't turn out bad at all; she had talent for this, and it showed by how proud she was of her work.

―I like it, I thought it would look worse― I said surprised as I approached the mirror to see myself; it was weird to see myself with short hair, although I didn't dislike it.

She looked at me incredulously, but it didn't last long as that proud smile appeared on her face again.

―I'm glad you like it, Buck, and I'm very proud of you for overcoming another fear today. You were very brave with me― she looked into my eyes through the mirror before leaving a kiss on my head.

―Thank you, Doll.

―It was a pleasure, my love.

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11 months ago

Bucky Barnes Jazz Bar ๋࣭ ⭑

Bucky Barnes Jazz Bar

―How did you know about this place? It's 19 years old― my hand was holding hers as she led me to a huge bar with a red sign.

Everyone was dressed elegantly, forming a long line around the place, each of them in suits or dresses, elegant shoes, and shiny jewelry, making me feel out of place as I was dressed in blue jeans, a black shirt, a dark blue blazer, and normal black shoes.

Cass looked beautiful, and for the occasion, she was so herself. She wore a long burgundy red top with a black knee-length skirt, burgundy boots, a long black leather coat, and her burgundy purse where she kept the keys to my bike and my few belongings as I didn't know where we were going.

―I have friends outside the superhero world, and my last name isn't just for death threats or kidnappings; it's also for jumping the line right now― she said with a simple smile, pulling out a white card with a golden number on it and handing it to the security guard with his arms crossed against his chest.

With a simple smile, she handed a white card with a golden number on it to the security guard, who then let us pass by moving aside the rope separating the entrance from the line. Her hand never let go of mine as she guided me through the environment of red armchairs, alcohol, tables, and a stage in front of all the seating areas.

―¿What can I help you with tonight?― a waitress approached us with her uniform and a black tray with small glasses of orange liquid with orange slices inside.

―Good evening, I'm Cassidy Stark, and I reserved a table in the upstairs area; if you could take us there, it would be excellent― she sounded so serious and kind at the same time.

A bit hypnotizing the way she interacted with others, using her privileged position to get things done, something I was used to seeing her do at the complex, albeit in a disheveled manner and always with laughter in her voice.

―Follow me, Miss Stark.

The woman started walking ahead of us, guiding the way from the ground floor, which was filled with people already sitting at tables in front of the stage, having drinks or food and patiently waiting with little chatter to avoid drowning out the smooth jazz that was playing by the live bands tonight. We stood in front of some stairs a few meters from the stage against the wall. These stairs had a ribbon like the one outside but this time with a white sign hanging from the burgundy velvet that read "VIP."

―The reservation was for table 3 next to the bay, ¿right?― she asked as she looked at something on a computer.

I didn't know anything, and I was more focused on seeing the place and its mysterious and reserved aesthetics. But as I looked around and tried to read the decorative signs hanging on the walls, I heard Cass's affirmative voice along with the clinking sound of metal.

―Let's go, Buck― she pulled my hand as she climbed the stairs, leaving the waitress behind to be just the two of us along with a few others upstairs.

We had the best view of the stage, and the lights above were closer, almost as if it weren't for the warm, red lights, we would be in the dark.

―It's a new and exclusive bar because of its mysterious nature and the few reservations it allows. People outside are waiting in case there's room inside, even to stand and be with the people listening to unknown Jazz bands, indie music actually but soft from the aesthetics of the place.

―¿Why did you do this?― I asked as I looked around.

―You need to go to places with people who aren't from your environment. It's called exposure therapy, and since you said you liked jazz, well― she gave me a small smile before we sat facing each other.

―¿So it's like a date?― I asked with a raised eyebrow.

―Something like that.

I chuckled a bit, shaking my head before turning to the candlelight in the middle of the table, casting a warm glow on Cass's face.

―¿Whiskey as usual?― she asked, taking her gaze off the menu to look at me.

―Something normal. You know I don't like those trendy drinks nowadays― I looked at her with a small smile.

―You should try something new in your drinks to know that there are more things than the harshness and pain of whiskey― she left the menu as we heard the voice of a man.

We turned to see the waiter, who was dressed like the girl before, holding a notebook and a pen.

―I'll have an espresso martini, and he'll have a whiskey The Macallan 1926, please― she sounded very firm but kind, giving him a smile.

―¿For food?

―I'll have spaghetti with bolognese ragout― she sounded so good speaking Italian that I didn't think about what I wanted to eat.

They both stared at me, waiting for my response, so I stared back at the guy, trying to compose myself.

―The same as her, thanks― I said in a deep voice.

He left, and I heard Cass's laughter faintly, to the point where I also laughed a bit with her.

―¿Do you even know what you ordered?― she asked incredulously, playing with the napkins.

―No, I'm somewhat scared it might be the worst thing I've ever tasted in my life. I really hope it's delicious― I said, feeling the live music starting to play.

It was calm with light drums and a marked rhythm, with a bit of electric guitar in the background along with a guy singing into the microphone artistically. The song seemed to be about a woman, or at least that's what I thought from the way "She" was repeated.

―It's a Bolognese pasta, but the meat is cooked with milk and white wine. The noodles are a bit thicker than usual, and it's served with grated cheese on the sides― she explained with a small smile.

―It doesn't sound so bad, but the idea of meat cooked in milk and wine sounds disgusting due to the combination.

She shrugged her shoulders, staring fixedly at the stage with attention, her right hand holding her chin with her elbow resting against the table, and her left hand playing lightly with the plants on the railing.

―Your drinks and your plates, and in 5 minutes, your food will be ready― the guy brought the white plates with food and the glasses with the wine bottle.

―Thank you― Cass said, getting comfortable, waiting and watching how they left our food.

The plate was white with clean edges, and the pasta in the middle with the sauce spread nicely, with the touch of cheese on the sides slightly raising the mountain with pieces of meat and tomato randomly placed.


He left, and my girlfriend took a photo of her plate along with the glass.

―I don't understand why you do that― I said as I took a sip of my drink.

―¿What?― she asked, putting her phone down near the railings and placing the napkin on her lap.

―The photo of your food. I don't understand why you take a picture of your food.

―Because it's pretty, and I want to take a picture of it. Besides, I like posting them in my stories because it looks nice and aesthetic― she began to eat her food lightly.

―I don't understand this modern era. In my times, photos were taken of people and landscapes.

I tried to mimic the way she ate and picked up the pasta from the plate.

She shook her head while laughing before looking back and listening to the music, her foot tapping a bit against my leg, marking the beat of the song.

We spent the night until around 2 am listening to the same guy with his band, drinking a bottle of red wine and finishing the food with a strange frozen dessert that had a chocolate brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream prepared with champagne according to the dessert menu.

―Thank you, have a good night― the waiter left after Cass swiped her black card.

―¿Shall we, Buck?― she asked, getting up carefully and with her jacket on, along with her bag.

―¿Are you okay?― I asked, standing up.

―Just a little dizzy― she gave me a small smile.

I took her hand carefully to help her down the stairs, seeing how, despite the time, the bar was still full of new people, and the line outside had the same number of people.

―¿Why are there still so many people?― I asked confused.

―The bar is open until 5 am― Cass replied as she brushed her hair out of her face, breathing in the fresh air.

We both walked to my bike slowly, enjoying the cool spring air with the few stars in the sky.

―Buck― Cass stopped us a few meters from the bike, her hand on her chest, looking at the ground.

I thought the worst; two months ago, her "heart" had suddenly stopped while she was chatting with the guys at dinner, and she was in intensive care until this week when she finally got rid of her tube and some pills to take and eat solid things, but we were all worried. I think if Cass were to shut down right now on the street, and knowing I only have 5 minutes to get her to the complex doctors, I wouldn't mind killing people in my way to the middle of the forest far from the city just to save her.

―¿What's wrong, Doll?― I asked worriedly, placing my hand on her shoulder.

Her head lifted to look at me with her eyes before throwing herself into my shoulders and kissing me forcefully, putting her hands on my left shoulder and on my hip, smiling in the middle of the kiss.

―Thank you for giving me a very nice night; I needed to forget about my life for a moment― she whispered on my lips.

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11 months ago

Bucky Barnes Birthday In The Country

Bucky Barnes Birthday In The Country

―I never imagined seeing the Winter Soldier, the greatest and deadliest assassin of the last 50 years, wearing a plastic crown at a children's party― I heard a sweet and amused voice behind me.

I was trying to pour myself more vodka juice from the kitchen and taking the opportunity to catch some fresh air outside the circle of Avengers and parents I didn't know, besides small children running around everywhere.

―Neither did I, this wasn't my original plan for my day off― I replied, looking at her with a small smile as I leaned against the sink.

Cass had her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against the door frame, a smile on her face and a glass in her hands.

―I didn't tell you before, but thank you for coming. Lila was very happy to have you here― she said, approaching me slowly with a slight smile.

I sighed with a smile on my face as I listened to her. She had dragged me to a birthday party for Barnes' daughter at the farm, and instead of taking the opportunity to stay alone in the complex reading or listening to quiet music without having to listen to people passing by or arguing, I had knelt before Cass, and now I was at Clint's farm lifting children with my metal arm, wearing a plastic crown on my head.

―I'm sure she was― I sighed, looking down at my feet.

She placed her glass next to mine, and her hands tangled behind my neck with a slight smile. The scent of the perfume I liked was very close to me, almost like a mist on my face, enjoying her smile and the shine of her lips that had nagged me so much to drive slowly below the speed limit.

