Amigurumi - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Mini Crochet Project: Strax! Hello, Prepare To Be Obliterated For The Glory Of The Sontaran Empire!

Mini crochet project: Strax! ‘Hello, prepare to be obliterated for the glory of the Sontaran Empire!’

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5 years ago
Another Mini Project Complete. An Attempt At Madame Vastra In Her Outfit From A Good Man Goes To War
Another Mini Project Complete. An Attempt At Madame Vastra In Her Outfit From A Good Man Goes To War
Another Mini Project Complete. An Attempt At Madame Vastra In Her Outfit From A Good Man Goes To War

Another mini project complete. An attempt at Madame Vastra in her outfit from ‘A Good Man goes to War’

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4 years ago

Another weekend project complete! Now the proud owner of a Sontaran ‘Strax’ Cuddle Buddy. 42cm tall x 18cm wide (34cm wide if you include the arms) - that’s about 16 1/2 in x 7 in

My original Strax is 17cm x 8cm (approx 6.69 in x 3.14 in)

Another Weekend Project Complete! Now The Proud Owner Of A Sontaran Strax Cuddle Buddy. 42cm Tall X 18cm
Another Weekend Project Complete! Now The Proud Owner Of A Sontaran Strax Cuddle Buddy. 42cm Tall X 18cm

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1 year ago

Personal WIP project - Recreating the cast of ST:TNG as Ducks.

First completed - Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge.

Crochet pattern credit to Julia Pyha - @juliiapyha on instagram find her on Etsy.

Additional accessories made myself.

Personal WIP Project - Recreating The Cast Of ST:TNG As Ducks.
Personal WIP Project - Recreating The Cast Of ST:TNG As Ducks.
Personal WIP Project - Recreating The Cast Of ST:TNG As Ducks.

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11 years ago
Needed A Break, Tried Amigurumi. Not Too Bad! My Son Already Nabbed It. :)

Needed a break, tried amigurumi. Not too bad! My son already nabbed it. :)

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10 years ago
Baby Blanket For Josh And Mia Doll.

Baby blanket for Josh and Mia Doll.

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1 year ago
The Shadow Jumper (Abyssus Souperluminalis), Also Known As The Greater Soot Sprite Or Voidstalker, Is
The Shadow Jumper (Abyssus Souperluminalis), Also Known As The Greater Soot Sprite Or Voidstalker, Is
The Shadow Jumper (Abyssus Souperluminalis), Also Known As The Greater Soot Sprite Or Voidstalker, Is
The Shadow Jumper (Abyssus Souperluminalis), Also Known As The Greater Soot Sprite Or Voidstalker, Is
The Shadow Jumper (Abyssus Souperluminalis), Also Known As The Greater Soot Sprite Or Voidstalker, Is
The Shadow Jumper (Abyssus Souperluminalis), Also Known As The Greater Soot Sprite Or Voidstalker, Is

The shadow jumper (Abyssus souperluminalis), also known as the greater soot sprite or voidstalker, is a small demonoid common to many of the abyssal biomes beneath the Sunken Contintent. Powerful legs as well as its long tail aid it in jumping across large gaps in the relatively lower gravity of the abyss. Its body is covered in a thick, downy double-coat of fur that acts as insulation. Jumpers constantly shed soot-like dander that is both dusty and bitter-smelling, warding off many would-be predators. Jumpers are solitary ambush hunters and often use their club-like tail plume to stung prey.

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A sculpture I got to do of souperluminal's absolutely lovely Artober 2022 art. I loved this critter the second is crossed my dash and just knew I had to try my hand at crocheting it. Thank you again for the oppurtunity!

(Art used and entry written with permission from @souperluminal!)

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1 year ago

O•O I need to grab my crochet hook

Crochet A Twenty Inch RED Godzilla Amigurumi: Https://

Crochet a Twenty Inch RED Godzilla Amigurumi: 👉

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9 years ago

I wanna make this for my little

Free crochet pattern! :)

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7 months ago
Yes, The Hat Comes Off

Yes, the hat comes off 😍

Pattern I used:

(I modified the arms because I <3 bobble stitch :)

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2 years ago
Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters
Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters
Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters

Paramount don't seem to be too interested in making Star Trek: Prodigy merch, so I decided to take matters into my own hands/crochet hook. Six prototypes, a lot of yarn, and even more swearing later, I've designed my very first crochet pattern.

