brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
Brent Of The Fabulous Wild

Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.

1481 posts

Can't Be Heading Off To Work And Doing My Daily Commute Without Looking FABULOUS! Got My Super Fly Sunglasses

Can't Be Heading Off To Work And Doing My Daily Commute Without Looking FABULOUS! Got My Super Fly Sunglasses

Can't be heading off to work and doing my daily commute without looking FABULOUS! Got my super fly sunglasses and my Slytherin scarf, and now I'm ready to rule this fucking world! #fashion #ootd #outfitoftheday #slytherin #slytherinhouse #harrypotter #hogwarts #hogwartsscarf #thefutureisbright #igottawearshades #accessorize #fierceandflawless #goodmorning #letmetakeaselfie #bitchimfabulous #hatersgonnahate #styleiseternal #ruletheworld

More Posts from Brentofthefabulouswild

10 years ago
Best. Fictional. School. Ever! Your Objections Are Automatically Rendered Invalid. To All HP Fans, Put

Best. Fictional. School. Ever! Your objections are automatically rendered invalid. To all HP fans, put your fucking wands up and declare your allegiance to your House and your fictional wizarding alma mater! #hogwarts #harrypotter #coatofarms #gryffindor #ravenclaw #hufflepuff #slytherin #housepride #schoolpride #fuckyeah #slytherinhouse #proudtobeinslytherin

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10 years ago
Fancasting For Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": TOM HIDDLESTON As DREAM "Dream's Usual Appearance Is That Of

Fancasting for Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": TOM HIDDLESTON as DREAM "Dream's usual appearance is that of a tall, pale man with wild and dark blue-black hair. He dresses in a shapeless coat of 'night' with 'flames dancing in its folds'. His eyes are pools of shadows with glimmers of light within. He is known by many names, most commonly by 'Morpheus'. He has a long history of insensitivity towards others throughout 'The Sandman', and he must come to deal with past cruelties. He is very concerned with fulfilling his responsibilities. His sigil is a dream-helm made from the spine and skull of a long-dead god." #neilgaiman #thesandman #sandmanseries #filmadaptation #filmindevelopment #shitjustgotreal #dreamfancasting #shutupandtakemyfuckingmoney #shakingandcrying #theendless #preludesandnocturnes #tomhiddleston #dream #morpheus #theendlessdream

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10 years ago
The Perfect Judgmental Side-eye Expression You Make When Someone Says Or Does Something Completely Stupid

The perfect judgmental side-eye expression you make when someone says or does something completely stupid and offensive in front of you without them realizing they made such a dumbass faux pas. #sideye #throwingshade #chrisevans #curtiseverett #snowpiercer #mearoundstupidpeople #shitjustgotreal #bitchplease

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10 years ago
I Never Claimed To Be A Saint, Son! I'm A Sinner Through And Through! Haha! #deadlysins #sevendeadlysins

I never claimed to be a saint, son! I'm a sinner through and through! Haha! #deadlysins #sevendeadlysins #eighthdeadlysin #sinnernotasaint

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10 years ago
Archive Piece From Alexander McQueen: White Cotton Muslin Dress With Underskirt Of White Synthetic Tulle

Archive piece from Alexander McQueen: white cotton muslin dress with underskirt of white synthetic tulle and spray-painted in black and yellow. This was the finale look for the No. 13 runway show, in Spring/Summer 1999, and worn by model Shalom Harlow. #alexandermcqueen #savagebeauty #fashion #fashionhistory #styleicon #styleiseternal #number13 #archivepiece #springsummer1999

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