―Thank you, really. I promise I'll make it up to you― she whispered against my lips, looking into my eyes.

―It's not necessary. I'm just tired and needed a breather― I said, my hands reaching for her waist, feeling her skin goosebumps as she felt my cold metal arm.

―¿Do you want me to leave you alone?― she asked, uncertainty in her eyes.

―No, I never want to be alone if I can be with you for a moment. I just want to be here for a few minutes― I said, looking at her with a slight smile before giving her a small kiss.

She stayed looking at me with a small smile, and I don't know what she was looking at, but I really believe I had the best view. The sunset light hit her face through the window of the house, giving her such a homely and tranquil view that the idea of going somewhere just the two of us reappeared in my mind.

Having a house and living hidden from life, just the two of us quietly leaving behind the Avengers, Hydra, superheroes, or the society on our shoulders, staying in the quietest place in the world alone with our house.

―I would like to have something like that― I whispered, looking into her eyes while playing with her hair.

―¿A children's party or more time together?― she asked, confused.

―A house far from everyone and everything, just the two of us, letting ourselves be carried away by time.

―It would be nice to have some alone moments on a farm and the American dream.

She gave me a small smile, joining her left hand with my metal hand as she reached for a jug of juice since she couldn't drink alcohol due to medication.

―Not just a moment, a lifetime, in secret, and sometimes having missions, but instead of staying in the complex waiting for the next mission or training useless people to waste time, both of us sharing hobbies together without hiding― my flesh hand touched her chin to make her look into my eyes.

―We can't even let my father see us less than 40 meters apart, and you want me to pack my things and go to a house in the countryside? It's very nice, Buck, really, it sounds like something we could really live someday, but it's very difficult. I need medical attention all the time, and I'm always with my father― she said with a sad face, and I looked at the floor.

I let go of her chin to touch the star on her chest. I could see the faint red light coming from inside her chest, her body full of cables and constantly receiving medical attention and medication. It was a reality for her that even though we both wanted to show ourselves, we couldn't, and it would be very unfair, in addition to the increased life risks for her if we separated so much from the complex.

And then there was her father, Tony hated me, and although indirectly Cass tried to make him stop hating me, she only managed to make his sarcastic comments about my past in Hydra, giving me nicknames for my arms, and trying to leave the subject behind or hidden under the rug, but not much more. If he were to find out that I am with his daughter, the least he would do would be to banish me from the Avengers and the complex.

―¿Why is everything with us so difficult?

―Because it shows how strong we are― she touched my chin with the tips of her fingers. ―But I'm aware that the whole situation surrounding us sucks.

―Just a place where we both can be, where we can see each other and just be without the fear on our shoulders.

―We can create moments, we can do things to have a normal life within the parameters, but the idea of a house in the countryside or living alone together is very unlikely― she gave me a sad and melancholic smile, and it hurt my soul to know that as long as we were together, we would live in the shackles of Hydra, my past, and her father.

―I love you― I whispered as I carefully ran my fingers through her hair, looking down at her.

―I love you too― she whispered back with a smile, showing her teeth.

We heard the sound of a conversation nearby, so we quickly separated, me leaning against the countertop and her looking into the fridge with feigned doubt.

―¿What were you doing? Your father is looking for you― Lauren's voice broke the awkward silence.

She looked at us for a moment with a raised eyebrow before walking over to Cass and taking out the birthday cake.

―Tell him I'm coming now― she said tiredly, sighing.

―¿What were you doing?― Lauren asked.

―I was looking for something that doesn't have alcohol but also doesn't have too much sugar. Your husband said there was only orange juice in the fridge― she poured some of the orange liquid.

―¿And your sergeant?

―He needed some time away from sticky hands and loud songs― she sighed, looking at the floor.

She looked at us with a raised eyebrow before tilting her head, ready to leave.

―I don't need you to answer because you'll deny it, especially you, Cassady, but I know you two are up to something, I see it and feel it in the air, but the situation is difficult from what Clint told me, so I won't say anything, and you better both be there for the family photo― she sounded stern as she walked away with the white cake box.

We stayed silent without looking at each other before hearing her laugh.

―¿You wanted a normal couple life? There you have Lauren laughing at us and mocking because we can't hide anything― she said with a smile as she started walking back outside.

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5 years ago

Bucky Barnes || Nsft Alphabet


Author: Beast Request: @a-happy-wolf

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)

It’s hard to believe but Bucky loves cuddles. He craves the touch of his partner, years in the ice were enough alone to him. He gladly kisses wherever he can reach, he caresses your body, he whispers words of love right into your ear.

B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

Bucky loves big booty. He’s happy when he can squeeze and massage your butt, he always gives it a lot of attention during a foreplay.

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)

Barnes likes to cum right onto your face, to see the blissful desire into your eyes when you swallow his semen. It’s his favorite part of getting a blowjob.

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 

Bucky has had a lot of women in his entire life, yet you’re the only one he trusts the most, so it’s not a big deal to him to get tied by you, it actually makes him hard within a second.

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)

Bucky is experienced as fuck, though a lot of partners he used to have (yes, they were not only a women after all.)

F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)

James love doggy style, though he doesn’t mind something rather more classical like missionary or spoons. But fucking you from behind gives him an amazing opportunity to caress you booty, isn’t it? ☺

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) 

Bucky is serious in bed.

H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) 

Bucky’s chest is clean shaved, yet he always takes care to leave the happy trail. He knows you love it.

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)

Bucky can get very romantic at time when two of you are together in bed. He’ll whisper into your ear, he’ll take it all slow, only to make you experience something sensual, that man likes to make his partner happy and satisfied.

J = Jack Off (Masturbation head canon) 

He is rough to himself, he squeezes his balls tightly, same goes to his shaft. He almost always uses his metal limb to masturbate himself, it gives him better sensations when metal meets warm flesh of his cock.

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) 

He simply loves to be called “daddy” or “soldier”. And he is crazy about you wearing skirts.

L = Location (Favorite places to do the do) 

Bucky basically can have sex anywhere, anytime, he just has to have mood on such things.

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) 

Your beautiful body drives him crazy. He loves to watch your curves when you take shower or when you switch clothes. The way you talk to him sometimes drives him crazy as well. And, of course, sometimes he just want to piss Wilson off. ☺

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)

Everything containing hurting you, like beating is out of his list.

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) 

Barnes simply loves both, giving and receiving. The power he gets when you’re on your knees, sucking him off, is overwhelming and he adores to have it.

But also, he loves to have power over you when his skilled tongue rolls over your clit when he licks your pussy with his eyes on you.

P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)

He’s very fast and rough, yet he can get more calm when needed.

Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) 

Bucky will gladly take those when there’s no time for proper sex.

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

Experiment is his second name though. Bucky loves to get wild, no matter where he is. It can be a church nor parking lot, it all doesn’t matter as long as you’re by his side to fulfill his wishes.

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) 

Prepare yourself for 3 to 5 rounds of pure, wild sex, without a break.

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) 

Bucky has few vibrators for you but the main toy he uses on you is his bionic arm, and it can do amazing things to your craving body. He also uses it on himself.

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) 

When you both are out, be sure that he will try to slip his hands beneath your skirt/dress or that he will spank your butt, whispering how much he would love to stretch you with his fingers and cock.

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) 

Bucky mostly grunts but he can get pretty loud, moaning your name and cursing.

W = Wild Card (Get a random head canon for the character of your choice) 

Bucky will never admit it but he is shy of getting undressed right in front of you. Of course, his body is well-chiseled, yet he still is unsure of himself, though he will try to hide it under his poker face. He thinks you don’t like his hips and butt.

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)

His length is big and thick. His balls as well. It’s a side effect of the serum he used to get when he was turning into the Winter Soldier. The main vain that runs under his shaft is easily palpable when you stroke him. It can get hard for you to wrap hand around his shaft when he gets erected.

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) 

His sex drive is oh so high. He’ll gladly get laid whenever he can.

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)

Though your sex is exhausting, Bucky will quickly cuddle you and fall asleep, still whispering some incomprehensible words of love right into your ear.


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy  @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse

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4 years ago

The one who tears the love apart ||Bucky Barnes x Reader

The One Who Tears The Love Apart ||Bucky Barnes X Reader

Summary: After being hurt by Bucky, you need to find a way to move on. 

Warnings: none

Words: 1395

Authors: Rouge

A/N: it was a great pleasure to me to participate in @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam​ ​ writing challenge. Congratulations on your milestone! My prompt was the song "Jar of hearts" by Christina Perri.

The One Who Tears The Love Apart ||Bucky Barnes X Reader

I remember everything.

My heart pounded with apprehension as I watched him kissing that woman. She was sitting onto his lap, his arms were wrapped around her waist in a tight grasp. Her fingers were tangled with his hair strands.

"Bucky...," I whispered quietly knowing how tremulous my voice was at time.   He glanced back at me as if he wasn't interested in my presence in the flat at all. "You've came back earlier," Bucky replied while the other woman kissed along his jawline, looking at me like as at a bug.

"What the hell! Who's she?!," I'd managed to raise my voice, yet still I sounded like an angry baby. "What the hell is going on here?!"

"Calm down, Y/N," Bucky waved his hand. "This is Vicky. A friend from work."

"You're making out with a fucking friend from work in our flat?!," I've screamed. "How dare you?!"