Behold - Murf!

Next up ... Rok Tahk???

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2 years ago

Murf keeps good company!

Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters
Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters
Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters

Paramount don't seem to be too interested in making Star Trek: Prodigy merch, so I decided to take matters into my own hands/crochet hook. Six prototypes, a lot of yarn, and even more swearing later, I've designed my very first crochet pattern.

Behold - Murf!

Next up ... Rok Tahk???

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2 years ago

I'm working on a prototype for Rok Tahk as we speak! As my second-ever pattern design, she's ... not so much a step up from Murf as, er, several ladders up from Murf. But she's coming along nicely and I think she's going to look great when she's done.

A few people have asked about the patterns, so: my ultimate aim is definitely to share them, probably via Ravelry? But there are a few things about the Murf pattern I'd like to tweak, to make sure he's perfect before I release him into the wild - and at the moment Rok Tahk is occupying a lot of my brain/free time, so it might be a while yet. Stay tuned!

Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters
Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters
Paramount Don't Seem To Be Too Interested In Making Star Trek: Prodigy Merch, So I Decided To Take Matters

Paramount don't seem to be too interested in making Star Trek: Prodigy merch, so I decided to take matters into my own hands/crochet hook. Six prototypes, a lot of yarn, and even more swearing later, I've designed my very first crochet pattern.

Behold - Murf!

Next up ... Rok Tahk???

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2 years ago

Who'd like a sneak preview of what I'm working on at the moment...?

Who'd Like A Sneak Preview Of What I'm Working On At The Moment...?

It's Rok Tahk!

She's very much not finished (still need to figure out her dungarees and a pair of legs!) and very much a prototype, with lots that needs to be fixed for the next version, but I reckon she's looking great so far.

(She also might be the most complicated crochet pattern I've ever worked on, let alone designed...)

What do you think?

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2 years ago

This has been getting another flurry of notes and lovely comments over the last few days, and if you liked this WIP pic of the prototype, you're going to love the finished version - which I'm hoping to share in the next week or so!

(And because a few people have asked whether I'll be posting the pattern: I very much plan to make the patterns for both Rok Tahk and Murf available, but they both need quite a bit of work before I'll be happy to release them into the wild. Rok Tahk in particular uses a bunch of slightly unusual techniques/stitches, instructions for all of which I'll need to write up in addition to the pattern itself, and some parts will need photos to show how it all works. She also requires a lot of yarn, so I want to make sure the pattern is perfect before anyone spends hard-earned money on the resources to make her. So it's a 'yes', but not necessarily a 'soon'!)

Who'd like a sneak preview of what I'm working on at the moment...?

Who'd Like A Sneak Preview Of What I'm Working On At The Moment...?

It's Rok Tahk!

She's very much not finished (still need to figure out her dungarees and a pair of legs!) and very much a prototype, with lots that needs to be fixed for the next version, but I reckon she's looking great so far.

(She also might be the most complicated crochet pattern I've ever worked on, let alone designed...)

What do you think?

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1 year ago

It's taken 3 months of trial and error (mostly error), but...

It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...

... here's Rok Tahk!

It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...
It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...
It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...


It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...

I learned a lot designing and making her; she's definitely the most complicated piece I've crocheted to date. There are still a few things I want to fix - but given that she's only my second attempt at designing a crochet pattern, I think she's turned out pretty well! And Murf agrees.

It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...

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1 year ago

Rebloogalooging again for 30 Days of Prodigy, day 17 - Rok Tahk!

It's taken 3 months of trial and error (mostly error), but...

It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...

... here's Rok Tahk!

It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...
It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...
It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...


It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...

I learned a lot designing and making her; she's definitely the most complicated piece I've crocheted to date. There are still a few things I want to fix - but given that she's only my second attempt at designing a crochet pattern, I think she's turned out pretty well! And Murf agrees.

It's Taken 3 Months Of Trial And Error (mostly Error), But...

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1 year ago

Remember this guy?

Remember This Guy?

My crochet Murf pattern is (finally) finished and available to download for free from Ravelry.

Go forth and have fun - all I ask is that you tag me in your finished projects!

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1 year ago
Crocheted My Favorite Stretch

Crocheted my favorite Stretch <3 - @bonelyheartsclub

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