"Cool down," he repeated. "It does mean nothing to me."

"Do I mean nothing to you?," She straighten her back and got off his lap. "You've said something else half an hour ago!" Bucky threw her a glance which could have been interpreted as ​shut up ​ . "I didn't promise you anything, little one," he snapped as he has gotten up.

"Dick!," She gathered her bag and coat and left the flat, passing me by.

I blinked in disbelief. How Bucky could have behaved in such a manner? It was beyond comprehension. "What the fuck was that?," I've asked again.

"C'mon," he rolled his eyes and pulled pack of cigarettes out of pocket of his jeans. "I told you, it was nothing."

I've been knowing Bucky for a year and we've been a thing for three months by then. He was a very problematic person; his demons were haunting him constantly. He couldn't find peace, and I was considering it as a main reason of his awfully selfish behaviour.  Many times I've witnessed him flirting openly with other girls but I loved him too hardly to leave him behind. But that was it, I've reached my limit. Then he crossed every line possible.

"You're kissing other girl, and you call this nothing?," I've asked, being dangerously close to burst into tears.

He inhaled the smoke and shook the ash off, right onto the wooden floor. "Are you going to reproach me my directness, darling?," Bucky asked casually, leaning his side against the wall. "I don't recall promising you that you're the one and only to me."

Bucky's words were bitter and have hurt me very much. "Why are you so… so cruel?," I've asked simply feeling like a single tear was rolling down my cheek.

"Doll, we had an obvious deal," Bucky shrugged, "We had goddamn fine sex but I haven't told you that I want a relationship of any kind. Sorry. I thought it was clear for you."

"It wasn't, as you can see," I clenched my teeth. I turned around and left the shared flat as I couldn't hold my tears ant longer, and the last thing I needed that time was him seeing me crying like a baby.


Two months have passed.

I haven't been in touch with Bucky since the day I left once our flat.  

He called me few times but I haven't answered any of his calls. I've heard from our common friends that he was desperate to get along with me again. He used to tell them about how much he loved me, how much he missed me.

But I didn't care anymore.

Until that one particular day…


I still remember it well.

I've met him by accident, at evening, in the park, when I was getting back from work to the flat I shared with Natasha.

I was talking with her on the phone. It was a casual conversation about what to order for a dinner. I insisted on having a sushi while she wanted to have some pasta.

"... so if you want it so badly, screw it, I can agree on pasta today then," I giggled. "​You're the fucking best, Y/N!, ​ " Natasha sounded so happy. "Oh, you can be sure I'll remind you this next time you complain about me being a shitty friend, Nat," I said in a serious tone, and it was when I spotted Bucky.

He was sitting on the bench, hood on, cigarette put between his lips, hands hidden in his pockets. Even if some part of me shouted ​don't do this ​ , I couldn't pass him by without saying a word. "Okay Nat, see you at home then," I said to the phone before ending the call and shifting the device into my purse. I took a deep breath and approached him. "Hey, Buck."

He raised his head and looked at me. Within blink of an eye his face lit up, he almost jumped. "Y/N! It's good to see you! I've been trying to call you."

"Yeah, I know," I responded. "May I?," I added, pointing on the bench.

He nodded, shifting aside to make a room for me.

"How have you been?," I asked simply.

"Okay," Bucky shrugged. "Devastated." I nodded in silence. "​I heard you're asking all around if I was anywhere to be found​." Bucky gave me a brief nod. "True. But no one has wanted to share your new number with me," he looked me in the eyes.  

I opened my mouth to remind him how much he had hurt me few weeks earlier but he raised his metal limb a little, in a gesture that was supposed to silence me.

"Please," his whisper sounded more like a beg.  

So I allowed him to speak.

"I know I had hurt you like no one else did, and I really regret," Bucky said. "Only when you left, I realized how much I've lost," he lowered his head. "But there's nothing I could do back then. You were gone, and even if I tried to contact you, you never responded to my messages and calls. So I thought I should leave you alone. You gave me everything I've never had. And I fucked. I know, I didn't deserve a second chance."

I remained silent for a longer while. His confession hurt me even more than his actions. Taking the fact I knew how hard his life was, I felt bad about treating him the way I did. "​I have grown too strong to ever fall back in your arms​," I replied shortly. "Im sorry, Bucky."

"Y/N… Would you at least try to consider us getting back together?," He asked openly. He gave me a look and I saw tiny sparkles of hope within his eyes. It almost broke my heart. 

"Bucky…," I started, "You were ​runnin' 'round leaving scars​ ,and ​tearing love apart​," I gasped sadly. "​You don't get to get me back​ . It's over. There won't be us as a couple anymore. But we still can be friends, if you want," I offered, with heavy heart.

I saw how sad Bucky was at time but it was the only right decision I could have made.

I put my palm to his arm. "It's time for me." I got up and improved the stripe of my purse.

He got up as well and sighed. "Can I hug you at least?"

I nodded.

Bucky embraced me fondly and squeezed me tight. I would lie if I say I didn't like it. I did. Oh, so much.  It was so good to smell his perfumes again, it was oh so good to feel his warmth radiating to my body.  

It was when I dared to do something he didn't expect. So didn't I.

I looked up at him when his grasp loosened, I cupped his face in my palms, I climbed on my tiptoes and placed a long, passionate kiss to his full, rough lips. My lips crushed on his, and, dear God, it felt so good.  He hummed in appreciation and tightened his grasp around my waist again, giving kiss back.

Finally, when I broke the kiss, I looked him in the eyes. "Just so you know what you have lost."

After these words I slipped out of his formerly solicitous arms, and left. Without saying a word.   I knew I was playing hard, nevertheless​ it was a lesson he needed to learn ​ .  

The One Who Tears The Love Apart ||Bucky Barnes X Reader

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1 year ago

ohmygod!!! this is fucking incredible!!💞💞💞

Be Mean To Me

Pairing: Bucky x f!reader

Summary: After a long day at work, you just want to lose all control and have your boyfriend fuck you into oblivion 

Warnings: Established relationship, slight angst, fluff, smut, mean!dom!bucky, reader asks for it, they are so in love, rough sex, dom/sub dynamics, oral (male receiving), ball sucking, slapping, spit kink?, degradation, humiliation, name calling (slut, whore, bitch, sugar, good girl), daddy kink, some praise, spanking, pussy slapping (like once), safe word (yellow), vaginal sex, no prep anal, Bucky has a huge dick, choking, aftercare, check-ins, crying during sex, crying after sex, soft!Bucky, no mention of Y/N, no description of reader other than being female

Word Count: 4.3k of mostly smut

A/N: This was very self indulgent. Work has been kicking my ass and I want to be taken care of. Any mistakes are my own. If I missed any warnings please let me know. @bucknastysbabe it's done! I think I should go back to therapy. But hey, smut

Be Mean To Me

You feel your throat tighten as you walk up to the apartment you share with Bucky. It was one of those days that left you beaten down and wanting to curl up under your blankets and cry. You didn’t even want to go into work this morning, having to force yourself to get ready. Too many rude customers, incompetent coworkers giving you more work than you get paid to do, everything leaving you overstimulated and wanting your boyfriend.

It left a craving deep down inside of you, a want that you knew only he could quell. You just wanted to shut your brain off, have Bucky take care of you, ruin you, treat you like a whore, break you down, just to put you back together again.

You swallow the lump in your throat and unlock the front door, finding Bucky on the couch watching some random action movie that he claimed to hate. At the sight of him your body naturally relaxes and the urge to crawl onto his lap is too much to bear.

“Hey, sugar. I’ve been missing you all day. You’ll never fucking believe the video Sam sent me of Tony trying out his new thrusters! He flew rig- What’s wrong?” He perked up at the sound of the door opening, truly missing his girl. Whenever you’re around him his entire day gets better, a lightness filling his chest, but when he sees how run down you are, his heart literally hurts for you. Bucky wants to protect you from everything, from supervillains all the way to spiders in the house.

“Long day, baby. Just wanna be with you.” He opens his arms and you instantly crawl into his lap, eyes burning with tears you refuse to shed. He runs his metal hand up and down your back, pulling you as close to him as possible, while his flesh hand rests on your head, holding you to his neck, letting you breathe him in.

“What can I do for you, sugar? Want to talk about it? I can order from your favorite place. Can run you a bath. Whatever you want, sweet girl.” 

“Please, be mean to me, Bucky.” Bucky feels his heart clench in his chest. He wants to keep your heart safe from whatever it is that is plaguing you, but he knows he can’t. What he can do is follow your request and make you forget.

“How mean do you want me, sugar?” Bucky has done this for you a few times. He always asks how you want him to treat you. It’s in his nature to be sweet to you, fill you with praise, but that's not what you want right now. You want to be degraded and treated like a fucktoy.

“Mean.” You keep your eyes trained on him. This is the only part where you need to keep your head on, make sure that he knows you want this.

“Remember your colors, sugar?” You nob, excitement bubbling up inside of you. “Remember, daddy will only be upset with you if you don’t use them. If you need to say yellow or red, you will.” His tone is final. This is the only way he would ever agree to treating you like a slut.

“Yes, daddy.” And just like that, Bucky’s entire demeanor changes. He goes from your sweet, cuddly boyfriend to a cold and callous body of muscle. 

“Then take your clothes off, slut.” He pushes you off his lap, just hard enough to give the illusion of indifference. As you strip, Bucky keeps his eyes trained on the TV, not paying you any mind. Your core throbs at the fact that you are completely exposed while he is still fully dressed. 

“On your knees.” He’s still not looking at you, but you obey without thought, willing to do whatever he wants. Grabbing the back of your neck, he forces you in between his spread legs, and you whine at the fact that his cock is still soft inside his sweats. Any other day, Bucky would make sure that your knees were never on the hardwood floor without a pillow or something soft underneath, but not today.

On days like these, when you want to feel completely submissive, it takes Bucky a while to get aroused. It’s in his nature to love up on you, make you drunk with pleasure in the sweetest way possible. He feeds off of your energy. When he is sure that you are having fun, his body lets himself fall into his role.

“What? You think at the first signs of some tits I’m gonna get hard? I knew you were a dumb slut but I didn’t realize just how thick you were.” Your pussy was absolutely pulsing with need. With his hand still on the back of your neck, he rubs your face against his crotch, feeling his cock begin to harden at the smell of your arousal.

He pulls you back far enough to slide his pants down, foregoing boxers, and you immediately try to take his half hard length in your mouth. Before you can process it, Bucky’s right hand lands a slap to your cheek - hard enough to make a welt that will take a few hours to disappear. You gasp and your cunt pulses even harder than before at the sting left on your cheek. 

His metal hand wraps around your chin, much cooler than it’s supposed to be, and forces you to look him in the eye. In the back of your mind you realize that he turned on the cooling function in his arm to sooth your cheek; the arm was built to keep him cool in the Wakandan sun and heat. “Did daddy say you could suck his cock?” He uses his hand to shake your head from side to side, answering for you. “Then keep your slutty mouth shut.”

He spreads his legs wider and pulls your face closer to his heavy sack, already full of cum. “Hands behind your back, and suck on daddy’s balls.” You join your hands together behind your back without question and nuzzle his balls. Wasting no time, you take one into your mouth, sucking feverishly, enjoying the light dusting of hair tickling your face.

“Oh, fuck, come on, slut, I know you can do better than that. Take ‘em both in your dirty mouth.” He pushes you further into him, cutting off your oxygen, and you swear you hear your slick drip onto the floor. Your jaw aches as you try to get them both in your mouth, but you can't; his balls are too big. Bucky ruts against your face, squishing his balls, precum leaking from his tip, dripping onto his stomach after he takes his shirt off.

With your limited amount of movement, you alternate between each ball, licking at the seam. Every time you switch balls, you feel the other drag wetly across your face and you have to clench your legs in an attempt to quell the ache between them while fighting with your need for air. “Such a dirty bitch, lapping at your daddy’s nuts, shit.” He pulls you back just as your head starts to go fuzzy from the lack of oxygen, and you gasp for air, spit is covering the lower half of your face and is dripping down your neck and chest; Bucky feels his cock throb at the sight.

Reaching out, Bucky smears your spit around your face and leaves another, weaker smack to your cheek before he grabs his cock and uses his weeping tip to tease you, dragging it on your face. “What a nasty fucking bitch, drooling all over the place just from sucking some balls.” He slaps your cheeks with it a few times before forcing your head down all the way, making you gag and you immediately pull off, coughing.

He stares into your eyes, cold and calculating, waiting for you to speak. When your coughing subsides you manage to get out a hoarse ‘green,’ giving him the all clear. He takes your head and once again makes you take his cock, this time much slower and not as deep, the first time he wanted to fuck with you. “Such a perfect fucking mouth, shit.” He stops you from bobbing your head, “Stop being such a desperate whore and let daddy finish his movie.” You're sure you’re leaking onto the floor at this point.

You are able to see his face and he looks wrecked, mouth hanging open and head back; he’s not watching shit. Nonetheless, you rest your head on his thigh, getting comfortable, spreading your legs out to get closer to the floor so your head won't be bent at an awkward angle, ignoring the pain in your knees and the ache in your jaw. 

The only sounds filling the room are Bucky’s ragged breathing and the movie playing in the background. There is saliva everywhere, his cock, all over his balls, down to his ass and on the couch. His cock is constantly leaking precum into your mouth but you don’t swallow, letting his taste linger on your tongue. 

This isn’t what you wanted, you wanted him to demolish you. Sitting with his cock in your mouth is giving you too much time to think, so you do what any sane person would do - be a brat. At the first suckle, Bucky lets out a broken moan, at the second, he knows what you’re up to. Flicking your ear with his metal hand he hisses, “Don’t make me punish you, bitch.” At the third, he yanks you off of his dick, a trail of drool and precum keeping the two of you connected, as slaps you once again with his flesh hand, this time not soothing the marred flesh with his metal hand.

He stands and kicks the couch out of the way and pulls you with him by the neck. “You disobedient little-” he cuts himself short at the small puddle of slick that he finds from your previous position. “Is that what I think it is?” You only whine in response, his grip on your neck never faltering. 

With his free hand, he reaches down to your pussy to feel just how wet you are, confirming his suspicions. “What a dirty fucking slut, leaking all over my floor.” He pulls you in closer to him just to whisper, “Lick it the fuck up, bitch,” before pushing you to the ground. 

Your knees hit the wood hard and pain runs up your spine. You ignore the ache and brainlessly lap at your juices on the floor before Bucky smushes your cheek against the puddle and you moan. “Messy bitch, you are? Cunt is pulsing, waiting for my dick. Too bad I have to punish you, isn’t it, slut?” He leans down to the floor, eyes lined up with yours. “Daddy is going to give you ten spanks and I want you to count them.” You don’t respond immediately, stuck in a sort of limbo, drawn in further at the softness in his eyes.

No matter how hard he tries, Bucky can’t hide his devotion to you, that’s why he doesn’t let you look at him when he needs to play this role. His whole face softens at your silence, fearing he’s gone too far. “Color, sugar.” Stroking your cheek, he leans in closer, breathing you in.

“Green, daddy, so green.” The sigh Bucky lets out is audible and he feels ten times lighter.

“Good girl, you want to keep going the way we were?” Even though you said green, he wants to be certain.

“Yes please, daddy, want you to be mean.” You look so small and soft. Bucky struggles to put his facade back up, but he knows you need this.

Bucky positions himself behind you, staring at your ass and glistening pussy, and feels his cock bounce. The first slap isn’t soft by any means, you know there will be a handprint left. Your body jolts and Bucky groans at the jiggle of your ass. “One.” The second is on your other cheek and makes you clench around nothing. “Two.” He lands the next two much harder on the same cheek and you feel tears form in your eyes, yet continue to count, digging your nails into your palm.

He repeats the two spanks to your left cheek and takes a break to sooth your heated and raised skin with his metal hand after you’ve counted. The ground beneath your cheek is hard and unforgiving, leaving you neck bent at an odd angle. Spank seven lands on the back of your right thigh and somehow feels much stronger. “Shit! Seven, daddy.” Eight is on your left, and is just as hard. Your entire lower body aches: cunt pulsing and throbbing for his cock, thighs burning, and ass red and raw, sobbing with every impact.

“These last two are going to be harder, slut, since you forgot to count.” Even with his warning, you aren’t prepared. They are hard and fast, hearing them before you feel them, knocking the breath out of you, and you try to scramble up, but Bucky holds you down. “Don’t run away from me, you know better.” All of a sudden, the sharpest and most excruciating pain blooms from your cunt, and then you hear the wet smack of his metal hand hitting your core. 

You wail, body shooting up, legs fighting to close to soothe the sting left. Before you can, Bucky’s hand on the back of your head keeps you to the ground, while he slams his cock into your cunt, not stopping to let you adjust. “That’s it, fuck. Such a good pussy. Dirty fucking bitch.” You can’t breathe, his cock is knocking all of the air out of your lungs. The only sounds in the room are Bucky’s moans and the wet slapping of skin, his heavy balls banging against your sore clit. With each thrust you’re sure he’s hitting your cervix.

The hand on the back of your head leaves to grab your hip, letting him fuck you even faster, the both of you sliding further and further on the floor. You try to brace yourself with your hands, but the brutality of his fucking is no match. “Daddy, fuck, s-so g-good, please!” You don’t know what you’re begging for, but your cunt is pulling him in, barely letting him pull out.

Bucky is practically chasing you on the floor, hips never slowing down, eyes trained on your pussy, loving the creamy white mess on his dick. “Fuuuck, look at the ass bouncing on daddy’s cock, shit! Love the way this fat fucking ass looks when its all red and sore.” He’s in heaven, with the tight clench of your cunt wrapping around his cock, making him feel crazy.

“Daddy! I can’t, f-fuck, please, too much!” You’re fucking delirious with pleasure, feeling something twisting inside of you. You searched for something to hold on to, only finding smooth surface, legs locking, body seizing up.

“You can and you will take this dick, bitch. I don’t care if it makes you fucking bleed.” The pressure in your core builds tighter and tighter, all the while, Bucky’s hips never falter, sack still ramming against your clit.The breath is knocked out of you when you feel the most intense orgasm of your life pass through you.

Keening and wailing, you squirt on Bucky’s cock, the sounds of your fucking somehow getting even more wet until the force of your orgasm pushes his cock out. Your body is left twitching. There is a much larger puddle on the floor now - your cum. Bucky could fucking cum at the sight of your pathetic body laying on the ground, body wrought with pleasure. “Fuck, sugar! That was so fucking hot! You squirted all over, shit! I fucking love you so goddamn much.” 

The entire lower half of his body is covered with your cum and Bucky swears he can feel his heartbeat in his cock. Nonetheless, he wraps his arms around your waist and hulls you over to where he kicked the couch, placing your upper half on the cushions. “You’re so fucking wet now I bet I could slide right into that tight ass, what do you think, slut?” Your core pulses at the thought of his fat cock in your ass, the two of you don’t usually do anal, given how big he is, but you can’t think straight, especially after cumming so hard.

“Yes, daddy. I want your big cock in my ass, want you to fill me up.” Bucky groans at the thought of his excessive load running out of your ass. Leaning back, he ruts against your pussy, gathering more of your slick, before spreading your cheeks with his hands, staring at your puckered hole. He lines his cock up and watches as precum leaks from his tip.

His cock is huge, much longer and thicker than average, and he knows it. Grabbing himself near his tip, he pushes, grunting at the resistance, knowing that this would be much easier if he takes the time to prep you, but you want to be treated like a whore. “You gotta loosen the fuck up, bitch or else I’ll really fucking hurt you. Want this fucking ass so bad, better let daddy in. Cock is too big for this little ass, isn’t it, gonna split you in half, leave you leaking for days.” 

He pushes harder, tip finally popping in, causing searing pain to shoot through you. Crying out, you try to pull forward to escape the burning pain, wiggling further into the couch. Bucky leans over, careful not to push in any further, he knows you need a moment, any other time you would have been fully prepped and he would have slid right in, and wraps his metal hand around your neck, shushing you, “Shhhh, stop being so dramatic.” 

After a few minutes, the pain begins to subside and your breathing calms down. Keeping his hand around your throat, he pushes in, inch by inch, and the pain comes back. You whine into the cushion, every new inch burning more than the last until his hips are flush with your ass. “What the fuck?! Your ass is so fu-fucking tight, shit! Fucking milking my cock, wanna pound this little hole, wanna fucking ruin you.”

Burying his face in the back of your neck, Bucky was taking deep breaths, completely out of it. He wasn’t thinking straight, not when your tight hole was hugging every inch of his cock. You on the other hand, were struggling, it was too much too fast. It fucking hurt, there were tears in your eyes, but your pussy was aching like it wanted more. Your clit throbbed with need, even when your ass was stretched to the brim.

You didn’t want to stop, but you needed a break, before Bucky could move his hips you muttered, “Yellow, daddy, yellow.” The hand on your neck left and Bucky maneuvered his upper body so that he could look you in the eye without moving his cock. His entire demeanor was different, back was your sweet, caring boyfriend. 

“Good girl, daddy’s so proud of you for using your safe word. Shhh, it’s okay, sugar. Do you just need a second to breathe? Take your time, if you need to stop I will.” Bucky caresses your face as he soothes you, bringing you back down. His cock is still buried to the hilt in your ass, driving him insane. He wants to rail you so fucking bad, tip of his cock probably purple by now, but he would never do anything you didn’t want to, more than willing to sit with his cock inside of you until you’re ready or decide to stop.

You don’t know how much time passes, but eventually, you loosen up and your mind goes fuzzy once again, desperate for him to move. You wiggle your hips, rocking back and forth, instead of pain, blinding pleasure courses through you. “Green, daddy. I’m ready, just needed to get used to your fat cock, want you to pound into me.” Bucky lets out the most sinful groan and stills your hips with his hands.

He starts out slow, easing you into his motions, gradually gaining speed and force the louder your moans get. “Daddy, faster, please, harder, feels so good!” You were practically sobbing, loving the way he was splitting you open. His hips and thighs were wet from when you squirted on him, slapping against your ass, everytime he pulled back a vulgar shlick sound could be heard.

He fucked you faster and harder, staring at where you were connected. “This fucking ass feels incredible. Taking me so well, knew you could do it, fuck. Splitting your tiny ass in half. Oh God!” He could feel his orgasm building up, fighting it off everytime his cum filled sack slapped against your pussy. Letting go of your hips he snarled, “Show daddy how much of a fucking slut you are and bounce that fat ass on his cock.”

You whined, but complied anyway, digging your toes into the floor to get more leverage to keep slamming back on his cock. The sounds of skin slapping and both of your moans completely drowned out the ending of Bucky’s movie, not that either of you cared. Panting and moaning, you kept working yourself on him, feeling another orgasm bubbling up.

Meeting your thrusts, Bucky was rambling, not having one coherent thought in his head, “Look at that, give me that ass, yes! Don’t you dare fucking stop, bitch, want you to milk this cock. Love the way it fucking bounces, never seen anything like it, oh fuck!” He was getting whiny, high pitched moans falling from his lips. He couldn’t help it, his cock was too fucking sensitive and you felt too good. 

“M Gonna cum, daddy! Can I cum?” Bucky practically growls, getting up to his feet to squat, not missing a beat while still trusting in you. Every time his pelvis met your ass he whined and whimpered, loving the way it jiggled. He could feel you clenching around him, drawing his own orgasm closer.

“Not until I do. Fucking hold it, bitch.” It seemed impossible, but Bucky fucked you even faster, his hips moving at a ferocious speed. He wanted to cum so fucking bad and your high pitched moans were about to make him bust. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I’m gonna fucking nut. You want daddy to fill your ass up, huh? God! Fuck, I’m splitting you in two. Uhhh. Balls are so heavy, so much cum. Fuuuuuuck. Daddy’s gonna fill you up, have you leaking.”

His hand wraps around your throat and chokes you, hips still smashing against yours, your orgasm barely being held in. You try to talk, get him to let you cum, but no words come out. Bucky felt his orgasm approach, balls pulling up, “Shiiit, daddy’s gonna cum, gonna flood your ass, you ready, cum with your daddy. Right. Fucking. Now.” Bucky cums with a long, drawn out moan. The feeling of his endless load pouring into your ass sends you over the edge and you cum so hard your vision goes black for a second. Waves upon waves of pleasure coursing through you. Bucky’s hips jerk involuntarily, prolonging both of your orgasms. 

As you both catch your breaths, you feel Bucky begin to soften inside of you, still plugging your hole, stopping his cum from leaking back out. “You were so good for me, sugar. I’m so proud of you.” At those words you feel your bottom lip begin to tremble. Burying your face into the cushions, a sob escapes your throat, all of your emotions finally bubbling over.

Running his hands up and down your back, Bucky soothes you. This was always his least favorite part, seeing you cry. He knows that you’re crying isn’t because of him, but there is always a twinge of fear that shoots through his body, scared that he went too far with you. Bucky pulls out as gently as he can, hissing when the air touches his spent dick, and moves to rest his back against the couch, pulling you into his lap.

Neither of you care that his cum is leaking all over. Bucky will clean the room later, after he takes care of his sweet girl. You cling to him as you sob into his neck, his hands massage your sore cheeks as he whispers in your ear, “Such a good girl for me, you made me feel so fucking good. Can’t even begin to explain how good you felt. There you go, let it out. I’m right here.”

Carefully, he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. When he tries to set you down you just cling on harder to him, not wanting to leave his embrace. “I gotta draw us a bath, sugar. You know you have to pee, I’ll be right here when you’re done.” You hesitantly let him go while he draws the bath, putting in your favorite oils. After you pee and wipe, he helps you up so you can wash your hands before sitting you both in the tub.

Before the water gets cold you’ve stopped crying, making Bucky feel much better and he washes the sweat and spit off of your face and body, being extra careful with your sensitive pussy and ass. All the while whispering sweet nothings into your ear and kissing you all over your face.

Bucky feels ten times lighter when he gets a giggle out of you. He knows that there will be days when you need him to treat you like a slut, but you know how much he loves and respects you. He takes you to bed where you take turns feeding each other chocolate that he keeps stashed in the drawer next to the bed. You’re both asleep within the hour and any remnants of your day are long forgotten when you’re wrapped up in Bucky’s arms.

Tags :
1 year ago

Exploring Explosions ~

Bucky x reader.

Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky, but along the journey to recovery, he fines something else he wants more than life.

: ⚠️ Warnings mentions medical stuff and blood and cuts all that stuff ⚠️ :

Exploring Explosions ~

Exploring Explosions ~


Your sitting on the jet reading over the mission reports making sure you haven't missed anything while some of the avengers get ready. You risk assessed your heart out, as the head medic for shield but mostly for the avengers it's your job to act like a mama bear.

You hear heavy boots making their way to you at the back and slightly look up to see captain America, bucky barnes and Sharon infront of you, giving cap a slight head nod you start going over safety rules and precautions. You strap in as the door slowly opens, repeating the most important rules which Sharon doesn't get it as she jumps.

You watch the two men leap out of the aircraft before the door slowly starts to close, when fully closed you unstrap, walking to the cockpit to moan to Nat about anything and everything.

"Did you see the way she look at bucky but when Steve entered?" Nat asked while trying to land the jet somewhere close but not to close.

"Nah what? Damn I need to stop working as much" you giggled, you definitely saw what Nat saw.

You shovel peanuts into your mouth and get up to go to the small medical room on board "imma go set up shop once you land.. it's ex hydra and Sharon remember last time" you rolled your eyes at the statement which just left your lips. This wasn't a big raid just a 'get in get out' kinda raid, but still gotta prepare.

You were filing your nails and talking to Nat while sitting on the back ramp when you see this mushroom cloud and a massive explosion coming from the seemingly abandoned hydra base, tou and Nat stared at each order wondering if that was meant to happen if so, why is it this early. Nat started running towards the base as you clear the bay and get a bed incase, once back at the back door you see bucky being dragged in by Steve and Nat, they swing him on the bed and you rush him into the medical room locking the door, before Sharon who wasn't helping at all strolled in.

He had this rush like flush all over his gave and neck, you take his blood and out it into a machine before setting him up on a drop for blood as he's lost alot, using scissors you cut his shirt revealing gashs, cuts and scraps you start to work on. Before you started the second biggest gash the machine beep and started printing the results, as buckys a super solider his body would continue to heal. Look at the results you take a photo and send it to Tony and Bruce because you can't look at it for long.


You feel the jet hit the floor with most buckys wounds stitched and sew up, you can hear your team on nurses and Tony scamper up the lowering ramp to quietly knock on your door, unlocking opening and pushing bucky out in a few swift movement you start ordering MRIs and CAT scans on him ASAP while slightly looking over to see your 3 team mates in a corner not being able to interact with any of it.


Buckys still hasn't woken up yet after all his tests, and you're just waiting on 1 final result before being able to tell the team the news...

This is just a sneak peak...

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1 year ago

Exploring Explosions ~

Bucky x reader

: ⚠️ warnings mentions of Sharon, coma, memory loss, and brain stuff ⚠️ :

Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky while on the journey to recover, he fines something he wants more than life itself.

Exploring Explosions ~

(I know I used this before, but look at him)

(And ik these and short and kinda move fast but other wise imma dragggg this out and ain't noone wants that! 😭)

Part 1

Your heals clicked and clacked as you make your way to the living room, as you entered the room Steve stood up and gave you a look of concern look then sat down when he didn't see any distress on your face. You sat in the armchair, looking at your papers, biting your lip, making sure there was nothing else you could do at this moment.

"Good news first.. bucky should make a full recovery and there's no long term damage, the rush surrounding his face will die done duo to the super serum and cream we can provide him-" you were about to get to the not so good news when a irritated voice pipes up from the back. Sharon. "Can you get on with it, like we get it you 'saved him' just tell me what's wrong with him" She states as everyone just stares at her in disbelief, you blink a few times before ignoring her statement completely.

"As I was saying, the issue is the substance sprayed in Mr Barnes' face - well, uhh - to put it simply, it would affect how and what the brain releases chemically. So far, his brain has produced more dopamine, and we have a fair guess that it could also produce more oxytocin at an alarming rate."

You got some nods of understanding, some blank faces, and some straight out confused about what's going on, you were about to explain more but you got a notification that you were needing back at medical. Excusing yourself you quickly left the room and made your way down the hall to the medical ward and started praying on the way that no one died, you cursed under your breath for being stylish and wearing your heels and not your crocs or boots.

You slip through the Automatic sliding doors and went to Barnes door scanning your card and finger, the door opened and you quickly went inside locking it behind you, confused as to why you were notified that his vitals changed drastically becuase they looked normal. Then it hit you, They shouldn't be this normal. You unhooked, then sleeping soldier and grabbed the front of his bed, pulling him to the door, unlocking it and dragging it out, yelling for help, and to get the MRI machine ready. Once he's in the machine and getting scanned, you whip out your phone to inform cap that his best friend might be a lot worse than thought to be.

Cap entered just when James was being moved from the room and was being put back. He looked for you and saw you at the desk looking puzzled by his results. Before you could even speak, he knew you would have some big words and to give it to him so simply that even thor would understand.

"The stuff he was sprayed with was so old that it took time kicking in, and now it has the body got so almost stressed it thought its best way to survive was to just go black." You said with a straight face, and Steve understood but also knew you left parts out you couldnt dumb down. "Steve.. if worse comes to worse, he could be in a coma for years.. and the best outcome is memory loss, " which hung in the air for quite some time before he just started nodding and walking around, pacing back and forth. He sat on the ground and just looked shocked and in denial.

@unaxv @sapphirebarnes

(Idk if it worked)

Tags :
1 year ago

Exploring Explosions ~

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 - still no clue


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1 year ago

Exploring explosions ~

Bucky x reader *no use of Y/N*

Part 1 part 2 series

:⚠️warnings: use of russain throught google translate as your gurl aint russain, SHARON, 1 naughty word ⚠️:

【This is probably bad, but I've changed it already, so oops】

Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky. On his journey to recovery, he fines something he wants more than life.

Exploring Explosions ~
Exploring Explosions ~

You've been by buckys bed like you promised steve almost 24/7, it's not so bad as you get to catch up on paper work you've been ignoring like the plague and its also helped you de-stress, somehow. The only issue is Sharon... FUCKING SHARON, she keeps trying to get in here but for what? She said because she misses him but everyone knows he didn't like her, but you were able to get her on a mission saying Nat still wasn't fit for the job due to explosion but since Sharon used to tell everyone she was better than her you volunteered her.

Your sitting at the your desk you moved into the room, you've been avoiding buckys paper work for the failed mission, but as Steve didn't see why the building explosioned it makes the report almost impossible. You scoff and throw the papers on your table and lean back in your chair. You rub your eyes with your finger and thum, groaning while doing so. You slowly looked up at the clock on the other wall, sighing you, looking over to James hospital bed. You were shocked to see him laying there, staring right back at you.

Grabbing your chart, you write down the time and all his vitals on the machine he's hooked up to, slowly pushing your chair closer. You analyse his features like his cheekbones, eyebrows, and his eyes.. you couldn't admit that you found bucky slightly - okay, maybe more than slightly attractive, but how could you not with that arm and his hair and those muscles... what? You think to yourself as you stare at him in disbelief that you caught yourself even thinking like that. You looked at him properly this time, and he just looked blank with a smidge on confused, barely noticeable. "Hello Barnes, im the head of medical.. can you tell me where you are?"

He doesn't reply, just hyper focused on you and nothing else, but then he slowly shakes his head, maybe to himself, but you think you saw it. "Barnes, do you know where you are?" You say more firmly, hoping you will get some sort of answer but just stares. Your mind is going blank on what to do. For a first in a while, you're stuck. You got an idea and slowly took out your phone, turning it on you sent a text to Steve asking if you could try the winter soldier way, doing this extra slowly so you didn't startle him. You just kinda stared at him, breaking into a soft smile once or twice, but his face was set in stone.

Your phone vibrating twice before you look at it, again slowly bringing it up and checking to see Steve's reaction giving you the go ahead, you didn't need his approval or didn't really care but you wanted to keep him in the loop, so you thought of a game play while he's secretly look round the room, here goes nothing. "солдат, ты знаешь, где ты?" You tried speaking with authority.

"меня поймали" he mumbled not look at you but the ground. You're not proud of this, but you took off your coat and showed him your collar bone with: SC-837-152 tattooed into your flesh. He looked up at you and straightened his back at the new knowledge, "это не база ГИДРЫ.. где я? почему ты на них работаешь.. " He scoffed at you slightly before he looked at the door as the door handle rattled and shook. You smiled as you just thought of a great way to welcome him.

"женщина не знает личного пространства, тебе нравится личное пространство, не так ли? самое лучшее, что она не знает русский язык." She snickered as you added the built-in restraints walking to the door. You saw him thrash around and try to get his arms out, but they were built for him. "они были созданы специально для вас, получайте удовольствие" you unlocked the door and opened in swiftly to see Sharon on her knees with a lock picking tool, "hes all your" you say walking away to get lunch, which is now upgraded from 39 mins to 2 hours, which were your normal lunch hours.

@unaxv @sapphirebarnes (just lemme know if yall want added (don't think the first one worked)

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1 year ago

Exploring explosions ~

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Series

Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky. On his journey to recovery, he finds something he wants more than life.

:⚠️warnings: talk of unconscious people, talks of torture and violence ⚠️:

Bucky x reader (no use of Y/N)

Exploring Explosions ~
Exploring Explosions ~
Exploring Explosions ~

(Idk if this makes sense.. it makes sense to meee)

You watch from the back of the room, as 4-6 shield agents continue their 'interaction' it was torture not only to look at, but probably also to go throught, it was disturbing to watch, so you got up trying to make a little scene as your chair loudly scraps along the floor and to pick up your books, looking up and seeing mostly everyone even a couple agents in the room with him staring at you, so you left to head to your room, you slept in the compound most nights even thought you had a apartment. You threw your books on your desk as you walk towards the large window covering the whole back wall.

You fell backwards on your bed and stared at the ceiling. You were in your own world and didn't realise your phone was blowing up, you came back to reality when you heard a frantic knock at your door, getting up you unlocked it and a red headed assassin barged through before slamming he door shut and using all your 4 locks making sure she used them all. She was leaning on the door with her ear to it, listening. She swallowed dramatically. "I'm never gonna make fun of you for all your locks again." She said while sounding out of breath. You tried to listen to what she was running.. from?

"I don't hear anything.. what's going on?" You whispered as she slowly made her way to your bed, sitting at the foot of it.

"He just appeared like right there and.." she tried speaking but also trying to catch her breath." I walked in, trying to remind them you left, so it's over, but.. he was out. They were all dead or unconscious in his.. room.. he was just watching them..." she looked at you like she wouldn't believe herself, but she saw it, so she had to.

"And you ran here? To me, to the woman who hates, HATES violence, " you gave her a look on confusion. "OK, wasn't me best move, but I thought with your past.." she tried reasoning but gave up pretty quickly, you give a slow nod as you walked to your desk and relieved you grabbed some of the wrong papers. You turned your head, giving her a lovely smirk. "Guess what?" You choked out, but you were met with a defeated look. You just hum picking up the right papers and make piles before grabbing the wrong ones and heading towards the door with Nat praying behind you.


You giggle as tried defending herself - "So you're one of the more deadly assassins the red room even made.. but you're scared when he looked at you, and you just ran, not knowing if he was also running.. Hahaha, cmon Nat, it's funny, " you giggled as you reached for your badge as the bay was on lockout. Before you could swipe it, you got a weird feeling when you realised you weren't afraid of the wintersolider and weren't scared when Nat almost took out the door and told you her lovely story. You were going to say something but didn't and just swiped your badge with a beep. You shrugged as it took a while for the door to open. As it slowly opened, you went to take a step inside, and you stopped looking around.

You saw the room a mess desks and tables tipped papers everywhere, glass shards covering the floor, what looks like ripped clothing scattered through out the room, without thinking or even looking you slowly slip your hand towards a big red button "you believe me now?" You hear the shake in nats' voices before hitting the panic button. The room starts spinning as what you think is classical music plays in your head, your own world turned into a record player, and you were the record.

@sapphirebarnes @cjand10 @unaxv @scott-loki-barnes

Tags :
1 year ago



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1 year ago

OKAY!!! I'm finally started to write again, but it may take some time lol. I've lost all motivation, not just in writing, but it everything so be passion babes x

Idk how many people, if any, are here waiting on me, but if you are just hild tight a little longer I'll tried I've just had alot going on that I didn't even no were possible so I'll try but noone knows what's ahead x

OKAY!!! I'm Finally Started To Write Again, But It May Take Some Time Lol. I've Lost All Motivation,

Tags :
7 months ago


Summary: Your secret relationship is nearly exposed when Natasha spots Bucky's neck covered in hickeys.

Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x reader

Warnings: 18+ only, smut, unprotected rough sex, lots of hickeys, swearing, pet names, fluffy feels, very minor angst, protective natasha, avengers tower au, beefy!bucky (he needs a warning).

Word Count: 1.3k

Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡


“Hey babe, I’m really sorry,” Nat sat down beside you on the couch, looking at you with a sad smile. 

You furrowed your brows, trying to process her words. What did she have to be sorry for?

“Um, why?” 

“Because of you-know-who,” she subtly nodded her head towards Bucky chatting with Sam in the kitchen. He was laughing at something Sam had said, and despite the fact that he was wearing a hoodie, the hickeys on his neck were still visible. She knew you couldn’t miss those prominent love bites. 

Nat was well aware of the giant crush you had on the dark-haired supersoldier, and she also thought that those feelings were requited. Bucky had seemed entirely enamored by you ever since you joined the team. She couldn’t believe he would do that, especially because everyone including him knew how you felt. You must have felt terrible about the whole situation.

“Oh,” biting your lip, you willed yourself not to react. Nat could read you like a book and you didn’t want her to know about the sordid details of this chapter. Not yet at least. “He’s a grown up, and he can do whatever he wants,” you stood up in haste, giving her a nod before walking back to your room. 

She missed the wink Bucky shot you, and the way you smiled at the ground as you left. 

Bucky assured you that the marks would heal fast, giving you free rein to do whatever you wanted to him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t fast enough. 

“What the hell?” Nat muttered under her breath. She figured his actions must have hurt you so much that you couldn’t even properly react to it. Deciding to confront the man himself, she stormed into the kitchen, pulling out a chair and sitting next to Sam. 

She glared at Bucky as he finished up his story, catching the eyes of both men. Sam exchanged a look with Bucky, neither having any idea why she was staring like that. 

Bucky grinned at Nat cautiously, “What’s up?” 

“She was literally in the room, and you couldn’t think to maybe pull your hood on, or wear a scarf?”

“Nat,” he tried to think of an explanation, but the truth wasn’t his to tell. You asked him not to. “It’s no big deal,” he lied. 

His time with you was everything, and he couldn’t fight the flashback his brain had of you in his lap the night before sucking and biting his neck as you rode him. If only Nat could see the state of your chest and the marks that you had thanks to him, she’d know there were no hurt feelings. 

Sam watched on, trying to keep his face neutral because he already knew about the two of you. He’d seen Bucky slip out of your room a few mornings ago, however he respected your privacy and kept your secret. Although, he had no problem teasing Bucky about it when you weren’t around. 

“Live your life, but you could be more respectful of her feelings,” she said before standing up and leaving. 

Bucky pursed his lips as he looked at Sam. 

“Should’ve covered it up, man,” Sam smirked. 

Nodding his head, “Yeah, for her sake.”

“What are you guys waiting for?” 

He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m letting her set the pace, it’s up to her.” 


“Fuck, Bucky,” you cried out as his powerful hips snapped into you at a relentless pace. The sheer look of pleasure and determination on his face made you shudder as you watched him take you apart. Your legs wrapped around his waist, an impulse for more; to be closer, to be consumed. 

Metal fingers began to circle your clit, making your body contract beneath him. 

“Oh baby,” you whimpered. He fucked you like a god, a self-assured divine being. 

Bucky smirked, “Do you like that?” His fingers continued their sweet torture as he took what he needed. With each fierce thrust he brought you closer, to your end, to his soul. 

Unable to speak, you watched your perfect man lose himself inside of you. 

It hit like lightning striking your body, electrifying every nerve with blissful euphoria. You threw your head back as you heard your pulse ring in your ears, wet walls squeezing tight around his cock. 

Unable to think, simply feeling the sensory overload. 

He groaned out your name as his hips stuttered erratically. Pushing impossibly deeper, he came hard. Shuddering his release, pumping himself empty inside his favorite place. 

Collapsing on top of you, he kissed you softly before turning you on your side as he stayed nestled inside of you. 

Dark blue eyes connected with yours, his thumb dusting over your bottom lip. 

Tangling your hands into his hair, you pulled him closer, pressing your lips to his. Tongue sliding between his parted lips, chest pressed against his, close. 

This was where you were supposed to be. 

Bucky pulled back and playfully started peppering your face with kisses. Down your jawline, all over your cheeks, on your nose, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling. 

“Bucky!” you tried to grab his face. But he wouldn’t relent, gripping the back of your neck, kissing you until you were squealing in laughter. 

He loved that sound, he adored seeing you so happy. How Nat could ever think that he’d go for any other girl was not something he could comprehend. Bucky only had eyes for you. 

“Doll,” he kissed your lips before letting you catch your breath. He couldn’t wait any longer, he had to know. “What are we doing?” 

“What do you mean?” you whispered. 

“Why are we hiding this?” 

You sighed. “Because I want this to be our thing for a while longer, we’re having fun aren’t we?” you grinned, not understanding his concern. 

“Of course we are, but… this is more than just fun for me,” his eyes searched yours. 

Oh this sweet, soft man. 

“Then we’ll tell the team, we can tell anyone you want.” 

“Really?” he beamed. 

“Yes, really. It’s more for me too, I don’t want you to think for a moment that it isn’t. I didn’t want anyone casting doubts on us – but I’m sure about you, so it’s okay.” 

“Thank you, I can only take so much mad-dogging from Nat,” he breathed a sigh of relief. Although, his true solace came from the knowledge that the feeling in his heart was reciprocated – he was damn well certain about you too. 

“Right, because that’s your thing, isn’t it tough guy?” you teased. His penchant for staring often intimidated others, but you knew the kind-hearted man under the hard exterior. 

Bucky narrowed his eyes, rolling you on top of him in one swift movement. His hardened length still inside of you told you that the time for talking had ended. Your hands fell onto his strong, broad chest as you held yourself up, ready to take him for a ride. 

His fiery gaze landed on your breasts, the heat from his stare capable of scorching the earth. He ran his warm fingers over the fading marks he’d left from the night before, admiring them. 

Desire flooded your body and when your eyes locked, an idea came to your mind. “Why don’t you bite my neck?” you raised an eyebrow. 

He sat up, the offer one he wasn’t willing to pass. Bucky trailed his lips along your jaw, nibbling his way down until he whispered, “Only if you promise to bite me back,” he licked up your neck. 

With a racing heart, you circled your hips before grinding down on him. “Deal.” 

There was no point in concealing this connection that meant so much to the both of you. And as his teeth bit down on your skin, a rush of arousal ran through you. The sting of his possession, the way he felt so deep inside you; this was it.

The two of you would likely tell your friends the following day about your relationship – or they could just take a look at the matching marks on your necks that let them know exactly who you belonged to. 

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7 months ago

Behind The Facades | Part III

An unrequited pining over a certain super soldier.

Behind The Facades | Part III

Navigation: Part I | Part II | Part III (end)

Words: 1.9k++

Pairing: avenger!bucky x female!reader

Warnings: near assault, bickering, mini(i think?) grovelling, tiny fluff and of course what else than angst.

P/S: Thank you so much for your support from previous chapters! At first, I didn't plan to make this a mini series at all, but here we are. Anyway, enjoy!

Read my other works here: Masterlist

Behind The Facades | Part III

Y/N wished that she could live up to her own expectations. That she would enjoy every second of this date. But who was she kidding?

How was she supposed to be present in the moment and savour the wonderful dinner or relish the breath-taking scene of glimmering city lights through the windows at their table, when all she could ever think of was Bucky?



That god damn son of a bitch, Bucky.

She felt suffocated by both anger and pain. Completely distracted by the thought of him.

"I can't do this." Y/N abruptly stood on her feet as she confessed her truth. She paced and paced, despite the voice of Daniel calling out her name from behind.

She could barely hear him, or maybe she shuts it down on purpose because she can't afford having more thoughts in her spiralling mind.

She only realized that she was out when the sound of the hustle bustle of the city invades her hearing. She stood still for a while, wondering if she let her feet takes her away, where will she ended up then.

Before she could walk away any further, she felt a grip on her arms, pulling her to the alleyway besides the building. It was surprisingly dark and eerie even with the lively lights of the city leaking through the ends of it.

Considering he was an agent of SHIELD, he does have a quick reflex when he managed to grab both of her wrists and pinned her to the wall.

Honestly, she wasn't completely oblivious at Daniel's physical advances throughout the night; hands hovering over her ass when he lead the way, fingers grazing her thighs through the slit of her dress.

They were subtle but still relentless.

"Just where the fuck do you think you're going?" Daniel seethed in her ears, his impatient breaths huffed in between her neck.

"Oh, for fuck sake." She sighed with a slight annoyance in her undertone. She was really tired of everything at this point. Especially when this fool who thought he could throw her around like a ragdoll.

Y/N managed to twist her hands free from his grasps as her knee raised towards his defenseless crotch. However, the hit never happened, as a familiar black and gold metal hand wrapped tightly around Daniel's neck.

In a split second, Bucky had Daniel up against the opposite wall, head slamming into the hard crooked bricks of the building. Loud cluttering sound of the empty steel cans echoed down the alleyway, almost drowning Daniel's strained groans.

Although Y/N was not able to see Bucky's face, but she could imagine the cold grim in his eyes when the grit of his voice growled, "Touch my girl again and you'll see what Hydra had made of me."

She averted her eyes down to the dark and murky color of the ground when a strike of pain ached within her chest.

She hates it when he acknowledged Hydra's label on him.

A weapon. A monster.

It's imbrute and dehumanizing.

Her view didn't change its imagery until a pair of black combat boots entered the picture. She lifted her gaze just to spat at her saviour, "I could've handled him myself."

Bucky's eyes soften as a proud smile appeared on his lips, "I know, doll."

Very contrast to his gentle expression, Y/N's face was rigid and irritated. Ironically, they were imitating each other's default guise.

Y/N rolled her eyes before pushing him aside and started to walk away, leaving Bucky alone in the dark alleyway. Though her attempt was unsuccessful when Bucky managed to grab a hold on her wrist, "Wait, y/n."

She halted but refused to look back, "No. So, can you let go of my hand now?" her hands bundled into fists as she try to hold back her wrath.

Though the sidewalk was not crowded with people, in fact it was nearly empty, however she didn't want to make a scene.

"Please, hear me out." Bucky pleaded.

At least, she tried to keep it in.

Y/N yanked her hand from his, "Why the fuck should I listen to you, Bucky?!" she snapped, eyes flashing with fury.

Bucky was honestly not prepared for this, he went here without thinking of a plan to coax her. He ran to her with a sole purpose of telling her the truth, and Y/N yelling at him is not helping his nervous wreck,  "Because..bec.."

Growing impatient to his hesitation, she fumed even more, "What?! Just what is it that you want from me Buck--"

And then all loud sounds of the roaring rage in her head suddenly fell into complete silence when she felt his lips on hers.

The sensory within her skin abruptly heighten, becoming sensitive to Bucky's contrasting touch on her cheeks; hot and cold in either side as he cupped her face in his palms.

His soft lips, his intoxicating scent, his desperate touch.

Everything was too overwhelming for her short-circuited brain to process an appropriate response; in fact any type of response.

So when she let her body go on auto-pilot she found herself leaning forward, craving for more of the delicious friction.

It was a short lived moment of deafening sound of her own beating heart thundering in joy and excitement before the noises of rationality came rushing back to her.

Y/N ripped herself away in complete shock and panic, "Wh--what" even she herself was lost for words.

What have she done?

She pushed Bucky harshly she shouted, "Why? Why did you--? Y-you have a girlfriend, Bucky! You have Gail!"

God, how could she kissed her friend's boyfriend?

"I can't believe you just kiss me knowing that." And she reeled into the pure anxiety.

Bucky's pleads sounded muffled as her mind spiralled in guilt and shame. He grabbed her by the side of her arms before briefly pulling her back into reality, "Listen to me, y/n"

Y/N ran her hands through her hair, gripping it in her fists as her mind turned into complete chaos, "No, god this is wrong." He could hear panic in her trembling voice.

Bucky snapped as he yelled, "y/n, we broke up!"

There was a pause in time and air. Her body frozen as his words seemed to infinitely repeated in her ears. Head slowly turning towards Bucky; finally giving him the attention he demanded.

She just blankly stared at his truthful eyes with her own pair, wide open.

"He's bluffing. He's just making excuses."

"Bullshit! You looked very much in love last time I saw you, which let me remind you, it was few hours ago!"

Bucky thought about it for awhile before he replied,  "It's hard to explain everything now but she wanted to end it, for my sake." He paused. "...It's over."

He was not lying. Y/N knew that; she could hear it in his voice, see it in his eyes. He was telling the truth. But, it didn't make sense; why why why.

Gail was perfect for Bucky. He needs someone like her. He deserves that type of love that she gave; soft and tender.

"No no no. That can't be it. W-why the fuck are you here then? You gotta get to her Bucky! You're not suppose to here. Not with me. Go before it's too late--"

He is worthy of someone who's completely unbreakable, someone that can stay with him even at the darkest times, someone that won't see him as a weapon, but a human being.

Someone who will love him unconditionally.

Because, Bucky of all people, deserves to be loved.

"You don't mean that, y/n"

It hurts Bucky to see that Y/N thought she was unfit for a place in his heart, when she literally owns it. It pained him that she keeps putting up this facade that she unable to see her true self.

It burns her heart to let him go but that shows how far she was willing to sacrifice for Bucky, "I do. I mean it.." she can feel her tears pooling in her eyes, "You deserv--"

"Stop lying to me. Stop lying to yourself." Bucky couldn't understand she keeps pushing him away. If he truly deserve to love someone then why can't it be her?


Y/N find it harder to breathe as her chest tightens. Did he see right through her? Her voice trembled as she struggled to let the words out,  "I..I'm not lying."

Bucky almost scoffed in disbelief, "You think I didn't noticed it, y/n?"

All those masks she hides in. Behind the facades she wore so boldly, so willingly. Hurting herself over and over everytime she had to put up a brave face.


He made her do that.

If he was honest from the beginning then things wouldn't turn out like this. She wouldn't suffer as she did. She never needed to.

"And fuck was I so stupid to turn a blind eye on you for the sake of keeping you." Bucky was breathless with anger. A rage towards himself; for his foolishness.

"Do you know why I get together with Gail?" Bucky felt as if his chest was burning, searing with flames, that if this goes any further then his heart will turn to ashes.

But Y/N deserve the truth even though he knows he need to admit his shameful doings,  "Because she reminds me so much of you. Warm, gentle and so unconditionally kind. And I let myself fooled by the illusion of you that I saw in her."

"I'm a bad man y/n. I hurt her. And I hurt you. Fuck, I hurt everyone around me." His eyes stung to think how effortlessly he destroy every single person he love; as if he was designed to do so.

"I know that I deserve every single curse and scrutiny that come my way. I've always known that."

"But for once in my fucked up life," his voice betrayed him by revealing its' stuttering form, "...I also know that I am lucky to have the chance to love someone as unforgivingly enchanting as you."

There was a brief pause where the air was still and soundless; reserved for the painful sounds of their breath.

His raw emotions was laid out unfiltered in a form of streaming tears across his cheeks, "I won't ask for your love in return." He reached his hand to hers and held it dearly, "All I ask is for your forgiveness."

His eyes searched her soul, willing her to bare with him a little longer, "Because god I can't lose you. I can't."

Bucky felt like he was drowning; as he was 70 years ago at the Austrian Alps. The unbareable emotions rushed in like the frozen waters that filled his lungs.

Panic. Shame. Regret.

Y/N never thought she could come this far.

She thought she would able to lift the weight; and with the long record of success, she thought she wouldn't able to break.

But after all, she was just a human and there will always be a limit to where she will end up at.

What's the point of pretending when the person she loves is as miserable as her?

The tripedation of her only give false signals to Bucky; this is it, he was losing her.

But, there it was, the forgiving embrace he longed for. In her arms the world stopped still on its axis. He felt her body pressed in, soft and warm. This was the love he'd waited for, prayed for. Bucky's shaky hands roamed from the side of her waist before his arms crossed behind her, squeezing her closer, tighter.

How could she not forgive him? When he had pour all of him as he did.

There was no time, no wind, no sound. Just the heat of their body against each other. The melody of their heartbeats intertwining. Bucky's mind was at peace. So was hers.

No more more pretending.

No more putting on act.

She settled into the crook of his neck and whispered so soft and quiet that some won't be able to hear but Bucky did.

"I love you, too."


<< Part II

Read my other works here: Masterlist

Behind The Facades | Part III

A/N: Thank you so much for your time to read my work. Feel free to express your thoughts in the comment/reblog! I love to hear from you~

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